The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 19, 1915, Image 1

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NO. 82.
iAU thankful brUH thara waa ee
Wbajihouaht m oe wmi and lair-
The hm when hla duties era dose
Ta tail at mr charm ar ailll rarest)
, I am thankful kwaua II wu fca
Whom tha raiaa wnea lhr Bude thai
Imi aaaany, tadlv la m
Ta 0r hie laetles: effeetJea, "
I am thankful baeaoaa ha la true,
Baeeua ha la wonhr and ahwrfult
" Ua dark moowai ara (
Whaa ha Wevae ma rcriiln a ad tear-
I ana thankful that ha has tha wta
Ta ha thmtahtful a ad arackm. aod taa
dart I am thankful baeauee t am ailll
Oa tha rvihi side af forty and
' I am Ih.nkrul beceue I am fraa
Warn til. that ki ethara ooaiplaJnlnc;
I am ronatanUr thankful that
Caa Hva vary wall wlihaul elramlasj ,
I am l4 that I sever hava had
A ahlld ta diaiurfe or 4)airaaa ma
I am Ihaakful fcaeauM ha la sted
Ta labor ia fd aed to dra ma,
IV thankful that rv rt a daddy
Ta work for ma wtih all hla might;
Ha always eelle ma "Utile Laddr."
And says 'at I'm hla baart'a delights
Ha anaa aaia ma an hla abouidf
AM halpa to till tha houaa with SolsaJ
Ra'a hlr than I am and ehtar,
at mataar aalla ua hr two soy.
Pm thankful that ha sever worrlaf
Beeauee my hand, ain't nlra and white;
I'm thankful that ha alwaya hurrtao
aeh homa ta ua whaa It sate nlht
Tm alwaya thankful whaa H i uadajr.
Cettae whaa it'a Sunday, why, you see,
Ita doesn't haft la wortt till Monday
Or do thing but play Willi ma,
I'm thankful that ha aavar aeold ma
ICiorpt whaa I'va Ma aetln' bad:
And .rry night atmaat ha holda ma
Tight In hla arma and aaya ba'a (lad!
Oar btaaala'a. motlwr aaya, ara many, "
And, a. but wouldn't It ho flna
If ovary body that hain't aay
Could hava a daddy Just Uka miner
1AM thankful barauna I am at roes', :
IWrauM of tha ehanrea about ma,
Baeaue la tha thlrk or I ha throng
1 hava brother who Drar will doubt
; mai
I am thankful to hava aa my right
" Tha fraadom true manhood Inherits;
I am thankful for courajra to Rght
'or aa booaat raward of my marlla
I am thankful that no one may wasp
Baeauaa I am gunning; or aroady,1 .
hmuM If I sow I may reap
Without bringing grtf to tha naady;
I am thankful beeauee I hava clalroad
No vtw-talntd trlhuta front ethers, ' '
That ailll unafraid, unashamed,
I may tao ta (ha ayaa of my brothers.
I ara thankful for thoe who depend
Oa ma for Ihalr fraadom from aorrowi
I am thankful at avary day'a and
For tha hope of a splendid tomorrow;
I am (lad that, though many muat grtava,
Tbara ara haarta whlctt ara stirred by
f am glad that I ailll may ballava
That klndnaag la not out of fashion. :
When Prayers of Thanksgiving
Arise From Hearts of Grate
ful Nation.
ID yoa aver too tha tun rise out
of the ocoanT ror haarty (our
hour tha dawn of TbaokflTlnc
day bag baa footing ltd tray woatward
aeroM b aaa baforo It braaka on
Amarka. lalf a laaxua onward,
tbt vrny llbt eroapa or ay tba uo-
lnhabiubla waata of walara. Tba
atr faint light ooborta of otitrtdert
ara aoouliD ahaad of tba monarch duo.
TrTOf'lA I TBay ara aoaklnf tbo-eoaat of Maina,
1 VOtrC. I (Ilnf for tba Cap of Hattaraa. Tor
vai wwni groai nay la jtmoncn.
