The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, December 10, 1915, Image 2

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him with useful
gifts for the men folk
of your household. It
is the useful gift, re
member, that meets
lasting appreciation.
Let us suggest a pair or box of Fancy
Sox, a Christmas Necktie, a pair of Paris
Garters, Dress Gloves or Suspenders from
our well-selected stock. .
We have the season's delicacies for your
Christmas dinnerincluding Mince Meat,
Celery, Sweet Potatoes, Cranberries, Grapes,
: Figs, Nuts, Citron, Fancy Apples.
TMf OiUtou ftlal SU-i ij TUiUtl .
U WUa MtranUlt Ctaftiy.
th Waaton
county II-
Rant Ctaoa rate; In regal splendor
at Weatua' hi eHorw, livery prer.
atloa has been mart to plea. hint,
and through him th fortunate mor
tula, young and eld, to' whom ha
come with gtft and smile en Chrlt-
ta day., our atora'a attractive In-
terlor ha bean rendered brig htar yat
artth holiday offering. Hara, thara
aud everywhere ara . hundreds of
beautiful and useful article aullabla
for ChriatmM givinai
Waaton Mercantile tympany la certain,
Var honk reotvd at
branch library front tha
brarlan ara aa folio wet
Nelly's Kltver Mine, Marry hU
brlvk'S Choice, ralgravea' (loldrn
Treaaury, t'nilysnne draw t'p, Down
North on tha lalrlor, Principle of
Cooking, Retroepeotlon aad Introapec
lion, ChrUtlan Holence va, lanthatm,
Miscellaneous Writings IMI-lltl, Tha
Flrat Church of Christ UMeatlat and
Mleceltany, World's Ural History of
England In four volume.
Aa a raaull of a vary pleasant
Thankaglvlng ia and VKtrula rn
ort riven at tha library rooms by tha
i . hi n .1 .. w -.1 .
rich, I hooka war dnnatad by frlan.ta
and wall wlahara of lha library, and
rJL.:"ri.r' F,"l",, ' "w more ara follow. Tha lUt Include:
M'H". I ,.. ... Uam B
Our Oirlatmaa dlaptay thla Yr la' - - - v.
aa aarnaat of our daair to make of " ' ' , " " ,' ' . ' .,'
ur .tor. a shopping earner far Ihla'C'? ?rP,? wh.!
a.d ...r. MclA.., hnid. ..i",r.Tha Mayor a Wife, Ardath. W hat
ir Km h v.. . m.i .! Young Man Ought la
coma a rain. Wa extend to all a-cor-j
HiBaZa - Ha
dial Invitation to vUlt ua and feeat
thalr ayaa upon tha innumerable holi
day goooa wa hav eelected with auoh
car to aatlafy tha Tula-tld want of
aur patrona.
Tha ausseetlona below may ba of
aaalatanca to you la making your se
' Gift for V
Bilk waists, silk dropaklrta. hand
kerchiefs, pur, cottars, apron, tow-
alt, dross, furs, glove, labia linen.
tndlaa rob, umbrellas, mirror.
man leu r sets, tollat aria,
Out (laaa bow la. pltchara and turn.
Mara: aurar and eraam aata. handl
aappla and othar baaullful. cut Vaaa
China barry aata. aurar and craam
aata. cafca aata. cak plataa. nut aata.
cupa aad aaucara. ,
Gift tor Mrm.
Ttaa. cuff button, atlrk plna arm
band, watch, chain, fob, fancy
auapaadar. mora lova. kid flova.
allk hanitkarchlrr. Ilnaa handkar-
chlaf, allk mufflara, allppara, ahlrta.
awaatara, flna hoalary. tartars, gowna.
amoklnf aria, cuff aad collar box,
shaving mlrrora, ahkvlnit atropa, shav
Int bfuahra. fancy atatlonary. mark
Inawa, ovarcoata, suits, Blbla. books.
puraaa. lettar fllaa, lap roba. auto
robaa. auto irloraa. hata. cap. Indian
robaa, hand baa aad ault rsaaa.
Olfta for tlx Ctrl.
