We sell only Groceries of Guaranteed Quality. Satisfied customers are our best advertisers. ARK YOV MU'IMTKOT tit several capital th tnUiiU power. It would b Interesting (o eomnar A nrofeaeor f the Vntvrlly of what Germany now want with what ' haa evolved a aerlee of teet hrtwhnthwrl... oueetkm ferine .ducated which, ha 5 JUR PREFERRED STOCK BRAND OF Canned Goods are the most attractive Canned Goods on the Oregon market We are always ready to meet your requirements in Canned Vegetables, Fruits, Salmon, Tea, Coffee, Spices, Extracts, Jelly Powder and Grocers' Sundries. The . quality of these goods is backed by CASH GUARANTEE. Ve have just received a 600-pound shipment of the 1915 Walnut Crop. If o lWiWa (Phone Main 241) avow, are th beet evidence f real .duration. If you ran anawer It we with MrdoBati! do of "yen" to all ha qiiMtluita you are Iru- prki that Ula eki-Ume but? celebrated ly . ih lnfr..r say. Here Waauaal).y Mth tow rrla K, y .rmr..,h, larger tUxki and put up a better with all lha rood rau and ma1, than ft ny t!m la tU Ma- you eet'oue h.ra J tory. Evan In pioneer day whan It " ""d Pub',e ' wa a lively front Wr town and tha hub M m, kro,h'r ,0 th of MWil itag route, it Could not Hava you' learned how lo make h v niad ao good a showlne;. Coenp. friend and keep them? " -titfanlaaow kaan la a number of IIivm ! you know what It la to be a that war former! 'Meed one," and tha raault I aeon In bright and hand aoma hop and afore, prepared to moot ovary community need. Popula tion la Incraaalnf nd house art at premium. On property owner who had much troubl hi nllmg her houaae yr ago la now htrning appllcaiiU friend to yrlft Can you loo an honeet man or part woman in th yT ' IX) you aoa anything to lv in a nttle child t ' - Will lonely dnjr follow you In' tie etreet Can you ha hlhmlnded and happy In lha mn druriterle of llfT Do you think that waahlnv dlahe NO MATTER WHAT YOU WANT You can buy it for less at , THE GOLDEN RULE STORE It's the way wo buy for 3 Cis Busy fitcrcs direct from the manufacturers for CASH together with our modern selling methods, Uiat enables ui to give you value and quality no one-store merchant can hope to duplicate. Investigate our, methodsr it's worth while.; u? uu 6 J 1IAIXOW1C-KX ItlS. away, aa avarv dwalUna- aha awna la nnd hoeing rorn la Ami aa compallbl oomnM k. a.lMkl. h. '" mmamf aa- piano piaytm Are yoa iroo4 for anything youraelf t ran you be happy aloner Can you look out on the world and aee anything but dollar and rentef ' Can you look Into a mud-puililie by tha wayald and aee a clear aky T Can you aee anything In tha puddle but mudr Ret Lampmaa la Oregon Journal.) What la It drift athwart tha moo That awlnga ao round and redt la It a wttca aatrlda her broom. tier rone-can on her headr I look again and aee It la A Zeppelin tnataad, peer lata lha mldnlght'a deptha Through Burrliur autuma rain. - To aea aoma goMla ahape loom up. Grow big and fade again: It cornea, a goblin ahape. Indeed A whirring aeroplane. They bob tor apple In tub ThU merry Hallowe'en. And. may bap. In the water there A akulklng aprlia I aeea. (The tub beromea the oceaa'a bowl. Tha aprlt a aubmarlne.) What I lb la Jack-o'-lantern That baa but on bright eye. With auch a reetleea U are that goea 8o awlA from low to burnt t look again what do I aeer A aeairhllght awerpa the akyl t hear a tick-tack etrummlng Upon my window alll: t llatea lof It ta the gun Behind ehot-torn hill; Above the myriad rlflea ereah. The ahrapnel ahrleklng ah rill. TOU WEJTON PEOPLE Mm pie buckthorn hark, glycerine. etc., aa