The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 05, 1915, Image 3

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    .1 . ,es
Dr. Alfred F.Scmpert
Graduata and Registered
Prlcee lUaaonall
BRANDT DI.IXJ., titalr
.1 ' ,
at Weston Bakery
Cake ami r-aatry. ...
Fine Camllo.
t Goad HmH at AU Hour, So. .
, We apeelall, In Lodge ,
, and Party Buht.
zmni thoBAiirn
fterondhand Slora
ia Wheeler hotel. .
U. T. Iiougl Iim Ihhiii kept m bum
fur eevsral wveka bjr Jllorta.
That Qreaa Kaamsl Wra la going
at bargain price. Walla Hoger.
Mr. K ii if ana Walla of Maakat moun.
lain la reported K) Im seriously III at
tha Walla Walla hospital.
Announcement U tnmla that pro
treoiexl iiimwi Inira will hegln November
21 at the UnltU llreihren chorvh.
Trade at Hornet Wa'll trade lha
new fur lha old In Mia furniture Una,
rtjf hi here In Weston. K. U. iJeMoa.
Mr, and Mr a. Jlom.r 1 Heart
antarlalnad Friday evening wuh a
novel and enjoyable Hallowe'en par
ly at their huina on Kaat Main street.
Tha rouma war appropriately decor.
alad and lha guest, upon entering.
were severed Introduced to Mleneral
Jack o lanlarn," who grinned In wel
orna. Imperial pleasure waa found
around a cheerful bonfire la lha
yard, where limn war played, ator-
ie told and "weenl" and mershmal
Iowa tuaatad aad eaten, further ap
petuing refreshment wara lalar
served In lha house by lha hostess.
Tha guest warat Mlaaaa Anita and
Ode Klrkpalrirlt, Kmma Johnann,
Lutila C'oaawall. Mauda Aaer. Ollva
Kilmer, Nallla Workman. Alberta Iry-
dan. Impulse Itlntoul; Itr, Alfred T.
Hempen! Messrs. Ilobart Illomgrea,
II. Goodwin, (laud Prlra, H. Weber,
Clark Wood.
Joe tlodtfsoa will yo to Portland U-
morrow alih a rarjoad shlmnaiil of . . .
rum Meadow brook, ' " """a
eorpolenl (xirksra (rum
Nut a fpa
Horaa far nloa bedroom eat for aala
cheap. 1C K iU hiu.
Mae Walla at Hogare' tamant ovtr
Weatoa'a rraa Pay, In Wig Ad,
Twe mala pica, fi-bloodd Bark
ahlra, for aala. i. C Hopkins.
Mr. and Mr. at D. Taraar - wara
mnnf t natter from rradicton on
Waaton Day. ..,..! .
A lady'a hand bag loft with ua "free
tay." Contain aoma child article
Wall Kogsr. , , .
Our atock of second-hand good la
llggr and better Utn aar and will,
lutarest you, loina In. K. V- JCcbm.
Frank imllh waa bara Saturday and
unday from awatar, wnar ha
clerking la tha . Ktavar marrantlla
ora. . ... .
Joaaph Wuraar, Waaton councilman
a arl-
joua condition In a Bpokana hoopltaJ. board.
nr. wuraar haa land holdlnga In tha
Waatiin Uaalwll fana ara : nalghborhood of Odaaaa, Waah., whara
Ir. ftampart waa la Walla Walla tor
aavaral daya thla waak, allandlna
maallna of tha Waahlnaton daotal
iniiillnif thniMltaa that they will j ha waa klrkad In tha atomacli by
I Dale Rothwelll
Optlcil Sjwclillil
X I viva all mv tliM Ia Ik Rt. Z
ttlnr and Kruidirw of grlaaaea, I f
k - . : . I i , . I W
I mtv prariiraa in I aiHiwion ail
rara. All work (uaranlaad.
AanarVan Nat'l Bank BH.
Pendleton Oregon
i tha all-mar National ami American
taama In acilon a I'amlleum Noram
bar 13.
Ilrnry Rlampar, wall known Waaton
plonaar who haa conducted a llvary
atabla hara for many yaara, la raport
ad to ba critically III at hla homa on
Wntar alraal.
C, M. I'rlea waa a rarant ylaltor to
tha matrupolla, and hlad to maka
buatnaaa llly at Ma atockyarda with
a carload of hoga. Ha racalvad aao
canla par pound for tha ahlpmant
Amung tha formar Waatunlana who
wara hara from Walla Walla for Waa
ton fay wara lira ad ma McDonald.
