The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 12, 1915, Image 4

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    4s'mi vcrtst
u . im raatS rraaaai
iilll art laHl atef
M a. wa '" r
, ,wt with tfca l-artlae. i, a
Plk..J w. . e4 wW elwar
- at -
Htliii bm Ammtimm lael oaaeoataaa I 1 flf.,A-
- -- at a
13 te $3 per day. I
$1 r dy . I
Kg. I
Ark M
Esrepeaa rUa,
..-3 Ltth:t3 Lu.-t;,
!!xt K:t Ccvcra.
! - -
tttc FACTS
okse cr wucr is ran) rai
lu !
Wart M
United States "Unhesitatingly As-j
sumes" Task of Championing
Cause of Neutral Rights.
Roma, via Peris Th Italian 1 1 nor
Alteon h mink Wednesday by
larg submarine flying th Austrian
colore. She carried 422 pasaariger
and 160 la th craw.
It is reported that ISO lives ear
been lost.
Twa hundred and eventy survivor,
aoma or them wounded, have been
landed at Biiarta.
Naw York Th Ancona aailad from
Naw York foe NarJee on October IT.
Sha had oa board 124S luliaa reaerv
lata end ji general cargo. She arrived
at Naplee o October 19 aod was dua
to aail froM Kaplaa for Naw York at
flu limn If.
Dr. Elof T. Hedlund
Km Braa4r.
use the mvrR"
Dalles Columbia Line
Washliigton, D. G Th Unltad
Stete In it latest not to Graat Brit
ain mad public bara Monday, cover
ing exhaoetivaly Britiak tntarfaraoea
with American trada aloe tba begin
ning of tba European war. declare
that tba ao-cailad blocked instituted
Sba bad a groaa tonnage of 8210,
a 488 feet In length and 63 faat
Dm r WaaVicia. far Tto PaSae ,
f -ow H a. v U- rwta mmBy mm. MU
tmQiM tar t'eear Cafcmaw mmt hatt
Tartar a. UMt. IN. wa w
1 aJ CraaOM Bat Irakf Ca. rwaam
AU of bar offlcan, angina-room fore
and mem bar of tba craw war allana
who ablppad from Italy.
For aavaral raontba bafora Italy-a
by tba alliaa againat anamy covntriaa antranca in tba war tba Ancona wat
a March 11 ia "inaffactlva, lllagal angagad ia carrying homa Italian ra
and indeferwibla." aarriaU from tbia country and auppliaa
NotJca U aarrad that tba Amarican for tba Italian roTarnmant. On ona
cwvarnmant "cannot aubmit to tna I of bar trina from Naw Tort to Naplaa lamaJl WCllte: apringa, is;
eurtailrMrtt of iU Mutral rirhU and it lata in Aufiwt last yaar tba Ancona kaya, 1718c; duck a, whita.
eannot with coeapiacanca auffar furtbar i waa a topped by tba Britiak
mbordinatioBj of IU righta and la- tar and U Gennana and
m4 W ! Mia In r tmwn im
MitaM 9m tw atMMa. aM
W . . .
Ambassador Paga, towbom tba noU
waa aant bv anacial maawngar for da
liTarr to tba London Foraign offica.
waa inatroetad by Saeratary Lansing
at Gibrak
1 Austrian
wera takan off tba ahip.
Lata last sum mar tna Ancona iaft
bar for luly with 75.000 boabala of
Port! ami Wheat Uluastam, 4
t fortyftJd, He: elub, 4c: rati
Ufa. 89c; rad Kusslan, 8c
Oats No. 1 Wkita faad. S4.:S.
UiUfaad 8rt prleaa; Mran, f24
fm two; aborts &; roiiad barwy, $W
Corn Whola, IJ7.5Q ton; eracaao,
Hay Eastara Oraj-on timothy, tit
ill; rallej timothy. Iizaiat auaiia.
$13.60 41 14.60; rhaat, f J 10; oats
and ratch. IllailJ.
