The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, March 03, 1916, Image 1

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1 i
VOL. xxxv.
NO. 37.
Brief Res&ifi cf General News
OEM Etfpra B A KBl
as Warships fcySiibarises.'
Uvt News Items of All Nations and
faciflc Northwest Condensed
' for Our Busy Readers.
Secretary Danlele la oppoMd to b
calirig naval ban at th mouth of
tba Columbia rlvar.
AT Oarman editor advocate alnklnf
II (ship of whatever nationality,
bound for Grant Britain.
Great Britain will permit ahlpmant
to tha United Statea of a cargo of dye-
tuffe valued at 85,000,000.
Only three co-cde out of S3 at tha
University of Oregon hve rood feet
Nona hava a perfect toa-lln.
Tha momentous battla batwaan tha
French and German bafora Verdun
eontinuaa with practically no gain for
Ithar la., , ; '
Mr. Carri HalL 78 yaara old. a
coualo of Abraham Lincoln, diaa at tha
homo of hr aiatar, Mlaa laabai Uanka,
near Louisiana, Mo.
Cfrminy dcllvara noU to Unltod
fit a us setting forth har aub marina
warfares on armed marchantman to
which thla government hat objected.
Avstro antara tha Machanlra' Stat
Bail at 8ti Joseph, Mo., and aftar
ig tha raahiar and two clarka Into
aujt, ob taint 81600 and aacapaa.
Russian' steamship Petshenga
n sunk. Fiftaan of thos on
wftra caved. Sh waa of 147
ton. Sevsn of tba Pthng'
cr wr lot
Tfe M York Kiul t20L0M of tha 8outham Pacific and thoaa mam-
- wr -v.i - - - - - - -
inZut U. 8. mail truck whll It waa
Washington, D. C Tha bouaa pub.
II landa committee haa decided to
frame Ita own bill for tha dlapoaal of
tha unaold portion of tha Oragon at
vltauriu I.IN liwil, mwwv mwiwv ami-i , S W S .ilVfll
thar to uaa tha Uambarlaln bill, with arpinji irpnre ft) k tpmf
tha attorney ganaral'a amandmanU, a
tha baala on which to construct tha
committee aubatltuta. In doing thla
tha committee rejected tha tlawlay.
Rakar and Wilaon bill.
tha attornay ganaral'a eonatructWn of U. 3. IWJ. IUU 1AU IV
tha Buprama court decision, and will
procaad on tha thaory that eongraaa
pan Aiuit tiljutuui with tk ImrA mrmnt
ao long a it guarantai to tha railroad I Washington Is Advised That Great
IX. bu an acre.
Thara haa baan no agreement how
vr, on tha dotal ia oi in bin wnien
tha rommittaa Intend to report, and
no arraamant will ba raacbad until af
tor tha eommltto haa baard represent-
a live of tha Foraat eervlce and Inter
ior department tha land eommlaaionar
Britain Is Not Trusted Many
Broken Pledges Cited.
.t-' '
Miaa Oiwan Lloyd-Gaorga, tha
daughtor af tha rltiah mlplatar f
munltiona, la har fathara -rightiana
man." aaalatlng him In publla dutla
and mlnlatartng to hla aomrart an
health at home.
a frry bound from the Centnil
JNtaJariT atatlon. Tha auto truck
eonrjlned 1 1, 000, 000 In all. IJoyd'a, tha Britlah
ataaMr Southford. formerly tba Slnd
bad, i hue bean aunk. Eleven of tha
veeofl'a craw wara aavad. Two wara
killed, Tha Southford waa a vaaael of
B97W. .
Another ahlpmant of gold to Holland
t tot Naw York under an agraamant
wiUe tha Britieh govammant againat
eelstJre will go forward on tha Holland.
AmAlcan Mner Nleuw Amatardam for
Rotwrdam. Tha ahlpmant, amount
to 1 1 600, 000. w , (,
Clnaral Falls Dial, who baa baan
In f ia United Bute for . aavaraJ
monlkB, and under aurveillanca of tha
deimhment of Juatica,' haa auceaadad
In B-aving. for Cuba, where, it la ra
nortlil. ha wilt form plan for another
revolution in Mexico.
Bice ovane filled with tha bodiee of
roaftd babJaa waa one of tha verbal
pictlrta of alleged Turkiah atrocltlea
drawh by Kev. E. A. Yarrow, an
Amarican mlMlonary at Van, Turkey,
In thl courtM of an appeal for financial
aid fr Armenlana and Syrfana In Chi'
bar of tha Oregon delegation who die-
cuatoueationa of policy and dlacuaa
alao tha recommendation of tha
Waahlngton, D. C Germany haa
In true tod Count von Berneatorff to in
form the United State government
that tba aaaurance regarding tha fu
ture continuance of eubmarin war
far, given In tha Luaitani and Ara
bia caeea, atill r binding, but that
they apply only to merchantmen of
peaceful character.
