The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 19, 1915, Image 4

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    t-.rt'iifWlf'Vt a mar t
.nr cote mm
mm W. Uoio aor
it. k. do, w e y"r
- t. ...a asviU aaaWwkvss
J St- sWskre -- - -
Awricu Flea, S te $3 per day.
Erea Flao, lnrf
N. K. CLAEIE, Mgr.
alles-Columbla Line
i iV a. f-i'Mj-cx-l
Law,. iikml im.uu.
SSI Ml 1. M
TiImMi Foniwtae, TrWhe, lnewias.
MfH'M lor two
CanpMI fr -
i k - . - m CkorMaor
HW M. UK. 1- K. INKU, Mw I I
Great Discovery.
ovujw u. w
ot the age." il the treat ecieutist
sonorously ner nevni mw
-I cm readily boiler that." Mid
the fair la ay. 1 once ww www
- The great mam bllaked hia amass
..,. .V will Mir
"Certainly," answered the fair on.
"I found that by Keeping a, ooiue oi
Ink bandy tod can uw a fountain pen
last Ilk any other pen without all
th troubl ot filling If Christian
Register. .
Leather, Saiaglea,
Lath, Mealdlag,
Doors, Window aad
other Building Ma
terial front
Sam CciscII
Lcslser Co.
Portland, Oregon.
Send us a Bst of what yon require
for your building and w will nam
ya price delivered at your station
and Guarantee to save ve Moaey.
. Pained Hi Tnrifty Soul.
"Yell excuse me. eapUln." said
OUarrity, addressing the commander
Ot th battleship, "but Is at thro that
ut costs alyin hundred dollars to fire
"Yes, O'Harrity." said th captain.
"Why do you askT"
. "Oi fought Ol might save yes some
money, sorr," said O'Harrity. "Sure,
and OIH fir 'em tor yes for tin."
Haw York Ttimes.
niuiit iiiviuu n
iwfm t tD IIUS
aea tat Fbtvan tatamtias faaaaaoac.
u. Wat in Raw turn.
FaS pwticulan ' Parack SpmsWiv 0a, M
CkaaAataf Coowna, fwrUana. orw.
, : . Bom Diplomat
"Harry, I am beginning to believe
th baby looks line you.
m4m vnii. Harf "
"Yes, I notice It more and more
every day. I ra so glad.
"Do you really want him to look
MY tntkV
, "Of course I Jio. Pre been sorry
. aver since we had him christened that
a AiAn't friw ltim vmir nam." r
"Sweetheart, you dou't know how
happy you make me by saying that"
"And, Harry dear. I found th love-
Host hat today. I aon-t Deiievo i ever
Mw .nv4lin, that waa an hwviminf
to me. -It's $25. Do you think I ought
to pay that mucn ior a naii
j A Superfluous Question.
' Tfi that wow arvint alrl " aaid Mr.
1 Testy, as he discovered the sugar in:
toe salt shaker,--it seems ro me you
. have found the possessor of stupidity
in its unadulterated douoie cisunea
-form. Hay I ask where you obtained
lr ...
" "Why," replied Mrs. Testy, "at the
intelligence office, or course, judge.
C Gee Wo
I mnadita cor all
kinds of ailaMnta of
from Um
Chiaosa horba.
kuda mnA yggoflihl whldl
th mdical temtem of this eoontrr.
Writ for blank and rivruiarm. Sooi
I.e C Gee W din esc MJkine Co.
Fir 8t Portland, Ora,
Montioa FwK
. . m "
On andaabs an alwav la
mm mom, m yon ewi nrapar far it
rywr.K. inTro
F(bt thoooud two handrail twootr-orroa oatiofiod atadonts
hao pound throne HOLMES durinc tho soot twntr-it
.nan. Hundred of tkom aro bow meoooif ol baoinaoa aoa wita
ndtpondcat incooM. Our aradoatei Mart at aalanos nneinc
lioaSaotatloe a amufe, Wrilo tor eataiocaa. Start OW.
