The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, December 03, 1915, Image 2

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uAioiM fell Comer
1 1
him with useful
gifts for the men folk
of your household. It
is the useful gift, re
member, that meets
lasting appreciation.
Let us suggest a pair or box of Fancy
Sox, a Christmas Necktie, a pair of Paris
Garters, Dress Gloves or Suspenders from
our well-selected stock.
. . . ,
We have the season's delicacies for your
Christmas dinner including Mince Meat,
Celery, Sweet Potatoes, Cranberries, Grapes,
Figs, Nuts, Citron, Fancy Apples.
Roosevelt well la a recent iniw
la Bryant
"Mr. ttrvan' noaltlee, ft lo th duty
of thl country not to. prepare lleelf
ta defend ti( vital honor and Interest
by force of arm can, be accepted a
at nee re and honest en If he la wilting
to announce that ha believe In private
lira a man should net forrlbly try to
prevent fct wife' far from Ml
lapped or hla daughter from being
emfmeed, To tuse turn a position I
hold to t. an abhorrent aloe of alch-
edaea and folly.
Th. 1'atted Fiat la now almost a.
helpless aa China, which ha been and
la tha gigantic plaything of lha pow
er. Whilmr Kngland chooeea to do
lo ia aha may do without fear of any
effective retaliation. Thla fact w will
tit wall lo recognise If wo ara wla
with tha wtadora of tha serpent. TVn
year from now. It nay be hoped, lha
I'ntted ".rate will be In a position to
uphold Ita national Atghta and dignity,
(Phone Main 241)
IHIIIIIIItllt tttttttttttAf"tAfTT"
Tinim rr over
There are many good people who
should carry an account with The
Farmers Bank op Weston who
do not do so. Are you one of them?
Tinrcn: rr over
Fine Jewelry !
Expert Repairing I
I will appreciate eall when
you visit Athena.
Hawk'g Drug Store
trawl, nnrkl mad Hpfilia mth4 or a
. fm wM ichei or too ml aa.
m,rtntirm fee PR EC aCAROH ml eajiort
mm MnHrtlUDI. urtwm.
m. Our frw. i ho. tat t toot
riwtrinw. Wrtononar-
atint twrr.H,
Mft m - J ! UinakUnfn ff
FYsrt're in all Stats and Federal
Have Just Added
a Stock of
1 Knives
Slritth rn Atfbance
T1i Year...................'...
Six Month.
Foor Month.. ...... ..........
Per Inch per month
Per inch, no Insertion..,
lsmu, per lin each insertion. .
. 0
. 0 50
.10 80
. 20
. OS
DEC 3, 1915
EaHrid at Ih peitofllc. at Wettea, Onjea.
- Mtsad-ctan mil nailer.
Physicisn and Surgeon
Office in Brandt building
jo pay your We too Leader "sub"
Tha rraat European powara ara
fighting- for national extatence In a
war of unprecedented Tlolence and
magnitude. Obaeaaed with malice,
they are no more apt to reapect tha
rtghta of neutral nation than ara gun
nea In a etreet f lent apt to reapect tne
innocent byatander. The rule of In
ternational warfare will be interpreted
to ault themaelvea or disregarded al
togwther when they have no reason
to fear the consequence.
Our relation with England aeem
now to be reaching a critical tare.
They are In degree lea aerioua than
oar difficulty with Germany, because
In the one case Uvea were InvoHred
and in thla, property irghta only. Tot
If the rumor be true that Great Britain
intend to hold and use the American
ships which she has arbitrarily seized,
it will mean a diplomatic problem of
almost as crave a nature as tha one
so happily solved.
If Germany had not met with almost
complete failure la her submarine
campaign, sha would undoubtedly
have continued Indifferent to the de
mands of the United State. 81
would have gone on (inking passer! aer
vessel and aacrificlng neutral lives if
he could thua have Injured her great
enemy to aa appreciable extent. As It
is, Germany doe not care to further
stain her soul with acts of murderou
laughter upon the high seas when
convinced that aucb .laughter to fruit-
ISreat Britain, It mar well be feared,
is not to be deterred for like resson
in her policy of seizure. Finding it
advantageous, she will continue H de
spite every protest from the American
government. The neutral United
States la cordially disliked and envied
by every power involved In the War,
because It profits by European extrem
ity."" AU tha belligerent are auapiciou
of u for much the same reason mat
prize fighters ara suspiclou of a ref
eree. Moreover, none of them are
afraid of ua We have nothing with
which to back up a protest. Uncle
Sam Is like an unarmed peddler who
seeks to traffic with both faction In
a mortal quarrel ef Kentucky feudists.