Vagatablaa Artlcbokaa. T5 ft 0c
oar doaan: tomatoaa, 60cfli 1.85
boa: oabbaga, la pound; garllo, 15c
pound; pappart, 4ot5a pound; agg
plant, 4cit&o pound; sprouta, 8(ftl0e
pound; boraaradiah, 10a pound; eaull
Sowar, 0cKll.S6; calary, 070e
doaan: baana. StttlOe, -
Graan FruiU Applaa, 75cX1.75
par boa; paara, 11.65; grapaa, 6
afl.SS crata; easahaa, lo pound;
aranbarriaa. t.50tl0 barrat.
FoUtoaa Oragon. 85iC90c; Yak I
ma, tl aack: awaata. II.IO4.I huo-
Ontorw Oragon, ituying prlca, $1.15
(.0.0. ablppiruT point.
Eggs Oragon ranch, buying prkaa:
No, 1. 40c; No. t, SOe; No. 5, XOo.
Jobbing prlcaa: No. I. 41c
i-ouitry nana, largo, i3ic;
15c; eotorsd, 10llc; gaaaa, J10o.
Buttar City craamary, tubaa, ax-
traa, aelltng at lie; firsta. We; prinU
and cartomt, axtra. Pricaa paid to
prodoeara: Country craamary, ltll
wheat, 2000 tona of bay and 500 boraas 28c, according to quality; battarfat.
for tba Italian goTarnmant. On tba pramium, quality, 83c; No. 1 avaraga
'to imprasa moat carneatly'' upon tba Isama voyaga aba earriad 300 Italians I quality, IU; No.2. 29c,
Johnny waa la
bad with
"Wont yea pleaaa ask my teacher
to coma and aaa mar ha aakad his
mother ona day.
"To daar. good boy," exclaimed his
mother. "Do you raaUy tov your
teacher so mnchT
"It slot that, mother.- replied John
ay. "I want her to catch tha measlea
ao the other boy can stay away from
school, too."
fumi ckr vfctch k a ram at Ms.
Jena a C. Qui, mt dev. finlaaa. One.
British arrarnmant that tba United in the steerage who went back ba
Stataa "must insist that tba relatione causa, it waa aaid at tba time, they
between it and Hia Majesty a goen- could not gat work in tba Naw York
meat be foremed. not by a policy of subway,
expediency, but by those eatabiisned l William IlartOeld, general manager
rales of international conduct ta which! of tba Italian line, characterised the
She Wit 8a Clad I
There ia a man who need to be no
toriously ecoUstic. Some of hia ac
quaintancca war ona day speaking of
him before an old woman who waa not
-up" la the alang axpraaatoaa of tha
Tha next time ah put out a congra
tulatory hand.
"Oh. Mr. Smith." aha cried. "I am
so glad yoa are better. I heard last
week that you had a swelled head!"
t v Bound to Coma.
Tba Inexperienced He says ha can
hardly restrain himself from falling
down and worshiping her.
The Rejected Tell' him not to get
aerroos; shell throw aim a own soon
-TITIIIIfraiff-TI,. i, ' n in ir.m , 11 nrn, i
To Gear Bad Com
plexions Use Realnol
Bathe your face for several minutes
with realnol soap and hot water, then
apply a littlet reeinot ointment rery
gently. Let this stay on tea minutes,
and wash off with resinol soap and
more hot water, finish with a dash of
cold water to close the pores. Do this
once or twice a day, and you will be
astonished to find how quickly the
healing resinol medication soothes
and cleanses the pores, removes pim
ples and' blackheads, and leares the
complexion clear and velvety.
. Resinol ointment and resinol soap
atop itching instantly and speedily
heal akin humors, sores, burns,
wounds and chafing. Sold by all drug
gists. Golden Rule in Business.
You get your money's worth every
time. Hanford's Balsam Is guaran
teed to cure ailments and injuries that
can be reached by external application
or your money will be refunded by the 1
dealer. Getting a bottle now 10 lute
taking out insurance. Adv.
Graat Britaia ia tba past baa held the
United States to account when tb lat
ter nation waa a belligerent angagad
in a struggle for national existence.
Declaring tba United State -unhesitatingly
assume" tb task of
championing tb integrity of neutral
rights, tna not proclaims that tha
American government will devote its
energies ta the task, exercising al
ways an impa trial attitude.
The note, nearly 15,000 words long,
waa mad public by agreement
tween tb Stat department and tba
British Foreign offica. It came with
it a voluminous appendix, giving the
text of naval instructions issued in
1861 and a summary and table showing
hundreds of vessels detained by British
authorities sine the beginning of the
present war.
