7C.705 Dr; Alfred F.Scmpcrt fjraduaW and Registered DENTIST gST omCB HOUR3 .-00 lo IfrOO A. M. 1 .00 lo 1.00 I. M. BRANDT IH.IK., upetaln. Siesta. at Weston Bakery Cea and Pastry. Mn Candle, feed MeaW at All Hour, SBe. Wa apeclallae In Llga ant .'arty itupiwni. Tttim the BAKER M j Dale Rothwell , Optical Spcciatbt ! 1 give all m- time to Dm At ' tint and grimlii f glna. I ttav practiced in Pendleton all year. All work guaranteed. Aawriran Nat'l Rank Bid. (Upstairs) ; PeiwSeton Oregon Qh. H. CarUr Dan P. Smyth ; Carter & Smythe LAWYERS rCNOLXTON osix;on OAVE YOUR MONEY , at Davis-Kaser's January Sale TbeWmier IxiVirain event of the year begins Fri day, Jinuary 7th. 1100,000.00 worth of choice Home Furnishings cohaisUnff of Furniture, Floor Coverings, Draperies, Vacuum Cleaners, Stoves, Sewing Machines, (Starts. Dinnerware, Fancy China. Glassware, Cutlery. Silverware, Cut Glass, Bra.ware, Willow ware, Lname ware, Ahiminumware, Nickel ware, LamM, Electrical Appliances. Wooden ware, Toys, Games, Kitchen Utensils, Sheet Music at big reductions. With half a dozen exceptions every item except a tow mntrart troods. is sharp bears our yellow January Sa oui lite regular price aiw ee just now much the reduction is. And, remember saving, for our regular prices are ,rockbottom and the same toalL But this time the Yellow Tags tell only half the ttory, for the price advances which have taken place since our present stock was bought amount to as much or more in many cases as these reductions, liberal as they are. It win'De a long time before the great values of fered by this sale will be again equalled. Terms of sale Cash or Bankable notes. THE DAVIS - Complete FVirnlahan of Ilomea, Offlcwa, Oiurchea, Schoola 1040 AHkr St. - (Odd Mlowa' Templa) WALLA WALLA, WASH. V.a v 'Mirsim. w-i IV Irfaf,- M em faV ' L a ak AiJ)l II I 1 I, lm 'tJa T Jit. ff a.' . CALIFORNIA Magnificent hotels cater to your every wantand you eat, drink, sleep, play and live outdoors.-What better way to gain true rest and health? Tp enjoy every minute of your California visit, uY the Oreson-Washlnfiton Railroad & Navjgatton Co. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM doit. i 1 a, V. IS! tO pun yow trip. u easy w - your local ant toKlay. or write the General Pa M 7 . . ti , fr. lirpratuic and information. See your local agent to-day, r' . BREVITIES Muitr Traok Couch la hr from KnirtM Im fur a el with hla raiiier, H. U. Couch. l'ae Fleiaeliman'a CVimnreeaed Yeast lb beat (or l-read-maklng. tor aaia b Uesum Haksry. (AdvJ Don't forget lha singing ela nt Thursday averting ai. lb lnltd Urethras eliurch. A. W. Uiml.'ll. t'oiinolliuan Kd. At.orone pro longed IIIium lift reached a sarluu lurn, and be la eonnnea mi hi noma. Tha reception room' of fVielet, hall ha h-en very euxlly "tied ui by tha MU fellow (or lha aeeowmodailua at their candidate. ( ' ' Prewtr hat lha largest ia lev l Ik. a.aa.Ml,f till Wilt. USi mill. Athene and WUM are neat. with.,1 aallleeaoh. Motor car ecrvlr lo all aolala, day ar nlahl. Also livery and feed bfc optMMiu lha IJ.uall.B blackemlln shop. Ia.fe Mrllrlrt. Ir. J. A. Best, mayor-alert of Pen. dleloa. u quit eavereljr bruised and Injured la vi aartomoblle accident near that clly Friday afternoon. Maa. aa-.ll " HA B MMlHItt taW - ,... aaal ika .taMaM. haa tlMll 1-tloLafe MBrldt 9iM per year. Tbara we on othar bid, . Interesting revival meeting ara la nightly piwre at lha Miho.llt rhureh. with