The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, January 07, 1916, Image 2

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    (! t
L'i IC
May life's choicest blessings attend you,
friends, throughout the Glad New Year.
For ourselves, we ask nothing further than
continuance of the good will arid patronage
we enjoyed at your hands during 1915, when
our business showed a substantial increase.
This we will endeavor to merit by square
dealing, ample stocks and prompt and cour
teous service.
--r-afl UU
The Farmers Bank of Weston
Established 1891
Danls Account Best Asset -
An account with this bank will help
you to do right, help keep you right
and assist you always everywhere and
with all people The larger the ac
count the more good you can do, but it
is not necessary to have a large ac
count to start with. Open an account
with what you have and we will as
sist you to njake it grow. ..." '
Jo nary j ttl, ioi
f IstvwMiM, riaedtsl Hd lor the BosM
Ik Satm IS CeaMsanily.
trnmUHial otesoe'e Oteatett Induatnea
, talCTVgjf DfVOMfTT!ONI-
TMtiMmaeS staple attsMMru. Illas
hqm pirne to aiake frivafla -wit Net .
kaiasera aa4 live Ikevgata. guwl
rerkrra as sea work. , .
Jwmmtw to February 4, 1916
a yeaeHial asnnitiaral CerMF n s Mel shell.
: astxie Smm Is Artuai Werk sf
, . Mat arsi aad BeaaekwM.
(ana bt PstriT tAlsiMC. fits csora.
.it.s. erucx kaisino, paikv wom,
't l,TST SAIHKMa, CAIUH.Iinu. iWR-
fi. HO(rKHO.l r, HOMK
oausMiSATiONa. MaaaKTiHa.
Cnsnn. WlthsaS TsMtas.
aiwW faatrartKM la HMb
tdHM fallra4 rales.
rar eeaea mt to Vu Mp ldm e Orarej
Xteaml Cessta, CemU. !-
1 Dentist
OSW In th FJam Buildlnf, Wilton
Tioars, 9 to 12 and 1 to 5
ftsAVte la all Stat. am Federal
Mu MM i i
o o o
(Phone Main 241) . -
The largest stock of
Gigars Tobacco and
. in town
Kirk pat rick's
Physician and Surgeon
' Office in Brandt building
to pay your Weston Leader "sub"
Strict! in AtTttnc .
The Year.......
Pi Month.....
Fnnr Mnnllia ...
. 0 in
Per lnrli per niontli. ...........
Per ilirli, one insertion.,..
lirhM, per line each insertion. .
.. 06
JAN. 7. 191
Eslmd at Mm plefn at Wuiee, Or..
st stcsed-clsjt suil atslicr.
' That Oregon has a perfectly good
Sunday law insofar as lu constitu
tional it jr Is concerned has Just been
set forth by th federal court at Port
land. Similar amursnce having- been
rouchsafed by the stats suprem
court. It may now be taken for grant
ed that Oregon's Sunday "blue law"
is In good legal working order, and Is
not to be safely defied.
' Tho federal court holds that 'the
principle of the right of the state to
regulate the pursuit of occupations on
Sunday under its pollc power ha
been conclusively determined by th
Oregon suprem court In two decis
ions, and that th United State su
prem court has uniformly upheld
this principle. It holds further that
the law does not Interfere with any
one's religious liberty, being an essen
tially civil and not a religious statute,
and that it is not in contravention of
anyone's property rights. -r - i
, The effect of this and other court
decisions along similar lines Is to vir
tually affirm that almost any sort of
Sunday regulation which the state
wishes to establish is legal and consti
tutional In Oregon. ' The stats need
not be consistent. It may say that this i
! thing is lawful on Sunday and this
other thing is not, ana its people must
perforce obey.
