b mi FiJ tis M .--.-v-'; -t Bctlcr Prices; :t. Quick Returns ttUEE3&Cl I hUatafaMarln Partiaia. .. M (an, 291 ferriM tt. S CarM fij. SCOHOFTOVflS ARM FLOODED 1916 Catalci Seth, fUstt, t&i. Car- A R-H.M fiimi OMaU Wmot Ram. 0r raittr" tthirfca. itwl to kar an aair. aa aevata. Yaa nn Ium aad mmmn aertasraf aa. Not tatata N. as rSKI Kaalledjt Sed i Flaral Ca. iss-m tin.! at, riitti. o . FORTLAKD Y.EG A. will At any nUHM laaue Mas at Wasa aa lor atsa-cl.a. siama la Boliwpist SitserrajiiT, Silwirfif T m thta hMlwfca aalaaMa atblatta. agnatic and imh.r.at aivilwaa. at Viouk h tutttna ia feaaa Uiaa Valuabla coaraca ran aba to bad ia Gramamf src and Caller Prwearaawy SuujaMa. KITS OK (.At AiAM Crvr) IVn"l TJMr,V D??3 Cvicu nmsns as hocd cats lHWU. new fca mm m Oils m: J Groses RDERAL riS O FMe Ttra iinlll. ' "THS HOVSS OF SXVKS.m MOTOR CAR SUFTLT CO. to. ' ax Broadway No. Fortune, Ore. Decile Trui Pndn IW Tns Mad AraairouroldanM. Laatajae at Braad Ka TIKfcS Writ, aa. OBKSON VLIXANUIX) CO. UO Wakacaa St, o The Way Home, Two little boys of under lea were skating oa a thinly frmten canal In Jersey City. The tee broke and they disappeared in the water. That would have been the end of the story bad It not been tor a young nan named Ira Strtngham. He bad left hi office to Manhattan aa usual and waa oa bla everyday walk home after bis day's work when he saw the accident. With out an Instant's pause be raced out and dived Into the black bole where the boys and vanished. And be got them. Then he tried to raise the boys to safety on to the Ice. though time after time the brittle Ice at the edge of the hole broke and let them back Into the water. But at last, with the aid of ropes thrown from the bank, both youngsters were hauled to shore and life. Ira Stringham did not fol - low them. He clutched feebly at the rim of the Ice, but bis strength bad . been exhausted and bla hand could not keep its grip. They got bla body an hour later. "There was nothing to distinguish this from countless other cases, yon say; nunareas oi soiaiers are doing as much every dsy." So they are, fired by the call which summons them to a glorious end and sustained by the example of their comrades. But Ira Strlngham beard no such call. No one would have termed him a coward bad be paused, weighed chances, rea soned. "If I go after them, we shall all be drowned," and let the great mo ment pass. Ha chose differently. He was something more than mer slave to duty. His twenty-one years of life may not have been great But be suddenly came to real greatness that night as be went home. Colliers. Mississippi Continues Encroachments oa Levees Wany Who Ignored t ; Warning Swept to Death. "Little Rock, Ark. The rapidly- widening lake tn Southeastern Arkan sas, formed by the flood waters of the Arkansas river pouring through breaks la the laves, bad engulfed a eeore of towns Sunday night, leaving several thousand persona homeless, taking a toll of IS lives and doing damage es timated at many thousands of dollars. Sua greater damage la feared a the Mississippi continues to rise. Pre dicted stages at Arkansas City threat en a break in the Mississippi levees, which would precipitate the greatest calamity. Ail day 700 men who remained in Arkansas City toiled tn an effort to strengthen the levee and they were hopeful that the town would be saved. The narrow strip of levee Is the only land in stent there. On one side is the great river, swollen until its sur face is 15 feet above the level of the town. On the other side ia a great flood lake, nearly 40 miles long and 20 miles wide. From it only the upper stories of buildings in Arkansas City protrude. At the levee are three steamboats ready to carry the plucky fighters to safety should they lose their battle with the flood. The river rose two-tenth of afoot Sunday, to the level