The body of tb not ia divided into
35 points, dealing with all phases of
the contraband question, seizure and
detentions, prior to. a well aa after
thaeo-called blockade was instituted,
and announce that a separate commun
ication will be sent soon dealing par
ticularly with the "propriety and
right of the tb British government to
include in their list of contraband of
war certain article which have bean
ao included."
Vaal Fancy, SfitSle pound.
Fork Block, $e pound.
Hop 19 IS crop. 5(3 lie pound.
Wool Eastern Oregon, 18S5e
pound; valley, 27 3 28c; fall lamb'
wool, 25c; mohair, Oregon, 27g30e.
Caacara bark Old and new, 34
Cattle Cboioa steers, $,60,75
good. $8ii.25: medium, $S.16i5.7l
choice cows. I5S5.50; good, 14.60a
4.75; medium, $3.75 tt 4.25; heifer.
t3.60; bulls, $34.50; stag. 14.50
it 5. 16.
Uoga Light, $1502.76; heavy.
Sheep Wether. t4.75.tS; a was,
tS.50; lambs, 1550(7.55,
Aninn fMo ir (nr
ah carried a large number of woman "
and children on her present voyage. I Tb favorable turn of the weather ia
Tb Ancona, at no time, said Mr. I welcomed by Oregon and Washington
Hart field, carried runs or munition of I onion grower, who have no f ear now
war, because it waa against the rule 1 of the long keeping of their product.
of tb company to carry munition on I Tb market at tb moment ia quiet.
the same vessel with passenger. I but tha prospects for tb future could
Tb Ancona has been in the Italian I hardly be brighter. Tb smallnesa of
line service for six year snd with her J tha Eastern crop, which ia shown by
cargo waa valued at more than $1,-1 official returns, is tba cause of the un-
iraa of Mwnr tm m
Chicago Forty-on thousand three
hundred and lghty-aia persona, ay
actual count, paraded tb street af
Chicago Sunday in protest against tb
enforcement of the Sunday-cioeing
lew. - -
It bad been announced that more
than 100,000 person had been pledged
to parade. The day waa perfect and
return indlcat that tha liquor fore
turned out their extreme strength.
Thev fell nearly 40.000 abort of tb
McKlnlay prosperity parade, the larg. t"
est lathe city's history, whan morel 1
tut nnA mham - tha review-1 'i
m 1
sinking of the Ancona aa "aa nnnece
sary crime" and "absolute murder."
lie Immediately cabled the Naples
office of hi firm, asking for all infor
mation regarding the disaster.
Although be had no list of her pe-
aengera, Mr. Hartfleld aaid tha Ancona
on her last few voyage to this country
had earned 800 or 400 passenger.
among them several American citizens,
in the first cabin and ia tb steerage.
Most of her passenger list, Mr. ii art-
field aaid. "bad been mad up of
and children." He believed
Animated Drawings Illustrate Lecture
In Illustrating a lecture la which
armor plate and armor piercing pro
jectile were discussed not long ago
at the British Institution of Mechani
cal Engineers, an interesting employ
ment was made of motion pictures. A
number of drawings in which a shell
was shown leaving a gun, hitting a
plate of armor, the cap then breaking
Into pieces, the . projectile passing
through metal protection and subse
quently detonating, were filmed. The
picture when projected on a screen
showed graphically what original
photographs could not have portrayed.
The drawings had been carefully exe
cuted and the resulting effect was
good. Prom the November Popular
Mechanics Magazine. -
Is. EMoicr Gca ta Esstera
fidi ef War; DsUy Q&tt Seized
London "Lord Kitchener, at the
request of his colleagues, - has left
England for a abort visit to tb east
ern theater of war."
This announcement, made after a
cabinet council an unusual meeting
for Saturday and a long audience
which Premier Aaquith had with the
king, set at rest rumors current aa to
the war secretary's present intentions.
Almost simultaneously with the an
nouncement of Lord Kitchemer'a pro
posed visit to tb east, tb authorities
seized the printing plant of the Loo-
don Globe, together with late issues.
