The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, January 14, 1916, Image 2

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    Having received a large new
shipment, we are better pre
pared than ever to supply
your entire family with stylish and service
able footwear-the Foot-Schulze brand.;
The Farmers Bank of Weston
. . . Established 1891
Dsnix Account Best Asset
An account with this bank will help ,
you to do right, help keep you right
vA y; ahvaj-s, everywhere and.
Avi :- people. The larger the ac
count the more good you can do, but it
is not necessary to have a large ac-r-o'.mt
to start with. Open an account
with what you have and we will as-.
r.--X van t make it grow.
! O A. Co
; IHtUt!K!UhtH!lllUimi(l!Hlllllllim .
Jawawry j to A, 1016
lea IsnaroaeUoe, rraettcol Htp tor tbc Bow
, is pane, thr CMauiiilr.
(MMrtlm ( Oilf (linim litduatrte
CMlimmnUi'l oe'e Moat Vital riotolrou
fwttMM senate nnxl4 hud fi. II w a
ara.t alar le etrkr IrMriwla--wile Un
tfeat.M aa M Utouf hli. gov
awknit ltl work.
wwrca short course -
Jemnrf 1 to rebrtiary 4, 1916
A rvoMb-a! rclliural Cwriw la Nil Shell.
Aua avicac ( Actual Work of
taw reran aad ttwackoM. .
(1.1 M K'lil'Hi'i.UHAt
. Cifc44!LAriOHft. MASKKTING.
fwiil"'"' Cooraea Without Turtle,
aiaawrt laatrarttM la ataalr.
, aeaoca railroad rate.
or w to Tin Csret , Orafaa
an. Ue. Carwi. t'w-U I h f-l)
Dentist :
OSes la the Em Buildinjr, Milton
H mrs, 9 to 12 and 1 to 5
rr: in
' Stat and FedaraJ
C3 LC7
140 Pali"
to select from and every
pr. guaranteed in fit and'
quality. It's our pleasure to please.
. 1 J ' , s
n n
(Phone Main 241)
The largest stock of
Gigars Tobacco and
in town
Physician and Surgeon
Office in Brandt building
to pay your We too Leader "aub"
CLARK WO0P, PablUitr
subscription ratm
SMdh M Adnc
The Year.....................
Six Month
.! M
. 0 7
Four Monlln..... 4 DO
IVr inrh r month ...........
Per inrli, rmf iiiavrtinn. , .. . . . .
jnnm, inr linomcli inaartlon.
.0 M
. 06
jan. 14. m
falcreal at Hm aotlofTira al Wttto, OrtgM,
a McoaaV claii auil auMar.
prepare prepare; preparjei
W trust that th democratic coa-
srass sad admlnlatraUon will bav ths
courage to brtnf about a government
bond iastis to fliuuieo national pro
parodnesa. If (nnds can bo raised la no
other way. Bucb a pun would cer
tainly be no more unpopular thaa the
pork barrel" policy that baa results
In squandering millions of dollars on
obscure waterwaya and needless post-
offlcs buildings. Ths European bel
ligerents hare already spent no less
than twenty-five billions of dollars on
war. . The United States can wen af
ford to spend a billion dollars, if need
be. on the Inauguration of adequate
Insurance against war unless. Indeed.
It chooses to give notice to ths world
of possessing such a peaceable dispo
sition that it would never defend it
self against attack. Half S loaf Is
worse than no bread, sloes It will lull
os Into a false sense of security. - We
should either render ourselves Immune
to successful attack, or bo prepared to
surrender without a fight to an Invad
ing enemy. Nothing could bo more
fortunate than the final result of the
graat war which Is predicted by H. O.
Wellsa sort of International coalition
recognizing one central authority. In
which each great power, would be
come an even greater commonwealth.
Sucb a happy consummation involves
the general recognition by Christen
dom of the universal Fatherhood of
Qod and Brotherhood of Man, and we
fear that it belongs to an unattainable
Utopia. Should mankind remain what
has been and is. then the United
States will need a larger navy than
England's, a mobile standing armyr of
at least a half million men and mil
lions of trained citizen soldiery, able
to serve Intelligently In case of need.
