TOL. XXXV. WESTON, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBEK 20, 1915. NO. WORLD'S DOIaGS 1 OF CURRtflT WEEK Brief Ecsceof General News FraAIIArcdlhekrth. trKSAl tlAPPOONGS W A KOI Uvfl News Items of Ail Nations and Pacific Northwest Condensed for Our Busy Readers, Another munitions plant It blows up at Parry Bound, Ont Th British mplr capital wllh U estimated at 1180,000,000,000. The world' corn crop la estimated at thr and half billion bushels. Assistant bank examiner of Califor nia la amatad charged wlUi embetale- ment. 8eattle experlanr wind velocity of 44 mllaa an hour, baaidaa flare thun der atom. Olympla efflel! ara Investigating M alleged thaft of 116,000 from the ttaU Industrial Inauranea fund. Tha kevnot of Praaldant Wllaon message to congraaa will b prepared- mm for war and eoaat derene. Byaeurprla attack tha force of tha alllat captura tha city of Tlbait, la tha Carman colony of Kamerun, Weetr am Africa. A tidal wave off tha Oregon coaat dashes the Hotel Bar Vlaw InU tha ceean and doea eonaldarabl damage to otbar property. Brand Whltlock, mtnlatar to Bel- a-lum. aacompaniad by bit wife, ia pay ing a flying visit to Washington, and othar eiuaa In thla country. British captura anothar A mat lean vmm I, tb Kankakee, at uueno Ayr. Thla etaamar ia Hated b tha Brlllah government aa "auapactad" aa to bar ownership. Ei pandlturaa of laxg auma of money Bead agalnat tha neutrality of the United Ktatea, ara traced oy govern- ment melal to atiacnea of ma ur . Aeurnce of King Constantino of firm re are lran the entente DOWart that ha baa no intention of disarming or Interning allied troop, mainly the Serbian, who are attempting to eacap Into that country. Sinking of a Turkish traniport which wsj carrying 000 soldier across th Baa of Marmora la reported In a mee aag from Zurich. Tb message say . . . . a . i j tna transport sirucx a mine am neariy all on board war drowned. Tha London war office declare that no commercial blockade baa been es tablished before Grecian porta, but ha "withdrawn, or threatened to witnaraw, tha special privilege which Greek commerce has enjoyed since the out break or tha war, ; The Woman' Peac Party ha an nounced that every woman' club of prominence In the country would be appealed to thla week to send wie rama to President Wilson, aaklng him to confer with neutral nation to org paaoa In Europe. The Mason of Belgium hv placed 8,000,000 franc ($600,000) at tha die- poaal of tha manager ot in xuna lor relief of allied prisoners of war now In Germany. This money Is to be em ployed without regard to tha nation ality or religious belief of tha prison- Dispatches of a aeml-ofllcial nature received in Washington Indicate that Practically a state of anarchy exist in 'areia. According to tha reports, troop of various nation ara doing aa tha please In certain sections, the gov ernment being powerless to curb their action. Many government officials ara said to have fled from the ares in which tha most serious condition pre vail. "". A a euel to the report that a flo tilla of 26 German torpedo boats and a big cruiser had passed Ilelsingborg, Sweden, Wednesday, proceeding Into tha Cattegat, a dispatch to the Central Nawa from "Copenhagen ssys that a British squadron of cruisers and de stroyer baa bean seen entering tha Cattegat. . A Copenhagen dispatch to Renter' Telegram company of London ssys that tha copper famine In Germany Is o acuta that requests equivalent to demands ara now reaching tha author ities of th churchea to band over all tha copper In their possession a a good example to other. Th hug copper roof of the great Cathedral at Bremen are being dismantled. Villa i reported wounded In battle with Carraraa forces. Military training In public achools haa been approved by th American Federation of Labor. - A Douglas Or tree which grew on Finney creek In Western Washington, shows 1144 annual ringa. , Tha British army at the Dardanelles haa resumed the offensive and captured 80.yards of Turkish trenches. Austria will be told that open boats are not considered "place of safety" for passengers of captured steamship. era men mm destroyed IY WAVES AND SWIPI RIO SIA Bar View, Or. Tb storm which for sever si dsys past haa raged off the west coast of Oregon broke Into vio lence) Wednesday at Bar View. In Til lamook county, and Seaside, In Clatsop county. At Bar Vlaw. tha Bar Vlaw hotel an all-year resort, the Southern Pacific depot and fix or eight cottage were wrecked and partially swept out to sea. Th damage ia estimated at 1100.000 at this resort. At Seaalde. on of the larger aum mer resorts on the Oregon coaat, huge 1ahyM'AAeee1 FINLEY J. SHEPARD, JR. John Dee