The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, March 03, 1916, Image 3

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    iQirt Mnpla of Sturrris Go Carts are here, some
thirty different models right now. We would like to
have every interested person Inspect this line, to see the
improved hoods, (some of them covered with storm cloth
and some with genuine Mohair) the new Artillery Wheels
ana most or an, me luxury spring, uu bui. yc auui.
Sturgts Carta are sturdily built, yet Compact, Convcn-
1 t .ta.nUn Pllarm'K?o in hnrAn: hnntLtomo in AD-
pearance and above all comfortable for baby, whether
. asleep or awaice, going or standing un.
! Sturgis Luxury Carts are splendidly finished, some
In black, some In Brewster Green, some In Tan and a few
in Battleship Grey. Prices range from $7.G0 to $35.00.
Ilf you should be unable to come, please write stating
how much you are willing to pay, and we will send you
descriptions of the best we have at that price. Mail or
tiers and inquiries receive prompt attention. ;
Compute FurnUber of Horn, Offices, Church, School
IMO AkUr 8L - (Odd rIIow' Tmpl) - WALLA WALLA, WA8H.
W will ptrclt your
work and tRievor la fiv
yo MltafacUon.
X Weston Baths and
Tailor Shop
: R. L. Reynaud!
Dr. Alfred F.Scmpcrt
Gradual and Registered
9:00 to 12.00 A. U.
IM to 1:00 P. M.
If. H, Peteres CM. Sitfcep
' Peterson & Dlshop
' i- . . ... .
r"'- rvll tun. Or. . FrwlT. Or.
?in. W. G. HUCIIES
1 ' ' Dentist ,
Offlo In tli KUin Ittilldiiiy, Wion
, Hour, 8 to 12 ami I to 6 ,'
. Nature's Food
for horse and cattl la th f ra that
prowi on meadow and hill. Tb next
limit thinr la tweet, clean, hay and
feed that cornea from our mill. When
you nurd rolled (Train of the riirht eort
for keeplnjr your liveetnck in fine fct
lle. look tut our sign and the good
thing for fr your dumb aervanla
stored In our bin. We bundle Kream
Rolled Mrlv,0t and W heat; ilald
Hav, Mlllstufl and Chicken Feed.
We're local agent for ftvock Flour
and Blatchford a Calf Meal. Phou281.
D R. WOOD the Feed Man
ii..,.. lt.nUtar atuindMl ll rwad
martlnjt at Pendleton 1 ueeosy.
MIm Merl liwt of IVodleum M
week-end uetul Mia Josl Lavouer.
f l..,.!!.., mine to (Vail
r,ari i.irii
Walla, where he be employment In a
Mr. W. M. !; IH h host"
mono" ttt ll Saturday Atorooon
.. u.ii.l. rm.a nl Milton ha
been visiting Mr, Luiher Bhellen-berger.
m .u uinniiuMl and nvs'lr
done at mr new shop next dour to the
Ltauer winow. . ,. - ,
n t .. . h. iiUni mLsrlnsrv
and baseball magnate-, la reported to
hav taken a lueraiU pueltioo tb
Hi federal government.
m.. i.ji .t.. iTnltad Rrethren
Church h anoouncod a oooked Mid
al for tomorrow afteroooo at II'
Weaton Mrcolll ur.
mm I - - UMlni MAMhlflM. Vr
m. aammJ-hand Mock.
(i,xxl tMid nd jHnr a 6 nu ch,
. ii. l . V fcV 7hn
WHIie Hl immm. mm '
1. W. Heme of Chelan," Waah., U
.pemlln a lew day with rlatee ami
IrientU In hi old horn town of W
ton wlill returning irom a wiy w
rinen OI tneir iiivruiuD".- - -eelved
yuerJay by member of th
U eeton Concrt Hand, iglber with
must book for lieiflonera, and awert
enlm of mualo will aooa bn beard In
lb laud.
M P M. Warren la expected home
ihia week from her citended ill with
MUi Kay Warro, who U teachm
chool nr Kerett. Wah., ami with
Mr.aodMr I. W. Warren at tbelr
horn near Kuth, Wh.
Twelv of bar llttl friend were
pleaMntly entertained Momlay after
noon by Mildred Kin at a party iflen
In celebration of her elxlh birthday
annireraary. Oame and refrwhmenu
kept lb jounnr eojoyably occu
pied. i. i. l iKal. XdtwmW Iloeer.
on of Umaillla county' lre and
moat aueoanful larmera, ia prpnnn
to lore In WeMon property to th x
i.ntaf hullilln aeoncrel trarar oo
th Dupui corner, which U well lo
cated forth purpoee. im wmiuina
will be occupied by U. Lv Uediiok, lb
local jrarajf man.