Mr. and Mra. A. II. Wooda. Mr. and
Mr M T. tiura. Mra. LlonaMauaa ami
U. M. nk hmond.
Jaaa Powla la back from tha t'ma-
I II la tlvar, whara ha apant tha aum
mula. Hla aon Alva, who waa with
him on tha ranch, eonvayad him to
Hpokana, and Mra. Wuraar hurried to
hul badalda from Waaton In raaponaa
to a talagram. It waa found by II a
urgaona that lha tntaatlnaa wara par
foratad, and an oparatloa waa par
formad Monday. Undar tha moat fa
vorabla rondltlona. Mr. Wufsar will
ba unabla to laava lha hoapltal for
thrao waaka or longar. t
Rea. Dr. Gcorra II. Van Waiara,
Ihi haa baaa appolnuid by Bishop
I'adikM'k aa yoncral mlaaiimary of
KaMrn Or mm In aaaorilailon wtib
Iter. Mr. Powell, and who for mora
than 11 waa motor of Hi. Davkl'a
t'hiireh at Portland, Or., will eon.
duct aervlce nail Monday morning
and avenlng In lha Cplacopat Church
at Waaton. Waaton paople In ganaral
ara Invltad and urged to avail them-
aelvea of tha opportunity to hear Dr.
mer monlha. Ha want hunting for Van Water, who la regarded aa an
deer with Frank Poole, Hhed frlM able and echolarly man. Ha will gr
and John Hagar. and they did not re
turn amply-handed.
a. W. Mlirhell haa begun digging
apuda at hla plana on Head and Haw-
ley mountain, and re porta that tha
I quality hi better than any be haa aver
raited. The yield la good, too, one
acre ao far harvested having produced
It aacfca.
A Joong apple tree la growing In
(lha yard of Mra. W. M. Oerklng ?n By.. who eetablliihed the nret iuto
rrennun eireet, w ii it n eeema 10 oe
miatafcen la the aeaaona. Ita foliage
rive la Weaton Friday evening. In or
der to meet tha members of the con'
gregatlon and of All Halnte Guild.
Weston and Pendleton and the In
termediate towne ara now served by
two auto atage tinea aa well aa by tha
O.-W. H. N.. and traveling la made
both easy and convenient I, O. Wood
haa Just put a new Pord automobile
on thla run and Issued a time sched
ule. To meet thla competition. A. M
fannvaMtaf- if sirM
S M -. M sen 1 1
s-enaieeliiiew Wm o iiiwimi. f
--. aw, tr is A aial
r.i 1 CCST
l4e ee sail la
MMuerE ' 1
mmm m www r -
aha, we awtM f I
H. mmmt-. a sMr Waje I
rase. '
Liarion O'llarra
la coming out and It la full of buda
and bloaeoma. The tree was trans
planted and trimmed hurt aprlng.
Misa Clara C. Toung la teaching tha
achool In district No. II north of
town, wtlh eleven puplla enrolled, and
la making her home with the J. N.
Turks at Keverfail farm. Mlaa Toung
came to Weaton from Portland, but
received her professional training in
R. W. Fletcher, circulation manager
of tha Kaat Oregonlan who circulate
all over the county In his Ford ma
china found himself marooned Kst
urday with a broken crank shaft on
the try creek road, llnmer Hedrlck
brought In tha car for the necessary
repair at tha Weaton garage.
Weston's annual city election will be
held Monday. November II. A mayor,
three rounrllmea for two year, a re
corder and treasurer are lo be chosen
stage line, baa also put a new Pord In
eommlaaloa to rep 1st- hi old ma
chine. Berved by two other competi
tive automobiles between the town
and depot. Weaton doean t have to
walk anywhere or any time.