of 5.7 feet at Arkansas City and was still rising. Telegraph serivce with the town still is maintained, and the last word from there was optimism. "We'll win the fight," flashed the operator. At Gaines Landing, four miles north of Lake village, 400 persons were on the levee without shelter. In Clareandon, on the White river, where the levee broke, water was six feet deep in the highest portions of the town. The river bad attained a stage of 97.4 feet and still was rising. Little is known of conditions in the rural districts the flooded area, but there seems little doubt that many who refused to leave their homes in face of repeated warnings have J per ished. The present flood had been the most disastrous ia the last 40 years of Ar kansas history, so far as loss of life and sufTeri ng are concerned. The property loss his not boon so great be cause there are now no crops to be de stroyed. Washington, D. C Sneaker Clark and Republican LeaJvr Mann fought side by aula In the house Monday for adequate National defense. With cartf line obliterated, moat of the members followed their leaden and! two navy measure passed without a dissenting vote. One, to provide for adding S00 midshipmen to the entering class at Annapolis next July, passed 173 to 0, and the other, to equip nary yards for construction of bsttlaahlp Kos. 43 and 44. passed wlthoutVollcall. Mr. Mann tried to put the anti-pre paredness advocates on record by call in for a division on the naval acad emy bill, but there were no negative responses. The appearance of Speaker Clark on the floor to campaign preparedneas measure aroused wide Interest. Ru mors persisted that be would take ac tive charge of the fight to increase the army and navy. Majority Leader Kitchen having joined the opposition. r GENERAL ARLABOSSE 4! n-; Strength Mol&ernood tlsse far eisarlaMat. aat fat aw a .Bahtta, ana aefaina exsetde tn value ef goad ehaar, newlfal viarris sad SCO ITU tilt LSI ON. SCOTTS rwtrlSlON carf the blood with bfe-eusulnlnt rkcaaeas, ! nervous coadillons, Bids the qua my an1 quantity w ouui sad Insures eufneirat fat. fefaS im I IMS oua U ai iii main aali nm a r. U- .aaaWrSa) M4fcaal NORTHWEST MARKET KETCItfS; CLNrjAL CROP CONDITIONS tip General Arlabosse, en ef tha French commander, standing In front sf hi "mansion In the rrenoh lines In eastern France. Ve Caa Gt AOaaTs raaa-faaa rKCC Wrlt Allca a Olmiled, La Kor.H. Y,tor free tampie of Allen's. Fot-iwi. It cures sweating. bJlurollcii, aching tu It makos saw or tight choas easy. A eertaia cars foe eortiA. ingiowluf nail and baniona. AUdrua guu teii ic S&c. lMm't aceaot aay saoaUlul. . His Pedigree. Old Pumas wss Just as little ashamed of the colored blood la his veins as was his son. A troublesome man was boring him about his origin. "Your father, M. Dumas, was the son of a wJiite Frenchman and a Degress T" "Tes, monsieur." "Your grandfather and jrrandmother on the mother' aide must have been coal blackt" ' .., ' " "Oul, monsieur." T r "And your great-grandfather, M. Du aias?" ''He was a monkey, monsieur.. My pedigree begins where yours ends!" .. Some Weather. - , Roland had been sent out on the porch to see what the thermometer registered. ' "Well, how cold is itr asked his mother when be came ic "It's down to sero around the feet and just plain freezing around the hands," was Roland's report. It Depended. Mrs. Hiram Offenr Ar you very careful with the china and glassware? New Girl Depends on whether or not I like the place, mum. Boston Transcript New York Police have been s signed to portect the subway system from the Brooklyn terminal to the Bronx terminal and tha Hudson and Manhattan tube on the strength of report that a threat has been made to dynamite the underground roads. The Inter borough Rapid Transit company has admitted that polio help has been asked. - A dozen