sre M In day from the of I except on. large frowsr " . k n i 4ti..i ik.i t LA nr Will IVt jjr A I L3 a I Swell STY La Seasonable Serviceable years-yes, eentxiriee-of ogretm- and criminal folly. . War tt umiouoieuiy the fruit of simitar error. w man nd nationa lrn fat war is dtukn and ft fraud, saddled upon them tnrou-n a- of crook! thinking, than will Mara. Ilk lUechs. b cast from hti encrliusoiMM throne "ami all mankind rejoice In the reign of universal quit J." GROCER i r JU If UrlB 17?. r o v. u (Phone Main 241) - - HABERDASHER twrnmsnw a a wvownrr. W will iupdom an Improbable thin nd say that country merchant In fest EJS month in IM snsce onereu by his local pr. Estimating y" rag profit at so low rate a twenty- flva percent, and th advrumm will only have to pull ftOO month In axtrm business In order to reimburse him. Tha vary presence of tha news iMipar in hia community-it la almost Indwpenssble an inatitutlon tha schools nd tb churchee-ta worm mora than the price of the ad. to him. Should tha newstaier drop out of tha community Ufa ha la apt to una irai hia hua ness will fall off mucn mora than 9100 a month, tine hia patron will bo apt to seek mora enterprising town In which to do thair trading . Tha average appropriation mada for adver tising by all th ftdverusere in mi tlnltad States la on and sixty-nine hundradtha pareant of thair total sslee. Thui tha average advertiser doing a business of 1100.000 a year would pand 11690 a yar for publicity. At . a . .ft ewi -ft 150,000 a year no wouw speno aw, at 120.000 S338L and aoon. Yat tha uaual appropriation of tha country merchant fella ao far below this rmure a io oe auita inadequate. Ha often regard hia advertisinsr as ft donation rather than aa an Investment, and miatakenly auDDoaea be ia ssving money by cutting it down to tha lowest possible figure. There's a reason for the thriving trade had by city department stores, some oi which apend as much three percent of their total sales in advertising, and for the big dividend melons cut by in mail order house. Our notion of tha new umbrella skirt to that it can hardly be .aid to have put tha leg in elegance. JXt I I I 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 I ' I ,MTT1.,.M.M.M.t1TII The Farmers Bank of Weston Established 1891 -rOU CAN PAY YOUR TAXES l here and avoid a trip to Pendle ton; and if you wish, we will secure your statement for you. First half should -be paid before April 5th, and second before October 5th, in order to avoid additional costs. CANDIES ; The largest stock of Gigars Tobacco and Pipes in town KNIVES and HARMONICAS 39 Kirkpatrick's Confectionery fiiiii Irxle mark rajnght otlll TM rm nwrniH. tiuKhm or ftfaota na a. Kriptii lor FREI SEARCH l IMtmUUIilr. SmnkrfanM. PATENTS BUILO PORTUWCS r job. tkir Irm liookMM WII haw, wliM to larM D. SViFT h GO. Awkew i fturvrol. Seventh St, Washington, D. Cjj DR. C. H. SMITH Physician and Surgeon OiSce in Brandt building . . OREOON TON ' 'AVO TIIS TXUC j ytmv Weston Leader "aub" Dale Rothwdlj Optical Specialist I jrive all my time to the fit ting and frrinding of clause. I have oracticed in Pendleton fix years. All work guaranteed. American Nat '1 Bank Bid. f (Upstairs) t Pendleton Oregon HOMER I. WATTS Attorney-at-Law Practices in all State and Federal Courts. ATHENA, OREOON WESTON LEADER CLARK WOOD, PaWUhtr SURSCRIPT10K RATH Stricll in Afbnc Th Year Six Mmillis... Four Monllia. l IM . 0 : . 0 Ml ADVERTISING RATES rerinrli er mmitli V........'n W P.. ... Inaartinn W liirkii. tmr lin meli iiinertinn M TRIDAT MARCH 3. inlittt st h paitoffict at Wtiton. Oregon. tt Mea4-dMS auil auriter. TEE FAIL Of ft FETICH. , It is sineular ho lonir and bow ab jectly mankind will bow to fetich. Through the years of King Aiconoi a rpio-n It was asserted by hia henchmen and believed by his dopes that ha could not be successfully dethroned, rrom- hitinn would not orohibit. tbey said. Mankind had been drinking: intoxicants for thousands of years and wouw eon tinue to drink them until tha end of time. Prohibition would merely aub- stitute secret and unlawful drinking for Aran and lawful drinking and demoral ize society by encouraging law viola tion. It would lay confiscatory nanas a Unra induatrr. emotr hundreds of buildings and throw thousands of workers out of employment. These snd other arguments have been