The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, January 14, 1916, Image 1

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Erief Besce' of Geced Kews
Frcni All Arctind the Earth.
&w?fEiGS CI A NOTS211
Uv8 News Items of Ail Nations find
; Pacific Northwest Condensed
' for Our Busy Readers.
The Moos party convention meet
In Chicago June 7, the mm day of the
Rtpubllran meeting.
Irish Natlonallita have abandoned
their tight agalnat conecrlptioa by lb
British government.
'"Jane Addama deelarae Eoropa
ready for peace and tba and of tba war
la up lo the neuual.
Tba first U dart' reeelpta at tba
Portland pealoffica ara 110,911
than for tba aaroa parlod laat yaar.
riiw In the fllm cutting room of
moving picture eowpany at Santa
Menlea, ML, caueea sau.wu oarosge.
Caatara Washington la In tba grip
of aaro weather. Tba tbermometor at
8pokana flood at below j Watarvilie,
24 Mow; Kodlcott, 15.
SlilMn travelara vara takan from
train In Mexico bv bandit. Stripped
. of tbalr clotblng, than aboC Moat of
tba vlctima war Amarlean cltiaana.
Tba Tuba mill etrlka at Younge
town, Ohio, which reeultod In tba
daatb of eeveral paraona and property
damaga of over million dollara, la de
elarad iff and tba elty baa quieted
TV rwaiu mnA A I an who
loat tarrttory to tba Roaalana ara with
drawing atoraa w auppiiee umk were
to have baan need la ua epnng cam
palgn, raallilng tbalr efforta would ba
a failure
raa. tJ Ohio. aa
verely arralgna Oraat Britain In
apeech barer eengreea, aKiinm uu
govern Burnt baa brokan ail Interna
tional aaa lawa by violating tba rtgbta
or nautraia.
Good authority declaree that Eng
land and Franca ara preparing a vlgor
oua note In a newer to the United
Btntaa' armmanta and demanda con
cerning tba neutral trade policy be
tween tbeea countrlea.
Fire eaueed $28,000 damaga to tba
Daly Hotel at Creat Fall. Mont., and
of tba 60 paraona In tba hotel, four, In
cluding a woman, eacaped aeantlly clad
by eliding down a rope nra aecap. i
tamparatura at tba timawaaSOda-
greee below aaro.
Plana in atranvthan tba National
guard tnateadof aaUbliabing a conti
nental army aa contemplated by tba
War department were proposed to Pree-
Ment Wiieon oj vnairman nay w
kmu mltltarv MunmittM. Mr. Hay
did not ravaal bow bla suggestion waa
waived py to nreeiaen.
tk. fvi.t f Ural Eltiaheth P. Mohr.
who, it la alleged, Inatlgated tba mur
der of bar bu.bana, vr. moat, ia m
progreM at Providence, R. I. It will
be shown It la aald, that tba chauffeur
' stopped bla auto In a dark spot, when
-the phyalelan and hia companion Mlat
Burger, were ahot from ambush.
Tba Engl lab government. In tba In
teract of national economy, baa noti
fied all trade nnlona In tba country
that in view of the pressing emer
gency no further advance In wagea
abould ba considered except thoaa aria
Ing automatically from existing agree
ment and neeeeary adjustment of
local condltiona,
. rakem exact $175,000 from aix St.
Louts man,
A Jewish relief day baa beau aubor
isad by the senate.
Opponent of Oregon'e- blue law,
which waa upheld by the Federal court,
will appeal to tba United Statee Su
preme court.
The house of commons voted 403 to
10S In favor of tba Aequlth bill which
requires single men of certain ageato
ntat tba war, .. : " ; v4.
Eing Ferdinand of Bulgaria will be
crowned emperor of Macedonia at
Monasttr after a brief visit to eeveral
leading cities In Bulgaria.
Tba right of hard eider to a place in
' dry Oregon la now questioned. Sam
plea of some cider that waa finding an
unusually brisk market were taken by
tba Portland police and turned over to
tba elty laboratoriee for analysla to de
termine tba amount of alcohol.
Mount Rainier National Park la
"dry," along with tba rest of the state
of Washington, according to a ruling
made by Secretary of the. Interior
Tba United States government baa
ordered constructed IB aeroplanes,
three of which will have a speed of 80
miles an hour and a carrying .capacity
of 1200 pounds.
A New York Federal judge invites
"hyphenated eitiiens" who put the
Interests of their native country be
fore thoaa of America to "get of? the
face of the earth." -
sain takdi m mm
El Paeo, Tel. Sixteen foreigners.
most of them Americana, an route
from Chihuahua City to Cueibulrlachle,
Wee tarn Chihuahua, Wednesday ware
taken from a train about 50 mile
from Chihuahua City, stripped of their
clothing and ahot by Mexican bandit.