U-Msl 18B7
Holmes Business College
"Th School lhat gttt ifou a good potltion."
Wa aha carrv a eompMo Haa of Hirt Tor Lorsota"
Maa'a Work Sooaa, at Cat Bata rrieaa.
Royal Shoe Co.
'' . 229 Morrmvaa Street, -
t Tr. and Second Sta. fOKTlAM). ORCCON
Yoa Ca Cot of
That Itching Rash
a-v.-. I inmaltata ralliif for aklni
ttchtnc, burnlnc and dlaflgured by
ectema, nngworm, or aimuar lormtnf
Inf akin trouble, la a warm bath with
Rmtnol 8oap aad a simple application
ot Reslnot Ointment Th aoolhinf.
healing Realaol medloatlon alnka right
lew the etrn, tttra ltrwcg tBstaatiy.
and aooa clear away all trace of nip
ttoa. eren la aervr and atubbora
cue wher other treatmeata bar
bad no effect After that th regular
M of Restaol 8oap ta naually enough
to kep th kla clear and healthy.
To need never hesltat to ua Reel
nl ! Amtar'm nrMCriDtloa that
haa been need by other physlclana for
year la in treaimeoi w
akin affecUona. It containa abrolute
! BAthinv that could Injur th ten
dered akin. Every druggiet eella Re-
lnol Ointment ana Keeinot Boanv
Th llhl That railed,
wv. wm tkolF KtmIm and
simply thr-r-r4lled as Jack Braveboy,
th hero, kUled th last ot th Indiana.
Ho ataggered about; n imw
fainted with tosa ot blood.
Then he gated about him. aad sud
denly hit vote rang out with hop:
-8e! he cried. "Th dawn breaks
bright apon yon topmost helxhta!"
Th Slag remainwa ia uwmun.
"Se!" he yelled again. Th dawn
breaks bright upon yo topmost
heights!" . .
8UU darknee retgnea.
-The dawn! Th dawn!" h screanv
ed. raging about the atage. it breaks.
The dawa."
A head topped over th mountain
"Old "ard. fuv-nor!" said the head.
-Dont be In alch a bloomln' urry!
Soma one's bin an' turned the gas
ofl!" Tit-Bit.
wkm wB. i . tkwi 7"r'
pKkw wkick ta we wl '
Th teacher had been reading to
the elaaa about th heroes of ancient
-Can any boy la th ciasa ten oi a
deed ot daring performed by pn ot
hia acouaintancesr ah asked as ah
closed th book.
Raymond a hand snot np.
"Well. Raymond."
-t mm th rlrat baseman of our
team give th big bootblack on the
corner a wallop on th taw."
So To Speak.
-How's that young man I see calling
oa you latelyf
He's a pill, but BO Mings me wu
-Trying to sugar-coat himself, as It
were." Loulsrills CourierJouruaL
Can trkSw Ywa WaaV
Allmw Poot-gaM la a certain ewie tar set
weaunc.eail!U,aiiltwoltaa,arhtaf fct Soid
9f au vrusgisu. rnf a iwm mwpi any
utMitalo. Trial Mrkaaw FKU. Aadnai
liiai OUbmcA. Uioy.A. T.
Paw's Vsrslon.
mm Paw in it nroDer to say that
a man was given In marriage?
Paw No, my son. a gin is given
In marriage. The man always gets
sold. "
Maw Wmie, yon go out ta th back
yard and stay there. Milwaukee Sen
tinel. .
a arrrua-
oiOoiwoTn. MlUaaowloo.a U If"''
Hia Vocation Clear,
nttnv IrtliTir tha ttrlda of hia Beav
con street home, had been attending
Scnooi au oi au weeaa, awn uio nw
ed parent thought It waa high time he
nreilit fliul ant haw thinra wer mn-
ning. So he asked oa afternoon:
"And what did my mil son leara
about this mornlngr
"Oh, a moose. Mis Wilcox told us
all about mouses."
"That's the boy. Now, how do you
spell mouse?"
It waa then that Arthur gave prom
ise ot entering thd diplomatic service.
