The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 12, 1915, Image 2

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the' 0ld
Come in and see our stock of Rubber Foot
wear for men, women and children.
(for men and boys.)
We still have the-
-st t
in many pretty colors. We think we can fit
you. Let us try. :
(Phone Main 241)
Krrr and eelftsh figure pleading for
tllnarmsment when we AurwtVM hv.
no trmi i throw wy.
Bryan may win certain email pro
portion ot his large perianal follow.
Inc to hie point of lw-i-noigh, we
My, ( brine confusion and defeat up
on hla party; but h will aever win
the country to hla point of view, and
It ho peralala la hla present course WIN
msraly mum a. vaat amount t lrw
Ma without accomplishing hla person
al enda Unices ha haa throwa all Po
litical wisdom and discretion to tha
winds, now la a moM opportune lima
for him to gracefully subside.
WtWWWWVWw vw -w -w w - " w . . , .. ........
j. n. mice, vim tnu
U BLOMGREJI. Aunts Cashier
Established 1891
The Fa
Bank of Weston
If you are figuring on
or later, come in and
talk it over with us.
! . Fine Jewelry
. Expert Repairing
I will appreciate a call when
1 you visit Athena.,
l - Hawk's Dm? Store
trade DiMrk. d wriwtita Mald r
In. IW4 MM rinutaa er ptoKo. Ml S.
rrltHbn to fKlt SSARCH M rwort
i MH)aarMnsr. Wrtmttemr.
aaa A it ri W n A
Have Just Added
a Stock of
norisiri. watts
rr--.!ep lo all State and Federal
Coii its.
CLARK WOOD, PsMbher ...
Strldh rfi Afhtnt
The Year.............. II 50
Six Months 0 78
Font Month 0 AO
Per inch per mniit !.... ...... .....Iff W
Per inch, one inaertimi 20
lorais, per liuemrli insertion..,., lift
FRIDAY . ... NOV. O. r?1S
E.tms at the sestoffka at VuU. Ortgoa,
at seceed-ctau auil eMtttr.
William Jennings Bryan ia
Physician and Surgeon
Office in Brandt building
to pay ymir Weston Leader "sub"
peace except within the ranks of the
Democratic party. Herein he has
sounded a, note of antagonism to
ward PresfrJent Wilson that may occa
sion exceeding discord among the
Great Unwashed and lead ultimately
to their undoing In the campaign of
Ills. -
T la Alfftontt tnr Rpvtn a. If I.
for Roosevelt to keep still when he
isn't satisfied. Rather than not to be
seen and heard and read, we fear be
would rather disrupt the party that
thrice honored him with a presiden
tial nomination. Ha may be aincere,
but a sincere man who Is also ob
stinate and likewise wrong Is just
about as disturbing a factor as a cock
roach in the pudding.. .
Coming out in open opposition to
Wilson's policy of preparedness, Bry
an may causa the administration and
his party great embarrassment with
out being able In the least degree to
estop the progress of what he regards
as the militarist movement In ' the
United State. In other words, na
tolnal preparedness will be : carried
forward, despite whatever Bryan says
or does. It Is necessary and It Is pop
ular. Bryan may be aMa to defeat the
administration's program and he may
be able in It IS to defeat the adminis
tration by Imitating Roosevelt and
bolting his party's ticket, but he will able to defeat preparedness.
If this nation isn't put Into an ade
quate condition of defense by the dem
ocratic party, the work will be done by
the republican party. The great ma
jority of voters recognize the necessi
ty of arming Uncle Sam, aad will tol
erate no half-way measures in that
direction. .
bryan Is unable to understand the
view point of his countrymen in gen
eral which is that proper military
and naval safeguards are the best as
surance of peace. We wish to be
strong, that our tolerance, our fair
mindedness, our respect for the rights
of other nations, may not be regarded
aa a confession of weakness. We also
wish to be strong that no other nation
may be persuaded to Impose unjust
demands upon us In the knowledge
that we . are unable to defend our
selves. To be prepared for war doesn't
mean that we will be seeking a pre
text for war, any more than it means
that the big, strong, well-developed
man Is always looking for a fight-
Generally he is amiable and even
tempered, and will seldom use his
fists unless attacked. The better
armed we are the bUr we will be
able In future years to bring about an
agreement among the nations looking
to unlverda! rw. We would cut a
The Oregon Journal announces that
next Monday K will begin the puMU-a
tloa of a mldnlght-mornlng rural
route and out-of-town edition. This
will ba seat to alt parts of the Oregon
rountry on midnight and early morn
las' train, giving all the news of the
previous It hours. ..'
