The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, December 03, 1915, Image 3

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    . e
Dr. Alfred F.Sempert
f Graduate and Kgllerd
" orriCB hours
I .DO to 12:00 A. M. !.
J 1.-00 tv Bioo p. m.
3T BRANDT BMXJ., upstairs
mm ,
Weston Bakery
Tli beat MHinnt of Christmas
randies at th Wlon llakarr, ,
nunlla Ik voir cultur Will b re-
calved bv A, W. LundalL Mui, Ucb.
Il'lano tunad. . ,' .
Athene Mama to b lh marca for
billiard halla, report th Pre. A
Ihlr dun ha Just bn tehlhed.
Itev, J, ti. Wood lrv next week
fur 1a tiraad to it la a revival
meeting ther. II will b atMwnt two
Ort that drear iw. I hav eome
elegant diraaer Juat IIKa nar, at hair
th prlr of nw on. Zahm'i Katund
lland "lore.
! Ijivi.ii. u hare from Touch!.
Wash., for a visit with hi parenta.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Ksrrens, and may
ranialn during th winter.
Ths Ir. Krn farm on Weston
! mountain haa been aold to Iert Pier-
ant for It win man nw
horn tharaoa with hi family.
It. O. ailll haa bought a car of lum
bar with which 1n build a aaw barn,
machinery ahad and othar outbuild
ing at hla plae on try creek.
Mra. n. Morrlaon leave Monday for
. ..! iik h father K. H. Tavlor.
at Itlrhland. Oregon, h will alao
visit relative at Fin valley ana ci-in.
Th motion pli-tur ahow at Welon
opera houaa will b (Ivan ch wh
hereafter on Wedneaday and Satur
day night. Tueaday night program
dlerontlnued. K. D. Hewitt.
Useful Gifts Are Doubly Appreciated
One need not pay more in order to double and treble
the value, the appreciation of the Gift, If one will onlv
elect appropriately. It's easy to provide for those hard-to-fit
cases, if you will select your rifts at Davis-Kaser s,
for here you will find a weater and more varied assort
ment of gifts for old and young than the combined stocks
of ten ordinary stores would provide. Kvery Department
of this big store is replete with Rifts that delight and en
dure. Every taste can be suited here, every purse
pleased, for you will find highly desirable items from a
lew cents up-up to as high as you care to go.
1 Even in toys and games, while wo have all kinds,
most of them are of the useful, durable -sort, like Erector
Sets, Tinker Toys, Anchor Blocks, games of an educa
tjonal nature, etc
Then there are Dolls,)olla, Dolls, Dolls at 10c, 15c,
25c and up to $7.50 for fine big character babies. Until
sold, we offer a lot of My Dearie Dolls (fine, big, 22-m.
Jointed Dolls with sewed wig, sleeping eyes, shoes, stock
ings, a neat dress, etc.,) for only Do not delay,
for these will not last long. Only three more weeks till
Christmas. Buy your gifts now.
Complete Furnisher of Homo, Offlce. Churcbca, School ,'
1040 Alder SU - (Odd fellowi Temple) - WALLA WALLA. WASH.
Th lycuin t'uura opened euapi
oloualy at High Hchuol auditorium Fri
day averting with th lvrly JCnter
lalnarg a quart! of prlhtly, clr
and musical young woman. Thalr anil am-allant ornaram W re
ceived throughout by a larga audlano
with vry maiilrrslallon or piaaaur.
U'lih miliar, mandollna. Piano. Inf
ill, reading and mualcal ikatrha th
Ilaverly Knlartalnara dmonatraia
ih. ir iniliii.ii.iila lalant and versatility.
Crlilflam la uncalled for, but the aua
aratiun inlaht b liaaardad that ()
young woman who ilva th piano-
l.,viia mauau aili-h a fatl'hln COB-
Iralto voln that a full olo or two by
har, Inataad of bit of aong, would b
accaptabla to any audlanca.
U'..i ,.n .iiiil.ln. ,ina nf lha bafft aD-
polntad mval markaU In tha Inland
rn...i,. r.,nlii4it hv Irrv m wanvr.
wh. mrM finitianiltf tr oaraaaln. ThlB
wacK tnay liv inaiauaa a naw aau
Mna angina, four hora power, and th
lateat Imoroved Hllaat Entarprls
aauaaaa mafhln with a raoaalty of
too pound of eaueag par hour. II
nl...iH fnMiw m.chln.rv. thee addl
lion will cnabl I nam to ronvenlantly
,.u M iKali aanamllna trade.
