The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 05, 1915, Image 4

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    vssr hotel mm
...4 - VI
Aaterkaa PUB, OHitN'V'
EYpeaa n. 11 H4-
N. K. OLABXa, Mr.
We pay c:i SSHE
9TT IA.klT.
Dalles-Columbia Lino
St.M f WaNto , TW ! Q.
Oldnt ran Him.
Hompton That cigar you'r astok
tng to troof Movgk to kill a mul.
Rhode Q-waal ! beea okln
these tor yeaxB.-IbJladlphlA Ball-
MVMa Ma. ' '
t,m pv. Bmmm if"
V. irt mr ar LT ZZT
It Wn Family Squabble.
"Toa must not do row squabbling
here," hU th bead waiter. -It y
wUh to settle your dUtereace yoa
must gO OUtStd."
-Wky or uk4 th men. "
yo ad vert ts thle place M a family
hotel r Detroit Fre Pre.
Tim to Begin,
-Yoa m; laugh, but I caa truthfully
aay that my wit aad I hav aot bad a
alagl dtsagrmat atnce w vara
married.1' . ,
"That a rood deal tor aay married
coopia to aay. Wha war yo aaar
riedr -yterdy. BAlSmor Amrioaa,
Iaa. AAar a. a. o imni i.t M-i.
Worth Thank.
Grubb I kav Juat thought of
something wo ought to remember aad
b grateful for on next Thanksgiving
day. -,,--.,
Stubb What to It?
Orubbi Tout there will V a
mighty few returning European travel
ers to whoa experience wo ah all
hare to Itoten. Indianapolis News. ,
An Eye for th Future.
Goldsmith Would you . Ilk any
name or motto engraved oa It. alrt
Cuatomer (who has chosen aa en
tagpBiest Hng) Te-yea-uin. Augimtua
to Irene. And aa took here, doat
ah look here, dost ah cut Irene
wry deep. London Punch.
A Bit of a Hint
Btaylata (a th clock strike UV
Tta bow the witching hour at night
when graveyard yawn
The Girl (suppressing on) Caa
you blame them? Boston Transcript.
I WANT pro wttlmtrntOm. U
Mkan Khwimrti . ckrocue n .
ur wK.t roar eMKlitiofi - writ or
and Cur. TlwoMBd eU It Ti mot injir.
lul bonk n written." Xtaa't SM sua r
JESSB A. CASK. Dept. a.
. - CrlUclsm. . ,
"Ar you fond of Futurist music T"
"Can't say I am. BtUI. there's on
thing to be said In It fayor. It does
n't mak any difference whether th
piano is In tun or not.1
You must, first, tret
the stomach work
ing properly, keep
the liver active and
the bowels open.
You can help
Nature by taking
iiUDlCIlftli O p
C Gee Wo
mf htiw wtsiee are 1
tiv. MiKl tdmn a tli WIT.
u. M..l ai reuiM Bam
Jht C Gee f Cbkese Zt&mt U
IB r"t St. P-ti. Oca.
r. n. u.
No. 4S, Ult
TJI writiae elwibenk toaw I
a tkia .
His rniiuM kerb
I nadw ewe S
ktads c aihBMtts tt
MM MM With-
ut vnw. J
fraa tfc ndwlut
,.,.,,. .,.-. -J ChHM aorta, mta,
snrcus cuiccrc stirs rimm
Movement to Rcston Monarchy Now
Beyond Stoppinf Vcta Must
Es Continued 1$ flannel .
iviu fAIna While outward raini
i- p-k In jaraus'a rommanlra-
kaa J ejeltsraint la Acial
dreles, aa it la feared thU la etJy a
prelude to further actios, u w
compreoenalbl to th ClneM why
Japan eh ta prwwt atotoeot ; to
aAod u the eorcmuniceuoo, aw u
eeret aerriee atuat ha Infortaed th
Toki arrrwnt tw avootha agwthat
a monarchy wa surely eoealnf.
Th eoannranlcatioa la aaor likely to
tawMa tKan to meTeat It. ay
meooragiiMr th rorolutionUU wlU
th Idea that loreirw powwre mrm
! tka laaliaalirMi af th B0B
rehy, and thos atreottbenlnc th op
position to it. ..
roreifn ana wunew rwm
th restoration saoremefit has fone a
far that It ia Impossible to stop w.