The Journal haa added a leased
night wire to Ita facilities, which el
ready Included two leaaed day wlrea.
Tha Journal haa been carrying the
news of three press associations, and
thla additional night service will ea
hance Ita commanding newa poaltlon.
It Is really remarkable how tl e
Oregon Journal has grown. Estab
lish., In ltl by C. a Jackson, who
prior to going to Portland had
brought tha Kast Oregonlan to the
front In Eastern Oregon, It Is now from
every standpoint' the leading after-
noon dally of the Pacific Northwest.
The news field of the world ia raked
and combed for Ita columns, and It also
excels in local and editorial Held.
Front time to time ft haa annexed to
Ita staff the best aew.peper talent of
Oregon, and Ita chief editorial writer,
Frank Irvine, haa a concise and point
ed style that always lends Interest and
value to Ita editorial page, C. H.
Chapman, a scholarly and - able
writer, and Rex Lampman. a brilliant
young humorist, are among the I
cent additlona to Its force. Both were
formerly with tha Oregonlan.
C. 8. Jackson la a newspaper build
ee who has scored one of the very few
signal triumphs In Journalism wit
nessed In the Northwest during the
past twenty yeara He Is the only
man who haa ever been able to chal
lenge the powerful Oregonlan In Its
own field aad win. Many times before
hla advent had the feat been attempt
ed. Never before waa It euccessful.
Mr. Jackson, however. Is naturally a
great executive, aad would have been
equally as successful as a merchant
prince, a railroad magnate or a op-
tain of Industry, pondering hla ca
reer. The Leader man Is nevertheless
Impelled to reflect that Mr. Jackson
(our formsr boss) hss never run a O.
Wash., nor set a stickful of type. A
mighty man la he, but we couldn't use
him on the Weston Leader.
TVy Creek, Ore.. Nov. i (To the
Editor.) I want to reply to the Inter
view with Mr. Men Walden which you
nublLhed la the leader. As Mr be-j
ing tha first ahlt t ltiM hvtu in
Umatilla county, I do nut know that
I am, I know one thing, however, I
waa bora Beplember the Mth. lilt,
at Cayuae station. 1 am proud that I
aa born in Umatilla county. It
makes me a native eltlsen of thla coun
ty, . A Umatilla Indian, you kaow, Is
a nstlve of the county, and 1 stand as
one with the noble red man.
We emigrated to Lane county, Ore
gon, at lived there until I wss II
years old. la the year HIT we came
back to good old Umatilla county aad
bought a place on ivy creek, and I
have lived there ever alnee, I have
tried to swell the population of Uma
tilla county by raising a family of
elevea children, six sons and five
daughtera, all of whom have growa
to manhood and womanhood. And I
ran say with some degree of pride that
all were bora In the same house on
the old homeetead where I now reside
on Dry creek.
There are lota of good In Inge about
Umatilla county. One good feature la
that It rontalna some of the finest
widow women of any county In the
tat: and although the widows de
not concern me, 1 am proud of them as
Umatilla county asset.
Now aa to my pioneer friend. Me,
Walden. I do not think he should be
come so concerned over the first
white child question aa toloee any
sleep or to suffer any decrease In ap
petite tor hla meals, as I am sure It
doesn't bother me one bit.
ft. T. FHIUjrfl.
The QUICK anion of buckthorn
bark, glycerine, etc.. aa mixed In Ad
ler-4-ka, the appendicitis preventative.
astonlahre Weatoa people, ONR I
SPOONTTL of this remedy rellevre
emir stomach, gas aad const I pat loo ATI
ONCE, II. Ooodwln, druggist.
The nomination for J. M. Banister
for mayor at the recent primary
means, we take It, that Weaton In
tends doing Ita share toward sustain'
Ing and enforcing the new state-wide
prohibition law. Mr. Banister haa at
ways been an ears est and active sup
porter of prohibition, and hla record
and work along this line are wetl
known locally. That he la the com'
munlty evident choice for mayor
shows where the community stamla
It show that "blind plgi" and "speak
eesles". and "boot-leggers" will not re
tolerated here. It eervea warning
upon anyone who might be disposed
to engage In the subterranean and
secret traffic, in liquor after the first
or the year that the community
prep. red to walk upon him with hob
nailed shoes and convince him that
he is a malefactor of great andeslra
billty and cussedness. It shows that
breaking the prohibition law will not
be regarded here as a peccadillo to be
passed over with a wink and a grin,
but that punishment of the culprit
will be swift and sure.