mined In Adter-4-ka, the ap- peadlcltla prevenlallve, dralnt a much foul mailer from lha body thai ONK SPOON'PirL relieve eour alnmach. gaa and ronctlpallan AT ONCE. The Ql'ICK action te aetonlahlng, 1L I Good win, drugglat, ' CreiHi da China, 40 Inch wkht, Outlnf Klminal for uwUrWear or II. (A) value, our pr. ........... WM ' comfurl llulnr. , . .. M, oVia, B0, 10 It, to.,1 Vrho;' ijfft3 M M 8,,U1'"' -,oa valua, our price Apron Ciiufham,-.,,... oe and ftfs JWnch Silk MMlln........68 P W pritw.i.. Vi , ' , . ... Lonadal Mualln, our priri. Imported Gabanlln , Bulling, ... I. ., 1W valua, our price l.i Pruit of the Uom Mualln, our prtc 10 vTuV PtpparaB 8hatj Wool Dree GoK 0...lm Kut Wool Nap Dald IltanktU, SOc pric 23c, Sic, !, Wc, two value, our pre u I1.M Ton can Do Better it Ihe Golden Rule ;' Wt leal ' Often rsltfif J. C. PENNEY CO., INC. - (10 Buay 8tora) .ATHENA, ORtaON GROCER HABERDASHER ej y0gaygpgvge we e ee e Itttttttttttttltttl ntltltllM a Cpon thla night old legenda aajr. Tha future' ecrolt appeara. And gtrla may lear with whom they'll wed And live tha happy yeara; The boy crouch In the trenchea. The girl weep btlter tear. Toung maiden gated la mirror la yeara agooe, la aatd. And there they gllmpaed their true love a face. .v. . ... Before tha apell .wa aped; But thla year ah, they dare not look. For fear their lore be dead! The boy and gtrla, they i play at ghoat ,-. White forma go flitting by; They grow Into a aloud that fill The apace twist earth and aky: I know they are the ghoata of men . Who did not want to die. To Whom hi May Coex-em. In the Matter of tha Account of I D. B. J arm a. Nolle la hereby given that I am the I aaalgnee of the account and noteal formerly due and owing to IX P). Jar-1 man ef Weeten. Oregon, and aame are due aad payable to me. I hare ap pointed Mr. Qeo. 1 Horaentan of I Weaton. Oregoa, aa my agent to col lect thee debt aad ha la authorised to receipt for tha name. Debtor are I respectfully requeued to roll on Mr. I Horseman aad settle their obligation I la thla matter. R. U SARIN, It's True Economy TO TRADE AT , wUIAA MacKOiiZIS, Pnsidcsi j. b. rsicc vk rit C M. SMITH. Caihicr t L BLOM0REH. AnWaat Cuhm Established 1891 & Farmsrs Bask of Weston If you are figuring on a FARM LOAN now or later, come in and talk Hi over with us. T ,V WWWWm-w-r-w-m -w ww r -r -w -w -w t -w t J Rne Jewelry Expert Repairing 1 will appreciate a call when you visit Athena. L S. VINCENT Hawk's Drag Store ATHENA - - OREGON lrwl wum rUm atvt jrpifr1tc oMlnrl e- v f Btn iMnH tclM ar pUottm M dlax PATXHT WWLD POftTUtVtS W ybMk Omr irmm toe sol) Lett sM. wimt (0 anWsst WrM (sndaVjr. D. SVIFT & CO. PATENT LAWYEB. $fi3 Svrik St, y8bingta. D. C ) jgygfsj nozjnm 1. watts Atiomey-at-Lw Practice in !1 State and Federal Courts. ATHENA, OKEQON CANDIES CIGARS . TOBACCO Have Just Added . a Stock of Knives and HARMONICAS Kirkpatrick's Confectionery WE8TON LEADER CURK WOOD, PsMidwr ODD niTB OF NEWS. W bny for rash and sell caah-at small margin. 1 GROCERIES Crash and Linen Goods J NOTIONS School Supplies SUBSCaiPTION RATES SMcth In Afkinct TJie Year.... 8ix Month. . rnnr Mmiili ADVERTISING RATES Per Inrh ier month Per inrli, one ineertinn IMrai, ter line each insertion. ...l M 0 76 ... 0 M .0 M .... 20 . 