The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, February 25, 1916, Image 1

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    roN Leader
NO. 30.
, of cm
Brief Ita .f fecrcl Hews
? ,fixni AH Arcnd the Earth.
Uvfl News Items of A21 Nations and
Pacific Northwed Condensed "
for Our Busy Readers.
Ill CHI U again nominated for
mayor of Seattle.
Th hous of common vote nw
cwJlt of 1 082,000.000 pound iUrllmr-
Tour hundred lumbermen of th
Northwest ar hoUllng a mating In
A Wenatch, Wash., euupl kept
their wedding a Nmt alnc October I
last year.
. Th French aucceed In bringing to
earth a Zeppelin Baking a raid over
that country.
Another Portland Chinaman u ahot
Inthetongwar Monday, and a Hop
81 ng auapect la In Jail.
Croat ave-ancbe ofanowand dirt
In severs! district In Germany hava
! kUled 64 person recently.
President Wilson ha Iliad a patiUon
to plsr hla nam befor tha Iowa
voter In tha April 10 primariea.
"Ex-President Taft declare that
"boaa-ridden conventlone" produce bat
tar results than primary election.
" Several Portland dniRglel ar under
Investigation fur tha alleged aelllng of
grain alcohol, which la uaed aa a bv
rage. ' Mildred Marek, 6) year old. who
, lived near Hols, Ida., waa elruck over
tha heart with a batted baaeball and
died from tha efferta.
The Chicago police are momentarily
efctlng to ttur Jean Crone, the
I aiuurfhUl accuaed of polaonlng aeveral
Ji " hundred banqueters la that city,
y Wlllfsm Orpet, University of Wis
consin Junior, I held to tha grand Jury
la .connection with the death of hla
former sweetheart, Marlon Franca
Lambert. , -.
.An entente alilea'a aubmarlne euc
eeded In paaaing through tha Der
danellea and alnklng four ahlp carry
ing munltlor. Tha vlaiUllon cauaad
a panic In Constantinople.
"All tha lnma tajcaaea befor tha
Surtth court ar disposed of In favor
of lha government on tha authority of
the' original decision, upholding th
constitutionality of tha law.
"Colonlatpaaaanger f area from point
In Wlaconaln, Mlrhlgan, MlnneaoUand
nearby atatea to Portland, Seattle, San
Francisco and olhr point on tha Pa
cific Coaat and In Western Canada war
authorised by the interstate commerce
Alaska's trad with tha outaide
world increased 112,000.000 last year,
according to flgurea made public by
the department of Commerce. Th
balanc of trad in tha territory'
favor waa $27,000,000. Export war
valued at $55,000,000 and import at
$28,000,000. ,
'Report of acuta suffering and ap
peala for immedlat relief have reach
ed Natchez, Mis., from Concordia and
Tnaa pariah, In Northern Louie-
-Una, where a half dosen town, not
heard from for aeveral day, were said
to be Inundated, with their inhabitant
marooned and In imminent danger.
" The steamer Pavlof In Alaakan
water, Bend S, O. S. -
tFaahlon has decreed that the barrel
skirt la correct apparel for thi apring.
. Vir caused 1150,000 damages to the
Inman-Foulsen lumber yard and mill
In Portland.
Sweden aaka Uncle Sam to aid In
tholr protest to England agalnat tha
Britons' Intercepting mail to that coun
, try.';' '
President Wilson haa presented a
lint of American killed In Mexico In
the laat three year, to th senate. Tha
tout la 112.
A bachelor chool teacher at Ever
ett, Wash., haa educated at hi own
expense, seventeen boy and one girl.
Ha i an author of soma note and from
thi fund pay for tha schooling, living
on his salary as teacher.
; Paper mills In tha United Statea are
operating to capacity and many of
them are turning away order, but the
tnoreaao In tha price of raw materials
and tha high price of labor hava re
duced the profit of th buaniess.
Federal detectives ar making a
nation-wide search for the gang of an
archist who, It is alleged, is instiga
tors of tha poiaon plot.
, The Umatilla Indiana object to tha
building of a bridge serosa the Uma
tilla river at their expense, declaring
the bridge ia for tha benefit of the
white man, and not them.