If tht gun vara a goi, marchtng
oror tha Atlantic apacaa, ooa would
put tha words la bla mouth: "You
thlpa oo which I flaab, I am not cod
(ant with yoti alona, nor with you
Ughtbouaaa, which 1 bow touch with
uy poor of aunbara. I aoak coo
tlnant of frateful human dwatllng, I
(lid church plroa. burnlah tha wblt
walla of groat clilaa, gtaam la farm
bouao windows, tba homos of man. It
la not a day of toll but of thankful,
Joyous root I will march orar th
aat araaj of mighty tutea, croai lit
art and lakaa, climb tha Sabaraa sad
boyood, baforo I slip again Into tba
Paclflo oooaa. For this Is a day sat
apart to ma, Man ara waiting, oat
of barnoas, for tba sunbsams. I ao
kaowladga thalr tokaas. I maka tba
Amarlcaa flag baautlfuJ STarywbars la
my bins iky, thousands of flags dip
ping to gla thanks. 1 do baar tba ring
ing of balls, tha shouts of play, tba
laogbtor of kinsman grsotlng kins men,
and tha roles of a nation' praysT."
But tba sua Is no god. A day Is
maral? a trotch of hours. Tharo is a
Makor of lbs sua who trains It to b
bat tha sorvaat of his ehlldraa. Thar
Is aa Ail-Baaing Era which trlaws us at
our grataful olScas. JM us try to
think of It that way. Than tha day
has a boon Ing.
Thinking of it all la that wsy. what
a lubllma day it la. A wbolo youth
ful nation with uplift band and marry
haarta. This nation has baan, at
tlmas, in loara. Today it bursts Into
laugbtor and tba sounds of thankful
aaa tha fragraaeo of a faaat Bit
tha air. It Is a vary foatlral of char
ity, whaa aoaa Is proud or salflsh,
whaa tha poor ara not forgotUa. .
Hava you avar watchad tba eloud
awaking by ntsts rising by tba
advancing sua? What a spactacls It
would ba If, from a star, ona could
witness this uprising of sun-touched
vapor from Taller to plain across a
continent. So does tba nation's pralss
arias with Incanso of thanksgiving.
Ramambor that, by this Cfura, wa ar
saaklng to maka our aaawerlng ado
ration vlslbls to our minds.
And thars Is do baauty la a sunset
eicept it th era bo cloud to Uka on
tbs gliding. So msy tba eranlng be.
of this glad day, for Tba Lord God is
our sua and shield." When tha day
Is dona may heaven' blessings, yet
to Sa seat us, bo mora than tha eve
ning stars for multitude. Stars on
stars, tba light from many a star Is so
distant that It has never yet reached
us. But It Is on tha way.
Brief ksm of General News
frcni AH Arsni the Earth.
Saaltl. Waah. Tblrty-oos soon
wars killed TuewUy by aa exptoelon of
coal dust la Urn Murtbwastara la
provement eotnpany'o ai mino at
bavenedels, l milo sotitbaast nt Se
attle. ,
Tha bodies of six saaa bays boon re
covered, and thro Injured hava boon
brought safely to the surf see, where
they war resuscitated by tba ass of
surf sea, wbors tM explosion oaeorred,
was found seated la tba cbair baforo
hi desk Just within tba entrance) to
tba third level.
Tba bodies of ;C!B.. Davis and U.
Penoalkl, Joha fKrringtofV Domlnlek
Noveria arnf Jacob Bamaharh were re
covered also.
Trained raactto mon 'rushed to the
mine from Seattle, BosJya and Oa
Elum wars able, by wearing oxygen
Uve News Items of AH Nations and
Pacific Northwest Condensed
for Our Busy Readers.
Because of ill health, ex-Cblefof
Police Kearney, of Pendleton, commits
Croat Britain has Introduced several
now giant subtnsrinos, which will pray
on the Germane.
"A 6
Thlnas to Be Thankful For.
The santlment of gratitude Is one
that there Is small risk of Hading too
much In evidence. It Is not possible
to grow from childhood to manhood
or womanhood without implicit de
pendence upon others, without in
curring obligation and running deep
ly Into debt first of all to the Ood
As a result of tba fierce atom along
th Oregon coast. Seaside waa conoid
arably damaged.