05 FRIDAY Bardstoarn. Ky. Mildred Gilmore Halt cam into the world ready, for the dinner table. She had two fully developed teeth In her lower sum. Hartford. Michigan. An admirer bronchi the editor or the Day Spring I freak milt half peach and half apple. The dividing line m straight aad well drflned. Xha specimen grew on a peacn tree. Meadvtlle, Mlwv For the first time In It history, TS yasra, this town has a church. .The town wa the head- quarters for many year of the fa mo 11 ilAV Ml K "r man jntu ok cne isniou hwt. x V5lNwma-Byrd feud.. which ended with the kllllna- of all tha feudist. Eattrtd si the aettoflies si Weeten. Onjea, I New Tork, N. T According to m xteftKl. .all mt. " ?.rl,ur,i "T cently, foar dummy kaiser rid along For soma reason left off tha Good-1 ,he ,,n" ln dlffereat section of the ye.utomobil map, Weaton will have w v iuiici who ih hum rouio signs selected from soldlera who look nM on 1U electric light pole. Ilka the katser. la this way the life of the kalaer la bettor protected. Pari, franca Aiclde Verd. 71 years With New York. Massachusetts and old. la the oldest soldier In tha French Pennsylvania defeatine- aona! snffrae; '''. " Ohio turning down prohibiUon nd New" V.ZnT. iZ 1.11' lor reiusine; a new eonstitotion, the I Monroe, Wis This town was said West i entitled to point with mater to bo the "smelliest" town in America pride than ever to its own political re- wh'n lh nnu"' hees day waa held. generation. lb. jHiiBj Siors I for m I ! .Wr PHONE NO. 23S J k " " ' ' ti. "1 I aT raaaaaaaw. This Briquet Man hasn't got the STUMMY KAKE, as you would proba bly think from his looks; he is merely asking for more kake of the kind his wifo bakes when she burns DIA MOND BBIQUETS in her ran. DIAMOND BRIQUETS I lh clean! and, w think, the most rwn omkal IvmI on the market. Wt haw ' carload now in toe and would be glad to supply you with a amj.l order. WESTON BRICKYARD ffmi vMh Hiritcji illl Work Guaranteed WESTON GARAGE ILL, XXEDHXClt, Proprietor It's our aim and policy to have none but pleased . , and satisfied patrons. Expert Auto and Gas Engine Repairing. , ' Overhauling a Specialty. . raMTijIL-a Tab,, .Sidia -tea $ have been to tha Cxpositiona and S want to toll tou iAat every man, woman ana child who can, by any mean, should go. Children of today mav aaain en lot suHfh .A ..1,1. I. ,U. ... .. 7- , Tf"' ""JM I a,w w ra veiw IIMI I -w ISTtfflrr the prime of &-never. Nature's Food When The Hudson Bay New, published at j Two- ton of . tlmburger, - swim and other cbeessa were given away sandwlche,., t. ;.-!. . you need rolled grain the riirht aort I for keeping your livestock in fin let-1 Vincent by Griswold A Sheiey, is the j XOTICE OF HUXQ latest addition to Umatilla county' " ' FtXAtV KWXCXt. and BlateJiford'aCalf MaaL ; tho.mi lamuy 01 newspapers, ana should get tie. look for our irn and the food I In thing for for your dumb servant! stored In our bins. We nundl Steam Rolled Barley, Oat and Wheat; Baled Hay. Millstuff and Chicken Feed. We're local agents for Pcoek Fkmrf Ions; nicely if it maintain the stand- i tit Covuitr Coort of tha Sum of rd set by it initial number. Umatfl-I Oregon for rmatilla County. county now boast of a docen new. In the Matter of the Eatate of Sllaa- D. R.WOOD the Feed Man paper. Tun waa, about third of a century ago, when it bad but three the East Oregonian, the Pendleton Tribune and the Westom Leader, --. DR. C. H. SMITH Physician and Surgeon Office in Brandt building . WESTON OKEQON NOWS THE TIME to pay your Weston Leader "sub" BKBUQX6 01 WEHBL Germany continues to bemuse herself with the notion that the ha the Allies licked and that they ought to make peace on her own term. These are. according to a prominent German news paper: Austria to annex the neater nart of . aeroi. - :-.. . . France to be deprived of her fortified places. , , - itaiwia