Japan's action t all th more strange.
eonsiderinc that rreeaier uom
r.Mt km aaid that th tostoi atkwi
of th monarchy was China's dons tic
affair, that it had been oecMea on ana
kt he was cooTlDcea n wwuh bw
bronght about peaeafuuy. -The
ChiueM gonuMot, m bbki, wee
fully able to control any situation
which might an and Japan aa no
rifht to Intarfar.
la some quarters Japan' eoraanani
eatioa is eoneklared an imperUneoe.
I la aaLli kaM thai th RuSSiaO mln
istor had not teceiTed any Intlntations
from hi home forennneol. dux bccoib
thai Jananeaa Cham d Affaire.
Obata, with th object of fully under-
tfaiHiinr th aitnauon anouta eompu-
eations aria.
The French minister did not attend,
because he wa not invited and had no
Instruction front his horn govern
ment. Whether th British minister was
advised by his goTertunent ia not
tn twit it ia trumt slonilleant that
hefor Obata . presented th coram nnk
eatioa be waited lor u nnusa auia
istor to speak.
Rrfk ta Rn'tlah and Eusaian min
ister remained silent, f ordnc Obata
to read th communication.
The election are etlll gemf on. and
as no attempt is being- made to alter
the ntlna schedule, th monarchy un
doubtedly will be decided on. w ,
late Ca2ssr fkd far ;
Waafcinstnn. D CIt WSS formally
.umiMil at the White Hons Monday
that the marriage of President Wilson
and Mrs. Norman Gait wm ta piac
"near th doe of December," and
that it will be private, at Mrs. Gait's
home here.
This statement was issued by Secre
tary Tumulty :
nW tn miiet anaeulation. rres-
ident Wilson and Mrs. Norman Gait
ham enUxgrixad th announcement that
their marrlaM will take nlac near th
doe of December. Their plans ar
for a very simple ceremony. It will
be auietly performed at Mrs. Gait's
resilience. No invitations will - be
issued and it is expected that th only
geusts will be to memoers oi us two
families." .v, ;'
" v General 8taff Favored.
London Simultaneously with the
newspaper demands for a smaller cab
inet, which apparently resulted in Pre
mier Asquith adopting aa a eompro-
mia tha ermetitntion in oennti iorm
t an tnnar war MwneiL there ha
arisen In various influential quarters
an advocacy oi a creation oi a general
staff on the German plan. Th Week
lv Nation, tn an article on this subject.
says it believes the lack of such a body
ha been responsible lor ail u graver
errors of th war. It points out th
advantages attained Dy u uermana.
Rich Perfumer Punished. '. i.
Montpelier, Fran Henry Racine,
a millionaire perfume distiller, has
been sentenced by a eourtaartial her
to fiv years' imprisonment and to pay
a fin of 20,000 francs tor
having: supplied essence of neroli to a
firm of perf urn manufacturers at Co
logne. The court also ordered goods
belonging to th perfumer to the value
of 270,000 franc confiscated. Racine
orginally was sentenced by a eourtroar
tial to perpetual deportation. He ob
tained a reversal of judgment and was
sent her for trial by conrtmartial.
' Teutons to Attack Canal.
Paris, via Born Th Austo-Ger-mans
are preparing a new offensive
against th Sues canal, according to
an Athens dispatch to th Tribune,
which adds that th British hav mad
gigantic preparations to meet each an
Among other things, they hav
flooded the land along the canal, leav
ing the fortification juat standing: out
of the water, th defenders being
amply supplied with provisions by gun
boats. - '
Germans Restrict Meat
London German newspapers publish
the schedule prepared by th German
Federal Council ia pursuance of the
decision to restrict consumption of
meat. Th schedule as forwarded by
Beater's Amsterdam correspondent is
as follows: Mondays and Thursdays
Restaurants shall offer no meat, fliih
mr rwl er dishes cooked In lard or
(trinnlntra. Tnesdava and Fridays
Butchers shall sell no meat. Satur
daysFork shall not b sold.
riMl DOW bWsb
) fet M) ysissVla-1
W vs4 Mlallr 11 BWG
r'iw sjsaas asjnaSr! I wnw has! asanadttoj! fm
fwal MlMslI
A Rlaaa at HtH.