English woman suffragettes, headed
by Mrs. Pankbunt, will protest against
tba conduct of tba war.
Carransa troops bsv been ordered
into tba Yaqul valley to protect Amer
ican Interest tbara against raids of
the Yaqul Indians.
Bulgarians continue victorious march
against tha Preach, whose troop are
driven back on tbs right bank of Yar
ds river, la tba Balkans.
Tba American Federation of Labor,
la session In San Francisco, wont on
record as favoring government owner
ship of telegraph Unas and also tba
Croat ion by ton gross of a non-partisan
tariff commission.
About 200 young Britons, mostly
Irishmen, were among tba passengers
oo the steamer California, which ar
rived in New York. Tha pee anger
aald that moat of tha young men had
left their homos to evade conscription.
According to the Gactoa Dal Norte.
of Balbao, Spain, a Spanish steamer
with a cargo of wire was stopped by a
British cruiser and compelled to un
load at Gibraltar baforo being allowed
to oootinue on bar voyage to Malaga.
Washington baa directed Ambassa
dor Peafield at Vienna to ascertain
from tba Austrian government for a
detailed statement of tba eircum
tancee of the torpedoing of tha Italian
liner Anoona, on which asvera! Ameri
can lives wars lost.
Tha Supreme court of Wisconsin has
ruled that when once a married woman
is made beneficiary by a Ufa insurance
policy,- it cannot ba changed without
bar consent, regardless of a clause in
the policy permitting ona to change
tbs beneficiary at any time.
Fir destroyed th plant of tha Hal-
lett Manufacturing company at Mobile,
Ala., with a loss of 130,000, partly
covered by Insurance. Tba Arm was
engaged ia filling a contract for tha
British government for what official
called "pit props" to ba used In the
tranches. .' ;",. . J'
A wadding of International Interest
took place in Baltimore recently, when
Mia Christine Marburg, daughter of
tha former American minister to Bel-
came tha bride of Jfonkbeer Al'idiua Thf8g KiHiCS BcfrBSS Art fa
ORKOIi STATE litWS $15,000,009 STEEl
The engagement of Prince Joachim,
youngest eon of Emperor William, and
Prlnceaa Merle Ai-gwstlns, daughter of
Prince Edward of Anhalt, has been
announced In Berlin. The prlnceaa was
seventeen year eld last June. Prince
Joachim la twenty-five year old
helmets, to penetrate far enough into
tha mino to sea tbs bodies of the on-
tombed men lying ta tba mine, but
could not get to them because of the
wreck ago. It is certain, mino officials
said, that all ara dead.
Tbs third level, in which tbs men
were entombed, is 1500 feet below tba
surf sc. Rescuers who succeeded in
reaching the third level through an
auxiliary shaft found that tha level
was burning. The intense boat and
thick black smoke made It impossible
for the rescuers to penetrat farther
than tha foreman's office at the en
trance to the workings. Debris was
found piled to the celling of tha level.
Walls hsd crumbled and roofs fallen
in as a result of the axpolsion.
Superintendent R. D. Scott, who is
directing the rescue work, said that he
believed there waa no hope that any
of tha men would ba found alive.
Henry Prother Fletcher, at present
American ambaaeador to Chile, la ooa
aidered the moot probable choice of
the president for ambassador ta Mas-
loo. Mr. Fletcher I a native of Penn
sylvania, and has been In the diplo
matic service about twelve years.
New York Robert Fsy, self-styled
Lieutenant in the German army, and J
by bis own confession bead of s gang
of bomb-makers that sought to diaable
or destroy munition-laden ships sailing
from New York to the entente allies,
told tbs story of bis life Tuesday to
Assistant United States District At
torney Knox. v
Fay talked freely, fully, and of bis
own volition for five hours without in
terruption. What ho said was not
made public, but at the conclusion of
the session. Mr. Knox announced that
all Fay wanted to do now waa to plead
guilty to the government's charges
against him and go to jaiL
H. J. McDonald, a lawyer appointed
by tba court to represent Fay, aougbt
to see bis client in Mr. Knox's office.
but failing, served on Mr. Knox notice
of his intent to demur to the indict
ment. Fay read the demurrer while
tha lawyer waited outside, and, ac
cording to Mr. Knox, said be did not
wish to demur to the indictment or do
anything else but plead guilty and
start at once to serve his sentence.