Tha Government I anderatood to
contend that armed merchantmen.
without regard to tha nature of their
armament, hava ahown themeelvee not
to be peaceful, and therefore aubject
to destruction without warning.
Tha Instruction direct tha German
anibaaaador particularly to toll Secre
tary Lanaing that Britieh merchant
ment armed oatonaibly only for de
fense, hava not aaeumed the character
of peaceful trader, but on tha con
trary, they carry gune for tba eapecial
purpoee of attacking German aubnuv
rinea. To aupport thi contention, tha
Berlin foreign offlc haa aent tba aro-
r, for preeentation to the Sute
department, a Hat of at leant 20 inci
dent where it I aaeertod Britiab mer
chant ihipe have attacked ub marine.
Confldential advice received from
Berlin aay that German and Austrian
aubmarin oommandera already have
received their new order and that from
midnight Tueaday they were author
ised to sink without warning all armed
merchant ship of tha enemies of Ger
It waa uid also that many of the
aubmarin commander probably had
left their base on voyage and that
even ahould the United State request
Of General Interest
About Oregon
rUry of Agriculture and the eocretay I the postponement of tba opening of
of the Interior. Tb report of secre
tary Lane baa not yet been tent to
eongraaa. ; ' ' :
AfflEdsests U SMs W-ter ;
Power U Belled in Sesate
Waahlngton. D. C Senator inter
ested In lefrislatlon for the develop
ment of waterpower plan to shorten
debate on the aubject of attaching
an amendment to the Shield dam bill,
now up for panes ge, tha Myers water-
power bill, which haa been favorably
reported by tb public land commit-
Tha Shielda bill which would per
mit construction of dame on navigable
river for the development of hy
dro-electric power by private) cap
ital haa been before the aenate more
than two week. ,
Provision ia made In the Myers bill
for leasing of public lands as water
power si Us, regulation and control be
ing left to the Interstate commerce
commission when tha power I devel
oped In two or more states.
Mora than "'40 all Methodist pTOlfiCtOrate fOT Mi UM
ministers ana vneir wives, were ren
dered eerlously ill after they had par
take, of food which I alleged to have
been-pol toned, served at a banquet
gives by Methodist ministers In the
Howard-street Methodist church, San
Frannco, Fabruary 22.
El-Sfnatoi! Root of New .York, ia
exportol! U ' announce hi aupport to
Roosevelt for the presidency,
DuVlng a friendly sparring bout be
tween William Hildobrandt a;d Au
guct KalseL both 14 year of age, at
the -Thirteenth District school, Cin
cinnati, lilldebrmndt was struck on the
jaw. ; Is died fw minute later.
In response to agitation by tha news-
the campaign, it would be impossible
to get word to many of the eubma
rine. It was said, however, that o
far neither the United State nor any
other nation bad asked for a postpone
Count von Bemstorff and other
official of tb German embassy de
clined to discuss the instructions from
Berlin In any way Monday.
Count von Bernatorff received bla in
struction in reply to .request from
the United Statee for aaaurance re
garding the conduct of aub marine
warfare in the future, occasioned by
th memorandum announcing the In
tention of Germany to aink armed
ship without warning, which th ad
ministration considered to be inconsist
ent with tha assurances previously
Regard! of tb form In which
th matter ia presented to Secretary
Lansing, th German ambassador will
lay much stress on the aaaurance re
garding tha arming of merchant ship
which were given to tb United States
by Great Britain in a memorandum
signed by Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, the
British ambassador. August Z5, 1914.
dUiSCii ICtrtl.Mi flrnMM fannl Aa Wtu
Washington, D. C, Th enU i
unanimously ratified th treaty with I
HaiU under which th United State
assume protectorate over th turbu
lent island republic, taking over con
trol of its finance and police, guaran
teeing ita territorial integrity and un
dertaking to develop it resources.
Tb treaty already ha been approved
by th Haitian congrea and it term
virtually are in operation under th
eye of a strong American marina ex
This treaty was negotiated last year
with the d Artiguenav government,
Grant Pass, Ore. -Luther B. Akers,
and his wife, and their team of two
horses wer all killed near Wilder vil-
le, 12 mil from her Sunday morning
about 10 o'clock by a neighbor farmer.
Marshall D. Bouaman, 63 year old.
Tha slayer waa lodged in jail here and
confessed to th hooting.
Bouaman lay in ambush by th
roadside as th Akers couple wer
driving to Sunday school. Without
warning ha fired 7 shot from a carbine.
