The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, February 18, 1916, Image 4

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    i 'WAHTED.
1 Ku:rRAT.cniJi,tTO
f Better Prices;
l Quick Returns
if. LEES & CO.
alanafwturt rwriw.
Kt 'iMTWt St,
Rsruia. cstsi
1916 Cat ai: a
Sccdw rUi Eitit, Car-,
is, OriJurJ ini tnitrj
Semm, FcrtSaa tic
A raUaMa Wirt Calatae w
KnMi Hvm Oar"Miafcaal
ttubiv" hinrti miamrt mm but
1 an aalr. a aaaarta. Va M
Not Otatef He. (4 rH
! RoriWrtSctii Floral C.
U Wa-m aaaae 4 1. IStnaad. O
UssasslUe Oils and Greases
m Tin Barytas
13 Broadway No. Portland, On
Eddie TrejJ IWtora 1W Ttn
Mf from mt atd anaa. Lasts
aa ltra4 .Soar liitM Writ a.
HO Waahiactoa Bu Pint 11 Ova.
A tuaranteed nnwdr for Colds and
La Grume. Plica 2Se of your drureiat.
It's good. Take nothing else. Adv.
Holland's Sound Policy.
Holland bold Java and her other
outlying possesions, and maintains aa
Important overseas trade, with a nary
of verr moderate dimension that
ranks perhaps twelfth among the na
tions. She fa as some submarines, ana
will increase the number of her de
stroyers and smaller protective craft.
She has also an efficient army, oasea
upon the principle of conscription or
compulsory service. Toe ordinary
field force of the Netherlands army
mounts to about 150.000 men, while
in the various reserves there are per
haps 300,000 more. Holland has six
million people, aa against our one
hundred million, and is not a warlike
or militarized nation; But ahe could
put 400.000 men Into active service
more readily than we could mobilise
one-fourth as many, using our national
guard and other possible sources of
supply. If we were as well prepared
relatively as Switzerland or Holland
to defend our homes, while continu
ing to stand with them, as we now do,
for the principles of justice, honor and
civilization in the world, we should
have at least six million men trained
and equipped for military duty.-From
"The Progress of the World." In the
American Review of Reviews for Feb
ruary. . . .. t
, ; In Far-off India.
In some unknown manner a IMUe
ample of Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh
found its way into an interior village
of India. It was Its own agent, and
from that small beginning a steady
trade has developed and each succeed
ing shipment has been larger. Adv.
In Keeping.
Waiter (to westerner, who Is In
restaurant with city niece) Shall I
bring you a half portion, sir?
Westerner A what?
Niece (interposing) That is the
way you order In these places, undo.
Westerner Oh. It! All right,
firing me a half portion And a quarter
section of beef and a few acres of eel
ery. Judge. . ;;.
ar mm Cfeaaibt.
I LMdvilla- Colorado. 8Mrila arweat Oold.
BOvnr. Leut, U. Gold. BUtar. "too; u
Got, fckr Xiaa
A full arleaia
at o niw-att. A-!rc.l and Cawlrw
Mimas. 1.
. Old-School Sensibilities.
"Do you remember the ballet In
The Black Crook," asked the Judge.
"I should say I do," replied the ma
jor. "I have heard they have even
better stage dancing now than in
.those days."
"Perhaps. There's chance of
our finding out A gentleman can't go
to see a fine ballet now without being
embarrassed by the presence of -a
theatre full of ladles." Washington
'Star. '
. According To Ability.
Country Judge How long nave you
owned a car ,.-',;. -
Motorist (charged with speeding)
One week, your honor.
Judce Urn then you can still af
ford to pay fine. Twenty dollars!
Puck, .
For "Backward" Cows
If rots save acl a cow. T S saefcaca rf fw
! from row k4 lo inttM mad aaa
Wii to dirattioaa. Voq II aa aaxpriaai a thj
tiaca k nakea ia k faecal health mni amis
ywlii. . Kvw Kur ia opeci,Hf ncoaaawndaa aa a
rea!wa aad cm far AboftWB. Barreaaiaaa. Mi
Vvat. corie. Loal Appatka, Baacaaa aa4 eta
Wrtta to - Traatlaa, "Taa Hasw Caw Part."