March cam In Ilk a lion and
brouicht about three inohe of now.
And ll may ifo out Ilka a whole men
averi of Hone, tairirura, lepliunta.
rhinowrukwM. hlpinpotamunee nd
the bluudy bl-horoed Wolapu that
eau nlifjfcra ueteren meaie. tnvrva
Dotellln about March. It rcfuc to
be bound by an aday.
Mr. K. K. Hamilton of Lo Anirele
Callfurnia, epent lat weknd aa the
-iietof heroleee. Miaa Lucile Cojr-
n .k. VI r. and Mra. VL
O DM-a. Mr. Hamilton, who ha
apenl much lime abroad, gav a eery
Inlereatlnir and lntructle talk U the
pupil of neaton Hlrh School Morwlay
nmruinir. Her decriitlon of Italian
life and euatom waa Mpecially ealua
hie to the claaa In Human Hlatory,
while her dlecuaeion of Germany -
tolhetierinanatudent new inlcrril in
that aubjec. Mr. Hamilton left Tues
day mornlnK for Cortland.
;Jus( Plato Facts
In this space from week to week, we
wish to talk to you in plain boiled down facts
relative to our store. Real store news, mat
ters of interest to our customers and those
we wish to make our customers. Talks on
style, quality, prices; information that means
a saving to discriminating buyers. .Don't
miss one issue get the habit of looking for
this space. When we have specials, we want
you to know about them. Consider this
space as containing a special " communica
tion to you. ; V ;
Wsln Merc. C
(The ladies of the U. B. Church will have a sale
. of cooked food in this store Saturday.)
At the Wvball meetinf lun!
ev.nlfif Marvin I'rlc. a unaalinuua.
ly eleclef mfia.r-lur1n' hi -aenre
but proved toe wiodeet and re
llrlnf to permit hlmevlf to tie (
with Ihia honor. Celunel T. (). lyiiraa.
WMtM'l realtr Operator, waa tha
prevailed upa to fake hold of the
team, aad did eo with tb understand-
In that Mr. Price wtll art when he
(the rolunel) le away from Iowa, Tftie
puta the lm In erxfgnie handa and
auaur well for It eurreea. There !
no lark of ptarer. and It la under
etood that a food tah artist or twe
will be available by routln around
the buahe that frln. Weeton' en
viron. The usual i euberrtptlon to
"start th hall rolling" will be asked
for from Weetna buetneea men, end
aa soon as brlht Weather la aasured
the boy will trot out for prartUe.
Last season' miniirw has been signed
up as fuovo hitler la whir rapacity
he acknowledge no superior this side
of the Rocky mountain.
The Leader ta requested to a'
nounr ta I he local , public that the
Umatilla' County unday-tVhonl As
sociation will hold their iwenty-rirst
annual convention In Milton th 7tb
and It It of March. Th O-W. R.
N. will grant raU of on and one
third far If fifty or more attend, each
fare t be not leas than fifty reata. A
good proa ram I being arranged.
Among th epeekere will be the ataie
president. V. K. Hall; tne stale net
secretary. Re. C. - A. Pnlppe; juoge
Stephen A. Lowell, Jtev. C. A. Hod-
hlre. HV..J. E. Fayder and others
equally as good. Weeton people are
Invited to "com ' and hear tnem,-
rre entertainment for all will ee
furnished by the Milton and . free
water boat.
At the council meetinir Wedneedajr
vetilnir Dr. K. D. Wtt asked for and
u r ranted mrmlsalun to eiierxi ins
facade of his nronoaHl hotel bullilinr
east of th Weeton Mercantile Co.'"
.lore to ajiolni two fret bevond tb
north front of th sture building. In
order to admit of a better view from
th hotel wimlowa. It appear that
Main street property owner r enti
tled anyway to fouefeet of thia thor-
ou (fli fare which they v scaled in order
to widen It. I ha Or commute were
instructed to draft and submit fir
limit ordinance. Zebra 4 Duncan
war denied permission lo keep oven
the r nool hall, now cloned at t-n. until
twelv o'clock Haturday nltfhta and
eleven o'clock other nlybta. Th $100
license money reoulrcd of them by or
dinance was, bow ever, remitted.
Tom McCarty aUrted plowing aa
early a last week en Weaton moun
Uln which might much better, by
th way, be catted Weston uplands or
Weaton plateau. ' The mountain
ground la bar,, although snow last
week atlll covered the fields In the vi
cinity of Pendleton and Walla Walla.
The fog which ha proved so dismal In
Pin creek valley,' did not carry up
the elope of th Wuea, whoee people
looked down from a serene atmos
phere upon a billowy sea. tint Mc-
Danlel said it looked a though one
could Jump Into It and float, but he
didn't try, being somewhat too long
and lanky for a good floater.
