I. . TON; EADER -tccl. xxsr. WESTON, OlffiGON, miDAY, DECliMJIEU 31, 1915. NO. S. - W H 1 -ai ' '. A 1 1 I- if i . WORLD'S DOINGS OF CURRtfrr WEEK rief Eme of teal Km f Frcb AH Around the Earth. live I w$ Items of All Nations and ?5t Condensed fur Our Busy Readers. rnM rail cUm of 191? loth olor, Mor Infected pork U discovered In Tertian. Railroad earning wo advancing by leaps and bound. Warden of Sing 8lnf prison to In dicted for perjury. .'Oregon t Irrlgttlonlst ar In eeslon In rortland. Ni official reception It offered tb Ffrd pone party by the Dane. Th intent powers ro considering abandoning tb drlv on BaJonikl. , Captain Boy-Ed sails for Germany, leaving parting shot to th Unltod Mate " Too British eablnot I torn over tb oonoorlptton question and tbo olUwtton to now erlala A brtdo of fow month to shot nd otherwise maltreated on a lonely road now Creebem, Or. Tbo Austrian aro accused by tbo French government of Inking 1st Coi- Ut without warning. ' King Peter of Serbia bw gono Into exile and to In deplorable condition, botb M to health and finance. Vtonna'a reply to tbo Unltod State on tbo Aneona cea will ask arbitration which. It to Hid, will bo rejected. Many paroled convict in Cbleago aro thought responsible for many crime being committed in too windy Now York tflU ahtp to Cormany by registered ajff three ton of powdorod f- milk f"tttrj.0OO,000 starring bobloa ,4lrra. country. Soerotary of War Garrtoon will pre aont to tbo committee on military affair a plan which, If adoptod by oongrota, will moan universal military eervle. St. Uml hotol ai reported Meet Ing unprecedented rotoo to delegate to tbo Democratic convention, wbo aro making reeervatlon for tbo coming mooting. Tbo government of tbo Unltod RtatiM will build aoon two riant tub- martnooof 8000 ton each. It to pro- peood to wild emaiiw nonta i to aamo typo within ov year. Eight men, including a lepreaonta- ttvo to. oongrOM an os-roprooontatWo in eongroaa ana un wx-miwnmj nwi . t nhin m . indict! bv a F'edcr&l grand jury in Now York on a charge of conspiring to foment atrlkea In American munition laciorio aa pan of a campaign financed by tbo Gorman nvarnmant to fibeck the OXDOrUtiM of munition to tbo entente allloa. Tbo V man , Indicted aro , RepreeentaUto Dttcbanan, or lliinoia; ex-Kprewmi-iv. Cnarlm. rJ lliinoia! Frank 8. nnett, o-attomey general of Ohloj B, Martin, Herman SchuJtela, ra ton Klntelen, David Lamar and Jacob a Taylor. : The French mako eonatderablo gain at UarUnano-Weilorkopr, ana capture 1200 German. " Canada will ralea a total of 250.000 men for Engaina; iso.wu bbto ai ready gono overteaa. T l aattmatMl that the Federal tot mment will loee 1850,000 In roTonuo when Oregon goes ory. , v r Elghty-flTO tbouiand pupil of tbo Cnlcago c Ii ooii are aoaent stnun w an epidemic of Influonaa, ' Tbo barkentlno 8. N. Cattle to in dltree off the com or wawingwn, with ix foot of water In bar bold, The Washington board of parole are withholding the freedom of paroled eonvieta nntil after January lit, when tbo date goes dry. ' Fifteen hundred men working on the Ataka railroad are Icebound and will he compelled to He through the win ter en canned good. - The Reach Timber company of Mofr eatlne, la., baa railed $300,000 by trust ileed and will build a logging railroad to Its holding near Sutherlln, Ore. ' According to a dispatch an Asutrlan rubmarlne bat been captured by two torpedo boat, preiumably Italian. Nine Portland lawyer win a dam age (nit for $10 ttarted by a woman over poMeealon of a ben and eleven chick. : ; A large number of cannon bidden by the Serb In their flight from Austria-Hungary, have been recovered by tbo latter. VoulnUry retirement'of the British In Galllpoli I denied by the Turk, who claim the English were defeated by their troop. CCSQLQS 10 PM m rca am mm ma Washington, D. C The Warde part men t will urge on eoogreee, it i understood hare, the proposition that It to vital that a definite statement of military policy for the United State be put through at tbl session and that machinery be created for the organisa tion of a eitlsen army, volunteer to begin wits, but bwed ultimately on universal military service. It was learned authoritatively that the administration' continental army plan I designed to operate with either tbo volunteer or tbo universal service system. It la known that tbo continental army plan to regarded in It present form by Its rraroer a a preparatory measure, paving the way to a decision by tbo people at