The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 12, 1915, Image 1

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NO. 21.
Brief itene of General News
freni AJI Arcnd the Earth.
Uv8 News Items of Ail Nations and
. Pacific Northwest Condensed
for Our Busy Readers.
Cml Britain U considering laws to
enforce domeeti economy.
Lord Nortbellffe predict erlal la
America, titer the European wu la
It la declared that Amarlea la far
behind ethar nallona in giving aid to
tbe Velgtane.
A large meteor falla naar CI Can
tro, Cal.. causing shock almllar to
an earthquake.
Tha new pramlar of Greece giv e-
aorancaa to Ua alllaa that bar neutral
Ity will ba tlncar! benevolent.
A girl etodent of Berkeley college
discovered tba art of living on good
dlat at coat of only II eanta da.
Portland polleo have discovered that
woman burglar haa baan operating In
tba faablonabla Nob Hill residence dis
trict. '
Eight Amarlean soldier on tba Mai
lean border art fired en from ambush.
Tbroa Angara of ona aoldlar war abot
away. ...
After being a fugitive for 19 yaara
man aged 80 yaara In Spring (laid,
III. baa cotifaaaad to tba rfaarga of
Msdford. Ore., voters d rested par
Ingbondaoff 1.030,000 by 101. Pour
Un bundrad and aavantr-alsbt rot at
war east.
Tha plight of tba Sarblan army la
aald to ba mora areata alnc tba Car.
man and Austrlane have gatnad an In
road to Coelnllropl.
Tba board of health of Naw York
City eatlmatea that it would eott
385,000 to exterminate tba mosquito
pest within IU bordar a. . ,
Waablngtoa team that Meslco la
returning to normal condition, and law
and ardor ara raatorad In tha largar
ciliaa under Carranaa control.
A Bucharest dispatch by way of
Geneva aaya that 60,000 Albanlana ara
preparing to attack tha Serbian in
tha rear at Monaatir and Prlsrend.
The coronation eervele of tba 12 2d
, ruler of Japan. Yoshihito, war bald
In Kioto. Japan. Wednesday, attend ad
by myatle and Impraaalre ceremony.
Pearls valued at nearly 1100.000
werw etoten from the strongbox on tha
French Line ateamer Rochsmbeau.
just before bar arrival in Naw York on
November I last.
Spokane by an Initiative measure.
moose to reduce the city eommls-
eioners' aalarlaa from $6000 a year to
13000. It.eeems the measure will
meet Utile opposition. ,
New York policemen are to be fur
nished rifles and trained In marksman
ship. The purpose is to make them
rod marksman in case their services
are needed in national defense.
Miss Ellen Gates Starr, founder of
Hull House, Chicago, waa placed under
arrest, with others, on a charge or dis
orderly conduct while picketing the
tailoring plant whose employes went
on strike. w " ' 1
"Health cars," from which alt win
dows bare been removed to permit
free ventilation, have been ao popular
after brief trial on the elevated road,
in Chicago, that tbey are to be tried on
the surface Una.
A British steamer, believed to be
the Rio Lags, i off Halifax,
N. 8. V .,,,..--':
A piece of apple which lodged In tha
throat of a 8 year-old lad of Richland,
Ore., caused bis death.
Both Democrats and Republicans are
claiming viotory In Kentucky. Fraud
Is charged and recount la likely.
New York antl-suffraglsts have de
cided to keep a lobby In Washington,
D. C, during the nest session of con-
grass.,,. ,,:
German aircraft make an attack on
a British merchantman, using bombs
and a machine gun. No damage is re
ported. .,., ..' .. . t
Reports from New York show that
diamonda ara becoming plentiful in
this country, ' owing to the fact that
many European, are selling their pre
cious stones.
A ripple of Joy and exeitement was
manifest In monkeydom at tha Oaks
park, Portland, recently, when baby
monkey was born. The new addition
is said to be worth 1500.
The entire Greek cabinet has re
signed and it ta predicted that the
Chamber will be dlisolved. Tb na
tion is facing a crista and the future
aeems to rest with the king.
A newspaper writer Just home from
the seat of war declare that both
sides are "pinched i" Russia la in tha
throe of revolution; Germany needs
more men, and England la asleep.
win oppose culhsc ntooiui
Washington, D. C Representative
Claude Kitchen, Democrstle leader of
the house, told President Wilson
Wednesdsy, after a long eonference
with him, that be could not support
the administration's program for Na
tional defenss and that he would op
pose the program In a personal capa
city only and not as a majority leader,
Mr. Kitchen waa with the President
more than an hour, during which Mr.