They are tlll ahlpplng btwa !
and izoo pounoa or maai 10 mow
...a mA A ill ma baaldaa aUUTllvlnS all
th want of local patron at Ihvlr
Military market.
A battle royal la prtad thla eve
ning at Weal on opera houae between
th boya and lrl' team of Athena
lllah and Weaton High. Th boy will
alrlv bard to retrieve their recent de
feat at th hand of their Athena riv
al, and ae they war beaten by only
two polnta they ought to hav at leaal
aa even break In their horn rotrrt.
Th local irl ar hopeful of another
victory. Aa h "doubl header" to
night la th first cam of th eaaoa
at Weston, It I parted that a larga
and eater crowd of roour will be
Tha Walla Walta Valley Railway
Company haa petitioned the city coun
cil of Milton that It be not held to th
terma of lia (ranch lae requhina' that
i, hutM anil mntlniiouelv maintain a
freight and passenger depot. Blnce
th depot burned down. It office ha
been kept In that of a lumbar " com
pany. Th railway people complain
that automobllea and auto truck hav
made serious Inroad into their busi
ness and that they ougnt to b five"
tome latitude.
Jo Hyatt and other well-known
mountaineers cam to town Tuesday
mA m-Am lh.lM.lvM tUlflUlae and
agreeable by bragging about th beu-f
tlful unhln In th Blues, whit Wes
ton ahlvered In on of th usual No
vember fogs. Th lowland fo re
aemblea a billowy aea to our mountain
friend, and w aom at I m as wish they
would dlv off into It and try to awlm.
Fred Gerberdln. former Weetonlan
who haa been a reatdent of Pin Val
iw tnm m. number of years.
wa temporarily crippled In a recent
accident. Through falling from a
ion sledc. a bone was broken and
th ligament torn In hit wrlat.
Th Athena Pre report that J. N.
ftcott'a hired man. diaturbed by the
barking of a coyote, went out to give
It Ita ouletu with a .ti rlf. and shot
Lh family cow instead. Th bullet
did not enter a vital pot, however.
land boeay will survive.
We are with you all th tim and
can save you money vrjr ttm. W
buy on th Coast and hav absolut
guarantee on every article. .B. O.
Cey aV Bona Louaa Doe, enough
for 100 hena six months, 10c. Guar
anteed to be th brat you have ever
ued. Py your dniggtat)
To every man, woman and child in Umatilla
" County the message is being sent to come and
join us and 1 be filled with the Christmas spirit.
We realize that you are loyal to your home town and we respect you for
it-but Pendleton's invitation in no way compromises your position. As
a matter of fact it brings it to a more complete realization.
There are thousands of Ideal Christmas gifts being displayed for your se
lection in the large stores of Pendleton, your county seat, your largest
city and the greatest commercial distributing point in Eastern Oregon.
Pendleton is your big trading point, which you ,
look to for the "many things not to be found in ,
the stores of your home town.
Pendleton's streets are garbed;in the dress of
Christmas; clusters of lights make the night day
like; evergreens greet you everywhere; windows
and stores are beautifully decorated with the
thousands of ideal gifts you want to select from
"for Christmas, making Christmas shopping a real
pleasure. The Yule-tide , spirit is in the air, and
you cannot but feel and enjoy it.; ; ; ,
! ' We invite you to join us in making this the "greatest o all Christmas sea-
sons in umauiiit vAuncjf.
nv ' ' ' Sincerely yours, ; (
Vrvh roaaled praam fiv cent lh
quart - Weston bkry,
W deliver frooerle u any part of
town. Give u your onlur. Tit
Urandt Htors.
Mbat pihrl Dunran of Athena, vlelt
d with relative and friend la Wea
ton Saturday. '
Ouaia Wind ha Irwt lirr fan ysln.
Llliersl reward, a alie'll oed la be
fore Christ ma.