Dr. JT. O. Turner, formerly of Low
i Turner, ej scialitit of Portland,
rill be In Wewton, strain . Monday,
lt.k l-l mt Um Lm Iwtanti n is
i.ivh .... . - - - . . m
kmiu. until 3 n m at Athena Tues
day, March 14. Headache relieved,
erosa eyea wraignienea. no cnanrv
for consultation oe eiaininstlon. Do
not fail to let Dr. Turner ahow you the
new double vision trta, without lines
or seam lo catch diK. strain th eyea
or oom apart. Omt light, aolid piece
of glass which look like single pair
ret answer th purpose of two. ena
bling you to read or do eloaa work and
se distant object, perfectly. Free
demonstration. Satlslactioo ' guaran
teed. (Adv.)
According to reports, the road meet
inir at Pendleton Tuesday was not ooo
apiouously harmonloua. Senator Bar
rett and W. W. Harrah were among
thos oppwlnir th-progrm th lat
ter liecauae it did not include an outlet
to th Columbia. Tbe meeting rec
ommended th following apKirtlon
ment of the proposed (980,000 bond in
die: IVndleton to ..Washington at ate
line, fcfciO.OOO; Pendleton to Umatilla,
MOO.000; Pendleton to Pilot Rock.
$140,000; Pendleton to Helix, $140,000:
Preewater to Sunnvalde, $J0.0: Pen
dleton to Pilot Kodk Junction, $J0,00O;
aurplua, $o0,000. ;
The V. C. T. U. program published
In laat week' Lkadkr was very tue
cesafully presented at High School au
ditorium Tuesday vening under the
direction of the president, Mr. J. F.
Snider, and a com m luce consisting of
(Xiesa Klrkpatrick. Rllaa Morrison,
Doris Barnes ami Jtttie Lavender. The
union realUed $21 . from th lunch
served, which um will go to pacing
iu Ut assessment. Nearly everv
number on the program received the
tribute of an enthuniasiio encore.
U C. Proebetel and little son visited
hi former horn In Weton Friday
and Saturday while returning to Bur
ley. Idaho, from Seattle, where he
and hi family spent th winter. Mrs.
Proebetel preceded him with two ol
th children and stopped over at Ba
ker, Oregon,' for a visit with friend.
Mr. Proebetel atHI ha Interest at
Burley. although he haa disposed of
hi large hardware establishment
there. Weaton THend were glad to
greet him.
Mia Edna Banister has passed the
flret semester's examination In th last
vear of her domestic acienoe course at
the Oregon Agricultural College with
a grade of better than 90 percent.
This haa set ved to console Miss Banis
ter to some extent, it la said, for an
unpleasant experience with poison oak,
bv which her eyes were nearly closed.
She is a popular student at Corvallia,
where she is president oi waioo tisu.
Vtnn Tllirh Sahool la In receipt of
about 20 One rooted rose cuttings from
the famous Frau Karl Druhskt hedge
of the University of Oregon. These
will be set on the terrace immediately
in front of the west entrance of the
school bulldimr.. The University has
distributed several thousand of these
beautiful slips among the school of
the state.
Mr. and Mra. Frank Knowlton of
Athena wer recent gueeta at the re
spective homes of Ralph Sating- and
Marion ,0'Harra ... Knowlton ana
O'Harra, who wer ray young blade
together In pioneer days, renewed their
youth In awapplng hunting and fish
ing tale.
XT P VmiMt irii ii n from Pendleton
Saturday and bought a shipment of fat
Weston hogs for that market. Among
those who sold to Mr. Tate were
nalDh Salln. J. A. King. W. L. Smock
and Grady Kerndon. 1
D. H. Eaton, the local baker, wlH
be joined her today by his wife and
nephew, who hav been visiting ner
Boise. They will occupy one of the
Powers cottage on Water treet
Pick 100 Healthy Men
at 25 years
And here they are 40 years later
by statistics
l" 1
S6 will be dead having patronized the Doctor arid DeMoss. ,
1 will be richhe rides and drives 8 Hudson Auto. 1 ;;-;' ,
4 will be wealthy, having: stock in the Weston Mercantile Co.
5ill be earning their daily bread-like honest hardware men and .
54 will be taking hand-outs and will be subjects of benevolence by rela
tives and friends, like the most of us.
If you must spend money for Hardware, Lumber and Implements, do
it with us and SAVE THE DIFFERENCE.
A fine stock of John Deere and Flying Dutchman pIows.J
-;Fairbanks,;international and R. V. engines. .
Weber, Winona and John Deere wagons.
Sixty-dollar sewing machines for S35.00 and others at $18.