Sawmill and logging companies de
clare that by the middle of March
there will be a shortage of unskilled
labor In these lines. Day labor has
advanced from $2 to $2.25 and will go
to $2.50 per day.
Washington, D. C The object of
th building poH'y formulated In IRIS
by the Navy General Board, It waa dis
closed Wednesday befor the houa na
val committee, waa to keep tha United
State ahead of Germany In the rar
for naval supremacy. Th statement
was mad by Rear Admiral Charles J.
Badger, a member of the general
board, who explained that the policy
had contemplated a fleet of B ft rat-line
battleships by 11 to accomplish Its
purpose. '
The statement did not go Into the
record of th bearing and Admiral
llil..r did not amiiltf It to ehow why
th board had thought such a course
Th admiral waa replying to a aug
geetlon that th object of the old pol
icy, abandoned thi year by th board
for the first time,, was to keep the
A mar Iran navy In second plsr. While
General Ivanofl la In command ef
th aouthsrn group ef Russian artnlee
and, together with General ruellor?,
la given the credit for the sever de
feata UiflkUd en the Austrlana sine
th Teotonlo Invaalon of Russia waa
that waa the effect It had, be said, the
real object waa to keep ahead of Ger
many. , Thia year tha board fixed aa It pol
i .k. K 1U2S of a fleet
equal to the most powerful afloat at
that time, n aaiu. ine TOmniinwir
did not go Into the board's reasons for
i.Lua kauntui (trewinB' OUt
th explanation that th board believed
a fleet IV per cent eupvnur w mf
ft-htlntr tnrr that mlffht b brOUcht
agalnat it would be neceaaary to in
sure agalnat tne invasion 01 American
aoll by an enemy.
Under quoeuoning oj nepreeenuuive
v.llu tnlnl KAar aaid tha con-
atruction of three additional dread
naughU and eight battle cruisers
would place the navy on a par wiui me
capital ahlpa of the German fleet to
day. Germany now haa 22 dread-
naughU ami eignt oatue cruiaer n
said, acwrding to the beat available
inf.irm.Unn. while the United States
ha all told 19 ahlpa of the dreadnaught
class, built or omitting. -
Tn antial Britain's fleet within
two years, Admiral Badgnr said, the
Umtoa Mavea wouia DeouiiKvu u n
. Att forra of 40 dreadnautrhts. 15
battle cruisers, 25 swift scouting craft,
200 aubmarlne ana xoo aesuoyer.
m fve not favorinir auch a program.
but merely answering questions by
Representative Butler. Such a fleet
A.,i.i nnt h hullt in two vears. he
added, though it might be constructed
in four. r'.. .;. -. - - :
Roslyn Has $100,000 Fire.
Tacoma, Wash. Approximately
$100,000 loaa ' was caused by a fire
tsrttnir In anma refuse, awect in front
of the ash pan of a boiler in the big
department store or tne wonnwesiern
Improvement company at Roslyn, a
coal mining town, according to advices
received here. '
In the building were the real and
t mil nf Kittitas county.
These records and those of the com
pany were rescued. Many fusee caps
and much oil was stored in the build
ing, but an explosion was averted.
Blockade Minister Created.
London The government through
the Marquia of Lansdowne, announced
in the house of lords that it had decid
ed to turn over all matters connected
with the blockade of Germany to one
man who would rank aa a fullfledged
cabinet minister. It la understood
that th new post will go to Lord Rob
ert Cecil, who, since th formation of
the coalition government, haa been un
der secretary for foreign affairs. He
will retain thia post, joining the esbi
net as blockade minister,
Man and Wife Fight Duel.
Louisville, Ky. Fourteen-year-old
Geneve Hall waa ahot to death during
a pistol duel between her mother and
father in their home here Wednesday
night. The father, Joseph T. Kail,
42, also waa killed and the mother,
Mrs, Delia Hall, J7, ia in a hospital in
a dying condition. She received four
bullet wounds.
The girl was struck by a strsy bul
let as she crouched under a kitchen
.ft. -,i , t
Seills? Ccsbisalifli
Scheme Is Declared Most Advanced
and Thorough ;of ;Any Fruit
Experts to Tour Markets.
