HUMAN VOICE RE-CREATED by Edison's Wonderful Invention ! Tho wonderful fidelity with which Edison' New Dla rnond Disc Phonograph re-creates tho human voico was Mendidly demonstrated by MIm Elizabeth Spencer at tho Kcylor Grand Theatre last Monday evening, when aho sanir in comparinon with some of her own records-a tonal test that would have revealed tho slightest discrcp- ancy. . Over one thousand people including our most com petent musical critics, marveled at the perfection at tained. Call and hear some of Miss Spenccr'a records when you can. Write for information concerning this wonder ful musical instrument If unable to call. Another Edison Improvement Tho Edison Ambrela Cylinder Phonograph is now also made with a Diamond Point Reproducer, and we have taken this agency also. A good stock of records is now on hand, both in Disc and Indestructible Ambrola Cylinder Records. THE DAVIS-KASEi. CO, Complete Horn Furnishers Hon of the Edleon I1wnirah and Records 1040 A WW BL - (O.M Fellowe" Temple) - WALLA WALLA. WASH. r BREVITIES 0d IXum. work horees tot sale. 1. A, with Jo Adv. Wood at train ; SHAVE? ; HAIRCUT? ; BATH? I SHINE? W will gtreclae your T worn ami euueavur w give you MUafaetkm. ALTERING, M ENDING . CLEANING. PRESSING Weston Baths and Tailor Shop ! THE SANITARY SHOP R. L. Reynaud Dr. Alfred F.Sempert Graduate and RciclsUred DENTIST ggr office hours .-00 to 12:00 A. M. 1:00 to 8:00 J M. fjT II It A NUT ULDG., upatalra I tllda prices. pure-hred tlhnda laland Had roe- lera (or Ml. Karl Dudley, liar red Plymouth Ho' ' hatching al It cents per setting or is. Mia. U . Wood. Mr a. EroMt Marco wee a leat week-end guest from lha upland or Miaa Olive Kilmer. Mrs. K. M. "mlth want to Walla Walla Wednesday for a vl.1l with her daughter, Mlaa Norma Hmltn. Frank King came up from Pendle. inn rrtrfav to circulars anion.- n old-tlma frlenda and neighbors. Mlaa Klhel Lena, now a high arhool student of Walla Walla, waa a gueet during tha week of Mlaa Qra Martin. Mlaa Eugenia fcVholl of Fa ho and Mr. Jess Arnold of llulier rrera were Punday gueats of Mr. ana aire. n. Iledrlck. Mr. end Mra. Ttobert Wheeler hava moved from Walla walla 10 renui.- ion. where -poo- again nmm - tha eherlffe off Ira. . - .. . We hava Juet unloaded car of Had Cedar fence poeta. we nava nem for ea'e, all wall tarrad with coal Ur. Waaton Hrlclryard. Motor car eervlee to all Mnta. da or nlaht. Alao livery and feed etaha opposite tha Lleuallett bieckemlth hop. Lafe Mr. and Mra. Will floes left Tuesdsy for their naw home near Waahtuena, Waah.. where Mr. floes will farm tha Walla Itogara holding". Tha Flah ara headed for Waaton right now -they smell flah bait and ... . . . . . a ' ara faaclnatro oy nana m nmr" Tha gral photo-drama or Creation l gm preewniea iy ina international msie lltudenta Association la to ba a. a again at Waaton, beginning nest Mat unlay, March IH, and eoni Inning Hva data. There will be two pmvrama dally, J p. Mi. and 1 g w, lural Nil danla hava anaagad ta opera hovaa, secured a competent motion plilura oparator and will baar all tha loral aapanaa of tha In or4r that Waaton panpla may tha prlvllaga, antlraljK fraa, Ing thla wonrtarful port hlalory. Tha Craatlon waa flrat praaantad at Waaton In Or- lo'r. lull, in erowilml hoita, and ill lay again hava! i) fraa, of w'lnaaa-1 rf trayal of aacrad VI I phots-drama , f aMmattaaaaaaaaa W. M. fajaraaa C. It Rl.haa Peterson & Bishop rn.11tou, Or. . Frtwwator. Or. Nature's Food dlaplay for thalr banaflt. Baa big Ad. Juat racalvad A naw ahlpmant of Mnrina Canvon lurnn coal, tha coal that makaa tha whlta haat. A mini mum of dirt and duat. Waaton brick yard. ' C. U Plnkarton raoalvad hla aup- pllra Saturday aa deputy aaaraaor and haa bagun hla annual round of plaaa ant aaaorlallon w'th tha tax pay ra of thla nalghborhood. Card of Thanka Wa wlah through Tha lralar to thank our good frlanda and nalghbora who ao kindly aaalatad ua during lha aluknaaa and daath of our llttla daughter. Mr. and Mra. J. A. fltotp. Mra. Jamaa Compton haa gone to Neeley. Idaho, for a aummer vlalt with her Bona. Will and Itollle. both of whom ara wall aatabllahed In that neighborhood. Mr. Compton will fol low aoon. Soma thirty or more Waaton mualc lovers ara