He paused meditatively for a moment,
then sold:
"Father. I guesa I was wrong. It
wasn't a mouse teacher was telling
us about; it waa a rat"
Dr. Pierce's Pellets, small, sugar
coated, easy to take as candy, regulate
and invigorate stomach, liver and bow
els and cure constipation.
No Wore.
"Say, old man, lend me tea dollars.
will your
"Why should It You'd only buy
wh skr with it"
"What if I do? Ton subscribed to
the war loan, didn't yon?"
"I dont see what that's got to do
with It",
"Do yon think it's any won to lend
me money to buy whisky with than to
lend money to the allies to spend on
guns and ammunition T"
An Ingenious Soul.
TttiMiara entered tha dlnlnff room
with a pair of yellow automobile gog
gles on.
"Hello, Blithers." said little Blnks.
"Going motoringr
"No." aaid Blithers. "I'm aort of
hungry for a grapefruit and I want to
keep th Juice out oi my eye."
' Blame th Elephant
Customer (annoyed) I wish to re
turn the paper-cutter. It is not Ivory,
as represented.
Clerk Not ivory, madam? I can't
understand that unless th elephant
had false teetix Boston Transcript
demand. Thm ta a food noatdoa madr for too foot
BOLMiSS Ttaumf whim MUM. rwlllM,
Vtniajba Tads, fwnwd. Or.
$3-o IS
Prcl-d rlisc3 Ddcnnlndiw
End Tc-lcit Scfccncs.
Ambassador Count Von Bemstorft Is
Under Suspicion Demand for
' Recall of Nuber Possible.
Washington. D. C Prwildont WIW
soa ass determined to put an and to
th activilies of Teutonic agents la the
United Statoa. ,
By hU direction, tha department of
Justice and th Secret Servie ar co
operating to aecur tha ncusssry proof
to poniah the men caught la projects
which wadancar tha peace and aaxety
of tha country, hi or Important, how
i. ik. PMaMant'a direct kw that
tha search shall be continued for the
"higher up." As soon as ha ia ia
poaaeaaioa of all the facta, Mr. Wilson
.in t.ka atara to stoa tha Darnlciooa
activity of diplomats and consular offl
cer who ar directing u wor w ww
stroying aaunitions factories, ships and
other enterprise.
If th President carries his intention
to its conclusion, and the charge now
at. .luwlil ha anhatsntiatad. it
would eurpris no one should this gov
ernment request Austria-Hungary to
racall Hen von Nubar. ito consul gen
eral in New York.
Count von Barnatorff, tna bemiaa
smbaasador, has been under suspicion
for month, but in th abseoc of proof
it ia clearly impossible to Uk any
action against him. Should the revw
. rw tUriear. racantlT r-
signed as Auetro-Huiigariaa consul, b
supported by evtdeoce, uen woamw
diplomatic consular officer ia Involved
will go. , ,
Th Austrian and German embassies
tha trnth af GcvicaTa allega
tions, but the Department of Justice
has had th promise of documentary
evidence to substantiate them. j
In addition the State department has
received from tha British government
th documents carried by a German
messenger. Thee contain a great
deal of information regarding German
and Austrian activities and supple
ment th paper taken from Jam F.
J. Archibald, was familiar with th
content of Dumba's dispatches. Th
Department oi Justice nas not imuu
option aninat Archibald be
cause it could not obtain proof that ha
a.a a M SL
had knowledge 01 ut cnaraciar w u
dispaUbe be was conveying.
Th sections of the United State
autoes under which tbe government is
proceeding against nooert ray aw mm
ooMlata are thoa which SDdIv board-
ly to th crim of piracy, th penalty
for which ta ueata. in unicuncaw
ntint Poo and SduJta are for con
spiring to "east away or dwstory"
vessels with Intent to injur wm own
ers or th underwriters of the vessel
. oAula in IK. nnm. The nenaltv
for this crime ia a fin of $10,000 or
impriaocjnent for 10 years, inay ar
also indicted for piracy.
fepoit Becsri Is Crokea.