Thus, under the"blus law" as t
present upheld, an open bakery or
butcher shop is lawful on Sunday, ana
an open grocery Is not. Billiard halls
and bowling alleys are unlawful and
a theater is Immune. A man may
clean windows on Sunday If he
elects, but should h black boots b Is
liable to arrest and punishment Base
ball Is not permitted, but ws presume
that the law takes no account of lawn
tennis, croauet, fishing-, hunting or
other sport on Sunday. Ws hsven't
read It In full, but If it prohibited
these other things it would not be so
consistently Inconsistent.
The conclusion Is obvious that Ore
gon's Sunday-dosing law needs some
tinkering, whether by legislative or
initiative enactment. Sines It Is a taw
that anybody may Invoke and "make
stick," It Is too potential for mischief
aa at present constituted. The Leader
has long defined rest as recreation, or
a differing occupation. Thus, a man
who has labored long and hard during
the week should bo given an oppor-,
tunlty for relaxation- and pleasure on
Sunday. If he has been a recluse in
doors, b should seek the open air; If
he has worked at manual labor In the
open. Indoor amusement of a whole-
tome nature will not hurt him. If a
man elects to attend religious wor-j
ahlp on Sunday, well and good;
on should or till Interfere with him.
But it ha electa lo attend or tsk pan
In ball game, w bellev that h
should b xiunllx nutle I a
without Interference, JW o long
ho conduct hlmlf In proper
lawful mar.
Tho uilr question U, of course,
vartd and vexatious one. and ho been
variously argued and interpreted.
However eoaatitutHMal It may bo, tho
"blu lwM haa alway been mor or
leas ignored by many of our very Orel
cltisn and busln 0)n preaum
bly without any serious qualms of
conscience. Prohibition la Indubitably
a MNiui. of vast benefit ( Ih ran.
and Oregon did well lo adopt II.
A tight Sunday lll la not. Oregon will
do well to become a broad-minded
and tolerant along this lino a lu
vision wtll permit. -: 4 .
Newspaper reader will remember
that several year ago tho omporor
or Oormany raa aald to bo tuff .ring
from cancer of tho throat. Tho r
porta woro "huahed no." and finally
pauwd out of tho public ken.
Wo now hear In report from Pari
that tho kaleer la undoubtedly a ran
cer victim, and ar Inclined to gtv a
dear of credence to tho noora. Tho
Pari Matin aya that In It 11 tho met
distinguished surgeons of Europo
wer considering I ho advlwblllty of
romoxlny tho royal patlont'a Uryni.
but paJlUtUvo troatmoat waa adopted
and aonrod to atay for a tlmo tho alow
proarioa of tho Implacablo dumuw.
Now, howovor, It la aaartlni Ita droad
powor. and tho kalaor, wo aro told, la
doomod to looo hta voir. That ho
will ovontually loo bla Ufa, aiu, may
b roadlly auppoaod.-
LmI aprina- tho Saturday Bvonlng
Pont contained a moot Intvrratlna' nor.
nulr. by a formrr lady la waiting at
tho Oormaa court, who aald that tho
mpror wna a cratur of Impulao.
At tlm bo waa moved by peaceful
emotlona. and hla offtrlal acta were
characterised by prudence and con
atderalioa. At other tlmea tho aplrlt
of Mara aeemed to aelao upon htm.
and ba would glory In the militant
strength of the Fatherland. He felt
that ho waa a War Lord, divinely ap
pointed to lead tho Qerman eagle to
victory, and that Germany should Im
pose Us Imperial will upon , modern
la It not easy to fancy that the
kaiser a atck man, entirely human
and subject to human weakneeaes and
a sick mu'i whlma brought down
upon tho world Ita moat awful war?