Fortland Seed Co.,
b ri bud, - "- -. Ortgm
No. 8. 1810
anHtlae ta I
ja? ar 7w m ai k a . -
If Aancnc3 Accepts View.
mm with mm mm
Teutons to Treat Armed Merchant
Ships as War Vessels tnd Sink
Them Without Warning
Washington, D. C. Diplomatic ne
gotiations of various character soon
will confront the United States as the
result of the expected intention of the
German and Austrian governments to
treat armed merchant ships of the en
tente allies as war vessel after Feb
ruary 29.
Apparently it m certain mat any
attempt by the United States to
change the present rule permitting the
of American porta by merchant
ships armed for defensive purposes
would be met by a strong protest.
Correspondence also is likely to follow
if the United States assume posi
tion which coincides with that of Ger
many and Austria regarding the right
of submarines to sink armed ships
without warning.
On the other hand, the United Stales
itself may take the initiative should
the entente allies impose s virtual
boycott on American porta in the
event that this government oectaea
that armed merchant ships entering
American waters are ships of war, and
therefore subject to internment.
The view of at least some or the
reDresentatives of the entente alii
here is that any change made in the
rule bearing on submarine w art are
durinff the war would be an unneutral
act. The governments are represented
as not being prepared to admit that
there has been any change in the con
ditions of naval warfare which woum
warrant characterising merchant ships
armed fee defensive purpose as war-
In Teutonic Quarters. However, u is
contended that merchant ships armed
for defensive purposes are really
armed for resistance and that i
chant ships have no right to resist.
Moreover, it is contended by Germany
that it is impossible to adhere to the
principle of warning merchant ships,
as, should they be armed, a single
shell of small caliber could sink an;
American officials seem inclined to
the view that the contentions of the
German and Austrian governments are
well founded, and from several quar
ters came the information that the
United States might warn its nationals
to remain off merchant ships that are
armed. This, it was said in German
quarters, was precisely what the Ger
man and Austrian governments nave
been aiming to achieve. :
The possibility of the entente allies
putting Into effect a practical boycott
of American porta was widely dis
cussed in official circles. The allies
may permit only a sufficient number of
their unarmed ships to enter American
ports to take away merchandise and
goods consigned to themselves. It
was admitted in high official quarters
that should such a plan be put into
effect action might be taken.
la Prczinst SL lenis ma
St. LouisLocked in s room on the
sixth floor of a popular downtown ho
tel here Saturday night four men
fought with knives, dentists' instru
ments and pistols until all were too
badly wounded to continue. The bat
tle was a sequel to business differences
between two dentists.
When the police and hotel guests
broke into the room they found Dr. A.
F. Johnson, a local dentist, uncon
scious with a bullet wound in the head;
Dr. Charles W. Kennerly, , of San An
tonio, Tex., with blood pouring from
knife wound in his arm: another rr
who had registered as W. E. Arnold,
of Mobile, Ala., unconscious on the
bed with his throat cut, and Charles
Lody, an assistant to Dr. Johnson, cut.
bruised and dazed.
v Robert Dollar Is Sold.
San Francisco The sale to Japanese
owners of the American steamer Rob
ert Dollar was announced here by the
Dollar Steamship company. It was
said that the price was in excess of
11.000.000. The Robert Dollar w
built in 1911 in Glasgow at a cost of
$260,000. Shews placed under the
American flag at the outbreak of the
war. An offer of $1,000,00 was said
to have been made for her a few
months ago, but refused, as the trip on
which the vessel was then engaged
promised a profit of $250,000. ,
.. Ads for Defense Advised.
Washington, D. C. A national de
fense advertising campaign has been
laid before President Wilson by com
mittee of Associated Ad clubs of the
world. The committee said it stood
ready to prepare ' the campaign and
carry it to fulfillment, enlisting assist
ance of newspapers and magazines and
other advertising agencies. The eom-
mitte, headed by Herbert S. Houston,
of New York, president of th associ
ation, also presented a plan for mobil
ization resources for national defense
and for international peace.
Spring ArrtVe on Mars.