If he refuses to sell hi goods and sup
plies to England, she may take them
away from him. He could not defend
himself, and ahe know It. Moreover,
If he doesn't "lay down" to England,
Japan may later be given England'
support In a war of pollatlon against
him. .
The ituatlon la depressing. It
teaches again the vital neoeasity of
arming our nation to an extent that
will make it an object of respect.
ai iPriLLwe imraT.
Inscrutable ara the way of ProI
denes. The power la not given finite
mind to fathom the ways and pur
poses of Deity. mut accept the
great war a Incomprehensible elnoe
aa all-wise, all-powerful Creator rould
have prevented It If He wished. Thla
war la an awful thing, an appalling
thing, yet It may result In lasting good
ta humanity. If not so, then la re-
llglon a lie. Read Ihla story sent by
William Ck Shepherd from Salonlkl;
"Vulture-like, starving Serbian ref
ageea ara atrippina the flesh from
horsra. dead beside the mad. In their
in niaht berore the Bulearlana
The horror of the Albanian trail
to Albania are growlnr. Women and
children are truewllnt from Prl.rend
to alnnaetlr without food, facing a bit
ing Ml iard that ha beea sweeping
that region foe two daya and night.
-U'h.n tha anow curtain lifts, the
Corpses of hundreds of human being
III almost certainly be found, burled
beneath Ita white blanket.
Kach contlneent of refugees brines
frenh stories of tracedlee alone; the
ki,h nn which there la a atream
of Albanians. Serbs and . Aus
trian prisoners starving men are
rt.gaerlng along the rough road.
Women, with Weir rminrea runsins
pitiful! to them. - amigai inrou.n
the enow, cample- at Bight beside
pitiful ahrub firea.'
la It that God permit Hi creatures
to auffer that through suffering they
ni.t at lart learn wisdom?
-' s
3T thicti nnnwN 2
a j
a avi mmii meetlas tha em
peror of Oermany aad Austria "could
hardly master their emotion, ana
there doea aeem to be a goon oeat to
cry about. .
According to tha Montgomery row
tlngent. Pendleton will be doln It
Best on election day.
Germany wants two billion, five
hundred million dollar more, but
wa-M urrv to kv w haven't quite
that much about us Jut al preaent.
These November toga are so ovmniy
opaque that one can hardly sea him
self think.
Things would run a bit .moother for
the Entente Allies In the Balkans If
they coutd only use Greece.
We suggest that . when the Bull
Moose hold their national convention
hv anoolnt an epitaph committee
and then adjourn alna die.
The, Saturday FT,nm is namtj
wuth readln' now-a-day. Kernel Clark
Wood not having been mentioned
therein for quite a apell.
uk. hi- Mr nttrrlmaae la ob-
! trocted by a river of blood, we won
der will Henry Ford ItT
"Eternal vigilance ta also ths price
of neutrality." remark, aa observant
aksffihskftsFaft ' '' .
Ellhu Boot won't 'run very far for
president unless nis own roramuimp
lasu a little longer than the one he
fixed up for New Tork.
Now' the time the pneumococcu
will et you If you oWl watch out.
There may coma a time when our
hopeful Mr. Ford will wlah he could
run a little faster than hi cars. "
ffnMkln -rf WIMlflUaiM frill. fh
United States could gret along Jolly
well without a Mexican border.
We couldn't understand in defeat
w.n.t, rer.ra in New Tork until
learning lately that It was supported
by William Itanooipn xirmmi-
m, iFntMia hum are evidently de
termined to fight for Serbia' rescue
until every Serbian diss in tns last
ditch. . ... .
It.sOt to ho laaued during lha n
month remaining. While Ihla office
will dd III atiwoat 10 lake rare pi i-
. ,,,mi liifllr.te the
great number of llceneee to be Uued
wuhln a vvry limited time, ana tnoee
m. v ava thentaelx. Incon
venience by sending In their ai'i'llca-
Hon. al lha earliest poam ww
which they ara to do."
