The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 26, 1915, Image 2

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    IPffGjpaH'e for tho CoM.
Come in and see our stock of Rubber Foot
wear for men, women and children.
(for men and.boys.)
We still have the
only t mild reslla of amu.
meet: "If the old at a I normal achool at
Weetoa t.aaet b. revived e4 II
areata doubtful la mr the ImM ih
tuglcal thing la to work for aoma thr
eolutlua of th I prohiem and Ik
teachers themselves have taken th
! ith a poririiht luttraOoa.
Since their recomtn.ntiatln originated
with them.) ana net with Peadle
.. la hi i i k. i a
" IH ! my TTTVn I i. ha, uu -.a-..a-la. ekMea
Elmer R. lytl B.dly Hurt by
Tumbling off Local Trestle.
I r
rxrn tr ire uunuisi
41 - - . ....
o tn wtost antewortny article
Inspire by (ha war appeared la laal
Kunday' Oceanian. It waa wrlltea
by Oeneral r. Voa Bernhardt, the
great Herman mUllarlat whose Influ
ence upon tha thought or Ma country
man la supposed have had not a
III il to tfu artlh bringing about tha
present conflict.
It la not our purpose a review thla
article, alnra ta attampl to da ao would
be fooluh la tha brief a para at tha
command of ft country papar. W
balaw loan. 11 la cam In on tha
avanlnf train fivnt Pendleton, and la
aald ta have been undar lha Influence
of Intoxicants. Intending to aalk to
loan, ha wandered Instead upon tha
lon( traatlo acres llna creek, Juat raal
of lha depot. Vpon reaching n point
bout forty faat above tha (round ba
fall from tan Irestls, alighting anon
hla etwnach. Tha deep Imprint nf hla
horfv waa lata found In tha aoft
Lytl waa not Immadlalaly Incapae.
Itatad by hla fall. O.ttlng to hla faat,
ha mart hla way to lha houaa of Ha
ektsa Kay underneath tha Iraatla, and
hammered on tha door. Kay refused
to lt him In, and sent word to lha
I.. , m. -w w. -v ax
inaiGiQ;i2 mam
,waaaA f W
in many pretty colors. We think we can fit
you. Lret us try.
(Phone Main 241)
4 1 nriuii
mereiy any mat teoee wnn wien ta lttun up town. Marahal Wilson
read an nbla and authoritative Qermea nd Offlrar Edwarda took I.WI. Into
atatanMal an tha wnr procraaa will da eua(ody BBI (tllinl w)lh hlm gn ,h,
wall to provlda thamaatvaa with K. C, bank and na tar aa lha whaat
I On phaa of It U af aaparlal Intaraat. I warahauw. II. thaa raruaad to ru
aiwl ahowa that Van Barnhnrdl kaapa furth,, ,nd ,h,y tn -rm, nlm
in rmvwn wnn uarman raiayT. ,lon until an automoblln could ba
Wrttln.- in Baptambar. ho pradlrta al- ummMd. whan ha waa coavayad to
I moat praclaaly tha roadlltona that aralwii, ...
lobtalnlac now both In tha Balkan! (t davamrad nat momlnf that I,
land alaawbara. Illa'a Inlurtaa arara of a aarloua aafura.
Wa quota karawUh tha mncludlns hui kldnava havtna aa.ii hadl n.
paraarapn or ina ariKia, wnira uniuaad. fkua km .a ... k.. i.
aouoiaaiy apiiomuaa uarman tnount: uh rKra of him. ha waa ronvavad la
inu. go in uarman no a in. ika rounlv huanll.l Unnit.v tor trmti
icniirai lurnmv point in ma niainry oil,Bl II. ui about nl.l
thalr holy war. full of Irdtlmata prlda a ir and alt rhlldran tlvln al
at tha thought of thlr nrhlmntn. Abrdn. Waah. Ha wnn form.rly a
I-"" I raaldant of Wi la Wa la.
mara naiinar our amia nor ina
i . . . . . . ....
. " . n " "r RkPlda. Mich On tha th
i-m. Mtm wa rtnr on ina apirw vi inl0f Julv aav.a Mara ..a
Amatl, than I yaae old. waa ahot ac
my. and wo darlva eur coofldanca la L.rf....,., k kl. .m k..i...