The history of tho brief negotiation
following the Balkaa murder and pre.
ceding general hnatllltlea, would aeem
to Indicate that tho kaiser waa In tl.e
throes of a grand Martian passion at
a time most fatal to the peace of
Europo. Conscious of Germany
strength, he waa In tho mood to test
It. and gave willing, ear to the sinister
counsels of tho militarist leaders of
his nation. At another tlmo the
vision of a Europo drenched with in
nocent blood might have deterred
him and forestalled . the gory apecta
Tho thought at least leads to the
hope that tho war will brine about
such a readjustment of European gov.
era men t that no. one men or aet
men may be ablo to decide such enor-
mously fateful issues as war or Peace
That the kaiser could have prevented
war by acquiescence fn the request of
England, Franco and Russia for an
International conference on the Aus-
tro-Serbian affair, there seems to be
little ground for doubt That his
fuss I resulted from one of his darker
moods. Incident to his depressing mal
ady. la so altogether probable as to
engender regretful speculation.
Weston psssed from a condition of
humidity to on of aridity without
qualm or quiver. In truth, th burg-j
might have been "dry" for a decade
or a century for all the difference the
enforcement of th state-wide prohl
bltion law with tho advent of the New
Tear, made In the daily walk of Jhla
The town'a one "fhij- parlor" had
shipped off all Ita ardent liquids be
fore the day for closing came, and
kept only a small supply of lager.
Very few people entered Ita doors on
Near Tear's eve. and th spirit of hit
arlty supposed to be appropriate for
momentous a passing of the old
year and order was conspicuous by Its
absence. Having been quietly con
ducted In recent months, when the
saloon closed Its door It was scarcely
missed by the populace.
Th local feeling is entirely differ
ent from that which, obtained .whit
Weston was ''dry',, stxing with Uma
tilla, county under the local option
law. That taw waa considered mor
or leas of a faHuiw, and there , was
only an outward abow of enforcing
it. Th operation f st least on
"blind pig." and th practice of "boot
legging" In convenient alleys, wer
matters of more or less common
knowledge. Convinced that th coun
ty had mad a futile experiment Wes
ton In common with most of Its sis
ter towns voted "wet" th next tlm
It had a whack at th liquor question.
This time, however, th town feels
that with all of Oregon and of Wash
ingtos, and Idaho dry, Weston can bo
and remain so beyond question, With
out any special organisation, nearly
every conscientious citizen has ap
pointed himself a committee of one to
see that the new law Is respected her.
So far there haa been no Indication
of the least desire of evading the law
on the part of anyone, and It la be
lieved that if there are any potential
boot-leggers her who would not be
deterred by conscience they will at
least be deterred by fear. They well
know that the entire community would
assist and rejoice In - their condign
punishment. J ' "
- Weston elected a' leading prohibi
tionist as Its mayorV' and Its adminis
tration Is a unit for law enforcement
This town Is going to be good and
dry, and glad of the chance.
.-.' ' - ' . ..
:"' ' (Ben H. Lampman.) .
Doctor, wont you feel my puis and
stick around awhile? f fear me that
this comely map will never wreath a
amil. Blow me no bunk of gtad New
Tear, nor grin your dreadful grin
ths patient that confronts you, Don, at
slated to cash-in. Last night, at
Charley's Down th Line, we watched
the Old Tear die; full four and twenty
spending sports, and each as full as
Our glasses' Jingled on ths bar,
our silver sought th till. O, many
a toast and many a noaat to uaccnus
did we spill. Yet grief was in sach
gallant heart, though all ondimmed
each sye; wo sought to sous our sor
row. Poo the stats was going dry.
Doctor, speak not of th sobs that
wring the manly frame, when sorrow i
with a sickle cleave, ins
lly name, Tho pain. , ,,h'
air breast o held and mad. w
moan.mlsht wring to
chief or Ihjulfy Y'""
.... . ... i.t,i n.l roared througn
Ultra - " ,.t .
