The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 19, 1915, Image 3

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    Dr. Alfred F.Sempert
Gradual and KegLtored
car orncB hours' "
f I.Ofl to 11.00 A. U.
1:00 to 100 P. M.
tsar BRANDT III. DO., urLlr
st Weston Bakery
Cake and fa. try.
fin Carall. -
Cowl Mm! at All Hour, 8B.
We ebelslli In
, end Party Kupiera.
aUjT" Second-hand Blum
In Wheeler hotel.
Mia) Matol Momgrea Bud Mias Anl
U Kirkfcairka w tUi WJ
oaf u Pendleton.
Br" Hawk, formally la lh drug
bueineat at Athena, haa purchased a
drug tur al Aetorla.
Earl Ueuallea left tht week Air
American ralla, Idaho, lo take a po
ll I ton which awaits him lhara,
W think aur etwh le MHipWt, hut
If w haven't fit what yum want, tall
ua w ran gat It. H. O. UaMuaa.
for many veer It ha bee tba tti
torn er th aaveral religious deeaia
atluaa af Wealo t eali Wllr for
Thanaeglvltig worship. Thle vr
unloa aervlc will ha halo aat Thar,
rtar evening at til e'lr al th
Melhcxlu rharh. Kev. N. U. Wood
III read tha proclamation, llev. Ooo.
rhapmaa will read tha rrloiur4 lea
ua aad tba mwm will b Uea by
ridef John Boaewlta. ' Thar will b
alnglng br tha congregation and
rial muale by tha choir. Tha offering
will au aa uaual to tha Inral rallai
fund. II la th eamei wish of th
several pastors that all tha paapla of
Weatoa aad trlnlt whathar or wot
thr have aar regular churrh affllla
tlua mab II a polat lo atlaad thli
Mr. Ilaaala M'Atee ef Paedlalon
vlelied with retail la Waatoa Wo
" ? ,
. Tha wla ona will remember that
Iraadr II la lima In tot K. O. VUom
help r" a four rhrtatmea shopping.
; Motor car servle lo all poim. day
t ataht. AIm livery and fd "
wiiMwia li . Uoaii akamiifc
ahup. iMtm Mrtlrlde, .
ILnMlr wot k neailr tame at th We
In ehira ami rimee sImmi, Wheeler
li.rtel iMjIUIIntf. N msn.veii.eai,
oaw equipment. t'honatO. H. Km on.
rr h nail lea dare w ar offer
lag tha Delineator, lha world' irnf
aat monthly iui.ert of fsahlon, al
71 aania a year. Road aar ad. Th
Brandt Htor.
la Jualh-a Llauallaa'a ourt Raiur
dr. "harlaa Morlamaf wairao eam-
wlll to " i" a'"""
tha f c-barga ma
Th llll Oua rlub aaaouaraa tU
vonad annual lurkay ahont for aal
... ... . .tinionanar. normT
William nriar, T 'auaaar ar aipaciad lo ambl from d.f. IKaria
lha rlvll war. laft Tuaadar la apaad "PL,-J .uilr Inatloa. and
lha wlnlar at th National awioiare .,.. - . ,,, ii.ii. iur ta anwr
Horn in California. ' "rtkTnolo la lb .port Halu I a.lal him bjr N.I )lal
Mr. and Mr. Cart MrTonnall war a ll llttl bnr. and aoaa at aaythlnf
vtelllni HamUr In Walla Walla, whara af Ihla aort hmfWV.U
.v.. ,.,.a.a . mnim of formar -vlaw lo ntrtlnln aad plaaaln ll
atuitrnl of Columbia col lag.
av-jr : l T tr. r
. 0)X Ma liM
IjaC is 2m wm l
aa. A Mltal
V IimI j ntMtr r
rulna - Um
K U, a ln m. wa Bwatt
tl aaatr. !, -
4 mi iiiillrww. waubi
Marion O'XIarra
Offioa la (ha Mam Rullillnif, Ml lion
Hour, M 13 and 1 lu t
Aat tU tcatdal
A. M. Oorng wet. r. M.
" Alhona f ll
T Adama t:il
L Wralon
" Athaaa
" Adam
Unbar! proudrii waa la Walla Walla
Wadnaada atundlnv lha funaral of
hi aoualn. th la la J. B. Wlbma, for
marly niy n1nr af Walla Walla.