Wa hava never before sold a remedy
with tha tjl'ICK action of lmpl
bucklhora bark, glycerine, ele., aa
mixed in Adler-l-k. the appmdMll
preventative. . ONUS BPOONrWl. re
llevea aour aiomach. ga and ron.tlpa
lion AT ONCE, K. Goodwin, drug
fl.t, . ,
Norrla City, Ind. Oueee thing are
sometime found In a coal mine. He
cenlly a miner dug out a piece of lat
which looked like a hoe-ole! even
the sewing on the edges appearing
perfectly. Not long ago another miner
found a perfectly formed .pinning top.
mad of elate.
Ft. Worth. T A. Ihe trap was
prune at th execution of C. A. Mey
ers, the hangmaa'a nooee completely
severed the head from Meyer's body.
NtmcK or nuxo
It's not the work you'd like to do,
The work that pleases most, .
Or represents the best In you,
Of which you really boart;
It's work that's dona from loyalty.
That means a triumph won; -
And one'a best work must ever be
The work that MUST be don.
For time and tide wait for no man.
And duty's clarion call
Ring out; you do the beat you can;
Too give your heart and all;
Though oft the heart Is full of tears.
And hidden be the sun.
The world will judge you. it appears
Bv work that MUST be done.
What tbo' ths task heart-breaking be.
Or scarce seem worth the while? .
The painted clown you sometime see
Mitrht reason in this style, .
His sorrows whst are they to TOUT
His to provide the fun;
And thus he does, as you must do.
Th work that MUST be done.
; Exchange.
Of Interest to KetorlsU.
The trader is in receipt of a com
munication from Its good friend, Ben
W. Olcott. secretary of state, which
may be of interest to local motorists.
It how that Oregon contain no less
than 13.800 motor car owner, but wa
venture to say that ths country editors
among them may be numbered on the
fingers of ons hand. .Mr. Olcott ays:
"Indications In tha motor vehicle
registration department ara that un
less automobile and motorcycle own
ers and dealer and chauffeur I
spond very soon to notices sent them
early this month In the shape of blank
applications, there will be a conges
tion of work In the department which
will make it impossible , to supply
many of the licenses, tags and badges
by the first of the year when ths old
licenses become void.
"The work of registration for ltl
was begun earlier than ueual this
year In order to allow ample time to
secure number plates by the first of
the year. Blank applications were
sent to all the 2J.H09 auto and truck
owners, 17S dealer. -4100 chauffeur
and 200 owner of motorcycle nearly
a month ago and although the time
available for registration before the
first of the coming year is nearly hslf
gone only i7 appllcatlona have a
yet been received. This leave around
la lite Cnwnty Owl of lha "tato of
Orsjroa for Vinallll County.
In the Matter of Ihe Estate of Ellaa-
both Ptina (sometime called Kllsa
Prlne), leceard.
Notice la hereby given that I. aa ad
mlnialratar of the above named eetate
with the will annexed, hava filed my
final account and report with Ihe
clerk of the above entitled etirt.
which court ha fixed upon II o'clock
In the forenoon oa December I III.
aa th time, and the County Court
room In the Court House of Umatilla
County. Oregon, In the city or ln
dleton. In that county. th place.
when and where any person having
any ohjecllon or exception to any
thing In said account and report con
tained or to anything done by me aa
administrator may present the asms
and they will be heard: and at that
tlm the court will finally settle aald
final account.
Thla notice Is puhll.hed pursuant
to order of aald County Court mad In
(he above matter on October Ilth.
I9IS. -
Administrator, etc.
All Work Guaranteed
H. L. HEDKICK, Proprietor
Tt'ii our nim and policy to. have none but plcaicd
ana Batisfled patrons.
Expert Auto and Gas Ennino Repairing.
Overhauling n Specialty.
Tail El Ti:. St.!cp!i.a Till
V wajMSJHe )V
la the fannl? feurl ol Ike Viet el Oirfoa toe
t'M.UIUi Covety.