Flagstaff, Ariz. What appears to
be the first spring thaw on Mars has
just been detected by the astronomers
of the Lowell observatory. The north
cap itself is in active process of melt
ing, a circular rift having appeared
half way through ft which is widening
and which is conoeKted with the border
by radical tributary rifts. The cap is
surrounded by a clear blue band un
like the tint f the vegetation mark
ing. - - -
era (inr-.s( andtruMtght
with pi ached hers aad poor blood; thty
do not com plate but appetite lags, th;
have no ambilioa aad do sot pfrrras.
Such childra ad Ilia rka mallei oil
SKmrishaient la Scttm funlnn above
everything t!: fuptuscuJUwaroilcu
taias nature's ewe Nondtormiog, Bean
building bus whkh qukkly show in rosy
cheeks, better appetite, firm Aran aad
Sturdy frames.
If your cbildrva are languid; tirvd
when rising, catch cold eastly or tad
their stvduts difficult, give tbtca Smmttm
Cmmhimnt it supplies tha very food le '
meats that their system lack.
ScWt'e aCaaaaMse contains no alcohol
and Use good for growing ctuldrea It's
pity to keep It (row them.
1 J.-L. . - J- -.!.
Elm Leaf Beetle Weret feet
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
vallta. The elm leaf beetle, which ha
already become a sorlou pest In Mult
nomah county. Oregon, and threatens
to spread to otnr part of th state,
may be effectively controlled by lead
arsenate apray applied to th foliage,
The-proper spray fairly applied at th
right time to every portion of the in
fested tree will hold th peat abso
lutely In check, says A. U Lovett, en
tomologist at th Agricultural College.
Commercial lead arsenate paste
should be used at the rate of three to
five pounds of th peat to fifty gal
lons of water. Two applications
should be given, the first In the spring
just as soon aa the leaves are out well.
This is to poison the beetles that have
wintered over, which deposit the eggs.
The second and most Important spray
should be applied about three weeks
after the first. This Is to catch the
young grubs Just hatching and the re
maining beetle. Great care snouia
be taken to get this second spray on
the under surface of the leaves, since
this is where the grubs feed. Where
these sprays are not applied an appli
cation must be made in July to catca
the pests of the second generation.
Newspaper stereotype use Han-
ford's Balsam of Myrrh for relief from
splashing metal burns. Adv.
Glacial Drift T Stop Leak.
University of Washington. Seattle.
That the glacial drift material found
at the site of the Cedar tliver dam. the
head of the Seattle water system,
made Into a cement and placed over
the ISO acres of ground on the slope
below the dam at a depth or live
Inches' will stop the leakage that has
msde useless the 150.0o0.000 dam, is
the opinion of Arnold K. Osterberg, a
senior chemical engineer at the uni
versttv. Mr. Osterberg began last
week to carry on tests and experi
ments to substantiate his plan.
Seattle engineers and experts from
the East who have examined the dam
suggest a similar method of remedy.
but thev claim that It will be necee-
sarr to Import a large quantity of
lime and other materials and also
that the coating will have to be at
least nine Inches deep. They estimate
the total cost at about one-ualf million
dollars. Mr. Osterberg claims that
the products of the dam can be used
and that the expense will not be so
For lame back use Hanford's Bal
sam, applied thoroughly and well rub
bed In. Adv.
A Good Mate.
"Why wouldn't the girl who "took
everybody's eye" be an appropriate
wife for the man who succeeded In
getting the public's ear?- Browning's
Magazine, ,
The Wiss Hobo.
is it you always pick out
bachelor to listen to your herd
"A married man has troubles or bus
own, usually." .
A Baltimore doctor suggests this
simple, but wtiU-tried and inexpensive,
home treatment for people suffering
with eczema, ringworm, rashes and
similar Itching, burning skin troubles.
At any reliable druggist s get a )ar
of resinol ointment and a cake or res-
tnol soap. These are not at all expen
sive. With the resinol soap and warm
water bathe the affected parts thor
oughly, until they are tree from crusts
and the skin is softened. Dry very
gently, spread on a thin layer of the
resinol ointment, and cover with a
light bandage, if necessary, to protect
the clothing. This should be done
twice a day. Usually the distressing
itching and burning stop with the first
treatment, and the skin soon becomes
elesr and healthy again unless the
trouble is due to some serious internal
disorder. Samples free. Dept 7-S,
Resinol, Baltimore, Md.