N.w YorkThe neatest volume of
exports ever recorded at a single port
in the history or ua uniiea awe
Uft Nm York harbor dorinr October.
mostly for th warring nations of Eu
rope, according to estimates made by
customs officials hers. Th total,
based on tabulations that ar nearly
complete, will not fall far soon m
tl7R noD OOO. or about S7.000.000 a
day for every working- day of th
month. In September sports from
New York totaled sibz,uuu,wu.
Three hundred and ninety-three
ships, nearly every on laden with a
capacity cargo, left new iotk aunng
October as compared with 365 ia Sep
tember. The tabulation show that
munitions and foodstuffs, mostly grain,
filled the list of articles shipped
abroad, with clothing, shoes, cloth for
nmfnrma antomobiles and automobila
parts following in cloee order. The
bulk of the exports went to ureai
Britain. -
80 Killed by Air Raid.
Rom Thirty persons ar dead in
Verona as a result of tha dropping of
iwanko n h ritv hv tii res Austrian
aeroplanes. Thirty other persons wer
seriously and 1 sngntiy injur ea. ine
twwnho nf the aircraft found most of
their victims in th principal square of
tn city, wnere citizens ana pvassuia
.. .. . A
from ue outlying uistncis wer suew
inar the market. Nineteen persons
wer killed by one bomb. Th aero
planes visited various parts ox in
eitv. bat none of the missiles fell near
any of th military buildings.
Liner Bosnia Is Sunk.
Rome Th Italian steamship Bosnia
was sunk Sunday by a submarine ft
ing th Austrisn flag. Th passengers
and crew boarded four lifeboats. Three
of the craft have been landed, but
the fat of the occupants of th fourth
boat is not known.
Tha Bosnia was of 2661 tons goss
and was built In 1898. 8b was 807
fet long, 89 feet beam and 25 feet
deep. The bom port of tho Bosnia
was Venice, and ah was owned by th
Societa National da Servlza Marit-
tima, of Soma.
Trooper Eat Out Town.
San Francisco Tales of hunger in
Gusymas and tha Investment of th
city by 80,000 Carranza troops, wer
brought to port Monday by tha steam
schooner Fair Oaks.
Troopers of Carranza went Into the
eity half-starved and ato everything in
sight. They slept alongside tn rait
road tracks with their women and chll
dren and begged food from th master
of tha steam schooner. Prices of all
End Tako
tha Firo Qui
Be freparad
rer i
Pw Cuts. Durns,
CruUes Sprains,
Mrmmssouir nvv
uuiouuna, ieuraw mo
nutiuu OMaWoimili.
J .11 r.aaroial Iniurlea.
. ...
. .. o. a wRrra
All Dealers u
Speaking Softly.
a Ylralnta farmer was driving a re
fractory cow dawa the road, aad cow
and driver cam to a cross road. The
mi wanted th cow to go straight
ahead, but the cow picked out the
mad. A colored nan waa com
ing along th ems road.
"Hald her oft! tiaia ner oiw
yelled the driver. '
. .. .. I - .V - .ntnr.l
IS trying tori repuwi ium w w
man. . . .
-Soeak to her! Speak to hsr, ana
he'll stop!"
"Good mawnln.' cow good mawa
In'L" aaid th other, poitiely. Pitta
burgh Chronicle Telegraph.
. -a
ar unJir-mU; unJtr-wtight
arfth Btarhotl lacea and HOOT blood : the
do not compUia but appetite lags, they
hare noamtnUoa aaa ao not progrcow.
Such childrea need the rich ssedkiaal
oarUhmvat ia Scwtt ' iiiiafaisa above
oerytbingelse; iu pure cod Uver oil eoa
tains nature's own blood-sorming, Beh
boilding fats which quickly show ia rosy
cherks. better appeute, ana flesh aad
aturdy frames.
II your children are languid, tired
when rising, catch cold easily or ind
their studies difficult, give them 5wtt e
Emuhmtmi it supplies th very food ele
ments that their srttraia lack.