Dolts of a vary : also and varlaty.
rannins la prico from cant to dollar;
doll with aralaiihoa and hair; rubbar
dolla, btaqu doll, rag dolla. stuffad
doll and china doll. Evary poaalbla
doll, bit and Uttl. known to lha holi
day trada. Tour lit t la daufhtar will
Know, Haat
Storla from tha Haat Hook. Tha Hoa
ary, liraam Ufa. Itanga lllrre. Tha
INMiaua of Flra, Htudla of tha Ho rip-
tura. Thalr Yaatardaya, Tha Man of
tha Hour. Tha Young Mullnaar, Tha
Houa That draw. Tha Dova In tha
Ragla'a Naat, Ivanhoa, Black ftork.
I'nrl Kamua and Hla Vrtanila, Edgar
Allan Fo (romplata), Tha Itaalhar
Moon, Uavld llarum, Hlda-ntappln
With Hhorty, Tha twrdlnal Hntiff
Box. Struggling Tpward, Arabian
Night KtorHM, tlrlt. Kink or "wlnt.
Wrack of tha Tltanjr. Paul tha Pad
dlar. Th Proad Highway, Molly
Brown's Junior Daya. Tarkman's
Worka, Engllah naaalra. Wlda Wlda
World, Allan Quartarmalna, Tws
Trara of tha Maat, A Uunrh of Char-
rlaa, Th Hod of Clay, Tha Awakan
Ing of llalana Kltrhla. Mrs. Hd Pap
par, Th roralgnar, Tha Calllnl of iMa
ktatthawa, Kad Papnar Burn. l4iditla,
Tha Opanlng of a t'haatnul Burr, Mill
on tha rioa. Krottl and III Lady.
Ikaddy'a O I rt. Prlvan from lloma. Bat
and Ilia rrtanda. Blow and Aura. Tha
Olrl and tha l.laal. Ilraa Bowl, Hoi-1
dlar of roHuna, llalplng tllmaalf.
Tommy' 8oond Hpaakar. ttanta Claua
Ktorlaa, In th Ouardlanahlp of clod.
Inlarnallonal Short Blorlaa, Turn
Rrown'a 8-hool twya, llarbert t'anar'a
La racy, Worka of K. P. Ho. Mlddla-
march. Polly of tha Hoapltal JKtaff,
Tha aHory of a Bad Boy. Panelopa.
Nollra U haraby BlvaB fhal tti
County "uparlhtriidant of ItmatlU
county, Oiagoit, will hold lha rrgular
auniinatlon of appllcanla for Ktata
cartirtrataa at Paiullrtoi, aa follows;
Oommanrlil Wadnrday. Iranibr
II, IIU, at I o'llwk a. m., and Con
tinuing until Haturdnv, Oarantbar II.
till, at o'elork p. m.
Th suMarls prlntad la bold fsra
lya ara fur high at ho laachar who
ara graduataa of standard eollsgr and
unlvaraltlaa, but who hava not had
flftaan hours' work In Kduratlon, and
will not ha glvan to trarhrrs who ara
applying for cartlflrata basad oil as
amlnatlon. rolluwing la lha program!
Wada!y rraoit -WrUlng. V.
ft. lllatory.
Waditraday Aftarnoon Handing.
Phyaiology, tnmpoaltli n, Mathoda In
trading. Mathoda In Arithmetic
Thuraday roiantMia Arlthmatlr,
lllatory of Kduratlnn, Pnyi bology.
Mathoda In Oaography.
, Thursday Aftarno- -Urammar,
earaphy, Aniard-an Uloratura, I'hya-
1... I m t R 1 1 d TkMia fn
Primary I'artllltala. sk-kniti f MJ
Prlday roranoon Thaory and Prac
lira, orthography, Physical Oagra
phy, Kngllah Lltaratura, Chamlatry
lllalory of Kilucallon.
lday Aftarnoon Arhmtl Iw. Ha
ology, Algahra, flvll Oavarnmant
1iIIIImmmI and A4lrai'rnaI
Vatunlay rirnmn 4iiimiry, Bot
any. W'hual Ad)llHM1illa), . .