large for or agalnet universal military service. In deter mining bl plan. Secretary Carrtoon to known to bavo consulted every general officer of tbo active army and many oroeort of lower rank. MARY ROBERTS RINEHART Mary Roberta Rlnehart, the only ewman oorreependent who got to the actual fighting front In Europe and who wrltinge en the wer are filling many pas of the magailnee, wee In Washington recently In tbo mtereet of her friend and tribal brothers, the laekfeet Indiana. The unanimous opinion of tbo commto- tloned personnel of tbo army, as well as the civil official of the War depart ment, to said to bo that adequate pre paredness can be secured only on uo bast of universal service. While Secretary Garrtoon has made no public declaration of bla opinion. Assistant Secretary Breckenrldgc, wbo frequent ly baa spoken for bla chief, be clearly indicated belief that universal service is the only fair and democratic solu tion of the military problem confront ing the country. It baa been indicated that the mill tary committee of eongrota will bo formally advised ot tuts view at me coming hearing. British Cabinet Resolves for Kodified Form if Ccasoiptici London It Is said on excellent au thority that the cabinet has virtually decided upon a modified form of eon- scriDtion bill to bo Introduced In the house of common next week, giving the covornment the necessary power, should it bo found needful, to bring in ingle men and preserve Premier As- auitb'a Dledm to married men. The cabinet meeting, although It failed to secure agreement of all the minister upon the question of the vol untary system versus conscription, was of a critical and decisive cnaracter ana virtually reached tbo decision that the aDDllcation of force may become neces sary before all eligible single men are effectually brought to the color. Th antl-conacriptionlst minister offered strong opposition. Oregon Haa Saltpetre. Lakeview, Or. Large deposit of saltpetre have boon found in tbo dis trict east of this city In Lak county. with specimens of the deposit running almost pure. Uooeo Lak Valley is tbo center of tbo deposit. It I aid the valuable portion of th deposit will average 8 per cent saltpetre. Before the war th United State secured it supply of druggist' salt petre from India, but that has been diverted to England by the war. A a result saltpetre to now worth 65 cent a pound. . Tungsten Or Bid Sosr. Boulder, Oolo. Competitive bidding Wednesday brought offers of $48 and $49 per unit for 60 per cent Tungsten ore, a compared with $5.80 lest April. At that time the first Increase brought the price to $7 per unit and In the Intervening months it ha made steady advance. Two buytrs placed the schedule for 60 pe cr,t or $47.50 a unit, making the ore worth $2850 per ton. t, ) lAGMPPE EPIDEMIC COSTS MANY LIVES Death Rate ta KhM$h Is 1 Alarmingly lae. oikoies ofyourao&DAGEizi Health Officers Warn Public to Keep Away From Crowded Races' Many Industries Crippled. Philadelphia The death ret from tbo epidsmls of la grippe bow sweep ing the state has been so high that Samuel 0. Dixon, state health commis sioner, Issued a statement at Harris burg Ssturday calling attention to tbo seriousness of tbo situation and cau tioning tbo public that If th disease latoba avoided "sacrifices must be made," . Keep out of crowded place," Di, Dixon says, "aa on person havlng4the aripne may five It to a carload of passenger." In this elty eov portal permits wore Issued during tbo first thro day of tbo week, th majority of the deal being doe directly or Indirectly tola ariPDO. Tbl to more than double tb ordinary death rat. It to estimated that nearly 15.000 person In Philadel phia alone are ' suffering with tbl disease, which baa been particularly fatal to th vary old and very young. Attendance at all the public acboou baa been greatly reduced, and in sever al sections of the state schools and col. lege bav been forced to dose.