Wilson outlined to blm the army and
navy plans for the next aeaslon of con
gress and for tba next Ave yeara, and
sought to Influence the majority leader
to be In harmony wltb them.
"All I ran say." aald Representa
tive Kitchen, as be left the White
House, "I that 1 very much regret
that 1 eannot support the President'
National defense program. The plana
do not meet with my convictions, par
ticularly with reference to the navy,
I shall make it a clear exposition of
my views aa soon as congress convene.
In a speech In the house," be replied.
'Of course, I shsll not attempt to op
pose . the program aa uia majority
leader, but merely In my personal
Mr. Kitchen aald be thought it proo-
able that the majority would favor the
defense progrsm.
enater Lee 8. Overmen, chairman
of the eenate rulse committee and one
of the administration's leaders In ths
senate, haa anneunoad himself aa a
supporter of a program for military
preparedneee. ..
li&h RoUeou in Speed,
3 Assails Great Bntam s Pciky
London The debate on the conduct
of the war and the censorship waa
sumed In the bouse of lords late
Wednesday. Earl Loreburn, former
high chancellor, brought up the eub-
Summary Government Crop
Report for Oregon and U. S,
Washington, D. C A summary of
preliminary estimate of crop prodoe
tlon and price, for the state of Ore
gon and for tha United Slate.
piled by the bureau of crop estimates.
and transmitted through the Weather
Bureau, U. 8. Department of Agricul
ture, la aa follows:
WHEAT State: Estimate thia year,
17,864,000 bushels; final estlmste Isst
year, 18,804,000; price November 1 to
producers, 84c; year ago, 9oc
United States : Estimate this year, bushels; final estimate
last year, 891,000,000; November
price 88.1c; year ago, 97.2c
OATS State: Estimate this year
18,468.000 bushels; final estlmste last
year 12,740,000; price November 1
producers 88c; year ago 40c,
United States: Estlmste this year
Is 1.817,000,000 bushels; final estl
mste last year, 1,141,000,000; Novem
ber 1 price, 84.9c) year ago, 4Z.V.
BARLEY Stele: Estimate this
year, 4,788,000 bushels; final estimate
last year, 8,860,000; price November
1 to producers, 82e; year ago, 80c.
United States: Estlmste this year,
236, 68 2. 000 bushels; final estimate
last year, 184,968,000; November
price, 60.1e; year ago, 61.7c
POTATOES State: Estimate this
year, posbsis; nnaj estimate
last year, 4,768,000; price November 1
to producers, 62c bushel; year ago, 64c
United State: Estimate this year.
869,000.000 bushel; final estlmste
last year, 408.921,000; November 1
price, 68.8c; year ago, 62.8c
APPLE3 State: Estimate thia
year, 1,040,000 barrels, final eat 1 mate
last year, 1.134,000; price October 16
to producer. 88e bushel; year ago,
United States: Estimate thia year,
76.700,000 barrela; final estimate
year. 84.400,000 barrela; price Octo
ber 16 to producer. 62.14 barrel; year
ago, 11.79.
More detailed data concerning crop
production, quality, and price will be
published In the "Monthly Crop Re
port" of the U. S. Department of Ag
riculture. .
Big Timber Deal Is Reported
From Eastern Oregon Section
PrlnevSlle The development of the
lumber Industry In Central Oregon
expected to cause an Immense Increase
In the business and population in
PrineviUe, Reliable information con
firm, the rumor that the Roger Yoo
mans Lumber company baa practically
I completed it trsds with the United
State government, by which the lum
ber company will exchange a Urge
amount of scattered lands and get
solid block of about 40.000 acre of
valuable timber In what la known as
tbe Ochoco forest reserve.
The company will have In the neigh
borhood of 800.000.000 feet, which
will have to be milled within 20 years
and will necessitate immediate con
struction of a sawmill and railroad.