Is the M.iiot of Ik. OtMnHaa.als f Aleua-
4 KiMr, lMril.
Its on ttfc IM ceiu eomltn an I k
kaer spa l eeillioa el Ik. imkII.S 4
Alei.Met Klnsnr,
li iirlB lo Ih. ctHitl treat IS pellllen
lb.1 th.aaM. .led la Ik re-.n kvtela
the snHa U.t o M..Wr. Il. ki Mr.nt
Klnaesr. .iMntua ei tk ud pn.prtiy
ui letfr Klnuear, .a inttnut, 'f
I... i..t .a stiler lleeaaln ...l t ai !?) tkl.
foaroiaa lo Mil Ik. Iuliain4frtthel rr l :
!., w iwc. i . M a
B. a . H , Cu.1111. t'uuaigr. tirv(u.
Aad II .epMiftiMI lo tk. nvufl lhl Ik. Beit
el kiaof JU"iirr tmrnirn le (uaruiea
. letttloaef krnin. Macsacrt KinaMf. kit
sii.Sti.-urs KlniMf. H.l. Klknr.1. I.1IH
Klunear L.a. IJI Kir MIhmI. Kia
MrUM .aa Karl Kiauer, tfetklrea ol
the Mtii AlXao.lf KlBBMWr,
That II .BtanHB tu III. CiHtll Ib.t It I. I
the im iai.ri at Ih. .Mat. lhai tk. ai.i
rralif Mo'iM be auM. and IM tourl keln
inlly adtiaed Inlh. KMeieet
If I IlkKKHVOHltkkkl) ASO ADJl'tXiltU
that tk. .o el kla el tk aald Atraaa.lo?
klnaaar ivwlt: str.el Klnaear. ki alia,
fMo( Klsnaar. Kaipk klaaear. UHi Kltt-Bear-Uin.
Unrd Kmaear, Mlnnla kianaar
Lalaad aad Xarl Klnaaar, cfclMraa ol Ih
atd Al.iaader Klnaear, aad .11 paiwaain
ltail la K! aaiat.. .ppir tMMor. Ikia rwtit
as Mauil.y, lfc Vim, de) al llmembw. I.IA, .1
tea e'rMwk A. la tha eunt etwf lieoa la
ihe eo T eorinouwi ol 1'io.illla eooniy. Or
mm. at r.artlaio.. Oregon, Ikerain, Ihea aad
loanioakov eaoaaeky an onrtl ehotihl lt
he cranied lor in. Ml olinea Uol ih. e ,
WoiaM. 'il.Tp.K.a.a, a. W. V, lBWlllla
eotinty. Oiaeoa, and
IT if rtlBTHKM ORPKRKD that a eopy ol
thla MUit b Hiblahed at laul obs a war.
lor tbra aueiMlir. aeeaa balor. aald Hal. al
hearing In Ika Maeioo I'ari'f, a aevehaper
prlnieo and ibluhe.l week If .1 Meaion. l)w.
ill aeeunir, Oreaoa, and IH.I roI ot Mild
Mbilratioa a aud tl4 la lb Burner
turn nd 'dated at PeadMon, fieall l
eoaaty, Ungoa, ttiU UI da; of lieremtwr. Il
.,. County Judge.
f Dale Rothwellf
Optical Specialist
I rlve all mv time to the fit
tinf and grimlrng of gl.e. I t
hava practiced in Pemlleton aix
years. All work guaranteed.
American Nat'l Bank Bid.
" (Upetair) ,t
Pendleton - Oregon
StmshSnzLBmp FT
T Try la Tear Owa Memo
fmwliiiiaar. OiTaabaiwna-M
tfcaa ni, .uctnrlcy ae U .rtfuuur
bpiaionwx lb. Foe Ploioea,
itoraV. atalM, Caarraaa, ISM Si
fAin i tut a tzn
WIU pay for Kaelf In alnetjr ar
Past reading lamp la th world
ho wick, so ekinmar. Be anll
eroaehla- aedlrt. BOMl'ie. no wnofc..
a Java. jroaaAxaen
Marion O'Harra
Weston - , ' ' , Oregon
O. A. C.
Jsausry j to 8, 191
tree Information, ft art leal Hel lor Ihe Rome
tk. Farm, Ih Coeainanllr.
CoeieenlkxMot Orefoe. tliealeal Itidnxne.
