' s II I - ,V -e- x- r- m '"SI CI STYL if"? s Seasonable Serviceablo hi i never b ufa, tuilea the war shouU happily result In an international pact We must be strong enough to dlneoursge sgTeaaton or weak enough to lubmit without struggle. Nuut!d die roure (a Imtirated. In this ueaa half luaf la wore than no bread, aim (t a futile rcrlatance. the inking of our ahlpe, I ha pillage of our cities atnt the slaughter of our uif trained soldiery, ' rartial praparwlnaee la' inadequate prrednea, If we ever nxd them, wo will need men by the million, ehlpa by the hundred and guna by the thou sand. Centre and the adiulnlatra tton err in not think in in term of billiona in the progreoeive and eumulet- Ive financing of the prcpardneaa prvgram. "Poufl" yott sayT.Wall, you may live to aee the day when talk like thia hath no such an extravagant sound, We hop not, but hope doesn't claaa a e IT active war insurance. A Reed college professor la quoted ai eaying at The Dalle that It at good for children to lie and to "uVvekip the In atinrt of destruction) to. a certain ex tent." We presume, however, that even ha would draw the line at the In atinct of destruction which prompt the child to explode a giant Orecracktr under the pedagogical chair, and the Instinct to lie which likewiae prompts him toblam thia exploit upon "teach er'a pet." Comparing; Wilson with Buchanan In i editorial entitled "The Futility of Words," the esteemed Oregonian says "In both case we And facility of ex pression combined with weaknee in action. In 1914 aa In I860 word are of little avail: the situation call for action." , What sort of action? Would the Oregonian have art ' unarmed ' man plunge headlong into a pit full of fight ing gladiatora? It eeenia to as that there are pleaaanter methods of suicide. (Phone Main 241) GROCER HABERDASHER WESTON LEADER - CLARK WOOD, Nklihr The Farmers Bank of Weston Established 1891 ."SUBSCRIPTION RATty Strict! in AJbtnct . I Tlii. Year. II M I (tlx Mntttli 0 Fmir Moulin.. 0 40 ADVERTISING RATES IVr inch er month,. ....... ......i.fO fid Per inch, one insertion,.-. ......... 20 I jnrttm, iw line each insertion, . . . . OS r Dank Account Best Asset ' An account with this bank will help you to do right, help keep you right and assist you always, everywhere and with'; all people. The larger the ac count the more good you can do, but it : is not necessary to have a large ac count to start with. Open an account with what you have and we will as sist you to make it grow. FRIDAY FEB. It, 191 I ffrtrrta at Um aetfaffic at Wcilaa, Ore). Htaad-claM wail aulltr.. CANDIES J3l Tlie largest stock of Gigsrs Tobacco and Pipes .,. . - .. in town I ;,T ES and HARMONICAS t j. Kirkpat rick's Confectionery ma M ! DIL C H. SMITH "iysfcian and Surgeon O-Tica In Brandt building OKEOON "-Tie mn m vuur Woston Leader "sub" ' THE SE&SOX WET. Nobody loves a neutral, especially I neutral like Uncle Sam, whose Kjrth I increases in direct ratio to the attenua- I tion of the warring powers. The Unit- led States is the object of German ha- I tred, English distrust and French scorn; Europe's vision is distorted by the I great, war. Each combination of the I fighting: powers is prone to regard the United States ss an enemy because it is not an outspoken and helpful friend. A Berlin newspaper says of Secre- Itary Lansing's note on the submarine I question: - " 'It could lust as well have been stal ed by Sir Edward Grey. 7 A London newspaper says of the same document: . "One might think that the note had been prepared by the Count von Berns- torff." This illustrates aptly the European attitude of mind. It bodea ill for the United States.. When the present war is over and Japan is ready to attack us which she assuredly , will, perhaps within the next decade, if ye refuse her demands for indiscriminating treat ment of her nationals in America and for a Japanese door in China, and if we try to thwart her ambition toward naval dominance ol toe f seine we will have not a single friend in Eu rope to stay her mailed Tiand. Indeed, a bleedinr. exhausted and vet Da I f?ntI"lA!l T I rancorous Europe