This ia the first action of the kind
taken by tha authorities since tb out
break of the war against a daily paper
in tb United Kingdom. Some week
ly papers, both in England and Ire
land, including the Labor Leader.
were similarly treated some time ago,
Ideas Barrel frea EaUs U Mi
San Fancisco A pamphlet in Hindu
containing extract from William 3.
Bryan's "British Rul in India," waa
excluded Wednesday from tb United
State mails to India at tb request of I yaar is estimated about 883,000
the Britiah government, according to
an announcement by Ram Chandra,
editor of tb Hindu Gadar, published
The pamphlet ia made op of 16
vmvmm Mtiufmnff avlnnl ffiwi Mr
Bryan's book, snd is entitled "Angan I Michigan outputs ran Irom one-uaii to
di Gawahl," which in English
deriving strength of value and
grower to believe that the beat price
ia recent year will be realised bafora
tha season is over.
Tb government's estimate on the
acreage, yield and production of onions
this year give this season's acreage
in Ohio as a little over one-third of
that of 1914 with a yield of one-foarth
per sex compared with tb previous
year. Tb total Umo production this
sla, compared with over 1.600,000
bushels in 1914. According to tha re
port, all other Middle .Western and
Eastern onion producing states bar
greatly decreased productions, partic
ularly Indiana, which has about one-
fifth. Massachusetts. Nsw York and
after a secret copies of the pamphlet referred to.'
Mr. Bryan's book, an arraignment I
of the British government of India, is I
based on personal investigation made I
on his tour around tb world several I
years ago. Mr. Bryan charges that I
the British, with tb aid of native I
Princes, have been exploiting tb neo-1
violent suae on puouc men auring pie to tb extent of driving countless
the administration of the liberal gov
ernment. It has been one of the gov
ernment's bitterest opponents and has.
since toe war, attacked virtually all of
tb members of the government.
but the Labor Leader,
trial of the ease, was allowed to re
sume publication.
Tha Globe, while on of tb oldest
papers published in the country and
long considered a staid and eomw
tive organ, has latterly loot that char
acter and baa been chiefly noted for its
when yen decide to help Na
ture vereom that stomach
weakness and bowel Irregu
larity with tb aid of
Stomach Bitters
Possibility of War Rules.
Omaha In an address at the Unl-
varaitv Clnb Wedneadav Senator Hltrh-
1 , ' ... , r t I -
mnou is rearwi. I t, ,J..,1 ,).,!
cmu. oucuw-. . mm. ttonai defense alone; practical and ef-
ion of the United States Supreme fective lines. "Preparations should
court. In which it was decided that a be made, not because war is probable.
band of Russians could not be kept out but because It is possible, r ive day
of the country because there waa no I before the breaking out of the Euro-
thrae-f ourths of last year.
Six of the seven Western and Pa
cific Coast onion states bar an in-
Tbe productions of onions this
! year in tha 12 important onion-grow
ing states Is estimated at 18,801,709
bushel, aa compared with 21,901,014
bushels in 1914, a decrease of 87 per
cent. Tb states Included In this ti
mate are Massachusetts, New York,
Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin,
Minnesota, lows, Colorado, Washing
ton, Oregon and California.
Prune Advance Sudden.
Tb prune market of the Northwest
has had a sudden and sharp advance.
but at a time when It does this section
but little good. Not only is the 1915
pack out of first hands, but practically
all out of second hands, as well.
The course of th market, which is
due solely to the export demand, bas
been a great surprise to the trade.
Prune dealers and packers had anti
number of Hindus Into famine aver Ci Dated a Slow demand because Of the
vr . I war, and emisequenlty low prices. In-
swsa 01 mis, in Business nae assumeu
British Rule in India."
After sending copies to India from
Sao Francisco, Ram Chandra received
a formal notice from Postmaster Fay.
"I have to inform you," aaid tba no
tice, "that the government of Idnia
has prohibited the importation into
British India of any copy of tha
pamphlet entitled 'Angan di Gawahl,'
published by Yugantar, San Farneiseo,
whatever may be the languag in
which the pamphlet referred to may be
printed. .
"Under thee circumstance it will
be necessary for this office to decline
to accept for mailing to Britiah India
work for them in the place for which
they were bound, would open the doors
to a Hindu invasion of California and
the United States, is the opinion ex
pressed by John L. McNab, ex-United
States district attorney here. Accord
ing to Mr. McNab, Federal judges of
this district will have to accept in their
future rulings the new principle.
