The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 05, 1915, Image 1

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NO. 20.
of mm week
trief Kcsi-ne of teslKcws
frca A3 Arcd the Ml
'1 HiTfOCIGS n a osm
Live News Items of AH Nations md
Ptcific Northwest Condensed
for Our Busy Readers.
Greet Britain has decided U mm
war committee.
The Selss press bI levee peace ne
gotiations art well under way.
Meileaa bullet eoVitlnu to eroes tit
border and monoco America troop.
O. A. C football Um dofeata Mich
I mm eggle at Lansing, by a score of
Tko'Amarieaa eoidlsr who tu abot
tocontly by a Mexican, died of hi
Germany again aaauraa th world
that her food supply la aoipla for any
fOver IS, 000,000 faat of lumbar U
carried from Columbia river mill dur
ing October.
Now Yrk. Pennsylvania and If aaaa-
ehoaetta voted against Woman suffrage
by Urta majoritle. .
If any seamen fail to pees th taat
required by the LaFollette act. and
shipping along the Peeifls Coaat la ser
toaaly hampered.
Joe Wlllerd, heavyweight eham
pion pugilist, will defend bla title at
New Orlaana next March. II will
tght Tommy Bursa.
A Chicago pa par baa compiled a Hat
of madieinaa (a dally use. which abowa
an Ineraaa la prioa of mora than 100
per coat alnee the war began.
A. J. Klngeley. ureeident of the
Maattfactorera' and Land Product
Sbow, now belnt bald In Portland
, Armory, died of
breakdowa. : v
tzt Die ts St2ssr SU Q2.1
Maraonsu, ur. Mine Uvea are
know U asv been loot lata Tuaaday
when th peteetifor ataamar Santa
Clara, from Portland to 8an Prancisoo,
wijt aground on tae south aplt
the entrance to Cooa Bay. Too
may number more.
There were 41 paaeanfere aboard
and the crew numbered 41
The greater number of llrae ware
loat whan two email hoeta, trying to
leave the foundered ataamar, wore
aapalaad by the heavy aea.
Several thrilling rescue
wane outer died within view or per
eona engaged in rosea.
The Bant Clara, according to the
mate, who waa tared, struck a ahoal
that evidently had been thrown up la
the channel by recent heavy winds.
The veaaal waa ewcrved from her
eourae and throwmooto the eouthspit.
aair a mile ineioe ue oar.
Captain Lofatedt and all men, who
wore In one of the overturned boata
and who were thought drowned, got
back te the Banta Clara and were ree
cued by the coaat guard with a
breecboa buoy.
Eight bodice have been recovered.
but It If reared there will ha more.
If lea Gale Graham, of Portland, and
Mr. K. K. Rooney and lira. II ala, of
South Bend, Ind., are missing. Among
thaaurvivora there are many who are
suffering from Injuriea and exposure.
Crowded Into a little Summer cottage
at Baatendorff beech. It mllec from
aid and medical attention, four woman
and three little boy ware being
worked over during the nigbt to bring
back a apark of life, while the only
light waa two lantern.
Sailor who had come aacly through
the aurf for half a mil from the Santa
Clara wreck were groping about In the
dark for other victime of the d leader.
against mm
Oregon State Now Has -
161 Standard High Schools
Salem Oregon now he 141 stand-
1 I f?"f P'CC!1 1 blgh schools, It waa announced by
i, wmt j, x. ChurehilL eopei
Has Been Called for tnd Delay
Would Invite i Rebellion.