The shooting i th culmination of
I a neighbors quarrel over
paper urging, England' minister to act up after marinea and bluejacket fence, bogs at large and aimilar mat-
set the country an example of econ- under Rear Admiral Caoerton had nut ten. of several year' duration.
omy, preferably by accepting redue-1 down th revolution which overthrew Although the shooting took place in
tion In their salaries, 1t I announced President Vilbrun Guillaum. During th morning, th bodies wer not dis-
tb ministers have agreed for th fu- th preceding few years Haiti bad Men covered until evening, a th Akers,
tur $o accept one-quarter of their sal
arles.ln th form of flv per cent .
chequer i&tfds; V f '
PrWlnt Wiloiv th n'd tt two
. L , ' - it
cays si Bgitauon in congreaa lor action
wamfhg Americana off armed mer-
ehanttiiartfaYo. a 'letter to Senator
Stone, ' chairman of th Senate foreign
rolatiomf&mmittee, aayinr that he
could not content to the abridgement
of tha right! ,of American citisen In
any respect. ' "Th honor , and self
respect of the Nation ar involved,"
he said, -'.'We covet peace and shall
preacrv It 'at any coat but th baa of
bonoti',,'i' f (''' ?
A erasy Montenegrin run amuck in
Seattle and stab six person before he
I overpowered. ' One of hi victim la
eriously wounded.
A Portland achool girl, aged 14, was
knocked down and killed by a large
auto truck, a ah waa on her way to
rehearsal of a school play.
John F. Gillioa, deposad claim agent
of tha Washington Bute Industrial In
surance commission, was found guilty
of grand larceny In connection with
the looting of the industrial insurance
fund of S'jveraJ thousand dollus by
mean of faU accident claims.
eight president deposed and
them murdered or exiled.
moat of I an elderly couple, lived on a road
I not much traveled. - . .
Monk Isolated by Snow,
Geneva, Switzerland (Delayed)
Monk and traveler ar imprisoned on
Mount Saint Barnard by 12 feet of
snow, which la banked up to tne lower
wlndowa of th monastery. Th fam
ous Saint Bernard dog are not abla to
make their way through the snow.
Hug avalanches have interrupted wire
communication with th monastery.
Snow hss fallen steadily for eight
daya and nights and the monk will be
isolated for a month.
They ar plentifully supplied with
Men Defrauds Hundreds.
Chicago Six hundred men have
complained to th police that they had
been defrauded by a man named W.
W. Perry, who advertised for persons
to hang posters, but who, after mak
ing each of them deposit VI for a tac
hammer, failed to appear at appointed
places to deliver the posters. A war
rant was iasued for Perry, and th po
lice learned that recently 100 women
were duped, each being required to de
posit $3 for a uniform a saleswoman.
Packing Strike Still On.
Sioux City, Ia. The breach in ne
gotiations between official of the Ar
mour and Cudahy packing companies
and th 2300 striker at the Sioux City
plants waa widened Sunday when at a
mass meeting of strikers it waa decid
ed to demand the original acale of 22
cent an hour for all common laborers,
instead of accepting 21 cent an hour,
which Saturday waa practically decided
on. Unless uta pacKers grant a writ
ten agreement aetting forth that there
shall be no deviation from wag scales
for one year ther will be no settlement
British Line Extended.
Ottawa, Ont British line in Bel
gium and Franc ar being extended to
replace French soldiers who ar being
rushed to the Verdun region to take
part in the fighting, "which haa aettled
down to a terrific slaughter," accord
ing to advices received here from the
battle front Approximately 20 army
division have been thrown into th
battle by tha Germans, while the
French troops number 15 divisions,
cable messages said. j
Manner of Protecting Oregon
Timber Greatly Improved
Salem Oregon' foraat' protection
agenda since 1912 hv waged a cam
paign of "preprdn," according to
data compiled by 8tU Forester El
liott During th period from 1912 to
1916 inclusive tba Stat forester said
that more than 8000 mile of aband
oned and obstructed trail war made
stable; 729 mile of strategic new
trail built; 442 mile of telephon
Una were constructed and 25 cabin
erected for th use of lookout men In
tb forest service. This work called
for an axpedltur of 150,000, prac
tically all of wblcb waa born by tba
timber owner.
"Tb ImnorUnc of such work I
unquestioned." said Mr. Elliott
Lookout men ar or little value un
less they can Immediately report tb
fire discovered to their county warden
and to tba patrolmen in whoa district
they occur. It ia thus neceaaary that
lookout stations be equipped with tele
phone and tb patrolman must have
access to them at several point along
their 'beats.'
"Patrolmen finding a fir they can
not handle must b able to telephon
to their chief for a 0 re-fighting crew
to be aent to tha cen of th fir with
out delay. To mobiliz a erw,' to
gether with tool and ration on th
fir lin In any part of a district in
tim to control it before it reaches
danirerou proportiona necessitate
carefully planned system of paasabl
road and trail."
