vxe-.-xrr rtrasa B2JT HOTEL OREGON aa W. ataaaa aadar at. mibs H. ft cwu ba aa "an 13 , J HMte. aad waa vtU aiwar. aed fcaH tMHl 1 V. tmm i l.i KuMW h t y.iraaaaa o-iaa. Wa aafcan r-aa? tau.na.-a, AMku rua, PuPk day. Eareseaa Flea, KV N. E. CLARK K, Mgr. ATtea or tfcttSi $uctj$1J aU taa rtiwn" .uahar aaaalUd to a feaaa-vv aaa-". vraai IM aikar Ad.ia MaW Tatar- BW8X " MEN'S AND WOMEN'S Shoes $2.' $3S ALL STYLES Royal Shoe Co. 22 Merrajen Sara. " Scd St. rORUAND. ORfCON tiiwM Tint aad NO MEDICINE tffMM ta wwy. iHm. B- U.M. DAVU. UX m mil IWUuat Omrn WHIT EriAI-CP-A-CCLD TABLETS A riaranterd remedy for Colda and La Grippe, Price 25e of your draniat. lt'a good. Take nothing elae. Adv. mm J f Ml at M We pay cash tm MAKkkTT. tar Pm st. rniu.kfa Ml HiinliiH Htati m,mr ktnui tort Mill. MM 10c Mm tU.CI CfcamWaf DaeUt TreaJ fsadirt tfJ Ttts Umdttnmiymtittmm. Vmhms MitraMlNwTIKICa Writ a. OIUSeON VVIXXNII1.NS CO. BU rarUsaa. Ora. -iil proatsbto work aat ritmw; few aula' tMrniiw: pajtti r iml l: rri far nhwM artiealT. Pwtiwd Watrhaak h. Enf rannc aad Optical School, US Crnaiia nrravtnc a BaiUina. HarUa4. Otiaaa. Dalle3-Columbia Line Winter Stcneauie, nov. is 10 mar. Staaram I. N. TVs! and Tvta Cltte far Kama. ark-k. (Wo. Wallata. Uaamtllia. ArliatTtaa. Ta raiWak Lite. Hon Kmr. Wlula Satmoo. Caraaa. Bf 1 iirniiu Caacada Uarka. Lam rvtlaaa Tw Wa and Fiidaura at U a. b. rraVBt aM aaaai ean. ldum Iwloc St. Dock, i-artiaaa. Letter for Letter. ' "Why doea a poet begta so many of bis sentences with OT said the poli tician. "There's bo answer," replied Mr. Peawfegle. "Why does a apeacbmaker begin ao many of his sentences with T r ' Washington Star. ' ' . Outclassed. "Were yon much impressed by the majestic roar of Niagara?" , "I was at first, but later on. wben my husband pat up a roar a boot our hotel bill. Niagara sounded Ilk a rip pling brook." . A Goad Actor. "Hamfat U oat of a Job. Ton re member that fellow who used to play the part of a batter ao welt" - "I remember him. He was good. I should think he could get a Job as a real butler." Kansas City Journal Way to Win. : "I hare always been unlucky In life." "Me, too." "Yet yon are rery successful." "Well, as soon aa I got the idea that Inolr wnnlil An tinthlnr for me I be ran to bustle." Louisrillo Courier-Jour nal. ' Then the Riot Call. Once In a great while yon hear a vauderllle Joke that is probably not more than 40 or 60 yeara old. Put Pepain In It. Miladt aaya did yon erer stop to think how hard eTerybody would try to get religion If it was good for Indi gestion. - 55 o ayt-, .... Try this easy way to clear your skin with Reso nm Soap Bath e your face for several minutes with Resinol Soap and warm water, working the creamy lather Into the skin gently with the finger-tip. Then wash off wiib more Resinol Soap and warm water, finishing with a dash of clear cold water lo close the pores. Do this once or twice day, and you wiSI be astonished how quickly the beating. antiseptic Resinol medication south r and cleanses the pores, re rooves pmip'rs and blackheads, snd Irj.rs the cosnplcsiofl Clear, fresh and vcivety. A Practical Applleatlea., "Waea Joah got bow from his 4u eaUoo," Mid Parmer Corntoaael, "he iiarl.d right la Instruettn' ma about agriculture, 60 I dtdu to bo Urn to try hli out." "What did yo dot" "Sent bin out to round P a awana of tii pa." Waa th evnartmantsueaawful?" ' cruma, it ma few avow, aa' hep' Josh from getUa' la the way fur "moat two wvea." Nw Tor Poet Narrow Eeeap. v. mil Tm vara talking la your Bleep laat Bight about a dear and a perfect lore. "It re-fere," explained her husband. to a perfect or a oai 1 m wm Sb looked at kin euaplctoualy, bat told him to have It aent ap. Loula- Till Courteisjournai. BHag aaa nia mo faJliiM tZmZZr Bur rif. Bu tutf IMm rrtiu-i an ooaa a -"r i.iin 11a m r. l-artitaiara FVkk, AND ALL SIZES I J The Main Difficulty. The management of a factory re cently engaged a new man and ga Instructions to the foreman to instruct him In bis duties. A few days after ward the manager Inquired whether the new man waa progressing with his work. The foreman, who had not agreed rery well with the man In question, exclaimed angrily: "Progressing T - There "s bees a lot of progreaa. I bare taught him every thing I know and he la atiU an ig norant foot" Chicago Herald.' Yea Ca Cat ASaafl faal taa mC Writ Allaaa. OlMUcLI r.or.X. Tutors Bva aajaato Alta-a'a reaa-Kaa. It aura aaeMias, kJttwoUaa, aakin ttvc. It lutaj sow at tif ht Boaa osar. A cartaia ears tot rorna. tncrawlnf baits and baatons. AUdruf luutaUlt. Sao. ioat aeeeM aaj tatautiw. That-a 8a. . "What were the JanUariee?" "Soldier maintained by the ancient Turks. They trained them to be sol diers from boyhood." "Ill bet they had no trouble la re cruiting, either. Everybody wants to be a soldier at M." Louisrille Cour ier-Journal. Campua Invitation. Femad Voice oer the Wlro Hello George! Can yon coma to a little party this evening? George (absent miadedlyI"d like to, but I'm on the wsgoa. Chaparral . Fears Confirmed. CarrawaT waa craning his neck for B better view of the turkey. "Rubber!" said the landlady. -"I feared as much," said Carraway with b sigh. Judge. . Mataln FHPK af Bt bc aonar. It mm ba iJm biatny at Sitaacial liv dwjiaBilaaMa. Addraaa. Poraxk SacdalQf Oa, BB) CiljuaW af CofacOTca. Portjaad. Ura. On Profession. Tabooed. 1 suppose you have high ambitions for your boy?" "Well, I wouldn't say that, exactly, but I do hope that he wont turn out to be the male assistant to a female dancing teacher." Error Confounded. Conductor We're traveling la two sections tonight Intoxicated Passenger Thatsh right Justh whash I've been trying to tell m' friends. I can see both shectlons of you, too, co'dnctor. Machinery Better Than Men. ' She A clock is different from s man. He In what respect? She When it strikes It keeps on working. No Enterprise. Junior Partner I think Mars is In habited. Senior Partner Until this war la orer, Jake, we will stick to our regu lar customers! Philadelphia Bulletin. A Prepared Speaker. "Mrs. Judkin read a paper before the suffrage club yesterday after noon." "Did it show careful preparation?" "No; but Mrs. Judkin did." Birm ingham Age-Herald. - 300000 If the skin b in bad condition through neglect or an unwise use of cosmetics, apply a little Resinol Oint ment and let it remain on ten min utes before the final washing with Resinol Soap. Kaaiaal Saaa k aot arttfcUllr esUral to rkk brow kcias aamrlf du ta (M Baaatal kalaaM Itcaauiai. Bold bt all dractana iotl ttcaxra is tnixtsaooa farlrrt iiapii caka aad inal al Kmnol OiaaacM. Vrrta Pm Vt, Simla . OarrWaal Co. BaKiaHt-a. ktd. rhytkutns kavt preuribti Rabtol , Ointmmtfarajer tivcHty yiart in Ik iralmrMl ej tsi mum uatj aja.i. cioooooooo .VII IS CQ!D Cc: Seizes Cereal Crcp. GRAHI HQLiniD EY C1AT KflO Order Affects 20,000,000 Bushels In Eastern Elevators Price Not