5cwM ' EmuUitm contains a alcohol
and U ao gooU k growing chiUiwn it's a
pity to keep it from Ihena.
.J. .
Besaij ni WtiS. if IZrXZrZ
attata aoth, tvtl wtreoaono. SVoro. oi wJoaate
- lUuiifv Mwwit Start a Moaotv
Skoa. Start aianoornanns Baaaur BaoctoJitoa.
A B of taooo ocportaoiuo. ara wp
pteMOTtMiilW PT eopr. farttoalart.
kwrmek KpooUO Co.. ta CaoWk Cask. Parttas.
laHiisajln TnaorrtSBi
IsHpkf IjaUsg
ri miiiaw SOW a aaa.
StOoM HoUa-tl
Atwavea noon
Vow waoa cauaaoioob
, Theory and Practice.
She talks of great musicians
And ot knowledge makes a show
Till she leaves you with suspicious
That your taste is very low.
But when she singa for pleasure
Utt an idle anernouu
Sbe will hum a reckless measure
From the latest ragtim inn.
Of the drama she discourses
With an erudition vast; .
Shell describe ita classic sources
In the dim poetic past.
But when for sheer diversion
Unobserved she means to go,
She sets out on an excursion
To the nearest movi snow.
Washington Star,
. More Than a Hint
He was a shy young man. For two
lone years he had been paying her
attention and had not yet even squeez
ed her hand. - ;
One evening as they lingered la tha
shadow of tbe trees by her gat ba
aaked tlmldlv:
"Florence, would you mignt J r
would you mind if I placed one rev
erent kiss on your lair nana louigai
when I leave your"
Florence thought he wanted speed
ine no. So she dropped her head coy
ly on his shoulders, lifted ber face
temntineiv to his and replied:
"Well. George, I should thins it o
cidedly out of puce. . v
enn Alien c it tS 1 DC UFI I
TO .,
r. M. U. HO. 47. MU
VVBlTt wrWa U aaiitlswa, aUaas aw. I
" U tht awor. I
IV.-Al-l U'hana.. f IllUaMtattsl. t4l0l
IWVIsllM ristwo... ' - -
forty-fold, Mcj club, Wioj red rife,
88o red Ruaslan, 7e.
UiUfeed Spot prices: nran, s
pat ton) abort, $28 roiled barley,
isotasi. . . "
Corn Whita, 3S pet tonj cracswa,
liay Eastern Oregon timothy, 116
tfCUj valley timothy. flliiDlSj alfalfa.
tlS.&0ii.l4.60: cheat, 9tl0 oats and
vwtch, I1HC11 , '
v-r.KI Art Irhokaa. "Kcsttt POT
doaen; tomato, California, H&lM;
eabbaga, 0 hundred; garno, ae
nound: DeDPar. 4(il&c: sprout. 8X;
ggplant, 4 ft e borwaradlah, Jej
caullliower, 76 8 ctHry, euuj
76 doeen; beans, Km-
Green rrulu Apples, 75cItl-78
per bos; pears, flQI.tO; grapae, K5e
6i.ll. 35 crate; easabaa, le pound;
cranberries, 9.5lXitU par barrel
PoUtoM Oregon, 85l0; Yaki
ma, 1 par sack; sweats tl.0l P
Oniona Oregon, buying prices, 11,
f. o. b. shipping point.
Egg Oregon ranch, buying price:
No. I. 40c: No. t. 80c: No. 8, tOc
Jobbing prices: No, 1. 42e Oregon
storage, KkitHe.
iuultry Mane, lSiSiec; sprtngn,
ISc; turkeys, 1718 turkeys, draawed,
tSc; ducks, whit. 14Qloc; colored,
lie; geeee, 1 (Hit lie.
Buttar City creamery, cudss,
traa. selling at lle; Brats,
orlnU and cartons, eitra. mcaa paw
nmttutora! Countrv creamery. tiSt
Z&c. according to quality, buttorfat.
premium uuailty, Bsc; no. I average
quality. 84 : No, 1 19c
Veal f ancy, vtdtivc psunu.