planning to attend tha con DR. W. C. HUGHES J ; v Dntiak Onto In Ilia Klnm Kiillilluif, Miluin i I loom. It to 12 ami I to 4 for horaea and cattle la tha graaa that irrowa on meadow aiMl hill. Tha next i td -u ..t Immi kiv anil fil that contra from our mill. When n io oe a n """"""- " vou ihmhI rolleil grain of the ritfhl aort I by the great Naw Tork 8""Phonjr kMnliit? vir liveatock in fitw fet- ;or"healra. under lha auaptcea of W hlt- tle. b for our urn and the good man college, (li,.. r..w .. vmi. .liimh arVMiita t ' J .inrll In oor LIim. Wa handle Steam Krneat Cooper and family ara row Hulled Karlrv. OaW ami W heat; Haled I Ing to Hot kland. Idaho, in which ii... M, ii. ..Iff. .ml Chirk en Feed, i neighborhood Mr. Cooper haa rented uj-v- l.l for IVieork arrea of wheat land. Mlaa Blanche ....i i,i....i..!i'.c-if flw...2KI Cooner and Ur. Arthur Cooper will "" "- -"-T- " " remain In Werton until they flnUh I D R. WOOD the Feed Man the nchooi year. We shall have on display an assortment of New Spring Sport Ck)ats that will sell for $4.98. These are of novelty material, neat, stylish and pretty, and will be shown this week only. at 89o. Most attractive and beautiful. ' A new shipment of the much want ed silk poplins in rich colorings; also staple shades, all plain colors, 36 in. wide. This sells regularly from one dollar to one dollar and twenty-five cents per yard; our price, 89c. Housekeepers who would economize in purchas ing dainty Hew curtain goods should see this display of pretty curtain scrims, nets, etc.; colored border, neat hemstitch or plain effects, white or ecrue, and priced at 18, 20, 22 and 25c the yard. tJeston nn liu ercantile tapany many of thoae who aaw It than will undoubtedly ba among tha flrat to find aeata at tha opera houee for thla aecond appearance. Aalde from Ma Inalructlve value. It ranka among tha flneat arhlevamenta In fllmdom. ImM . Monday evening tha Waaton Convert imM met In general rehear aal for tha flrat tlma.. all the mem bers being preaenl. Judging from Ha flrat attempt tha band avlll make good, and Director Lundell la wall pleaaed over Ita proapecta. The gym' naalum In the Library building haa been aecured aa permanent meeting place, and Monday and Friday of each week have been fixed aa the regular rehearaal nlghle. The band will hava a full aaa phone eecllon 4he moat complete of any organisation In Eaat em Oregon and thla will add great' ly to tha mualral enaemble. It con eleta of five new Boucher aaaaphoneo of tha value of ISta, and thla aactlon will alao ba uaed aa apeclaity In con junction with the band. The band'a total Inatrumenlatloo- ,ia mora than thirty. John (Ruaty) nhlck, the brick topped twlrler who found much favor with McCredle'e acouta while pitching Athena to a Umatilla county champlonehlp. waa In town Saturday, tfhlck la acquiring a new quality, that of modeaty, which ahould aerve him well when ha break, into the frlngra of the big bueh. He goea to Itpokane eonn at Mrt'redle'e ordera. and If he makea good there will qual ify for the Portland Beavera. He pitched one aeaaon for Waaton, whoae fane will follow hla career with. In. tereet, and no matter what happena will be ready with an "I told you ao. While Levi O'Harra waa driving Into town Wedneeday morning down the Main atreet hill hla tongue drop ped (the wagon tongue, of eouree) and frightened hla team Into a mad gallop. Careering through Main atreet. tha boraea brought op aolldly agalnat a tree In front of the Palace pool hall, fell down themaelvee and threw Levi Into the concrete ajdewalk While badly bumped ha found that no bonea were broken and alao that the horaea, a valuable apan. had eecaped Injury. All who aaw the accident agree In aaylng that. It had a remark ably fortunate termination. Walla Walla farmers are ao keen to begin aeedlng that aa extra North ern Pacific train had to be put on to carry them to their ranches. Eighty' two tlcketa were sold at Walla Walla Monday to 'Eureka Flat points, and ecore of other farmers went out in automobiles, starting ao lata, tha far. mere will work large crewa on extra tlma to get tha aeed in the ground, It la underatood that construction will begin In about ten days upon Weeton'a new eonorete garage