No. 104, aliae Austin Mo- Claary, aa ha wee celled when he wea a homelese waif, la now romping ereund Lyndhurat, at Irvlngton-on-Hudeon, the acute of Mr. and Mr. rinlev l. hepard, new known aa Fin- ley Jay the ear, jr, neir ta tna oouia million. Mr. thepard and hie wife, wHe wea Mlea Helen Oeuld, formally adopted the four-year-old bey wha waa feend an the ate pa af at. Patrick" Cathedral by a policeman. breaker aubmergad th pier In front of th Hotel Moor. wept Julia Mad- den, a woman aged 80, off her feet and almost into th ocean,, and tore railing and lawn away from tha Dan J. Malarkey and Edgar B. Piper cot- tare. Broadway waa flooded for sev era! blocks and th Necenleum river, which enters th ocean at Seaside, la out of it banka. -" At Bar View, which ia on the ocean front lust north of Tillamook bay, tha shoreline f ot 60 fact back haa been washed away. Th government Jetty tafeellna? th the -strain and several sections bav been damaged. Th Bar View hotel baa been In danger for ev era! day and bad been raised prepara tory to belna? moved. A , huge wave picked It from It mooring. The ho tel I a wreck. Th Southern Pacific denot. Including th Walla Fargo ex nrea office and Western union, taie- eranh office, was washed away. Much or Lb soutnern racino use la washed out. A crew of 60 men and three train hsve begun hauling rock to make a sea wall. Th county highway la also impaired. -. Bdriaa Orphan fcfcf is Ordered Deported from United Sates New York A 18-month-old Bel glan girl baby, known as Jeanne, who esme nere oy wo way m bngienu, wa Wednesday ordered deported by im migration officiate, Tha deportation order waa mad notwithstanding an offer by Mr. Percy Proctor, formerly Barones Nodinevon Klaerusa, to adopt tha baby. When Jeanne arrived on tna sc. raui in custody of a woman passenger not her mother, aha waa a topped at Ellia Island. Mrs. Proctor' plea that aha would adopt tha child waa declared by the board to be Insufficient. Chines Reply Friendly. London Replying in the house of common Wednesday to a question re garding China's response to the joint representation or the entente power In the contemplated cnanga in me Chinese form of government, and aa to the possibility of taking further steps, Lord Robert Cecil, parliamen tary undersecretary for foreign affair, aid that China had received the ad vice In the friendly apirit in which it waa offered. lie aaid there was no necessity for further action. - Suspect Utter Threat. Baltimore Otto Buelow. or Unt-r. the suspected deserter from the con verted German cruiser Prins Eitel Friedrich. now Interned at Norfolk, declared that "in eix months' time there will not be a war munitions plant in operation In the United Statee," according to City Detective Robert Porter. According to Porter, Buelow seemed to know the location of all munition plants in tha country. TODRAWCIIUO WAR PLATi OF ALUES Diplomatic Purpose to Forestall - Fridica Willi Japan. WAS AID KOI KPfJCItD BY PCWD5 Tokio Government Likely to Gain in Trade by New Move is General . Opinion Among Officials. Washington. D. C Effort ar I Ine- mad br Great Britain. Franca and Russia to Include China in the mem bership of th entente now aligned e-inst the Germanic power. Dls- tlon of official Washington Saturday to Artmri mlmA altiiMLImn In the Per Eaat, the seriousness of which haa not hitherto been realised. It hvima known that to I near frUnHI Mlatinne between Jenan and China conversation and exchange had Deen proceeaing in ream ana u s.a roneae caDltala look In to tha formal entrance of China en an aoual footing with Japan Into th alliance that now Includee Great Britain, France, ku sla. Itatv. Jaoan and Serbia. . Milltarv narticlDatioa bv Chin In the war would not be expected, but the political necessity of adding China to the alliee is looked opon by them a nt vast Imnortanea. It was learned that recently several Japan warebipe were piaeea at atralavla mint alonv tha Chine coaat, and that th possibility of In terna revolution In China through the propoeed change from re public to par liamentary monarchy had caused some Japan officiate to beliov munition of war should be husbanded for emer gency ease. When th recent Japanese-Cblneee negotiation war In prog ress, Japan similarly felt compelled to hold her ammunition aupply for devel opments, a circumstance that ia known to have embarraseea Kuaaia consider ably. - ' Rn far aa la known harev meet of th conversations bav been conducted at Pekin, and It la not clear how far th nmnoaal haa bean discussed with the Japanese government at Tokio, Isffiber Shbss Eatelfearssf bsses Sdicul Te&ccsy Dad PortlandLamber bnaineaa In Port land is good, aay