uniformed policemen are guarding the Hudson Terminal build ing. -v War Cril Hiss Cg3 Piddgf. Niagara Falls, Ont. Several towns in Western Ontario were thrown into panic lata Sunday night by a hurried call to arms of the home guards. Buglers hurried through the streets sounding the alarm arid unfounded ru mors that one of the bridges her had been blown np added to the excite ment. - . ' At Saint Catharines, theater audi ences were dismissed when the men began to leave in response to the bugle calls. Guards were doubled at ammu nition depots there. No official at Saint Catharines would say who order ed out the guard, but it was under stood to have been a . general order throughout the province. - - Munition Plsnt Goes Up. Ottawa, Ont A report that the Jardin monition factory at Hespeler, Weterloa county, Ontario, has been blown wp has been received by the mil itia department. A request has been made to have ordered out an overseas regiment stationed an the neighbor hood. , Hespeler I situated in a remote part of Waterloo county and the mili tary department has been unable thus far to obtain details regarding the ex plosion. Tha town is 12 miles south east of Berlin. Dove Christen Vessel, Wilmington, Del. The hospital ship Helen C. JuiUisrd wss launched here I Monday at the shipyard of Jackson & Sharp. It is to be used by St. Johns Guild. New York. It is the gift of Mrs. Helen C. Juilliard, wife of Julian Ti YT1! rrt , TT J 1 II Juilliard, of New York. Mrs. Johns Wi. AJilUl J. a UCU1UIIU Rwvra. of boat. Constant Hopes. "Why do you keep buying lottery I tickets T You seldom or never win a I prfio." ' v - "Wby do yo keep buying canta-1 fcuipea? Louisville Courier-Journal DENTIST XfenUX Offices and Laboratory. ErfamaaaM ffrtstrfajTfy f-fwva for mm4 urtitatiai Maicwc ra !. aKSt aUaaatlPMIW mmd Mr WhasTwiagy is Tils ' '' 1 aaalwri ta aw saaa ia aaa at nro aars Ubm, I'xk h AbulsSefy CsaraMeei. iIiiu BalMias. 4ta rtoar. Wasaiarlaa 'xur raaat Mar. , raroaaa. Oaasasy P. N. U. No. 7, Si wrMna at aiaiUa Ams 3 New York, christened the No wine was used, The sym bolic custom of the Japanese was em ployed. A large basket of flowers tied with ribbons and filled with doves wss suspended from the prow, and the doves released at the moment of launching. Pulpit Left for Defense. New York Rry. Charles A. Eaton resigned Sunday as pastor of the Mad ison avenue Baptist cbucrh here to participate "in the sbsping of the new Americanism the narar era of Chris tianity which must Inevitably follow the European war." Dr. Eaton, one of the most widely known clergymen of h Is denomination, is an advocate "of preparedness and said that he plans to orrite and lecture on the subject. Immediate improvement of the navy by designing new battleships along the line of the best now in use, doubling the membership of both Annapolis and West Point, creation of many ad ditions regiments for the army and short-term enlistments to produce a reserve, were among suggestion made by the Speaker. He said a expected to discuss the subject of preparedneas generally soon. - - Mr. Mann reiterated hi previous pleas for a larger army and navy and aided in maneuvering the bill to pass age. "This ia not the time for crim ination 'and recrimination," he said. "It is not the time to find fault with that which ha been. It I time for all to join hands for that which may come. crepe. Africa kts lit native languages and ilalect. Argentina baa T.I1M1S horse and ll.no.m sheep. 8paia has 1J.500.000 population of whom 4.00v.00e are farmer. From on family la France Tt nllsted for the Kuropesn war. One Paris motion picture plant pro duces aa average of I.Ove.OOO feet films weekly. Broke bone ar aow quickly heal ed by a injection of boa dust .petroleum around (he ruptured enda Jsnanese ar producing mors ins 10.000.000 tons of coal a year irons mines la Jspa and South Manchuria. The hewspsper announcement that run is aow tn fifth place as a ess nlng state probably has no reference to the rather recent turmoil at the state, university when so many non- Mormsa professors war ousted. 