,n"m'" " "T"" u- alymia rollowad. and tha boy dlad ra
from lha eonaclouanaaa which wa ., n. ' w
fraadom and Juatlrn ntalnat powara
who ara ftrhtlna? wTth waapona of cal
umny and hyporrlay In ordar to aatla
fy ft ba aa cupidity and ft farortoua
rntlm uttarly toarrwalbla to nil ao
blrr lmpulMa." .
Stronc hlah-aoundlnc noblo phraaaa.
Tat Ilka all othar Oarman wrllam.
Von Barahardl falla to ad dura any
convincing proof thai lha Entanta Al
lira, and not Oarmany. ara raaponalbla
for tba graat war. W wlah ha would
Ira ua noma Inalda facta aa to
whathar or not Franc nought ft doar
undrrataodtng with Germany not long
bafora tha war, arnf Vu turned down;
to whathar or not 0rmany ra
fuaad to Join with Franco. England
and Ruaata In nn affort to arbitral
tha Auatro-Aarblaa dlaputa. Mrr
rtloa ta Inaufflclrnt Tn from
man of Von Bernhardt'! standing.
pprvolate tho Golden Rule Stored -
Business flethocls
That's why they turn to this bltf busy store every
day in tho year-for our values arc al
ways greater than clwwhcre.
Blankets for tl.ese cool nights, woo! nap plaid, our
price if 1.03
Full size cotton blankets.. 980 ftnd $1.49
Extra good quality mottled grey blankets.. ,M $4.93
Silver grey blankets, fuil size, our price $2.98
Shoes for the Whole Family
at Prices You Can Afford to Pay
Latest in the New Gypsy Boot for ladies, in bronze
and dull kid $2.98 and $3.93
Why pay $5.00 to $6.00 elsewhere?
The Golden Rule
In Um Clrrttlt Conn of Uta mate all
tkrrgua for I'maMlla OwHf,
F. TV Walla. Plaintiff, tra. Annn Toung. I
Klltn t'haatar, C arolina tk hmlrit. I
Loula Toung. Ida Young. Lydla I
Young. H'lllard Young. Alloa Toung. I
Michael Toung. Farbam Young. Hu
go tU'hmldt. nihia lirophy. Agnral
R Jonea. Jamea Petvra. Maggie l'e I
era. Kirnara rater. iumii.i i-eiera, I
Myrtle IVtera. John fetera. ICthl
K. retera. 'm. Petera. Heeale ! I
Ilea Can Do
Better at
1 JWlPiilJi "w-
Ti Lc:
Otlsn follci
C PENNEY CO.. Inu. - (U Duay Store)
Nature's Food
hr'wtfr"AKl''rTYJOri Ma ftt' H"r ' U th tM th
beat thinf la iweet.
feed that tnmrt from
clvan, hay nml
our mill. When
i. H. MICE. Vk IVcridoa
E. H. SMITH, CmMtr
E. L 8L0MCRCN, Aubtant Caahnw
Established 1891
Hie hm Ml of Witon
If you are figuring on
or later, come in and
talk it over with
-Fine Jewelry
Expert Repairing
t I will appredata a call when
v you visit Athena.
Hawk 'a Drug: Store
f J J-). dl HMpttH fknctmm er vtnum gUad 4a
- .-rm W rtVfC SCAtVCH um1 nport
' PATSiTf 9UILO rOlfTtllifCt
t ! jm, Our frw bookMa how, wht to Inmrttt
j lalliMjNiWmt, WrHm KMtajr.
" 3 Sreai (t, Watbianton, D. 6.
Have Just Added .
a Stock of 7
StrMlf In Aifttnct
The Year ,
8ix Mnntlia
Frmr Mnntha. ,
Per inch ner month
Per inch, one inner! inn
I rala, er line each insertion. ,
To Annn Toung, Klhr Theater. Car- I
I .I " " rJ.TT T':L I P tec. Maggie retvr.
I . til". "... '"Jl"L.r". I Or Maher. John Mayer.