! Clay mUh haa rat urn d from
aouthara Idaho and haa raaumrd hi
bualnaa aaaoetetloa wllh (ml m
M rural mail crrtor out af Waaton.
Found A llr watrh. with Moll
calarplllar analna fob. Ownar mr
racovar aama by applylaf ta Haaal
ftrow at lha R. W. tlrowa farm aaar
Knrl Coutt waa out en a too
bunting trip Sunday aa lha Columbia
rlvar balow Ariiaaioa with a roupia
of railroad man. h party uccdd
la bagging big "hot.yn,"
Tpon onanlng lh Waatoa IUr Tuaa.
day morning. Orval Dunra fouad lha
room full of amok. A malrh dropped
la lha aawduat th night bafora had
rauaad a matl fir, whbh burn ad .
hola through lh floor but cauad no
rurthar damaga.
Aa aulomobll orruplad by Mr.
Ilaary Kaan aad Mia Sola Kaan of
Athana. lurnad lurtla Vaturday whlla
thay wara motoring lo Walla Walla,
bul both war fort una I a enough to aa
cap without Injury. A broken whoal
rwueed tha aorldenL
Mr. Ball Brace, a pioneer realdent
ot Ihla county, died Sunday at lha
horn of her nephew twelvo mile
from PradWtnw. Hh waa lh mother
of Will Ilrar and Ceorge Bum of
Olbbon. Th funeral aarrlrea war
held Tuesday at Athtaa.
J." M. Ahworth and Henry Bchroe
der hav returned from Spring Hoi
low. la which neighborhood thay have
completed a large farm residence for
Moan Taylor. Th houeo contain
eleven roomi and la provided with
mora than eighty fee f porchea.
HVhool cluoed Tueaday for lb real
of th week on account of tha County '
inaiuuto ot Pendleton. An nnuaually
attractive program ha. beea prepared
1:11 by Superintendent Young, and It t .ipertad thai over 4 lenehera from
A. M. fitdajt Km, I. M.
I PcndlcttMi l Lvprndletna ;0
. 1J..,. II 11 Arf.n,. A 1.
" Athena Hill Athena :U
""' -
Waalnn lo Athann. ci Wraton to
Ad.m. 0c; Alhrna lo Adanuv lcl
Wtaton lo IVndlaton,; Athena to
rendMoa, 7lr; Adam lo Pvndtaton,
Round trip. If mad la asm day:
Waaton and PrndMon, I HO; Athena
and PendMon. $1.1.
Ileadquartera: Wition, at City Drug
tor: A'.hcn.. St. Nlchola Hotel;
Adama, Inland Marcftnlll Htor; Pen
dtoton, Ktanch Kaataurant
hi. and nalahborlng countlea will b
In atlendanca.
In line wllh th local plrlt of Im
provement and progrea. N. lovertdge
ta remodallng hi cottag on Broad
atreet. Two room and a. neat corner
porch ar being added, aad when com
plated aad painted lha cottag will
prevent a decidedly attractive appear
aac. f
Th Athena Pre report that Al
fred Pambrun wa attacked Wednes
day by a pet deer and had a narrow
eacape. Only by rare preaenc of
mind did th boy prevent the buck
from tearing him wllh It horn.
Wllh lh aaalatanc of a ranch hand
and a ahepherd dog, lh vtclou ani
mal waa driven off, '
No matter what your musical U.t may ba, It ear be aaally and
cheaply aati.nwL Whether you Ilka taered mule aa aung or played by
the freateat artUu or whether you prefer the popular songs, danca
rnusle, talking record, or all of thm, a fw dallara will bring them to
yon, to ba enjoyed at your pleawre. A Vlclrola or an Edtoon Diamond
Dlad Phonograph will develop the children's la.te for good music.
Music M educational and uplifting a well as entertaining and enjoyable.
Hera are genuine Victor Vietrolag at Ho, m, MO, 78, 1100 and up.
Here are EdUon Diamond Dlso Phonographs at 180, 1100, $150, 1200,
and 1250.
' Hera are Player Planoa with latest Improvement at $305, $450,
$475 and up lo $635. ti -
" The beat gwortment of Records and Player Rolls are also here.