8DrinKfteld Republics. It seems probable thst ao steel ves sels will be used la the New round isns sea fishery next spring. Five such vessels were recently sold to the Rus sian government, and It Is said thai others will sooa be bousbt for the transportation of freight to Europe. WANTED Evor Sanaa waa aaas a Laa- lara la arrita aa for ecaenptm paxpalvt af DADW 8AFKTV LA.VTKKN. tha Light af all ucata, for all parpaaaa. wind, rata sad vaathar prool. ailiaji jaw 1 Has) U. la iL. fa Has I Needy Youth Outnumber Avellabls Scholarships University of Wsshlntlon, Seattle. Really deserving students who have sought relief from the payment or tul tlon, under the scholarship provision of the legislative enactment, number more than 400. which Is 10 more thaa the university can succor. 8lx hun dred and elebt students asked to be excused from psylng the $10 fee, but about too were found to be hardly eli gible, under the rules laid down by the faculty committee In charge or scholarships. The members of th committee are In despair as a result of their Inability to aid all the needy youBgsters. (tola Ic&ss lHea War 01 Wli&s ia fsba, Arizcsi Flagstaff Th Indian on the Na vajo reservation are threatening to kill all the whit inhabitant of Tuba and born the government buildings there, according to William Durbree, superintendent of construction of the Indian school at Tuba. Durbree ar rived here Tuesday. Tuba Is on the "Painted" desert, about 90 miles north of here. " " The few white families living at Tuba have bat small amount of arm and ammunition with which to defend themselves, Durbree said. Superintendent T. Rank and two police officer of Tuba attempted to arrest a "bad" Indian January ZB, Durbree said. The Indian shot at the officers and was killed when the police men returned the fire. Friends of the Indian immediately began to foment trouble among other Indians oa the reservation. After-Hours Law Upheld. San Francisco Ben GuidonL who spent $85 to appeal to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals be cause of his arrest at Juneau, Alaska, March 15, 1915, for being on the streets of Juneau after 11 o'clock at night when without apparent means of support, was refused redress by the higher court. Guidoni sought relief on the theory that a "man without a job" had the same . constitutional rights on the streets at night as one withe job." Ths Federal court up held the Juneau ordinance. ... , Police Guard Warships. Washington, D. C Placing of ex tra police on the Brooklyn and Man hattan bridges Tuesday when the cruiser Washington .passed under was explained by Secretary Daniels as a precautionary measure taken by Rear Admiral Usher, commandant of the New York navy yard, because of the receipt of two letters calling attention to the fact that it would be easy to destroy warships passing under the bridges by dropping bombs on them. The secretary said there was no inti mation of any plot. Slike in Seattle Kills Two. Seattle Two persons were Killed and a third injured late Tuesday night In a snow and mud slide which wrecked two cottages at Magnolia Bluff in the northwestern part of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Eo ward Carney, whose home wss wrecked, were killed. August Bsuder and J. Ackerman, who were visiting the Guraeys, escaped, si though Bsuder wss slightly injured. The lide. carrying rocks and trees, swept 850 feet down to the beacb. Airman Fsfls Fifth Foe. Paris Sergeant Pilot Guynemer, of the French flying corps, has just brought down his fifth German adver sary, and has been mentioned for his exploits in an official communication. He flies alone and uses a great biplsne which makes 90 miles an hour. Stop scratching! Resinol relieves itching instantly That ' Itching, burning skin trouble which keeps you scratch ing and digging. 