He, t". A. Reiroad of Corvalll assisting lha local jMor. Urn ahoe and barnma ahon, Wbwtlrr hiKal biilldlnf. N manaiffmenl, new aqulnnianl. I'hona 91 H. Raton. xil: Mm ttnlai lift Wadnaada on bar rat urn u aldo Hall, lnrallla. of abUsh aha la nraiiaai. m rranma bar atudle In Orfo Afrlaullural (.'ollaifa. U.ll P.prl.r Tlarhart flakar w.mm mm lup Mar a wrmti tila 'rind- tall," alilch' eama ihl lima In lha ahaa of auma dalaeialila pork and auaaya from ma Karl uoaivy rancn. Toaatlay vaa Waaton'a eoldaal olghl Ihla aar. erlib lha niareury at lo be- - . - la Ai low, irovemmam nr"ro. rwiui, ac ona balow, raporlad tta eoldrat nlifhl In hniryaara. liana eama io imm n u 1.-1... aa.talatl taL Blbl Wa IMfll 1 V trttfttl. M V Hflwa, HUH aaa "-- ---pa M'l.aa am.u.a.lHM tlKHaMt-aa I aa4 Vav-UrilV and Itmuvhl eonaldaralde fraahano. I '. K. l.tUlo, loreat. raaifar, naa oarn llvlnf In a (ant la the mounulna la mllaafrum VVaxon iih ilv n.aroury frUkln around 10 below. A Utile wld,aaa- fy reduced. Every such item l. tn tr shnwinir the sale Drice. left on the goods so you can HASER C l'1 (tt I III 1 mz II 1 1 or write uww a C'"-a ; aa. ' The "Kolli-ifa KUk," olliaralae "All Htara," of whom uaaier w narra Mlulaa antral and Hallvn, did a eoma back elnaaiUy aauU, bul tfliln'l eoma rar enu)rn. with a ruab and eiwueaded In lliroalnif a ornnwumtad aoara Into Waatoo H , bul aflar Ihal yooih and oowlH loo lold. The hla-h aebool laila (rmduelly draw -i.-A !,. a,.iltlaa with llie lonf end of a W to 1 anora. 1 be old tlmera inula inrir (0 Hlororrana. H. O'Harra, Buuns Mauallan, fneliail ami Kannard, Weatoq 111 itraaented Ibelr ua.ial llne- ia La ii-.i,Blal rafairaad. and ea- eapad a-liboul Injury, rollowln the vaine the vletora ae a Unqual to Hie reno,ulahed and ibalr laillea. u. I..ka 1lanr llaworth and MlM Anna Maria Johnaon ware unllad la marrtase liacambar la la ine pmra. nal baranae at Paadlatoa by Kav. Charlaa Qulnnav. The aaaaing waa a nulet ona, wltnaaaaa onijr vr " Nallle Nalaon and Mr. Karl iohnaon, brothar of the bride. The eetlmable dauhtar of Mr. and Mra. Allrk John aon, promlnant mambare of the farm. ..-.mhIi la lha laaMar nlh- berhood, the bride la bald In high Ba laam by a lama clirie or rrianoa, the brtdaaroom la alae wall and favor ably known. Mr. and Mra. Hawortll have aone te nouealaapina- on na llanry Uarratt farm. n.,-.a Maw In catabrante al Paa dlatoa whoaa artlvltlaa la a dad I ham la a. ii ati.1 mi mill tiwii lta.mborae whea behind the bare, but prooeadad te a aa . 1 . .8 . braaa op aome aii oiana v ..niiiii aarh at I ham waa eivaa a line of 121 or a Jail eanteneo of twelve daye. Hut one of them. Marion near. 4.rff i,ail Bald hta flaa at laet a e unie. Mr. Daardorff formerly llvad In Waatoo, and hie amualnlancee hare will doubtlaaa be (lad to leera umt he had the 131. , ' r ...... I. iha fraahlv fallen enow iaiiraiad nnndatf mornlna that aome one had triad to enlar the bark door of Ihraa Main etreet buatnaaa hoaaaa durlna- the alaht. Anar evtdantiy ..nKliaa with iha Inch, he cave It up In each Inaunre aa a bad Job. Aa a eure-enouirh bunrier would net have lat a loak bother mm. ina nnaaewa wanderer la auppoaed to have baaa m aearch of ahaltar. A danrlna Hub la balHC OrCBUbwd la Waaton, and eapacta lo five weekly aaniaa aurina tha winter. Under club aueplcea, a nambar of lha anoot ap proved modem danren will probably be Introduced In Waa ton. which la eomewhat backward In a