, t Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices, Churches, Schools
10-80 AWer St - (Odd Fellows' Temple) - WALLA WALLA, WASH.
m., ja. , 4 'k . v.
l IV -.k1, I'll V
Home Merchant Prices
5 pound pail stock food...
II pound pkg. stock food .
7Ja" pound pkg. stock food.,
t pound pkg. stock food...
Comparison of doange two -tabieapoonfula
twice daily.
,, 1.00
.. .65
.. ' .25
Mail Order and Ped ;
dlers Prices
25 pound pall stock food.:....$3.50
T pound pkg. stock food 1.00
83i pound pkg. stock food ... .50
ljttj pound pkg. stock food .25
Two tablespoonfulg three .
... . times daily.
Goodyin's Drug
Oregon 1
vlallora. Oa Ihla occaalon lour o.uer-terarMH-f.
rituikay. CO geew and M
durka will be ehiH for. Target aad
clay plawoa .hooting la aaaouaeed aad
a fro barbecu will b ervd. "Com
aad bring your family plniy of ac
commodatloaa. hi lh clubs Invita
tion. Waaloa High arhool will play Its
first bakt ball game of th aeaaoa
tht evening. II apoooaat being Athe
na High. Th content will uki place
la lh high arhool gm at Alhaa. and
I e I ported I attract ft atuad
nr of fana from both towa. It will
b a doubl header, lha boy and
girl team of both arhool partici
pating. Krnl Blomgren. lh local
coach, will eelect hla llne-ap for th
by team from lh following players:
Bay Oould. Allaoa Wood, Earl Mae
Kenale. forward; Jim Klrkpatrtck.
Bob Hodgson, lwll Duncan, center;
Kuhlla Smltb. Ioa Lrundelt, guard.
Al Ihelr home oa Wlr atreet Sat
urday. Mr. and Mr, n. O. Haling n
lertalned a number of friend, wtlh a
pleasant evening of reading and
music. Th room war prettily dec
orated wllh pink aad white chryaaa
thamuma. and dainty refreshment,
were aervvd. Those prent were Mr.
and Mr. Pr W. Ung. Rer. and Mr.
Oeorg Harmon. Mr. Hutby aad Mlaa
Zola Keen or Athens; Mr. Ollber Ba
ker of Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mr.
Homer U Hedrlck. Mr. aid Mr. Rob
ert Proudflt. Mr. nd Mri. C. L. Mc
Connell, Mr. end Mrr. film J. Cully.
Mr. Ullkta Frederlcka.
Mr. Eugene A. Schrlmpf aad Mta
Beaale J. Key were united In marriage
at nooa Vdneadjiy. November IT. at
the home of the bride' parent. Mr.
and Mr. J. H. Key near Westoa. by
Rv. W. a Payn. Th young coup!
were attended during the ceremony
by Mr. Virgil R. ierba and Ml Ells
Mortiaon. and th wedding march wa
played by Mr. Zarba. A bountiful
wedding dinner waa served. Mr. and
Mr. Schrlmpf left for Portland on
Wedoedaye train for the honey
moon. They will make their home on
the farm of the brldegroom'a father
near Athena.
Tha number of votee caat at TV
Ion' city election lat Monday, on
hundred and eleven, broke th record
for a local election with only on tick
et la th field.- I at year, with but
on ticket, th ol was . D. R.
Wood for councilman and Andy T.
Harnett for recorder, received all of
the lit vote, and 81m Barne for
treasurer got them all but one, which
wa cast tor a lady by om gallant
cltlsen. J. M. Ranteter for mayor and
Frank Price and It. O. Baling for the
itimrll each I oat a few vote that
were scattered around In a desultory
Encouraging nwa was received this
week from the Hacml Hesrt nwpiiai,
Rnokane. as to the condition of Joseph
Wurser. H Is said to b Improving
nicely and to be able to partake of
nlld food, hi chief annoyanc being
caused by bed aorta, in a letter wrn
i.n hv hi wife. Councilman Wurser
acknowledge the maaaage of ympa
th and good cheer aent by hla col
leagues from Waaton. and espres
the hop that the tlm will not b long
. .. will ba able to renew his
pleasant associations here.