may say to Japan: alK, JU II I WVJi "Go. thou, and SDoil the bloated oaf!" Whatever other result the war may have, Japan is certain to emerge from the maelstrom with greatly enhanced power and prestige. Germany will not be In a position to barm her, and the Entente will owe her a debt of grati tude. Intensely ambitious and conceit ed, caring only for Japan's aggrandize ment and certain of the united loyalty of her people, she will have no eonsei- entioua scruples to deter her from spoiling an alien race. When she is ready, if the United States U not, she will ruthlessly sweep our nondescript navy from the Pacific, bombard our coast cities and trample our fair land with ber armed horde. The United States, with potential foes on either sea, must prepare to fight or prepare to yield. We will trade mark.4 aft f'l'J rtyrht. oW;td or nm f-r. Hn4 hkhIH. rkttrtim or rhoa and do erililloa (or FBEC SEARCH iukI rwort a iMlmtabllirr. Bank rafvreaeta. PATENTS BUILD rOBTUKta far yon. Our Craa booklet IH1 kow. what loummt udatrnmr- Wribtcodajr. D, SWIFT & CO. TtnT LAWvrna. A 303 Sevcath St, Washington, D. C. The subjoined description of a vivid personality appears in the Monday Crawfish, and w wonder If Dean Cor tina is telling the naked truth: , "Gertrude Hoffman appeared at the Orpbeum in 'Sumurun' laat wk. in a string of beads and a light terra cotta finish that waa greatly admired." THK KKVXOTK HPKRCJI. Tha am-et-h of I ha rvv-nlnif sra dr. Ilvarad by Hoa Wallace Urt'iiii.m," aid the .ronla In tfaicrltilng lh tJn.'oln dlnnar aivra undvr the aua-plcv-a of tha rmtland HiuilUn club. It was also eVarrlbaa a "a kevrot ranntaisn atldraaa." "Mrmta tm an avarlrlwe m1t bank." axrlalmvd thia prlni'lital apaak. r. Mr. Mol'amant, la a vahamant and brutal denunciation of Mr. ttrandale. Thia la lha kind of laadarahlp that damorallava tha Itapuhllcan party In Oracaa and tha country. It dlaaunt Rapubllcaa maaaaa. la Oraavn, It lrta tJamitcrata lo offloe. l rollalle ta a Llncola llrpubllraa. Ha la tor Braadala. Panator Clapp of Wlaounala la on of the foranuiat Irocrvaalv of tha country. Ha I for Uramlala, Sana tor Polndaxtar of Waahlnftna la a former lruralv now rvlurnad to lha Hapubllcaa party. Ha la for ttrandala. Ktupld laadara do not know It. bul two-thlrda ot the Rapubllcan anaaaM ballrve on graat publle quaatlona aa Lav Pollatta, tnapp, Polndaxtar and olhar rvpubllraa t'rosraaalva and pro. ervaalra Hapubllrana ballava, Kapub- Urea miaiii In lhair dally Ufa aland fop tha kind of thing Mr. HrandaU atands tor. There la a klnahlp ot commonalty btraan iham and Bran data. Thara la a mutuality ot talth and sympathy bat waa n iham and Brandrla. Rut Mr. MfCemaat "In lha apaach of the evenlns" danounrad Mr. Ilran dia a "aa avarlcolua mountebank." What a terrible statement to be mad at a banquet In memory ot a dead preeldent who In life loved the com mon people! What a traveety on Lin colnlara la this vulgar slander of lha plain man'a friend at a banquet In Unroln'a honor) It ware better for the party ta Ore- ton that tha dinner bad never beaa held. What can aurh a leadership aay to the Republican maeaee In Oresua, who, wtyre the question aubmltted to them, would vole five to one for Bran, deut confirmation! Waal ran such readerahlo say to the Oretoa Procrvaalvea whom tney a aakin to rome back Into tha Kepubll. can party! MORTGAGE LOANS Term Contract on City and Farm Property OUnRCNT RATH NO OOMMIMlONi- NO HONIWJ, or other eapenaaa. Just like gelling It from a bank. Xn',$tU'M quickly cloa.il. If you need money COMK AND tttl. US. MATL0CK LAAT2 Investment Company 113 riuit Court Strevt, I'endlaton, Ore a" on. LOANS ll HEAL ESTATE u INSURANCE I B STALLIONS D..ll.lnM Da Trmrtrlav. FK. 7A. 1016. it DM o'clock ' Imported and American bred farrherona, IWlglana and Phlraa. A lot of Ira good. big. heavy hone etsjlluna. Ages from twa ta Un years. Ale oris high-claaa aaddle stallion. I expect them to aell for leas thsn at pHvaf mI Coma before aale and s amine horaea. You will be surprised la find them aw good. Thia ia your OI'IHJUTVNITY. Uorsea will be aokl with a guarantee. J. R. JUSTICE, Importer