Pork Block. 7iMc pound.
Hops-1816 crop, Bfttlle pound.
WJ Eaatan OtwCUO. lSiCtSSc:
valley, SS28; fall lambs' wool, t5c;
mohair, Oregon, Me pound.
Caaeara bark Old and new, SHic
pound. " ...
r-.iil. (VIm ataera. 88.n07:
wwt tA,rA th' Bnadlum. SS.Io&.76:
choic cows, I&it6.60; good, 4.w0h)
4.76; medium, M.lW-"i aetiwrn,
tS.60C: bulla, 134,4.60; sUga, 84.60
Hogs ugnt, n.ioaj,o.av, wj,
5.J&i6.80. ...
Sheep Wether. 84.76Q8.t8; ewe.
t6.60; lambs, 68.60wt7.86.
Halibut, Cranberries and Turkeys In.
Tacoma Halibut la now to ba bad
oa th local market in any reasonable
quantity, whole! dealers having re
ewlved a shipment of 80,000 pounds.
This is cm of th largest shipment
received her for soma time. Although
tha Bah haa been rather scare at vert
oca tlmea during tha season, dealers
sav they now aspect no trouble la ob
taining pUnty of this popular Bah.
The pricee of 77 cents a pound arc
mmrm Maannahl. It la Said, tot this
tme of the eaeeoa and tha quality of
th Bah was never aeuer.
r-K. rt ahinmatit of lata cranber-
rie arrived on the local produce mark
et this week, ine oeriea louow
r.o. at to Kfw;Mn.&o a barrel.
A plentiful supply ia on band to meet
. . a, a la. owoiitl tVea
tha demand ana no utiuwuj wo
experienced in getting enough for th
tt. thmnffhant the season, sav deal-
ara, who praise tha quality of thoaa r
celvad. ..
ITixva bm Hnnat and msV go UP
within a few days. Tha surplus has
been exhsusted. in trao wiu no
..,h the as-cra at a Dries above 41
cents, but when It gets below that
V. . a J o.-ju
price the oemsaa increase man aw
Inoo nnt tha aurnlua. which is Small
because of tha scarcity of tha prod
uct. "-I ' '- '''- ;
. lSiolwa Ananad whoaaala her at 28
eenU a pound, tha first shipment from
Oregon being reeetveo.
Thee fowl retails at 80 eenUa The aMranent was Small and
brought bars just as a - loaier.
rjeaiera. however, do not believe
nrlcas will go much lower than thos
now quoted. ; -
Failures Fewer Than Year Ago.
inoMu tn tit eoontrv's bust
nes mortality ia not unusual at this
period of tha year, ana no special sig--!A.n.
.ttoKkaa to tha ria In th
commercial death rata during uctooer.
inonioatuia. aa renonea ov n.
O. Dun ft CO., numnerea idvv, or ton
thin In the nrevious month and
th largest sine) July, while several
defaulU of exceptional sis helped to
swell the liabilities to zo,ozz,sou, aa
against $16,203,070 in September and
an average of about 119,000,000 for
th four months -prior to thst time
mi.., Mniwlm la mad with Octo
ber, 1914, however, th showing Is
fsvorsbie, not only from a numerical
atnndnolnt. but also In respect to the
...,v.. InHahtedneaa. Then 1686
concern failed, owing 829,702,187, In
1913 only 1484 ' suspensions occurrea
,h. onumnt Involved was 820.246.-
466, though In that year practically
ZOO more reverse wer reponwu
October than in oepuimiHrr.
Rutaharas In Market.
Tacoma BuUbagas of unusually fins
quality from North Yakima made their
first appearance this season on the
uhi mwuno. marKec ana aoia mm vnew
at It cents a pound. Turnips also
roiled In for the first tlma this season
and met with as mqeb favor aa tbe
rutabagas. Local vegetables ara off
it.. .-,. tha taat antmnenu Deinz
i. . nrlitlnn to handle according to
dealers. Turnips ara selling at the
asms price aa tha rutabagas, two
carloads of fine sweet potatoes from ths
South were received mis ween.