Furnlahed rooms for rent at th
Mr. Wheeler residence. Inquire of
Mrs. It. Morrison.
fff..m.. f L'.I. Afh.n.'a MUM
and legal light, was In town Saturday
on a professional visit.
lima, Ilia (.iimltf la Mil., nanalnna
to 14 widow at an average monthly
rat of about 110 eai.
A daughter wa born Monday morn-
ln to Mr. and Mra. .IX. U Raynaud at
their bom on NormaJ, Height.
Itoyal Drlakell cam down last lrl
day from C'ovcllo, Wash., and will re
main for a time In th old home burg.
Orvat Duncan vlaltexl I'emllnum Fri
day nljfhl and joined the Fraternal Or
der or Kayir in a class 01 ico mauiMrs.
MImi Mra-sret I'roel-Mel vtalted In
Wesum Thuradar while rrturnliif to
Walla Walla from attending- a case at
Mra. MeCourt left Tuesday for her
horn In Cornwall, Ontario, after an
extended Visit with bar daughter, Mrs.
i. A. Mr Its.
Ton will find ua prepared to meet
all competition In every line of the
meat business, especially In bog.
Perry Wbr,
If yon ar selecting a Christmas
S resent look over DeMoas'a stock and
you don't find wbat you want call
In and see him. e
Motor car service to all points, day
or nlsht. Alao livery and feed atabb
oppoalt lh Llcuallcn blacksmith
ahop. La fa Mc Bride. ,
Repair work neatly don at the Wes
ton shfi ami harnoae shop, WlieeJer
hotel bulldlnir. New manajrement.
pew equipment, phone W. II. Vmoo.
J. H. Clodlua left Saturday for San
Francisco to see th closing; day of
th Panama-Pacific Exposition. If he
finds California to his liking he will
go farther south and remain during
th winter.
J W IJnitlav nt Fnhrala.
Wash., sister of Dr. Sempert and Mra.
tA uiMa ar.a arllh Ih.m tnr a
few daya at Weston this week, while
returning from ThanKnalvlnf visit
to her parent at Portland. '
"Home! th dearest place In atl the
world." Select an Arts Craft Ru.
Tabourett. Umbrella Stand, Costum-
r. Magasln Rack. Library Tabl or
Rocker from E. O. DeMos for a
Christmas present and make th home
more dear. i
All member of Weston Ixxle Na
65, A. V. & A. MM are requested 10 at
tend the next regular metainjr, De
cember III when there will be election
of officer. By order of U. Morrison,
VV M.; U B. Davis. Sec '
Mrs. Jennie M. Kemn of Portland,
president of the Orejron W. t:. T. U.,
vave an intereUDf auures in vt ctnon
last evenlnir. Several of the county
officer. Including- Mrs. KuBg, will he
hero next Friday,, the mm, and win
meet the wople at the home of Mr.
ft canard, at j p. ra. tteiresnmenis
will be ierved. ; i
O. R. Robinson, superintendent of
th Weston schools, received the and
tidings Monday of the death of his
father, Q. W. Robinson, at Vernon
City. Minnesota. Mr. Robinson was
14 rears old and was a. veteran of the
civil wsr. Sixth Minnesota regiment.
He la survived by his widow, I tire
sons and two daughters.
The Ford taxlcaba of K. M. Weeks
and Iafe Mcliride eolltded head-on
in Wednesday, evening tog on the
road between Weston And Athens.
Mr. Weeks claims thai Bud Hall, the
vounir .driver of . the McHride ear.
stuck to th wronif aide of the rostl.
Itoth care were badly wrecked, ana
Mr. Week is using an old express
wagon a a tnall cart. , ;; ;, v
Th.nkirlvlna everclsea and a Dl
social were held November ti at the
school house In district No. 11 on
Wild Horse creek, t All present apMtt
an enjoyable evening. The um of
tis xn mi. reallaed from tha sal of
th plea thla gratifying result being
due largely to the extorts or r rann
Oreer as auctioneer. Several plea
hrnuirht on dollar each, and on was
sold for the handsome price of I1.9&.
" H. A. Street was tried Wednesday
In Justice LieuKllen's court on a
charge of assault and battery pre
ferred by a neiirntior. u. v. rtust.