Two mill sites are under consideration,
one of which le in PrineviUe, which
the business men of' PrineviUe no
doubt will donate to the company, and
the other Is about 20 mi lea above
PrineviUe on the Ochoco river. -
v Pension Allowed Widow,
Salem The claim of Mrs. Basel
McCune, whose husband, Claude Mc
Cune, waa killed In Portland August
ject, declaring that be took this action 20, while he waa in the employ of the
owing to his belief mat tbe Marquis or Shaver Transfer company, haa been
Lansdowne, the . minister without
portfolio, bsd not made adequate reply
to arguments of Viscount Morley.
Esrl Loreburn spoke of what he
termed tbe misadventures of the Ant
werp expedition, the loss of Rear Ad
miral Sir Christopher Cradock'i squad
ron.' the Dardanelles operations and
the Balkan expedition.
The speaker aald he bad been told
two months am that 18,000.000 men
had been killed or disabled for life and
that multitudes hsd been added to this
number since and that if the conflict
continued indefinitely "revolution or
anarchy" might follow In Europe.
Lord Loreburn. who criticised tbe
South African war, oddly enough
aettled by . the State Industrial Acci
dent Insurance commission. The
widow la 21 years old and 1 to provide
for her at the rate of SS0 a month
throughout the period of her expect
ancy of 41 yews, the commission set
aside 17281 at 4 per cent interest. If
Mrs. McCune lives 41 yeara and doea
not remarry aha will receive $14,935
from the state. One daughter, aged
4, will receive $6 a month until aha is
16 yeara old, $661.11 being set aside
for thia purpose, ;, ,
Ask Swine Breeders' Aid.
Oregon awlne breeders can help the
found bimaelf supported by Viscount problem of good breeding stock for
Mllner, former high commissioner for
South Africa, who waa one of those
largely responsible for the South Afri
can war,
girla and boy of the pig clubs by
sending to the club leader at O. A. C,
Corral lis, a list of brood sows and
gilt that they have for sale. This
Army Wsnts No Miners. . should also help the breeders find a
London Official notice baa been market for their surplus breeding
posted In all coal mines stating that 'r- n :,i j 7Z. ZZl7Z
. . , . . " . by the agent h will send them to club
such ' large number of miner have al-1 g,,,,, mak!ng lnqu!rlea. Lists
"" r ---ri-y .hould be detailed enouirh to give in-
eoal, which is or national interest, t.ndnlr 1.- . iaa of the oual-
ity and other necessary points, father
pure breda or high grades may be
listed for sale. Address lists to L. J.
Allen, Pig Club Leader, O. A. C, Cor
vallia, Ore. .
the supply
which is of national interest,
seriously affected." Hereafter eoal
miners offering themselves as recruits
ill be accepted only on condition that
they continue to work in the mines un
til called upon. ' "The miners, one and
all, must remember." the notice reads,
that upon their efforts the success 01
the country depends no lesa than upon
the men who serve with the forces."
First Alssksn Trsln Run.
Seward. Alaska Tha first train over
the government's Alsskan railroad ran
Wednesday between Seward and una
Twenty-Nina, carrying passengers,
msil and freight destined to the JUi ta
red. From Mile Twenty-Nine the
travelers will go Into the Interior by
dog tearaT" The portion of the road
placed in operation was part of the
old Alaska Central, taken over by tha
government and rehabilitated.
May Send Oisplsy to Portland.
Hood River According to plana an
nounced to member of tb Commer
cial club by C. N. Ravlin, the huge
apple displayed by the Hood River
Commercial club In the Palace of Hor
ticulture at the Panama-Facifia Ex
position, may b placed on permanent
display in Portland. Through a large
window in one side of the apple, wbtcn
stands sbout 13 feet high, is shown a
panorama view of the Hood River val
ley with Mount Hood In the back
ground. Tbe Columbia river in the
foreground la shown.
kzzzzis to fleets.
Other Stations Overbear tad Copy
Conversation Every-Day Desk
Phone Used by Speaker
Washington, D. C Secretary Dan
iels transmitted Saturday the first
naval order ever sent by wireless tei-
epbone to Rear Admiral Leber at the
New York nary yard. -
From bis desk In the Nsvy depart
ment, the secretary talked to the com
mandant of the New York navy yard
by way of the big government radio
tower at Arlington and ordered a re
port 00 repairs to tbe dreadnought
New York,
Navy officials aay the aeeompliah-
meot brliura eloaer the day when the
In a message to the International
peace cenareee et San Franc toco.