Yet Fixed by Dominion. nttawa. Ont The Canadian govaro- Btant has emmandeerwi all stgh- grade wbaat In lvator from Fort William, bo Lake Superior, to the At lantic oaaai. Tb action was taken under the sp. cial war act by tb Canadian Grain commission. The wheat seised was of grades No. 1 bard and Nob. 1, S and 3 Bwthan. It was th property of grain- ahippwssnd miliar. That taken is .11 kl-k m Ratuntav nirht was la the public elevators at Fort William, Port T ... a. a mjb V a, Arthur, MHUana, lima, m mv NlchoU Collingwood, Codarich, King . Ver (VJrjarna. Preacott. Quebec SL John, Montreal and Halifax. A revised estimate places we .n at .Kant M-000. 600 DUSbelB. A considerable amount Is the property of American grain dealer. Th grain was taken Saturday night, an that smin sjtcbafures should be affected as littl as possible. It ta officially announced that use price wui k fairlv aiiutad and the rrainiTOW- era paid promptly by th Canadian government. It is esumaieo ut tber sUll is in Canada, la th bands of farmers and dealer wast of Fort William, 1SO.OOO.00O bushels surplus of wbaat available for xport. It is expected that most of this wiU b taken In the future for tb use of Great Britain, France and Italy. Tb domestic supply of Russia Is more than sufficient to meet th needs of that country. Bad tb Dardanelles been forced, th surplus w jumbo wbaat would bar mad tb preaent action unnecessary. WhilB th wheat just laara was commandeered to fill an Oder from tb nvftiah mnminjint fop a lanr Quan tity of wheat. It la understood that most of it will be shipped to Italy. The Canadian government will look fW the transnartation of th grain to tb Atlantic seaboard and from tber its shipment across th Atlantic will ha undertaken bv tb British gov ernment in the same way that ship ments of oats and bay nave been nana led for th past year. 6ers2a Objcd "u Sslsa . , 6aisal aa Orafjss ush Berlin, via London With ther oc cupation of Rudnik, tb capture of 2700 prisoners and tb flight of tb canty remains of th Serbian army into th Albanian mountains, Ger many's operations against Serbia bar been brought to a close, says th offi cial statement issued at tb headquar ters of th general staff. Tb object of these operations th opening of communications with Bul garia and tb Tumi an empire nas been accomplished, it is assert eo. Tuvtnn The areater Dortion of what remains of tb Serbian northern arms' la believed to have crossed into the mountains of Albania and Monte negro, where tb Serbs are continuing, iih tha air) of Kino- Nicholas' troops snd supplies, which are reaching them from th Adriatic, to offer stern resis tance to the AuBtro-Uerman and Bul garian invaders. Like th Belgaina, however, tb Ser bians hold only a fringe of their coun try, which widens ss it reaches the southwestern eorrer, of which Honas tir is th center. For some reason, variously ex nlained. tb Bulgarians have halted their march on Monastir. It is said In soma dispatches that, having reoeeu pied part of Macedonia, largely in habited by their fellow nationals, the Bulgarian people and government are disinclined to push any farther west. Oil Men Join in Prayer. Taf t, Cal The oil men bar took refuge in prayer and practically very body connected with tb oil industry in this vicinity went to church Sunday to bear a sermon preached by Rev. Luther A. Kic on u suojeci oi "False Conservation." Th sermon Ualt with the order of ex-President Taft withdrawing certain oil lands and the effect on the California' Industry and this district, where to withdrawn lands are situated, in particular. Tb Hiiunantim waa asked to orav that congress pass remedial legislation. 