1 a source of disgust to others, as well ss of torment to you. Why don't you , get rid of it by using Heslnol Ointment? Physicians have prescribed It tor over 20 years. In most cases. It stops Itching Instantly and heals eruptions promptly. It is very easy and economical to use. . , ' ' A New Cn. " Mrs. HcGreevy waa a dinner guest one evening where a noted explorer wss the attraction. . Being of a some what languid turn of mind, she psld more attention to ber dinner than to the conversation. After dinner was over she turned to on of the guests and asked: . .-, "What was that tiresome old explor er talking about?" ' 'Progressive Patagonia," waa th reply." ' Really T" asked Mrs. Mcoreevy with sudden Interest - "And how do you play ltr New York Times. : During Th Holidays. ,,; 'Here's a New York club woman says a woman can do a day s House keeping In 10 minutes. Do you sub scribe to tbatr . "I've seen it done when mother was in a hurry to get downtown on ber Christmas shopping." Loulsvlll Cou rier-Journal. .. ; Chsraeterlstfe. Said He Mrs. Uppson certainly Is a tactful woman. She seems to carry evnrythlng before her. Said She Force of habit, I pre sume. I understand she was a wait ress before old man Uppson let bar marry him. Indianapolis Star. wair f ft J y aaA'ir, I bawv actrre aa. NORTHWESTERN AGENTS Portland Seed Co., Portland, Gregoo Stock Run Is Small, Portland Indication paint to mall run af atosk at taa yard this week, ajklea weather ondltloM ma terially Improve. Only twe loads la and bat Utti la know a to be transit Thar was nothing Klng aside from a few bog sal a. A top grade load want at ff.M and ether la proportion. TheUone of taa market waa etoady. Tha rang af pries at taa local yard tat various elaaaes of livestock waa a follow I CatU Choice steers, l7.tfcJT.TSi nod. ls.Tfel.7: Medium. .0t(a.TB choice eowa, S&.10 it is; medium. f4.T6ttl.ro; heifer. 4a.0s bulla. M.l0&i:a.i0: staas. l6Vifa.IS. Uog Ugfat, IfcloT.M; aeavy, WIT. Shaea Wether. 16417. as; tAt&fflAU! lambs. l7tXa.M. Wheat B luestam. 11. us: ronyioia, : club. Te; red Ufa, tasj Irad Russian, tea. Mlllfeed Spot prlca: Bran, 1110 per ton; ahorta. IS ; rolled awiey, taiaTSa. Cora Whole, J7 per ton; cracked, 13. Vegetable Artichoke. tM0l.S0 per dosen; tomato, California, $1.60 tf.1.75 per crate; cabbag. fl.KHCl perewt.: garlla, 15 par pound; pop per. 10 t lOe; eggplant, lasjiis, sprouts, a,;9e; horseradish, 10c; cau liflower, 12.160(1.60 per craia: esiery. tlTSaiS: beans, lOftlXie per pound lettuce, S147&11.M per crate; peas, SatlOe par pound; cucumbers, 1.76j I oar doaea. Green FrulU Psara, ll.S0pr boa; grapes, fa per barrel; berrleav til. Potatoes Oregon, 11.60 per feci Yakima. 11.76; sweats, L76J aart. Oulor Oregon, buying price, I! f. , b. shipping point. Apples Spltsaoberga, aiua isney, tlU: fancy, tt: eboiea, Il.t61.60 Jonathan, extra fancy, $1.60; fancy, fl.tt; choice, $1; Yellow Newtown, extra fancy, tt; fancy, f 1.78; choice, tl tS 1.16; Baldwin, estre fancy. 11.60: fancy. 11.16; cbolea. Ill rus sets, orchard run. tl. Eggs Jobbing price: Oregoa ranch, candled. 41 tt 44 per Buying prices : Premium quality, 17 e No. 1, t6e; No. t, tOe; No. t. tie. Poultrv liens. ssaalL 14 ft 16c large, 166$1; small springs, lstfltc torkaya, lire, 1820c; turkey, area sd. eboiea, U&Zbc; ducks, ltlSc wee, 10a Butter Creamery print, ettrae, t4e; flrsta, tie, seconds, 10 pound. Buttarfat: No. 1. lSe: No. a. wc. Cheese Oregon triplet. Jobbing buying price, I7e pound, f . o. b. dock Portland. Veal Fancy, 124ilfie pound. Pork Fancy, ta pound. Ilone 1916 crop, sidtlfls pound. Wool Eastern Oregon, lW2Bc; valley, S626c; fall lambs' wool, Z6. mohair. Oregon. 