A eery pleasant feature amona; the
social activities or nnlon w a Hsl
lowe'en auptwr glren ly the Katun)
Afternoon t'luh OrtoW .HI to tha la
dle ami i heir hustutnOs. The borne of
Mr. It W. Hma n, the hostess, waa
must l-enttfiillr decorated In the fall
color. Trailing autumn vine ami ml
berries were imhh) In the living room,
wnila In lha dining; room were the
umisI HalluweVn embellishment. A
Isinnilfiil tupfier waa spread and an In
formal program waa enjoyed later In
the evening;. The aOalr waa largely
. AaU IUt tckatuli
A. M. (Mug Went. I. M.
Vt Weaton m Wrwtoa t:0
i Athena
at ; mm M : - a A . R
,! A. O.!. : P.H I u,4 cntch,-. formerly .f We!rr!r: 1.
t Pea die ton
' Adam
im Athena "
I' ": ' rarest,
Mr. and Mra. Jaaa Gordon motored
over In their Ford . Haturday from
their farm beyond Athena to attend
Weaton Day,
Aa la hla annual, custom. Jam
Kirk patrlck haa gone to tha National
neldler Home In California to apend
the winter months. - -
Motor ear service lo all point, day
or night. Also livery and feed etaba
eppoalte the Ueuaiiea blacksmith
shop. La fa McBrida..
The East Qregoajlaa publishes a re
port that Walla, Walla will bold no
more frontier show, having found
them a financial failure.
; . .. f
Weaton I represented on the stu
dent roll of the Northwestern buslneaa
eollege at Hpokana. by Sylvan Ken
nerd and Cyril Praebatel. -
Not a few Weaton families dined on
venlaoa Sunday, after George Sower
and Sim I. Culler had returned from
a aucceasful hunting expedition.
In the county court veatanday a pro
fssied new road up i'lew creek from
Weaton waa oHered,eurvejed, and if
paactleable will , ba. made a county
highway, ( '
Jess York Jr. left yesterday far
Mt. Alrv. N. Cm k visit three month
with hi grandmother and uncle. He
will also look after but father' land
Interest there. v,'.
Khiva Masa, a young Serbian, killed
hlmaelf with a revolver at the C. P.
Howman ranch on Butter creek, and
tfhoonee! Gee
Let's do it Some Morc-but
Wc !l Watt a flit
Weston's Free Day made us all glad, end we surely
Had a Good Ulx
, Twelve Hundred and Sixty Poor People awapped pasteboard for paper plate and then aoma, TV.e
Souvenir Wood were full of Huntert-aom from Will Walla, Pendleton, Hilton, Athena and Adam and
ecb found cam. Jim King; kwt hi Goose but Ralph Tucker caved but Pif . lot Hodgaon bad aoma Barn
yard Pheasant, but they all rot away, and Jack Chapin'a prise Chanticleer fell to y arribe. Sim Bamea
says Flour (a barrel) I in good demand, and Price report that Wheat (two aack) ia moving aome. Jama
wiped O'Hsrr' ham, nd a prominent lady drew a "Hair Cut and Shave," ' . "
Hardware, Lumber, Fuel and Implements, and Rob aay be wishea to fir torn special tn that
Una Green Enamel Ware The Shamrock Style. Come and try him. Ha prefer to go fishing, but aay ha
wroold Ilk to close it out before the next trip.
, Too know that wbea we say "Bargain" w mean what w aay.
S i
i f
13 CXli
aUi imJ
much us aa a Hottentot for a flannel
shirt, but thla only enhanced tba Joy
ous nature of tha affair. - - .
Meala were served to lltt people,
and were paid for by Watt Rogers,
who originated Weetoa Free Day and
who have , received aa ' enthusisstk-
trlbut of pralae from all concerned
for their enterpiiae and generosity
left a note saving that "life without
friend I Impossible."
Mrs. Harriet Hosier and Mr. Alice
Klrkpalrlck left yesterday for Hepp-
ner to visit Mrs., J. H. Edwards,
daughter-of Mr. Murler, who will re
main In Happaer for the winter.
Vocal Culture A. V Lundell, B. M
will accept a limited number of pu
pil In singing and" sight reading on
reasonable term. Class forming now.
Tour piano tuned at city prices.
J. H. Reynolds, a Milton orchardut.
Informa the Eagle that ha haa made
cash sale thla year of $1200 from
three acre of peaches. However, he
haa had to take good care of hla 'or
chard to occur the results.
Umatilla county ha ten standard
Everybody likes the kind of enter-
lalaera. There's snoush vsrletv to ; nign acnooia. among wnico is n eaton
keep It from palling on the palate ofiMtn. mere are il m uregon. ina-
ha listener, there la charm in theiWla county contain more recognizee
Aa la usually the rase, candidate are manner of tta giving, and the music high achoola than any other' county
eumeanat ecarc ana coy. aa eervir i cleverly chosen and well rendered. n tne atate in proportion to lis popu-
in me cure Binrrminip dociv rmrrtra t. L. ..k. . v nmnnM I. .. n
I,.. - - - - N ,.Tn m W . .. .. J m. M .-
- with It na smntuments and sometime ..M...11.. .nu.