1,042,743 In Postal Bank. " Waahinirton. D. C Only six cities in the United States have greater de posits in postal ssvings banks than Portland, and Portland's deposits are nvriM than double those Of SUV Other city in tb Northwest Th statement just iavued gives f ortiBna s oe posies aa tt fU? 713. nnlv 1100.000 less than that of San Francisco. Other North western postal banks having more than cirtn nno In denoaita . are: Seattle. $420,975; Tecoma, $418,207; Astoria, 1135,748; tJeilingnam, aizi,ao; Spokane, $112,184. . T. B.'s Aid Held ss Spy. Ni Britain. Conn. Tb Rev. Fred erick Kreiarer. of this city, who has been engaged in missionary work in East Africa for many years, is netng detained in a British prison camp in India on the suspicion that ba is a Ger man spy, according to information re ceived by relative here. Durinar ex-President Kooe:i s t.lnfr1n in Africa, the EV. Mr. Kreiger accompanied him on several occasions. Fcra Gcl.cd llcrso HAN FORD'S Balsam of Myrrh A IINIMI NT For CaH. WTrs) Cuts. Lameness. Sixains, Bunchat, Thrush. Old Sorw. Nail Wouna. Foot Rot. rHiU. RLaahrtina-. ElC Ettt. Utda Since 1846. MexS,80aa3tLOO AH Dealers ssstn Headlight ea fountain Pea. Aa lavantnr Miteolved the idea Of makln aa aleelrie lama to b carried In th veet pocket which bad wwa. the appearance ot a rouniam psn. ui lamp being very slightly larger than the other. Tble probably offered a tip to a rival Inventor, who proceeded to mak bb article which I both lamp and pen. Little la added to th proportion of Ik. Ii.nl.in.nl anal tha Ink reservoir shares space lu the cylindrical case with B tiny ary Battery, i am lamp ia mounted lust over the pen point with a tiny reflector, which directs the full strength ot tha lamp glow down on th manuscript at th point wher th pea Is gliding over Us surface. Dr. Pierce's Pellets, small, s near coated, easy to tak aa candy, regulat and invivurat etornach. liver and bow els. Do not grip. WRITE STORIES Zr.X?- ft. aatk rat rhakwlaaa. InWrliuS aa laactaalioe. N.aaaarwaa. aacaaaary. Wack k. lar IMa FuU aartmlan Fm rarark Spatially Oa, f Ckaataat a( Omammm. rWUaad. Ora. . What She Needed. Lady -What will you charge m for the wee of a bore and buggy for a few hours? Liveryman It will cost you $S tof the first hour and $1 for each addi tional tour. Lady Well. Ill aa It tor two ad ditional hour. l got aom shop ping to do, and will aot require It tor th first hour. . Catarrh? rfcw, innyu natal breathing impaired? Don aar throat mmt haMky or clogged T Modera sdenc proves that these symptoms re sult from run-down beahn. Snuffs and vapors are Irrt- iaflnd and aaaleas tTJ.tfaai. Tha nit-fond in Seott'a EmaW) wiU enrkh and enliven th otooa. aid nutrlttoa and aaslst natur to check tH Innammation and dj heal the sensiiiv membranes, Shm AtcmJtoSe mdrtmrm W easfaf apen SCOTTX UfTi .1 iw ail -ill I) I IM . I ilBM Slaughter. . European Our war is terribl. I know of a colonel who commanded a regiment' of 1000 privates and lost half of them In on battle. Mexican That's nothing compared with our war. I know of on private who was commanded by 1000 generals and lost 750 ot them in on battle. UVg AGENTS-Far naw BavanMd Hamas!!. Eaay a-IWr. Bis nmftta. Kicluahw tarrttortaa