The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, February 25, 1916, Image 2

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'TKfB taaW
Li a
The Farmers Bank of Weston
Established IS9I '
here and avoid
ton; and if you wish, we will secure
your statement for you. First half
should be paid before April 5th, and
second before October 5th, in order to
avoid additional costs.
The largest stock of
Gigars Tobacco and
. in town
Kirkpat rick's
Paysicbn and Surgeon
Office in Brandt building
e -
e py your Weston Leader "sub"
IWWI wasTiejag PB
!l . If f '
nl M Ift
(Phone Main 241)
a trip to Pendle
traiUs mark ami eotr i-txiit oJ-taimd or no
f.v. Hi-ud rmxliH. afeetrrw or ptumm ami de
rrilrtkm for rREC SEARCH nwlnpott
on rwferttabfliiy. Ihiuk rWrtn7Mb '
yon. (hir (rm iwk.iu tl bow. wluu to wrni
ttnd ytm money. Write tly ,
0. S17IFT&CQ.
3nt finvonfh Sit Uhifinn n P
Dale Rothwcll
Optical Specialist
I srive all my time to the fit
ting and grinding of glasses. I
bave practiced in Pendleton six
years. All work guaranteed.
American Nat 'I Bank Bid.
Attorney-at-Law . , ; , .
Practices in
all State
and Federal
Wtm 117 n 1 C .13
' CLARK WOOD, "ukUtlwr
Slricth in AJ)nct
The Year..
I Six Moulds
$1 A
Four Months .
Per int-h per monlh. .. ....... ...
Per inch, one insertion.
.in 60
. I
I diesis, per line each insertion...
FEB. IS. !0t
fmttrti si Hit pettetdc si wtttea. Ongea.
J! a Mcead-clati smII muitn.
It was decided at the rood roads
meeting in Pendleton Monday to pro
pose a U ma tills county bona issue 01
$980,000 for road improvements in all
parts of the county.
This measure will go on the ballot for
the Hay primaries. J. Roy Raley will
circulate the initiative petition. Coun
ty Judge Marsh will appoint seven rep
resentative citizen from different lo
calities to meet next Tuesday with the
county court and work out the detail
of the plan to be submitted to the
It has long been the LEADER'S the
ory that thia is the best way to handle
the good roads problem. Building
macadam roads by piecemeal a funds
permit, and with regard to cheapness
rather than durability, ha not worked
out to advantage. As County Commis
sioner Holman of Multnomah county
said at the rmseting:
'It is no longer question of the
lowest first cost of a surface we can
maintain on our roads but of the lowest
ultimate cost at which we can main
tain the surface on our roads."
A clean-cut issue will be presented to
th voters and more especially to the
taxpayers who may be expected to
command votes and influence sufficient
to swing the election either way. The
Leader thinks that forty-million-
dollar county can stand a million-dollar
bond and that good, hard-surfaced
highways will be worth more to the
county than the interest charge of fifty
thousand dollars year. It is well
aware,, however, that many good citi
zens bold different views, which it is
prepared to respect. :
The farmers of Umatilla county
should and will decide this bond ques
tion. They pay by far a heavier tax
than any other class.- Most of them
drive automobiles a well a horses,
and they are using the roads constant
ly. They will have to be shown by
competent highway engineer that the
kind of roads which it is proposed to
build with this t080,000 bond issue will
be vastly superior to the kind derived
faom the county's experiment with
macadam. If and when they sre so
convinced it will be up to them to de
cide whether or not genuinely good
road ar worth tit monty they will
cost, and whether or not a bond lasu i
justified In order, to get them. The
I.KADKR think that good road will
add much more thin their eoat to the
valu of Umatilla county lands, but
the farmer may think differently.
A the farmer vote, o should
go and o will go the bonding Um,
nHHl the measure, among
whom are Included the moat enterpris
ing and progreaiv of the county ' hut
inea men, must he prepared to furnteh
the farmer with the most convincing
facta and figure to the end that he
may see, as do Ihey, the substantial
fruits that will follow a comprehensive
and unstinting good road program
Enthusiasm Is hot knowledge, nor I
assertion argument' ' ':
-s ' err ,i, ...JL.Jt LV ..: i ' .