- f sctorlee, department atorea and other business bousee have also boon affected by th epidemic, and in many Instance tbo number of employed obliged to remain at bom bad boon so treat as to curtail operation seriously. Hundred of firemen and policemen are confined to their home with tb die- whll Philadelphia's rapid transit company report 400 of its employee on the sick list. -Reports from Camden, N. J., are to tb effect that thor are at least 1000 in that city. 60,000 Are III In Chicago. Chicago Chicago doctor aro work ing at high (peed, many of them max Ing more than 50 calls a day. Chicago busine to battling against tb handicap of disablement of many employes' and lack of full efficiency of many other tbouaanda. All this Is due to la grippe, or to bo nor accurate, to relative of tb old fashioned grip. ' Althongh the epidemic to th most serious since 1891, it is remarkable be cause in no eutluroa yet examined by the health department ha the organ lent of true la grippe been found. Isolation of every victim of the epi demic forcible Isolation by employ ers, if necessary, of every employe who attempts to work while suffering from th grip i urged by Dr. Karl Meyer, superintendent of the Cook county hospital He aa Id: "1 believe thor are at least 60,000 persons seriously 111 with la grippe in Chicago. W bav from 40 to 60 case that come to th county hospital very day. ' Because of th contagion nature of the disease, we attempt to take in only the most serious cases. The other limply receive first treat ment.' . ' ' "From 88 to 45 out of 400 nun her are 111 with la grippe. That in dicatea about th proportion of vic tim all over town. Many doctor bav been or aro III. : "Tbo epidemie to particularly dan gerous because it might be followed by pneumonia or bead infection. lithe victim doe not thoroughly conquer the germ ho may become subject to chronic catarrh." ' '" Heney Is City Attorney. Santa Monica, Cal. Frsncis J. Ho ney, who prosecuted th San Francisco graft ease several year ago, baa ac cepted the position of City attorney of Santa Monica, tendered him by the newly elected commissioner. Hi sal ary haa not been decided on. Mr. Heney ha mad his residence here for several month. In taking th posi tion Mr. Heney agreed to devote five and a half hour each day to the city. He said that he accepted the offer be came ha desired to see what could be don with commission government. . Balloon Given to Militia. New York A large balloon for us of the signal corps or the coast artil lery of the National Guard of New York, and course of Instruction in av iation for member of the militia of New Jersey, have been contributed to the National aeroplane fund. The bal loon was contributed by Robert Glen- dendtng, a member of th Aero Club, and the offer to train four member of th militia come from John F. Sloan e, an aeroplane manufacturer. Edison Offer Plans. New York Thomas A. Edisonat a recent meeting of th naval consulting board at the Brooklyn navy yard, offered to furnish the board with plana and specifications for a laboratory of , physical research to cost $1,400,000, j to be used in the development of naval invention. NEWS-ITEMS Of (knerJtt Interest About Oregon Official Directory Shows 300 Schools Above 8th Grade Work The ofliclal directory recently Issued by Superintendent of Public Instruc tion, i. A. Churchill, (bow that there are about 1 00 achool in tb state which offer work above th eighth arade. aa follow 3 - Forty-four off or one year of secondary work; 65 offer two years; Z8 offer three years, ana 165 offer four yeara of high achool work. Approximately 1100 teachers are employed In tbe-aeeoodary eehooia, about 70 per cent of whom ar gradu ate of college or, universities, wbile manv mor are tTsduates of leehnlcaj or normal schools. . College and uni versities from every sect loo of the United State and from Europe ar rsDresented amona tb bin achool teaching fore of the Mate; but by far tbo largest number or graduate of any single Institution com from th Uni versity of Oregon, tbero Doing aooui 186 graduate of that Institution teach ins: in th high schools of the state. A very bug percentage of the teechers of th vocational high school subjects ar supplied by to Oregon Agricul tural College. Manual Training Courses Popular. There are 17,389 student pursuing on or mor of uie five vocational antra offered in tb hlirh schools of Oregon, according to a report recently Issued by Superintendent of ruoue in struction, 3. A. Churchill. Th Mao nal Tratnln and Commerial courae seera to bo th most popular with tb students, mere are now 011 atuaenie taking manual training, 219S of whom m liitlii hi ah achool and 2948 In th grade. Th total amount of equip ment, consisting 01 oencne. toou, etc, amounts to $61,754.00. In th commercial courses there ar 4141 stu dents enrolled, 8967 being In the high school and 174 in th grade. Th value of the typewriters and other equipment amounts to $40,505.00. Manual Training to being taught in 70 high schools and commercial work in 