u A!tx Stable it Pendleton. Ortfon VUino umatlale nrktegrouan. The following society note appeared in a recent taaue of the Portland Dra conian, and will be read with Interest and pleasure by Mr. Lanadale'a many Mends In Weaion and vicinity. Ha la among a number of promlatng atu- denta whom West on has aent lo Cor vatlla: Zane A. Lansdale, a popular senior at tha Orecoa Asncultural Collet. Kr rally aurprlaed hla frlenda by allp- pins oft to Portland between aemea- tera to marry Miss Beatrice Bsbcock, pretty and popular vouaa- alri of I Cor vail la. Mr. Lanadale la a member Tha Portland Ova Stock Reporter advisee its readera thusly aa to the live Blocking aituationt 'Full skirt, and also stockings, may K Arcadia club, the members of put belweeo lb ator. and lb pot f ba aaan an Washtneton atreet almoat I FUEL AND HEAT. . And Why Bleak gtevsi Will Olve tha leet Itaeults. The typical household operate oa lh hit or ml rule of thumb. Rffeo ttveneea at aecured either tUroutih bap py c ha ore or the cvlnoUWoc of that ml with aou sound prltirlirt. Why at tb stor In the klb befl kept black t Tb United Htuira bureaa of atandarda aaaerta that iK on wotuaa In ten know. It eaye Mia I tht reaaoo V that a blackened store I the botteat af atovea. A nkkei pluird atora loa half of lla capacity fur b.uea. Do you want your not water plpea to rrauarer beat without kwaT "lllack tbeia brlffbt and sbluuig." aaya lb bo- reou. A bright pli kmum tea heal thita on biaulaled la ilila astwotni, rana and pots kept bright stay but longer than Ihoee not a. Aa Meal kettle k black on the bottom to take brat easily and bright uu lb sSSre t keep beat long. Kurt are too frequently M with out Boderatandtng of tbvlr special 6l aeasea for specls punawea. A coal Br take naif aa boar of coaling to proper eutbuataem for frying egga, aiany furnace work better an email than on large coal. wbJcti also la ntor extial?e. Tb beating aurface and tb Bus of ruraarea should be kept clean. Boot Insula! in eoorr of warmth, aa If aa aabeaios mat were ROTICI TO CUMTOk. lo lha County Corn of the Stale of Uregoa for Umatilla Coanty. In the Matter of the ltal of Lls MuMorrta, Decraard. Notice is hereby given that the deralgned haa been appointed Admin latramr with Will Auneied tit lh alatve enllilrd eatale, la h above ra nt Utl oourt, and baa qualified aa lh law dlrwla. All miihmis having clalwa against said ealat are hereby run load lo present aame to ma at tb offlr of the fou hit t'lrrk of the above entitled oourt. la lha I'll jr of IVmlleuin, In I matllla t'oanlv, Oregon, wltb proiwr voucher, UhluaU ntoolhs from tlat hereof. Hated and first pnhllahed this Mill dsy of January, A. I. IWIA. As Administrator with Will Aa 1 neaed of the Katate of Iwla sleMorrU. IHweaaed. ' ' . . i in . .a in i Weston Meat Market any day. Full akirta were fashionable on New Year a Eve, uw! ' ... Not on drunk" haa been observe I on the streets of Weston a!nc tb new prohibition law went into effect, and this community for on ia well con tent that Oregon should be dry" forever. with hla happiness. Tha brlda la tha daughter of Mrs. H. W. Haney ot Oak land. CaU but for the past tew year haa been making her home In thia city with ner grandparent. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lough ridge. Mr. Lansdala wilt gradual this tear aa a civil engineer and the couple will at once take up their residence In Pendleton, where Mr. Lansdale will asaume bis duties as city engineer. PORTUGAL'S HOMER. Even though tha Republicans are un kind enough to nominate T. R.. tha country will endeavor not lo-deprive bim'of his distinguished position aa ait . i . t - - ex-presHieni. . . w. ... ... f , EUhu Root says that Wilson has mad three fundamental errors which convinces us that Wilson has made at least three ten strikes in the statecraft bowling alley. An editor and a mayor had a flat fight at Walla Walla-which sort of thing will never happen at Athena, by the way, so long aa Friend Boyd is able to run. ., . I". " "Gasoline Scheduled to Go Up," says a Journal headline, and not a few mo torist can so testify