Raw troops would be butchered If
sent against such scientific military
machines as are at present battling
in Eorops. Our best battleships are
said to be outclassed In range and
speed by the navies of ths great pow
ers, and ws are also sadly deficient In
artillery and munitions. To undertake
war In defense of the Monroe doctrine
against a first-class power, which we
may be called upon to do at some fu
ture time, would be madness itself
with the means at our present com
mand. Then there Is the constant
menace of Japan, which will be found
to recognize no principle save Its own
surmounting ambition ' should ever
ths time arrive when It feels . suffi
ciently strong to launch itself against
the throat of Uncle. Bam,
We needn't expect to hear Ellhu
Boot for anybody but himself.
Ths position sf Senator Chamber
lain at Ue head of ths senate com mil.
too on military affair has given him
greater prominence, In these peculiar
times than was over enjoyed before,
perhaps, by any Oregon senator.
Chamberlain believes In and advo
cates preparedness, and hs does this
with he'grap of a stateeman. In
truth, thoea who have always credited
him with the remarkable ability aa a
politician that hs undoubtedly pos
ass an attribute that has won him
signal honors In a stats of an over
wheluilngiy opposite political faith
must now begin to sit up and taks no
lle that ho la much mors than a
mora politician.' Chamberlain recog
nises the nation's vital needs If tt In
tends to defend ths Integrity that It
has more or less ."trusted to luck" In
ths past, and cornea out boldly la sup
port of his position. Ho has done
much for Oregon, and will now do
much for ths United States If his
preachments are' . heeded, "Our
OeoraV In fact, bids fair to outrank
ths greatest of Oregon's senators of
ths past In genuine public service.
, This from ths Weakly Bulldogger
makes us wonder whether It has the
right steer: "We not that Bill Peter
son, the democrat le chairman, la wir
ing to President Wilson to appoint
Taft to ths supreme bench, refers
him aa ons of the greatest men
Christendom. Nest thing w know
Prank Curl will be shedding tee.
over the unrecognised greatness
Bryan," ,1
t .. PI, Ml,, 1 1.. Jl . -T
W nolle an envious tendency on
the part of th Weakly Bulldogger s
Kernel Boyd to belittle a gifted local
actor who la hla modest stillness and
humility prefers thst w nams him
not. Ward. Booth, Keens, Barrett
and even Shakespear himself, who
was an actor as well as dramatist
have all had their detractors.
While rabies has been mors or less
prevalent elsewhere In the county
among ths canine population, and has
occasioned quits a scars In Pendleton,
It Is conspicuous hers by Its absence
Nobody not even the dogs has any
occasion to ret mad la this placid ana
restful community.
n his "Mulligan Stew," Editor Boyd
confesses to the receipt of "41 appll
cation blanks with pries list enclos
ures from outslds boos venders.
Then gentry are quick to recogntt
and establish profitable connections
with ths ultimata consumer la a pro
hlbltloa stats.
Elevea peVsona have died In Seat
tle from drinking wood alcohol sine
prohibition went lnlo effect which
hardly the easiest way out of a dry
stats. .
Nineteen more Americans having
been murdered. Uncle Sam will ut
about hava to lake Mexico apart and
tee what makes Its revolutions.
The eminent Jurist who said that he
didn't want the republican nomination
wbo would, anywejrT) still Hughes
to the line.
We're somewhat surprised to hear
hat Geo. W. Perkins is numeroit
enough to hold a .Hull Mouse con
New York Is now the largest city in
the world, bavins; surpassed Uxxloo.
Paris and Weston In populslioti.
There are two days of . the week
upon which and about which I never
worry, two care-Tree nays Kept sa
credly free from fear and apprshea
sion. '
On of these le Yesterday. Tester-
day with all its care and frets, with
all Its pains and aches, all Its faults.
Its mistakes and blunders, has passed
beyond the reach of my recall,
cannot undo an act tnat I wrought.
cannot unsay a word that I said on
Testerday. All that It holds of life,
of regret and sorrow, la In the hand of
the Mighty Love that can bring sweet
waters out of the bitterest desert
the love that can make ' the wrong
things right, that cad turn weeping
Into laughter, that can glvs beauty for
ashes, th garment of praise for the
spirit of heaviness, joy of th morn'
lng for the woe of night.