NOV. 26, 1919
Etrid at lha paataflka at WaMea, Oragee.
a Mcead-claM auU nutltr.
tisna said.tux wax
aT! Stat
t "onrta.
and Federal
Physician and Surgeon
Office in Brandt building
NOW'3 TIIE mns
to pay your We tern Leader "aub"
Tha four-countjr teacher Inatltut
In recent enaalon at Pendleton paaeed
resolution favoring: tha establish
ment of an Eaatern Oregon Normal
at Pendleton. '
Whatever effort this may have coat
the institute could better bars been
saved for mora fruitful work. - Such
resolution is foolish because needless
and untimely.
There la already an Eastern Oregon
Normal. It is located nt Weston and
was the largest normal school in the
stats when allowed to die of inanition
by the stats senat In lfOS. It still
maintains s nominal existence, how
ever, and no other Eastern Oregon
Normal is possible at Pendleton or
elsewhere until the law creating this
one is repealed. The buildings ars
still here, the grounds ars here, and
are available for use by the state
whenever It feels tha need of such a
school. . ' ' .
However, were this not the case. It
la altogether improbable that an
Eastern Oregon Normal could or would
be established at Pendleton. Our am
bitious county seat and It pedagogical
well wishers have no idea, perhaps,
what they woud "bump np against"
They would encounter the oppost
tlon of every Willamette valley coun
ty having a sectarian school in Its
midst; they would be howled down by
Marlon county, which wants no state
institution outside of Baiem; they
would encounter tha organized oppo
sition of Portland Catholics, who sup
port their own parochial schools and
are at heart opposed to normal schools
part of a public educational sys
tern; they would be quietly fought by
the Monmouth Normal, which wants
no other normal school in the state;
they would be quietly fought, also.
by many school teachers who like not
the Idea of competition by normal
trained colleagues In a stats where they
now have pretty much their own way.
Moreover, Union and Baker counties
would derisively point out that Uma
tilla county wants altogether too much
state pap, having already the Eastern
Oregon hospital, and would cudgel
the Eastern Oregon Normal again as
they have in the past.
Altogether th prospect is not an
encouraging one. However, If Pendle.
ton wants to scquirs a little painful
experience of its own. It has Th Lead
er'a gracious permission. We consider
the probability of It. ever acquiring
en .eastern Oregon . Normal aa so
beautifully remote that the following
The South, th West, and th North.
era agricultural atatea have much
to learn In the way of rural thrift
from the New England rural commun
ities. Ths constant cry Is easier cred
it for ths farmer, but what th far-lollne Schmidt. Louts Young, Ida
mer moat needs Is snare thrift. Some I Young. Lydla Young. Michael Toung.
tfaroara Toung. Huso Schmidt. Jam
Albert Toung.
tho rural communities by allowing a p.,,, ch.n.. H. Peters, arah 1
man to mortgage his future work and I via. formerly Karmh Ktitrirlnt Amn
hopes and keeps hlra constantly in IE. Jones. Richard Peters. Myrtle i-
debt instead of allowing him ta lav Mere, Hamuel Peter. Michael It. Toung.
something aside. It Is an astonishing Mr.r T?.n"i Brophy, John
fact that Massachiuetu has five ,1?,. C!!!
fci, J.--..,. wesaie Peters. Michael or Mike Peters,
times mors savings bank deposits than Agatha Taylor. Mlella Patera, Olene
have twelve southern Wales. In Ma. Peters. E. M. Peters. Emeelev Rl.l.n.
HohllMlt. mwM ....... ...-U I t...m ... k - l , , .
k ' snd a.t50.s of them hare savings snour. Ralph Depeatt, Kelma lePeatt.
bank deposits. In three years tha eav- ow " ''"Jr- 1' '"
Inga banks in connection with th pub. Jl" Vj4 l0.Z?Jil
lie chool. show 1.400.00. PoffijF&JiX
smvui u ihw w ureal turn muni inaiiriii ADOV ntnNl .'