J.,0 sr-end,,.. itf
10:10 " Adam 4:10 losing the first crop from hla home-l,,.
11,11 " Athena 1:11 atead In the vicinity of Uurkee. Ore-j,;ovm,7r " '
Igon. Ptacked In the field, nut barley
land oats caught fire In some manner
Waatea to Alhena, lifl Weaton to ' and went up In flame and mok. A
ic; Alhena la AOs ma. Ilo; Mr. Crltihlow had no insurance, tn
" Wesson to Pendleton, tl.O; Alhena to
telele, 1tt; Adama ta Pendleton,
i . i
I Round trip. If made In as ma day:
Waaton and Pendleton, II.IO; Athena
and Pendleton, $1.11.
Headquartera: Weaton. at CHy Drug
fltero: A'hen. Bt. Ktrhola Hotel;
A4ama. Inland Merorntlle Ktore; Pen
,;ditoa, fYeacli Itoatauraat.
' . A. H lOTDEX.
loss I a aerlou blow to him.
A valued house pet I inlawing from
the horn of Mr. and Mra. "rel Mc
Orew, who will pay a reward for Ita
return. It la a gray Persian cat of
unusual also, and disappeared- last
Monday, much to the aorrow of Ita
mistress. This handsome feline I or
royal lineage. Its parents having taken
prise In bench how at both Seattle
aad Portland.
am m mmmm mm mm
luxurious fahle settings
v That Will Worthily the ThankisMiij Table
Tha President haa proclaimed the National Thankajrlytng Feat Day. The
Old World M In the flame or war, wnit amenca enjoys res aim
Tbla will baona of tba moat notable Thaiiktjfiviiig- Annlveraariea In American
The thoughtful housekeeper bl already thinking about tha Turkey. Soon
ba will proekl fur the Mine and Pumpkin Pie. Khe will have the potatoee
mashed and beaten to a foam a a dellciou vehicle for the rich hrown gravy
for ba "Thankeitivlnp; Dinnor" I the pride of her whole year-ami perhaps
aMmMn of im iimuy in vunn ua ir uiv '"h V
But Are Ihe Dinnerware and Silverware Provided ?" -
In rn amundT ta it rich and luxurious, to give
that vleamlng radiance to the festal board? Tha whole FINISH of tha aump
tuoua IMnner depends on tha Table Sett Inir.
Then, bow about other furtilshlnjra-orld pieces, a rug or two, soma drap
er lea? How about soma extra bedding for the spare room? The thitig jou
naad are bera In almost endless assori mania. o neeo. 01 cnooeing k
eouare not entirely plea.ed with. Eseeially I thla true of Dinnerwara (ffli
pglUrnt) aid Silvai WMre (six high grade patterns.)
. All thla weak and next, several hundred Items 1 .n'i 5nSc !
wry department in this biff tore haa provided a lot of IHANKMjIVING BAK
GA1NS. Some of these will be sold out bofore two weeks, some perhaps will
' bat longer. During the last ten days before Thankrgiv ng we will give a FINE
TURKEY FKEB to customer whose purchases amount to 126.00 or more, but
there will not be so many special bargain. So come early. Space does not
1 permit enumerating these specials, but you may depend on it they ara numer
ousand "wortk while. Davir-Kswr'a never disappoint. They alwaya give at
least a much of ten tnore-than they promise.
Mr. and Mrs. a. H. Fontaine were
recent visitors her from their tarn,
near Covello, Wash., and remained
for Weston Day. Mr. Fontaine waa
once a printer, but knew when to quit,
and now ha a ranch and an automo
bile. Moreover, he refused to trade
Ither one for our O. Wash. . When
the Fontaine motored back to Co
vello they were accompanied by Mra.
Fontaine' parents, Mr. and Mr. W.
E. Drlakrll, who will visit thera there.
A party of Weston cattlemen con
tstlng of Ralph Tucker, Jim Ueual
len. Oeorg Klnnear and P. A. Mc
Brld saw a herd of five elk a few
daya ago on the breaks of the Walla
Walla river north of dialing's Camp.
They were much Interested In watch
ing the movements of the herd, as elk
are- seldom met with la that vicinity, i
Klnnear had a grand little adventure
of hla own, having actually helped
Forest Banger Baker to kill a bear.