Imnrovad Tone in Butter Market,
' Portland There is a rather better
feeling In the butter market this week.
Fresh butter is moving out more freely
end there is also an improved demand
for second grade. Egg prices ar un--i
..t liVooh airn ara extremely
scarce and there Is no opportunity to
. . . . ;
bring in Kstrn xrean, owing w
ki..t... mim nravalllns- In the Eastern
JJf a S1 r - - - - - - w
markets. Oregon storage ar holding
steady at 2628 eenta.
Th. nnnttrw market was steaov. with
a moderate 'supply. Dressed turkeys
wer quoted at 22 cents.
TheBestatAny Price
No other baking
powder will raise
nicer, '.lighter bis
cuits, cakes and
pastry, none is more
pure and wholesome
Then Why
ttory Tsllsra,
oiv. rind that sot of books YOU
bought Interesting r
"Not very," conieaaed tha waa who
trtee to Improv himself.
-I)o you rr youv onriiw.
mm iit.i. I-A fl Koltar about It If
th maa who comes around to collect
th cash wre aa good at wmn.
funny yara as tha ona who sold ma ths
Always a Chance.
'Why dont you got married, old
tpr . ... .:
Vail rind any gin wining i .
ber happy horn for me."
.rk.H .hv .ni Inak araund for aom
girl with aa unhappy home T Louis
ville tourior-jouruai.
At th -all Oama.
m n.nto fooxttadlvl Isnt our
Klt.k.o iurroitlv arand. TvruSf II
hit th club nearly every throw.
JopUa Time.
Kill It. ,
-Walter. Uke this sgg awsy," '
"Yea. air. aad wbat would you Ilk
me to do with It, 'P
"Do wit ItT wnng ita aeca.
freeing Show.
CajrefuUr Inspected ihelU, the best com
binations of powder, shot and wadding,
loaded by machines which pivo lnvarisblo
results aro rcappnslbls for tho superiority
of Winchester v Repeater" Factory loaded
Sraokelcsa Powder Shotirun CheUs, There
is no euesswork la loading them. Reliability,
velocity, pattern sad penetration are de
termined by sclentifle spparatus and practical
experiments. Do you ahoottbem? They are
Veu Cant Mate rowj.
"Popperl- M '
"Well, what la It. aonP
owk.M iIa thaw keB th Street CT
at algbt. when It alut running P
"Oh, in a barn.
"in a barn. Ilka a horssT Why,
what do they feed It onP
"Oh, carreou.-
Uteswllroa nz e ft aow ware Steaks
pn It omr to IM Wetootnf af SoanMal to.
-pMfcMO. AodrM. faimmh Spoolall Ce 0
Caaaiaor at Cmaanna, rwuaaa. Ura.
Not Driven, Ceased.
'I understand that you have a aaw
motor car,"
"Yes. "
"Do you drive It yourself P
"Nobodv drives ft. Wa coax It"
Waahlngton Star.
She Didn't Like It.
Ra viae Pas aa v la angry with bar
doctor. Why la thatr
. u. ft... t..t oomarka that na
would bar her looking her old self
again, uosiou Transcnpi.
ewer If eJoeged on. All Ufa
I, y
down and lust W tno earn manner wtat un r; -
vsrlous paru of the body the food that th cell need tor Mtdtag
up, so It Is compelled to carry away th weeta "jaterial that' torn
Sown. These wast materials ar poisonous ami destroy us unls
ths II vsr and kidneys ara stimulated Into refreshed and vigorous Ufa.