Th. rerular monthly meeting of th
Roworth League waa held Uat Satur
day evening at the horn of Claud
Price. During lha business ealon
eight new member were added to th
league roll, aner winm a bm
iti.Mn nmaram waa rendered. Re
hukmni, aerved to th mra'
ber and their gueata. who numbered
a round hundred. Th occasion waa
voted by all present aa among th
most delightful or tti league a invari
ably pleaaant gathering. '
Ticket for the High School Lyceum
course will o on aaio
vember 1 0th. Season ticket will be
delivered to subscriber and Beats re
served for the course on that date.
Those who have not subscribed for
season tickets hould eee Mr. Robin
son Saturday and have their eeata re
served. The unususlly large number
ot achool puplla who win aiienu in.
course make It Imperative that those
who dealr a choice of seaia ecur
them at once. t v..,
Tha Wttcherr of mandolin and gui
tar music Is trebled by th charm with
which it Is given by the Beveriy en
tertainers, to be heard here Novem
ber Id. This splendid musical organ
isation Is one of th pronounced hits
of the eaaon. Bongs, Instrumental
numbers and aketchea are combined
In an entertainment ot unusual merit.
C, M. Ohmart waa In town yesterday
from Baker, Oregon, wrier na is now
doing photogrsphic work as a mera
har of the firm of Ohmart t Cort-
rlght They are going Into the homes
for pictures, and are accomplishing
tha varv hla-heat grade ot photograph
to art Mr. Ohmart announces that
he will be In Weston again next spring.
John Kearney, formerly chief of
police of Pendleton, aulclded at the
State hotel In that city Tuesday by
ahootlna htmaelt through th head.
Ha I said to hsvw become despondent
over falling eyesight, th to, of hi
poaltlon and hla Inability to let liquor
alone. H Is survived by a widow aad
two children. - - f
Joaerih E. Brown, one of th prln
clpat members or th urown-iewis
corporation of combined harvester
tame, I under arreet at Walla Walla
on a charge of grand larceny. He I
alleged to hav converted to his own
use the .urn of tIT.lvMS belonging
to Daniel Beat.
Mr. A. A. Kee. snnounoes that she
will serv Thanksgiving dinner, -with
turkey, and th usual accessor!, at
her boarding house on Water street.
Tli management of W eston oper
how announce a Tl'MiWy-(firing ball
fur lb night of Thsnkmrlvlng, Nonv
hr li. Muale will r Charles
Keen's orcliaaira, elvh drum.
' i-ka Al.a'iw1ar Kinnears. wlo re-
eamlv diaioed of their Waaton farm
l VV. A. Hsme. are preparing U)
move to Walla wawa. wnere in-
have laaaed a reaUlene and may but
later If eulied. The Lie of thl. pcom
neot pioneer family U much regretted
III the Wun oelghboHiood.
Precipitation preclplts'ed nesrly all
day Wednesday and . 1 limnlsy, ana
there 1. oow more m" amfi.
lure for eedlng ope ration. Tl
rain goda aeem aoloi to maka up
ihla month for an arid If beautiful
tw-tolier. and It will i ail rtgni "
thev'll onlf quit pounng rong owi
to let tli farmers work.
iha Wnman'a Mlwlorianr Horletv of
the Methodlei Church held lie regular
monthlv miaineas and aoelal aoaaiuil
NovemlierlO at the Home ot jure..
II. lriee. Heventeeo membera and
two vWtor were present. Aner the
busineaa aeaslon the sui-jcc ot rraTer
waa taken up and many Interring
paaasffea were resd. A sonr, "Horae-
tlme, Humewherw." was sung by tin
K. M. Mrntih. lellclou retreeiiroenw
were aerved. The neit meeting will
lie held Ieeember 8 at the home oi
Mrs, J. 8. Harris.
V. E. Smith, baa-ball magnet of
Hell, and Editor Lewi of th Hll
Advocate, were In Iowa Monday and
visited Th Leader office, whirl they
axpreased enthusiastic admiration of
ur Washington band pre snd other
modern equipment. The boys were
advertising th turkey noot or m
Hells Oun club for Novemoer it. anu
hav mad It pretty well known
throughout this part of h county.