Spoken, Wash. With th forma
tioa hereof th Fruitgrowers' Agency,
tka nrnl.toma af7wtin- the DTofitabl
growing and marketing of fruit In the
elm tea of Waahinglon, uregon, loano
tut hava nrartlealty been
solved, according to participating gov
ernment experts.
Organisation of th agency waa
effected and articles of Incorporation
prepared as th result of an all-day
conference between fruitgrower, rep
resentative of practically every
wllln event In tha NorthwaL and
expert from the department of Agri
culture at Washington.
According to an official statement
Issued by th government officiate, th
Fruitgrowers- Agency is:
"A mmblnad nrranlsation of fruit-
rwmra mnA ellln aranciea roverned
by a board of control divided equally
between In producer ana marceiara.
It ia tha ufctv.flret hraneh of th fruit
Industry, Involving th grower' pro
tection, aaaurea an oraeny comra m
upward of 75 per cent of th fruit
iiwMM nt tha North weet. and mbod-
iea th Ideal sought for year by th
grower in a mutual aeiung syawm
wholly displacing deatructlv compe
tition l fnrmfiiahla arffTaaaivan
and th moat up-to-date progressive
It MmvMaa fiw ran neceaaitv of
the grower In assembling, advertiaing.
marketing, opening new ana wtaening
markets throughout th world, and haa
a Ita ha.ii th Individual and collec
tive require menu of the grower from
the aelling agencies wrougn a unuora
contract around which th entire struc
ture of th central protectivs body is
built." . . ,
- "Th plan of organisation and pro
mJui. mm aHnntad. " tha statement
says, "waa aubmltted by the depart
ment or Agriculture, roiiowing xwn
siv Investigation of the growers'
mmAm hv lha imvarnmant officials
through their previous vtsita In the
different Northwest sections. It la
tha most complete and advanced plan
that has ever been prepared for the
producer or any pertsnauie wuueirj
in th United State,"
Cklato legislators Riot
Oklahoma CltvTumultuoua acns
occurred In th Oklahoma house of
representatives late Saturday while
the members were voting on a section
of an election law designed to take the
place of the faraoua "grandfather
law," which waa recently aecjarea un
constitutional by the United Statea
Supreme court because it in effect dis
franchised the negro population of th
state. '.
Partisan feeling over th new meas
ure finally culminated in an outbreak,
precipitated by chargea of corruption
and the passing of th lie between
members, during wnicn ins. Domes,
paper weight and other fixtures of th
mW iWka ware uaed aa weanons
and a set battle seemed inevitable.
Mariner Age Limit Is Cut.
Washington, D. C With a view of
increasing the number of officers avail
able for American merchant ships, the
United States Steamboat Inspection
service haa reduced the age limit for
oflicera from 21 to 19 year. No
change, however, waa made in the
amount of experience necessary oeiore
an officers' license can be obtained.
vhm f rt a that an unprecedented num
ber of merchantmen are building in
the United Statea and a lack or omcera
to fill commands was brought to the
attention of the service by shipowners.
Birth Control Case Ends.
New York The Indictment charging
Mr. Margaret Sanger, editor of the
wnan RahaL" with Imnromr use
of the maila In forwarding eopiea of
the magazine containing an srac
relative to birth control, waa dismissed
by Judge Dayton in United States Dis
trict court her Saturday on appHetion
of Assistant United States District At
torney Content.
Her case waa to have gone to trial
on Monday. .
Horse Buying la Ceasing.
Kansas City Major General F. W.
Benson, of the general staff of the
English army in charge of the pur
chase of all horses and mulea for Brit
ish forces, declared here that no Amer
ican horses had been bought since lsst
November, and the remount service
In this country would be closed.
Big Wsr Plant Dastroysd.
Bristol, Tenn. According to a tele
phone message received here early
Saturday, t-he new Federal Dyestuffs
& Chemical company at Kingport,
Tenn., 25 miles from hare, waa de
stroyed by fire Iste Friday night The
plant was used for the manufacture of
munition of war and cost millions.