.,. .' .11 i: ,
' Woman Defies Officials.
Chicago Mrs. Scott Durand,
wealthy owner of a prize dairy herd.
Monday threatened to shoot any state
official who came to her farm to harm
any of her cattle. She recently aaved
the cattle from slaughter when sus
pected of foot-and-mouth disease, by
an injunction.
Mrs. Durand has armed her employes.
"I will shoot the first person who
attempts to barm any of my cattle,"
she aaid. "I have a revolver of my
own and I intend to use it"
pean war," be declared, "99 out of
100 persons would have declared it im
possible. "Yet." said he, "it came
and it aroused the American people to I tb highest points of the season, but
very larg proportions and prices are
advancing at a rapid rat. It ia eati
! mated that the trad in tha United
States, sine the season opened, bas
been 60 per cent larger than ever be
fore In tba corresponding period.
Barley In Flurry. . ,
Portland Tba barley market sud
denly developed into th strongest
feature of tb grain trad this week.
Bids at the exchange wers raised to
Ma 4. Uli
i ta ai'viaea sheas I
British Trade Growing. -London
The board of trada figures
for October show an increase In im
ports of 16,413,000 ($32,065,000).
Exports increased 3,867.000 ($16,
836,000). The principal increase in
imports were: Food, 3,000,000;
chemical and drug, 1.000,000; raw
materials, 8,000,000, of which cotton
from America contributed 3,000,000.
the fact that war is possible, even to
nations that try to avoid it,"
Shanghai Governor Slain,
Shanghai Admiral Tseng Ju Cheng,
governor of the Shanghai district, was
assassinated Wednesday. His secre
tary, who was with him at th time,
was seriously wounded. Tseng Ju
Cheng, who was a member of the mon
archist party, with hia private secre
tary, was motoring to the Japanese
consulate to attend the coronation re
eepiton when at the Garden Bridge
two revolutionists fired 18 shots at
them from automatic pistols. Tseng
Ju Cheng- was immediately taken to a
hospital, but died sborlty afterwrd.
Czar Expects 6-Year War.
London "Th reorganize toin and
extensive change which ar being in
troduced In the Russian army," says
the Morning Post's Petrograd corres
pondent, "plainly indicate that the
Russians contemplate a long struggle.
They are making preparations for a
war lasting five years more. These
preparations are not solely against tha
Germans. The Russiane believe Ger
many is expending her last energies to
stir up the Mussulman Orient,"
the advene did not tempt holders to
let go. Th trade bas com to a real
ization that barley supplies remaining
in the Northwest ar not heavy, and
this hss prompted a good deal of spec
ulation in the country. ' There is ex
port demand, for this cereal, but it is
figured that th prices now ruling here
ara above export value.
Spud Brins Good Price, '
Tacoma Netted gem potatoes from
Eastern Washington will b demanding
$20 a ton this week. The commodity
now is wholesaling at $18 and the busi
ness is reported unusually brisk. The
presence of buyers in the fields in that
section of tb state has caused farmers
to hold on to their crops and it is rather
difficult to get the tubers, according to
commission men. The quality of tha
spuds is said to be the best known in
years and with the demand increasing
regularly it is thought th pries will
reach more than $25 this winter.
Moderate Trade In Hop Market,
Portland Several bop sales were
announced this week, but the best
price reported was 10 cents, which the
Seavey Hop company paid to a local
dealer for 101 bales. . i
in stand.
Thar waa strict order la th great
pared and also among th mora than
three-quarter of a million spectator
lining th Una of march, Th city
furnkehad a small fore of mounted po
lice, although this wss don grudging
ly, aa th parade waa looked upon by
th officials as anarchlstle ta Its pur-
and aa a public protest against
enforcement of th law. But th
mounted police and patrolmen bandied
tha situation admirably. There
little drunkenness, at least before and
during tb parade. Th manager of
th demonatration saw explicitly t
After tha parade waa over, however,
there were many celebrations at which
th regulations ware modified or re
moved altogether.