They say that Hellg win oe in no
asgln neat spring with a baseball
team for representation in in
End league.
Is on the map In capital letters. Busi
neaa is a-liooiiiing ami earnenuirs are
In demand. Hoy Hyatt and Dick Knir
lUh have moved Into tlteir new liunj-a-Uiws
and Will Hall Is building anoth
er. In Hapny Canyon.- J. K. English
lis est.lili-.lied a store snd will carry
a full line of staple groceries io supply
the local need. At ! seventeen
fsmlile live within leas than ona mile
of the store, and within a1 radius of two
miles f.jrty-nve can be counted, hjto
rinL anvlhllkl .rood io et from ilie
JoniTil CUwh Stor wHt li. K. D. No.
a a u.,nA rwilawf KlIV.
I, I MIX I't UF I'HUUTJ ItH aw av- '
15.-15. (Adv.) ' i
. : FOR SALE).
Wall.lmnroved Place of 114 acres
a wild Hon creek, three mile
south of Weston. Oood wen; nog
tlcht fence all around: aa attractive
My home ranch of 170 acres two
miles up the Well Walla river road
ahova Milton: ISO acres in cuiuvsuon,
ita in summer fallow Ihla year, uooa
well and plenty of running water,
Pin new bungalow.
Phone 47FJ. or addre
Milton, Oregon.
: n
a -
for those who left their tickets with us.
, ; We also have a Iady'a hand bag left in store on Free Day. '
, f. . '
Another car of that choice HOG FENCE enroute. Ask the buyers ,
about the fence and the prices. '
The KENTUCKY DIUIX-guarahteed to seed perfectly just before '
a rain and that rain will follow. " '
The WEBER WAGON, an owner's pride and guaranteed to follow
any team properly hitched. Just now we have a bargain if taken at oncea
team, wagon and harness for $250 in cash or good as cash. Team 7 and 9
years old, grey and extra good pullers. Harness a good one and the Weber
Wagon new. --
We are giving 'some good bargains in that GREEN GRANITE
WARE, the shamrock kind. '
We want some good pop corn.
.mm tlhnra. Pa Jane Reachard.
It yeara old, wa taken with a fit of
lauahlne- whil llatenlng to ft funny
atory told by a friend. She laughed
for three hours, and It waa necessary
to put her under the car or a pnyi-
Vandalla. 1IL Biz hour after she
hsd been pronounced dead by the
'nil nhvriHm lira. Lvdla Adama.
7 yeara old, arose, walked Into an ad-
Joining room and greeted tne eniei
(No. 206)
The Fanners' Bank of Weston, at Wes
ton. In the State of Oregon, si in
close of business November 10, 1915:
Loans and discounts
Bonds and warrant
Banking house .......
furniture and fixture.....
Other real estate owned
Due from banks (not re
serve banks)
Due from approved reserve
Checks and other cash items
Cash on hand ... .
Expenses -
Capital stock paid in..
..$140,310 42
.. 9,568 24
.. 8.500 00
.. 1,000 00
. 28,611 71
4VH 86
6,7 12
6,605 45
iJ Las.?.-la fV-aa.1
a-fjgx r t- art SEP
itak kd B-S:t-J J ViSP"
of all our UDIES', CHILDREN'S and MISSES'
..$215,132 77
, -1
30.000 00
m mo no
Surplus tuna - o
Undivided profiU...... .245 80
Individual deposiU aubject ' '
to check 113,407 60
Demand certificates of de
posit - ............
Time and Savings deposits
Bills payable lor money Bor
rowed... ii...-. :
Other liabilities) .,
S.678 64
21,619 53
25,000 00
181 30
Total $215,132 17
State of Oregon, l
County of Umatilla, f , .
I, E. M. Smith, Cashier of the
above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the
beat f my knowledge and belief.
E. M. Smith, Cashier.
. ...... Wm. MacKknzib, ;
F. D. Watts, ,
Snhacrihed and sworn to before me
this 18th day of November, 1915.
E. L. Ulomgrkn,
(Seal) Noury Public
Minneapolis. Minn. White Earth, . here, ctalma . the champion
mnih at ihla state and perhapa of
tha entire country. Although Mr.
Myrtle La Chappelle la only 11 years
of age, aha haa been tn motner oi
nine children. Her buaband is zx
years old. ..- - . "
Atlanta. Oa. When William H.