Of Cenerat Jntertst
About Oregon
VXrU-UJtjnjj'Vl"MillfV A a- aa ai a eaaaaaa
firspon Stats Commission Asks
Opening of Northern Gateway
n.Um Rallaf At Or r on lumber
mills and other shippers who ar suf
fering from lack of Kara to ship their
product I sought through opening of
the Northern gateways. To thia end
the Public Service i commiasioa tl
grsphed th Interstai Com mere conv
mlaalon at Washington, D. C. It is
tha hatlaf of tha Orcetm commission
that th railroads my haed a request
. . J . at. , kt aft.
for a temporary opening n u nw
eni route if mad by the Federal tri
In ita eommunicetlon to the Inter
state Commerce commission, th Ore
gon commission said;
"Th car ehortag Is Increasing.
Tha aMttannlafad short Pa OR the
Southern Pacific is now 700 cars, and
on the Oregon-Washington Kaiiwsy
V..lll amnnanv' line ia S00.
There Is no shortag la Oregon or
Washington. We teal taat we are Be
ing discriminated against. If It is
poeaibl to open tha Northern gate
way temporarily we might procure
cars from other line."
Ranllaa to innnlric aent by the Ore
gon commission to tb commissions of
California and Washington are that no
car shortage exist In those statea.
Coos Bay Cities Plan
Biz Railroad Jollification
if.knaU The Marahfleld and
North Bend Chamber of corn mere
hava mmmittaaa omniaed for the pur
pose of planning for the celebration of
completion or ine viiiaroevwj-ciu
railarav from Eugene to Coo Bay. but
they have been unable and will not
likely aet tne date lor some nine, aa
th Southern Pacific offlciala are still
hcaitant about naming a time for the
road to be flnlahed.
According to the disposition in doic
itiaa tha avent and entertainment
will exceed anything ever attempted
before on Uoe Bay.
Ther ar already promise received
from th main boosting bodies in the
Willamette valley that big delegations
will be eent officially, but the eommitr
ta Km ariah tn have it renerally un
derstood that everybody and hla rela-
tivee wU be weloemeo. . in, vow
rlana nf Salem, were th first to give
aasurance they were preparing to com
and see Coo Bay, ana aiuiougn u w
formation came in a roundabout man
ner, they ar expected to participate.
Eugene and Albany ar also among the
citiea that will send excursions, while
the way stations on the Willamette
Pacific will have a general outpouring
of Joyseekera.
Plans for Four Spans Made.
c.i.m Th atata hlirhwav deoartr
ast-eie aF-a-w . -CS
a.,i ..mmwl thia week that it had
completed plana and specifications for
four bridges, iwo in lammu cvumj
A in rvthimhia. Prarjoaals for
the construction of the bridge will be
accepted Dy tne counties wiuun
luwt tlma
The bridge In Yamhill county at Mc-
Uinnvilla will be a reinforced concrete
viaduct to coat 114,000. The other
structure ia a 113,000 160-foot steel
span between Athey'a Island and the
mainland over Willamette Slough be
low Wheatland.
At Veronia, in Columbia county,
a 100-foot steel span will be built over rvaalr and a EfWfoot triider will
be placed acroea Tide creek, near Deer
Island. ;-
No Logs; Dallas Mill Idle.
nallas For the first time in aeveral
months, the large sawmill plant of th
Willamette Valley Lumber company,
in this city, ia clsoed. This ia due to
the shortage of loga. Owing to the
heavy enow storms of the psst month.
work hss been Impossible in the camps
near Black Rock. The supply of logs
on hand when the snow stopped opera
tions ia exhausted.
All camna ar now in full operation.
and by the tnidde of next week the
mill will resume again. Only a few
of the men were laid off, most of them
halne- emnloved in repairing the plant.
which has a capacity of 100,000 feet a
day. ;.
Stock Go to Bunch Grass.
Baker Hope for relief from the
threatened further loss of livestock be
cause of lack of feed ia reported from
narta nf thia vicinity. Horses and
cattle are leaving their straw and hay
for the bunchgrass. in tne vicinity oi
xrk Pnniar where the snow waa
unusually heavy, it ia reported that it
ia melting and that n win not oe ionK
Kaf.M tha erasa starts crowing if
present conditions continue.