A carload of oil wa received thla
week by the City of Weaton for appli
cation to Ita . thoroughfarea. Main
treat, which was recently Improved
by grading, haa been thoroughly oiled.
and while the Immediate result la not
especially delightful. It , la expected
that the atreet will be In fine condi
tion aoon. "Baking powder" from the
brickyard Is being spread on top of
tha oil. ' - v'". .
billon, except Lane county.
: Mr. William MacKensl waa the
recent hostess of a delightful recep
tion given for the teacher of Weaton
by the Saturday Afternoon Club. Tte
parlous parlors were artistically .dec
orated lir autumnal" colon, and the
musical program presented wa ; re
ceived with much pleasure and appre
ciation by the club ladles and their
guests. Dainty refreshmenta 1 were
served at the close of the afternoon.
Hallowe'en sprites were somewhat
discouraged her by the presence of
two special policemen aaalating Chief
Wilson. Liftln' thing Isn't very easy
with so many cop around. However,
they managed to tip over aome out
building and to put the bell out of
commiaalon at the achool house on the
hill. In order that the Janitor might
appreciate their activities- "Bowser"
or "Bow Wow" Edward (special cop)
wa carefully and particularly avoided
by the goblins, - who called him the
above pet name at a aafe distance.
. i " . Complete Furnisher of Homes, Pfflcea, Churches, Schoola : ;
10-80 Aider St - (Odd Fellowa' Temple) - WALLA WALLA, WASH.
flodel Tailors i and Cleaners
Ladies' and Gents- Suits Made --
and Remodeled
,' jfSf Special attention given to out-of-town cleaning
sent -by parcel postr-
114 E. Webb St. Pendleton, Oregon
8am Banister greeted Weaton
friends Monday while on hla way from
Enterprise to Waltaburg. Having
traded hla Wallowa county holdings
for Waltaburg wheat land. 6am la now
on another -deal.- He contemplate
awapplng hla Waltaburg land for sua
acrea on the Coppei, between Dayton
and Dixie. Hla family will remain at
Enterprise for the present
J. N. Tork brightened The Leader
office this week with hi presence
and alao with the cheerful ray from
shining white metal. Mr, Tork haa
formed the commendable habit of
aendlng Weston Leader to relative
In hi natlva state of North Carolina,
and made hla customary annual vlalt
to liquidate for hla own and these
. -
Concerning second crop strawber
ries, mentioned how and then in the
newspaper. J. E. McDanlel come to
bat from Weston mountain with the
Interesting new that . he haa ripe
strawberries, green ones and bloa
aoma all on the same vine. Although
he forgot to bring us a bunch, we
hasten to assert our confidence In
Jim' veracity. - , .
Suitable monuments of white mar
ble. Inscribed with their names and
their army connectlone, were lately
received by Merrltt A. Baker from the
federal government to be placed at
the graves of the late Thompeon War
ren and James A. Royce In the local
cemetery. Both eaw honorable serv
ice for their country tn the civil war.
A baby daughter, weight aeven
pounds, was born September IS to
Mr. and Mra. Will & Preston at their
homa In Huntington Beach, Calif.,
and haa been chrUtened Eva Vivian.
- The lunch was a splendid one, served
In cafeteria style In the pioneers' pa
vilion by the ladiee of Weston' lead
ing churches, the Methodist and the
United Brethren. Each church net
ted 7. Bill Price. Weston's expert
coffee maker, wa enrolled by the la
dle, and prepared Just about enough
of this beverage to float the dread
naught Nebraska la the Culebra cut'
It was fin coffee, too.
The free entertainment was provid
ed by E. D. Hewitt' motion picture,
ahow la Weaton opera house. Mr.
Hewitt has a new outfit and present
ed a fine program during the entire
afternoon and evening to hundreds of
people-. Hi films are the latest going.
and were clearly shown upon the
screen. '
Tbe business house and Individual
who contributed to the success of Wee
on Free Day were aa followa:
- To O'Uarra Store. Watts J Rog
ers, Goodwin'a Drug Store, Lundeli'a
Market. KlrknatHck' Confectionery ,
Feci 80 Coast Klevator Co., Lieuallen
& Son's Blacksmith Shop, I'errjr'a
Market. Joe Hodgson Neadowlirook
Farm. DeMosa Furniture Store. Wea
ton Brick vard, A. James' Weston
Barber Shop, F. C. tlreer, 80I
er'a. Blackatnitb Shop, Zehin' Bak
ery, Stamper' Stables, Dr. S. I
KennarU, Weaton Warehouse Co.,
Weston Mercantile Co., The Farmers'
Bank of Wewion, Wood' Feed Mill,
Lafe Mc Bride. Tbe Weston Leader,
ftedrlok's Garage, Weston Tailor and
Berber Shop, Ralph Tucker, the H. A.
