The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, February 11, 1916, Image 1

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    Weston Leader
westok, ouxgon, feiday, vehiwahy 11, mo.
NO. 34.
Brief EesEa'cf tail fa
Uvs News Items of AD Nations mi
Pacific Northwest Condensed
(or Our Busy Readers.
Now York murders during 19 1 S war
140, In 1914. 2&7.
Large rebel force of China have
been defeated at Ping Shan.
Washington stand on (ha Lualtania
tut with Germany ia unaltered.
Colonel Hepburn, ax-repreaantaltve
from Iowa, diM of heart trouble.
Evening dreae tbla eeeaon It to b
win colored with lavender veal.
German raider capture British llnar
Orlasa bound from Chi la to Liverpool.
An air mail rout from Fairbanks to
Brooke, Alaska, la proposed to tha
Poatofflc department. : ,
Colonel House, President Wilson's
paraonal adviaor, who visited Euro
pean belligerents, la returning noma.
Llnar IJarvard in danaa fog In San
Francisco bay, rami ataamar Kxcel
alor, which sinks. No Uvea war lost.
Tha National sub-committee of tha
Democratic party forecast tha noml
natlon of President Wilaoo without op
poaltlon. Mr. Annie Fauet fatally ahoota
Rav. H. M. Cagle, Baptist minlatar,
at ttberman. Tax., claiming tha preach
ar Insulted bar.
A war correspondent declare Car
many ia instigating revolutions In tha
Far East, hoping to keep Japan from
aiding br allies. .
A Grwk apaeial commission baa
eubmltted long raport relative to tha
, damagaa caused to tha town of Saloo
iki by tha raeant attack of Zeppelin
airship. : ;
Twenty-five studentof th Unlver
aity of Oregon, bava baan notiflad that
Uiey bad not aarrwd tha tight required
number of bourn' study and wara de
clared "flunkara."
An Amur Ir an army of 1,000,000 man
will naad the aarvlcaa of 10,000 sur
geons, according to an assertion by
tiurgeon General W. C Gorge, of tha
United Statea army. - ,
Tha nous Committee on clalma fa
vorably report Rapreaentativ Sin-
nott'a bill aouronUuinir 194.648 for
tha aattlamant of all approved clalma of
Sherman county, Urftjon.
After aatahUatmtg a monopoly of tha
sugar trad SwIUerland will again at
tempt to ft port larga quantltiee from
tha Unltoj state. Tha annual sugar
Importl amount to 40,000,000 franca.
Prince Oacar of Prussia,1 flfth son of
Emperor William, baa baan slightly
wounded in tha bead and on tha upper
part of tha thigh by ehell splinters
during the fighting in tha eastern war
Astoria, Ore, A rapraaantatlva
eommlttaa of rltlsana of this city are
prosecuting a vlgoroua campaign or
tha location of a government naval
beae of tha first class at or near the
mouth of tha Colmubia river.
The camgnlgn is predicated on the
broad claim that the Columbia river la
tha logical location for tha third Pa
cific Coast naval base of tha flint claaa;
that It ia capable of admitting and ac
commodating the largest vaaaals of the
United Statea navy; that it Is the port
of entrance for the greateet interland
of the Pacific coast; that it is the
liMtut aiul Huut nutlill frnm tha Pa
doe to the Atlantic; that it baa tribu- Secretary Believes Kaiser Interprets
tary to it, easy of asaemwy, an ma
terials necessary for the maintenance
of a naval station; that It can be moat
aaaily mined and fortified for defense
and for tha operation of battlashlpa.
scout cruiser and submarines; . that
for Uia government to neglect to ade
quately equip It aa a naval base of the
BerUa and VYashbgtca Differ
as b Tern "IllegsT
Bora katichs ecoc?22f ir?cnTm
Illegality as Referring to Entire
Campaign of Submarines.
Ik' i) ii i u iiiBMiasas i nMmnmwmmmmmm4mmmmmmmA
Vt4 trook It In eommand of tht
Canadian farm that hava prJ
thamaalvta to ferava -umI alTtttlva In
tht luptttan war.