Save for the beautiful memories
that linger, sweet and tender Ilk the
perfume of roses, la the heart of the
day that Is gone. I have nothing to do
with yesterday.
And th other day I do not worry
about la Tomorrow. Tomorrow, with
all Its poeslbls adversities, its burdens.
Its perils. Its large promises and poor
performance. Its failures and mis
takes. Is aa far beyond the reach of
my mastery as Its dead sister yes
terday. Its sun will rise In roseate
splendor, or beyond a mask of weep
ing clouds. But it will rise, until
then the same love and patience that
held yesterday, and holds tomorrow,
shine with tender promise Into ths
heart of today I hare no possession
In that unborn day of grace. All else
Is In the Infinite keeping of that In
flnlt Lots that hold for me the
treasure of yesterday,; the love that Is
higher thaa the stars,, wider than the
sky, deeper than the seas.
Thar is left for myself, then, but
one day of th week today. Any
man can fight the battles of today.
Any woman can carry the burdens of
Just on day. Robert J. BurdetU.
My home Is on the mountain steep;
I seine for rabbits In the deep.
And as I pluck them from ths boughs.
I feed them to the angry cows.
Then to my Eulslle I -hie.
And drink a slice of catfish pie. ' '
.'.;. x-r. '' Exchange,
Notice of Stockholders' Meeting.
The annual meeting of stockholder
of The Farmers Bank of Weston wil;
be held at Its office In the City of
Weston, County of Umatilla, Stats of
Oretron, on Friday, the 28th day of
January, at l:J9 o'clock in ths
afternoon, for the election of directors
for the ensuing year, and for ths trans.
action of such other business as may
properly corns before th meeting.
Weston, Or., December 31, 1913.
E. M. SMITH, Cashier.
Cap May Point, N. S. Did she or
didn't shs Mrs. Florence Lindsey,
it, declsros she swallowed her hus
band's false teeth when a ho playfully
put them In her mouth. X rays fall
to discloss them In her stomach and
she Is suffering no pain. The teeth
are missing that's sure.
Madison vll Is, Ky. "Unols" Cf Car-
Halo haa succeeded In raising a freak
apple, although h ha no name for
It. Its upper hair M a 01 mm
in color, and th lower nair a urn
liant red.
New York. N. T. Henry Troller.
chauffeur, was arrested on a charge
of foreenr. In order to msk good
th amount he obtained, he went to
a hnanltal and sold a pint of his bloon
for tit. The blood saved th llfs of
at Its Sarah Wilson,
New York. N. Y. Anthrax Is
common disease among animals.
When Sophia Itoaen. It, desiring to
Imltat her wealthy sister, purehssed
a cheap fur collar and wore it, an
contracted ths dlseas from th fur.
8h died a few days later, the third
victim this season of Ihs same a Is-
ms acquired In ths sam way,
Indiana Pa Someone put a hsa
in th back of J. H. Btwarfa buggy
and closed ths flap. Twenty-two
dava later Stewart opened th Tit
and found th hen reduced to a skele
ton but still living. It will recover.
Hillsdale. Mich. Al a social In tho
Adams school house In Cambria
townahlp. ths women stuck their loss
through holes In a sheet, and men
bouaht them tor th evening. Th
sal netted
Danville. III. A mad dog rushed
Into th horn of 1oule Smith, over
turned some ot th furniture and
knocked th telephone from th la
bl. Th receiver fell from th hook
and when ths operator heard th dog's
bowline she called the pollcsv who
ram and killed th beast.
Bellevue. Iowa. Two year ago
man was killed on a railroad.
friend believed the body to be that of
Matt McAllister. Ths body was ex
humed snd wife, friends and relatives
Identified It seen to physical defecta
Ths Court of Honor paid hla widow
tl.sOO Insurance, and shs bought
horns, Ths other day Matt McAllister
turned un well and hearty. II had
been working on a ranch In Canada
and knew nothing of th report of hla
Tork. Pa. People have avoided th
old "haunted" house of S. B. Manifold.
Many times during It year a mys
terious bussing of ghosts has been
heard ther. Recently workmen
wrecked th house, and. after they
had battle with ghostly bees, those
who were unstung returned to find
S0 pounds of honey stored In th
Ths slmpl mixture of buckthorn
bark, glycerine, etc., known as Adler-
t-ka. th appendicitis preventative,
surprises Weetnn. It draws so much
foul matter from th system thst ON
SPOONFUL relieves sour stomach. g
and constipation AT ONCE. II. Good
win. druggist.