Count Okuma, Japanese premier, 1
elered there waa no hope far peace
'aa long as there exist natlona or In-'
dlvlduale who believe or exalt them-;
aelvea ee abeolutely auperlor to others.
and to assert that auperlerlty do net
heeltate to appeal to material fereea.1
secretary of th navy may ait at bia
deek in Washington and talk to the
fleet commanders all over the world.
Secretary Daniels transmitted this
verbal order, which waa taken down
bv a stenographer in Admiral Usher's
office and aeknwledged verbally by the
admiral himself.
Rear Admiral Usher, commi
dant. New York navy yard : Report aa
soon aa practicable after the arrival of
the New York bow soon can ue re
pairs required be completed.
Navy wire lees station in all parte of
tbe country were eavesdropping to
catch the conversation. While Secre
tary Daniela waa still talking with
Admiral Usher, the Charleston. S. C
station telesraphed that the order bad
been overheard and copied there.
Tbe instrument used waa the regular
desk telephone on Mr. Daniela' deek.
It carried the sound to tha great Arl
ington, Virginia, radio station, where
the transfer waa made automatically
bv delicate mechanism and the voices
of the speakers hurled out into the air
to be audible thousands of mile away
by tha radio operator, whose est hap
pened to be turned to the right pitch
and who waa listening. ;
To all appearances it waa an ordin
ary long-distance telephone conversa
tion. No effort waa made to subdue
the hum cf voicea In Secretary Dan
iel' office, and apparently the noise
did not affect the clearness of the
voices aa heard in New York. RepU
to Questions came back instantly and
with little need for repetitiona.
Greek Premier Resigns.
London King Constantino baa again
offered the premiership to M. Zaimia,
who had resigned on the defeat of his
ministry in the chamber, according to
Reuter dispatch from Athena, as.
Zalmls refused to accept the offer and
council of ministers waa called, the
dispatch adds. M. Zaimia refused to
retain the poet, the correspondent aaya,
originally. Although he bad provis
ionally accepted the premiership to
1 the aituation, be waa determined.
he declared, to abstain from taking an
active part In internal politic.
Philippine Official Quits.
Baltimore General Clinton L,
Rigga, of thia city, a member of the
Philippine commission and secretary
of commerce and police, announced
that he had resigned his post and that
his resignation had been accepted by
the President, General Rigga aaid
that he took thia step because be
found it Impossible to submit my
views and ' actions to the apparent
wishes of the administration, ss ex
pressed by the governor general."
, - f , ' J t y- z - - Ai -
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... t2.:,.rr XBMOaS-J r, .yMrS . I' tut -.. m,-
Tb Inienlous device here shown waa constructed for use ot the French army. It 1 rotary anti-aircraft
mitrailleuse mounted on a cartwheel and supported on a J nJL'nj. J-u-u.L-L1-L-L--u-L-,n-,rir,-tJ-
t 1- ' r2A mr? a it,,,. 1 11. ... r ' ,
f J 1
J . 4 aft
French mitrailleuse battery ta the Argonne region, well concealed and firing on the enemy.
f 4" ' J. - ,
V Sri,; " ' - - ;
i l
li ... .'3l
hllh.ll immUiM ) )VM .n fs.sWaya
D.f.i,k v...tinn Allien with a ranxe-finder noting; the elevation at
""""" . .. .. r. .u, r.
which the guns must be area to striae me pwmiuu u m
Many wounded East Indiana are taken to Bournemouth, England, to re-
euperate. A boatload of them is here showa going ashore
r aA" : i
Voyal to the empire, the East In-,
dlana are doing their full share to
ward winning final victory tor the en
tente allies in the great war. Early
in the war when the expeditionary
forces were being mobilised and
equipped, Sir Fertab Singh, a seventy
year-old Indian prince who bad seoa
active service In the past, organised .
and equipped at hie own expeass al
most an army corps of his subject
and offered both himself and his mea
to King George. Sir Fertab Slsgh ha,
distinguished himself with his com
mand with the British . forces la
France. j
A Terrible Thought
"I ,ee when a man runs for oEe
he has to put hUnself in the baas
of his friends.' j
"Yes, my dear." i
"It a woman raa woo! 4 she bar
to put herself ta the tmit of her
woman friends 7"
"I snppose so."
"Well, 1 don't lrrsr'ne r"T wool
en will run. Ttlr.k et (, . I 'ci.
chances?" Louisville OUa-f-J, J