HUSttiwuiiiv.Mmin . Th Turning Point. "Pa, what doe it mean when a pub lic man is said to be at the leuitb ot bis popularity?" ' "It means, my son." replied the de feated candidate ruefully, "that be is about ready to hit the toboggan." Birmingham Age Herald. Xi'at Packages kJSZ atttaa. tathKtin paat carda. ftjldan. sift cards, adekara, tasa. aaab and eutouta. aaiklns a rapra. aantaUvapackaa which la a rara lua at lOe. JaeiuoaACa.. t Cham, of Coaa, ParUaod. Ora. The Family. "I see that tha Bmlths havebeen divorced," remarked Brown. "That aor asked Jones. "Did they have any family?" "Yes," replied Brown.' "8b get the custody of the poodle snd he gets th custody ot the motor car." Quick to Act, "Did Alice take her husband's fail ure in the right spirit?" "Oh. yes. Juat as soon as sbe knew he waa going under she went out snd bought her entlr summer outfit" Endless Chsin. "I dont see how that politician can Issue a statement every day." "Why not?" r - c "What can b issue a statement about r "About his last statement" Nothing Lot Th beauty ot reading a tiresome book is that you can skip a few pages without realizing th difference. The Neighbor Know It Evil communications corrupt good telephones. C Gee Wo fjla luffaatful hall al ranadMa car ajl khvda of ailmanta ut mmm mmi wamia wlth auc aparatlon. saai from Ota waadarfat Chttwaa karba. Mala, beda and iwuUav wktrh ara ankaowa U tjv. madieal aeianaa af tM. aovntrr. Writ, far btoik and Hrralara. CONiSULTAIlON rKS. A"Mwa Tst C Cee W akne Kedsi C. UBtt rirat SU rartland, Ora. rapar. bit L.,A,if . N 1 Jk 1 '" L.mwm. ! i-ii i i .is I NORTHWIST a!ARKET REPORTS; GENERAL CROP CONDITIONS fL ' ' " " .l'-' tv.UnJniiaat niueatem. IIHt: hirtyfold, 5i elub, IIoj r4 tU. tc; red Ruastan, alillfsod lH)t' prio: Bran, I4 par toat shorts, $25; rolled barley, Cora Whit. Ml P toaj cracked, ST pr tea. ... Hay Kastara Oregon timothy. 111 Ol: Uy timothy. UtOll; alfaU. 1J.OOU: beat lO10; omt and vetch, 111911' ,A Vstabl-a Artichoke, TSofftt M par doa; tomato, t'allfomla. I1.M a aa. .i,k... aonall huadred: garllo, Uo pound; peppara, Ji pound; ggplanU 1910 P oudi aprouta, o per pound; horseradish. k. ru twinnn - rtautlflower. faO.0 fl.xSt ealery. 10975 Pr beana, 109UH: lttuea, $10111 P crate; peaa. lOOlle. Ureea iTulta Apple, TScOH " per box; pears, 1.(K91.M par box; s rapes, llCJl.aU per craia; caaaia, tuo oar Bound: eranberri. OO" per barrel, rotatooe Oregon, rOcpu.oO; Tak- Imaa, $1.10 per aack; sweets. ,1.11 per hundred. . . Kgg Oregon ranch, baying prices: No. , 40e; No, 1 lOe; No, 1 loo per dnaen. Jobbing price: No. t, loi Oregon storaga, J9o. PoHltry llena, 119 lie; spnnga. ii tnrknva ItAlU! -turkera. dreeeed. I09a5o; dacka. white, 14o; colored. Ho; geea. 10 Olio. Butter City creamery, cube. ! traa. Belling at II He: frsta. Me; priaU and cartons, extra. Price pld lo producer: Country creamery. 14 92SC according to quality; butterfat premium quality, ISc: No. 1, average quality, lie; No. t. IXs. Veal racer, so per poano. Pork Block, TH Pr poaad. Hop 1115 crop, lOHWo. u.'nnl S'aatarm Ora ton. lloi&o: Valley. 15 0 Mo ; tall lamb' wool. 15. Mohair UregOB. ISO per poano. caacara Bark Old and new. I HO 40 per pound. . Cattle thoica ira, HWyi, mA laK marllum. II.U05.7S: ebole cow. $50 5 50; good. $ 50O 4.76; medium, $17504.15; belfera. $1.5001; bull. IJWl.av; suaga, v iiosB Llsht K011S: kaary. ISO $.11 ' Sheep Wether. 