Saturday Aflarnmin Oanarai llla
lory, Uookkaaplng, Mot) mIs,
I. K. YOl'Ntl.
County dchool Puparlnlandant.
riot, rasulllng from th artlvltla of
Pudlry Kvans. a Portland boxing pro
motar Importad by th Montgomary
forraa aa a rhallangar. His mathoda
war not rallahad by tha Drat follow
ing, and a drmonat ration wa mad
against him. K. W. McComaa and C.
13. Stommarvlll. promlnant Bast sup-
b dallghtad with a doll setactad from ,!"' r- bacama Involvad with tha po.
lour variad and coaaplata aaaortmanti
(Phone Main 241)
There are many good people who
should carry an account with The
Farmers Bank op Weston who
do not do so. Are you one of them?
O. A. C.
January j to 8, ipi
tM IrtmMln. PrarMcal Hrlp lor tk Boat
the Farm. ISc Coaiwuafty.
Covraoaaf Ofgoa's Ofrateit ItMtmartra -CcatenraacaOrgoa'MMl
vual Probima
I Montr suradra lut rcat . ft 4a
grm piart la makv friHl with Uvt
talukr aad Uv thoughls, loud
'J . irarkra, o goo4 mark.
a Maluaty to to February 4, 1916
' A Pwtlcal Agrtcullaral Comaa la a KM atoll.
apao actaca ta anuai wots m
. . tk parai aad HeaatbaM.
- Caa I rarjiT aaisiNO. "arm ctora.
.r- stock ka:binu, paikt oi,
f(i, WBIO. KOl'BKHOI.O TI, DOlia
' orrWtot Coarata Without Tattlaa.
, , , faaprt IfiMrucHoa ta Maatr.
J ' t4an4 railroad ralra. '
firwn qi writ to Tlw Crfwt tcHir, Orana
Ce in the P:lam Bulldlogr, Milton
llwrn, 9 to 12 and 1 to 5 ,
and Federa"
fn !! State
Have Just Added
a Stock of .
Kirkpat rick's
. " CURX WOOD, PaalUhrr
sunscRirrioN rates
Strict! tn AAanct
Doll carrtacaa, toy taa aria, tor
kltchan sals, toy at ova, tub, wash
boards, bollara. clothes board and
other arttdaa for Juvanll houaakaap-
cirt for tt Bom.
Eraotor aata for boy bulldera, ma-
chsnlcal toys of, avary description,
steam ensln, njrina that wind, sa
tin that don't wind, automobile
that crank In front just Ilk a rordi
and othar things along -tha me Una
that will keep your youngster pleas
antly lnMreatedVfl"".f' .
Checker boarda.xrrakoool board.
backgammon) boaad. " baseball ' aad
othar gamaav'' i'r. ' ,".':. ,(
All kind -of Ittrta drama and wag'
Ion: ball of vrr color, sts and a
crlptlon: paJnta, building block and
llssected rnapa.. -.-.
Tha Tear .,
Six Months
Foar Months ...
....II M
.... 0 7ft
.... 0 80
rer Inch per month...... ........
Per Inch, otm iitettrtinn
Irl, pwr line ear li inaarllon,...
.tO AO
. 20
Joined paragTsph from Secretary Me-
Adoo's annual report:
"The flnaneial sitaaUon of this coan-
try baa never beed so ttrons; and so
favorable as now. Our financial re
sources sr the irrvatest in our history,
and oar banking system,1 throuirh the
creation and operation of the federal
on I reserve system, is the strongest in the
DEC 19, 1913
Cater at In eastoffka at Wsataw. Ortfea.
as MCMSdan Mil aaatttr.
"Tbe Lord is with u," says Henry
Ford thus happily identifying himself
with Kaiser BilL
Milwaukee.' Wis' Clean minds and
beauty result from eating peas. 4. W.
Hutchinson told the Stat Pea 'ackers
Association. , ' . : .' : .
Whereupon wa would commend a pea
diet to Colonel F. Billiken Boyd of the
Athena Press.. ... V
'Bet, bettor, Best" will hereafter
be considered pretty fairly good gram
mar at Pendleton.
Perhaps tbe Serbians could be saved
to better advantage if they would only
move down to Salon iki.