Thy Peeod sa Msn and ouoM With
th British Army.
The Brit Is k araiy has bad It woomi.
soldiers, and two of thru are barfed lb
the cemetery of Chelsea hospital. Uu.
of these dutttta-Hannah Hue II. a trui
aleut looking pursua, who portrait b
preserved In the great null of the boa
plmL served la tue slnre of Pou.ll
c berry and was badly wuuntleO, bet
sex being dkroverd wbca sb was re
stored to the hospital. She became
pensioner and wore on occasions lb
three cornered ha I and ulfom coat of
CbcUea and was at her own requeai
hnrled in the graveyard of the hospital
Christine Davto was the other female
soldier burled la this cemetery. She I
described aa a "fat. Jolly woman,"
Another Engllsbwouwa who sucrss
fully posed a a niaa and enlisted
soldier wan Phoebe U easel, who wan
priest Is th Ktfih foot regiment snj
fought at Fonteooy In 1745. noder the
Duke of Cumberland, being eeverely
woondrd. Ultimately ah died si
Brighton la 1X21 at the age of !
The must famous KoKllabwonMn
"Midler,'' however, was "Dr. James
Barry," who joined the medical corps
in 1813 and served al Waterloo snd In
the Crimea In IKUi after many promo
tiona, she bernaie Inspector general.
tod It waa not notil many year later
that the fact tbnt she was a woman
was discovered. St Louis Post-bis
Utile Danger la Temlng a Hess en
Heavily Charged Wires.
The flight danger that A re mew ran
throttgh toe raw trie rnrreot passing
from heavily charged wire op the
stream of water they are squirting Is
proved by an experiment conducted by
Cfo Tartagtlul and repnrtfd 10 La
Scieos r Tuttl
A trolley cor wis charged with s dl
reel current of K3i volu had 00 end
grounded; 00 the other end he direr ted
a stream from a hose with s nnsxl Of
teen millimeters la omsnietef. At 2.2"
meters distance vol i meter attached
to the nozzle regtslered twenty rolta
At sUty-Ove centimeters dlstnnce It
registered seventy volts and nl twenty
centimeters 210 volts Th average man
can stand a current of fifty Tttitx with
out serious shock, a a fl renins who
holds his ooxzle firs or six feet from a
lire wire runs no great dsngeb
sir. Tsrtagllid made the an me ex pert
meitt on two line of alternating ear-
rent, one with 300, the other with
OX) voita, and the voltmeter did not
register any current in the stream of
water, although alight abnek was per
ceptible when hs pat hi hand Into It
With a chemical extlngnlsber b got a
current of UKO volt at 23 millime
ters from a wtr with correal of 2.060
trade mark awl ruwrigltia Mxi nd r a.
Ml aM pMka or photo, awl o
arriiKim 6 pf Sf ASOH aa eaaart
aa lamriauntr. vutnlioM
PATtnr nutto eonruejf
raa. Oarra.tMwMiaoa,wkatleunaa(
aMammamr. Wrttausay.
303 St, weihinnton, D. C.
fn the ClrfuK tTur t.f Ih 811 of
' Oregon for Umatilla County,
Cells U, nresnry, I'lalmilT. . Deitlit
Or gory, Defendant.
To Denny Oregoiy, IVItnidant autivn
In ths Namu or thh Btath or
OnaXMkNI You sre hereli' required to
appear and answer the etiiniilslnt II let I
against ou In ths above rut tiled eauae
within six week uf lite dale ot the
Unit publication of tltla summon, lu
wlt, on or le lor Kl'ldnf th lllhilay
of February, Itllfli ami vou will lake
nolle that if you full to appear and
anawernr piead within said tint the
plaintiff, for want I hereof, will apply
10 lh above enl tiled court hirlh re
lief uitfl (or ami demanded In the
iiinycrul heranltl etHiiilnlnl, namely,
tor a decree of llie court forever dl
etilvlng the btimla tif matrimony now
and heretofore existing lielween plnln
till and defendant and fur an absolute
divorce front the defend, nk
Tltla summon. Is tmliluhrd pursuant
to an order of the llomu alle Ullbert
W. Pliclne, Judg of llie above enti
led court, duly made snd Bled herein
on the 2Mb nay of IVeomber, If I A.