18e pound. Cascars bark Old and new, BiUW pound. . . '. . . Wheat Bids Raised. Portland There was an Improved feeling in tha wheat market here and bid locally and la the country w relied. Except la tha case of blue tt, however, local price ar still under the dollar mark. It waa the recovery at Chicago, where big export baying sent price no 8 cento and bettor, that turned the course of markets in th Northwest Bids sent Into the country averaged about a cent higher than In the pre ceding week. Aa to the extent of selling by farmer not much was known, aa telephone eotnmunleatloni are Interrupted by tha lea storm. New train in wheat with the Eest put through for shipment from th In terior. Wheat bids at th Merchants' ex. change averaged about 1 cant higher than on Monday, except or prompt bloestem, which waa t cento higher, C ' Send East for Eggs. Tacoma Scarcity of local eggs, both fresh and cold storage, has caused dealers to send East for their supplies, the first shipment of eastern eggs rolling la this week. The new arrival are of ordinary quality and are quoted at 80 cants a dosen, . Sev eral carloads have been ordered and will arrive as aoon aa possible. Th demand for egga ii reported good. Ranch egga are unusually scarce, say dealer, and no definite market Is recognised. This grade ef egga de mand anything between 85 and 40 cents a dozen. The local cold storage product holds steady at 88e a dosen, but the supplies ar about exhausted. However, dealers are hopeful that a change will oecur In weather eond! tlon and the hen will resume their duties. Shortage In Egg Supply I Acut. Portland The shortage In th gg market continue acute. Very few ranch egg are coming from the coun try, and but for the supply ef Eastern storage eggs recently received, the situation would bs serious. A part ear of Oregon, shipped to Seattle a short tlm ago, has been brought back to this city. Ranch egg were quoted an- candled around 41 cents. Poultry and dressed meat receipt were very light. and there was little demand. The but ter market ia also hampered by tb unfavorable weather conditions. Oil Find Excites Medford. if sdford Considerable excitement has been caused locally over the rind ing of coal deposits and oil indications In an artesian well being drilled on the Cbadwlck ranch, ft few miles southeast of Medford. The well has been sunk 1000 feet, and three veins of coal, ag gregating 20 feet In thickness, bsve been pierced, while considerable oil sand has been found. The superin tendent In charge of the work Informed the owner, C H. Chadwick, of Chi-: esgo, of these facta, and all work was ordered stopped until be arrive. 1 NATIVE LIFE IN NEW GUINEA alamlaa and Mwrde teem Claeely Ceaaea Praal'aas Aee tae laaeesnt Aaen"" Th aisedHI led last t rti na BrntsB New Oulaea gir Rosert Clark reeulted la the d every tae eeatesae, w is s easier H tae party red ia " May wh had avr eeea a aklie eaa ksfora. . These aaUvee practice aails which k. ..II kuH k.ri-.aralclh !!) VM a aaseeetto, "No MM OOI thsas,' aye tr Robert, "la supposed te die aurally. Th magta eea leiie ke la gulag to die, aaa h prop only doaa dla It aaav Bot be all ajBBOlUBa. upaeaiag a mas to told that he to to die rraaa a saaka bit. It to eot la nt to maks aertala t hi death. Whea a bus to dead hi relative aiuat (i a head ee that hi eplrlt will nat la saua That est OB a BSUr- deria asaedlUoa and get their head rmm tha nearest tribe tlM eaa ssr srlaav It doesst Bislter to laam halher tka bead la thai M a vomaa or child. "Th strto will eot marry a aa- leea he ha a eertala asaiber ef head aad ha killed a ataa la aaraoaal ecas Whea a aw house I buiii taer uat ha saer hllllaa. hecause me poeia ef Ue house have te he sprinkled tl heaiaa blood. The hideous rare aevr