14.7501 50; , $405; lambs, $407.10. Larg Deereaae In Onion Crap, w. Mui.u.fiA tkla vaar ta th 11 Important onion-growing states M umacea oy n aancuiiunu meat at 11.101.71 bushels, aa com pered with 11JQ1.014 bushels la 1114. a decrease ot about 17 per cant Tb statea Included la this eat! mat are i(.....v.uii, Naw York. Ohio. Indi ana. Michigan. Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa. Colorado, waaninawn, u"i" and California. These state Included .iyu,i iur Mint of tha total onion acreage In th census year 10I. From th returns or special uw crop reporters It U stlmated that the per cent of acreage abandoned la 1111 In certain stales because oi Dtow-oaw, floods, thrips, blight etc, waa as fol- U.Makuaatta. gg Bar Cent! New Tork. 11 pw cnt; Ohm. 14.1 per cent; Indians, IIS Pr cent; Mich ... a a ivar Mn(! Wlaeonsln. 5.1 Br cent; Minnesota, 0.T per ent; Iowa, I.g per cent; coioraoo, s i pw eB; aad California. .01 par cent Total for state considered. 11 per ent From th same returns It ia estlm- ...A Ik.) tha na twtnt of th onlOB crop that Is of storaga quality U as follows: Massachusetts, 51 per cant; Nw Tort, ff per cant; woio, i v cent; Indiana. 10 per cant; Michigan, 44 per cent; Wisconsin. 71 par cent; Minnesota, II pr cant; Colorado, IT per cent; and California. 10 par cent Total for states considered, 41 par cent ' Wheat Buying to Lighter. TUrn muniin whaat market remains nn firm, hat buvlns; has Slowed down. No further export flour busi ness has developed beyond that pre viously reported, which stimulated more or les speculative ouying i wheat Now tha desire to take on annniiaa haa anhaidarl and o Derations by exporters bar also been checked. Holders la th country, however, nsv not abated thir strong views, ii tha Portland merchants ex change, th tendency was toward a lower level all around, jvovemoer club bids war reduced 1 cent and fortyfold offers wer cent lower than tb week before, and ther was th asm decline in other deliver! of white wheat wbll red wheat was 1 to I cents lower on bid. BradstreeU estimates wheat and flour exports from tha United St this week at 10,131,000 bushels. Ar- ..nilna haat ahlnmanta thla week were 14.000 bushels, against 18.000 bushels last week and o,ooo ousueis a year ago. . New Records in Foreign Trsde. TAr.ahlnvfnn Maw Man ramrds In the foreign trad of tb United Stat nnnflnna n nlla Bfl th STBateat fBV- orable trad balance this country bas ever known, according to figures mad public by tb department of commerce. During tn ii momns euaeu who October foreign trad exceeded $5,- niuiiuiAIMA tmnnrfa vara 11x91.748.- 013' and exports $3,81S,34,3. ss com pared wltn imports or fi,ssu,is,avA and exports of $2,140,147,121 during tha same 12 months previous. Exports of October established a new high record, rising to $334,t3S 678, which wss $33,961,758 mora than th former record made In September. October Imports wre $148,629,620. Heavy Trads In Crssn Produce. Portland. Trade is rushing ta th fruit and vegetable district this week. There Is not only a heavy shipping demand in all lines, but local buying wss largely increased, Tb demand is particularly good for apples, which are now selling better than at any time this season, Cranberries were also frea sellers, and th trad in storage grapes wss llkcwls good. A car of bead lettuce arrived from the south, and the steamer brought a mix ed assortment ot California vegetables. Industrisl and Trsds Activity. New Torkv Brsdstreet's weekly re