Th demonatration waa overwhelm
ingly foreign In its make-up. Of the
thousands of banners, few war in tb
Engliah language. Banner proclaim
ing th virtue of personal liberty and
horn rul war born by nntereteut
tungvereln and gaaelachafta and mean
narchor by the score. Th section
led by former German-Auatran
army men, who executed th goose
step aa they parsed th reviewing
stand. There war many cheers for
th Kaiser, although th promoter
frowned severely on this part of th
Th marcher war grouped by
race, and many wore th brilliant eoa-
tume of their native land. Along
side wr automobile and wagon
bearing th women of th same race,
ia th gaily-colored gowns of their
own landa.
Wlca Yoa Want Somctli
Particnlary ftice
You can always depend
rLiaprjoinl you. Tha double
(Jouoiy ccrtaut -hoijiiii- U
Miter la a uiu tmn, rw - v
feathery arvJ it will be U tfi
torn or turning th paa hro
ence K C tuslalnt tht
Wlien there'l birthJsy
r rdreihmenU lor reception
le, tk po chancel ,
upon K v aot to X
raj makei Vw
ibisw u uum Bins 11
better. Jarring the
d make no outer II
abt until baked. M
r wodJini cake It
Knaw th uslnsaa.'
Tha leading druggist In a certain
suburb wanted aa apprentice. One
applicant for the situation had beea
employed In a ftah store, but a sem
ad a llkelv lad.
"Your handwriting s good oouih,-
sald tha druggist. "Can yoa do men
tal arithmetic T"
"Yea, sir," replied tha lad.
"What would 14 pounds of salmon
at I cants a pound her
"Had. sir!" wss the prompt answer.
Philadelphia I'ubll Ledger.
It m bit m mCR mt M war
, II Mir IM MlnalM f BIMMIWai w
lw A44fM. Vurmrm aWtail tie Sal
mt ( (W roiiMta. 0.
Constipation causes many serious
diseases. It Is thoroughly cured by
Doctor Pierce's Tleaaant I'vlleta, On
a laxative, three for cathartic,
For thrush aae Hanford's Balsam,
Oet It Into th bottom of th affected
part Adv.
lusDr tad Wiatl IsnZ&lZ
SMata tot. FU (MUiMllaM, S-rM of voluaMe
NatlH Itoulllr vurmU, Start a
ikua. Start lurtn Mwatr SrarUllM.
u f ia, n'H"""' mm ra. 4
Pli rim it m mmr f'illara FSKM.
ml Sp talis C. W Caaai. Im, tmum
A fsrfactly Qtad Husband.
Two small boys belonging to th
dlvore colony In Reno, NvH met on
th street one day. Hilly mama, a
divorcee, had lust married th
husband of another divorcee.
"80 you'v got a aew papa, Billy," '
remarked Harry. " .
-Yea." rejoiced Hilly. "Mama found .
a perfectly good husband that soma,
other lady threw away," Judge,
For bunion us Hanford's Ttalsam. k
Apply It thoroughly for vrl night
and rub la well. Adv.
Taken at HI Word.
H (passionately) 1 would
tb ends of th earth tor youl
Bh (calmly) Ooodby! Judge.
go to'
I Recommend Peruna To
All Sufferers
Of Catarrh
bp's Ken fcperor iters
takst di a 6rot Stilt I
Kioto, Japan A chore hlik husk
enveloped Kioto, the ancient capital of
tha empire, when Emperor Yosbihlto
and a gorgeous cortege mad their
stately entry Into the city at t o'clock
A similar scene never waa witnssssd
in th Western world.
Tb emperor and th Imperial shrine
wer silently worshipped by bis sub
jects. Tb cortege was regarded aa a
sacred, mystic and raligieua pro
Although a desire to avoid accident
wsa a controlling factor, on of th
chief reason for imposing silence up
on the multitude was a wish to main
tain reverence for th monarch a he
arrived in th city at sacred coronation
rite. ,-
The Japanese viewpoint found ex
pression when the master of caramon
ia said to th Americans and other
foreigners who wer assigned to vant
age point in th palace grounds:
Whan tha shrine and tha emperor
us. please remove your hat and
bow. but do not cheer."
A gray Autumn day added to th
solemnity of th seen when th I
cession entered th palace grounds In a
purely Japan setting.