Confirmation of tba news waa given
by officials here of the Carranaa da
facto government. Tba bodlee ware
shinned to JaareA.
first report were received here In
a meesag from Tbomaa M. Holme.
tba only survivor, to Mr. Ilomlea, ad
vising her of his safe arrival at Chi
huahua. Inqulrlee inatlgated by om
elet of tba American Smelting A Re
finlna eomnanv developed tba detail.
The Ill-fated party boarded a train
at Chihuahua City, intending to re
open Dropcrtlea of tba smelting eom
nanv at Cuatbulrlecbl. officials of
which bad received aseuraneee of pro.
taction bv tba da facto government.
According to one account, bandlta
Canaraaaman William A. Jo nee Of
Virginia, aa chairman af the Inaular
flalre committee of the houae of rep-
resentatlvee, will lead the fight again
thia year for tna Philippine am, in
ereaalng the liberty af the Flllplnoa.
Annth.r miiiuie that will be Intro
duced by Mr. Jonea will be the Porte
Mean bill, which failed to reacn ine
house last aeselon.
atoDDed tba train and ordered tba
nto m AmArkm . llolmaa. however.
lipped into tba lavatory and from bla
biding place wiineaeea ma auipping
of clothe from the prisoner.
The nartv waa then marshaled down
the track, escorted by a nrmg aquao.
a Holme s looed irom tna- car ana
ran in the direction of Cbihoabua City,
ha declared, ha beard shrieks, fol
lowed by a volley of rifle shot.
Progressives to Ked ia Chicst
Oa Same Day as Republicans
ChicagoThe Progressive party will
hold Ua National convention on Juno
7 In Chicago, concurrently with the
National convention of the Republican
party. In the hope that both agree on
tba aama candidate for president
Thia action waa decided on oy tna
National committee of the Progressive
party. Forty-aeven of the 48 state
are Mnreaantad at the meetiiwr.
Before adjourning the committee
adopted a declaration of principle. In
which the administration of President
Wilson waa criticised for Its failure to
deal adequately with National honor
and Industrial welfare, and the Pro
gressive party went on record aa fa
voring a complete preparedness con
sisting of military armament, aa wall
aa mobilisation of all tba country's re
Electric Hand Devised.'
Berlin After yeara of experiment,
Director Klingenberg, of the General
Electric Co.. baa announced the per
fection of an electro-magnetio band.
with which It la Doasbila to rraan even
the heaviest metal objects and work
with them aa advantageously aa with
human hand. Dr. Klingenberg haa
evolved and unusually powerful bat
tery, which can ba carried by the
operator, making it unnecessary for
blm to ba near the current. The In
vention can perform all the functions
of the human hand and others bealdea.
Cabinet Wilson1 Guests.
Washington, D. C The annual cab
inet dinner waa given In the state dining-room
of the White House Tuedsay
night by President and Mr. Wilson.
It waa the first of a eerlee of formal
dinner that will make the social sea
son at the White Housa. The guests
included beaidea all the member of
the cabinet and their wlvea several
high officer of the army and navy and
government official.
We Cannot Trust Olkcr Nations,
Says Senator (telseitk
U. S. Offended Central Powers and
If It Does Its Duty Will Offend
Also Great Britain.
New York The addreee of Senator
Chamberlain, of Oregon, before tba
Renubllean club of New York Satur
day night came aa a aurpriee to thoaa
present. Tba senator waa outapoxeo
in favor of a progeria that abould In
clude tba military training or
voutb ia the country. Ha declared
this would redound to the pbyalclal
well-being of the youth, even If there
were no war. Ua aald there abould
ba a standing- army eufllelent to gar-
rlaon our Inaular poeaeaalona aa well aa
to man our fortification. Ha called
attention to tba fact that nearly all
tba Japan in thia country are re
servist and bad bad military training.
Ha added there war alao 100,000
rtaervleta of other Batlonalitlae bare
who would rush to tbalr col ore If
Senator Chamberlain declared fur
ther that the consul of tba various
eountrice bad a list of all thee rw
Speaking of the European war, Sen
ator Chamberlain aald the great leeeon
thia nation bad learned baa baan that
treatise ara not worth tba paper they
are written on."
Ha pointed out that wa bad bad
trouble with Germany and Austria, but
that It bad bean adjusted, and urged
that almilar me (urea aa ware aaad in
oat relation with theee two eountrlee
ba directed toward Great Britain.
Wa bave offended Germany and
Austria." aald Senator Chamberlain,
"and if wa do our duty we will offend
Great Britain. Tba only friend
America baa today or will bava In tba
daya to coma are tba Atlantle and Pa
cific ocean."
In dealln with smaller natlona, ba
declared the United State baa alwaya
acted tba part of a bully. "When
Uaytl baa a revolution and rexuaea to
nay bar debta." ba aald, "we aena
warship and a few marine and Uke
charge, but when it come to dealing
with the greater power of tno world.