nort aava: "Further progress In trad accompanies greater lndua trial acti vity, higher prices, better collections, Increased demand for money, record bank deposits, sharp reduction la un employment heavier payrolls, a big movement of grain and lower temper atures over a wld area, which latter i... -!... .nan ! nrtnti trade tn sea sonable wearing apparel. Rain ha helped winter wheat and cold weath er has put a period to cotton growth. WHY FAMOUS PASTRY COOKS USE .1MB The ratroniof our first clan notcis ana resuuranu enj lntf-thty dcmanJ tho best Women Co where the pattry and Cake are noted (.r their excellence. Men are attracted ty hot bread and WsaUU when Iresh auvi moUt and Ujlht. The pastry cook with a reputation uses K C naktntf rovvder because he knows that rcsuIU are certain; every time everything is as good as his best ' - Then, too, with K C Baklna iwdcr he can mtx the various kinds of batter before tho rush ot tho meal bedns and bake as needed so that every order fiocs to tho table fresh and hot. yet tha . . iaui no uuKca aiu juk aa a'- " The reasons khlnd these reasons Is that K C Is really a blend of two baking powders. One commences to give off leavening Has as soon as moistened, The other requires both moisture and heat to make U artk-e. lWh or batter will remain in a fw"11" .- ! leavened condition for f J will como up as llfiht 31- For cookies, pancakes. dougnnuTS ana ine whkh cannot all be baked at once, K C Is Imllspensl. a . ..a a. A I . . I - - I - a .1 a.,1,1.1 AawaT I ff ble. ror all tRing me Faffoss ta H reo aaa year Ta Staallhy, Btraass Bkaaatlral Wye Oaaiiata aa Vkjatae aaa fctarlaa Kf Basady aar taars aakars H oa an4 aa a FH1U kja atadlalaa. MaHM B4UI thaw aauda bf Our rarMtoae ad (uaraawa It laaaa aa a Ballaaaa Balwl let Baa ka Naad Cata. T ll la rw Braa aad la Bakr's Kraa ktaaraH-lasiUajdrl. BafHartaa a ra Urtla-a aa akawmta, a4 II la..i..ia ama rw w - - - vaiwa aaiBif to, cmkauo ullsl aad Juggernaut. Cblsner They aay that In belli 100 bullet ar flrvd for vry on that take ffect . Chauffeur Very likely. I some time paea as many as 1W0 pedaatrlans before 1 hit on. , Paw K"w Everything, WIIMe Ibw, ia echo maacutln or femlnln? . , Paw Femlnln. my on. Eho al tars ha afce laat word. Maw Willi, you go and Uk dos of castor oil, "Unexpected. BUI Did you aver try to gland on a egg? Ji-Oh ye. -- ' "Aad what did you learn?" "That to Insli of lb ten was tronger than th outatda," I'biladal pbla Kecord. . , Cerract. Teachar (th subject being trees) a-Now, who can nam th pin that bas th longest and sharpest needles! Bright Boy I can, mis th poreu-Pine- . ' ' aa Competition Ncssry. "Jsck, 1 wish you'd com to see m occasionally." "Why. V'sneaaa. I thought you wr ngaged to Algernon Wombat?" . "No; but 1 think I could b If I could get up a tiltt brisk competition." SrslOKELESS POWDER SHOTGUN SHELLS There are more "Leader" and "Repeater" loaded shells used than any other brand. Their superior snooting wm why. For pattern, penetration and uniformity they are unequalled. They hold all important records and trophies. ASKxYOUR .DEALER FOR THE V GRAND. Objected to Paying Twlo. " "Look here, waiter. Eighty cents Is an outrageous pric for a portion of asparagus." , 'y, air, but you see, sir. we're put ting on a very xpntlv cabaret shpw, and " . "I know all about th cabaret show. I paid for that with tha soup." Kan sas City Times. Are Eilloiisi:S3 ; Constipation Perhaps this ess saay