"I hear that Miter a daughter loped
tlk kla kauffur.w
"Y, and Bitter wired his rrfi
a" did h d that forr
u. ..I J ka tknuakt aaw ther
( k a kiM fnr Mia to Be hi
car." Philadelphia rubu Lucr.
tKMnf Dramatla.
t aalk u Ualla Inilla." aaid th
charmlag rteoch artreaa. "sat I hard
ly knew what to recite for ae Aasert
eaa audience."
u.,..ii Molia tka Biultlnllcatioa
table la RuMtaa," responded th other
tateraattoael star. "That always
souads laapre!." Judge,
To Cbcnso
and zz
Balsam of t lyrrh
For Gita, Bunu,
Bniiaeav Soraina.
St'Jt Nsck.
rt.f.Ua T mPiarV-
OUSorws, Open Wocmda,
and all External Injunea.
m, ansa Ask a
alias dines io to. asm. n
All Dealers ISHsu
tain Old Stuff.
Before they married, he was hooad
He thought that ah waa swt, but
That ah was sugar coated.
Milwaukee Sentinel.
Peer Fellow.
He Do you kaow Poa's Raven?
Rhawhv. no. What's th matter
with him T Club Fellow.
Wonderful How
Reslnol Stop Itching
r tknaa mhn hav endured for
,wA itohlnv tnraent of ecsema
or other such skln-erupUona. the re
lief that th rtral us oi neainoi uiuv
ment and Reslnol soap gives is per
fectly Incredible. After all th suf
fering they hsr endured and all
the useless treatments they spent
mnnav fnr. ihev cannot believe
anything so simple, mild and inex
pensive can Stop TUB iicoms; ana vivnr
i- ivotimti VI Anit thev find it
ue - -
still more wonderful thst the im
provement Is permanent ana mat rtes
Inol really drives away th eruption
in a rv abort time. Per-
haps there Is a pleasant surprise like
... . . r. i i m.,
this in store ior you. jieim
ment and Reslnol Soap ar sold by all
druggists. .
Counts Up th Sams.
. Asker, the owner of a new car. had
been dilating on the expense of its
maintenance, and Stranger, not to be
outdone, began to boast
Stranger It cost me iioo last year
for gasoline.
Asker You own a car, meat
Stranger Oh, no. I lent the money
to a fellow that does. Philadelphia
Public Ledger. ,
A Woman's Curiosity.
Gladys Why did you refuse him
if you loved him? 0
n.anWeiL von see. he said he
couldn't live without me. and it arous
ed my curiosity. Sydney rJuueun.
Enhanced By Perfect Pbyfti
cal Health.
Th experience of Motherhood t a try
tug on to most women and mark dis
an mvh In their lives. Not en
woman to a bandied la prepared or un
derstands how t properly car for her
self. Of course nearly every woman
cow ad ats has medical treatment at such
times, but many approach th experi
ence Wlta an organism arumeu ior u
trial of strength, and when it is over
bar system has received a shock from
which it is hard to recover. Following
tight upon this comes the nervous strain
of caring for th child, and a distinct
change in the mother results.
There Is nothing more charming than
a happy and healthy mother of children,
and indeed child-birth tinder the right
conditions need be no hazard to health or
beauty. Th tmexplalnabl thing ia
that, with all th evidence of shattered
nerves and broken health resulting from
an unprepared condition, and with am
pie tint in which to prepare, women
will persist to going blindly to tb trial.
Every woman at this tim should rely
upon Lydia E. I'inkham'a Vegetabl
Compound, a most valuable tonic and
in vigor tor of the female organitm.
In many comes
one childless there
ar now children be
cause of th fact
that T.vdia E. Pink.
ham's Vegetable
Compound m a k e s
wma normal,
healthy and strong.
If yoa waat special advice writ ta
tydl E, Piskhsm XedlcUeCa. (eosfl.
deatlal) Lynn, Mass, Year letter will
t opened, read sad answered by a
wssua sad held la strict coatieac,
x v
i in. .rimm.,1
Ferdinand, kin r war f Bulgaria.
vKe eetry ln th war n th aid
f the ntrl pewer made th taa
mnm snoi it turn
I esssawasawasw
Douclaa. Aris. Corporal Jaa, of
Company G, Svoth Infantry, lata
Monday night waa shot through both
thirha br a Carranaa aoUier, wh
leaped froca hi trench at Agoa Prieta,
shouUng "Viva Carranaa." and flrwd
sit shot at J one, wh was 00 patrol
sear th boundary line In th rear of
th custom aoos. Th American
soldier la aot seriously wounded.