Fay's long talk with Mr. Knox was
made upon his own solicitation and
without promises of immunity or len
iency. : The statement, which the
prisoner dictated, carried him back to
Germany, almost to the date of hi
birth, covered the high lights of bis
service in the German army, told in
detail of his alleged mission to Amer
ica, and recited his movements and
activities here.
I Oregon Corn Growers Invited
To Exhibit at National Show
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor-
vallls Oregon farmers are invited to
maka ten-ear exhibits of corn at the
"First National" corn show to be bald
In SL Paul during the month of De
cember. The state has been districted
into tare parts for competitive ex
hibits. Eastern and Western Oregon.
Neither of these districts will bsvs to
compete against the other nor agalnet
any other district of the United Slats.
The winner of each district will be
given a beauitful cup a a trophy one
of 13 valued at $5000.
Each entrant most wrap each ear of
his exhibit ia paper and pack the en
tire exhibit. In a email wooden or
heavy cardboard box, with entry blank
and his bankers endorssmont enclosed.
Shipments are to be made by prepaid
express, addressed to First National
Corn Show, ears First National Bank,
St. Paul, Minn. Average size, pro
durti venrea, breed type and general
appearance will be considered in judg
ing the exhibits. The corn must have
been grown by tba exhibitor In a Held
of not lea than one acre. Entry
blanks will be provided on request,
and no entry charge will be made.
Farmers are advised to send sample
oven if they ara not quite up to the
average of other years, since unfsvor-
able weather conditions hava handi
capped all alike. All exhibits will be
returned If request Is made when sent
in. Cora sxhibits at state and county
fairs disprove the claim that corn
cannot be successfully grown in Ore
gon, and an exhibit at the national
corn show will go far to convey the
real situation to prospective immi
Railroads Re Report
Salem The net income of tha O.
W. B. A N. company for tha year
ended June 30, last, was 1248,381.09,
according to the report filed by the
company with the Oregon Public Serv
ice commission. This is an increase
over the preceding 12 months of 1153,-
037.23. Gross income amounted to
15,647,795, a gain in one year of
Railway opersting expenses totaled
$10,057,449.32, which were $2,060,
732.14 less than the previous year.
The net revenue from railway opera
tions waa $5,388,607.01. - The com
pany's revenue fronr"loatihrefghtfB
Oregon -was 1383,523, while freight
revenue on interstate business ia the
state totaled $2,137,390.
The Southern Pacific company's rev
enue from freight in Oregon for the
year ending June 80, 1915, waa $1,-
183,000. Interstate freight revenue
was $779,834. Passenger service re
ceipts for Oregon totaled $2,675,670.
The report shows that the company's
net Income for the entire system
amounted to $22,094,253, an increase
of $14,432,635 over the year preced
ing. Gross income amounted to $63,
148,011, a gain of $.627,400 over the
year before. t
Dividends declared during the year
amounted to $6,360,464.
L Interest ia Cscbria'SlccI'
tad ty b-Watafcsy.
supra cmca guie:d h m
Pennsylvania Railroad Sells to Young
Man Who Knows Property and -Is
Anxious to Acquire It
New York Three hundred thousand
shares of stock, or thereabouts, in th
Cambria Steel company were bonirht
Saturday for approximately $15,000,
000 by J. Leonard Replogle, of this'
city, who started his business career
when 11 years old as a waterboy at '
less than $6 a week in the Cambria
mills st Johnstown, Pa.
Mr. Replogle, who Is now 83 years
old, bid against his old superior offi
cer, William 11. Donner, for the block i
of stock sod won it after negotiatlona
in Philadelphia which lasted all dsy
sad virtually all night for several days
and nights.
The stock was sold by the Pen nay 1
vsnia Railroad company, which form
erly owned 450,820 shares of the 900,-
hwnrr- -...-Mw.,, .
Ex-President Tsft declares Mr. Boot
"ia the one man who answers the re
quirements of the time for the Presi
dency. . ; ' ; ,3 : .
Flat-head Indian Skull Found.