nun, for a trie which kaa heea attacked aiast aesb rvaga Th eosUsaal fear ef surprise at tack la show la U character of the boas. These were built la the treea They wer rested oa scaffold polee 8fty to lity feel from th grouaA era haaailfullv thalched and were eblety eeaatracted of aalai leave Thsy were loopholed la the sio ror now aad holes bad heea toft la the Boer throegh which toae could dropped aa the head of aa my "Large aaaatltle of etwaes are hept la Ue bottsee. Tkaae tree dweller also wear a kind of bamboo eotreas. wkleh to arrow-proof aad would he shot-proof. The arrow ased era about Br febt loeg aad are projected from very aewerful hoaa 1 feat tblak white mas oould draw their howa I have haowa a anas to he pierced through by aa arrow from a distance ef IM yarda-Pittsburgh DUpateb. Way ef retrrd Pslloe. Count Beacheadortt?, the Reeslaa aabsasador, who I la mourn tag for U toee of hie son. Count Patr. hUled la aettoa. had among hi predeceeeor ra the title oee who told a curio ue story af the thoroughness or ta PMrocrad police la the early aiao- teeath century, lis hsd lost hi pock' t book eoatalaiag a considerable sum. gsv notice and hsd tb oay stored to him wlthla a day or two, without the pocket book, ebortiy aft' er he found that Ue pocket book. Mill eoatalaiag th original aotea, waa not tost, but hsd slipped Into lb llala w hi far coat Naturally, he ersed whence had come Ue restored mosey. He discovered that the police, rather Uaa admit failure, had collected the mossy smoog Uajnaalree. Ixodes AdverUaer. prawbaeka ef Madieval Mat, Mach of U medieval m aat which Cobhett says waa pleollfu: and cheap bum have heea poor etna. UaiH the Introduction of root crop la tb eighteenth century cattle aad sheep did aot become evea moderately plump till the end of summer, wall lack ef fodder mad It Impossible to keep much Uv stock during lbs win ter. Oa tit Martin a dsy (November II) arrangement war ususlly made for slaugbterlna oa a targ scale, end for tb next six months fresh meal worth eating was practically unob tainable. Until the spring grass was again ready Uere waa a rua on salt ad beef and salted mutton. Malted beef la excellent for a change. Hut have you ever tried salted mutton f London Chronicle. : ' Reguletlng Eleetrle Lamps, The demand for regulating Ue da gree of light from s etectrlo lamp ha resulted la a lamp wblcb bss been recently exploited, containing twi separate Blatneots of th lamp, which may be operated separately or to.toib er, giving Ue lamp a rating of ivu watts, with sscu Oiaraeiit taking I0U waits. A conoumptioa or v.f wait per candlepower la claimed ror this lamp, nd It haa a life of 1.000 hour If tae Dlamonts are burned separately, or 1,000 when Uoy are burned together. An Empire Ranch. W hear often of "captains of Indus try." "Nspoleoos of nuance,- and land barons." but wbat title is imposing enough to fit the Australian cattleman who owes or controls 18 J 00,000 aores of reach land a domain aa larcv aa Feaasylvealaf first Pstsnt for Plow. The first patent for plow I said to bar been obtained by Joseph Pol- lamb la 1710. His Invention was close ly followed by other plow makers, and be mcu ue aame practical iaea that has been ao elaborated leyUi aoU-turalsg Instrument of today. , The Morning Brickbat. "I m of the opinion," said the fat hoarder, "that proceedings should be Commenced against this coffee." Why soT" inquired the lanaiaay, glaringly. -Because," replies: me rat poaruer, it refuses to settle." - Reason Why. "Whs- ara von asklna m for hslnf Hsfen't you any close relatives T" "Yes. That's my reason why I am appealing to you." Birmingham Age- Herftld. . Mother ToUs0 HAN FORD S Balsam of I Syrrh A IINIHIN T For Cuta. Burnt, BruUee, Sprain. Strain. Stiif Naclc. rkHhUIna. Lama Hack. OU&tODn Wound. and ail tixtcmal Injurk. Hads Since 1646. rrieeSSe, 10 aaal 1100 Oa WRTTa nT$ i e. Hat-f b't. e All Dsslc BkkUi.kaa.ai. I Nahx Reliable EYE WATER a lMl a wax tm a. lai.au ana4 aa tm rr aa a m aa a Sal ae watTsri'ars.M.aiJrr jomn uvauaraoetisaca, 1 1 ;ir Portlanit Y. M. C. A. Auto Schssl Par aad aM .laaaw. Ktaart Walaaa la ataiiM. 