heard so often thst to recount them is superfluous. The point to that they have been proven wholly falsa in the iizht of a glorified new experience. The fetich has been swept from Hs pedestal and lies, grinning fraud, be neath the heel of an awakened com monwealth. Not one "drunk" been seen on tha streets of Weston since prohibition went Into effect the first of the year. In tlx larger cmea of Oregon arrests for drunkenness have been so few ss to be almost neg ligible. A few boot-leggers have been arrested in Portland, as might bsva been expected; but these despicable knaves are watched so closely by tha officers and dealt with o severely in the courts that their activities must soon cease entirely. Successful boot legging in tha smaller towns is well nigh impossible. . , Like, Oregon, Washington is profiting by its prohibition Isw. Even so strong snd outspoken "wet" organ as tha Seattle Daily Times has been brought to aee the error of its ways and to ac knowledge the benefits that have ac crued to Seattle from two months of prohibition. The Times has definitely allied itself with the "dry" forces snd thereby drives another nail Into tha saloon coffin. The idea that saloons are neeessary results from a mistaken state of mind. It ia illustory. We had only to think that we could do without them and to vote ss we thought, and behold I wa A Huntinirton, W. Vs., man man aged to break into tha limelight by merelv aittlnar UD and saving "howd'y do?" Quits incidentally, be happened to be tha corpaa at ft funeral. titutad that ha can ka r win Urn thousands on hia crop without halting n e. Besides, ha will prubably hava tha fun of watching It go up again whan tha Chicago tears la aver., n jus. i ax ju.j j llavltw read TOO books and pamhkta .n .,i(Vr!re. T. K. IS iin)i'"'''J convinced that the women hava ft right to vote for htm. S.j .11 SULJ.JJI if. h. Am.rl.-a first' If wa are to make Amerkft Ual." Iba Phila delphia North American. . ssi-j u-j i. ' a rtnli anart from any Umparanca vlawa, thers seama la ba ciMwkWrabla objection on tha part of tha IVsnch to tha Germans taking Champagna, au-i "-" Whether or not Weston wants ft mu sical education, there la beginning to ba abundant evidence that It will not lack fir looters. BL.I J Our brava baseball boya wlllamnlala Germany to tha anient lht aaen wiu andasvor to knock out Hnar. sjj u J-a i. ik.i.lii tha Puter bill. Ita sponsor has virtually acknowleilged IU apurioua compoetHon, V I I iU- p.rk.. m Fnlsnta would meat with batter success if IUly woukl avar enter tha war. IM J Sil battle cruisers are wsnted ftt onca, saya Ksar Aamirai ' If ha will only wait awhile wa will try and get our okleftt Inhabitant to w mi tie 'am out. Wa again agree with President Wil son when ha M?t that tha American n.v "ouirhL in niy opinion, to ba In- enmnarablv tha ireatest navy In tha world." An Aberdeen packing company offers 12.25 per hundred weight for clams which reminds us that wa Know oi one who ahares bis habiut with the type lie in our Athena suburbs snd who ought to qualify from an intellect ual standpoint at least He will weigh out about 14.60, and wa will undertake to deliver hi nv securely .crated, at that figure. ' j Wa would heartily endorse tha slo gan, "Mexico for tha Mexicans," were it not for certain sneaking sympauy foe. the Mexicans. " 1 ,. 1 " Tongfully speaking, how can Hop Sing with Bow Lung? We reioke that Baker, the Queen City of Eastern Oregon, has regained her Virtue. -V- Three only of iwenty-thrae co-eds at ine University "of Oregon are said to hmv mod feet, but wa could never ac cept these statistics without personal investigation. , . , Now that the Portland bars are ubiaed. we are riven to occasional speculation as to what Res; Lampman. Certainly . Aniericans should leave Mexico. Nobody wants them to bring it along."" ' ' r ' : -' : :' ' "Crown orinci of Serbia will than the entente allies for assisting his country." Urn!, Reminds one of thank th nnlife after one has been bludgeoned.; -. After all, It Is the people themselves who open the pork barrel, and merely Congress that filiate. Our Berlin relations would be much less vexatious if Germsny . would only admit liability and .insure reliability. Tinm Sam's submarines would be less of an anxiety If when they went . . . . . : .....A iL. out to swim iney oiun go '" water.. It mav because he's nice screamer that Philadelphia's negro evangelist ia referred to as ft ort of cbocolate Sunday. ' ' Still, we might have some degree of consolation should the United States continue defenseless. Colonel Bryan might some day be captured by the Japanese. -.