Inatead of acting like a breve, cour-
ageoua and noble nation, wa act like
coward. I am ashamed and aorry to
aay." ...
West is Override W&ca Ferris
Waterpower tart Passes Esse
Washington, D. C. The bouse Sat
urday Dasaaed tba Ferric bill, which
would throw open to 60-year Is
public land containing more than three
timea aa much water power aa now Is
under development in tba United
State. It is estimated that in tba 11
tats which it la proposed to enter
there ara about 19.000,000 undevel-
oned horsepower. . . ' .
Tba bill la toe reeuit or caret ui
atudv bv water power expert of all
nartiee. The SO-year leaae feature bad
the support of Secretary of tba Inter
ior Lane. ... ..'.
Party linos ware cast aalda In voting
. ... V
on the measure. inomy iaaer
Mann waa one of tta atrongeet suppor
ter. HI Renubllean colleague, Re
presentative Mondell of Wyoming, and
other Western Republtcana fought it.
Insisting that Federal control would
delay development of tba altea.
Western Senators are planning a
hard fight on tba measure in tba up
per bouaa. .
Control or tna power pianta unaer
the bill would rest jointly with the
state and Federal government, except
by court order, leasea could not be
transferred without the consent of the
Secretary of the Interior. State hav
ing public utility board could exer
cise their full power In regulating
rates for power and tba Issuance of
bond. In statee without such boards
tba Secretary of tba Interior would ex
ercise this power.
Report Defends Plutes.
Denver Charged that trouble with
tba Piute Indiana near bluff, Utah,
early In 1915, were the" result of
"badly-bungled" scheme to drive ear
tain non-reservation Indiana off the
public domain and confiscate their
-racing land are made bv M. K- Snif-
fen, special Investigator for the Indian
Rights aaaoctatton, in a report puo
lished here. The Sniffaa report de
clares that condltiona of "shameful
neglect" at the Uta Mountain Indian
agency extended over V yeara. ioe
trouble became acutalaat winter.
Slide Kills Army Officer.
Livingstone, Mont Lieutenant Jos
eph E. McDonald, Twelfth Cavalry, of
Kurt Yellowstone, Wyoming, woo, wita
four companion, was out ilodding Sun
day at tba Mammoth Hot Springe, near
Fort Yellowstone, waa killed by a
enowsllda. All five were caught in
the elide. McDonald 'a companions
ware able to free themselves, but the
lieutenant remained buried for 45 min
utes before bis companion could re
lea blm. Be waa then unconacioua. ,
Of Central Interest
About Oregon
Orezon State Fair Fund
Shows Balance of $3208
Salem A balance of 18208.01 ia
shown to tba credit of the Oregon
State Fair fund for tba fleca! yea
ended November 80 laat, according to
tba annual report of W, Al Jonea, aaa
rotary of tba Fair board. On Decem
ber 1, 1914, the 8tte Fair fund bad a
balance of 86M2.14. Racelpa for 1911
war 860,877.19, and expeneee 118,
151.15. In tba last llmontba many Improva-
menta of a permanent character war
made at tba fair around, tba moat im
portant being the paving of the road
from tba Southern Pacific railroad
track to tba entrance of tba groonda.
A total of 4845 aquar yard of bita-
lithle and concrete work waa dona, at
"This 1 feel la only a starter, and a
mall part of what abould ba dona
tba groonda In tba near future," aay
Secretary Jonea In bla report.
Completion of tna men's reat cottage
on the grounda, at a aoet of gioocaa.
Secretary Jonea point out, proved a
araat convenience. Tba removal of
the livestock department to tba i
cottage relieved the congestion in the
offteeoofthe administration bouding.
Amoiur Um other tmprovemertta made
during tba yaar waa eonatrvetion of a
water tower at coat of ua.irv;
tower equipment, 8605.78; repairing
poultry bouaa,; lancing,
8284.98: retalrinr race boraa barna,
8188.20; improving saw exhibition
building. 81189.14, and permanently
wiring tba camp groonda, 8818.98.
From the fair ground farm but
66S.6 bushel of poor quality oat. 80
ton of clover bay, ZZ ton of eneat
bay and 8700 pounds of red clover seed
obtained. Tba clover aeed waa
extra good quality and sold for 18.6
cent a pound net. Mr. Jonea advisee
the board that at present all tba clover
ia killed by tba midge and plowing
should ba dona in tba spring,
Speaking of tba exhlbita at tba fair
laat year. Secretary Jonea calla atten
tion to tba fact that tba new pavilion's
lower floor waa filled with agricultural
exhibit from 18 eountiee, which ware
tba beat aver abown. The excellence
of other elaase of exhlbita waa com
mented on. "
That mora attention ba given by the
board to tba race event next yaar ia
recommended. ' It I auggeatad that
the track either be cut to half a mile
or mora entriee ba required.