What an Automobile Buyer Leeks For
F. W. Vogler, president of the North
west Auto Company, Reo distributors.
savs that the fundamentals on which
cars are purchased by the majority of
buyers who have analyzed the situa
tion thoroughly before making a se
lection, are based on four things that
this class of purchaser insists on.
The first question asked la bow long
has this model been on the market.
r Experience has taught 'the careful
buyer that a first year model, regard
less of who is back of It, is more or
less of an experiment and the user
ultimately pays for this experiment
ing. '
When transmission is located on the
rear axle, experience has taught the
buyer that this is a good thing to avoid
because of the shocks it must get over
ordinary and rough roads.
A third point of vital Importance In
the experienced buyer's mind is the
size and stability of the manufacturer.
The experienced buyer wants a car
that is backed by the personal respon
sibility of some one individual who is
not under the constant fear that if
dividends are not of a given amount
at the end of the season the position
will be open for another man.
Service is the fourth demand of the
enstotner who has been through the
mill. He must know from personal
observation for his own satisfaction
that repair parts are kept at the dis
tributing noint Of course the finan
cial and moral standing of the dealer
selling the car is of equal importance.
Portland Y.M.C. A .AotoScbool
Day and nlarttt eta am Exprt traiains
ln rapairinar. driving" and naahtna woric
tncladm- farga. buna, har. drill pma,
trartora. ate. Tlma onlimitj-d. CMHE
Kx sui-fLiiiii. wwie us.
scutes wn m would
put c:
vt m tm im,nm
iwaaw vn villi hwvmimm
Washington, D. C Senator Lane
would abolish the Indian service, do
sway with Indian reservations mak
every Indian full-fledged American
citisen and give each Indian an allot-
r.:r.t en uta U bum.
That accomplished, he would withdraw
government support and throw the In
diana on their own responsibility as
cttitens. He embodied his ideas In
bill which he has introduced.
The Lane bill puts en end to the
Indian bureau and provides that com
mission of three, appointed by the
President at SS0O0 each ahalL under
the exclusive direction of emgres.
work out the details of the plan pro-
The bill makes no provision for the
disposition of surplus land In Indian
reservations, Dor doe it provide for
the disposition of tribal Indian funds
in the treasury.
Senator Lane also introduced bill
to amend the present law prohibiting
L 0 "
If-'' - . J
f 7- Ss
Agnes and Stefan Macchl dl Col
lr. th children of th Italian am
bassador to th United Stats, whs
aided In the Italian war relief fund
by performing native danolnj In i
tlve costume. v
the sale of intoxicating liquor to In
dians. As the law now stands, it Is a
felony to carry liquor into an Indian
reservation, even though it ia not sold
or o-iven to Indiana. Th Lane bill
makes it felony to sell liquor to In
dians, but merely a misdemeanor to
carry liquor into reservation.
Eif Gl'ss Are Roane? A.'csg
Entire Westfifi War use
London The whole western front
is the scene of engagements. At tome
points the big guns have been roaring
incessantly for days, the Infantry have
been engaged in hand-to-hand strug
gles; grenade fighting and mining
operations have played a prominent
part In the battles, wniie airmen nave
fouKht'each other above the lines and
have been cannonaded from below by
the anti-aircraft guns.
The Germans followed up their re
cent successes in Champagne by the
capture of an additional half mil of
trenches around Tahure, in that dis
trict, and their artillery bombardments
In the neighborhood of Masslges ana
Navarin have been answered in kind
by th French. '
To the nortn or sotssons,- arouna
Temv. and along the river Aisne, the
Germans started an infantry attack
but the French put it down." To the
south of the Somme the Germans en
deavored to surround outpost trenches,
but desisted under heavy fire of the
Seventeen fight in the air is the
record of Monday and Tuesday re
ported by the British along their lines
in Flanders. In addition there has
been great activity south of La Bassee
canal, where the Germans exploded
seven mines. Heavy bombardments
and an infantry attack in that section
also are reported, the Germans suc
ceeding in entering a British trench.