The entire Inland Empire Is Interest
ed In the caae of W, Leo, owner of the
Walk Walla vinegar worka, who waa
lately fined &00 on a charge that he
put water in bis product.
Such an accuaation is regarded as
ridiculous by those acquainted with Mr.
Leo and his business reputation. lie i
regarded as an able, cone? lentious and
enterprising manufacturer who hie
painstakingly built up a good market
throughout the Inland Empire because
of the excellence and reliability of hie
products. No on who knows him
thinks for a minute that he is guilty of
anything but a technical violation of
the Washington law.
The cms of the matter I that vine
gar made of Walla Walla valley apples
will not grade up to the test established
by the Washington law. Thia teat ia
baaed upon eastern vinegar made of
dry land apples, and is directly in the
Interest of eastern manufacturers,
who are of course directly interested
in It enforcement. It woukl seem to
be unnecessarily exacting unless Wash
ington solons csre nothing about the
growth of Iocs Industrie.
Mr. Leo is not only a manufacturer
but a chemist, and has developed line
of by-products ss the result of his re
search. He sells vinegar by the thou
sands of gallons and buysmsny a Uma
tilla county, Oregon, apple that woukl
otherwise be unmarketable, Apple
grower on this side of the line are jus
tified in expressing the hope that Wash
ington will so modify its rigid vinegar
test that his .praise worthy activities
msy be encouraged rather than cur
And a ess like this reminds us, also,
that Oregon and Washington both have
many law that are better honored in
the breach than in the observance.
"Russians Take Mush After Long
Drive. Journal need line.
Our personal preference under eimi-
lar circumstance would be for tender
loin steak smothered in onions mush
being, aa you might say, so deucedly
And alnc the above was in type
note that the exceedingly Weakly Bull-
dogger ed. had the same hunch, only
different, and that he prefer some
thing stronger than mush after long
And we have the presumption to pre
sume that he like something stronger
before long drive likewise, and be- drives aimilarlonlv h
" " w
oarKeep quit extending me usual cour-
testes to the press after the first of
the press
the year.- .-.-
And it's a long, long driv to Cali
Which is all we know and all w want
to know about the Mush the Russian!
have taken.
f Rex Lampman inform os with
many dashes line mm that unite
Burke is married already -to Florenx
Zeigfeld and there' no chance for a
bachelor editor but
V LISTEN We're rather-glad of
it for otherwise Billie might have
thought we were in earnest and act
ress wives are a bit temperamental.
.... . . .
Astoria has been giving many "live
wire" indication of lata that it expect
to be reckoned at no very distant day
a Pacific coast seaport of th first
rank. It ha won a great victory in
the Interstate Commerce Commission's
decision granting it parity of rate with
Puget Sound ports on rail shipment
from Inland Empire points. This is no
more than just recognition of it posi
tion and advantage. There Is also
merit in it naval base campaign,' as
suming that the Pacific coast ia to be
properly protected. ' Astoria atand
boldly alone in its contention, refusing
sny proffered "trade" with Puget
Sound whereby both th Sound and As
toria may profit by government appro
priations. It tersely says:
"We are not demanding this naval
base for a protection in a war with
this nation or that nation we want to
be ready to block any nation 1
"We want a first class station at the
mouth of the Columbia because that Is
the most sensible geographic location
on the Pacific coast to protect th
greatest area of American soil.
There is no ehanc there to bottle
up our ship and from there a fleet can
be released to go to the rescue of the
Puget Sound country.
"To talk of trading at this time does
not smack of patriotism. It smells of
pawn-broking.' W of the Columbia
river do not wish, under th circum
stances, to hsv to rely upon assist
ance from five hundred miles swsy to
defend the fruits of a generation of
our toil and the pas into the heart of
the nation. .