Iho door we drenched the endues of
eur souls and railed for round
more. And. lvr. chid m h
f was not the least of these until the
light went round and round like merry
Christmas tree. W ho would nt
sous hi sorrow. rH?. or bravely make
the try? W all wer mourners - -wake
the alat waa going dry.
ltocior. won t you feel my pulse and
stick around awhllef I fear me tnai
these youthful Umbo win never ump
mil. Fid them cull m o f'""
r.i. .k. I am stsrward fled. Who
ever pined for poslea. 1S and carried
such a head? Last night at Charley
Ion lh Una w waicnea me
Tear croek to sung and quip and ri
baldry th New Tear yawned and
wnka. IiuL Porlor. In ec gallant
heart a secret pain abode each man
braced up, as all men must, and
sought lo bear hla load . . . Why
A vnu shake vour learned Conk and
..niv ih? I've gt to
k... t hrai-er. Doc IBS poor old
tales gun dry!
la lis snnual review of Inland Km
air towns for Ha New Tear number.
l?nto-ths-Tlmea ' Mewlne " e.nlans
tho following about Weston:
"Durins 1IU two new mercanllle
store were established at Weston
ans of them by private capital and
the other by a local corporation known
ss th, Weston Mercanllle i;ompsny.
Ths latter waa capitalised at 3.00a,
and haa put In a very complete stock.
In fart, never In th town'a history
not v In th stirring pioneer dsya
when It ranked second only lo Pen
dleton In commercial Importance In
Umatilla county haa II been ao wall
prepared with stocks In every line to
tsk rare of the wants of Ita tribu
tary territory. Mor attention la paid
bv th merchants lo ator front dis
plays, and thess were mors atrlklng
and attractive during the past holiday
season than ever known before. In
gensral, Weston la thriving In a mod
est way notwithstanding th fact
that M la an agricultural community
and but a small ahar of Ita till crop
haa as yet been disposed of. When
selling become general It ahould bring
about livelier conditions In Kit. On
of the town's moot urgent needa la
produr company, and It may b that
th frequent discussion or this want
will crystallise Into action during th
new year."
In Ita -(revtloir from Great Men
for IVIft, th sstoomed K. t. seems to
have been Inexcusably careless In
overlooking-Colonel K. Bill! ken Boyd
of th Athens Press.
Th hand of th reformer has
reached out and desecrated the mince
pi. Excise officials of Colorado view
with horror the danger of Intoxica
tion which they claim, rests within th
mine pie, and have decreed that In
future all traces of brandy shsll be
omitted from th delectable dessert
We have no quarrel with th excise
of Acta Is of Colorado, but we ask If
this Is not carrying th enforcement
of lb prohibitory law too fart Mak
ing a martyr of th mince pie is strik
ing pretty close lo home. It would
give tho civil authorities power, for
instance, to enter th home, sample
the mine pi before th family had
a chance at it, ana ir tney rouna
especially delightful, to condemn It
and carry It away with them to eat
It quietly and happily when they
reached a secluded spot. Ths author
ities could not be blamed for this, ex
actly, because we all have seen mine
pies which no human coutd resist It's
th family which has th kick coming.
Th wis housewife knows that it la
not necessary to put brandy Into mine
pi to mak It appealing to palate.
Others beHeve that th brandy glvs
It a tang which It could never attain
without th us of sleohol. On fam
ous cook explained th difference be
tween mine pi with brandy and
that without brandy was that th lat
ter was "hash." Be that aa It may.
anybody will tell you -If he happen
to know that th alcohol which gets
into th mine pie, gets out again In
th process of cooking. Immediately
the legal question will arts In Colo
rado. "When is a pi a pleT" In all
probability th court will be called
upon to determine whether a pi Is a
pie before It Is cooked, or after It Is
cooked. If tho latter Is the rase, the
pie-maker can only be' charged with
violation of the ' prohibition law
when th pie Inspector calls before th
pi goes Into th oven. This, of
course, makes it extremely oirricuit
for the Inspector. Aside from the
satire, however, the question remain.