who have inspect ed their tanks with a match light "Help the other fellow," says Henry Ford. Can't do it not just now, any way. lie a a rung or two above us sna is stepping on our hands. Income Taa Hits the Ffcrmrrs. According to report from Pendle ton, Umatilla county farmera who got their Ills wheat crops after Decem ber tl are finding that their profits win not be aa great aa they thought by reason of the working of the fed eral Income tax law. The law pro- vldea that no money received after December (1 shall b Included In the statement of receipt for lh year previous. Inasmuch, aa the expense of farming are paid at the time of working, they are Included In the 1115 return. Therefore, next year the total amount received for Itll crops sold on or after January 1, ltl. will be Itemized on the 1M return aa net income. thus a farmer bavins a ISO.O09 crop which he aold In ltl will have the whole amount put In aa income. Thad W. Bweek. deputy In terna! revenue collector, la here Bow and ia explaining the situation to tha many farmers who held their grain (or higher prices. THAT FORTY INCH WAIST. As Jess Wiilard is probably not I teetotaler, it may cause him no partie ulsr Inconvenience to assimilate tha celebrated Moran punch.' Tha local business hous that fails to advertise in tb local paper, indirectly encourages patronage of the mail or der houses. Tha news that Billie Burke gets $4000 a week reminds us to remind ber that thia ia leap year and we are still a bachelor. Greece ia still a problem to warring Europe, and we wouldn't mind if it also had the greaser' to keep it op o' nights. " Optical Specialist I give all my time to the fit- ting and grinding of glasses. I T 1 t . . , w nave pracucea in reouieum six years. All work guaranteed. American Nat'l Bank Bid. -(Upstairs) Pendleton - Oregon T HOMER I. WATTS , Attorney-at-Law Practices in all State Courts. and Federal ATHENA, OREGON Paradoxically enough, Luke Me Luke arises to remark that the- man who has money to burn usually freezes on to it. We cannot withhold a certain degree of admiration for Austria'a temerity in holding up a Standard Oil tanker. - Wall Street ia probably kicking be cause the brand in Brandeia is not of the corporation variety. .., It Mean Overeating, Undareseralalna and Future Peer Health. "Be war of a forty inch waist Una," aaya a -bulletin from the North Caro- i etat board of health. "Ten to on the wan who la ore reet eigni Inches tall and forty Inches about the waist will sooner or later bav to con sult a doctor for gallstones and kidney trouble and most likely for Bright' or some other serious discs. Forty Inches about tb waist an abnormal size and condition aud shows that fa wbo carries such a bnrdeu sronnd wltb him baa aa apitlle oT an abnormal size and proportion. It fur tber sbowa that something Is wrong wltb bis diet or that bis energy la re duced to naught, III appetite la el tber several eizea too big or be "sit tight on exercising. Most likely lie rats excessively of meats, pastries and heavy foods, which means orerworked kidneys and faulty ellniliin'lon "There ta usually one. and only on. diagnosis to be mad of thia class fat and forty. Their bolktnesa, flab- bines and shortness of breath are symptoms baring for their caus 'over fed snd underworked. The bulletin concludes with, "Over feeding contributes more to disease and prematura deaths than under feeding."; Camaana, Wha Wret "The Lanlad,' Died In Ahjaet Favorty. Tbe Los lad" la one of tb noMeat records ever written of national glory and soccea. Camoena. It gited author, determlft. ed to do foe fvrtngal wbat Hornet bad don for Greece. Tb great poem waa written In tb sixteenth reutury. which baa been called tb heroic ag of for- tagat and lis nialn feature la the rounding of tbe Cap of Ootid Hop by Vasco da Gaua. while a moat Interest ma evbod la tb crowning after death of Iocs d Castro aa queen of Portugal "Tb Laslad took tr asm from Loaloa. wbo was sakl f bare founded Lisbon, Its sot nor waa bora about 1030, and bis career, which began tuft llantly. waa blighted by tb dealb of a broken heart of tb ladjT