Ancona Claim Is Filed.
New York Dr. Cecil L. Greil, the
only American-born citizen among the
survivors of the torpedoed Italian liner
Ancona. announced at her home here
Tuesday that she bad filed in Washing
ton claims amounting to $120,000.
From the Austrian government she de
mands $100,000 and from the United
States $20,000, including $5000 cash
which she says was lost with the liner.
Dr. Greil said that she would go
to Washington soon in the hope of ob
taining an interview with Preisdent
Aero Record Is Broken.
Sen Diego, Cal. Official announce
ment that Floyd Smith, civilian avi
ator, brokti the world's hydroplane rec
ord for a pilot and two passengers
when he ascended 9544 feet here Fri
day, was msde by CaptainI Arthur S.
Cowan, who represented the Aero club
of America at the flight. Calibration
of the official barograph, strapped to
Smith's seaplane, showed the machine
climbed 644 feet higher than the alti
tude recorded in Smith's pocket baro
graph. The figure announced Friday
after the flight was 9000.
Swedish Athletes to Meet Americans.
Stockholm The Swedish football
association has invited the American
Football association to play a match
in Sweden - next summer. - If this is
possible, a Swedish football team will
go to the United States, accompanied
by an athletic team. Ira Nelson Mor
ris, the American minister to Sweden,
in a statement in the Stockholm news
papers, expressed enthusiasm over the
prospects of an athletic meeting be
tween the teams of Sweden and the
I United States. . '
Portland Whsat Plusstam. fl.OT
per bushel: furtyfold, tej elub, N;
red FifX red Russian, 140.
Hay Caster Oregon timothy,
in.60SUS.60 par tons valUy timothy.
$11; alfalfa, $130 oata and
vetch, l3(tCl-
Mlllfeed Spot price : Bran, $3160
per ton: shorts, $26; rolled barley $31
Corn Whole, $37 per ton: cracked,
Vegetable Artlchokee, L 10(31.80
perdoteo; tomatoes, California, $1.7$
t$ per crate; cabbage, $1.6011.75 per
hundred: garlic, II per pound: pep
per, 025c: es-gplant, 5c; sprout,
8i9e; horseradish, l: cauliflower,
$1.15 per dosen; celery, $4.76 per
crat; bean. 10(,tltfl per pound: let
tuce, $i.404t)t.60 per crat; peas, 8(tt
lOe per pound; cucumbers, $1.6041$
per dosen. -
Green FrulU Crapes, $4y5 par
barrel; cranberries, $11.
Potato Oregon, $1150 8 per
sack; Yaklmaa, $1.85; sweets, $3.75
l3 per hundred.
Onions Oregon, buying price, $1
f . e, b. shipping point
Applse SplUenbergs, extra fancy,
I2.S6: fancy. $2; choice, $1,150(1.60;
Jonathans, extra fancy, $1.60; fancy,
11.26: choice, fl: Yellow Newtown,
xtr fancy, $1: fancy, $1.76; choice,
$1 t LIS: Baldwin, extra fancy,
IL&O: fanev. 81.25: choice. $li rus
sets, orchard run. $1.
Egg Jobbing price: uregon
ranch, candled. 40e POT don; Un-
candled. I7ia39c
Poultrv Hen, small. .MUM per
nound: lam. 16tl7c: small springs.
144tl5e; turkeys, live, 18ot20; drese-
d. choice, I4UXM; uucks, ioc;
Htee. 10c
Butter Creamery prints, extra,
.tie nar Dound: first. 82c; second.
Sue. Buttarfat, No. U axe; no. a, iw.
' - ... . a n
Veal Fancy, 12 per 'pound.
Pork Fancy, e per pound. .
Hop 1I5 crop, i tj list per
Wool Eastern uregon, iouxoj par
nound: valley. 25ui26c: fall lamba'
wool 25c: mohair, uregon. sac
Cascara Bark Old and new, Stfe
ner nound.
Catue Choice steers,;
good, $6,756(7; medium, $.60i6.76;
choice cows, $6.60 J 6.50; medium,
75t5.20: heifer. 64MB. 40: Dulls,
$2.5Oi4.60; stags, $3t6.26. .