"7 "" 7 1.-
stand such absurdities of law-making
srnl l aeln AevaAf si rf T'ir ri n va I.., aswlll Ik A maalxa e Mnkllit
Mt wtr-HitWI riwvaMUM 1 huh. eaaw
Sheboygan, Wis. Gertrude Orasn
particular claims to beauty were her , "v , m " " inrnes south nr a
long-, golden tresses. In a dream ri!t'J';i!:,i
eently, she arose fsom her bed. ob-, Blwk , lo b, ".,, ejoyV,,
talned a pair of scissors and clipped . rint of way foe th purpose of keep
her head as bald as an egg. Ing and mnlntalnlng over and aero
Berwick, Eng. Lightning struck
th wadding ring on th finger of Mrs.
Mason of Cnetlegats. taking a-plec
out of th ring, but leaving th finger
uninjured. . ' ;
Columbus, O. An apple pie which
won a prize of a bushel of apple at
th O. S. V. apple ahow, waa baksd
by a 1-year-old cooking marvel, Ei
ther Ra Johnson. Sh was pitted In
the contest with fl housewives and
one man. The prise, was a special
one awarded for -the excellent cook
ing. ' . t '
Newvllle, Pa.-Mary Murphy, tear
ing a mattress apart to throw away,
found her mother's will which had
been lost and 111,090 In securities
hidden I the cotton. The will ha
been admitted to probate. It leaves
th entire estate to th finder of th
securities and will.
trsile marks and eewrtefcu aMalnr or tm
few. aMl aM-lH. NkotrtM or photo an So.
wrteooa for SEARCH aa Man
oa pMrntaMMy. HukaMaM
yoa. Oar boo ooualrai toll bow. vlautolaoeat
303 Seventh 6L, Wuhlngtos, D. C. f
In tho Circuit Cur .f lh Hil
Oiiruii r IfmaHlla fmi.
UllaCUreilor. I'laliMllT. . IWiity
iiivmirr. LMviHlank
To lnly Orefur lVfcmUnl kUivo
In tnk Nam or Tim Statu or
OHKIONt ou ar pr'i.v req """:
s.iriiak' uif tv..iniii
iraliuil JOU in t" "- " -----.lil.ln
six week of ilis Ul of His
(lot pitl'llcallon uf ll.U sumimms.
" VT. ' .. . r., kVI.Uv il.s IHliils)
of rebrunrjr. lUIn; ami .toil will !
nolle I hat If ou fall aiesr -;
n.aeror nlra.1 It Mil said llni tl
pUlidiff, for wai't lliereuf, will iW
in ihaUsemliMc.Mir forth r-
llvf rav.l hf ami l.-innniou in
.J IteeaaM BuiltlilMllll. n'lel.
kr a.lrcree of I lie CMirt forvrsr
sohln- th homls .f iiintrimon now
....I k.n.ilnnt anlktlliip tieiwren
ilit sml tlelemlNnt ami fr an aUolul
dlvnro from lh ilcfemlsnt.
Th a summon la imMlaltea nuronau.
to an order tf id IIuimmsM Ullberl
SV. I'holiw. judu l Hie aisv any
lJ eourt. Jilv mail ami Died herein
on th 3lkh lay of Ih-cemlier, IBI4.
Th nrl publication of till aHtnoion
will ho mad in tti on ie"r
uiIiIUIimI at Weston, O ifon. n
dav, lh 3lt lv of IVcemher. II;V
anil lh last iul.llctlon will h mail
on Krld,v, th llih ilsv of Krhroary,
11)14, maklnir a publication of ill ou"
secullv week.
Ihtteil at I-oikIIsIim, rm, on ihl
th SHU day of IWrlrr, lull.
WIIJ. at. -TTKKwm,
Auorne hr I'lalmlB.
IWolTlca mhlrrm: rlitilthCrawforU
HWg, IVoillstun, trrt.
W. M. Patera C H, es
Peterson & Bishop
Pendleton. Or. Krwatr. Or.
and mak bla New Year happy.