. .a 1 a at A
Heavy Bring on all aioes m Agu
Prieta wa renewed at 1 o'clock lath
unlna Tka f!arrans SAirisoa ha
xploded mine along tb front over
which they expected the vuia caargw
to take ptoaa.
Firing I violent on tn ws era m
Aga Prieta, Indicating Taqul Indians
twmk Nam ar attamntine to Storm th
town from that sU. All th Villa
artillery wa in action, pounding tn
Call of enaea south and west of th
town at 1:30 o'clock, and Call re
plied with run, rifle and mine.
Many bullets began lauing in wr
H. K. Jooaa, a lettorearriar. waa
shot by Mexican bullets, a a stood la
front of his bom.
Apparently Villa fore are making
a big dash to storm and captor th
A Call officer aaid:
hav killed half thos Ysquia."
Tka Yamila nmiar Gaaimls Urbalejo
and Mandea ar said to number more
than tOOO.
Cufy 45 U it 2009 Scsa
. .v a . a w
Pass lea Aa cms asypaj
Ran VmivIim OnW 4S OUt of B
total of more than 2000 American aea
ma In this port who com under the
ilMmanll of th La Follett
aeaman'a act had qualified bafor th
local rederai steamanip inspwwi p
to th dosing of office hour Tuesday.
Unless an order come from Wash
ington setting said th letter of th
i.. atvi making It flaxibl In many
respects, San Francisco shipping In
terests fear that veeaela scheduled to
depart on th day th law goes Into
effect will be held In port for want of
clearance at th custom boo.
Collector of Custom J. O. Davis
said that no vessel which did not hav
40 per cent of It craw list qualified
under th new law would receive clear
ance paper. -
3. fVantaa ahlonlns? men mani
fested a pertinent Interest in th new
law la that It possibly meant in nora-
l nn of aaaaaU at a laM DeCttnisry
loss because seamen could, not qualify
for service. .,
tt7V.Ha ntnra than X&O able SaBttMn
had qualified before th local Inspec
tors aa to profession xaminauona, uw
.tl-klaa ma In BaaalnW th Dhvalcal
examination before the medical exam
iner In th United State Marin Hos
pital. -
v Launch Wrecked; Two Die.
Port Townsend. Wash. Tb 60-foot
powerboat Seesra wa wracked on the
north end of Wbidby Island in a strong
gal Tuesday, and George Bridges,
master and owner or to vessel, ana a
man named Wickersham were drowned.
Their bodies and th wrecked launch
rare fonnd on th beach. A tare hole
was stove In th Sawam when she
struck and she filled with water. The
seas carried away th pilot bouse and
stripped th deck of all gear.' The
Secern wa carrying a cargo of fish
from Hood l-anal.
. "Peace Plans" Denied.
u.4.u Pari Premier Date
aaid Tuesday that h nan no omciai
information concerning uie repon
that Princ von Bueiow, ex-German
chancellor, would com to Madrid to
present to King Alfonso an outline
r ontuiitinna on wnicn uermaox
might be willing to consider peace ne
Tb Overseas New Agency of Ber
lin maila denial Tneadav of tb report
that Princ von Bueiow had been en
trusted with preparation of peee ne
gotiations. ...
Divorce 'Cases Held Up.
r A. ntirw eases arainst offl-
mt mn aaralna at th front will
hav to stand over until they return to
. . . . . j i i
Oreat nrttain. eucn was ice oveiaiuu
of Justice Sir Henry Bargrav Dean
when asked for leave to serve s di
vorce petition upon an officer on the
fighting line.
"It ia not in to interest oi in
nalvn " aalH the Mart, "for men tO
hav their minds diverted from their
duties by such matters."
Mora British Gold Arrives.
Manr Vnrk Rrltlgh SOVerelim tO
th amount of 12,225,000 gold, which
ahlnnaH An tha steamer NW
York from London to th Guaranty
Trust company, wera, deposited at to
ment totalling 11,000,000 to expected
to be deposited later. The grand total
of more than 1321,000,000 gold has
been received her from all sources In
th present movement sine January 1.
ronriANO aiAamiTa
riMMtlaMML tll rmtyhOA fl
iuk, f Hj ! "'
I "7 " T.- " V. V a.-
ton; shetH I ; fvrr
. ' T I -. i ' - ii ii BBsaiajsl
MLiVSalnra VfJ Visl'li
Vti. timthr. Iiwi "
it Mi ca . a vU. a
N'SaM AHIrheh,
A.xw. wmm. w Wi ;
ale5lU vf-i
ear n, evierr, P '
w eriiiT r.bA H Pf rliM; "
,aluMWH sttfswe! Tsklma. II
p,r m.l wak tl.rswl P1 BHiHWeil.