which Lowell Rogers la arranging to build on tha Duputa corner. X .one-story structure la planned; with front of to feet and a depth of 70 feet. When completed the garage will be occu pled by Homer L-JHedrlck under i long term lease. ;. U I. O'Harra and Watte dr Rogers. Weaton merchants, have brought auit In the court of Justice Parkea at Pen dleton agalnat Dr. M. 8. Kern, for the collection, respectively, of 11(1 and 171.41. These amounts are alleged to be due for merchandise furnished the defendant during hla ownership of a farm on the Weaton uplands. For Bale One of t the very beat quarter aectiona In the upland region IVt mllea eaat of . Weaton; Hi acres in cultivation, balance mostly timber. family orchard and berrlea of differ ent kinds: good buildings:; lots Of water.- Price 112,000, SS000 down and tlma on balance. If aold within 00 days. Chaa. M. ScMnelder. John Down. 104 .years old, a rest dent of Yamhill county and aald by tha Oregonlan to be, the oldest man In tha atate. la vlaltlng his eon In Port land. When he arrived at the Union depot he carried a long rifle,- and aald It would be handy to fight Mexlcana with. He waa a soldier to IS40, and wanta to enliat again. Edwin Mable. manager at Pendle ton for-the Pacific Telephone com' nany, waa a Weaton visitor Wednes day. Mr. Mable and the local man ager, Mr. DeMoaa, -were observed In cloa conaultatlon. but Mable they were only talking about the weather, and how DeMoas will aoon grow green and beautiful. E. G. Brehm was In town Saturday from hla Albee ranch, after a rough trip on horseback from the aouth end of the county. He brought out two span of work horses, which he aold in Pendleton without ' dismounting, Mr. Brehm aaya that a foot or more of snow remains In the. Albee valleys. f)J! t A u asp flfinjMj j QJ3 m HrnVMn K 4 -. f 300 bond demanded ) V S ' Sylvan Kennard and John Banister jr. have returned home from business college at Spokane. They were glee fully welcomed, although their de parture from Spokane does not seem to hava occasioned any public demon stration of regret in that unapprecla tlve metropolla. , , ; Aa required by ordinance, dog tax must be paid on or before April 1, UK. at the rate of 11.00 for male and tt.Sd for female dogs. , All un tagged dogs within, the . city llrolta will be killed from and after that date. ft. L. Wilson, chief of police. Oeorge Brutscher drove In ' Wed nesday from hla farm In the Reed and Hawley uplands, and reports that snow up there far still axle deep In spots. The Pine creek road, he aaya, la in dangerous condition, with deep chuck holea beneath the ice. Mr. and Mra. W. H. Fietoher left Wedneaday for Walla Walla, after a pleasant vlait with old-time friends and relatives In thla community. Re maining there a few days, they will leave on their return home to Brant, Alberta, - J. L. Bauldwln, auctioneer. Stock, farm and land sales In Washington, Oregon or Idaho., Write for terms. 1007 W. Main street, telephone 3083, Walla Walla, Waah.. (Adv.) Tha Hiawatha Rebekaha of Weston have Invited the Pauline Rebekaha of Pendleton to meet with them March t8. Five candidates will be inlUated and a banquet, served. WP PI IT IT I IP en flint: vmi miVht (rot Fish- f WW aVe , W a aS ft W V W W V - f - e -r w ; - - I ing and Game Licenses on the Spot, Time and Place where you get your fever and (equipment. It would be so nauseating and sea' sickening to have Fishitis while looking at those choice fish poles, select lines, patent flies, famous spoons and nobby bobbers and all of no avail for want of a license to use them. - - SO NOW we've got the whole thing Come and see the nicest line of Fishing Tackle ever on sale in this town. Bob has a kleptomaniac mind wnen ordering and selecting stock and you'll believe it when you see this display. The fish smell it and are headed for Weston right now (up'Pine creek.) , . . ' , ', , WATTS & Dressmaking and sewing. Mrs. Florence Skinner, Broad street. Pure-bred Rhode Inland lted eera. &)cier aettinr. Vilj reed Will. All accounts owing- Karl CoutU are tue and parable to me. at once. Orval Duncan. The ladles of the Methodist Church annuunce a ciked food aale for Satur day, March 2fc Wstts Rogers are asked to put up a three