In tlx rtrral Coon of II Mala of
OregtMi tor I'ssatllU CtNiMjr.
r. TX Walla. Plaintiff, vs. Anna Tonus.
Kllta t'heeter. Cam Ine svhmidl.
Iuls Young. Ma Yousc t.ita
Toon. WHlard Vouns". Alice Young.
Michael Yoons. Ilarbnr Toons. Hu
go Hchmltlt I'yalhla Brophy. Anea
kL Joiim. James ller. Mass) I'e-
tera. llli hard I'elera, Knmu.l I'elera
Myrtle Telers, Jnhn I'etera. Klhel
It. Peters, Wm. Idlers. Ileiaile I'e
tera, Orln IVters amt Jmrte IVIora.
bla wit. Albert Young, Or K Ma
her. John Maher. Xulmnnn IVlera,
Charles II. IVlers, Sarah iNivkt, for
merly Sarah KHlrMce, Michael It.
Young. Myra Vouns: Michael nr
Mike Fvtera. Agatha Taylor, Hlella
1'etere.t (Jtene I'elera Nora Wall.
Orae Boxer. K. ". lingers, K. M.
IVters. Kmealey rllitrnour. other
wise known ss Knwty itldrnotir,
Minnie U Derestt, Jan tielVatl.
Nellie DePeatt Katie IVI-rall. V. II.
Ham DePat. Ralph ItolValt Kel
ma IterVait. now Iom lUrrk. Mer
ps t VI 'rail, now Mema Hmlth. ami
Aawtha Taylor, guantisn of fllella
1 "!! r and tilen friers, minora,
To Anna Young, Rlhm Cheeier. Car
otin Schmidt Louis Young. Id
Young. Lytlla Toons'. Michael Tnun.
Harbor Young. ltuo Schmidt. Jam
P. tors. Masai I'elera. Albert Vouns.
Omn, Malmr, John Maher. Solomon
Peters. Charles II. IVIrrs. Harsh I
vis. formerly Sarah Klltrt!. Agnes
B. Jones. Hlr.erd IVlera. Myrtle Pe
ters. Samuel Peters. Michael It. Young.
Myra Young. Cynthia Itronhy. John
Peters, Klhel K. Pelers, Wm. Peiers.
Bessl Peters. Michael ir Mia Pelera.
Again Taylor. Stella Peters. Olene
Pelers, E. M. Pelers. Tmealey ItlnVn-
our otherwise known Kmelv It Id
enour. Italph DePestt. SVIm IiePrslt
now Zelma Harris, M-rn( lflait
now Mere Smith. WIHnrd Young,
Alice Young. A sal ha Taylor, guardian
of Well I'elera and Giro I'eiem, ml'
nor. Jan Pet'eatl. Nrlll Del'eail,
Katlo Lie I 'est l, Orln Frier ami Jol
i'eter. lit wife, defendant altove
la tlie Namc of I be Riate of Onega),
Ton and each of you nr hereby re
quired to appear and annwer th com
plaint filed against you hi th aboy
entitled an It on or before lite l.h day
of January. I til. and you will lake
nolle If you fall (o answer, or other
wise appear In said su't on or before
said day, plaintiff, strove named, for
want thereof will apply to ths above
entitled court for th relief prayed for
In plaintiff complaint, on file In said
suit to-wlt: For a decree of thin
court requiring each and svery one of
these defendants to show and make
manifest lh exact nature and extent
of th right, till, Interest or estnle.