The trouble resulted over some hojrs
of Mr. Street's wbioh had been run
ning; at large. After a lively trial In
hica the Ktsistant oisirict aorny
appeared for the state and H. I. Watts
for the defense, the Jury disagreed.
The vote la said to have stood tuur tor
acquittal and two for conviction.
Mrs. C. H. Smith and her sister,
Miss Jean Sat. were hostesses to a
score of Weston ladies Wednesday af
ternoon at their home on Water st reet.
Tha affair was in the nature of a Bene
fit luncheon for the Ladies' Guild, and
tha time was pleasantly passed with
iirmrressivn whist., the enjoyment of
the guests oetnjr ennaoowt oy a chwi-
ful plow from the tire uiaoe. Airs. u.
1. O'Harra and Mr. Frank Graham
assisted in serving- a varied and appe
tising menu. . " :
Pendleton Is certainly a rijrht and
original little city, Which is the reason
why It is the best advertised town of
its sixa in the United States. The
merchants now have conoelved the
nlaasant notion of attirinv their cltT
In festal irarb several weeks before
Christmas, and extend a cordial invi
tation which is printed elsewhere in
tha Lkadkr. to come and aee this
happy display. Doubtless many Uma
tilla county people will respoo.a witn
appreciation anu eujojiuens. ,
a 9 ' ,, .
(rl,,l'p"f f""'" m
a, ..M aW. . fV jj-al
f 3 ri5' fJP
lTCi Vmi sum aai Vr
Santa Clau reign over the brlifht,
blgr store of the Weston Mercantile
Company. From now until Cbriatmas
be will be with us in spirit to welcome
all comer with an especially kindly
eye to the batipinesa of the little boys
sod girls. Never were there sucb
wonderfully pleasing and novel toys
eeo here be lore a we will display.
ltst,l,t. arlth mil uatial Care, th HS-
sorttnent is one to inspire the juvenile
tmairinaiion wim oreaoia oi muuim
Toy land. For the grown-up, too, we
ln hajulanm rifts of every charao-
ter. . YAUer our doors and see. Share
in the Christmas dollgbt which our
offering inxpire. Just saucier in,
friends, and liiok aroumi.
We will buy 600 sack of A No. 1
nntatoea. Quote us a price on any
amount you may havedelivery to be
marie at our store in tioux.
Write or phone
(Phone Main 2j5) Helix, Oregon.
That distinguished lady, Mrs. De
lsncey, Is coming to town prior to the
Christmas nouaays. '
Colored sujrar for youf X-mas cakes,
otitj ' rsatjaV ' wa ""j xui
If Advertising is a Success When You Get People
to Talk About You, Here's a Samples.
A gentleman in a neighboring town said to one of our friends who had
some of our stationery in his hand: - . -
"Watts & Rocers would make a good mail order house they look so
d d saintly on paper." ; , ' 1 . , ,
Ha, Ha! He, He! Ugh! ' '
Query How do they look off paper? Come and see.
Warranted Sewing Machines for $15.00. Four drawer, drop head,
hitrh arm, oak wood work and full set attachments. .
. ... a wa a . .fa Sa VVS . . ? M f?T AA
Vibrator and liotary styles. All prices to a yw.w macnine ivr oo.w.
... a .a a ..a J ,1 I. A.aaWaa a rA
awwaswa rtt..l LU. a.i m. tu Waaw tka. Kiil!a mtA ihm njkgtwf! ffTitiatg. tWti BtSkttM And
mj7 mi aura juur nwniiiKj mm v w m ..-, . . .
two ttotm to mnk or titch. It doe thii to make evenr ttitehe Now com urnl w wtlt
' .a. '.. . - . aTa L. it V a ...! till aam afAA gtarWaVlr itf
how you a mscmne mat neitner aiana nor siop aiir ww au.n - -"r " n
and you mske three stitches to th other sty 1 making two.
amm, sarawm ai vbk-4u ton rot z-mas ;Ja u.
i a in . 1
Kxiiiahtnn. ' Wia. Mrs. Sis-rid Lar
son. S year old, talked for th first
time over a telephone recently. Up
to two months ago she was near, put
her hearing waa restored to her ud-
denly. - -
Chicago, III. "Stop thief!- The
cry echoed through the city hall, and
a naaaarhv ollltrh.d th flvln COt-
ta.lla of Stephen McBett. At the cen
tral station Mrs. Marie Alpnonao t (ra
tified that McBett became nervou
m-hen thev went to set a marriage li
cense and started to run. and that she
called "Stop thief!- because she knew
If he got away ahe could never get him
to the marrying point again.