Ws want a perfectly regular naval
base of the first class, and this is the
preponderating sentiment of the Co
lumbia baain. There is ho argument to
be advanced against our having it. The
fact that w are not now adequately
prepared for a contingency I a ill
grace to u and a damning bit of evi
dence of our national carelessness, As
citistms of America and people who
will foot our ahar of the bills, we de
mand that fill eoart be thoroughly pro
pared and that the mouth of the Co
lumbla receive a naval h to All t! t
gaping hole In our naval defenae on
the raclfle const."
The aitteemed E, 0, print this under
a Washington date tin a Snt"i
Stone 'a reply to the inquiry whether he
and Wilson . hid considered warning
Amercan to keep off armed a.eivh
ant men: t
"It I a dammed lie and the man who
said it is a uammod liar," said tie
Which we woukl regard aa asuff
clently concrete rejoinder.
W Were prone to regret the ssn
guluary riot and Inkwell battle In the
Oklahoma legislature until we read
that a Republican state chair-nan hTd
been knocked out, when we felt that
th end Justified the mean. (Will Sim
Barnes concur, and make thia opinion
unanimous') 1
W n J dee that our poor but respect
able newspaper friends at StanlWld,
Echo and Hermiston need not be dt
privedof their dally jitckrabhlt ration,
an 0, A. C expert having denounced
th calumny that jackrabbit cauw
tap worm.
Th esteemed Oregotiian condns
Wilson for lesving the details of th
preparedness program to Congress snd
would likewise have eondomned him
for dictating the details to Cong rest to
there you are.
A U. of 0. student who didn't know
what he was doing but kept right
on doing it I said to hav had retroac
tive amnesia -and now w know what'
th matter with Kernel F. BilUken
We had lid, all right, to th big
parity I red at Astoria, but we never
did like to walk that far to our meals
It may t least be said in fsvi r of
Jean Crones, the soup poisoner, thst be
ha been disowned by th anarchists.
Seattle may be inclined to feel that
Astoria is emitting too many base as
Woodrow Wilson -'Td rsther get
long without a Kitchen in the House."
Uncle Ssm-
."Confound my foreign
relations!". .
FnUtlral Gossip,
Among- the republican legislative
candidates at the May prlmarlea will
be Rojf W. Rilner. who represented
PmatlHa county two yeara ao. and
Dr. J. A. Best, mayor of Pendleton
Frank ftsllng has filed his petition
for renomination aa county clerk. Me
will be opposed In the republican pri
maries by Robert Brown.
County Superintendent I. R. Touns
Is ont for re-nomlnatlon with good
prospect and with no opponent so far
' lht He ears: "During the past
term, tutttee (eachsra snd bettae arhnnt
W have alto been pro
moting several other projects, among
which Industrial club work and spell
Ing contests are th most prominent.
am prompted to try for re-election
from the many kindly expressions
from school official and those gen
erally Interested In schools. If I felt
that my work had not been generally
satisfactory I would not. tinder any
consideration, be a candidate."
It Is expected that Sheriff T. D. Tay
lor. Recorder B. 8. Burroughs and
Treasurer G. W. Bradley will be In th
ring again to succeed themselves.
Judge Phelps and Judge Marsh are
hold-over. Fred Stelwer has not yet
decided whether or not he will stand
for re-election as district attorney.
Moncz to CKzsrrou.
In the County Court of th State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Lewis
Mc Morris, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that th un
dersigned has ben ap)iolnted Admin
istrator with Will Annexed of the
above entitled estate, In the nliovo en
titled court, and has quali lld as the
Isw directs. All persons hsvinir claims
against salcl estate are tiereiiy notified
to present same to me at the ufih e of
the 1,'ounty Clerk of the alwve entitled
court, in the Citjr of Pendleton, in
Umatilla County, Oregon, with proner
vouchers, wuniti six months riom date
Dated and first published this 2Sllt
day of January, A. Ii. litt. f
- r kAnk namjto ,-.
As Administrator with Will An
nexed of the Kstateof Lewis
AlcMori'ls, Deceased.
It's True Economy
Ths" Eccncny Stcrs
W bny for cash and sell
cash at small margins.