Pendleton is planning two big open-
sir Christmas trees for Christmas Eve
S and will servo free dinners to the poor,
i which is a mighty good wsy to bury sn
i election batcbeL .,' .. ' .
The combined population of tbe City
of New York and the City of Weston
is nearing the five and a-half million
Tbe Kaiser seems to hsv soma tron
bte In convincing the German Social
ists, as well as the Allies, thst he ba
won tits wsr.' ' ,.. '
Physician and Surgeon
Office in Brandt building
to pay your Weston Leader "sub"
We are great admirer of Charles
EL Hughes strictly, however, as a
justice of tbe United States Supreme
Court ; 'V' ...
Apropos of nothing in particular, it
beat tbe devil how hard it is to "beat
the devil with fire." . ;
Our notion of a sinecure would be a
job ss wsr correspondent with the
Ford peace party. . , , f
Our notion of unprofitable wsr prof-
its is the kind the Umatilla county tb. ,m, eT.r flnd, tbjlt ,t
farmer doesn't get because the ship-1 ,
owner saw them first.
Castor oil is going up much easier
goes down
Roosevelt hss decided to stay out of
the Republican party, and we sre sufB
ciently amiable to congratulate both
Teddy end the g. o. p.
While tbe Eastern Oregon Hospital
is highly praised by the state health
officer, w would nevertheless hesitate
to recommend it as a permanent place
of abode. -
Bringing suit for divorce, a Salem,
Oregon, tt if a asserts that her husband
has gone without a bath for 50 years
ss though such a lspee were of any
material consequence in Salem I
We sre doing our distinguished pres
ident the honor of printing his message
to Congress in the Westom Leader,
snd trust thst our enterprise will be
recognized n Washington. It is an
able and comprehensive stata paper,
and we recommend its careful perusal
to Sim Barnes and our other stalwart
Republican friends, that they may
thereby scquire political wisdom. , We
likewise point with pride to the sub-
Dr. Bst Is Hijar ( PeMlUtaa.
After one of the hottest campaigns
ever held in Pendleton, which brought
out the largest vote, 2110, ever polled
fn that city. Dr. 3. A. Best defeated
John E. Montgomery for mayor by a
vote of HIT. to IsS, or a majority of
232. Not a few Weston people were
interested la the doctor campaign,
aa prior to moving to Pendleton h
wa a successful practitioner here for
a number of years and at one time
served as mayor of the city. He' de
feated here a prominent business man
who wa state senator at the time, by
a close vote, and the election Is yet re
called as decidedly the warmest and
most Interesting in Weston's history
The doctor's strong personality. . and
his engaging qualities as a "mixer,"
are regarded as factors In his Pendle
ton success. Having never yet been
beaten In any of bis political ventures,
It Is thought that he will quite likely
aim higher perhaps for the state sen
ateas he Is fond of politics and all
Its worka
H. T. Klrkpatrick, Henry J. Taylor,
Ralph Folsom and Claud Pen land
were elected to the council. - Major
j Moorhouse was re-elected treas
urer, defeating the. first woman Can
didate to run for office In Pendleton.
The incumbent water commission wss
returned without op position.
Th election was followed by a near
lire. One officer wa knocked down.
nd Chief Manning failed Mr. Me
Com with hla billy. Next day th
usual ragrat war In order.
Two Pendleton negroes also Indulg
ed In a peat-election row. One of
them slashed tha other's coat with a
sharp knlf and sent a bullet after
blm whan h sought safety In flight.
Altogether, the county seat ha ael
dom had a livelier time, and ha set
a rather belltservnt example for It
smaller neighbors.
I tk Canal? Court l the Stat l Orefo 11
t'maillta loauir.
latk Walter rf Ik naarttraashlp af Alaiaa-
ar Kiaaear, laauwuaMi.1.
Kowoe lhll IblaeaaeeeDiatn aa lata)
seam upon Ik palllloa o4 lb guaidlsa el
Aliaaar Kiaaear. aa-l
ll aupeatlu to Ilia rart treat la peltlla
thai tliCMMw H tleO ia lbs rs-.rt borate fu
Ibaaatn .la; pi Mwnaiiarr, ism, r Margaret
KiDuear.auardlaaut lha rn a oil "4
at Alasearter Kinaear, aa lamaiuetaai. prat
Ing U eaanlef iM-aaain aa4 raiauaarlBg IbV
uanllaa la estl lb tollaalas fU.rflbed rtailt
tba . ol lb S W H at He, tl. Ta. S, M. M. ai,
l.Vi.M, 1'iaallllaluualr. troa. -
And 11 aapaarins 10 Ilia ronrt that the nasi
ai kiaal Aiaiaaiter KlnlMarara il.eiuar.liaa
net Mililaaar brrela. Maisarel Kiaaear, hla
wlla; Ururss Klnraear, bal.h Klunaar, Lull
Kliinear l-aae, 1,101a amnaar aiinnia aia
aear Inland atxl K'l Klusaar, cktldraa ml
lha aairl Abaatr Klnaaar. aad
Thai tl apMnrlas W Uta atwrt Ibal It Is for
lha beat Iniereni ot lha e-lU Ibal lb aahl
realir thouirt ba mM, asd tba aearl beln
rnltw aalamt ta iba mallart
IT lit HXHKSY DKDtHkll A!tO tWCWltl)
thai th east o4 kl ol lb aalrt Atntlar
Ktnaear to-wlt: Mamatat Klooaar. hi wlla.
tiaoree Klnaaar. kalh Kiaaear, Mil Kla-
orar LaBa, UuM Klnaaar, Minnie Kiattear
Ulaaila aad Karl Klnaaar, tbll.liWa ul lb
aid Alasaader Klnuear. and all ueiMoa In
lareaiad In aald eial appear before t It ! rtmrt
. xeniif, inai'in oar t iwmwr, mo, ai
lea e'elnek A. M., ta the count? nmrtiooai la
ibeeona'jr eoanhouM of Uuiaillis rounir. Or
eenu, at Paadlaivu, Ore nu. Irwreln, ibeu aad
Uieralaaboweauaeirlty aa oidar ahouM n4
be sranrwl lor Hi sale ollha. )ot IheS W.
W ol Be. W. Ta. S, S. St. B. W. -.. IfaiBlllla
eoiintr. tlietoo. aad
IT I rtlKTIIKH ORDKRKn that a enpr ol
this ordirr ba puMlabad at ) oar a eel
lor three iuci-le weahs balor said dale of
heerlns In In anion Leaner, a neiiT
primed and,hd weekly at a anion, lima-
till eaooir, vrena, Mil mat awi ot aaia
pabllratloa ba made aud Bled in taa mailer
1mm and dated at Paadletea. Umall'l
eouulf , Oregon, luls ltl Oaf ol IHteemtMr, tills
('ouaijr iudga.
Weemn people have tlncovered that
)NK HitHiNrt'Li of atmpl bu. klh.wr
hark, slycertn. etc., aa mUed In Ad-lor-l-ka.
rvllavea aour atomaih. a1
and constipation AT ONC8. Tbl
retnetty la wall known as the appendi
citis preventative. It. Goodwin, drug.
glut. 4 '
ti feet of 11 I In rtlmk I la the
Oriainal Town of Waatnn, urel't the
rnllowlns dea.rlharl Iracli UralHhln
t the Northeaiit comer nf tt I It ,
HliM-k 1, Ihema weataily alultt th
aouth Hoe of strt I ei I n
.tie, thanr .iulharly parallel with
Fianklln "traal I feet inrhe
tlienr easterly parallel wild Main
Hlieet II feet I Ini hea tn the weal line
of rranklln street, thence norlherlv .
alone tha went Una of franklin Street
I feel liii'he to tha point of beffln
An umllvMeil nna-half Intereat in
and tn W l'l , all lata 4 and I.
and lha North Half of f-t I In II lock
I of Waatnn; an undivided eoe-ria'f
Inlereat In and lo tot t Hlorli I Hart
man' Addliton l Wewlun, . .-
A - . I. - . i . I I u I ... a h.I ....ll mi all
n toi Tin. M ni.m..i.. -,.. w.-,. v.... ....
of them he declared void and af an) .
etfe. t and unfounded In fart or In la
a 1 111 aal.l plaintiff, hla heir or
xiana: for Maliillfr rl and nut
huiwemenl herein, n.t for snrh othep
snd further relief ss pertains Is s(UI
ty and sood ronsiMenr.
rht summon is published piitwtiant
to an order of the Hun tl. W. Phalpe.
Clri-llll .Imtaw of lha h Juilli-lnl U'a
trli't of ih state of Ores on, made on
tin- W'l li il 01 '.o fin' 1 r 1010. Plttf,
enter provide thai th first puMlru- 1
lion of this aumnmns shstl be ma.J aa 1
the .til tUt of, luli. is
the Waaton LeaJer.
run m Ft": "J,
Allorneys tar Plaiallff.
1st the tltvalt Court of tlie huie of
twvwrt. foe VmalUla Coeaty,
ID ale Rothwclli
Optical Specialist
I srlvs all mv time to the fit
ting snd grinding of glnsse. I T
nave jiracucea 111 rtmuicuin bis
years, a 11 wonc gusranieea.
American Nat'l Bank Bid. '
, (Upstairs)
Pendleton - Oregon t
MAAdW W. L9 i
f Tr a Vr Own Mae
tHrwalsMlnlaaar. OlTCabau-ellettt
Du gna, al-ftiUlfr or IS onltaarr
...MM tvMAAaiih tut lha fftalloaael.
bora, BaM. Caarram A. eiU
awry H. Makol II owB ""'JJ'
cssts 1 cm a czniKi
Will pay for Itself in olnatjrdari f
Kait raadins tarn ta the "
Ko wlek, no ablmaev, aa mantlal
traobis. mdm. aaedor, aosmoka.l V
CaawaaJinarl. ralauak.
Marion O'Harra
... Oregon
(rn mar. 4 o.f rt;ht oixalkc4 or no
Uti. ttu4 wulH, Avti-hiTi of ptfium aM d
lyrifvieran tar mffg SEARCH ms mmt
wi psalMrtsabtlU--, lUfik rmtrrvnum.
704, Our fr lrO-iklM trH how. wr'taU Ut ftrw4
aUsti MVS o HMHWf. Write otiy.
303 Seventh St, Washington, 0. C.
F. f Watt. Plaintiff, v Anna Yount,
Kllra t heater. Cera ln Hrhmidi,
Irfiuta Ti'iin. V"ung. Uydi
Vouns. Willard Touna. All. Toun
Mli'hael Toon. Harba'a Young, llu.
an ih'hmldt. Cynthia ttrophy, Ase
tl Jnnea. Jame Peteta. Maggie Pa
tera. Itli hard Patera. Hamual petal,
Mrrile Patera, Juha I'etera. Kthel
ka. It. Pater, Wm. Pel era, Meaal Pa
tare. rln relora and Joala rateta.
hta wife. Alhert Teuns. Or H. M
her, John Maher, Kniomon Pel era,
Charlea II. Paler. Karnn lv, f.e-
merly Sarah XlltrMse, tllihael It.
Toons. Mjir Touns. Mwhael or
MiK Patera. Asnlha Ttirlur, Kiolla
Peters, tlten Peter. Nora Watla.
tirare toer. K, C. Knsrara, K. M
Prior, "mealey Riilenour, othwe.
wl known Kniriy llidanour.
Minnie U liaPeatl. Jan lielVaiu
Nalll DePealt, Katie IVPeatl. Wll
Ham TePeatf. Italph th-Prafl. Xel
ma Dal 'rati, now lma Marrta. Mtrr
na IMVatt, now Mem Smith, and
Acalha Taylor, guar.: Ian of Klella
Patera and Ulene Pet r re. minora.
To Ann Younsr. Klha Chewier. Car
oline Hchmlill. limits Young. Ida
Touna. L-ydus Younr. Michael Y'mna,
Parbara Youns. Hun rV-hmidt. Jame
-tat. MBCBi Cetera, Albeit Touna.
ra h. Slaher, Julin A) a liar. Kolomna
Peters. Charles It. Peter, ftarah la-
la, formerly Sol rah, Ane
K. Jone. Klrhard Petent. Myrtle Pa
ter. Hamuel Prler. Michael K. Yotine.
Myra Tounr. Cynihi llrophy, John
Peter. Kthel K. Pater. m. Peter.
Hewat Peter. Mlrhael or Mike IVtera.
Agatha Taylor. Hiella Peters, Ulene
Peter. K. M. Peter, .rmralev lllrlen-
our otharwtse known a Kmely Itld
anour, Kalph rwpeatt. 'Minn tvlVatt,
now 7.elma Hgrrta. Merita, Iirl'eatt.
now Mem rlmlth, WIHard Youna.
Allcei Younr. Aantha Tnylor, guardian
of Hiella Hetera and Gle IViora. mi
nora. Jan (Weait. Nrllto Del'eatl.
Katie Del "eat t, Orln (Viers and Jiwle
Peter, hi wife, deffudants alwvs
In the Xame of tlie tttme of Orrgon.
You and each of yon are hereby re
quired to appear and anawar tha com
plaint filed aMlnat you In the above
entitled suit on or lfor the t'xh tiny
of January. tl. and yon will lake
notice If you fall to antwer, or other
wise appear In aald ul on or hrfur
aald day, plaintiff, hva nainad, for
want thereof will appl" to the above
entitled court for tha rellaf prayed for
In plaintiff complaint, on file In aald
ult. to-wlt. for a decree of thl
court requiring each and ovary one of
these defendants to stiow ami mass
manifest the exact nature and extent
of the. right, title. Interest or estate
whirh eat'h. any or all of three de
fendants claim to have In th real
property, described In ssld complaint.
to-wit: ,
The BR U of the Kw M of Ih NW u
of Hae. 11. Twp. 4 N. Ft. 17. E. W. M.:
the West tl feet of UA In Dlock I
and Lot 7 of Block I, and the West (
feat of Lou I. I and f Work I of
th Town of Waaton; Ixita t. IS and
II of Block 1 Satins' Addition to
th Town of Waaton; all that portion
of Block I of MeArthur's Addition to
the City of Weston lying- North of a
certain east snd west line, gald line
commencing; at a monument constat
ing of a three-Inch pip driven In the
around along- the west line of said
Work, said monument being witnessed
by bains II fet t Inches south of a
Palm tree, together with a water rlsht
across the remaining aouth end of said
lilock 1 to be used and enjoyed as a
right of way for tha purpoae of keep-ng-
and maintaining; over and acroaa
aid south end of aald Mock I a flum
Una aa now constructed; the right to
convey through the asm and tie the
same quantity of water now and here
tofore uaad and enjoyed in connection
therewith, together with the rlghS to ,
keep said flume In repair, to replace
the aama at any time and to enter
upon said land alone the line thereof
tor the purpose of Inspecting, repair
In and replacing the same; also an
undivided one-half Interest In East II
feet of Lots f , I. 4, all Lota I, the East
Weston Ileal
: IliM
Prime Beef
Pork, Mutton, Veal
Dressed Poultry
FISH Mouthy and Thursday
Get Our Prices
I'hotts No. M Orders taken hf
phons fur mall route.
Perry & Weber
It's True Economy
Tt! E;c:q
W hoy for rash and sell for
csh-t email margins.
Dash and Linen Goods
School SuppOes .
wr J'Iionkno. ta J
Nature's Food
for horses and call) is the rrasi last
crows on meadow and hiU. Tha nasi
best thing ia sweet, claan, hv and
feed thst comes from our mill. When
you need rolled (rain of tha rif ht sort
for keeping your livestock In tin fet
tle, look for our sign and the good
things for for your dumb servants
stored In oar bins. We handle Hteam
(tolled Barley, Oats and Wheat; Haled
Hay, Millstuir and Chicken read.
We're local agents for Psaeoek Flour
nd Ulatebford i Calf Meal. f1ao2iil.
D, Re WOOD the Feed Man
Dr. J. 0. McMATH
I:' OSlOIWIi"'
OSes ons block north of tk bank
. Start Your Christmas Shopping Early
You t will find many articles
here that you will not be able
to find elsewhere at the prices
we offer.. ; : : , y. : ;?;v:-: ' -
We specialize In Shoes, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Art .
Linens, Rubber Goods-and in fact everything for cold
weather. '''-' ": - ' '
.....'- ..... X