' . r-i-
"Usa Own Judgment"-
Advica to oolmen
Pendleton Th National Wool grow
ers' association refuses to advise Ore-
son wool men whether or not to eel!
their 1916 clip at tb present time.
In a letter received her by Senator J.
N. Burs-ess. of Pilot Rock, who ia tb
Oregon member of the executive com
mittee of the association, from Secre
tary & W. McClur. be y:
'My advice is that around 6,000,000
pound of inter-mountain wool ha now
been contracted. Fin wool is selling
at from two to thro cents abov
vear'a. with cross breeds at from two
to flv cent above last year.
On Monday several crossbred clips
sold at Dillon, Mont, at 81 cent, and
it is reported that tb Wood Livestock
company' clip ha sold at su cents,
and also that 80 cents ba been offered
for some quater-blood clip in Western
Wyoming. I hop you will give thi
information to your sheepmen, but this
association refuaea to advise whether
to sell or not to sell. He must use hi
own judgment entirely in this matter.
Road Change Permissible.
Salem "The plans of the Stat
Highway commission are not like th
laws of th Medea and Persian; not
aubject to change," declared Attornay
General Brown in advising th mem
bers of th commission that they could
change the state road map prepared by
ex-State Highway Engineer Bowlby.
The question waa put to the attorney
general by the commission, which de
sires to change the route of a state
road in Washington county, it being
found that another route ia more
suitable. John H. Albert, of tba ad
visory board of the commission, con
tended that the commission had no au
thority to revise the general system of
trunk road to be improved by the
Lumber Outlook Bright
Kalamath Fall Lumbermen have
reason to expect the most prosperous
season in years, according ,to Robert
A. Johnson, head of the Klamath Man
ufacturing company, of this city, who
haa just returned from San .Fanciaco
where he passed the winter.
"There ia a material increase in the
demand for' the upper grade of lum
ber, and the price offered are from
85 to $6 per 1000 feet better than tney
were in the fail," said Mr, - Johnaon.
In the past few day I have received
telegraphic inquiries for five carloads
of lumber at 85 to $6 more than waa
offered a few months ago." ,., ,,.
Hood River Men Pleased
Hood River New that th Rogue
River Fruit & Produce--association.
which decided to withdraw from th
Northwest Fruit exchange, probably
would accept an offer of tha Apple-
grower' association of thla city to co
operate in the distribution ot its ap
ple and pears waa received with grat
ification by local market men. :
Wiimer Sieg,. sale manager of tne
Appleerowers' association, says: .
"During the past we nave cut under
each other on prices of our fruit each
trying to reach the buyer, and aa a
result the grower of both districts
have suffered."
Farm Bond Proposed.
Salem Issurance of 4 per cent state
bonds, and tha lending of the proceeds
direct to th farmer at the same rate
of interest and in the earn manner aa
tha irreducible school fund is now lent
are advocated by Percy A. Cupper, as
sistant state engineer. Aa a means of
presenting his proposal for a system of
rural credit for consideration of tha
people before the irrigation, drainage
and rural credit conference meet in
Salem March 9. Mr. Cupper ha pre
pared a bill, which contains the essen
tial requirement for rural credit.
Seen t Hickman, Ky, when that city waa mandated by th water of th flooded Mississippi rtvsr.
dred of reeldent wr driven from their home. -:
.. .
An Austrian battery In action In tha snow-clad bill of Albania
war resisting th advance of th enemy.
where th remnants of th Montenegrin army
m.!. -i..,.k .kn ih. .nKm.nn. hj hirh and rtrv on a mud flat at San Diego, CaL The H-3, one of th
).rv.t ...hniarines in tha United State navy, was lust completing a half-submergsd run In San Diego harbor wbea
she struck the mud flat bow on at tuU speed and turned over on her port side. A mistake In location of the channel,
which la deep enough to accommodate th largest ea-goIng vessal at low tide, ia believed to. have been th cans.
l1 i .1-7
o : I .
Statuary hall In the capltol at Wash
ington baa a new Inmate. It Is a shaft
representing Henry Mower Rice, the
first delegate in congress from the ter
ritory of Minnesota and the first rep
resentative In congress from the state
of Minnesota. Th Rice shaft was un
veiled February . Benator Ksute Nel
son ot Minnesota .delivering the
speech of dedication, and Vice-President
Marshall, accepting In behalf ot
tha United State. Each state-1 en
titled to two statues. This 1 th first
erectod by Minnesota,
Tb empire of Japan include
ly 4,000 island.
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Tbl I the bow ot the old United Elates warship Frai. i
rarragut' flagship, a ah Usa at the goveramant doeis at rV
th la to b broken up and sold a pmk.