Ilea ought to have A course- of -thrift tm Um Nam of the Rial of Oregon.
w "-r 7r Z Jh; ''"' cou Too and each of you are berby re-
befora the scholars ths necessity of quired lo appear and answer the com-
saving a portion of whatever money plaint filed against you In ths above
they might earn. Thla money could sntltled suit on or before the 1th dsy
be deposited In savings banks and. ' Jsnuary. 1. and you will take
later, when It has grown, could be ,lc. "J nswer, or other
n i ...k , a. u sppear In aald suit on or before
.T- .ZZL1 7Z. " " -"""- said day. plaintiff, above namd. for
paying thru and ens-half to five per want thereof win ih. .hn.
cent Interest., Ths child mind, as well entitled court for the relief nraved for
the minds of those who are older. I In plaint Ufa complaint, on file In aald
ahould be Impregnated with th fact "uit to-wit: For a decree of thla
that It is not whaf one earna that H requiring eacn ana every one oi
makes a competency for old age, but
what one lay aside. Exchange.
Charlee H. Peter, ft rah liavla. for
merly Sarah Klttrldge, Michael It.
Young. Myra Young. Michael or
Mlk Peters. Agatha Taylor. Kiel la
Peters, Olene Peter. Nora Watt..
Crace Rogers. R. C, Rogers. E. M.
Peters. Kmealey Rldeaour. other
wise known aa Kinely Kidenuur.
Minnie L. DePeatt. Jane DePeatl.
Nellie DePeatt. K.I I PePealt. Wll.
I lam DetVatt. Ralph Ifc-Peatt.
ma Iktatt, now Zeima Harris. Mer
m n.i..ti k... .1 ki.i. k
Agatha Taylor, guardian of 8111. I). D WOOD the Feed Man
Peters and Olena Peter, minora, I ' TT wv4 1 "ia"
I von nsetf rolled gmln 01 tha right
I fr kllng ymir livestock In fine fet
tle, look for our sign ami lha
things for for your dumb servant
tared In our bins. W handle Steam
Kolled Hart, Oat and Wheat; Haled
Hay, Mill.tuffs and Chicken Feed.
We're local agents for Cxmcti Hour
nd Wstchfortl t'alf Mr si. rhoutSU
It's True Economy
h kmi Store
W bny for rah and soil for
. rash-at entail Margins.
0 78
0 M
,0 M
Welding Machine
With this new nnd suc
cessful . device we are
prepared to mend your
broken Castings.
R. Ucualfen & Son, M. D.'t
(Metal Doctors. )
Crash and Unn Goods
School Supplier
I'iionkno. ta
I now c-pen for buln under
IhiW manaKemsnt.
Fftih Meals, Lard and Fbh
, ,. al moilurat prices. .
Give its IrisL .
and make his JCmaa nappy.
A. W. LUNDELL, Matujcr
w. M. Ntrnaa C. It Ikke
Peterson & Bishop
Pendleton, Or. Freewsler, Or."
The simple mixture of buckthorn
bsrk, glycerine, etc.. known as Adler-
l-ka. the appendicitis preventative.
eurprises Weston. -It draws so much
foul matter from th system that ONE
SPOONFUL relieves sour stomach, gas
and constipation AT ONCE. H. Good
win, druggist i .'.
In Um County Court of the Rut of
Oreftoa for UmatJils Connty,
In the Matter of ths Estate of Eliza
beth Prlne CsomeUmes called Eliza
Prine),' Deceased. .:?'. - ! ... .
Notice is hereby given that I, as ad
mlnlstrator of tha above named eatats
with th will annexed, have filed my
finsl account and report with the
clerk of ths above - entitled court.
which court Has fixed upon It o'clock
in the forenoon on December I, 115
tne time, and the County Court
room In the Court Honss of Umatilla
County, Oregon, In the City of Pen
dleton, In that county, 'as th place,
when and where any person having
any objection or exception to any
thing in said account and report con
talned or to anything dona by m aa
administrator may present the same
and they will be-heard; and at that
time the court will finally settle said
final. account. .
, This notice is published pursuant
to order or said County Court mads In
ths abova matter on October !8th,
if is.
! - B. O. DE MOSS,
' ' Administrator, etc.
Dale Rothwellf
Optical Specialist
I give atl my time to ths fib- ! '
ting and grimiins; of classes, I ' ;
have practiced In Pendleton six i .
years.. AU work guaranteed.