nundrro aoiiar Bona u new- ton. See big Ad. Msror Watw and EIitor Royd mo tored over from Athena N eUDeinlaj in the major's csr. Rev. Mr. Stockton of Adams will preach at the Ilautiat eliorch in Wes ton next Sunday al 11 a. ui. Shoe repairinir promptly and neatly dune at hit new shop next door to the Rev. Dr. Oeorge H. Van Waters of Paitland will conduct services at the Epiiicuiial church in Weaton next Sun day evening Profeaaor St. Clair, leader of tbe saxanlione sextet u at Walla Walla, was here Monday givinir leaaona to lo cal aaxaplione plavera. Mrs. J. It. Kdwarda of Morrow coun ty vUlted relatives and friends in Wea ton yesterday. Her mother, Mia. Har riet aloaer, accoiuiianied Mrs. fctlwanls to Weston.. . , Ralph Bartley, assistant in Dr. Best's office at Pendleton, was a guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. Andy T. Har nett. Mr. Hartley attended the. Wes ton Normal ten years ago. Delinquent water consumers are herewith notified that in all cases where the water rent remaina unpaid on and after April 10, 1916, the water will be turned oil at me main. iv. i Wilson, superintendent. Profewor Herbsman rave an excel lent nroifram of readings and sketches at High School auditorium Wednesday eveninir. cloainr the local Lyceum course. The net proceeds of the course to tbe liig-h school were about m Monday, March 20, at 2 p. m , a meet ing will be held at the oltlce of .Secretary Barnes to arranjre fur the annua) reunion of the Umatilla Coun ty Pioneers Association. President O. W. Gross of Athena will be present. "UNCLE RUBE" IS COMING TO TOWN tygerta lefM nT Absoobc lei Rest , FrUUy EvtalEA stieng Cut. "Uncle Rube.'' a rural comedy drama In four acta by Charles Town- send, will be presented at Weston op era house Friday evening, March 14. under ausplcea . of the Epworth League. It ia aald tO be a play that will appeal in every respect to those who love a Judicious mixture of com edy, emotion, villainy, laughter and pathos. The members of the amateur cast have been faithfully rehearsing for several weeks, and will have their linea and action well in hand when the curtain rises. Popular prices will prevail, and aa Weston folk have seldom been dis appointed in ' an amateur production and the- EDW-orth League Is one of the community's strongest organiza tions, it goea without saying that tbe company will have the inspiration of large and sympathetic audience when "Ike" cornea on for the opening linea of the performance next Friday evening, . ,, i0 t T. It. McBride haa the character lead aa Reuben Rodney, a justice of the peace, school trustee and a master hand at "swappln- horses." Ernest Blomgren is Deacon Smal- ley, a smooth old villain. The deacon's son Mark, a promis ing young rascal, is Impersonated by Claud Price, . ' - Earl Olson appears aa Gordon Gray, young artist.. Rulln Smith Impersonates Upson Astorbilt, a New Tork swell. Earl MacKensiii ia Bill Tappam, a constable. Dr. A. F. Sempert will do bucolic atunta as Ike, the hired man. So like wise will Allison Wood as Bub Green, a young rustle. , The essential feminine element Is upplled by Eliza Morrison aa Milll- cent Lee, "the pretty achoolma'am"; Doris Barnes aa Mra. Maria Bunn. a charming widow; and Josie Lavender aa Taggs. a waif from New Tork. - - 3 ITS I TOO HOT SPRING CANYON COAL The eoal that makeg the white heat. A good supply constanly on hand. LEHIGH PORTLAND CEMENT always in gtock. RED CEDAR FENCE POSTS from Puget Sound in any Jquantity. Tbey are well tarred, or we will sell you thej tar to tar your old posts. " :' . . ' "V A-l RED FIR and TAMARACK WOOD from Kamela; 16-hich og. 4-foot lengths. WESTON BRICKYARD SPRING IS HERE ST SPRING IS HERE HAVE YOU MADE UP YOUR MIND as to the changes you are going to make in the home? Come in and let us help you. Just a little changing will start the summer months off just right Come Lt and Look. . . Come Lt and Talk. Come In and Bay. ;, Furniture Store COT SPRING IS HERE EST SPRING IS HERE; The Leader Prints Butter Wraps gtavrwffTaga sami is recommended by all the agricultural colleges for the prevention of grain smut It's cheaper than blue stone. We .can supply you. ASK US FOR BOOKLET. oodvin's .Sto'ro Or t ii ' i v . ... ; t i! r