'union Hro. MuylMC prti, II
t b. ahlWi' . w
r use- immi ,wfi -
. 1 vi h. L aer
Fei rte. i,
Itaeo. !!
. ItAlSa: Si
He turiaya, !; Swlia. while, Il
is: vuiuna. lowii.'i Ian
llutlar Olr waamary eub, eitraa,
lli rtreta, !! pnaim
IraT IVIcaa al4 U rdurt INwnlry
aualiiy. rl. t avermse uIlgf, Uj
Ne, a. !" .
xk lilock. lliifM par bwuk.
ii,.ia Itil croov ll r B"u"
kla. Ito: sonja C1X. tie; r hia
I': f"i
Vwt-nnin tn an, i . . .
alonair a, 1 w r ,
Cu.n Hera OM aad Bw,
aer pmia4-
a lr Vww-w l W. 1IHI
ra Iteht eark: kali
iMW-weutod seii. . .
:".. . . .. m .
Cattle TKr sWi f " .. ...
torn. IS Hot Tt: tkoca eowa.. ?'
KlriV, boua, WiV. siaA
MwA. . - .
Hml I list. r iw t wmr, - '-w
dw nr.ik.r. 14 nalM: aw. It
II. lamb. S4 IT H.
Tacoma MAnstaTa
mm . - - alM. rnrvfttliL lie:
aih. Mr- re M: re at ''
"'...t. a.ka.1 MSN:
wkt kwrier. Mlw-W: reli4.
oat A. wmmm ana
wu Irr. .
aV3 lortkBA It W Orlnw
Wln-avA II UJl IA (1,h,
lie: w.ih.ra. ny: -a koe, i.
mm4 !. wf""""'M'ultl-
'iTIvLlSka. live. ISwUSl . ".
fort yf okl, u; lb. L J'f
aal. II; bartay. t: bar. tj flew, a
Portland. Th strong export de
mand to th feature of th sal mo
market Domestic trad aa been
good all th season, ana wun loreign
r..i ha ettuation Is
entirely satisfactory at thin od.nd
ther to every prospeoi is we
will b auriy eieanea up. .
v.nun Antara haretofor this -
on bar been for medium grade, aod
a large quantity of Alaaka reds and
sllversides baa eeea aisposea m.
.v. 1 Mill ia Bneomlnc Interest-
ed In fancy Columbia River eblnooks.
aa Inquiry of this aina aavug bo
received yesterday.
r. nll.k alaama CltV (if Corinth.
bow loading on th Bound, will reach
Portland th latter pan " -"'
and will tak oa between 1000 and
10 00 eases of salmon her for Lon
don. Th temr Tampion left down
the river carrying xiw wa o sannva
for west coast points. .
m.. Tnaiu win reach As
toria In a tew daya with about M.000
ease of Alaska fish, and th steamer
Despatch to slao du ther from Alas
ka with a salmon cargo. All th Port
land aal m on ship ar now In.
Eastern salmon orders ar also in-
1.. mmmr Aavalnnment of th
crcaaiuaj. .
trad being th booking of new busi
ness With Boston. A SU" neavwr w
- Jm.Kt ka dlanoaed of hut
for th Interroptvon of Panama Can
trarfie. The piociaaina m ""
aod tb congestioa of freight at Oal-
w.. i.r tha leaatarn markets
UghUy supplied, and som grade of
salmon ar pracucaiiy "'"""
there. . , '
n-k nat akinmanta of canned salm
on by land and sea from American
port for l present year up mi
Umber 1 wer I.IT,795, aa compared
with a total of 1.101.891 for tb same
period last yesr. Inasmuch as a larg
percentage 01 ta aibsbb
1.. a naaohaH Ran ffranclsco
by September 1, this season, the pack
ers expect that mora recent shipments
Will Show a SUU greater incrBe
the shipments that wer made last
year. In th first part 01 tn year,
before th current season s paca w
gan to move, Puget Sound exported
a r a Aft A mu, a aalmnn to OreAt Unl-
aln, double th quantity exported to
that country last year.
r Wheat Bulns Uaa.