Burden, 7t yeara old, advertised ror
a bride, th ad. waa answered by Mia
Luis, Douglas Thomson, 15 yeara oia.
It la reported the groom settled 1J00.-
009 on the bride before tne weaaing
ceremony. Burden na aouu gimuu
chlldren. ' '-
Portland, Or. ls Doc Oaler tn the
audience T Jeremiah Paulsen.
yeara old, has Just applied for a li
cense to hunt big game. "I don't take
water from any young fellow," says
Uncle Jere. 'J 1
Mason City, la. Thirty-two year
old and married five time la the rec-
ord of Ethel Vlcke-Noble-Pump
Jurdy-Hughe, who 1 under arrest for
bigamy. . ' - J . ,
El Psso, Tex. when BUniey iooo
applied for a license to marry Mar
garet Corn, the marriage llcenae clerk
refused to Issue tne Jicenee. tninKing
It wa a Joke. When convinced, how
ever, he shelled out. -op wrn
Mid to have opposed the marriage.
but when appealed to. aald: -ShucKa!
and headed th Hat for the husking.
Halley, Idaho. Unable to speak and
tell how the accident happened. Miss
Lucille Gutta, lT-year-old, Is recover
ing from an operation required for.the
removal of a fork which she swal
lowed. It la believed she waa examin
ing her throat with the fork when It
slipped from her hand.
Ollton. Okla. Mr. F. Tanner of
this place believe she Is the only wo
men In the country who conducts a
pool hall. Sh aaya under th con
duct or women. uch place should be-
.nm ptaan. hirh-standard placee of
Lo Angeles. Cal. uirin. nave yon
caught on to th new fad? On la a
peace ring, made or aiiver wun
dove and an olive branch enameled on
It.- Th other la a "sweetheart- ring,
in which the face of th glrl'a beat
beau la worn.
Stoux rails, 8. D. Dellah Wyant,
is. Is dead here because she laughed.
6h began to laugh while eating peas,
aad a. pea lodged In her bronchial
tube, choking her to death. ;
Prime Beef
Pork,' Mutton, Veal
Dressed Poultry
FISH Mouday and Thursday
Get Our Prices
Phone No. 53. Orders taken by
phone for mail routes.
A. P. Perry
I Westoa Meatl
' ' ' Upon nearing the close of 1915, good - merchandizing
HiVtates that we should dispose of this season's remain-
Ming stock of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Coats and
"ISuiTS. We want no "carry-over" of this particular line.
and are now quoting prices that . will simply : make it
V m 1 A. J ln. an VI V tMAmllAli ff
move. U sucn a Karment is iieeueu iuj liic-uuv vi
your household you will find that a visit to our big store
is prompted by genome economy. :
These Coats and Suits are splendid goods, bought
for cash Jn eastern manufacturing centers, and are the
very latest this year's product of the leading eastern de
signers. We are taking a heavy loss on them and you
will be the gainer. In many instances tne regular pne
has been cut in two, and the regular price is based upon
close buying and close selling for cash only. . In fact, no
more wonderful bargains in these garments were ever
offered in any Umatilla county store than await you right
now in the Cloak and SUIT department of the WESTON
.. ; There is no time limit to this sale but we would ad
vise you to call early in order to get the pick of our large
assortment Make no mistake as to the character of this
merchandizing event. It is a bona fide clearance at sac
rifice prices of new, bright, well-chosen, this year's goods.
You have only to visit our store, see our beautiful display
nf floats and Suits for Women. Misses and Children, and
: take note of the price tags to assure yourself of the truth
; of our statement. It is not now and never will be a part
of our policy to deceive the buying public in a single par
ticular. We never raise prices in oier to reduce them.
Dr. J. G. McMATH
; osteopath
Office one block north of the bank
Electric Treatments
JEST Phone 521
W. M. Petertea C. H. Buhop
Peterson & Bishop
Pendleton, Or. Freewater, Or.
t mi ',i . .l-ll 1 .
tS people wun ine giaraor ua . iu w
prices; it is really wonderful how a
small price in large type fills the
eye so completely that the quality
baclc of (he'price is lost sight of.
The DotVIoss 1
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