of his lav. for whoa sake be waa hanlabed from tb land. . Cs morns wrote "Tb Lusted la hi banishment and waa recalled la 1371. losing on tb way all hla property ex cept bis poem renalnned at first by tb king, thia great epV poet of Porto gal died In great poverty and misery In 1S7Q, when bla patron waa ale dead ".'" Knowledge and Culture. ' A great memory dout not make philosopher any more than a diction ary can be called a gminuiar. There are men wbo embrace their minds a vast multitude of kleus, but with little sensibility about their real relations to ward each other. Thee may be antl quartan, annnllsts. naturalists; tbey may be learned In tbe law; tbey may be versed In statistics, they are most useful lu their own pluc. I should shrink from speaking disrespectfully of them. Still, tber ia nothing In such attainments to gnarante the absence of narrowness of mind. If tbey an nothing more than well read men or men of Information they have Dot what specially deserves tbe name of culture of mind or fulfills the type of llbeajil education. Newnmn. ' Cnglsnd's First Almanae, The first almnuac printed In England waa tbe "Kaiendnr of BuepbanJe,' wbhh appored In 14U7, Just forty years after Gutenberg printed bis Oral alumnae at Ments. . Kroin that time on ward almanacs were numerous, "omens snd prognostications" lietng added lo most cores to the calendar Information. One of tbe earliest specimens preserved enjoys-the title of "The Prognostyca-' cyon of Master John Tybault, of tb Influence of tbe moon, of peas and wnrre and of sykenesses of the yere, wltb the constellations that be under tb planets and the revoluelona of kynges and princes," London Mirror. Tha Administration ia pretty well able to defend itself, although it has lost its Garrison. ' No wonder Kernel Boyd is dotty, he sticks so msny periods into his "Mulli gan Stew." Walla Walla is hopeful over the pros pect of leaning again upon an army post. The Old Guard's candidate seems to be a bit shy of Rooters. Mrs. C. O. King was called to Pen dleton Tuesday by the serious Illness of per daughter. Origin ef Dollar. Tb dollar waa originally a Jochlms- tbaler-gulden-groecben. But that name was too long for general ose, and It waa cut down to thaler, which was transliterated Into the present form. It could not be either a gulden or a gruscben, because tbe gulden bad al ways been minted of gold. It' was not a groscbeo, because tbat coin waa of email value, so tbe jwo were combined Tbe essential iwrt of tbe nam was Jochlmstbsl, or Joacbimstbal. a It Is now spelled, tbe Joachim rnlley. In Austria, from which the silver was de rived for tbe minting of this large coin. As tbst great silver mine Is lo cated In Bohemia, the original Uhaler was tba Bohemian dollar. Those sil ver mines have sloes attained world wide fame, because tbey are tbe sour of radium, but tbe dollar comes closer bom to most of us. Motor car service to sll points, day or night. Also livery snd feed stablr opposite the Lieuallcn blacksmith ahop. La fa McBrlde. - Basket ball tonight. i Prime Beef Pork. Mutton. Veil Dressed Poultry . ' FISH Monday nd Thursday Ge?t Our Prices , fhons N. hi. ' Order taken by i photi for mall route. , Ten percent Interval ai all ae- count after 30 day. ( Perry & Wcbcr It's True Economy TO TRADE AT " Til EdBjay Store Wt bny for rash and sell for cash-at small margins. GROCCRiaS Crash and Linen Goods .'. NOTIONS , School Supplies ' COT PHONE NO. 233 Nature's Food for horses and cattle Is the grass that grows on meadow and hill. Tha next beat thing ia sweat, clean, hay and feed that cornea from our mill. When you need rolled grain of the right sort for keeping your livestock in fine fet tle, look for our sign and tha good thinn for for vour dumb servsnta- stored In our bins. We handle Hteam Rolled Hurley, Oat ami Wheat; Haled Hay, Mill.tulls and Chicken Peed We're local as-ents for Ptirock Floor and illntchford Calf MeaL I'honefcjl. D. R. WOOD the Feed Man , Butter Wrappers - Furnished and Printed at the Leader office Sixty (minimum). One hundred Two hundred Each additional hundred., $0 75 00 CO so , a