The nrsl publication ot this summons
will be made In the Weston Leader
published at Weston, (Wgon, on Frr
dav, the 3lt day of lieeemlier, lull,
and the last publication will lie made
on Friday, the llih day of February,
IUIB, making a publication of six con
secutive week.
Dated at IWIIeton, Oregon, on this
th Sikh day of Deoenilwr, lull
Attorney for I'lnlntllf.
(Woffle address: Kmlth-Crawford
llldg., 1'vndlelou, Oregon.
w. M. rateno C. It Boko
Peterson & Bishop
Pendleton, Or. Frwsler, Or.
and make hi New Year happy.
la tho Clrruk Court of th Ktale of
Caregna for Vaaalllla County,
F. IX, Watts. Plaintiff, vs. Anna Young,
Kllaa Chester, Carmine Mehmldl,
Ixtuis Young, Ma Young. Lydla
Young. Wlllard Youne, A lire Young,
Michael Young. Harbor Toons, uu
go Hchmldt, Cynthia Hrophy, Agnes
K. Jones, James Peters, Mso Pe
ters. Klchsrd Peters. Kanmel Peters,
Myrtle Peters, John Peters, Kthel
It. Peter. Wm. Peters. Ileaale Pe-
tora Ortn elero snd Jnale Peter.
his wife. Albert Young Ora S. Ma
her, John Maher, Kolomna Peters.
Charles It. Peters. Hoi all I in via. for
merly Sarah Klttrhlae. Michael It
Young. Myr Young. Michael or
Mike Peter. Arstha Tnrlnr, Wells
Peters, Olen Peters Nora Vtatta,
Ora re Rosera, K. C. Il'oxers, K. M
Prlera, Kmeoley Itlttenour, other-
wis known Kmely Itldenour,
Minnie I, fePealt, Jane DePratt
Nellie rtel'eatt. Katie tel'eoit. Wil
Ham DoPeatt. Ralph DelVall. Sol
ma DelVatl, now 2nut IlarrK Mer
n DelVstt. now Merna Nmlih. and
Agatha Taylor, guartltan of Stella
Peter and Ulen Peter, minora,
I r fondants.
To Anna Young, etlsa Cheater, Car
olina Hchmldt. UaM Yausw. id
Youne. Lvitia Youne. Mtrhael Ymme,
Parbara Young, Huso Rrhmldi, Jame
I'-tors. Masai Peters. Albert Younar,
Ora H. Manor, John hi slier, ftolomoa
Peters, Charlee II. Peters. Sttrsh
vis, formerly Sarah KHtrtdee. Agnea
PI Jones. Richard Peter. Mrrtie fe
tors, Samuel Peters. Michael It. Young,
Mrra Young. Cynthia llroohy. John
'tore. Kthel tt, fetors. m. Peter.
Bessie Peters, Michael ttr Mike Peter.
Aaatha Taylor. Melta f'etera, fliene
Peters. E. M. Peters, i'mealey Mlilen
our otherwise known s Kmelv Itld-
enour. Italoh DePealt. Tiulmm I wPratt.
now Zelma rtarris, Mrn Mi'eaif.
now Merna Smith, Wlllard Young,
Alice Younar. Agatha Tartar, aniordlsn
of Mlells I'elera and tllene I'etor. mi
nor. Jane IM'esil. Nellie Del'rail.
Katie DelVstt. Orln IVters and Joaie
Peters, hla wife, defentlant above
In the Name of the Mate of Oregon.
Ton and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above
entitled suit on or before the I h day
of January, !!, and you will lake
notice If you fall to answer, or other
wise appear in ssid en or before
said day, plaintiff, above named, for
went thereof will apple to the above
entitled court for Ih relief prayed for
In Plaintiffs complaint, on file In sold
stilt, to-wit: For a decree of this
court requiring each and every one of
thee defendant to snow and make
manifest the exact nature and extent
of the right, title, interest or estate,
wnten earn, any or all or these do.
fondants 1 claim to have In the real
property, described ia said complaint.