b slalUr to ysurs J. WmUm Till of (Bom T3.) Kmtmm. Cel. writ ma OaBUamaa"It tlraa ma moth Blaaaar. to ba able In aaa ran a tmiimsnlal. It br lui rmuhlns armi. aallarar roar aamjicinaa will do a. mark forhlaiaa th-y ba tor ma. At tha Ma Ot foartaan 1 waa troubled s rraat daal wttkj asalarta and blliaaanma. aeaaaipanird WHS the want aor -.of laraakoila. I wmaawrauadMl br Bif caranU, who h.va aJw.7, baan -". hllrm In )r. r-larna 'a ranadtaa, ta tr la OoUoN Medical IlOVarr. I took art. bmtla.nd tha boil, all di. apiMarad, but I did not atop at on. bat-la. I took thraa Sad th. malaria all laft m. and I aara had aa mora Mia ta thla dar, thanks la the Uoldaa AtaUdai Xhaamrarv' tmt at raliaf. "fallawlal aa aaarulai fot aiwwkVHIa tva faan ata t Wa. lMM-ll 1 Bnd.h rlb iton.utt.oa aad I k... bl trrlna iit. fintrt PUMit rut, .ti.a r.lu .d U.y h..a rti bm oi tf.. rw.(.ioir- 8 "ti lU.a a'-i) la annqu; k.8 Uw lMl tnwt.U; lti.r'k, ... .8 tit th. lUt. Org t9 h I K.v. t,.ln.(l frn Tt) l-l . I'nmmMi IWmW) Itoitm.Amn-tmj?' tad aalt awna to WMrwlM. Important - Teacher (relating an experience with a tramp) And then I fainted. Small Boy (excitedly) Wld yer rtkJit or wld yer left? A HP V7i! lK n AmG Powder a . a A a A . u hours, and when put In the oven, as if mUcd a moment before, aouDic raise m4wwuini". mpU of tht ormAmloomt . fraiiag ariff a cqaaf fa A4. BLACK LEG Usui suttit rtnnrrrs W Saar BMak fa Ma- CM Ink MHMI MM a- haa fT aa aiaar i wV a tm k a- a4 "'"" r m akaa. sii W MM. ' . mi .u. Ma kt dtaa tm 9m B m mm la a-a aad " '. Wtfia iaaaaaissv. Bwkatas, SaWarala Fortified Senllmant . "It your wit dtaapMnlad Wans aba dldn I got the vour "I don't think so. Tb defeat Of woman suffrase baa merely atrength. ened her conviction that men are po litical failure and serve lo proleng tha lateiwat of lb campaign." Waah Inttun Btar. The Ttat Mstilum Tha spirit of your wlf la here now. Do you wish to speak to hr through me? Widower Ask br br tha dtrxeoa ah put my aumntar andar ear. Philadelphia Publl Ledger. i ' Suprflelallty. flha rhyttls Fsalherwslght Is go ing to study folof. . ' . , . Me wait 1 am glad that shall at last get beneath tb surface of some thing. - -. '- . Battery Trouble. First war fan Wall, what ar tho Itusslans doing? Second wsr tan Wall, they pat th exar In th box and shifted th grand duk to right field. . - - About Do. ' "Touag lady, you ara accused of giving a display of high kicking oa Broadway." ., "Nothing to It. your honor. I waa juat trying to tb tlm ot day toy my ankl watch," x J " On Thair Hyro. , "Young man." said tha magistral severely, "th assault you have com mitted on your sapr wlf w most brutal. Do you know of any reason why I shpuld not send you to prison?" "If you do, your honor," replied th prisoner at tha bar, hopefully, "it will break up our honeymoon." Philadel phia Ledger. ,, , , on .Kronbled? 3 Dr. Pierce's GcHca I'cdid Kscovcry for ovr forty years bas . . . i . i . . i . Deen lenaing its aia v juss such cases ss this. In our posseaaion w hav thou sand of testlmonisls of like character. Perhaps you are skeptical, but isn't It worth at least a trial In view of such strong testimony? Isnt it reason, "labia to suppose that if it haa dona so much for other It can do as much for you T Toor drsmrlat will tappl? raa la gould at tlrt tnrm. or ro aaa End SO ana-etat Mane ttm a trial x. A4draat -Dr. V. rtarca, aaffala, K. T. P. Mi U tf . ISIS THrN wrltlas- ta adrtiMn, aUaaa aaa-