-v ' -:- . ' (- Secretary Daniels having aat down anon Astoria's nsvsl base smbitions. fosming is In order ftt the mouth of the Columbia. Henry Ford having -remarked that be has more money then be can use, the Oregon Journal explslns that be makes cara instead of using them. A coiner of epigrams says thst "speech wss given msn to conceal his thoughts;" and sometimes we wish, with especial reference to T. R. snd W. J. B., thst thought could be given him to conceal his speech. Weston f srmers can wstch the wheat market -o down with eausnlmity if so be that's what tbey do their wetehing with. Practically all of them have sold A British iurv has convicted the Kaiser and Crown Prince of murder, but so far U known the dcfendanla are still considerably st large. w sm tonAimed In the impreaslon that Roosevelt could never be satisfied with any administration but hia own. " Hi)Uiji ! nrallv sreneraL but those Russian ballet dancers aeem to be making bare living. "-Ex- Nsthelesa, what they are wearing will never wear out. After eight years In harness "Boom (ng Bill" Peterson has resigned the democratic dounty chairmanship-thua depriving the party of an executive head who la at all times debonair, pic turesque snd able. The redoubtable Jim Ma lone y la hia probable successor. Ynsn Shi Kal U accused of hleh treseon, snd may hava to take to the high trees on whstever part of China high trees grow. , NEW LIST OF BOOKS FOR LOCAL LIBRARY fnllnarlna flaw hooka were lale- iv rwclvad bv the Weston branch of the Umatilla county library! Artilinu New Conscience and an A ul..t tFlt Brewster Nutrition of the House- Clarke Tn Oreat nellgions. Flake Honest Business. Oeddes Evolution. ' King Rational Living. " Mulr Tonemlte. Palmer Life of Alice Freeman Pal mr. . , Ruakln Sesame snd Lilies. .. Ffctlon. Bos her Mary Cary. , Bronte Jane Byre. Comfort Lot and Company. Crockett Stlcklt Minister. ' Duvts Princess Cecilia, pumas Three Musketeers. Johnston Fortunes of Oarln. " Meredith Esolst. MMKollM.1anilnra.ts Prtf. O Hlsglns Adventures of Detective Barney. Rlnrlalr Her Prairie KnlchL Van Loan Buck Parvln and the Movies. Webater When Patty Went to Col Westcott Hepsey Burks. Willale fltill Jim. Children's Books. ; A nderson Stories. Csrroll Alice's Adventures In Won derland. Collins Wireless Man, French Junior Cup. Frye Brooks and Basin. Greene King Arthur and His Court. Grover Dunbonnet Babies. Harris Uncle Remus. Hia Songs. Holbrook Book of Nature Myths. Janvier Astec Treasure House. Perrault Tales of Mother Ooose. Quirk Gahy Elton, Quarterback. Roberts Kings In Exile, Roberta Red Feathers. Bolt-Wheeler Boy With the U. 8. Survey. . Beton Wild Animals I Hsve Known. WlgKln Golden Numbers. Wilde Happy Prince. Books Donated. The Knworth Leasue of the Meth odist Church has donated the follow Ins books: Our Toung People; Gold Foil; Grandfather's Chair; Tha Sketch Book; Duty; Among the Forces; Knickerbocker's History of New Tork; The Closing Century's Heritage; Of tha Imitation of Christ; Entering In Life; Like Christ; Kept for the Master's Use; Addressee of Philip Brooks; The Msn Who Wanted to Help; Japan and Its Regeneration; Kathrlna; Great Books; The Life of the Seventh Earl of Shaftsnury; Words of Help for Christian Olrle; Thrift; Jesus Before the 'Sanhedrln; The Making of Manhood; Ian Mac Laren Tear Book; A Child's History of England: Daily Reading From Glad stone; Biographical Sketches; Christ snd Our Country; Life of France WIHsrd: Difficulties: Rollo in th At lantic; Rolio In London; Rollo's Tour of Europe. , . . ' WJ lUSW IW, H arriving daily Soe the lino of Ladles' SulU ftcm $5.50 U 422 60-values that cannot be duplicated else S Also litU line of Ivies' Coat, atul I Dwm Skirt Urro assortment of Silks and Wool Mater; ials. Wash Goods in all the new designs. Ladles' SuKa, all th lata model, Utile' and MIm' t'.Mita st the same old price. "",. "'; Sea tha Una of Evening Dr, alao tha Street presses.. UM up How about tha Drcsa SklrtaT Wa hava them In an, ..vie fryn. Just received, large shipment of Men's Suite, light and dark at- n,.' Sulla In all the Ut.