Crash and Linen Goods
School Supplies .
Thia Creature tit en It Meuth Due
In It tntlr Litlm.'
What mid )w "f " animal
who ul on hi iuuih You would
guwa It Uhln'l ktn very luucn,
wouldu't you? Neither dove he. You
!vu)J vail blui the dtimiawr of dumb
uhual. lu fact, he's very dumb
that most wile dou'i kumv he' an
anltuul at alt. He's lli' tHng.
No, uot the apoiitf uti uiv aruulut
ed wltu-uot th btttui'iMiit kind. That's
Just bis akeivlon. TU lng
tnlklnit about I I he out- lhat live lu
lh bottom uf tbe sen, wtier h alls all
day on hi mouth.
Id Hi bwluiilng bo's tm egg. whk-n
pllta alt up In many rvlle aud liieu
awluia arouud frr a d.iy r I wo, TImiu
there route a deut lu on side that's
hi mouth. Boon the sponge slot
swimming and luk to th bottom.
DKMilh downward. Tberv be eat and
eat until sometimes b get to be
three feet tall aud thick b 1
fie1 covered with a iellyllk flesh.
When Strang fishermen hunt bltn to
ell they go ont In boot and pull
stiungtw from tu bottom of lb e
with long bandied fork. Then I boy
nut them on lb shore to dry. After
day lb Iellyllk fleab drop u(T and
th flsberuiea trsuip tbe siiooge with
thtHr fet Then Uiey sre considered
clean enough tu sell W really get
lb bone of tbe stnaige, that alL
th Peanut Plant Preteet
FruK From Destruction.
Ilere' a plant mother that baric
her children to protect them. Wbtl
th children of other plutit r belug
kidnaped by animal aud bird, these
youugster are carefully bidden away
beneath th ground so r.wy ran grow
In aafety. Hut man wuu'l penult the
mother to keen her chlldreu loug. II
dig thetu up and eat Uiviu. Tb plant
bt tb peanut.
It hv look Ilk a four leaved
clover. It bhiasoiti are a dainty yel
low, haed like those of tb swrcl
pea. When I her wither and fall off
th mother plant begtna ! worry about
ber l children, for If the utiM and
auluiat klduap Ibetn befora thry rloo
tbey wout bar a cbawv to grow and
produoo more plaut Or XI year.
80 she bends ber stalks downwarq.
and each brad where the flowers bar
fallen oh ah poke In", lb ground.
Tber the Hill seeds dctrlop Inside
of wrtukly. wwrllke p.kl. Suuivtimr
the Ititl lunuriltig motes nnd tuemana
eal ihein. or mayiw bs win com
and root them out. rattaily. bowerer.
they're safe from alt tun Hinders.
A inert, a gnr Ih world tu peanut.
It waa found Orsl In Rntxll Bine It
eommerrlal vHi was d! verel It ha
been planted all over tbe world. Mm
1800 It has been a npl product or
outltern United Stale-I'hlladalphl
North AuietU mi,
Tavra Hsrfss. '
The Marquis of lrnl- bears Mil
that awing from man a tavern sign-
lioertl nil England over London akxi
baa some tig if a diswn. Yrt this s.
ruhller, who roiumamled FambiiHl
roosi lu C.erinaiir dm lug the rVvra
yenrs war. was he larsset f sum of
"Junius'" Bitot bluer bivetUv Tb
secret of hb popttinruy ly la the fact i
tbat Uranby was alanv a aoldlir
general who not only li-l llietn
i well In
Ibe fight, but also a red for Ihelr ctui
fort In tb ramp Tbe lirst tun lu hwir
tb luonints" ImhiI as a sign U snUi lu
bav I we u oik-iioI by one f bis iwu
Ituanlsmon al tlmitislou Alwrt from
Wellington and Nelson the uianittw
omen raslly hrst unimig Kiiiilaud'
tavuru befuesv.- IsMHiua t'hrotikla.