th Willamette val ley millmen. Lumber buainaa In tb Willamette valley ia good, say the Portland mill men. Tarn Muifllettna' lines of testimonv developed at tha hearing before Ex aminer Butler, or the Interstate uxn- mava nnmmlaaloB. when tha COmDlaint of the Portland milt agalnat the Southern raclllc - lor maintaining a differential of 4 cent tn favor of tha valley milla on California business was heard. Each aide waa willing- to admit that buatnea In th other fellow' territory I good, whll each a readily conceded that bus 1 nee at bom 1 decidedly bsd. Th Portland mills contend that thai marbat haa been restricted In various ways in the last four or five years; that tha new uaurornia ratea bav restricted It atill further, and that thalr ra-oriuetion and earainar have diminished in direct proportion with their losses ox maraeu. At the urns time, th Portland wit ness were ready to point out that many new milla have been built tn the Willamette valley within tha last, de cade, that th capacity of existing plants haa been increased within tha last year, and that tha market of the valley mills haa expanded. On the other hand th valley men re ferred sadly to their own lack and loss of business, th while pointing to tha improvement in tha situation in Port land. ' ,. " - Vram thla conflict! n- maaa of testi mony th commission la expected to decide the reasonableness of existing rate and adjust the rat aituation be tween Portland and California and be tween th Willamett valley and Cali fornia accordingly. Union Labor Face Crisis. San Fraticlco What waa said by labor leaden to be the moat serious mlaU that avM mnfmntafl orraniaed labor developed late Saturday night when a resolution waa preeenieo. to we American Federation of Labor, in con vention bare, for the suspension of the charter of the United Brotherhood of Carpenter and Joiner. The organia atlon haa a membership of mora than 200,000 and ia aaid to be the second largest International union in America. A tubstitut resolution, omitting ex pulsion, finally waa adopted. Poor to See Fair Free. Ran Pranclaco The attendance Mar- urea for th th Panama-Pacific Expo sition passed tne 17,wu,wu mara ov urday. There remain practically 16 day in which they exposition may reach the 18,000,000 mark aet for it by official com time ago. Every person In Kan Francisco too Door to buy a ticket will be admitted free on a day set apart. Patrolmen on every neat began taking the name of such aa have not aeen the exposition. OREGON STATE fifWS Flax Crop Failure U Denied By State Board of Control Sslero-Member of th Stat Board of Control assert that an article la a dally paper laat weak saying that the flaaralalna' work bainer aandnetad bv th state promised to be a f si lor and that they were diaaatisnea wtu i. M. Cady, in charge of th flea plant at tb penitentiary, waa antra. Both Governor Withy com be and State Treasurer JLy declared tnat tna arnrk as far had been aatlsf actorv. and Seeraterv of State) Oteott aaid that with th Mperimant aneoenplatad It waa too arly to predict tna outcome. All three member of th board aaid tha had not considered ask Ins- Cady to appear befor them for an explanation of bis conduct OI in nsx wora. "Indications now aeem to point to a success of tha flaxraisinf industry," aid Governor Withy com be. "Where w bad only Dgured on Detaining auu ton of strsw, w bav harvested (00 ton. W bav tbreehed ect nearly 8000 buabala of Med and should realise 16000 from this sourc alone. Whether it la haat tA tat tha flax In tha winter or wait until spring ia a question yet a a a to M oetarmineo." Rtata Treasurer Kav Bronouneed the daily' story aa abeolutely without foundation. It ma be that th flax can be retted beet In the spring," aaid Kay, "an aa to rjarmit the acotchinr proeea without th employment of artificial heat. That Is to b determined." Fruit Forces Differ In Manner of Apple Publicity Hand River While a marked oppo sition waa apparent among th apple- grower and market men ot ina po kan fruit district, ' opinion aa x nrmnil h f rait from all Darts of the Northwest preaagea an adoption next January of th propoeed plana of the Growers' Council aa recently out iliuul MMiMtln la K. H. ShenanL of this city, who returned from confer ence of apple men at tn Spokane National Apple snow ut wee. It ( nrorjceed to lew an assessment of one cent boa on all fruit to raise fund to be used in opening up new ap ple market, widening distribution and Inrraaatna mneumntion. . It (a esti mated that such a levy will collect a fond of mora than ftS.OOO twith which tn mm aa arVnla nubtlcitv eaunnaim. No on district will be featured, bat all Northwestern box apple wiu