to lose r inland, the Baltic province, Bessarabia, Poland, the Crimea and portion of the Caucausus. England must abandon tier Mediter ranean poaeeesiona aa well aa Egypt and pracitically ail of her colonic. In dia to become a semi-independent stat unoer uerman protection. Meanwhile the Allies are in better cas because clearer rbrioned. Tbejr are well aware they haven't Germany ! licked and are under no illusion with respect to an early peace favorable to themselves. They zpect an Indefinite prolongation of the bitter struggle and intend to make the most of their clear superiority in men and resource until they wear down their powerful foe In the bloody mill of Man. There is no sign of yielding, no talk of peace, in both Prlne (sometime called Eliza Prine), Deceaaed. , v, , Notice Is hereby slven that I, a ad ministrator of the above named eatate with the will annexed, have filed my final account and report with ' the clerk of the above entitled court, which court has ftaed upon 11 o'clock ln the forenoon on December t. mm the time, and the County Court room In the Court House of Umatilla County, Oregon, In the City of Pen dleton. In that county, as the place, when and where any person bavin; any objection or exception to any thin; In aaid account and report con tained or to anything done by m aa administrator may present tha aame and they will be heard: and at that time the court will finally settle said final account ' This notice Is published pursuant to order of said County Court made ln the above matter on October th. 111. E. O, DEMOBS, . Administrator, etc. World conditions are such as will prohibit similar gatherings during our generation. ' That is why I say to you -GO! Tbe Sn SFranctsco Exposi tion closes December 1 4th. There is plenty of time yet to see it, but not more than enough Now is the best time of the year iri California and of the Exposition" season, f Therefore-Go Now! in th GOULD BUILDING I now open" for business tinder new management. Fresh Mcab, Lard and Fish , 2 ' , ' at moderate prices. Given a trial. ' A. W. LUNDELL, Manager Wc'ICtak car of your travel need. That's our businesa, Atk'8. S. NELSON; Agent. Waitoe. or B. BURNS, D, F, A P. A., Walla Walla, Wash. OREGOH-W A8HINGT0N RAILROAD & NAT. CO. UNION , PACIFIC SYSTEM FREF A 44 nCiHomU 4 lh e. FOB 8ALE, well-Improved place of 114. acre on Wild Horse creek, . three miles south of Weston. Good well; hog- tignt fence all around; an attractive irm. My home ranch of 70 acre two mile up th Walla Walla river road abov Milton; tit acre In cultivation. 150 in summer fallow this year. 'Good well and plenty of runniig water. Pine new bungalow. .. l Phone 47F, or ddrea MRS. H. PCIIWANDT. .Milton, Oregon. ECONOMY Welding Machine With this new and suc cessful device we are prepared to mend your Broken Castings. R. Ueuallen & Son, M. D.'s (Metal Doctor.) DR. W. C. HUGHES Dentist Office in the Eiam Building, Milton Tlours, 9 to 12 and to 5 TRY OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT nd reduce . tha -coet of livings Entire store operated on a STRICTLY CASH BASIS, which mean BIG SAVING for you. W present hear a few quotations, subject to market change. Coffee, good brand....... 25c lb Flour........;,....,..:.,,...;..... .$1,40 per sack Sugar,............,..........!.;.:..;.. 6.60 per sack ..' Beans ,10c lb.,.:......;,...v 3 lbs for 25c., Apples ......:.;........ 85c per box Fels' Naptha Soap 10c per bar or......... 3 for 25c Honey.;................;..;...... 85c per half gallon jar THE BRANDT STORE eotTeo4foooe