Hogs Light, $7.Z6(9: heavy.
Sheep Wethers, wer
$4.25.65; lamba, $78.66.
Coast Hop Prices Take
Jump in London Market
Portland More interest I being
shown in the hop market than at any
time sine th recent deal war com
pleted by the Oregon Hopgrowera as
sociation. Price nave not been ad
vanced, but the, market ia on a very
steady foundation.
Th sharp advance in to lomoo
market, cabled th first of the weak,
of 10 shilling a hundredweight, equal
to about 21 cent a pound on Paeine,
confirm advice lately received of the
strengthening of the market abroad,
due to a reduction of English stocks.
Local exporters report no Increase in
orders from th other aide, but antici
pate an Improved demand.
The Bagley crop ox oaies at
Hillsborowaa bought by the F. 8.
Johnson company. The price was not
mads public The same firm oougnt
69 bale from Charles Leith. of Wood-
bum, and a number of other lota at
Wood burn, aggregating 200 bale, in-
eluding th crops of Whitney, Lemry,
Crosby. McCormick, Dubois and Kit
ten. Th prices of th Woodburn lota
ranged from $ to 10 cent.
Apple Shipment Made.
Hood River, Or. Th first shipment
of Hood River apples since Monday,
January 8L left her this week. Wit
mer Sleg, sale manager of th Appl
Grower' association, said h has been
unable to fill order because of th
snow. With the weather breaking
every effort to clean up the stock will
be made.
Report from growers In all part of
the valley intimate no damage from
the thawing of the enow.
Local officials, however, hav no en
couragement as to export of fruit for
the coming season or for heavy aales
of lata export apples. Th Fruit and
Vegetable Producers and Distributors'
joint committee, a London organisa
tion, (a now engaged in a gigantic
campaign to educate English people to
use only home-grown vegetables and
fruits. The local association haa re
ceived from London a circular letter,
issued by th organisation, which
"This committee baa obtained th
support and co-operation of many kin
dred associations keenly interested In
the growth and distribution of British
fruits and vegetables, aad the joint
committee is now actively engaged In
advocating an increased consumption
of these products."
Chang la Smallest in Year.
Portland Owing to the strains in
cident to the annual settlements, some
expansion in th country's business
mortality invariably occurs during Jan
uary, yet the numerical change in
commercial failures last month was
the smallest noted in several years.
As reported to R. G. Dun 4k Co., there
were 2009 Insolvencies, with an indebt
edness of $25,863,286, againat 170 for
$19,606,274 in December, Z84S for
$49,640,676 a year ago, 1867 in 1914
for $39,874,847 and 1814 in 1913,
when th liabilities were $22,972,769.
4000 Americans to Enlist.
Toronto A full brigade of approxi
mately 4000 Americans now living in
Canada will be recruited for service
with the Dominion forces on the firing
line in Flanders, it wsa announced
Sunday. General Sir Sam Hughes,
minister of militia, haa authorized
Major C Seymour Bullock, who came
here from New York and joined the
97th battalion, American legion, to
undertake a Dominion-wide campaign.
To facilitate the speedy enlistment of
the men General Hughes has directed
special recruiting offices be opened.
th gsraga "1 la: .
That's Just th Job I want
But th repair man replied!
work on It ...
"Your car U Not a Reo!"
Reo accessibility means low cos of main
tenance. Write for full details of Vco
The Fifth. The Incomparable Car. $X7o
f. o. b. Factory.
Thl. model kaa MtlsRaa Hvenl, "T .IW
among your nelghbors-becsus It save mony vj "7
DWrttWora. ,
Broadway at Couch SL Portland. Oregon
jr. W.
. , v v.-",-.
Pkt. lOc.J 1-4 lb. ISe.l I lb. t0. Postpaid.
21 and ever, 1 6a. per .. f. b. Portland.
Butzer's Seo,d Store
188-190 Front St, Portland, Ore,
ta4 Miaar kaUrl
r towers. . a iv sk
Um raia Nrl In araa wrt.
, terapa.
There ar Sunday schools la
the world.
Cuba Is asking dvslgna for a me
morial of the battleship Maine.
New Zealand la to bar Its llrst roof
garden, over a six-slory department
store now building.