Hundred, bent with years, stood
with soldiers, reaervista and thousands
of delegate from tb socletlee of th
empire. Th cortege was an exact
representation of the on which pasaad
through Tokio. The shrine, hidden
behind curtains of purple, gold and
red, born on tb shoulder of yeltow-
kimonoed villager, waa preceded by
priest afoot and followed by th em
peror In th royal golden coach. ,
I Do
Think I
Ever Felt
I) ( Much
x- J Better
lira, William If. IltnchlUta, No. tt
Myrtl W Oeverty. hlaaa, writaet "I
have taken four bottles af Peruna,
and I can say that It ha dan me
a great deal ef good tor catarrh ef 1
the head and threat. I reeomiaend
l-vruna t all sufferers with catarrh,
t da not think I ever felt much hat
ler. I am really awrarltad at th wertt
I 0) da, I da net think tee meek
araiae aa he aaid fee Parana."
Our booklet, telling you how to keep
well, free ta all
Theee wh ebjee ta liquid ntedt
Inee sea new procure Peruna Tab
. ; Holland Intern U-Boat.
London Tb Amsterdam correspond
ent of the Exchange Telegraph com
pany says that a German submarine
which stranded near Tsrscbelilng, hss
been Interned with it crew by th
Dutch government. '
Th German submarine U-8 wss
towed into Terschelllng by a Dutch
life-boat on November 4, after th un-
der-water boat had stranded and had
made signals of distress. A dispatch
from The Hague said the submarine I
wss being closely guarded. ' 1
Captives Used ss Shields."
Petrograd What purports to be ex
tracts from letters found on th bodies
of German soldiers have been publish
ed here. On reads: "When th ad-
vane become too hard w take Rus
sian prisoners and drive them before
ue against tbeir fellow countrymen.
Thus they at least in some measure di
minish our losses." -
Th second quotation follows : "W
don't know what to do with prisoners.
Henceforth w shall drive any Russian
who surrenders before the line of our
fortifications to be shot."
Police Give Up Rifles.
Panama Disarmament of th Pan
ama national poiic has been virtually
greed upon between that country and
th United State. Policmen hereaf
ter will be armed only with revolvers j
snd batons. It is understood that
Panama agreed to give up th high-
power rifles hitherto used only after
protracted negotiations with th Uni
ted States auhtorities, who deeir to
prevent further riots in which un
armed soldiers have been killed and
Japanese Steamer 8unk,
Tokio The Japanese steamer Yasa-
kuni Mara. 5118 tons gross, was sunk
bv a German submarine near Gibraltar
Wednesday. The captain ana crew
reached shore safely. The Yasakuni
Mara evidently was the victim 01 one
of the German submarines which have
passed safely through the Strait of
Gibraltar into the Mediterranean Sea
ta undertake a cam pa 1 071 against the
merchant shipping of tba allies, and
already have sunk several vessels.
It Doesn't Mia With uslnee.
la an Interesting but uulndexad
book, called -How to Deal with Hu
man Nature In ttualneea." written by
Sberwta Cody and published by Funk
Wacnalla. w read on paga 401:
'Formerly it waa thought that for
sociability a salesman mual drink with
hia customer. Hcianlifie tnveeiiga
tton baa shown that there ar far more
customer who do not ear tor Ibat
kind of sociability than who do. and
now th vaat majority of saleetnea on
the road make It a special point never
to call on a customer with a bream
that smells of alcohol. Those who do
aot mind It are not repelled by a clean
breath, and those who do mind It sr
saved from something thst dUgusu
The last two sentence could be re
written to advantage, but they state
an important fact: boots and business
do not mix. Tbia fact naa oeen seen
and tested by the keenly intelligent
men who went nor business, snd
they ar acting on It, Colliers.
Ths American Plan.
"Welt, old chap, do you think Miss
Van Billion intends to buy your assea
the first duke. -
Mr deah boy. I really cawn't tan.
don't you knowf 80m day I think
she doe; then at other tlmoa, old top,
I fear she la merely shopping," replied
the second duk.
- Apt Retort,
At a reception ia Paris a traveler,
who was a strong "anU Semite," was
talking to Rothnchlld on th beauties
of the Island of Tahiti and sarcastical
ly remarked: -
"There are neither oogs nor jews
"Indeed I" retorted Rothschild, "then
you and I should go mere togeiner,
we should be great curiosities." Chi
cago Herald.