John Usy stoexmen expect um vo
ditions that have been very threaten
in. m Imnrava no that livestock
there will be able to. begin feeding
early next montn.
Faire-round Sale Likely.
Eugene Within the next few day
petitlona will be circulated in Lane
county to authorise the purchase of
th Lane County Fair grounds by the
.a a 1S tt Tna
county lor tne sum oi i.u.wv.
property is owned by the Lane County
. mnfiatv. an organization
of Eugene business men, and haa been
leased from year to year iot iir y
m Tka .mnnment haa Droven
unsatisfactory and it ia proposed to
purchase th property ouvngn.
The question will be placed on th
ballot at th primary eiecuon in
a-, f f i ! r
: " 4 .
-Achilleion.- the palac of th emperor of Germany on the leland of Corfu, which haa been selxed by the
flench and converted Into a boapiiaL Tb palac was originally built for Ellxabetb. th empree of Aaa ad
waa bought by the kaiser in 107. Creee baa protested the aelnir of th Island by the elite, and th Utter tar
fuet Juallfled their course by saying that th Island waa used aa a submarine baa by the Teuton. ,
Prtna afirko nf atontenesTO ia SUP-
nnaa tn ha in the handa ot the Aus
trian and It la reported that, a ha
haa had leanings toward the Teuton
causa, ha wlU be made king nf a re
organised Montenegro.
r ill ' - ' K' I
I.laut. finn Sir Percr Henry Noel
Lake, who haa "ust succeeded Gen.
Sir John Nixon aa commander ox me
Ri-iHuh force In Mesopotamia, ha
had a brilliant career In India and
Egypt Ha received a medal in the
ifoha war nf 1878-79 and also on In
th Wolaeley Nile expedlUon ot 1885.
Later he reorganised tne uasaaian
miutta. Ha left Canada In 1911 to as
sume command of a division In India.
but since 1911 he haa been c&lef of
the general staff la India.
Tea Unoertaln.
finma men mend their whole Uvea
m the pursuit ot pleasure." said the
"So they do," replied the philoso
pher. "Men like mat eeem to laser
under the Impression mat msy-wm
Dver be invited anywhere."
Thought He'd Be the Next
The Newsy Tor's yer extra! AO
about the bold-un.
Cy Watertop Great gosh! I guess
TO take th next train ttt hum.
f: 53- r I -
- ,
1 la- '
f JT y iil
J t'i
- -
v A i
ezzztL ; j
" i nrli iiiiii . i 1 1 n i i -iii tr a. jt.. t
The shortage of copper throughout the German empire ia marked to
such a degree that not only have the copper cooking etonstls bees converted
into food tor rifle and gun, but even the ancient clocks with heavy
fume of copper have been made to add to the war contributions. Th plctw
ahowa two quaint old clocks in th Black forest The copper weight of la
penduhfina have been removed and stones have been substituted tor them.
a a-Jian. Kfarsrvtiwl
amplov ot the famous inventor longer
Herbert Spencer complains in his
autobiography that his pleasures were
spoiled by analysis ot their sources,
and we must not mar thi record aea
son tor strawTierriea by reflecting that
-God' best berry" la a mere horticul
tural parvenu. The ancient Greeks
never ate strawberries at two obols
a pound, the customary price en the
oostermonger'a barrows in Fleet
street, and had no word in their laa
tuage tor the fruit The Roman poet
Ovid describes the eating of straw
barrlea among the delighta of the
aoldea age, while VlrgU associate
strawberry picking with the portia of
J j
... T '
1 - f
9 i
H- :-,J J
, ,
miih John Otta WhO kftS 1)0611 III th
than any other man forty-six yer
love. But these were wild straw sor- a
rles, aa were really the "good straw
berries" which, acccrdteg to Bhake-
spear, grew in Ely place. llolbnra.
The evolution of our modern gari -a
strawberries from tha CMiena i. i
ety, introduced by Captain fn .
date mainly from th begterl-s tf
the nineteenth ' ceatory. L'
He Wa W .
Tha Mualcfa (at v:-s ssssvt)
Th 'tlano ia very uch o!it eft
Mr. Wise Fy f
Wsgr-and they west P,