Come, See and Believe. '
Wf ffntC
. f v ev . 1 . f
J , ,ifia. fcd
Th W. C. T. U. will hold their reg
ular meeting Tuedy afternoon, March
7, at tb home of Mr, w. a. t avoe.
Charles Nre. formerly prominent
farmer of th weaton neighborhood.
waa here laat week from Rltsvllls.
Earl Olson I back on Meadowbrook
farm, having returned last week from
a winter's visit with hi parent in
Harney county.
B. W. Brown ha leased the Joe
Wurser holding on Weston mountain,
which be will farm In connection with
his Dry creek ranch.
William Week, who ha been em
ployed at Meadowbrook farm during
th past year, left this week for Mon
tana, to take up a homestead.
: Clay Smith baa returned from
Southern Idaho, hi wife having re
covered from her Illness, and went out
on bla rural mall rout Monday.
Having suffered an attack of ap
pendicitis. Mis Hortense Baker went
to Pendleton Saturday for treatment
and ia under the car or Dr. Brund-
Adoph Schwartz, a well-known
Walla Wallsn, waa here Tuesday on a
business visit. He haa property Inter
esta here, and ia gid to see Weaton
one In a while.
Grant Paaa hunter roped ar d
captured full-grown cougar, after
n all-night vtgil and a thrilling bat
tle of two hour. Th cougar will be
come a movie actor.
J. I Fauldwln, auctioneer. Stock,
farm and land sales In Washington.
Oregon or Idaho. Writ for terms.
M07 W. Main street, telephone 3083,
Wall. Walla, Waah. (Adv.)
T. H. Eaton haa ' taken over the
Weaton bake oven and will soon have
a store room and restaurant In connec
tion. He expect to keep Weeton peo
ple well supplied with the beat there
la going In bread and baker's goods.
Hood River report that th Co
lumbia waa eight feet above low wfter
mark at that point Monday, a record
height for thia season. The great
river remalna fairly stationary, how
ever, and ia expected to cause no dam
age. .
Mr. and Mra. Andy T. Barnett were
vMting Saturday in Pendleton, where
Mr. Barnett took the civil service ex
amination for a position In the Pen
dleton postofflce. Mrs. Barnett was a
guest during their stay of Miss Nellie
Bartley. .,
After serious and. protracted 111
neea, which ha Incapacitated him
from work, C. P. Smith I leaving to
day for Long Beach, California, in the
hope that a sojourn there may restore
him to health. He I suffering from
heart trouble. ... ,
' Pendleton Is pleasantly agog over
the prospect of getting the Blewett
harvester plant, which It is reported
will be moved down from Spokane.
The Blewett people ar reported to
have purchased a factory alte from
the Matlock estate for $S0O0.
Ball Diamond Dimensions.
Weston ball tosser may find th
following Information of value when
they go up thia spring to lay out their
Th erroneous Idea of the distance
between the home plate and first base
or between any of the other "sacks"
and that which separatea third base
from the home plate seems to prevail
not alone among -fans, who generally
accept the measurement as 10 feet
but also by some ground keepers. This
error caused Secretary Heydler. of
th National League, a short time ego.
to Issue an order calling for th re
construction, on account of faulty
measurement, of some of the league's
playing diamond. Under the rule
laid down for a diamond' construc
tion the various distances ar s fol
Home plat to first base, T feet
Inches: first to second base, IS feet
1M Inches: second to third base, 88
feet ltt Inches, and from third base
to the home plate 17 feet Inches.
The home plnte, or rather the front
of it, should be exactly SI feet 1 tnch
from the pitcher'a box aa the official
measurement from the intereectiona!
lines which meet at the back of the
plat should be feet ( Inches. As
the plate measure 17 inches through
from back to front It will b seen
thai the forward point of it should be
located exactly IS feet and 1 Inch
from the pitcher" box.
11 null i in i ill ii
-xlFOR ME!
SPRING CANYON COAL Th coal that make th whit beat.
A good supply constanly on hand. ',
RED CEDAR FENCE POSTS from Puget Sound In ny quantity, j
They are well tarred, or we will sell jou tb tar4 lay. your
. old post. .... i. ..'-
A-l RED FIR and TAMARACK WOOD from Kamela; 16-Inch or "
4-foot lengths.,.-
as to the changes you are going to
make in the home?
Come in and let us help you. Just a
little changing will start the summer
months off just right
Come Li and Look
Come Li aid Talk.
' Come Lt and Bay,
Furniture 5tore
The Leader Prints Butter Wraps
is recommended by all the agricultural
colleges for the prevention of grain
smut It's cheaper than blue stone.
We can supply you.' ASK US FOR
mil Storo ;: