-J- ESTON EADER VOL. XXXV. WESTON, OKECJON, FIUDAY, DECEMBL'It 10, 1015. NO.! 2-. w 4,, WORLD'S DOINGS OF ClRtNT WEEK Ericf ResLT,e of General News Frcni All Arcur.d the Ml live News Items of All Nations and fhdfic Northwest Condensed (or Our Busy Readers. The governor of Oregon pardons two toftvku and paroles nine other. fourteen women In llaxlco ara ebot uurruu spite, by tha Vlllautaa. A hfanltou, Colorado, bank robber lock the eeehlef la Uto vault and a- eapee wtlh 11600. Wilson' xldrtet to congress elee- trIBee the eauntry and the dominant aofe la National preparedneee. Tba Turkleh troop drive Brltlah from their position cm the North bank ef the Tigrl river, greatly aarprialnf Loodoa, ' Tba Brltlah praaa ecnaldara Preel- dant Wilton's add rr aa "by fore of tvanta, a war msassg from beginning to end." Tba Damacratia National aomnlttaa baa aalartad St. Loula aa tba city in wbleh to bold tba National eonventlon, Junala, 11. ; Member of tba ralcbaUg nra de bating tba food eltuatlon In that coun try. Producer, consumer, dealer, and mlnlater ara blamed. , lira. Ella Flc( Young, superlntend- ant Of tha Chicago acboola, baa ra algned.' She baa bta active In edu cational work for U year. - Tba Ford peace ahlp baa uked. by Wlralaaa to Secretary Lanatng, that paaaporta ba Uauad no that tba party may antar belligerent oountrlea. Tba Carman government concede tba Sorlaltat wing in tba rakbetag tha right to advocate tarma upon wnica tba Carman might accept peace. Austrian cruisers alnk ona French submarine and eeveral amall ataamera and eailing veeael In tba Adriatic aaa wbleh war carrying war malarial. . A Bdotland manufacturer, of Uoen, wbo Impacted' Oregon's , flax crop, frown by tha Inmate of tba lUU pen itentiary, dec! area It la aurpaaaad by nona in tha world. R. Prank SewalL . writer, adula tor, taacbar, for It yaara profaaaor at Urbana onlvenlty In Ohio, author of tba Cbrlatikn hymnal, dlaa at hla boma in Washington. D. C, In bla 7tb yaar. ,r:,'.;(i;v'::;" iA'-vv, Senator Dilllnahem. of Varmont chairman of tha formal Immigration eomrotaslon. introducaa a bill In tha eenato providing that mala allana over 16 yaara old who cannot reau enouia do oicludad from tha united stata. Aa agreement for a conference ol Craok military authoritlaa and mill- tarv rprntatlvM of tha antanta power to eiamlne Into tha report on tha naeaaaltlea of tha altvatlon raapeet IngMho allied damanda opon Greece, ha been raached, and tha preliminary top toward coiaing ua wranwm , bava baan taken. .,. -.h John II. "Fehey. praaldont of tha Chamber of Commerca of , tba Unltad State, told Fraeldenl Wilton was du Inaaa men want eongraaa to aaUbliah a Mn.nartiMfi tariff eommlaalon and Dro- vida maana to atrangthan tha marebant marina. Mr. ranoy oeciarea were wai grant noad for mora ahlpa to carry tha exports of tha Unltad SUtaa. Official announcement that tha Amer ican ataamahlp Hocking bad baan re quisitioned by tha Brltlah govammant without tha formality of prlaa court proceeding, wai received by tha Bute department In a dispatch from Halifax, where tha ahlp waa being detained tinea aha waa aelied by a Brltlah war ship white on the way from New York .to Norfolk.. . three blgh offlclala and aubordlnata officer of tha Hamburg American Una ware found guilty In tha Federal Die UIH Court of New 'York of having violated tha laws of tha Unltad State In tending coal and other aupplleo to German eruleera in the South Atlantic in tha first few montha of the Euro pean war. Tha Jury returned a ver dict of guilty on each of two Indict ment. Tha apeclfle charge agalnat tha defendant waa conspiracy to de ceive and defraud tha United Bute. The maximum penalty for each Indict ment la two year' Impriaonmant and 110,000 fine. t North wait lumber mill receive big order for railroad tie. Ohio C Barber, millionaire match manufacturer of Arkon, Ohio, aged 76, aomettmea called the "Match King," married Mia alary F. Orr, aged 44, for 18 year hi private aocratary. V Lamont II. Bower, of Bingham p ton, N. Y., until recently manager of the Colorado Fuel iron company, will resign on January 1 a $30,000 pott with the Rockefeller btereet be cause ba believe that men past 60 are "either foolish or Irritable." Mr. Bower la peat 70. com starts m SHAKER Washington, D. C. Cangreet aaaenv blad and arganiaed ftfonday fur the i Ion. which la expected to be the greateet within the memory of the nreaeitl generation. Four hours' work In the bouse aaw Speaker Clark returned to tha chair; Kapreeentatlva Ifann returned to the leadership of the Uepubllcan minority the Introduction of low bllla and n lutlona. many of them proposing bm area of National dafenae and many mora In opposition; tba reappearance of eonatltutlonal amendmenu to en franchise women and a mlnlture rutaa light that flickered out with tha adop tion of last year' rule with a few change. la tha aenata practically tba tame waa done, except the election of Sen ator Clarke, of Arkanaaa, aa president ore tempore. Vice President Mars ball waa absent because of tha illnaa of bl wife. Both bouse than, atar tending CHAMP CLARK Elected Speaker of the House of Representative for the third time. olnt committee to tba White House to give official notice of the opening of consresa. adjourned until Tuesday, wbea tba reel Maine or in aeeaion began with President Wilson's addreea to a Joint teas ion in tha hail of tha borne at It :80 o'clock. Tba greateet budget of expendiuree ever placed before any American con- aa In time or peace waa Drougnt In from the various branch or we tovernment. tha total being eome $170,000,000 mora than waa naked for laat year. . Expksatlofl for M ef AStadies Rcntsed Germany by Uasm; Washington. D. C The atate da- partment's formal refusal to give ita ton for asking recall or Uoy-tAi and von Pspen. . German embassy at tache, waa forwarded Tuesday night to Berlin and given to Ambassador von Bernatorff. Tha embassy interpreted this action aa "vary unfriendly." The embassy explained, too, that tha Ber lin foaelgn office bad aakad that Amer lea'a reason ba given secretly, if the tate department did not car to make them nubile. Secretary Lansing, however, ui em bassy aaid, refused any iniormavon. Bute department authorities aid noi minimise the afTect tha refusal reply would have on Berlin, but they pointed out that Lansing is merely abiding by a strict custom. Tha refusal ba tba effect of calling for a ihowdown from Berlin. Germany probably will ask that Barnttorff now confer further with Lansing on tha lubject. ' With these development giving a new tinge of seriousness to German American relation, it waa admitted torpedoing of tba Jiner LuslUnla will ba hopelessly muddled If Germany make good any diplomatic bluff aha may ba attempting in the Boy-Ed- von-Papen ease. ' For, either breaking off diplomatic relation or a complete acquiescence In America' demand ara Germany' only alternative, un less tha sUta department permit a long aeries of conference which would kedD Boy-Ed and von Papon here In definitely pending outcome of tba ses sions. ;-y - ' ' - ' "''v.. '.;, African Contingent Recruited. Capetown Gen. Jan Christian Smut, minister of dafenae In the Union of South Africa, announces that tha force aakad for tha Eaat African expedition has been recruited and that tha imperial government had been In formed that the Union was Increasing it force. Explaining the decision of South Africa to send an expedition to East Africa, Gen. Smuts said thia ac tion was taken because of danger aris ing from arming native by the Ger man and tha preaching of a holy war against Christians. ' Citlisnshlp Bar Upheld. Washington, D. C Tha Supreme court Wednesday affirmed tha decision of the California court interpreting the Federal expatriation law of 1907 as constitutionally applicable to women wbo continue to live in the United States after marrying foreigners as well a those who marry foreigners and lire abroad. The case waa brought by Mr. Ethel C Mackenxie, who was denied registry because she married a subject of Great Britain. i , - - - .- MRWS 1TEM& ur uenerai interest. About Oregon Stock Show Rated as One of Best Seen in Northwesi Portland Judge, visitor and ex hibitor unite in aaaertlon that the lock that I now on exhibition at tha yard at Kenton is tba beet that ba aver been gathered in tba North w eat. There ara prise pan and Individual an imal that must compel attention prise herds, and rattle, abeep and win by tha carload lota. Ona of tha Individual anlmala that ba created unusual attention la registered Duroe Jersey barrow, named Woodrow Wilson. It la but 16, month of ago and already baa attained weight of 700 pounds. The student' judging contest waa concluded with tba reeult that Wash ington 8tate eollere won with a score of 11X2 point. Oregon Agricultural collage wa second, Idaho third and California fourth. Tba Judging was made and tha men given 80 point for perfect judgment and M for a perfect reason. Judging at tba Fifth Annual Pacific International Livestock exhibition concluded In Holatalne, Jerseys, Ayr shire and Guernsey. In tha cattle ex hibits. CoUwolds and Lincoln tha only two elaaaea of abeep that were judged In which there wa competition and two breed of awlne, Bcrkehiree and Poland Chines, received their award. A few elaaaea of tba Short- born remain to ba judged. The bigget thing on the program wa the auction of tba fat stock. Tha chief attraction In tba collection of fat cattle and tba animal that will first fall under tba auctioneer's hammer I tha grand champion Shorthorn steer from tha University of Idaho. This animal baa never lost in any of tba elaaaea in which ba baa been entered and ba Invaded elaaaea in which ap peared steers of greater age and bas competed with many prise ateer d ur ine hi short life. His weight la now 1635 pound. Hi mother Is a thoroughbred Shorthorn, If at Daisy, and aha waa aired by the grandson of Gold Crown, reared by J H. McCrosskey, Fish trap, Wash., ona of tha beet known breeders In tha Northwest. F. W. Harding, secretary of tha American Shorthorn Breeders' associa tion and a man who has judged that bread of cattle for years, declared the champion to ba tba beat specimen he bad aver eeen. . Land Grants May Be In Courts for Many Years Further litigation that may keep both the Coos Bay and Oregon & Cali fornia rrant lands in tha courto for rear is threatened aa a result of tba decree banded down In tba United Bute court at Portland by Judge Wolrerton In tba caae of tha govern ment against tha Southern Oregon comnanv. :. The court held, in thi decree, that tba grantee of the land ara entitled to a value of $2.50 an acre and no mora. Attorney for tha defendant cava notice of appeal. A aimilar de cree, with (ubatantlally tha tame pro vision, ha been prepared by Constan tino J. Smyth, special assistant to tba attorney general of tba United State, In the Oregon ft California caae, wnicn deer will ba submitted to Judge Wolverton. Attorneys for the Southern Paclflc company, who contend that they, a present holder of the Oregon ft Cali fornia land, own tha timber, coal, minerals and other natural resource, well aa their value of $2.60 an acre, will contest thia view of tha caae," - ;v':s- If tha court accepts tha contention of the United State attorney, aa it did In tha Southern Oregon caae, it la probable that the Southern Pacific at torney will prepare an appeal. Both these appeala muat go to tna United States Circuit court of Ap peals, from which it will be possible to appeal to tba United States Su preme court. Thus it is possible that tha lands will be held in litigation for a long period. The decree signed ty Judge wolver ton enjoin tha Southern Oregon com pany from selling any of tha timber on the Coo Bay wagon road lands, "or any minerals or other deposits thereon, except aa part of or in conjunction with the land on which the limner standi or in which tha mineral or other deposits ara found, and from cutting or removal of any of tha timber there on, or from removing or authorising tha removal of mineral or other depos its therein, excepting In conjunction with the sale of the land bearing the timber or containing tha mineral." Tha defendant ara further enjoined from the sale of tha land and ita re sources until congress shall have had 'reasonable opportunity", to make proviaioa for its disposition by legisla tion. . Msn Bom in "West" Is 77. Albany Cyrua Hamlin Walker, old est living white roan born weet of the Rocky Mountain, celebrated hi 77th birthday at hi home near Albany Tuesday. Ha wa bora December 7, 1838, at Marcus Whitman miaaion, near Walla Walla, Wash., the cen of the Whitman maaaacre. Mr. Walker ba resided in Oregon all hi life. He is an Indian war veteran and i paat commander of the Indian War Vete ran of the North Pacific Coast. Mr. Walker haa been writing "Memoir of Old Oregon," which I almost finished. NORTHWEST MARKET RLPCnTS; GENERAL CFpP CONDITIONS Portland Whs. Blueetera, 1 5 fortyfold, 4c; elu. lcj red Fife, 88c: red Russian, lc MUlfeed Spot prices 1 Bran, $2J per ton; abort. $24; rolled barley, ttm.il. Corn White, $3$ per ton; cracked, 136. flay Eastern Oregon timothy, $11 tI16: valley timothy, $12411$; alfal fa. $l$.SuM.0; cheat, $310; oats and vetch, $11. Vegetablee Articbokea, 76 O $1 doaea; tomato, California, $IJ.1.60; eabbag, 90 hundred; garlic, 16 pound; sprout, ge; horseradish, 6e; cauliflower, 76c41tl t6; eelery. 60feX 66 doaen; bean. 10&12ie; lettu I2flii7S crate: nee. lOxftll. Green fruit Apple. 76eft2.2( box; peara. Hftl.60; grape. $L$61-M crate: eaaabaa. 21 pound; craober- riee. 696111 barrel. Potato Oregon, buying price, $1 f . o. b. shlpnln point. Egg Oregon ranch, buying price: No. 1, 42c; No. 2. $0c; No. $, 20e per doaen. Jobbing prices: No. 1, 4Z4J 44: Orsroc store re. 2628. Pou trv Iiena. lzftixe: springs. 12c: turkey. 17c: tokey dressed. 20 K 2 2c; duck, white, IZc; colored, loe; 8310e, . - Butter City creamery, cube. x tree, eel I log at lle; Brat. Ze; prints and carton, extra. Price paid to producer; Country creamery, 24(3 28c according to quality; butterfat. premium quality, 82c; No. 1, average quality, lie; No. X, zc Veal Fancy, par pouna. Pork Block. 7ic per pound. Wool Eastern Oregon. l&225c; valley. 2626c; fall lambs' boot, 26c; mohair. Oregon. 28e pound. Caarara bark Old and now. Kc Cattle Choice steer. $6.867.26; good, $6.60&6.86; medium, $&&6.60; choice cows. $6.2606.76; good. $6 6.26: medium. ' $4.606; heifers. $3.606; bulla, $2.606; stags, $3 6.25. Hogs Light, $e6.10; heavy, $6 6.10.. Sheep Wether. $4.766-60; awe. $46.60; lam be, $637.85. Wheat Outlook Not Clear. Portland a-rain dasdera see no reason to change their attitude toward tha wheat market, and consequently nuai nee la inactive all along tha Una, with nrlMa mm rm atationaTV. Where there waa a Chang la quotation it waa in tha nature of a reduction. No one ia able ret to figure out what arill tie tha affect of tha Canadian em bargo, but tha feeling prevaila that if it Influence tba American market in any way it wiU ba adversely. The net reeult of tba operation at Chicago waa a decline of f cent, and it would occa sion no surprise if tba Eastern mar ket would continue to eag for tavaral day, or at least until tha aituation clear. The influence of tha Canadian government' action. It la expected, will soon be felt in the freight market on tba Atlantie aide, and that should furniah a cue as to tha probable course of wheat value. In tha meantime, the trade here aeem disposed to stand by and await deveiopmenta. No trading it reported at country points. At the exchange in Portland there waa a sale or euuu mianei oi ue eember club at 92 cents, the tame nrlM that eraa bid tha Drevloua day. Offera for January club war lowered 1 cent. December bloeatem Did were also down 1 cent, and flf a offers were 1 to 8 cent lower than last week- Other varieties and deliveriee of wheat were unchanged in price. There was nothing- doinr in the coarae grain. tha former price were posted. Growing Contest End. . rhohalla. Waah Tha Chehalia Na tional bank ha just closed an interest ing farm products contest. Tha judg ing was dona by Profeasora E. G. Sha fer and J. N. Price, of the State col lege. They were unstinted in their praise of the quality of the various products on display. An especially nne corn exhibit wa made. Owing to the fact that the Southwest Washington Fair waa bald tha last week in August, before much of tha lata vegetable crop t.A tainnAii nmnnletelv. some ex ceptionally fine specimens of various kind were shown. " Spud and Rutabaga Arrive. Tacoma Big, yellow rutabaga from North Yakima are in heavy do- mand on the local produce market, ao- Mwiflnff tn mmminaion men. ' Dealer ay the quality of the vegetable ia "su perb, being xrean tuio sweet. iu price now ia aaid to be uncommonly low. 11.26 ner cwL . An advance, how- aver, ia expected later. Yakima Net ted Uem potatoes nare gone up tha price now being $2122 a ton. At these price the vegetable 1 aaid to be very firm and further rises would not com as a surprise. Cranberry Prices Are Advancing. -Tha cranberry market ia steadily ad- vancina-. Several of tha Jobbers quot ed $11 on lata Howes, and -thia price will probably be general soon. The im waa not srap- ranted by the conditions in tha East, where cranberries are in smaiier tup nly than last year add ara very firm in price. Hop Market Quiet Down. Portland Tha bop market quieted down at the close of the month, as the last of November sales had been taken care of last week. Moat of tha busi ness reported i between dealers. H. L. Hart purchased 90 bale at 1C to 12 cents, and Julius Pincua bought ISO bale at Si to 10 cent. -i ! M MM- r:-:..:: I 1, .r- -.. .'- a .n nm.M fit Paul' cathedral. London, after the memorial service Belgium. Amone tioae present who every station la life, from tho cottar Bad Cross nurse acted aa a guard of GERMAN INVADERS OF SERBIA AT - ' ,.. y ' "X " , . ... . i x, ",H, ' ' '- k ' ,my,.s " : - - ..." - " Ona of tba first picture of tha Oermana on Serbian oH. It show a Teuton Invading division halting for tha . . . l. i.M ,n s.a 9rt.Ha ha mM li ilnwn rtr rather about the noon meal and rest. Tna noraea ana goulash cannons." the portable Held GERMAN PORTABLE SEARCHLIGHT i t." if Among the many device with which the German army I equipped lfl thia portable aearchlight. mll but powerful, wmcn. wnen noi m use. taken apart and dlatributed among five men. SIGNING CHECKS iw.k i w ThlaL aaaiatant treasurer tha United Statee, tn hi official capacity is called on to lgn nearly 600.000 check a .... . RamnUv a check-aiZMnz maenme waa 'inataUed. and the other day Ur. signed 100 checks tn 64 aeconas. MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR EDITH Hi WaTsagsjajsjssjag, . ,i came to pay homage to the memory of Miss) Edith CaveU. representatives of 4 ) to tba king and queen of Great Britain, were prwent. A group of British honor. pecs muie kitchen. , 7S - BY MACHINERY of Thiol . v r . .a f L 1 CAVEll . i tor the British nurse martyred in . t MIDDAY REST - r GETTING THE WAR MOVIES art,, -.;e Thia i a French official cinemato graph operator at work In the flrstf line trenchea. - In making moving Pic ture of tha fighting the operator ba to take aa many chance t th Mi dler. ' - A Place for Him. While at lunch with William Ao blngdon and William Collier, the ac tor, a young Englishman, also au actor. Indulged in numerous criti cisms of America and American In atltutton. It became very distaste ful to Abblngdon, who ia a British : subject and was not permitted to Join the army, even though he applied. , "If you dont like America and hei people," suggested Abblngdon to hit younger fellow-countryman, "why dont you go over to England and be!j fight for your own country? Yos could get In the army." "No, I couldn't." the'yousger Fnj lishmaa hastened to eiplaln. "1 tried, but they wouldn't lot ma !n Iktsess, they ald, I had a floating i'. "Wtll," suddenly iuterjcfd Co".i with a bit of sarcasm, "that wo'jlJa't keep you from Joining tba nary, wul ttf Saturday Evnlcg Pott, I