n givn the benefit of th fund impar tially. "Th Spokane fruitmen," any Mr. Shepard, "ar apparently opposed to the proposition, since they think it will ha hatter foe all districts to con duct their forward campaigns individ ually." ' Ma daflnlte action waa taken at th Snokana conference, which waa in a measure informal. Tentative plana ware discussed and It waa left with th exponent of the movement to atnrlr mat mora eemnlete detail, to be submitted at the second annual meet ing of the council in January. -The rodlintr moth caused damage ranging from 10 to 60 per cent, and even higher in caaea, in Northwestern orchards. Dr. Melander declared mat araathar conditions war mOT fVOT able thla year than ever on any former year for tb breeding oi mow, ana thst more than ever before the insects had survived the winter of laat year. Aid Is Pledged for New - - : Central Oregon Railway Klamath Falla Banker and back- smiths, cattlemen and homesteaders, Mnl annnnrt tn Robert E. Strahorn. each In hia kind, during an eventful four-days trip tnrougn ienovu vnv gon, completed Wednaedy. (lanh. labor, terminal si tea and righta of way war offered, and the Kit Mm araa aaanrad that the terms ha exacted would b complied with. '""-,. " ' - The strongest men or every commu nity visited accepted tha responsibility of undertaking the duties prescribed. , "If the promise mad to ma in Cen tral Oregon ara fulfilled, and I bav confident they will be," aaid Mr. Strahorn, "a good atari will have been made towards getting a railroad across that big region. I am gratified by the spirit ahown, not only by those who innnrf.n Anancialtv. hat b the W, - . people of limited means, all of whom seem to want to nave a pan in oeipmg . . .. . i to bring tne ratiroao. Scarcity of Hay Probable. Baker Because of the earliest heavy now In year ranchers have begun tha feeding of cattle in many parts of this district. Union ther is a sadden change to balmy weather there will be a shortage of hay and price will boom. TkU ) aliwaHv heenme a realitv In the Hamilton country of Grant county, where hay ia now eetung xor io a ton. M. waa acarce in that vicinity this veer, so that the ahortage came earlier than in other districts. Practically all tha range have been under snow the last two week. Mnnth Road BiH S25.372. Salem Marion county expended J25.S72 on ita roads in October, ac- eordins; to the report filed with the county elerk. Apportionment of the money was aa follows: Graveling, $5600; bridge. 16170; general re- pal . tsRn7. naw tenia ana mscnio- ery $138; aupervlsora' aalariea, $1292; paymenU to cities, $6521, and paving, $264. During the month 4664 yard of gravel and 6210 yarda of rock were nauieo. WILD x . i J ; Thla photograph of Bulgarian troops ta a mountain paaa In Berbia glvee ountry tn which tb war ta Ue Balkan Is sow being conducted. ;..w . 'j ? -, - , pi UNOErVrfiOBk'' ' ' Vis uMDCRVi.'OCO . .', French nd German dead soldiers PUC Of burial. .. GERMANY STILL ADDING TO HER FLEET -r- oL a il Jlf-v---e-Vrvr'ra-',' '1 I (v (Saw V - fv ' it i! Although the German navy haa been bottled up by the fleet of the alltea that fact doe not prevent her from constructing other warships. The upper photograph ahowa tha launching ot tha latest German cruiser, with tha bull ot tha reuse! going down the way. Tha lower photograph ahowa the launch ing party, with Fran von Ulndenburg. wife of Field Marshal von Hindea burg. on tha launching bridge. , : BULGARIAN TRANSPORT AND CONVOY " -" 1 View ot a Bulgarian transport train and IU convoy of Infantrymen after the Bulgars had begun tha to ration of Serbia. COUNTRY IN WHICH TO 5 pP -' Jill I t lii'-il. J .r la- "v GATHERING UP THE VICTIMS , . f" I f, 1 '' v.. -. tt i . MttftalMaBV!w)awXl gathered up on the field of battle and placed on a wagon to b carried to th - -l!JvLvmn:iJui,iiinnrLnjjunnr. --j i.n n n n n, ulili . n.nir, nr t N i FIGHT aa Idea ot the nature of much of tha OF WAR v i J CAUGHT IN BARSED WIRE ' 1 . 0 Here la graphically pictured the fat of so many of the brave Russians who desperately charge the German poet tlona that ara protected by barbed-, wire entanglementa. Caught tn th barricade, the men are mowed dow by machine guns. BATTLING IN THE CLOUDS Nothing In modern warfare ia more dramatic than the battle between air craft Tha photograph shew a au ac tion between a German aercplane and a French dirigible airship. Avoiding the Incongruous. "Ar you going to run picture of thl woman who haa Just fo'Jca tttlr to a large fortune T" asked tha re porter. "No." replied tha city editor. "W couldat get one." "All right. It will J sU for m t aay tn the tory Cat sh Is i t-i beauUfut" - - ' I:?. ;---