AFTER THANKSGIVING DINNER . to our psrsnts who st Washington.
warmoldua Lambertua Tjarda van
Starkenborgh-Stachouwer, of Holland,
an attache of the Netherlands legation
'. Season Tssohes a Lesson,
This (estiva season brings Joyous re
. anions and pleasant greetings; tha
table Is loaded with flush autumn
ohser. It Is a time to banish anxiety
and sadness, to rsvol In all good things
of lire. But this thoughtless, Indiffer
ent stags does sot always continue.
Later on there comes a consciousness
that gratitude Is dua somsona for tha
counties blessings bestowed. This
dswnlng consdousnei often awakes
feeling of thankfulness, not considered
before. Christian Work and Evangel
1st - -; :
safeguarded our helpless Infancy, then
to tha friends who ssstated us on our
way. It Is Impossible for us to make
adequate repayment or return for all
these benefits. What has been done
for us In our creation and our sus
tenance. In all tha generous provision
of lova and of aympathy that sur
round us. Is beyond reckoning or
valuation It la without money and
without price. But wo may at least
from time to time express our gratl
tuds to tha Giver of all good gifts. We
may occasionally voice our thankful
ness that ws are alive and that our
plain duty lies before us, and that
there Is useful work to ocupy our
hearts and souls and senses. Above
all, there la ths great gift of love tbs
love thst transfigures Ufa and makes
It worth while to keep on trying to
pust! out the riddle of existence ths
love that Alls the universe and, ac
cording to Dante, "moves the sus and
tha other stars." Philadelphia Ledg
er. ' :
Travels of th Turkey '
The first turkey eaten in Prance
waa served at th wedding banquet of
Charles IX Th Mexican birds were
taken to Kurops and then brought
again to America as domestlo birds.
Tha Journals of many of the explorers,
among them Cspt John Smith, record
the attraoUr qualities of tha wild tur-1
key. They were plentiful from Can
ada south to tha sesjooast One Eng
lish traveler wrote of tha "great store
of th wild kind of turkeys, which re
main about tha house as tame aa ours
ta England.", . "''
- The Golden Corn.
ffeap high tha farmer'e wintry board!
Hub hlarh tha aohtan eornl
No richer sift has autumn poured
From out her lavlah horn I
Let other lands, sxultlnr. slsan -
The apple from the pine,
Tha oranse from tha loar green.
Tha cluater from tne viae:
But let the food old eorn adorn
The hills our fathara trod;
Still let ua for his golden corn :'
Bend up our thauka to Ood.
- 7hltUar.
King of All Turkeys.
Tha Thanksgiving turkey Is turkey
with cranberry ssuca and mince or
pumpkin pie. He is allied with crisp
celery, and ia redolent of Arabv by
reason of the spice la his stuffing,
lie is tha king of all turkeys, all tur
keys In one, ths hop of ardent youth
and tha prop of declining age, the
luscious burden of tha groaning board,
the bird of that paradise for which all
good livers long.
At Chicago a ballot was taken by
doctors and nurses to determine
whether to attempt to save the life of
a deformed "sub-normal infant or
whether by Inertia to let the child die,
resulted In a death sentence for ths
little one. "It is a question of eth
ics," said Dr. Haiselden. "While ws
all know physicians do not allow mon
strosities to live, the line must be
drawn somewhere. I hava drawn the
Una In this case."
Bids were opened at tha Navy de
partment for the two 82,000-ton super
dreadnoughts euthorixed by the lsat
congress, and known as Nee, 43 and
44. - The act limited th cost of these
ships to approximately $15,000,000
each. Tha two new fighting craft
will closely resemble in design ths
California, but they will be built on
plans prepared after secret experi
ments to develop means of lessening
danger from submarine attack..
It Is reported that Villa's men are
deserting at tha rata of 100 a day.
Th use of whipped cream for any
purpose has been barred In Germany.
A naval aeroplane has been success
fully launched from the deck of a bat
tleship at sea. .;--.;,
Draft of an initiative petition for
the repeal of Oregon's Sunday . closing
law has been filed with the secretary
of state. .
Oa account of the restrictions on the
use of meat which) bsvs gone into
effect in Germany, England believes
her enemy is In dire straits for food.