Tha Interstate Commerce commle
alon authorises tha Union Pacific and
Oregon Short Line to carry hay and
arraln at reduced ratea for 80 days.
Thla order la designed for the relief of
Block men In-states that bava recently
been snowbound. --. '"'
Roofs of two larga Seattle churches
collapsed under the weight of snow,
Carman officials bava aeised all tax
tila products suitable for army or navy
UB. : . . fy, (.V', ." V ' "' '"
A Constantinople dispatch reports
the suicide of Crown Prince Yoaaof
Iseddin. -alleging 111 health M tha
onus..' , ; 'i . 1 , .i'v
k, Taylor, a Southern Paelflo en
linear, died in the baggage ear of his
train near Wateonvllle, Cal., from tha
narvoua shock caused by running Into
a harrow caught on tha track.
Great Britain baa promised tha
United States to permit the prompt
transDortatlon from Rotterdam of a
linre ouantitr of augar beet ae
bought In Austria for sugar beet farms
in Utah. This Is expected to make
' tha United State independent of tha
European supply. ; '
Hies Minnie B. Werner,-who fell 18
storlee from a window of tha Trans
portation building in Chicago, baa re
covered consciousness. Her first worda
were; "1 must be hard to kill." Fhy
aleiana believe the glri will recover.
She owes her escape to the fact that
aha fell on top of a covered auto truck.
Tha Premier of Russia, Jean L.
Goremyktn, baa resigned on account
of ill health. '
Paris reporters And Colonel House,
, special agent of President Wilson, a
regular Sphinx.
The Canadian Pacific, tha Canadian
Northern and tha Grand Trunk Pacific
railroads announced at Calgary that on
instructions from the Dominion gov
ernment officials, an embargo baa been
placed on shipments of rolled oata from
Canada to tha United Statea. The
ruling applies to all special mill prod
uct manufactured from oata.
first claaa, and to fully fortify It, is to
leave tha logical point of attack open
to the mercy of a hostile fleet.
. This ia move ia line with the non
partisan preparedness program of the
general government, and ia a serious
effort to safeguard tha Uvea and prop
erty of tha cilisena of the Pacific
Northwest. It (a argued that the
equipment of the Columbia river aa
outlined, is absolutely necessary for
the protection of the Northwest coast
of the United Statea, Including Puget
Sound and the larga naval investments
at Bremerton. '
Boiled down, the argument, aa
forth by the chairman of the Astoria
committee. P. C liarley, is aa follow
The Columbia can and should be
made aa Impregnable aa tha Darda
nelles or the Kail canal.
This can be accomplished by fort III
cations at it entrance and close within
its harbor and by the maintenane of
mines and submarines. ,
The Columbia should bava tha ad
ditional arm of naval base of the
sistance of attack by a foreign fleet at ljf gfUl9 fmoSS tfl
or our coast tine irom aan
Washington, D. C The on word
illegal." aa differently interpreted la
the United 8tates and Oermnay, pro
trude from tha tentative draft of the
Lu I tenia agreement, perfected by
Ambassador von Bernstorff and Sec
retary Lanalng, aa tha stumbling block
which baa caused Berlin to refer to
tha negotiation as having reached
crista and Washington to characterise
the situation, as grave.