-t mlft frvm 4 t. 17 ll NteHN Men'aDia Shoe. Here to m Hem lht the mJ"J't kl merchant have raleed the f rices on. . Dur irtcea are the seme as alwav - button or le r..ttf,ia.ML M.W, imHM Hoys' Irses 8hoea In the button or W Just Recei vetl-Shipment of Men Vork Shirts, 39c and 45c: Oshkosh and Underhill Overalls, p; LMther faccA.Unvai Glove.s 15c; House lining, 4c and. 5c. . . . ' ; - . U J,M,,MassaaaMeaaaaaaasstssf m - " . . TOO Ul M ItTTDI IT The Roldcn Rub aJOs-. WI LUS OTSOUrOLUV ftsSB J. C TENNEY CO., Inc. (88 Ilwy 8twe) ATIIKNA, OR. Every week is Pay Up Week at the Leader shop. Don't run behind run up and pay the Editor man for your sub. MORTGAGE LOANS Term Contract on City and Farm Property CURRENT RATES NO OOMMIMIONB NO HON USES, or other aeie. Itr Ju.t like fettint It from ftbank. "JJ'V.fflJjL1 quickly rkt. If yott need money CUME AND 8r4 US. UATLO CK LAATZ Investment Company it4 f .. r.w4 Stwl PamlUtnn. OmroA. LOANS :: KEAL EJITATS u INSURANCE ESXCBBSDSBSSSx U.IXtlXO ASB KXKHCISK. (Qr.fonlan.) Danctnc apir to hv aurvWd Ml purlisnlral a(t.m.l la banish II from a wiuUvi world. ehurrheej which frowned tipon th praetlre oneel upon ft tint now eneouras oannns and aoek merely to provide a whole some environment for th stubborn disciple of Terpstrhore. It use oeen said o danclnf that It Is an Innoeent ana nna ailmcloline lov of music, sens of rhythm snd grace ofj movement. Now a new vinu n been discovered. Loula M. Plnk.j .k ,.r tha flriwtklvn Board . Education and ft settlement worker of som distinction. sy It the brat of m.laa and Should b SUDPOrted for that Important reason If for no others. . ' . . . i .uJ tt Am NOW. aanciRf 1 . i.b. it nautailon and re strictions sr the part of wisdom, and j many or ineee prooiems n. fairly well taken care of. Ho tha ne cessity of Mr. Plnk'e defense Is not apparent, particularly when his oe fens I defective. Dnnrlnf may be fairly sood eserclse, but It la not the best. How can snyon get the best physical benefits from sn exercise which le surrounded br hopetes convention ss to drean? Men must torture themselves wtth stlff-bosomed shirts, hlh collsra snd shoe that squeese. The women flia nerseir ino her tightest corset and her smallest .hu, . itna, diwa this eaulP ... , - - - ' ment compare with the light garb of the gym or of the tennis court t No, Mr. Pink Is wrons. But his en thusiasm over the physlcsl benefits of the dance may not be In vain If the dancing world, noting th possibility of nhyslrsl benefits, will precipitate dress reforms. Substitute tennl court apparel for th present ballroom ap parel and then all Mr. Pink says will come true. Perhape reluctant nua bands will be mors willing for sn oc casional hop If It will taks the place of gym xerelo. There are great pos sibilities In store for .the dance If stiff dress conventions sre removed. fe t f i i IP Th veston ivieai 1 Market i Following ft had slump at Chicago, due to uneasiness over the strained relations with Germany, wheat drop ped to the lowest point of the season In Interior markets. In Walla Walla Monday club was quoted at It cents net, or it cents under ths top price of the season. Growers who had looked askance at ft dollar ft bushel refused. of course, to consider thla unattractive figure. Weston dealers report nothing dnine In either wheat or barley. A large number of local wheat men parted with their crops at arouna mo top of th market, The few who are stUt holding on sre In s position to do so until their Ideas sre realised. Motor car service to all points, day or night. Also livery snd feed stabm opposite ths Lleuauen oiscssmitn shop. Lafe McBrlde. Prime Beef Pork, Mutton, Veal . Dressed Pouttry , FISH Monday and Thursday Get Our Prices . . Phone No. M. Orders taken by phone for mall routes. ;. Ten percent Intorswt on all ac count after 80 days. Perry & Weber It's True Economy TO TRADE AT Tts Ec'sacay Siors .. . i We lny for cash snd sell for CBn at .man wiargma, .GROCERIES Crash and Linen Goods NOTIONS School Supplies ; tsr PHONE NO. X3S . ALMA BABBETT Chas. II. Cartsr Dan P.8mylh Carter & Smythc LAWYERS PENDLETON OREGON Butter Wrappers Famished and Printed at the Leader office 'Sixty (minimum)......... $0 75 One hundred..... 1 00 Two hundred.. 1 60 Each additional hundred.. 0 30 f. ' i