ConlereanaM Oreoa'a Moat Vital rtoMesM
Two Ihowaand people attended laal yeat. It la
great place 10 make frtendawtlk He.
thinker and live thoti hi, good
wofkera, and good work.
In Uie Clivali Court of th Hiala of
twegott ' Vmalllla Cmmy.
F. t. Walla Plalnllff, v. Ann riin.
Kllra Theater, t'aro'lu Hchiiildl. 1
Louis Young, Ma oung. Udla
Tnung Wlllnrd Youn. Alice Young
Mli linel Youn, I'arbn'a Young. Ilu. !
to Hihmldl. t'ynlhla Hior-hy. Agnea
L Jones, J.imea I'elera. Mal I'e-.
ter. III. hard Teler.. finu"l !
Myrtle I'vlera. John I'elera. Mhel ;
It. I'elera Wm. I'ete-a lleesi I'e-1
tera, trln IVtere and Joale I'elera:
hi wife, Albert Your. Ora H la-,
her, John Maher. Ht.'onwn I'elera i
Charles II. I'eter.. Ho-ah lavla. for
meily iiarah KlUrMae, Michael It.
Young. Myra Youui,. Michael or!
Mike I'elera AsHa Taylor, Ijlella :
IVtera. tllen Trier Nora t all.. I
tlracs Itosera, K. C. ara, K. M.
IVier. Knieeley Itlilenuur. other-,
w lee known a Kmrly Htdenour.
Minnie l IVIVatl. Jine I fee It.
Nellie IVl'ealt, Kalle Hefealt. Wl -
Ham liefeali. Hnll'h IM-eatl. Ret
ina HePeail, now klm lUrt K Mer- .
pa IM'eait. now Merna hitilih. ami1
Agatha Taylor. akyr,nan of Hiellai
IVtere and Ulene I'elera, mlniMS.
To Ann Young. Ellra Cheater. Car- 1
ollne Hchmldl. Iul. Young lla
Young, l.ydla Young. M-heel Toon. 1
Karbars Young. Hui (tchmidl. James
t ir. Hniiia ltera. inert loonn.
Or S. Waher, John Malier. H..l.iima
I'elera. Cbarlra II. I'elera. Harsh !
via. formerly Ha'ah Klllrldse. Agnea
K. Jones. Itirhrd Tetere. Myrtle I"
terariamuel TVlera Michael It. Young.
Myra Young, Cymhi ltoihy. John
IVIera Klhei It I'elera 'm. fVtere,
lleaeie I'elera. Michael or Mike IVtera.
Agatha Tavlor. Hlell tVters, lUeoe
I'eter. K. M. IVIera. Fmeelev Itl-len.
our otherwiae known a Kmelv Itul
enour. lUlph rVIVall. rlma l''iil.
now Kelm ll.rria Me-na ll'eatt.
now Mema Umllh. l'ard Young.
All' Young. Asatha Tvr. guanllan
of Slella Cetera awl Uleo IVler. mi
norm Jans IJePenit. Nellie I H. I Van,
Kail lb 1'ealt, tlrln IVmm ami Juale
I'elera, hi lfe. defendant abo.e
In tlto Nana of Hie Aute of Ore 01.
You and each of you ere hergby re
quired to appear and an.eer the mm
plaint tiled against you In th above
entitled .oil on or before th 13th day
of January. Il. and vou will lake
notice If you fall lo answer, or othr
wla appear in naid u on or before
aid day. plalmiff. above named, for
want thereof will apply t the above
.milled court for the relief prayed tut
In plaintiff' complain!, on file in ea'fl
stilt, lo-wlf For a Havre nf th
court requiring each and every one of
thee defendants to show and make
manifest Ih ect nator and extent
r f the rlM, tll'e. Inlrrt or eatnle.
which each. ny or all of teee de
fonitanta rlalm to have in the reel
property, described In aald complaint.