Jena. La. Benjamin Miller, former
ly t",wn marshal of Blverton. 111., sur-
ranrtareil to Sheriff T. E. DeWltt re
cently. Miller, who Is nearly 80 years
old. says he I wanted lor tne muraer
of Jsme Klrlln at Riverton In l7f.
and that he ha been a hunted ani
mal for forty years. '
New Tork. N. T. Jennie Reich, II,
a waitress, haa been treated In hospi
tal more than ISO times In two year.
She has been taken to three different
hospitals and treated for three carter
ent attacks In one day. Her malady
is puxsllng physlcans. who declare
that every time ahe ride on a car or
In a vehicle, the motion causes her
muscles to tens so that ahe lapses
Into unconsciousness.
Shenandoah. I. Driving live aogs
hitched to an Alaskan mall sled. Miss
Vatalla Maaon of Nome. Alsaka. la
completing a queer world's tour. She
. . . i .
nmsnea ner journey i
havlna- lravaled 3. 000 miles. If she
arrives at San Francisco with two of
her original dogs and the mall sled,
ahe will receive f 12.500.
Birmingham, Ala. The three cnu
dren of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCown
celebrated their birthdays recently.
Pauline is eight; Josephine is six. Lil
lian Mae la two year. Bach waa born
on November 0th.
Kendallvtlle, Ind.A a protest (
against the htgn cost ot living miny
nlne young men have formed an antl
gir! club. The prospects for Increas
ing the number are excellent. The
object of the club is to refrain from with an wouns lady.
or having any association with the
female sex. Violations or ineruies
are punishable by a fin of 5. "
This Briquet Man
hasn't got . the STUMJIY
KAKE, as you would proba
bly think from his looks; he
is merely asking for more
kake of the kind hb wife
bakes when she burns DIA
range. DIAMOND BRIQUETS la the
cleanest and, we think, the most econ
omical fuel on the market. We have
carload now in stock and would be glad
to supply you with a sample order.
! iMrttii aislk
V Casey too Fonltryman.
v n riuv of I. I.Casev ft Sons,
A.r. e tha Rtar Poultry Farms
among the largest In the Northwest
at Waitsburg, Wash., was In town cur
ing the week and placed the agency
for the aale ot hia "louse dope" with
Herman Goodwin, the local druggist.
Mr. Casey Is a remarkably successful
poultryman who. starting nine years
ago with a capital of 45 haa built up
. xhlMi.n kiialnan that DSVS him an
annual net Income ot $4000. Besides,
out of his earnings, ne nas piu '"
.k rn. . tnnoa farm. Aa soil and
climate conditions are similar at Wes
ton. Mr. Casey says that what ne nas
lone at Waitsburg eouia oe aupm-mi-
1 here In the chtcxen ousiness wm.
i right kind of Knowledge ana in-
... duku i.n.h .i, at nim wnen
OH J. " "
. mffcA hut ha has demonstrated
and la still demonstrating wai mre
Is big money in chicken. While at
one tim ha handled more than 80
different , varieties, Mr. Casey now
n&iaii..a tn WMta Tahoms and has
dispensed with all other breeds. He
has about 1200 breeding hens and his
output of chicks is 100,000 In a season.
What he has accomplished haa been
without assistance of any sort except
th credit extended him at the start by
men who had confidence in hia Judg
ment. . . -
The Leader Prints Butter Wraps
Fog GIlM;i())i
Home Merchant Prices
25 pound pail stock food 12.25
12 pound pkg. stock food 1.00
7 pound pkjr. stock food..-. .65
-8 pound pkg. stock food.... - .25
, Comparison of dosage two x
tablespoon fuls twice daily.
Mail Order and Ped
dlers' Prices
25 pound pail stock fond. ..'...13. 50
7 pound pkg. stock food I. Off
3,1 pound pkg. stock food ... .SO
IX pound pkg-. stock food ... .25
" Two tablespoonfuls three
times daily. ;
ruff Siori
at N egion oakery. -