Olatrlot f Main.'
litig lwlise the Keviiiiitlimary war
the tlt to Is now the slnl of
Maine was In dispute between Kiig
land and Pnitne. In 17Kl Km hit re
llniinUhed her claim ! Kiiiflnud. an
In 1TJCI. at lit close of the devolution
Ihe llrlllnh claims were eeiled to the
ultnl Hlate. Pmui Cm till IM2n
aben Maine was adiult'ed to the tin
Ion as a serrate state. It fisriued
part of MaMuiclitisell and whs ealted
province or illsirbi Tiiere were no
Hum soldier In the lievolnriotinry
war: they wer A!siai husetts soldiers
from tbe district of .Miiliie.-l'blladel-
plibi Preaav
- ": Uncsnny.
Th Colonel Hu lit lnk refused to
cash Hint check" I gave you. HustnaT
Rust us-Vessnb. Dtit i-nshler man dun
hab positively d most uncanny mind
Ah elinb saw. aah. The Colonel-Cn
rntinyT flasttis Yessalt. Jen' as soon
as Ab dun tell hltn whose check Ah
had he anbt It was no good eheo be
fo' be duo look at It. sob. -Puck.
, Keep on Right Sid.
"Too Know I hear belter with my
right enr than with inj li ft." said the
"I'erhnp that's why so ninny iwopl
Ilk to keep on th right side of you,
aid tbe court attendant-Yonker
Confidences In th Family, -
Mother I hare Just heard something
tbat you oncht to know. Your father
tells me your htislmnd is boiielos
ly Involved. Married Daughter-Isn't
tbat lovely! Now, nmyb he'll nink
drer nil bt proerty to me.-Pall Mall
tiazctte. ,
Unkind Wish,
nobby (at breakfnsti I've got a bad
bend Ibl morulng. Wlfa-I'm sorry.
Jcnr. I do hope you'll lie able to shnks
tt olT-Pflll Mall Oasetto.
Butter Wrappers i
Furnished and Printed at the Leader office
Sixty (minimum) $0 75
One hundred 10(1
Two hundred... , , i 50
Each additional hundred..,. 0 SO
Trial f a Crsm s) Thhf lh
HI Old Pre'essa.
In Ih AutstVan sJngnsIa ki aa t
Icrvlew with a nieadwr f th Vailed
Plate house of rpreiilv, wb
ti ll of Ih lul liuwlbkf barrsraa
between h)m and kkt old prcftaataai
tb law,
"After I bad bee In roagr a
pi of Icrma I decided that I would ba
happier and thai my family woul b
rastly better off If I wr back ao
prat'tk-liig my profrasloa," b aalA
"Ho after Hi adjoumiikeul f reagres
1 set out t rebuild my aegteeled la
buslnesa, '
- wua astounded at what a Jo l
a as. Aly prartli' wna ass) mtttif
run down t- irairarUy abarwt, II
wna gone! .Xnw, I had am yet
etmie it opiit m-r lu lay pm freaks
before going tu tuiiuresM. ' la itsf ta
mak a comfortable Imimbs I M4 a4 .
bee able I depend akss H tb bew
trr grnd of legal boslne. but Was)
obliged tu da souie of tlis mart tHvtal
woik, sirb every young lawy t
ghid lu get. This class f busluee bai
gnu from a a my abaeat-a. a Wag
with lb rest Aad It 4 met mbw
b Ux tss of a re so tbs4 I has!
ot tboiiebt of. During my lems la
congress hssl mm la b kMliad
aa aa liuportnul Bgur la Ih
ally, and rverybwly regarded at aa
alMiir s h thlnga a prrfvrmlaa krml
vervk-v of a iHvlal or minor caaasr
er. Thus I did aot get th atall I
aesa, and lb big basin waa
lakea rar uf by other lawyers
bad bea coastaDily a lb Joa."