71. ; " Students Judge Stock. Ferrvdale Perrydale achool bav on of th largest industrial club or ganisations in Polk county and there ar students enrolled in all 14 projects. Tb Dairy Herd Record club baa a special organization of its own and tb boys make frequent trip Into th neighboring dairy ranches and (cor tb barn aa well aa th cattle. This work ia don under th supervision of th Oregon Agricultural College ex tension department. In addition to a lively industrial cmo th district baa tb following organ isation: Parents' and Teachers' asso ciation, brass band of $0 piece, or chestra, dramatic - club. W. C T. U. organisation and Athletic association. ; " Coyote Bounties $3.50. ' Klamath Fella The Klamath Fait County Court haa signed an order for the namiaiit of additional bountv money for coyote beginning January 1 and continuing up to April 1. . A de tormlna! affnrt ia to be mad to stamp out th danger of a rabies epidemic in Klamath county, ine ooumy mra he the atat will he reduced berinninff January 1 to $1.60, but. by the recent order of the County court, Klamath county will pay an additional bounty of $2, making a total of $3.60. The rancher and business men of tb Fort Klamath country ar off erng yet an other aum of $2 each for coyote, v Hood River Is Interested. , nvrA RtmowHembera of the local Commercial club ar looking with in terest on th proposed plana or tn new route between Portland and North Yakima hv wav of thia citv. . An offer ba been mad to co-operate with the Commercial club of Whit Salmon, The nennla of the TrOOt Lak and Camas Prairie districts of Northwest ern Klickitat count. turred on by th completion of the .Columbia River Highway to thia city, hav made plana to push a road up the baa of Mount Adams aa foar aa th enow lin next year. " c ,'. - . Brookings Mill May Open. Gold Beach Arrangement ar re ported to bav been made by the Owens Lumber company to tax over ..w) nnM.ahi the sawmill at Brock insrs. Th mill was built a year ago at great expense, but was anus sown tan imii on account of market conditions. It to aid to be tb only mill on th Coast from which vessels ar loaded by nana Avetrhaad eabl tramway. The Owens Lumber company owns a - l ! a,L largo tract of reowooa umoer in u northern part of Del Nort county, California. . ' , Coyote Prey Heavily on Shsep. nA RmcS KheeDmen in Curry county are alarmed at the inroad be ing mad on their (lock by coyote, which appear to be much more numer ous than ever before. In view of con dition prevailing her this winter unnl oemere of lare band are plan ning to give up sheep raising. County Ha Gravel Plant, a than Thmuch the operation of a county gravel plant, which ha been Installed here, Linn county will be able to procure gravel for road Improve ment at a low cost and will be able to fttrnieh it at ail seasons OI tn year. ITALIANS CHARGING ON AUSTRIAN jgsmams-.isi mimmmmm 1 1. tmwmyV"ipjmWqH0pV11 """t " llWsws- JMWP-' ' swssMi.aeeesisa n m i asjli wj m i . ''.v "? i r- -- -vOvrt i-- '-r t . - "-v t, :V --Tt - -v -,-v. 1 4 ' Tbl squad of Italian soldier bad apon a detachment of Austrian on TEUTONS HURRYING MUNITIONS THROUGH BELGRADE -v k : .... . Vkwe " Thia photograph, one of the first German and Austrian soldiers on th HOSPITAL JN A a".1 1 . Red Cross hospital established region known as "the labyrinth.' 1 i .. . SMASHED BY ITALIAN GUN FIRE 1 . ' ' ' - - , 1 i - ' .C I r 5 S..'i.aa. .. ..aM"-"'-'" ' ' ' ' ai 1 JA:ja Scene In Doberdo, a suburb of Goritx. the Austrian stronghold which has been long hammered bv the great guns of the Italian army. - V ( been in ambush In the ruined farmhouse scouting duty. Th Austrian wer aa captured. 4- ,. taken at Belgrade since the occupation docks working to expedite the shipment STONE QUARRY 44 j v ?i -"re ,-:.. - i . j y LvN-Vt iftA.i. .t In a stone quarry of Solsaon in th A J 5r- v, 'V. Jill Vs? j DETACHMENT and was photographed aa it charged of that city by the Germans, show of great quantities of war material to KEVV FRENCH RESPIRATOR ( .7 ? A, , 4 i a- i minimi. a UBitl' .n hi ii rrntfiiTm w n r Tim, u the newest resoirator adoot- ed by the French army to combat th gaa cloud of toe Germans. Thia ap paratus will enable the men to charge through the thickest clouds of. poison gaa without the least difficulty. VICE ADMIRAL KAMI SI The strategy o! Vice A in.srai Esnln, who cemmsnd the ItaiiiH t'-"t fc th mats, h prevt.-4 Cs C -r-nan from lending K'" , captbrisf ttat unportact eeajrert. I 1 X 7 - Y-l ! i I )