4ftt a4 awftiaa Hi MaMw Msv aiav .Kai-v. SnH trwlunL , .whm. 1-4. T.r?Mlrkl'lu ANII UMUAM- kuri uki. an La TYPHOID 9H JftArtP vaAaBaawafaTP laaa Saaallaaa, kumt aw tM mwmm l IwBja,.) Vatiaa.' Sanrateawa auw t a 4 ' lUf aa mm a a !.. a, r.kaiS VaMMM. i Triiiia cw,)Ma, tsc cvrrra Uaoaaiorv. trtanrv. cm. t. a mnm ... ma wwl SjS W"Mii anaM, yaa a T. na" um af I aaia H aw. ai I im xa .jjiLS.ja,i JiJJJ 'i . iij.ji ,uaai Tee tlmpi. "flood aftereoon." said th great de tective. "IJav a cbslr lemporartly. of course." Mr husband action have bea punllng me." oecaa m womaa wua tl( blab heeled gown. "Kvery even Ins after supper he mysterlnualy dla- sppear. and never returns until mid nltht He never tells nie where be has been, bot f suspect the worst, for be alwsys come bark with a tnr of far aowder on bis rtxbt siiouiuer. ana I've found long hairs oa bis coat. Dif ferent colored feminine hairspink, maroon, mauve, all colore. Hum." said the great etuv thoiishtfutly. "Hum." I should aay so." rHivu e wo man In the high-heeled gown. "What's the nrsrvat dance nail u your house r asked the great detee Uve. and she sua wer d. "The 1'alala de Hop." Bprinsing to tee teiepnone. ine greas detective called P Ue "I'slals de Hop." "rage Mr. Dooser, ptoase.- us re quested. "Hllo. Is this Mr. PuoscrT it 1st ThsnK you; mars aii. Wonderfutt" brestbed Ue woman with the hlith heeled gown. "I ll atart In tomorrow and take dancing lessons myself." . "Tbat the best way to stop mm. greed the a- d. "Eleven dollar, please." Detroit l"ree ITess. ? BaaSiBy, Bna, aalra1 ee Ooaiiata M Fkrai.waa axnl alxrtae aVrO aBMtr saaaf t ese M ae a-4 aa a IMatwua K alwiaioa. Manae t still Vua ami .44 a Oar rajtatetaaa a4 guumt til than aa Bauae aaiwr lot urn mmm I ara. Trr tt la oa ra aa la Utr" aa Na aarUS-Jwrt Ka Uimttf. M arias wt rvar prvs lmt ara-.vt aa aubMHxta, aa If latwM4 re " ' " MVaUHat Bla ItKUaUiX iX, tWJCAAra , Xatterlrtg Shots. That crncHins noise you pear in ine distance Is smnebody breaking a New Year' resolution. indications are tbat there are aov eral pluce to the rd piece party. ;, '.) a A Mich I cud woman committed u(- oide by swallowing two twenty-dollsr gold pieces. Why in Ue world didn't sb swallow 139.90 and call It a bar gain day blow-off T ay - ay m Far be It from ui to cast reflection on the esteemed gentlemen on me bench, but the man who can't figure out wbat wss in tha president's tnee- sago Is no worse off than the one who had to wrestle with a court decision of 60 pages. ' w w w Tint call for sulphur and molaatl HI Specialty I hear they have a sinking dog la vaudeville." "Then I guess he sings bats. a rollee." Baltimore American, Exactly. What do vou think T Maud say she will not allow any man under If . to call on her." " ; "Well, lau t tbat th llmltr Forewarned. Mother Tpung man, don't vr let me catch you kissing my daughter. Toung man No ma am, I won t, Michigan Oargoylo. C Gee Wo tainnfal Baata BaaMatai i. awMwiral Itara al mn-tlt-a cm all kind, of allm.nl of ajia and innn with, aut afMtralion. uwd frtMi tha waAdarful Cbin-a. aarbaj room, bmtt and naMsliua, hla ara anknawa at th. bi1ImI nn of lata asantrr. Vint lot bl.nk and rlrealara. Hat sUun. COmUVtHSluH FHbtt. Addm-a Ti t Gee W Chines Meuickt Co. ISIH riral St.. Pnrtlaad, Or M-auoa t-aeal. mm Distemper CVUXS THE BICK--3--' nd prav.nts othara hevlnr h dlaa no mnttrr how ipt..d. so cant. anS It a botti., IS ana 10 a oin battlsa, All soud drussiala aad turf guuda huu.ea. POHN MEDICAL CO., Chamlst and atcUrlelofllsts, Co.h.n, 'ins., tl. a. A,