American Nst'l Bank Bid. ' '
(Upstsirs) ! ,
Pendleton -. . Oregon ; ;
these defendants to show and make
manifest ths exact nature and extent
of the right, title. Interest or estate,
which each, any or all of these de-
renoanta claim to hav In th real
property, described in said complaint,
The SEW of the NW1i of the KW
of Sec. IS, Twp. 4 N. H. II. E. W. M.j
th West St feet of Lot In Block S
and Lot 7 of Block f. and the West
feet of Lots t, I and 4 of Work I of
the Town of Weston; Lots I. IS and
IS of Block 1 Haling- Addition to
the Town of Weston; atl that portion
of Block t of McArthur's Addition to!
tne ;uy or went on lying North of a
certain east snd west line, said Una
commencing at a monument contt
Ing of a three-Inch pipe driven In the
ground along tha west line of aal1
Block, said monument being witnessed
by being SI feet S Inchea south of a
Balm tree, together with a water rlrhl
across ths remaining south end of said
Block to be used and snjnyed ss
right of wsy for ths purpose of keep
ng and maintaining over and across
said south end of said Block t a flume
line as now constructed: the right to
convey through the same snd use the
same quantity of water now and here
tofore used and enjoyed In connection
therewith, together with the right to
keep said flume In renalr. ta r.olnr
the same at any time and to enter
upon said land along the line thereof
for the purpose of Inspecting, repair
ing end replacing the same; also an
undivided one-half interest In East SI
feet nf Lots I, I, 4, all Lota S, the East
11 feet Of Lot S In Block f In tha
Original Town of Weston, except ths
following described tract: Berlnnlne
at the Northeast corner of Lot S in
Block t. thence westerly alonr tha
south line of Main street 11 feet 4 in
ches, thence southerly parallel with
Pranklln Street II feet I Inchea.
thence essterlv parallel with Main
Street 21 feet S Inches to ths west line
of Franklin street, thence northerly
along the west line of Franklin Street
SI feet S inches to ths point of beginning;
An undivided one-half Interest In
and to Wli Lot I. all Lots 4 and 8.
nd the North Hair or Lot I In Block
of Weston: sn undivided one-half
interest In and to Lot 7 Block 1 Hart-
man's Addition to Weston.
And that said claims and each snd all
of them be declared void and of no
effect and unfounded In fact or In law
aaalnet said plaintiff, his heirs or s-
gns; for plaintiffs coats snd dis
bursements herein, and for such other
snd further relief ss pertains to equi
ty and good conscience.
This summons Is published pursuant
to an order of the Hon. W. Phelps,
Circuit Jodg of the 4th Judicial Dis
trict of the Stste of Oregon, made on
the J3rd day of November. J1S. Paid
ruer provioes in.i i.e nrai piionca- t
nf htm .ilmmn.. .hall h. ... .1 . M- i
the 21th day of November. lilS. In
the Weston Leader,
1 --. JaF
iswijs4.,i nwMMT.
1 1) i r i srfMr
iui.L LU.ltl, I ItflX
T narin ih. tweri 1 m " ytmlwi y SM
kicoi-wjuctoi mm i vmm n.
ikmEli'rwswt"taiili UI imimilailasl
fnmi m im flrel Anavat
Walla Walla, Dec. 2-3-4
Everybody Welcome Go and sm what
- corn grower, hart dona.
'-;' ''.
EXHIWT8 yes raltti torn
tL.m m.- - J It a tAf - U- . II
till SMr-Wff (ltrrf teOfut
Mnjivjg.ftin4lrwwMM rTMHb
wr n ires mi u r.AIIIIIlin,
Information, TickeU at l-aw Kmjnd Tilp Fares, and TransporUtlon 8r
vice in Connection with Exhibit upon npplicatlon to
S. S. NELSON Agent . Weston
. f t
For the Oext I B flays
we are offering the DELINEATOR, a monthly
issue of the BUTTERICK PATTERNS to the
ladies of Weston at 75c a year.
Call and Give Us Your Order
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
remarka in the East Oregonian move