terpelchore an way and haa hitherto contented lt aalf lanrely with the time-honored walta and two-etep. Wad nunula. Wat la it Roaare pop ular and Indlapenaable factotum, re turned with troat-btltan feet rrqan recant trip to Waaton mountain. .,... .a tnatallad a asa enrlne pumping outfit for Roy May. He me eubeequantty cauead no Utile anaoy anea and irlbulatlon. . Kred'a feel be in a rather Important part of bla anatomy. a lav Waikar. wall-known retired farmer of Waaton who haa been ao Journtnc for the winter In Oakland. California, wrttaa that ha haa found a. nrnnm tnt'mn tmnrovament la health by the change of climate Mr, Walkar la pleeaantly located In ma varmei Aaartmanla. 4l Twenty-flflh elreet and Telegraph avenue.- , tv. mtiMa murt mat TuaadaV and flaad the county tax levy at eeveo and -.in. Thi. will ralae a total of im.OO on the countya taxable wealth, which la nearly M.e.00. Th diffarencea with the Milton li brary board which threatened to hold up the library tax. were aatlafactorlly adj tinted. i u-aa w t. miman. formerly of Athena, died recently at her home In Rock Mprlnga, Wyoming. Mra. Oil man waa a alaler or Mra. K. S. Uallnr, formerly of Waaton and now of Amar. iraa eviie. Idaho. Prior to her mar riage aha waa Mlaa Etta Irona. and re- aMed In Milton during ner ginnooa. iiaav ahinmanta of wheat are be ing made thla week from the Waaton Warehouse companjr'e warahouae here to Council Blufta. Iowa. J na gram m empUed from the bate and ahlpped la bulk, aa unueuaJ proceeding here. Parley la alao going out in conaui ble quantltlea. billed to Tacoma. The Athena Preaa r porta that "the electric motor out at the power plart of the city waterworha went on the blink when a couple of cella burned ,.t anil rha eltv will be abort of a water aupply until a ateam plant la put In condition or new ceiia nave oaan Ii ami led In tha motor." Ever ready, willing and ebla to booet. The Weakly BUIWogger eaye: "Now that the aaloona are cloaad. eome of our cttlaena are going to die cover that Pendleton haa a fine wa ter aupply. Heretofore they hav con. demned the Thorn Hollow water Juet becauae It waa water." A new Boor la being laid and other . - - .1 .laaa lawaaa. a.lnW improve mama ntwa ' " " building owned by the Baling eatale and lately vacated by Earl Coutta, at tha corner of Main and Water atreela. It will be occupied aoon, having been laaaad for a terra of three yeara by lo cal buatneaa men. . Dr. J. O. Turner of Low a. Turner, .naxiuiiata nf Portland, will be In Weeton again Monday, January 10, and In Athena Tueaaay, January . Headachea relieved: croaa eyea atratahtened. No charge for conaul- tatlon or examination. (Adv.) Ben and Charlaa DuPuia. who ara admlrera of Waaton hlatrionlc talent, motored In from the Adama country laat week to eee "Blundering ssiuy. It la almoat auoerfluoua to aay that their respective wlvea accompanied them. ' ' , ' The French government wanta S00. OOb.000 feet of lumber for Immediate delivery from Oregon and Waahlng ton mllla, and have placed contract tor thla material with a Ban Francis co lumber broker. Mr. and Mra. A. P. Perry have -tabllahed their residence upon the Geo. It. Dlaamore place above towa. which haa bean leaeed by Mr. Perry. He will look after hla market bualneaa In town aa usual. :, . . . . , - Mr. and Mr. Fred Butterworth, Fnrmarlv of Valda. Alaska, who were gueata of Mr. and Mra. E. O. DeMoaa for the Pt two week, i Monauy for