Ths SRU of the NWtf of the NWU
of See. It. Two. 4 N. ft. 17. E, W. M.i
lb West It feet of Lot In Block t
and Lot 7 of Block t. and tho West I
feet of Lots I. t and 4 nf Block I of
the Town of Weston; Lots I. If nnd
of Block I Saline's Addition to
ths Town of Weston: all that portion
of Block of McArthur's Addition to
the Citr of Weston lying North of a
certain east and west line, said line
eommenclng at a monument constat
ing of a three-Inch pip driven In the
ground along the west line of said
Block, said monument being witnessed
by being tt foot t Inches south of a
Balm tree, together with a water right
a (-rout the remaining south snd of said
hiock f to e used and enjoyed aa a
right of way for ths purpose of keep
ng and maintaining over and across
Id south end or said H ock a flume
line as now constructed: ths right to
convey through th same and use the
same quantity of water now and here
tofore used and enjoyed In connection
therewith, together with the right to
Keep said flume In repair, to renlaes
ths same at any tlms and to enter
Don said in nil aionr ths una thereof
for th purpose of Inspecting, repair
ing and replacing tho same; also sn
ndlvlded one-half Interest In. Ksat II 1
feet of Lots I, t, 4, all Lots t, the East
When yon write ch letter to your eastern relative or friend
tell them that tho UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM will alway accord
them the eery best of service on their trip westward, whether they
be one-way or round-trip-to tho Paclfle Northwest or California.
Your for better travel enrlee ' ' ,
V The Line that Joins the East arid
West with a
Woston Meat
1 Miirkst
Prime Beef
Pork, Mutton, Vcs!
Drewd Poultry
FISH Mouday and Thundiy
' Get Our Prices
Phone No. hi. Order taken bf I
ihou for mall mute.
ami aid .ocs Vairo
Perry & Weber
It's True Economy
lh hm Store
r at
Wo bny for rash and eU ff
ch-at smsll aisrglns. 1
nunr.Pain I
Crash and Linen Good,
School Supplies
alma mmi
II foot of Let t In II lark t la the
Original Tama of Weotoa. ear est tho
following described Irart; lieginntMg
al th Northeast comer of !4 t in
Block I, Inenr westerly along I he
south line of Mala street feet la
ehee. thence omitherly parallel with
Ftanklia Wreel as foot Inrhe.
thenr ea atari- parallel with Mala
Hi root II feet t Inches to th west Un
of Franklin street, theace northerly
along the west lino- of Franklin xrt
It foot tnrhea to the point of begin
ning; An undivided one-half nvteroet l
and le IM I. alt Lota t en.! S.
and Ih North Half of Lot t in Uim-k
t of Weston: mn undivided ooo ha f
Inter In and to L I Block I Hart
man's Addition to Weetoa,
Ami that aaul claim ami each and a'l
of them ho declarant void snd t
efle.l and Mnfeuadod In ( I or i1
attains! said plalntirf, hi hnrr ,-i n..
eln: lor plaimirr root snJ
boraentenl herein, and f u. ,Ht t
and further reiM e eetaiim !ttt
ty asd good ronscteoeo.
This summons is ieblitiea t-t. . .,
to an order of the Htto tl, U' '" it -tlreult
Judge of tho th Jildlcisl !
Irlct of Ihs Plate of Creeon. made o-i
1 he ;ki It tint in .V111 emU-r MaM
order pro v Wen that the first poolltta-
Hon or this summons shsll be mad on
iie .lil dat of l'oeuilr, Juia, la
the Weston Leader.
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
Nature's Food
for hone and cattle ( tho grass that
grow on meadow and hill. Tho belt
best thing I sweut, clean, nay and
feed that eomea from our ntllL When
yon need rolled grain of th right sort
?r keeping your livestock tn Bn fet
tle, look for our sign and Ih good
thing for for our dumb servants
stored In our bin. W handle Steam
Rolled Barley. Oataand Wheat: Haled
Hay, Mlll.lufts and Chicken Feed.
We're local agents for Peacock )'kur
and Bllchord'Cslf Meat ffaonolal.
D. R. WOOD the Feed Man
Dr. J. G. McMATH
Office one block north of tho bank
Electric, Treatmentf Given
tW Pbono 621 '
Boulevard of Steel A
' ATr::