Mrs. Margaret It. Armour, aged 80,
widow of S. B. Armour, the packer,
died in Kansas City Friday. Since her
husband death Mrs. Armour baa been
active in charitable campaigns.
What la believed to be a piece of
time fuse was found among tha cargo
of tha steamer Rio Lages, which smart
ed from New York for Qoeenatown,
and was forced to put in at Halifax
with bar sugar cargo on fire.
Dire (led tf Winter Gothicg
' New York-More than 8,000,000
persons in Belgium and Northern
France, mostly women and . young
children, must be clothed and shod by
Christmas. If ths garments and shoes
for these destitute people are not
forthcoming at once, their sufferings
during the winter will become des
perate. Such is the note of an argent appeal
issued to the people of tha United
States by the commission for relief in
Belgium. - The New York committee
has received from Herbert Hoover,
chairman of the commission, the fol
lowing statement:
"It appears to me that It Is neces
sary for us to go frankly to the Amer
ican people and ask them to clothe the
destitute in the occupied areas of Bel
gium and Northern Franca during ths
coming winter.
"There are 9,000,000 people in these
areas and of these more than one-third
are destitute, W hava no reserves
with which to provide clothing for the
destitute. We now plead for help on
their behalf. . t.
."Even if they had money they could
not import clothes, or the raw mater
als with which to manufacture them,
through the blockade into an area un
der military occupation. While the
better classes have some clothing with
which they can get along, the desti
tute are composed of working classes.
By Christmas time all the clothing
which we hava in our various establish
ments will be exhausted." -
luraile higt LMey, ia Coalsnpt
Mf Distrid Ccart, feed $500
Denver Ben B. Lindsey, judge of
Denver's Juvenile court, wss held
guilty of contempt of court and fined
$600 and costs by Judge Perry in the
District court late Tuesday. Thirty
days were allowed for an appeal. The
case grew out of Mr. Lindsey's refusal
to disclose information in the trial of
Mrs. Bertha Wright on a charge of
; Judge Lindsey said the information
came to him in a privileged manner
through the confession of Neal
Wright, 12 years old, during the trial.
An information, charging the boy
with the murder of his father, because
of an alleged confession made "at hi
mother's trial, still is pending in the
juvenile court. ;
Mayor Kitrid ia Hospital. r
New Turk John Purroy MltcheL
mayor of New York, was taken from
his home to the Roosevelt hospital late
Tuesday to . undergo an operation for
appendicitis.' He was operated on and
hospital authorities said ha had passed
through the operation well, and that
his condition was satisfactory. -
Mayor Mitchel has been ailing for
some time, but it has only been within
the past few days that hia condition
became so that he could not attend to
bis official duties. His condition be
came such that his physician decided
that an immediate operation was nec
essary. Mr. Mitchel i still a young man,
being in his 37th year. He is of slen
der physique and hia arduous dutiee in
connection with driecitng the affairs
of the metropolis have eerorely taxed
his strength. ,
University of Oregon, Eugene The
skull of an adult fiat-head Indian that
waa found on a sand bar of the Santi
iiii near Lebanon, Or., has been re
ceived by the Condon Museum of the
State University. - The sender wss
Willard A. Elkina, recorder of the city
of Lebanon. This sort of skull de
formation was once commonly prac
ticed from the Columbia river all the
way down the coast to Peru. The
ancient Peruvians practiced it, and so
did the Toltees of the Plateau of Mex
ico. Flathead skulls were considered
stylish in those days and tha flattening
was brough about through binding a
board on the forehead of tha child
when its skull waa still in a stage of
easy yielding.
Drained Lands for Lease.
Klamath Falls According to J. G.
Cam, manager of the Reclamation
Service in this city, the government Is
now advertising to lease for a period
of three years the 3004 acres of land
formerly covered by the waters of Tule
lake, but which were uncovered this
past summer by the drainage of the !
It ia hoped that eventually 15,000
acres of valuable land will become
available. Thus far 3004 acres have
been reclaimed and the government
cow desires to lease this In tracts of
not to exceed 80 acres each, to be cul
tivated to crop each year or put into.
tame grass meadow. .