Pullman, Waah. Only one " week mora of aeoond hand bargain In Weaton. Come early. We may hav- Juat what you want, and th price la bound to ault you. B. E Zehm. (Adv.) A party of friend were pleaaantly entertained by Mlaa - Rene Banlatrr Saturday evening at the Baniater rts Idence on north Water atreet. . All bills due me are payable to Or- al Uunran.1. Earl Cealla. (Adv.) ' County Clark Frank' nllf waa In town from Pendleton Monday on a bualneaa vlalt, Mra. Uaal ManaftaM haa returned to Athena after a vteil with her aie ter, Mra. . . Harrla. Mra. ghlrley Paraeit of Portland haa been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mra. A. 1. Harnett. George Carmlchael, aow.a real ee tate operator of Walla Walla, was her Monday oa a bustnees vlalt. Mr. and Mr. George I Horaeman have returned from a visit to their daughter, Mr. Walter U McC'redle at Portland. Earl Lleuallen aad Joe Read, pop ular Weeton young men, ar with u again, having returned front America Palla, Idaho. v Joaaoh PorraaL a prominent farmer f th Athena neighborhood, ha beaa ertoualy III of tat at hi bom eootb of that city. Dr. A. P. Bam pert i again at hla dental offices In Weetos, having re turned Monday from a holiday vlalt with hla parent at Portland. Than Wilder, who baa been engaged In farming for eevera! yeara all mile weat of Pilot Rock, la here for a flail with Mra. Wilder parent. Mr. and Mra. H. Key. , Wok 1 j.i haa aavrd eOaflned lo hla hnma with a dlalocafed elbow reeult- Ing from a fail which occurred during a Hide eelrbratloa Drier to the advent ef the "dry" New Tear. j Aa 1 expert to rloee my aecond-haad tore at Weeton within on week and move the atock elaewhere. Intend ing purchaser would do well to call at once. E. E. Zehm. (Adv.) ' laorals Wh Doe hie Header. Weeton HI took Athena HI Into camp, ! to It. In th flrat acheduled came of the Eat End division of the Umatilla county basketball league. It waa a fast and diverting arralr. played Friday evening In the local court. Between halve, with Waaton only two point ahead. Coach "Ernie" Rlomgren waa obaerved to be talking eomewhat emphatically to hi crew. Poaalbly he threatened to remove their hide and anrlnkl them with pepper If they didn't speed up a bit. Any way, th things they did to their vis itor In th second half were hardly charitable, to aay the least. Line-up and score: Waaton Wood 14 and Klrkpatrtck IS. forwards; Duncan 4. canter: Mae- kenale, ftmith and Lnndell, guarda. - Athena Klllgore 4 and Harmon I. forward: Grant I, renter; Payne 4 and Booh ar. guarda. All but two of Wood points were from free throws, while all of Grant' points war similarly scored. Klrk patrtck tossed all six of hla baskets from the field. Th second teems of both ' schoola alao clashed, and Weaton took thla contort. It to It. Its player were: Ray Oould and Burcy. forwards: Webb, center; King, Otla Gould and Tuck Smith, guard. Burgy led In the acorlng. " Thla (Friday) evening the lorala have a double header game with Mil ton HI. For thla occasion the girls' team will co-operate with the flrat team of bova la upholdine; Weston's laurels, plenty of ., excitement and amusement for followers of the game la anticipated. - . RnrccaKTul Amalrur Comedy. . Weaton'a reputation as a local cen ter of amateur dramatic art waa sus tained and enhanced by the recent production of "Blundering Billy" by a well-balanced cast. The play pleas ed a crowded house, and at popular price netted nearly t So for th ex chequer of the Ladle Guild, "Blundering .Billy' I a genuinely amusing comedy, without a doll line and brim-full of action. . Comedy to aauatly difficult for amateurs, but thla one went through without a hitch and scored an Indubitable hit. Judging from lha hearty enoonlums bestowed upon play and players. Cast, fur the tit le role. Frank Graham waa fully equal to the demand made upon him for affective blundering throughout the piece.