Germany's answer, presented to
Secretary Lansing Friday by Count
von Barns torff, proposes instead of aa
out-and-out-admtasloa of Illegality of
tha method of aubmarin warfare
used by tha Geraca naval authorities
in sinking tha liner, an acceptance of
liability for tha loea of neutral uvea,
which Berlin bopea will aatiafy the
United Slates and a It 11 not bind Ger
many from continuing tha submarine
German officials believe mat weir
previous promise to discontinue sink
ing unresisting merchantmen without
warninc bnnae tha submanna
palgn within the pal of International
law, and that any inclusion of that
phaa In the Lualtania agreement ia
unnecessary and humiliating to the
Imperial covernmenU
Tb word "Illegal" in the draft ua
German ambassador transmitted to his
government aa meeting all tee conten
tions of the United Statea la taken to
hava been regarded la Berlin aa being
susceptible of application not to tha
Lositania case alone, but to the entire
aubmarin campaign. That la tha only
explanation which officials here caa
find for tn statement ox vr. gammer-
man. under aecretary of foreign af
fair, that "the United Bute sudden
ly made new demands whica it is im
possible f or ua to accept"
Beers tary Leasing declare uai ua
poaltlon of tha United Bute waa un
changed, and the Oermna ambassador
knew of no new demands which war
embodied la the proposal he aent to
It la known that tha only change tb
Berlin foreign office has mad la tha
agreement drawn by tha aecretary
and the ambassador la to substitute
for the word "Illegal" a phrase which,
while assuming liability for Use Uvea
of neutrals lost on the Lualtania, doe
not admit of construction Into prohi
bition of submarine warfare. Tha dis
patch the ambassador received and
presented to tha aecretary waa brief
and covered only that one point. Oth
erwise tha document la unchanged aa
it waa drawn to meet all the conten
tions of tha United 8 late.
Of Contra Interest
About Oregon
env nan of our
Francisco to the Strait of Juan ue
Fura. .
Our fleet at Puget Sound would be
bottled un In the event of war with
Great Britain or bar allies, and with
tha Columbia river as tha point of con
centration of a larga reserve it would
be possible to speedily send a fleet to
its relief, either to the Sound or to
other points on the coast aa far aa the
Southern Oregon line.
:The Columbia baa tranacontinenai
rail linea and highways reaching di
rectly by watergrada into tha interior,
providing facilities for easy and expe
ditious movement or supplies ana
The Columbia river basin contains
about one-third of tha available unde
veloped waterpower of the United
States, and fa rich in undeveloped ni
trate for tha manufacture of explo
sives. Considerable coal depoaita lio
within it confines or are directly trib
utary to it.
Theae resources, available for our
own mlantenance and defense, would,
In tha present unprotected and help-
lesa condition of tha Columbia river,
he of immense advantage to an attack
ing force, and easy of capture.
, . . .1 in ii
700-Foot Pennant Flown. ' '
Seattle, Wash. The armored cruis
er Saratoga, which haa been flagship
of the Asiatic fleet for six years, ar
rived at the Puget Sound navy yard
Wednesday night to undergo general
repairs which will cost 1200,000 and
require several months' work. , The
Saratoga, which as the New York was
Admiral Sampson's flagship during the
Spanish-American war, entered port
flying a pennant 700 feet long, a foot
having been added for each man
aboard. The pennant waa kept afloat
by small balloons.
Carranza Man In Mutiny.
Laredo, Tex. A mutiny in Nuevo
Laredo among the troops of the de fac
to government caused tha closing of
the international bridge between this
place and tha Mexican town. About j
60 shots were fired and much alarm
was occasioned here. Censorship
tablished by the municipal authorities
prevented the full facta from becoming
known, although It waa said sue mutin
ous troops had been captured and that
loyal men were patrolling the town.
States ca Sa&s cf linsr Appi
Washington, U C In tha name of
tha British owner of tha steamship
Appam, Sir Cecil Spring Rice, tha
British ambassador. Friday lodged
with tha state department a formal re
quest that tha ahip be turned over to
the British consul under the terms of
the Hasme convention.
Notice also waa aerved that it would
be In violation of International law It
the United Btatea permitted the Ger
man orise commander or the Appam
either to Increase the efficiency of
that ahtp, add to her offensive power
or recruit hla crew. Lieutenant Berg
haa only 22 men is bis prise crew at
present, a number Insufficient to nav
igate a shin as large aa me Appam.
A compliance with tha British sugges
tion only on tha latter point would ef
fectually prevent the departure of tha
Appam from Newport Mews. ,
, .Attacker Show No Flag. .