000 issue a controlling interest in .
the Cambria company. The capitalis
ation of the Cambria Steel company ia
authorised at $50,000,000, but only
$45,000,000 (900,000 shares of a $50
par value) were issued.
Of the railroad's original 51 per
cent holdings of Cambria Steel, Mr.
Donner already - had ' acquired about
112,000 shares. This was secured in
two lots; one of 66,000, on which he
had an option, and another, of the
same amount, on which he exercised a
conditional option.
The condition was that he should
find a purchaser for the railroad's hold
ing of Pennssylvania Steel stock. Mr.
Donner ia president of both the Cam
bria and Pennsylvania Steel companies.
Charles M. Schwab, the genius of
Bethlehem Steel, wan tad the Pennsyl
vania Steel properties, it was report
ed, to combine them with his Bethle
hem plant, and thus form the nucleus
of another gigantic steel merger. Mr.
Conner's interests crossed with this
plan and Mr. Donner won in the quart
for the Pennsylvania Steel stock. He
then tried, it ia said, to obtain the re
maining Cambria stock owned by the '
railroad. ' ' ' a ' j
Railroad la Ordered Sold, , ;
Seattle A decree was signed in
the Superior Court ordering the receiv
er of the Seattle, Ronton at Southern
Railroad company, operating 15 miles
of street railway in Seattle and its :
southern suburbs, to wind up the 1
affairs of the railroad and sell it, with
all ita properties. The company owea
$1,600,000. Tha receivership was ob
tained by W. R. Crawford, president
of the road, and resisted by Peabody,
Houghteling & Co., of Chicago, .trus
tee for the bondholders. They main
tained that the company was insolvent.
Convention Date Changed.
Baker Rectifying a mistake made
months sgo, Fred W. Falconer, of En
terprise, and John Hoke, of Baker,
nntaMent and seeretarv. raanectivelv.
of the Oreeon Wooljrrowers' asaocia- PY Divided With Widow,
tion, decided after a conference held in I Indianapolis Governor Ralston t
Baker Saturdav afternoon, to chancre I urday night announced the appoint-
tbe date of the 18th annual convention ment of Evan B. Stotsenburg, of New
Wilson's Plan la First. Training Sites Taken Up.
Washington, D. C National da- Washington, D. C Definite steps
fens nlana orenared by tha war col- toward determining the place of the
leare division of the army general staff business men's training camps in the
will not be made public until after the national defense program were taken
President has delivered hia message, at the War department when a special
and Secretary Garrison's report has board of officers waa appointed to con
been submitted. President Wilson so sider the subject and make recommen-
decided Wednesday. Secretary Gar- dations. Major William D. Connor,
rison favored immediate publication of of the general staff, will head the board,
the war colletre plana. The President's of which Captains Dorey and White
in Pendleton to December 8 and 4, in
stead of December 9 and 10.
This action, wss taken to avoid con
flicting with the International Live
stock Show which will be held in Port
land next month.
position i said to be that, aa head of
the government, he Is responsible for
the general policies, and that his rec
ommendations should be presented first.
will be members. The board will meet
at Governor's Island, N. Y., and will
study reports of officers in charge of
the recent training camps.
Work on Last Unsurveyed Land.
Bandon The last of the unsurveyed
government land tributary to Bandon
is now under survey by government
engineers. Lying in township 30
south range 13 west, about 15 mile
southeast of this city, the tract covers
tha headwaters of Four Mile snd
Floras creeks. Practically all of the
land la occupied by squatters.
Albany, as successor to Attorney-, Gen-'
' oral Milburn, who died Tuesday. Mr. ,
Stotsenburg agreed to (five $2500 of
hia annual salary of $7500 to
burn's widow.
Governor Ralston promised Mr. Ki!-
burn on his deathbed that he would en
deavor to make some provision t-Jt
Mr. Milburn.
Wage a of 4800 Increased.
Stamford, Conn. An In
wages on alt day and pi"' work ,s
announced by the Ya'e & Towr.e Itaiv
ufaetnring company, mskr and bai!l'
Mra etf fcav-f! wars. Ahniit 4 1 f-rr. -,.v-
e are affected