- He looked and acted hla part with th adaptability of a Nat Goodwin. Miss Lois Porter waa delightfully winsome and Interest' lng aa Dorothy Tut tie, the Ingenue of tha play, (-lark Wood as Kara Tuttle. a rich mine owner, "struck It rich" for the only time In hla life. Lela G. Sal lng supplied the needed dramatic touch" aa the hdventureea, ably supple mented by Claud PHoa in th role of Lieutenant rGriswold. Tim McBrlde waa an exceedingly brlney old salt as Hank Dibble. Mabel Graham waa a charming little Japanese girl, and Valph Baling an Inimitable Chlneae servant. It was a good cast through out, tn fact Doubtless the member would admit thla themselves. Pleasing music waa furnlahed for the performance "by a local orchestra consisting of Rudolph Proebstel, vio lin; Mra. A. James, piano; Leon Lun dell, cornet; Virgil Lundell, trombone. AaaftataAt Manager for Weaton Store. ' J. H. Williams arrived In Weeton Monday to take a position aa assist ant manager of the Weston Mercantile Company, and haa since been In active pursuance of his new duties. Mr. Williams doea not succeed . Manager Mover, who retains the general direc tion of the store and will also do Ha buying. Relieved, however, from de tail work In connection with the Wee ton store, Mr. Slover will be enabled to give more time to hla Important mercantile interest at Freewater. He haa been working almost night and day since the Weston store waa estab lished, and was beginning to feel the strain of his exacting duties. As assistant manager, Mr. Williams will have Immediate personal charge of Weaton'a popular merchandising establishment- He I well fitted for his duties here by a number of yeara of successful experience with the de partment store of Roberts Brothers In Portland the necond oldest mercan tile house In th metropolis. He ex presses entire confidence In the con tinued success of "ths Weston Mer cantile Company, saying that he finds Its good, quarters and arrangement to be admirable, Indeed. He haa taken $580 worth of atock in the com pany. In order to Identify himself with It In a financial way, Mr. Williams ha a wife and two children, who will Join him oon In Weston and take up their permanent residence here. Basket ball tonight. ) , Ss;: v ' AbOllt It ;':.:-,:';'; . J --a-tosBa--- "A1 " J-IL 'L -L- '-M r1' r'li t '""ILJ) "I " ' ' an ! 'i , jifflyB, f ff -TmXTT"iri"i IHt Hi ll'linHalaa f. ' ' ' ' It's to be a good year, friends, for all of us. "We feel it in our bones." And we wish you all health, wealth and happiness, for your prosperity is ours also. With entire confidence we'll write it -WATTS NEW CITY COUNCIL IS IN THE SADDLE The new eouocU took bold Wednee- day evening of Weeton' affair. May or Hanltr succeeded lo the gavel of Mayor Harbour, and Cotinclimen v. n. Wood, Frank Price aod Ralph Sal I o if mmrnr In Uar Rsnieter announced hi committee appointment aa followa: Water Wuraer, Roger, Prlc. Street Baling, Brandt, Wood. Fir aod IVlice Wood, Prioa