Portland. Wheat business, both lo
cally and In th interior, to on a much
reduced seal. Th present tonnage
situation amounts practloaliy to an
embargo, and when offers were made
for wheal taey were on a uwaco
scale. Bids at th Merchants' Ex
change for October and November de
livery wer lowered 1 to 2H cents, and
December bias wer i w j
lower. No sale ware posted. Th
cimiav a . .
November cats bids wer reduced 26
...... .iiu war also neciecuKi.
cent and Decern ner Pius raiaeu
cents. . , . . .
Preutlens Ar Asked. "
oivmnta. Inaoeurstlon of a cam-
naira to enforce section Zs oi we
pnblle utilities act prohiblUng fats
billing, baa been announcea u '
public service commission, wuu;u
.nnt.4 aaaAlitlinna renueatinS Attor-
ney-Oeneral W. V. Tanner to begin
prosecution 01 we ii uumu.
Bhlngl company, of Seattle, and he um MHNMiiv. fCwarett. the
flrst-nsmed concern being charged
with shipping doors ana wmaowe, uu
the second, mspie iioorms,
kiniitv of rir lumber, to gain advan
tage of tb lower freight rat.
Fruit Trad I Quiet
Waah fruit receipt dur
th week wer light but supplies on
the street wer sumeiem ior me iwi
trade. Apples are moving out In a
fair way with the demand ohlefly for
medium-priced grades.
Country P reduce Supply Ample.
Portland. Tha poultry and dressed
meat market were well supplied and
the demand wss fair. Price wer nn
ciAnged. Egg wer firm at former
quotations and butter was steady.
tanW IStflse aaciTealt kearMnsa. II
a.L? ark' Srv naL Ions heir. II ,
H,MM . '
'."ZTZZZ sTaarTanaUL
ilolmca Business Collcgo . (.
An Ansel f th AsrepUn.
Andrew I aragt said th othsr da
It liar Harbors ,
"How wsr sour lb sweetest Of
f waa talking thla morning with a III-
.1. .1.1 a.k.iaa lalkar la S Biamber OI
lb lirttlth leiatloa, and ehe clasped
her little hand ana loose bp si m
blue sky devoutly, and slshedl
"i wish I waa an angel!'
"'And what would you do, my dear,'
I aakt. if you wer an sngeir
" 'I'd fly rlghl ovr ihoae Oermsn.
aka anavared. 'and drop pulsus bomb
oa thvut sight and day.' "
t Part '
Long speech mak bo hit thee day
..I ilia naonla I eould msntioa
drew cheerful when th speaker aays.
"I than yoa tor your swa
This Baking Powder
Keeps Its Strength -
TK larga can of K G lasts longor
iKan 25 cents worth of other baking
powders but no matter How long it
takes tho user to get to the bottom v
the last spoonful Is guaranteed to
ive perfect satisfaction. K G raises
io nicest, lightest biscuits cakes
and pastrv you ever ate, and it Is
guaranteed pure and wholesome.
Fbr goodness soM KC
I i... .. 1U-. lUHJ
Mr. RnoopsrMen mak as tired.
Mrs. Swayback Waal's th matter
Bow - -
Mrs. Bnooper My busnsna saw
Ura Katlrk vaalerdav a ad 1 Baked
him what she had on. sad a replied.
"On, cwtnes. niray .oiotTew.
Enthusiasm Dampened.
Crawford He doecnt m ta be
Very enthused over hie vacation.
rrakakawNa woaSer. He has to
nana 11 in Ike nlace wher h bought
a house end lot Judge.
Misting Tribuls.
Mininr-What's the leading lady
la such a tantrum about T
Press Agent she only got bibs Bou
quet over th footlights tonight.
"Great Seoul Isut that enough!"
"No; ah paid lor tea." Tit tuts. .
Slang In a Hat Star.
What caa w do for you, alrH
"I want to buy a silk hat."
"Yesslr. Jim. show this gentlemaa
soma periscopes." Kansas City Jour
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant PelUU cur
ronsttpation. Constipation to th cause
sf many diseases. Cure the cause ar.d
you cur the dlaeas. Kasy to take. .
Mere Than a tmll.
Mr. Jone had recently become the
father of twins. The minister stop
pod him oa the street lo congratulate
him. . . T. . . ' :
-Well. Jones," he said. -I near inai
th Lord has smiled on you." .
"Smiled on met" repested Jones.
Ha laughed out loud." Chicago Her
' M,,n,m,nwaWAW-Wnwamwawavl I raw -
Hard en the Family.