'"rhs BBt, of the NWH of the NWt
of Hec. 1. Tap. 4 N. ft II. K. W. M i
the We.l If feet or Ut 4 in Mlock I
sod Lot T of Block , an.l ihe We.i
feel of Lot I, I and 4 of Hlock I of
Ihe Town of Weetnn; f -ot 1. It and
l of Block I Haling' Addition to
the Town of Weston: that twnfon
of Jtlock of McArlhur'a Addition to
th City of Weeton lying North of a
certain eawt and west tine, said line
commencing st a monument i-oaslm
Ing of a three-Inch pipe driven In the
ground along the west line of eald
rilork. aald monument llng witnessed
by being it feet I Inehea oulh of a
!lm tree, together with it water right
ecroe. the remaining oth end of said
Mock to be lined and enloyed a
right of way for the purpose of keep
ng and maintaining o er and acrtwa
said south end of ld rvwk s flume
tine as now constructed: the right to
convey through the same and the
same quantity of water now and here
tofore tined and enjoyed In connection
therewith, together with the right t
keep .aid flume In repn'r, lo replace
the same at any time and to enter
upon said land alone tle line thereof
for the purpose of In.pectlng, repair
ing snd replacing Ihe mime; also an
undivided one-half Interest In East SI
feet of Lot t. I, 4. all ll I, the East
1 1 feet of Lot I in Work t In the
Original Town of Weston, except the
following described tract: fieglntilng
at the Northeast corner of Lot I In
lllork I, thenc wefe-ly along the
south line of Main street ft feel In
che, thence amitherly parallel with
Franklin HI reel JO feet I Inches,
thence eaelerl" Parallel with Main
jHtreet 11 feet Inches tn th went line
I of Franklin ntrcet, Ihence norlherlv
'along the went line of Franklin Hlreet
It feet t Inches to the point of begin
: Ring; ;
An undivided one-hnlf Interest In
and to WUj Lot S, all fols 4 and 6.
end the North Half of Lot In Mlock
t of Weaton: an undivided one-half
Interest In and to Lot T Block I Hart
man' Addition to Waalon."
I -I And that Raid claim ami each and all
of them be declared void and of no
effect and unfounded In fact or In law
aalnt raid plaintiff, hla heir or n
nlxna; for plaintiff eontn and dl-
btirsementa herein, and for nucn omer
and further relief a pertain to qul
ly and good con.clence,
Thl aiimmnn is nubllnhed pursuant
to an order of the Hon CI. W. Phelp.
Circuit Judge of the th Judicial I)la
trlct of th State of Oregon, made on
theSOth dav of November. 1015, Knld
order provide that th first publica
tion of thl. ummon nhnll b made on
the .Id day of December, 1015, In
th Wenton Leader.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Weston Meat
Prime Beef
Pork, Mutton, Veal
Dressed Poultry
FISH Moudiy and Thursday
Get Our Prices
I'hona No. M. Ortlera t.n hf
lhon for mail routes.
Perry & Wcbcr
It's True Economy
The leoQcm; Stors
Wa bny for rh nd Mil ff
raah - l amall margin..
Crash and Linen Goods
School Supplies
far WON B NO. 133
Nature's Food
January to to February 4, 1916
A Practical Afrlcnltnral Comae tn . Nul .hell.
Applied ftrlrm In Actual Work ef
tbt Farm .nd Honaclwld. -
pritiLTK V It AIMMO, OAlKIKO, CliciK.
1NO. HHwi.Nr,. Hirhn)i.ii aii ra, humk
Cocmpondrnc foome. Without Tuitloa.
liaprrt lnatrnrtl4l In Muaie.
edaced ralKoad rale.
For erogrnm wrlle to Tha Ceraj. E.duflfe. OfMa.
ifriwluni CUf- Cwaii'i." li W i w 1-')
for hornea and caltl ia tha gnuw thai
(rows on meatktw and hill. Tha nex
tent thinr la awtet, clean, hay and
(ted that come from onr mill. Whan
?ou need rolled grain of tlie right sort
or keeping your livestock In Ana fet
tle, look for our sign and lb good
thing for for your dumb aervanta
Utrvd In onr bin. Wa handia Hi earn
(tolled Krly, Oats and Wheat; Haled
Hay, MilltulT and Chirkan teed.
We'ra local agents for Pen Floor
nd Blatehfordi Calf Meal. fhoiMbll.
D. R. WOOD the Feed Man
Dr. J. G. McMATtl
Offlea on block north of tha bank
Electric Treatments Given
Tbona 621 ,
Otntlsk' . J'
onto In tha Klurn liiiildln, Milton
Hours, V to 13 and 1 to 5
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