Brandt Store, the Webb Hotel, tbe
Harnett Kconoroy Store. J. B. Far
rrn' Confectionery and Pool Hal), F.
G. Lucas' Keal Estate Office.
-You Can't Raise Corn
in the Northwest Bat corn is grown here good corn,
. ,- . . - small cobs, deep kernels, solid ears, and
plenty bushels per acre. , ,
, r - ' Every frmer every live stock owner .
. every dairyman knows what corn means.
Whether or not yon know that corn is a successful nop in this country, g and '
see the result of a campaign for more pork and better pork, more ;'
eat tie, more daine and silos, ana better times at the
.... ,
Walla Walla, December 2-3-4
City Primary.
A primary mass meeting; of the le-
pal voter of the City of Weston,
Oregon, I herewith called for next
Monday evening. November 8, at 7:30
o'clock at the council chambers, for
the purpose of nominating a ticket to
Im voted upon at tbe ensutnvr city elec
tion Eoveniber 15, 1815.-'
P. T. Harbour, Mayor.
The success and nevelty of Weaton
Pre Day delighted both the town and
Ita visitors. It is likely that no similar
event with prises, meala and enter
tainment entirely free was ever
"pulled off In the United State. Cer.
talnly no other town tn the. Pacific
Northwest haa thu distinguished lt
aelf. We look to see Portland. Walla
Walla, Pendlajon and other burg with
lea Initiative than Weston, copy Ms
neat little "atunt."" Most certainly
they are welcome to do so, aa "Imita
tion la the since rest flattery." Neither
Is New Tork City barred, although the
task of feeding five or six million peo
ple might overwhelm the merchants
of Gotham.
Two thousands souvenirs were of
fered by Weaton. business men rang
ing In value from a five cent lead pen
cil to a ten dollar clock, won by Frank
Skinner. The people registered their;
name in a big book at the DeMosa
Furniture Store and drew numbered
tickets from a large box with an
opening In the top of sufficient sis to
admit the hand. The prhtes were
distributed among the different stores
about town and bore -numbers corres
ponding to the tickets. - The task of
hunting for them proved to be a mer
ry and fascinating one for all, and
throngs of aearchera ransacked every
business house in tha town. Especial
ly did the little boys and girls take
delight in thla pastime. ' Through the
thoughtrulness of Dr. Watta, hundreds
of toya and novelties were provided
for tha little ones, and they had a
separate box from 'which to draw
their prisea.
About 1(06 number were drawn In
all. and there was a corresponding
prise for each, although a number of
people did not find their souvenirs
Saturday. Record Was kept and the
gifte given out later to those who
came to town ejraln. Gifts of consid
erable value were bestowed by a num
ber of business houses, although aa a
matter of course the moat of the
prisea were Inexpensive. Now and
then some eager hunter would draw
a prlrv for which he had about as
ston Meal
lie! .
Prime Beef
Pork, Mutton, Veal
Dressed Poultry
FISiiaMouiay and Thursday
Get Our Prices
Phone No, S3. Orders taken by
phona for mail routes. .,
F. Perry
Information and Premium List Free
upon application to
S. S. NELSON, Agent, Weston
n H. BURNS, D. F. & P. A.. Walla Walla
Low Fares for the Round Trip
-fi v 2 . V
v -
(if '' -Mh
Time is fast flying; why should
you wait? . We want to help you,
and have therefore added our
Exchange Department. We are
prepared to accept the old furni
ture you wish to trade for -new.
How long have you f wanted a
new dining table, new 'dresser,
new chair or other article,! but
felt that you could not afford,?to
throw the old one away? Now is
your chance to replace . it.
The Belilossf
Dr. J. G. McAVATIi
Office one block north of the bank
Electric Treatments
. 0" Pbon 621
W. M. Pcttnea C. It. Bishop
Peterson & Bishop
' ' uwyers ;. ,.,,;
Pendleton, Or. ' - Freewater, Or.
!' . .
I 1 SUr
The kodak season
is at hand, and much .
of beauty , is offered
by the autumnal land
scape. We wish to -remind
syou that we
have a nice stcck of
kodaks , and camera
siJ iy Was
Weston, Oregon