London. A British official commu
nication aays the master of the Harri
son Una steamer Commodore, sun by
a German submarine In the Mediter
ranean December t. baa told tha naval
authorities that the ship waa fired on
without a showing of colors by tha
submarine and that tha submarine
carried two tlaga rolled up on its flag
The communication says the subma
rine apparently carried German ana
Austrian flairs, ready to fly either, ac
cording to the nationality of the ship
Teutone Buy All Grain.
London. The Bucharest corres
pondent of tha Timee aaya that Rou
mania haa mad arrangements with
the AustroGerman syndicate for the
further sale to the latter of 1,000,000
tons of corn, 860.000 tons of wheat.
160,000 tons of barley and 100,000 tons
of oats.
This disposes of the entire remain
der of the Roumanian crop available
for export The price for the wheat
waa the aame aa that paid by tha Brit
ish government
Boy, Aslssp Weak, Dice.
Marinette. Wis. After sleeping con
tinuously for mora than a week, Aug
ustine Beauuhamp, years old, son
of Mr. and Mrs. August Beauchamp of
Eacanaba. died Saturday. Tha mal
ady of which the lad suffered remain
a mystery. t
AH Oregon Schools Wilt
Celebrate Burbank Day
Tuesday, March 7th, will be ob
served by the public schools of Oregon
with appropriate axerclsee celebrating
tha anniversary of tha birth of Lulber
Burbank. .
Superintendent J .'A. Churchill an
nounce thla fact In , the 1910 Indus
trial Club Bulletin which will be ready
for diatributfon by tha 16th of Febru
ary. Not only will thla bulletin eon-
tain thia announcement, but it will
hava Mr. Burbank 's latest picture and
a paraonal letter rota him to the In-
dua trial Club member of Oregon.
"It seams particularly fitting," ssid
Superintendent Churchill, "in connec
tion with our agricultural and Indus
trial club work In tha public schools,
that wa should bava a Burbank Day,
and with proper preparation and axer
cieee familiarize tha boya and girl
with tha man who baa accomplished so
much for human prugreaa. When farm
boys learn that soil chemistry, horti
culture, stock breeding, etc., require
aa much brain activity aa do electri
city, law and medicine, and that Bur
bank ia claased with such men aa Edi
son, and baa an income greater wan
most lawyers, they will hesitate before
tving to the cities to become flunkies
for corporations whose managers will
consider them only so much property.
Misa Marvin, state librarian, will
give out Information tailing the pupils
where they can get facta regarding tha
Ufa and accomplishment of Mr. Bur
bank in order that they may arrange
an interesting and profitable program
for that day." -
Oregon Loan Shark Law Upheld
' On Appeal by Supreme Court
Salem In an opinion by Justice
Benson, the Supreme court bold that
Oregon "loan ehark" law, passed by
the legislature in 1913, ia constitution
al. The opinion waa written in the
cane of the Stat of Oregon againat E.
E. Ware, J. Wieeen, O. O. Grovier
and J. Rirchada, and affirms the judg
ment of Circuit Judge McGinn, of
Multmonah county. Dissenting opin
ions were written by Justices Burnett
and McBride.
In appealing the case to the Supreme
court, following the conviction of all
four defendant, attorneya for the de
fendant contended that the law waa
invalid and, fruther, that the) admis
sion of certain evidence by the lower
court wa in error.
Answering the allegation that the
loan shark" law waa claaa legisla
tion, the higher court declared that
the law waa necessary to protect vic
tims of rapacity as far aa practicable.
Justice Benson held that the paaaage
of tha new "loan shark" law by the
last legislature while the appeal in the
case waa pending waa not enough to
causa ita dismissal.
"Usury haa been looked upon with
disfavor for ages," wrote Justice Ben
son, "and it baa been uniformly held
that the state may either regulate or
absolutely prohibit the taking of usur
ious interest."
Endowment Is Charity.