In tba livestock department tna re
port show that 1607 animal were ex
hibited, aa follow: . Horses, zta; cas
tle 662; sheep 266, and awina 428.
College Plans to Extend.
ArhnvIn mnnaetlon with tba cele
bration of tba semi-centennial of tta
organisation, next June, Albany Col
lege bopea to lay tna corner aume ior
ita first building on it new eampua.
Several month ago tba college pur
chased a 48-acre tract eouthweat of
thia ilt and haa devaloDad extensive
nlana for a complement to new build
ings there.
Ha imuii ea haa been made toward
new bulldlnga yet, for the reason that
the college waa bending au its ener
1a to Munnlnte It endowment fund.
The recant gift of 860,000 from Jamea
J. Hill, which waa made upon uta con
dition that the college raise an addi
tional 8200,000 first, baa given Al
bany college an endowment fund of
mora than 8260,000.
Drainage Work Proposed.
Eugene A drainage project em
bracing many thousand of acre,
whlcb. If reclaimed, will prove among
the moat valuable land In the state.
haa been invaatigated by Professor E.
Power, of tba Uregon Agricultural
college. Ha adviaea that the landown
ers procure th services of United
Statea government engineers in tba de
velopment of .tba propoaed project. In
ka ti Tn and Covota bottoms are
between 60.000 and 100,000 acrea, now
little fit for culivattion. Various
drainage project ara contemplated.
. Apple Export Haa Spurt.
Hood River While space on trana-
Atlantle liners haa been reserved on
dates as Ute as the middle of March,
it ia likely that all the Hood River
crop of 800 carloads of Newtown ap
ple will ba cleaned op before that
time. -
Tlta Annla Crnwara. association had
made a record thia year for the excel
lent condition in which mat nas oeen
delivered. Out , of the approximate
450,000 boxes that have so far been
handled not a single box haa reached
tba purchaser in poor condition.
Gaston Girt to Be Cooks.
Gaston At a meeting Saturday tba
school director of the Gaston district
decided to add domestic cienea and
manual training to the high achool
course. Misa Rhode Enachede, of For
est Grove, will teach domestic eeience
and Omar Moore, of the aama place.
'ill bava charge of tna manual train
ing. Th formal opening of the new
812,000 achool building will ba next
week, and arrangementa bava been
made for an interesting program.
Son Give Flag to Court.
PanHiata-. In the presence of a
number of achool children, the Umatil-
County Circuit court Wedneaday re
ceived a beautiful ailk Sag from tba
Oregon Society of tba Son of the
American Revolution.
- I , k .... I '
' I: 'J
. -V.
AU.U1M Inventlf a genluaea engaged U tte war ara keeping abreast of the modern time. aJlho,h tnr wclMt re 1U being aaad aa models for mora modem weapons. Her for in.unce. U a JJ?2
motive and freight car. The locomotive generate. Ita propelling power by the uee of benzine. The
the locomotive ara of the ordinary freight car p.ttvrn. Th. real novelty In the TlZ ltX ClJL
la tba Carao district, la that both locomotive and trecke ara equipped with a hybrid aet of wheela whlcb. when they
com to tba end of the railroad Una. can etUI ba aaed oa any road, regardlea of tu roughJieaa.
a ,i)..l-vl,' r
i . n rr rrrn
I. .hi. Serbia village, whlcb waa
and fought the flamea that threatened
Thia II I Turkish military caravan
rM !! nh.tnsranh of his holl-
oeM, Pope Benedict XV. ia shown
here. It waa token in bla study at the
Vatican. The pope la keeping up bla
efforts to bring peace to war-swept
Choice ef Damectea.
ror.ii afta all." aald Damocle with
aa affectionate glance upward at the
i .nanandad bv a balr. "nul-
sance though you are, old top. 1 think
td rather have you aovenng our ui
than a Zeppelin. There are hatra and
terra tn thia woria, ana ot u iw
frafer tba capillary attraction."
- . V
i - j x
: xsh. sU.-
Bred by tna Teutonic bombardment,
to ueatroy we ww
- -f-Tj:-J-.tiit-WI" j. " l? -J
n n nl...-. '
:,l.J ;l. J Jj " . "
m ' u SP .SSiKb,
arriving at the Junction station of
b.imn trouns Loilauia a tu-.y
y 7 & , " ? s . i ' : '
UUi .-? , ro . - y
4 ' . o ' . f - ' jr
. -V .
r . ""w.wii r iii iii siiisawaauaw , ' ' -
I Tyrol to give th.m a new line (or attack.
v., .
tba AuatrUna formed a bucket brigade
aweg the aid of a KounUla ta
, W-. ... .... t p
-aoy. msii.iiii ,11.1...