King In th earliest dsya were
merely "fathers of families" and the
word Is derived from the a source
a "kin." .
A plant haa been discovered la Cuba
bearing fruit like figs la which flies
lay their eggs, to be batched by the
aun. f
Annual production of honey and
wai la the United Btatee has gradw
all nwHinlnd until It now tOtalS In
value mora than 14.000.000.
Millions or bad egga ar seiseo ev
ery year In London, and the eay they
are deatroved la to tID them out of
their casea aad rua a atcam roller
over them.
a revival In bemo growing is re
ported from Kentucky. Tola year a
crop la estimated at $.000,000 peunds.
against 1.600.000 last year, aad .aoo.
eoo In 1X. Wisconsin also Increased
Its acreage.
Forty state of the union nave tasen
.I., laai iHlnn toward safeguard
ing the sanitation of public school
buildings, according to a recent bul
letin Issued by the federal bureau of
aducatlon. . .
Dr. W. T. Orenfell. noted for bla
work among the Labrador flsherfolk,
a... ..n an Invltallnn to take
charge of a division of a hospital unit
that baa been aent to r ranc oy Har
vard university.
A dynamometer mounted on an or
dinary dray ia used by the Untied
Stale department or agriculture w
MsiatAv the tractive force run u I red to
draw various weight over different
kind of roadways. .
For wlr cut us Hanforda' Balsam.
Ta Safety.
skiff, when, luck would hav it, th
bridegroom reu into me weior.
iir.i..i. kaii K-n.l . tha hrlil a rrlnd
"i"i ' -- - -
out that somebody would save ner be
loved. "What forf asked on of th com
pany. "ll'a a good swimmer,
"Don't you ses that he Is swimming
. . . . LM 111- It-...!
towara tne now peasi -i uap
pbla Ledger. -'
Solid Orob. " "
"Mm Van Wnmtiat'a buffet lunch
made a great hit with th men pres
"Something newT"
"At a anmin'i lunch, ve. In addi
tion to the fruit salads and macaroons
ah provided a few ham sandwiches."
Louisville Courier-Journal,
This Didn't Really Happen. . .
"I won't wear my new dresses at
Atlantic City after all."
"And after all the money yon
"Yes; out you see tney re pacxea so
nicely that I hate to take them out or
the trunk." i'biiadoipbia ruuiio ima
ger. ' .
' Speaking Of . Cara.
"Soma are so Intensely modern
that they prefer a Corot to a Rem
brandt.'' -
"If It's a better hill climber 1 don't
blame 'em. Me for the French car
every time." Puck. - - -
Chopping Him Off.
1 don't want to Interfore with your
business, but" began th village
bore. '-' ..'-!' -
"All right" interrupted Cyrus K.
Snapper, "Uo ahead and Interfere with
It! "Judge.
All For Nothing.
"Mother was rather angry with you
last night"
"Why, I didn't kiss you!"
"Just so- And she wsited all th
venlng at th keyhole for nothing."
rniiaucipme tiecora.
Tou can prav.nt
iraufh your aiabla
inraufn your aiabla
ft! M
t li it the uml prU.M
don-f to It at M same p
.... i. .i.i i.La Aire tn.llarV
VOCLUt, rrmuif.
. .
tS l sjm aaaailtMU fMM Mae s Wee,
aa fc k4eVaa aaUaa k
lUaikcreiat Sitaapi?. SJrtaauLsj
Tama M .tae aW aMI
Muaiw a U . wait, ,,iWa. at
Wavak Iwiwt aaat la taaa !
aaMata. nrr nntTu.
Ne Respect Per A Lawyer.
An English Journal tells of an no
tion brought against a farmer for bar
lug called another a "rascally law.
yvr" Aa old husbandman, being a
wltaeas. was sskwl If be beard lb
defendant call the plaintiff a lawyer.
-I did." was the reply. . -
Pray," said th ludg. "what la
your vpiniua of the ituporb of the
word 7"
"Tber ran be aa doubt of that,"
replied the fellow.- ' ''' "
"Why. my good man." aald the
Judge, "there I ,ao dishonor la tba
name, I therer
"I know nothing about that" an,
wered be. "but this I know It a man,
railed me a lawyer I d knock bin
down." , .