TW Marine Meter. Prtt
daemtm imv from ftiS le SlflO
Men far Fkatopiay. iMUrmllng an laMiaaiinc.
No n tnawi, Work la aver imm.
r.ill enrtirularr Pimm. Panrk SewlalUr Ca, t
Chaoriwr el Cuaunme, Peruana, wre.
The Reason,
"This dog of our." said Mr. Jones
to th Sabbath dinner guest. "I a ,
moat peculiar animal, 11 runs away .
vary often sod staye fur day but be
always comes home on Sunday."
"Why la that? Why does h choose
Sunday lo return?" saked the guest.
"I really dont know," smiled Mrs.
Jones, tenderly stroking th dog's
sleek brown head. "Bom straog
canine Instinct. I suppose."
-Canine nuthln.'" snlffad llttl
Johnny Jone. "I 'spect h know that
Sunday' th on'y day w hss a de
cent meaU" Judge.
time far einariaMML bet fo
I rM qaalitUs. and nothing
IeXCSSOS me vaiae geow
cheer, needful everrta sad
blood with Ufe-eusuinlng rtchneas,
aupprmue nervous conditions, aids
the quality snd quantity of milk A
and Insure sufficient ftl VA
mm4 rtrlww mm mmkm ! mmmr. I l
lea) AmmUSmmtHtmt. HAmJt JI.X
His Awaksnlno.
Tb sick man bad Just com out of
long delirium.
Where am IT" h said, feebly, as
bs felt th loving hands making him
comfortable. "Where am IT In
heaven T"
No, dear cooed his devoted wife,
I am still with you." Kansas City
Journal, .
Ralslna snd LIftlna.
"Does your suburban neighbor raise
his own vegetables?"
"No, he comes la the nig&t and wis
mine." Baltimore American.
"What were you going Into- that
pawnbroker's for ths other day?"
"Why. Ethel said I'd have to re
deem my past before fhe'd marry me."
' Naval Osfanee Essential.
Th beat naval authorities declare
that our sea power has declined most
deplorably in th past year or two.
European navies. In soil of their
losses, ar growing more powerful and
efficient, through building submarines v,
and other type of warships faster
than tbey are sacrificing tbem, With
rigid economy, and some change In
th revenue laws, our national Income
will reach the level of our necessary ,
outgo for ordinary purposes. Th ex
traordinary bills, for national dafens,
might In view of essential facts be '.'
met by an Issu of bond. An Amer
lean publlo that ha money to lend to '
European governmente would much
rather lend to Uncle Ram. Whatever
may bs thought of a larg army, there
Is a clear and definite demand for m .
navy that will enable this country to '
help secur th freedom or th sea.
We have reason to Invest In a navy
as a protector of our coasts and a
guarantor of our commercial Interests. '
Krom "The Progress of the World,"
In the American Review of Review
for November,
' To stop bleeding us Hanford's TM
earn. Adv. .....
: Tils' B: is for Yon!
it VUr. Cr.fAr Hot flashes or dizziness, faintlnjj
IF You butter trom BpenSf hygteria, headache, bear
ing down pains, nervougnesa all are symptoms
of irregularity and femalo disturbances and are
not beyond reuei. mmm.
Br. f isree's Favorite Preccrfciisii
h directed te the real cause and promptly remeve tha dbrua,
aopprrsMS th peine and nervous symptom and thereby briog
comfort la th plaee ef proloogod rniaary.
It has eaea sold by ilrarslats for evar 40 years. In Said form, st
11.00 per bottle, giving ganaral ratlifaetlon. It ran Bow be had la
sugar coated tablet form, aa modified by ft. V. Pierce, M. D. Bold by
all BMdlcios dealers or trial box by mall on receipt of fete in atampa,
Xrary stek womaa amy amort aa by Wltr, abwlutaly wtUumt !,
Writ without ftr aa without v to rarnltr of tha Invalid' Bntal.
Dr. V. M. PIERcg, Fraatrfanl, u4 Mai Utraat, Buffalo, Haw York
gtm, ptEscira) rt,KMAmr rEixgrrs mavirts tbx uvn