and Brandt- -J ,, Ordlnaoea-Kogera, w uraer, oaimg. (finance and PropertyBrandt, Rog ers. liog. , , . Heailtt t'rice, vtuuu, immr, rk. aM tkpM annlleanta for the offlc of chief of police -W. a Price, Georire Noabitt and ii. L. Wilson. The tar will be retained by Chief Wilson. Fred MeGrew waa appointed elly at tornev, aod Dr. C H. Smith health of- lloer ana city poysician tt'arer receitxa of tljd wer report ed for December. I'aw... Ual.llt aniinilUM OV SUDeriO- undent Rol.ineon the local high school waa granted in ireeootai ball gym. 1 Aouual report were read and re ferred to the finance committee. Rettca tf StothtOmf Umt ITU Wtstaa MercaaUi C. rnLa aaUtn nf Ma-kltoMerS of The Weeton Mercantile Company f ) 1. 1 .1 I tk. kl.aruilM Hail at Will W ... ...a. ' Waaton. Ore tr on. on Wednesday, Janu ary 19. Win, at 1 M o'clock p. m.. for the purpose or electing a noeru w i- . - aul Af I Mnun.intf aueh Other bualneaa aa may lawfully com before aid meeting. Weaton, ur., Jan. i, ivio. (Signed) J. V. SlaOVBH, Secretary. Notloa of StockltoWcra' Meeting. ' The annual meeting of stockholder of The Farmera Bank of Weston wit be held at It office In the City of ifi.. rnnni it ITmatilla. State of Orek-on. on Friday, the 2ih day of I-.....-.. iai at l-.ia o'clock tn tha afternoon, for the election of directors for the enaulng year, and for tne wan, action of uch other bualnee a may properly come before the meeting. Weaton. Or.. DecemWr 31, 1915. , K. M. SMITH, Caahler. LOCAL DRUGGIST PLEASED Wa ara tilefclv Dleased With the QITICK action of buckthorn bark, gly cerine, etc.. aa mixed In Adler-l-ka, ha annendlcltls preventative. ONE SPOONFUL -relieve eour stomach gas. and constipation AT ONCE. H Goodwin, druggist. Elklna. V. Va. Wild hog rushed down the mountain and Into th home of Sanford PhlHipa In th foot hill, where they attacked Phillips 1 y ear-old son. The child, frightened, rushed to the corner where a mirror hung. When tha hoga saw their re flections In the mirror, they became panto-stricken and ruahed hack to the hills, leaving th child uninjured. and Tailor Shop I A clean place, morally, 1 ana samvary. I Expert Barbering f NEAT BATH ROOM We clean, alter, preaa and mend. I jpgr And don't forget "Little Jimmie." Shoes chined for X ladiea and gentlemen. - I R. L Reynaudi (jJvN: THIS rather snappy f New Year it's a good time to resolve to fill your coal bins. We have plenty of Spring Canyon and Kem merer . coal. Weston Brickyard. iBiHiEil mfo an - --r- r- ' if r .i-i ..I A lev Year "Resolved, That my home will be made more cheerful this com ing year than it was in the past; because I will visit the DeMoss Furniture Store and purchase some article that will make the New Year truly a happy one." Let not this be neglected, but come at once. We are ready. EL . DeMOSS The Leader Prints Butter Wraps . Zia aJl Cak Sa-a Naa II . fr'S JfWfX WAHWWiiM Homt Merchant Prices 25 pound pail stock food...... 12.25 12 pound pkg. stock food .... 1.00 14 pound pkg. atock food..... .65 ' 2 pound pkg. stock food 25 Comparison of dosage two tables poonful twice daily. WE CSAUimZ THESE GOODS ootlwin's Weston $ f -S .-I i j ax , 1 Ml aeH . f Ui an Resolution -4 aaVwa.'Saaf 1k-a V Mail Order and Ped- . . .' d!er$' Price . J 25 pound pail stock food..f3.E0 7 pound pkg. atock food 1.09 i 3,4 pound pkg. stock food ... .59 ' lis pound pkg. stock food ... .5 f Two tables poonful three time dwly. rug toro I? m. m m M