"Why. lr." aald th Judg4 Mating
i. ... ik. i.uui -ihat scnllcmaa
. i.u... Mr. A I inA .m law varvt.
-pio, no, repiieo inn iww. i
my lord. You ar a Judge. I know, but,
I'm sure you ar no lawyer." New
York Sun. '
For the big and llttl burn la cook
ing and baking, keep Hanford's Hal-
.. . . . . I. . . L I. I..t
asm of Myrrn near lor cuicn reuei.
Adv. . . . . . '
, 'Stopped Right Thr.
Norbora Robinson was In Boston t
one day, when he discovered that -fc
bad to gel off a lot of tetter in a hur
ry. II called up a typewriting bureau
and asked for th manager. A womao'a
voice replied:
"I speak tor th msnaiter."
"I want a typewriter to coma over-'
to my betel and take about $0 letter."
explained Robinson. "I'v had a ma-
ebln sent up here, and 1 always die-. .
tat to th machine. Can you sand
me a girl who la a iwtft performer T"
"I certainly can" replied tht woman.
"Doea she know how to epeHT"
"Why, certainly. Shea the beat
speller w have In th shop."
"Well, ha ah born sense T Yon
know, I don't want to bav to stop and
explain everything to her." ... -
"She's unusually clever."
Ily thl time Robinson was greatly
"That'a fine." h ild. "Hav her
over here at f o'clock tonight By tba.
way. who la thl girl fit -
"If m," said tba vole.
"Good night) '' Vonctnded Robinson,
all bis Joy departing. "I hereby elect
you aa the honorary president of tha
HateMyself-wHnb." Popular Mage-
sine., V---,; -
: ... '. ' ,' f
nave Uaitr,:ltiroa,atteiaUral'yM -
OaaiiaM awl rflmm aaa siutlite BSe
gaaxly ataay itrnt baiute ll mm s .
UwasUS MeIlna.' Xnrlna U Still Cw
aot)0a Our f kyaialana and uataMi- ,
It Item S Ualiabie aVailaf tar ryatka iaa4 ..
Cra. Try tt Kt your Kjaa and la Usbr'a Sra
Na MtnlKf-Jtwt K Ualm. But aiartne '
tt yaw DrmsiAat tyn't mm atolMiliat, mm II
laiaraaay wnia . " anw vi u '. v - ,m 1
attiMiaai Kit fcvatu fuiAw
J n .
-'-.; ' No Wonder. ;,,.,. -Ths
sentimental brll at a .tnahlon'
ablo seaside resort watched- th sun 'i
set In rsptutoti silence, j
( Then aha murmured: - v i
"See, Qeorge; darling,, how phosphor
aeent!" . . . ' ' '
. "If no wonder,, rspondcd, tba.
matter-of-fact bridegroom, "when you
think how many matches are mad In
this place." Cbicsgo Herald. ,. . .
in v
Sagacious Departures '
"Why did yon com so suddenly out
of Mis Pretty man's boui th other
venlngf" V
"I thought It beat to execute a stra
tegic retreat aa I noticed her father ,
seemed to hav a hostile movement on
foot" Daltlmore American. ''
T Hlp Th Story.
Mary Mild Do you suppose any.
body ever , called Qracla Glttniore-
beaoUfuir t,r .
Carrie Caustlque Reporter twice
described her when shs sloped with
a street car conductor and when she
divorced blm. Judgo. .
BIBTGr.lPOQ " loalhwjma di-a Irorn rtifuiina 4
ant rura all tha rolls euflatinc i rj 11 ".
an 1 rura all tha rolls euflailnc wrrj
wnan you basin I ha trealmant No mattar how your.g.
aPOMN'a la aafa to us on any foil It la windt.rrwl tiitW It
pravrnla all diatampara, no miliar how colla or honwpe at
any aa ara 'ipoawt." All itxA dmrriala and tuif wla
hona.a ani rnanufarturars sail SPOHN S at tu ranta and 11
a boiila: IS and IIS a dosan. SPOHN HtgOlCAt, CO- Cham,
au and basUrialofilsta, Oeshsn, ln4 U. a. A.