Singular that tha New York suf-
frairette who used her shoulders as a
siim hoard lost her causa, when the
had such admirable backing.
Altoona, Pa Unable to speak above
whisper for four yeara. Miss Mollis
Prlsch, an Invalid from pulmonary
troubles, awoke from dream In
htch she approached death, and
found that shs could speak perfectly
again. She declares she la going to
get well.
a reimport, t I. After hiccough
ing for ten months. Cortland Brooks
dead at his home here. When he
began to hiccough he waa taken to a
hospital and put In a plaster, but con-'
tinued to hiccough even In his sleep.
Phyaiclana diagnosed bis malady as
tuberculosis of the spine.
- Danbury. Cnon, With bis right
arm severed near the elbow and the
flesh hanging in shreds, John Calkins,
14 years old, a chauffeur, drove his
automobile with his remaining hand
two miles to get surgical aid. His arm
was cut off by an ensilage cutter.
Waycross. Ga. Dr.. J. H. Latimer,
member of the city council, bad an
operation performed to remove a No.
I birdshot from between his fingers.
The shot entered his arm over It
years ago and had never troubled him
until It worked between hla fingers so
that he was unable to move them.
Itoxton, Tex. At a birthday party
given by Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Watson
In honor of their son, Rufus, a fruit
cake graced the table which was cook,
ed twenty years ago by Mrs, -C. H.
Shlljlog, of Paris, the young man's
aunt- She gave it to his father and
told him not to cut it until the boy
was twenty-one years of age. The
flavor was said to be fine.
' ; , OBDIJfAXCE JfO. Ui. '
Ordinance for the levying of
, General Municipal Tax for the year
The People of the City of Weston do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. That there Is hereby
levied upon all taxable property In the
City of Weston, real and personal, a
tax for general municipal purposes of
IS mills, as follows: Lisht fund, t
mills; Street Fund, I mills; General
Fund. ,1 mills; Sinklnir Fund. 2
mills; and Library Fund, mill
on each and every dollar of such
property for ths year 1911.
Section S. That this ordinance shall
take effect and be la full force from
and after its passage by the Common
Council and approval by the Mayor.
Passed the Common. Council and
approved by the Mayor this lih day
Of November, 1111. ,
A proved: P. T. HARBOUR,
City Recorder.
The Piane'e aeveei Oetavee,
llntH of stauaard le have a key
hoard of seven ut-tnvea at threw notes
arty-tern white keys There Is s
no fi Ibis limit As M K the
keys at either end of the kvrtmsrd are
rarely wwd. and Ihv uow that ran
aow be prndweil front tha lowest ro
the highest, iw'ade all ha have an)
dVnuite rnuxkul value to the homsa
ear If lbs vwtuiaea of Itw aeyhuard
were itewdVd the added keys wwiM
PvuIimw sounds or mtleew without so;
Buoxkel sUtNlnvaswi II ta pette rot
the Iturosa ear tu perrelve euoeda ovet
rang of about ek-ven vrtav-. Pol
the nrodurtkia of ninnk'nl sound Is
coo nurd to the seem sod one-third
UrtM. Koetuw llrmld
A Snortenetl Visit.
"Phi the Utile girt from avxt done
gave a guod timer Inquired I he fond
"Tat nut euro. BMUima, ask! lb
wbH- child "Her nun siild h could
Stay two aours, but I gave net eoiwr
broMHia oa bow to bebsv whea on a
vlxlt, and I rvwd to nrt w-ersl i lispterv
from thai deer little bk yon gave me
called Itimllltoos I'Muie Fur Futile
Peopra aud sue weed bue aa hour
earlier." CWvtaixl I'tsia liraiar.
Geneva, Ohio Menu: Breakfast.
spring wster; luncheon, spring water;
dinner, more spring water. That was
the diet which Dr. H. O. Huffman,
oculist, lived on for 47 daya. Th
doctor'a fast' Is said to have saved his
It's True Economy
T.8 Ecoacay Store
W bny for cash and tell for
cash -at amall margins.
Crash end Linen Goods
School Supplies
etfiei' Goo
for Less Monoy
Ttmt s what rnti will find at The flntden Hute tin. That I thy rtA
son this la AUieni s dig Hu.y Wore. It's the wsy we buy our goods, le
Jether with our m drn metfails. that the people apprsetoto.