Learned Naturalist A cockroach
has J.000 teeth. . ,
urothrr of Seven What aa awful
time the family will have when the
baby cockrosrhes ar teething, sir.
Chicago Herald.
XJ - -
- .
.tu.. II . Iklllaa MiaMaa a I H aba lla)
'The Model 1812 Winchester ia the llghteit, strongest
. j nn.atifi shAdrnn on the market.
. ... nu tM ,.ik
its metal part throughout are made of nickel ateeL It
is a two-part Take-down, without looaa parts, is atmpla to
operate and the action work with an ease and
unknown in guns of other makes. See one at your dealer s or
5eU I Vimi iilf Arm, Ca, W.res C, - tifaUr'
A Champion.
Boss (to new boy) You'r th slow
est youngster we'v vr bad. Aren't
you quick at anything? ;
Boy Yos, sir; nobody can get tired
M quick si I caa. Boston Transcript.
Be Clean!
Inside and Outsicfe
. . . . . .
he uiec om
I ;,l. ..mmA
or by inscUvity of ths
doldcn Medical Discovery
- (bi Tabist or Liquid Form)
m-. tha inltm-and more. It put the liver In iwk a eoadltlsa of
Uh rt it Bake good Woed-rise. red bkW t aearWi aad
. VT.,?!! ,r..7l"nu tonle. r-vlvlfyln, hy gtMlsg S
botO.orsbofcf Ublau from your medieiD dValer-s send il lor a
trial bos. Address a below.
, m mii t l
Dr. vTm. I-wtm. ItottaK N. Y.
' " .
Wflt. n uWk 0
Dyer How did Lliely overeoaj
Ootros t obleetlua to him a a pro
pertiv son la la t
Hyer li Uught klm a Bw faac
Up. , ... .
The Old endRcllalflo
Kir ivtbus 1 faomnfin
tkatkanMMna. -
eauln I A
pm mm mm ml awedkal kw fws.
warrr v aaa Btmatarr
torn L T luairwN ss a CO.
a- iaw-ak.Tn.H.T.
Hamlet Had HI Rtaaens.
Th 11 J oh a a Herreehoff, th
famous blind yacht builder, one said
at Hrtslol: - . - . . .
"It to hard to sipisia now a, oriaa
Blind, caa dsalga yachts herd be-
aauaa tka averaae sua Is BO llBoraSt
of yacht eonstractlon.
"Wbea I tola yacht construction hi
ik aaaram man I'aa ia tha DOltta
of lb critic to whom a chap said:
- went to Be namiei last usiu.
H m. Indeed!' said th critic.
..kll.a kla klak hrew. 'And BOW
tell ma. my good fellow, do you think
liassiet was maa i
-i ka a wall ka waa. said
th other. Ther wereat lb re din
peopl la IB BOUSA"
8vnty tons of eoal a dsy will car.
ry aa ordinary battleship along at th
cruising speed of 10 to 12 knots; but
to drive her at 10 or more, five time
that amount must b used.
, Couldnt Hurt It
"Alpln scenery I very graBd."
Very durabUt. too. 1 ImaslB It will
pull through tb war all right" Kaa-
saa City Journal. , - ,
Poor Blood L
It th tnJtrtci cotue of much
irinler $khnuit oBowt cAiu,
tneltu tdld$ and ikhntu.
Kotrnttatoarr sioo msks blood
not drug, or liquors sad lb nourlsa
tn food la Stoll't CimiMm ehsige
summer blood with winter rkhoee
and liwraas th red corpuscJea
it. r-J IJm Oa amis
Ik hear, fertlfta th !,
aad alleviate
4-i tHUii sussnrinx.1.
- r
aatr n A UllinP
Repeating Shotguns
it tiaa rreAt atreneth, because
Mil Werk '
"You don't mesn to tell n you'r
going to Invite Mr. Gink to your party I
Don't you know h doesn't dance!"
"Of course, but we'v got to bar
somebody to pump th pianola."
Tf van wonU b
haalthv. stronc and
L.nn. R.rlia keen tlia skin
...fin mwvt eri nn Vint
kt.t .luwi tka tn.i.ia at the hndvl
Yon can no more afford to neglect It
.i . l. u.iu. f la 4nafc aa ImnAlt.
loan me - ' , - r
. . L 1.. . .. rt tnm tiAlanniMia
ay .win w fciwin. -. . ,
k, waaknesa of th diCMUV rgans
SU I sovet wailA . iun
Ul I 1