Salem Holding that the "E. Henry
Wamme Endowment Fund" waa
charitable corporation the Supreme
court haa issued a writ of mandamus
that Corporation Commissioner Schuld
ermen file the Fund's article of incor
poration aa a benevolent concern. The
opinion waa written by Justice Mc
' Acting upon an opinion by Attorney
General Brown Corporation Commis
sioner Schulderman refused to file the
articles under tha statutes relating to
charitable croporationa. Tha attorney
reneral held that the corporation was
one for purpose of profit.
Health Certificate Issue.
Roseburg A case which baa no pre
cedent in Douglas county, and prob
ably not In Ore iron, will be presented
to the grand jury during the February
term of court, according to buthernn
and Oakland people. - The case will In
volve tha question of whether a mar
riage can be annulled if it ia proved
that the bridegroom obtained a health
certificate in violation of the state law
under which a medical examination is
required before a marrige can be per
: !
1 .a
U .JT,rJ, ;
- Power Site Action Taken.
Hood River At tha annual meeting
Tuesday tf the stockholders of the
Farmers' Irrigating company, a sys
tem covering a portion of the West
Side orchard district, tha board of di
rectors waa ' instructed to appoint a
committee to finance tha improvement
and development of a valuable power
site on Hood River controlled by the
ditch company. Only enough work
will be carried to hold the power site.
On the board of directors are: J. T.
Jeffery, T. F. Johnson, August Guig-
nard, Charles Keed, M. H. Micxeisen.
New Creamery May Enter Tenmile.
Marshfield The Hazel wood Cream
ery haa algnifled ita intention of enter
ing the field ror dairy proaucis at i en
mile and shipping from there to Port
land on the Willamette-Pacific when
the railroad open thia summer. The
company may operate a gasoline boat
on the Tenmile Lakes, buying cream
from the ranchers on all the inlets.
There ar 800 dairy cows in th dis
Borne of the second cabin passengers of tha Greek eteamer Theasaloniel which we abandoned at sea. The
aaaaentera were brought to New York by th steamer Pstris. aboard which this photograph wa made. Aftr be
lacbattered about for eighteen daya-by tha terrific galea of th North Atlantic, which threatened every moment
to send the Theaaalonlkl to the bottom, tha Greek on their arrival wept oa the ahouldera of kinsmen and country
men, who gathered by th hundred to welcome tnem aa irom mc peso.
swsssaaaaSaaaaawaawaansasisw ss
Scene amid the ruina of Eaat Toungstown. O, after the town had been looted and burned by riotoua atrikera
following a battle with armed guard of tna joungatowa oaeei ana nam Hnupur. ; v
Robert Vincent alxteen-year-old aon
at Dr. John Vincent, a prominent
physician of Boston, ran away and
enlisted in th French army. After
eight months at tha front he haa re
turned to hla home, in some rear 01
receiving a spanking despite aia ex
periences and hla newly developed
mustache, - . -
Physician to-tha Prealdent
Dr. Cary T. Grayson, the prealdenfa
physician, la a Virginian, thlrty-aeven
j ears of age, and a navy man. Ha en
tered the navy as a paymaater and
mimed a Tear later to enter the mea-
tcal school of the University of Vir
ginia. He was assigned aa th phy
sician to the White House In the laat
few months of the Tart administra
tion, and haa been there aver since.
He haa had aevea yeara of ae duty
and haa traveled nearly every clime.
He has an attractive, nonasseruve
personality, la a daring eroes-eouniry
rider, and enjoys a fox bant
How 8n Cured Him.
"So Katharine married ber husband
to reform him. juiq sue aucceeu i
"Completely. She so xtravagani
that ha can't affrd even the smallest
et his former vices." Boston Evening
f-1 ;
Count von Bernstorff, the German ambassador, nearly wrecked the
speedy little roadster he drivea about the capital the other day when Count
V. Macchl dl Cellere. the Italian ambassador bowed to hint from the aide
walk. Th German official admitted he waa ao frustrated he almost ran hi
car Into tha curb. The photograph ehowa tha ambassador In his car.
Seen aboard the Norwegian oil tank steamstlp &Mo after tie ter
rible explosion that killed 1J persons and injured score ci ciosrs.
disaster occurred ia a drydock at Brooklyn.