Ijulles' rain coals, the kind that
Genuine galierdlne sherl rsln slip,
on mats-why pay ll.M to '
llolden Rule I"Tlce.. C1160, 114.75
Children s rain reals. II. W, flM
Women's first quel ty rubbers ...
Misses' first quality rubbers 4He
Otiki'a rubbers, why pay ode?
our price, , Sc
This Is greet umbrella weslhr
fur school children... 4c, 9c, Mo
Ladies' umbrellas, steel frame,
Jo-inch site, priced at ... ,.
4c, , M 11.49, I.M
Nice assortment of lattice' fur
sets, also separate muffs, at
prices you ran afford to pay,
' ' Utller aeeUvent,
Men's ralti coat, fi-nulne rubber.
In.-1 cloth ..HW, l W, M M
Men's Fur H" h gabentlna KedV
rein, why 111.60 to 3uT (ioldea
Hule Price Jltofl, l4-7e
Men's high t-P Isra boots (you
rsn save oe dollar en every pair)
priced at ,4.60, UW. f&M. W.W
Boys' tilgh tP I" boots foe wet
weather. H H (-. M
Roys' storm rabbera . nt-eeaieWV
Men's first Quality rubbers, why
pay It. 00! our prwe i. JIM
Men's heavy rolled edge and Keel,
why pay our price, ave
Men 'a lined Alaska rubber, why
pay II.46T our price mi avV
Too Can Do
Better it
The Mk Rule
(to ft!!.?
J, C. PKNNEY CO.. Inc - (W Busy Stores)
New Shipment
e oeowoooooeoooooooeoeow
Weston Brickyard
t -. "i
All Work Ouaranteed
. rATi "
II. L. IIEDmCK, Proprietor
It's our aim and policy to have none but pleased
and satisfied patrons.
Expert Auto and Gas Engine Repairing.
Overhauling a Specialty.
! Meat RuHt
Is now open for business under
. new management., ,,
Fresh Meats, Lard and Fish
at moderate price.
; aCsT Give us a trial.
A. W. LUNDELL, Manager
Nature's Food
for hprses and cattle Is tha grass that
grows on meadow and bill. Tha next
best thine; la sweet, clean, hay and
feed that comes from our mill. When
you need rolled (Train of the right sort
for keeping your livestock in fine fet
tle, look for our aijfn and ths good
thing's for for vour dumb servants
stored In our bins. We bundle Steam
Rolled IWIcy, Oats and Wheat; Haled
Hay, Millstufts and Chicken Feed.
We're local agents for i'eicock Flour
and Bhttchford ' Calf Meal. Phone 281.
D. R. WOOD the Feed Man
- "t1 1 ....-i L-'M'i,,..ju..ji
sfoncK or
In flio fYrantv Court of th Rial of
Oregon for Umatilla foemy.
In the Matter of the Ketale or CI Isa
bel h I'rtne (aometlmea called Cllssi
I'rlne), Deceased.
Notice la hereby given that f, as sd
mlnlatralor of the above named aetata
with the .will anneied, have filed my
final account and report with th
clerk of the above entitled court.
which court has fixed upon 11 o'clock '
in the forenoon on December f. If It,
s the time, and tha County Court '
room In the Court House of Umatilla)
County, Oregon, In the City of Pen-,
dleton. In that county, as tha place,
when and where any person having
any objection or exception to any
thing In aald account and -report con
tained or to anything dona by ma a
administrator may present the same .
and they' will be heard; and at that
time the court will finally settle said '
final account.
This notice la published pursuant
to order of said County Court mads la
the above matter on October Mth,
. a DKMogfl,
Administrator, ate
Welding Machine
With this new and suc
cessful device we are
prepared to mend your
Broken Castings.
R. Lieuallen & Son, M. D.'s
, . (Metal Doctora.)
Dentist ;
Ofllca in tba KIstn Building, Milton
Hours, 0 to 12 and 1 to 5
and reduco the cost of Hvipfr. Entire store operated on a
STRICTLY CASH BASIS, which moans BIG SAVING for you.
, Wo present hear a few quotations, subject to market changes.
Coffee, good brand.......;.,..,.,...,........... 25c lb
Flour : $1,40 per sack
Sugar........ $6.60 per sack
Beans 10c lb........;..". 3 lbs for 25c
Apples ... 85c per box
Fels' Naptha Soap 10c per bar or 3 for 25c
Honey.,. 85c per half gallon Jar