which each, any or alt of them de
fendant claim to have In ' th real
property, described In said complaint,
Th Srcy of th KW'4 of the NWH
of Sec. as. Two. 4 N. It 17. Bt. W. M.:
the Wet-J feet of Lot In P-lork t
Bd Lot 7 of Block 1. and the Weet
fw, of , , 4 of , k f
I M . . . m -
of Block 1. and th Went O
a . n A mb a
th Town of Weston; Lois f. It and
, . ., . w, ...... . vi t
! of Block 1 Haling' a Addition to
lh Town of Weston: all that portion
of Block of McArthur's Addition to
th City or Weston lylns? North of a
certain east and. west lln. said lln
commencing at a monument constat
. Ing of a three-Inch pipe driven la the
I ground along th west lln of said
. Block, aald monument being witnessed
said south end of mid Block t a flume
" w consiructed; the right to
i ."".T"m" "no ""
tofor used and enjoyed In connection
therewith, together with the right to
keep said flume In repair, to replace
ths am at any time and to enter
upon said land along ths line thereof
for ths purpose of Inspecting, repair
ing and replacing the same; also an
undivided one-half Interest In Ksst II
feet of Lots I, I, 4, all Lots J, the East
Butter Wrappers
Furnished and Printed at the Leader office
Sixty (minimum).....
une nunarea...
Two hundred ..
Each additional hundred.,1...
Prime Beef
Pork, Mutton Veal
Dmicd Poultry
FISH Moud.y and Thund.y
Get Our Prices
IVtM No. M Order lakn by
.Ihmi for mall route. -
Perry & Wcbcr
It's True Economy
lis Etutny Siors
W boy r rasa and Mil IW
rja-al small margin. ' "
Cruh And Limn Good '
School Supplies
Ktr r hon kno. m
II feel of Lot In Blork I la Ik
original Toa of ', , th
folio ln aWtl4 traett fieaianiaar
I lh Nnrtheaat now f I IS)
Hlorli I, I helve westerly alnag lh
MHO lln of Mala street II feet t
eh, I hence anolherly paralM Willi
Pninklln Street II feet trwhe.
Iheme easterlv paralM with Mala
Street II feet I larhee lo lh we Un)
f rwnklw atreet he' neetheriyt
along lh weet lln of Pranklln Mret
II feet Inrhe t lh point mt ei
lns; An undivided on-hlf Inlereist In
and to ll'H lt I. ail Lets an I.
and Ih North Hif ef lxl In ltiM-lr
of Weston; an undivided awe-half
rnlerest I and la Lot 1 fHrk I Itart
man' Addition to Weafos),
Ami thai a ol claim amlearli And all
of them he dertared veld and nf n
ff t and natoundetl In text nt la U
Kslnat SUM flalolltf. hla heir r '
siawai. tae staiaiitr snsta . aa4 dla,..,
kurarmenla hrfi-ln, and lee .M a thf
snd further relief perislus I e-ioi. '
ly ad good rnnseieoc
This eimmoiM is published puewtaat '
to ss order of the Ilea, ft, W. phslno,
Clrrull Jttds of the ih Judlctal' tM ,
Irtct of lh flat ttt Oregon, wmd -I
he 1 h dr 111 'inrniUr. I III A. Ssed
order prnvbfe that ih first puhllca
llon of Ihl summon shall be mads on
ih .lil dst ol liecsmlier, IUI3. hi '
Ih Weston Leader.
Attorne) for llalnllff.
for hornet and cattls la th gras thai
jf rows on meadow and bill. Th nelt
bt tbtni ia (weat, rlesn, bay and
feed that com from our mill. Wb :
Jon need rolled grain of th rif hi oor
or keeping your livestock In fin fat
tie, loon for our atgn ami lh coon
thing for for vour dumb servant
stored in our bin. Ws hand! fltswm
Rolled Barley, Oats Mid Wheat; KatodJ
Hay, MHist 11 IT and Chick Fswtt
Ws'r local agsnto for Pwk Flour
and lilalchford'i Calf Mini nomS&U
D. R. WOOD the Feed Man
OfHc on block north of th bank.
Electric Treatment
gJST Pboaa 621
tiJr.V "
.....;.;:.$0 75 ;"fir
' Food