DHo PIMCIE'S Golden Rfeiiical Discovery
Is tha bs!ancinr powcr-a vitalising power. It acts on th tatomaeh
and organs of JigeaUon and nutriUon-on the purif ring filters which
ctaanthe blood. Shus freeh riullsed blood TM
ad brain. This welt know eHevalive relieve nl")'J"?JX
headaches seeamoanrlng oama, and baa been sueeeesful for more than a son
. a too ard It huUds P the WJS
i ... .iM i.i.iiiw arjlt"or have catarrh ef the noae ao
threat. The aeUve oodlcinal priaelplaa ef Amorieaa-Matire-roots ar J
witraetad withoot sleohol and ye ess obtain thla
tenia In mold er tablet form at
send tO easts la 1-eeot stamp for
mtmmmtmm for roe
mm tf I aoay oJwlo Somo
7 . Or. V, M. rtmrm. oae4 lOj
AdJm ikVALUiS- llOIUL. JtaJa A. r.
? Needed a Curs. . ( :
hu. Vnn.o vnii will althar have to
marry' at one or leav our employ."
"But why are you so anaious war,
I marry T" .. " "
' xurhllo mi ara tn lova VOU do UOt
half attend to your duties, and you
most either o cureu or nrwi.
Houston Post ' '
" In Practise.'' 4
Hobson I never la all my life ssw
a matt who could so readily guess rid
dles sod conundrums as that Henry
Dobsou No wonder! Just think of
the practice be haa. His wife keeps
him guessing all the time, Puck,
Fat And you also aaid I hadn't the
manners ot a hog.
Lean Ob, no I didn't -1 aaid you
had. Philadelphia Evening Ledger.
bat tiro
W took
Sou we
. are.
d Dull
Sr. touir s.t. eatoxo.
Pay More?
The Old enfJ Reliable,
-k Dr. IswhC Twmptonj ,
mJwMolmtHk. ho
... ec, a oi a I mm W ...
C iu o mm 4 mmm
warrs na ratiK saxiaijrr
IU IMt at. Tew, M. V.
a- a.. an. . aVaa - I Male SnlSaM
Hs Knew.
n.M tuk waa alvlul lb aeoaTw
phy claaa a lesson on the cattle
reacaee. one apon w inoir wow,
coming from tha west, and. wishing
to test tha children's observation, she
aakedi " , "
"And what else comes to a front
thee ranchesr ' . . 1
That was a poser. Boa looked at
her shoe, but ao one took tha blot
She tried again. " , ,
"What do wa get from ths eaUla ba.
sides beefP ' " .
One boy eagerly raised bis band.
"I know what It la. It's trip! ha
answered, trlutuphsatly. Tha youth a
Companion. .
i i. "
h a ansea i
inaaSaxalieea. ao
MaaaMV voaTseviilwa, VoTaoa
aorfwaua. mmm ran hmo bow
Aam m. oanhtaa. eiwiatoi. or mwm
sea soi tn.n- .lito ot troi '
Hooiw how om. eoa novo, trow Yn t
rax tuTtrt usosAtoav. arennry. wt.
Semsmbered, But Not Psld
Broad Dy ths way. old man, do yoe
remember borrowing f 10 from na sli
months ago?
Short Yes. ,
Broad Uut you said you only 'aant
d it for a short time. '
Short And I told tho truth. I did
Bt keep It 10 minutes.
"What la one of the characteristics
ot tha Indian racer asked ao lttslruo
tor In city college. !
"They play football to beat tha
band," replied a former Da Witt Clin
ton boy. .
. .L - t . Itr. Wn It IomoiU a
1 in. NUUM, V. www
eonelsts of MWm sp
any drag store or
trial bos ef table,
Does So. . .
"Here's a startling itora."
"What is ItT" ." ;
"It ssys th oyster has not increas
ed In price In 25 years."
"Hum. Looks ilk culpable negll
gence somewhere." Kansas City
Journal. . - . : -
Sam Ton.
"Oh, mamma, the lady next door has
a trained monkey, and when It doesn't
behave you better believe she gives It
a good tslklng to; and say, mamma"
"Yes, my child."
"It sounds Just like when you're
talking to daddy."
BnrweSHeowaraaaweBBBrawSWSHBBSwSrawaaW ' 4
' . Seme Class.
"Where did you get alt ths second
hand furniture, old man?"
"Those things are not secondhand.
They're genuine antiques,"
o Borae
your Kyee,
ciMtnee, '
foodstuffs are prohibitive.