Th Instrument Ws la Us la Irpt
3.000 Vr A,
Tb very Hrst anlbrallc rev4 tat
Ih harp, predating rvea th Ores
aivtb of Ortdieua. UlMMicb II t very
bard Indeed lu aaWr dale la mtba,
bt wbialued fruca lu discovery sat
Key pilau bar pa. not oallk lb mwdara
In general le-luu. bearing tfalea mi
l.tHt year ng. or Wu year bsfara
CraftUi aiad Ms bsrp f wHtow,
Old IrUb br.Hil km are full of tilr
est lag refrreuissi to lb harp n4 It
fuiKtloaa. It aa selex't Ik roaapara
IHely nuHleru date of TIS A. U-aseaV
ra ludred wueit w eon.Hef Craftlaa,
who waa a eotttrmpnrary mi PaiH'M
wbkb eiMitatna tbesa llna fma a
purm dewnt.lng lb tragic deeia at
Curio MscDslrw, king 4 Wast Maaatar
at lb iters si f ibe lararaalloa. TWy
are ddmsed lo r'en-eirtaa, tb kiTa
rblif uilusirvl:
Bisk imsssMSt tin aa tyOasmaat
llerausa the art la Was mlnstwsl a
KrtiM '
At pips or iittssa aad at aarat aa as
And si traatltena, nd St the rsgal
r Krtnn.
Tbt lret will aerr ta bew Uka
versailHiy of tb aanxrr of tb at-
liatr. II sresn lo bav taaea law .
piae wbb-b a waul wera catnaaay
011 al Ih present day. larladUM laa
.h-li.u, . ml ihA i iiinirimr uf tm US
air and lit writer wf tb llbrtavf
York 1'osa.
Ta SsUSMiinf M4i ' '
Patnnrl rrumpftm. a Uiy of tglm
eolMed the Is-st lealurv of lb pk
blug tnni-liltie Invruietl by llsjiyrvav)
ad Arkailglri. added In I beta ssmm of
bl oau siol. after three msjtus st
anxious nd an rrt eirtmet1;. ars
dtictsl h nm spinning mnle, as ramx)
tHM-anse it w aliai or hyrsrt b
tween IlirgrenveV Jenny and Arbv
arhihi'e water fmm. Tb raw aa
preotU bid waa. bo -sever, no aaUrb
la eonnlug for th cot ion lord, wa
soon fonnd out tbe sei-ret nf Ma
uiacbliMT and abaiueieawly robtsstl bba
of lb frnli wf libs Ingemitty. May
year afterwanl. It ta tru. tbey a)
Ihelr Inflnrm e in aernr for aim a par
lliiiuetit grant of lAJXa), but b waa
Ibrn a broken hearted and dkaippolnt
ed aian. In whom lis money earn Wa
late to b of any real aervka
Alaehi th OotK
Alartr, tb first of th herbaria
king ' who entered and aack4 tha
Kieninl City and Ih first enemy who
bad aiHwttred lf ore lu walla bc tb
tlni of Ilnniilbal, la aald lo bar r
ivlved a th prlr af bbt aepaitnrw
from th dry (during th first atag. ba
A. D. 4UHi 6.UW iNMiuds wtgbl af go 14.
I.0U0 pvuml weight of allrar,
silken robva, 3.U piece of acarhH
cloth and 4.000 pound af pepper. I
order ta furnish a portion of tb raas
aom demanded by lb Invader tt ba
cm necessary to melt down aom aC
tbs sutusa of lb ancleut goda.
Th wlh f th fta.
A college president ta aa addr aa
pedagogy ald:
'And on of ih moat retoaraabta
change la tb last thirty year at
teaching I tb abolition of corporal
punishment. A boy of tbt gtratloo
I never whlpisjd. Bnt boy af that
last generation moat bar belWred
that their lustrnctors all bad for motto
'Tb wlb I father to tba
Cutla '-'
n Now that w are In thia great
field alone with each other and natora,
let m tell you a awret secret Bb
Let's go out of this field Into the po
tato patch. Too must remember tbat
though potato bar ya, earn baa
ar. Rnltltnor Amertcan. , .
"Bo yonr manlrnriat ba sued yar
dentist for breach of promised
"Yts, and tb cas Is to b fought
tooth and nail" Boston Transcript
Boatman, ask Dot what to 6o: pott
tb oar that's nearest yon.