ChurehilL eaperintendent of pub-
lie Instruction. The work of stand
ardization baa bee prossrotsd by the
Mate department of education for the
met year, and but 10 four-year blgh
Arf-hrm!. tiAw .amain afKIh k.. iw
COJIY IZGD IT (UnCftAI PiTAIRS requirement.
i nere are many one, i wo or urce-year
high aehoolc, offering eouraea beyond
too clcbu rrade, but thaee arc known
Chinese Foreign Minister Says Vote "J?-tw0 tbre-year aeeondary
aw wwvii
Under the new high aebool law, die
tricta maintaining' rtandard high
aeheola are entitled to received tuition
for pupil attending echoota there, but
residing In district not having high
schools. This law excepts counties
maintaining the county high school
fond, but for sock counties the state
board of education la required to es
tablish tbc standard for high schools
entitled to a share of the county high
school fund, therefore the list given
Includes all the standard schools of the
cute. . t
In order to be standard a high school
must have four years of work ; have
not Ices than 260 reference books for
the library, choaea from the state
library list for high schools; one stand
ard encyclopedia, and sufficient num
ber of dlctlonarice and the proper la
boratory for each science offered. The
teachers moat bold certifBcatee
titling them to teach in high schools
and all high school moat follow the
state eourae of etady or a eourae ap
proved by the state board of education.
Special treasury agent of Seattle
have dug op In the backyard of a house
la Blaine, on the Canadian border, 48
packages of cocaine and ST package
of morphine, valued at atveraJ thou
Selaureof the American ateamehlp
Hocking by a Britlab cruiser off the
Atlantic coast haa brought to issue
question on which th positions of the
United States and the entente allies
are so far apart that some officials be
lieve arbitration ultimately will have
la oa resorted to for settlement.
Th national assembly of Panama,
after a disorderly session, pa mad a bill
authorising President Porra to bor
row ll.WO.000 in the United States
with which to rehabilitate the fortunes
of the country. The opposition en
deavored to force the government to
state the purpose for borrowing the
money, which th government declined
tO dO. :'J ( f .
Teutons Capture Mines.
London Germany and Austria are
likely to obtain ample supplies of cop
per from Serbia, according to Cbedo
Miyatovlch, as-Serbian minister te
London. There also are anthracite
mine In the Timok valley.
If. Miyatovlch, In a statement to
the. Standard, aaya th Serbian army
can bold out la the moontaina a month
longer, and that th Invader are like
ly to And littl booty la a country ex
hausted by year of warfare, except
what they take from the copper and
gold fields.
rotws mcnOif rinEis
Bay State la Republican.
Boston Samuel W. IfcCalL Repub
lican, waa elected governor, defeating
Governor David L W'alah, Democrat,
In a close contest.
The total rot for governor la:
O ark. Progressive, 7022; McCalt, Re
publican, Z35.S0S; Shaw, Prohibition,
18,471; Walsh, Democrat, 228.942.
For auffrage, : Yea, 162,551 no,
The remainder of th Republican
stale ticket was eletcted, and the Re-
Klicana made a net gain of 12 seats
ho lower branch of the legislature,
with no ehang la th senate.
Toklo. Official announcement waa
aiade by the foreign office gaturday
that Japan had requested China to
postpone the project for re-establishment
of a monarcblal form of govern
ment The foreign Office atatement lays
emphasis oa the assertion that If Taaa
Shi Kal mala lata the atatua ejuo and
eontlauee protraoolvo policies order
will he completely restored, hut ex
presses Urn fear that the move to form
a monarchy will perloualy wndanger
the Interests of the powers, eepeclalJy
those of Japan, "who stands In spe
cial relations with China."
It la understood that Great Britain.
Prance and Russia hare made similar
The foreign office state meat de
clares aa ndercttrreat of opposltloa
to a monarchy exists among the Chl
aeee, and that It la far stronger than
has been Imagined. In fact, the for
eign office aaya, a feellag of unrest
ia spreading In all part of China.
Emphasis la placed oa the strong
desire of Japan that peace shall pre
vail In the Orient, especially In this
era of war among the people of the
Occident. It te said that the warning
la couched la solemn, but not threaten
ing, terms.
Chine's reply, made to the Japaaeee
charge d'affaires at Pekln by Foreign
Minuter Lu Cheng Hslng, la said to
have Indicated that the government,
having nailed on the people to vote,
would not delay action If they decided
la favor of a return to the monarchist
form. Delay la crowning Yuan, it waa
said, would ceuse a revolt and give
Japan aa excuse to land troops.
A Jr.
1 -V;.
funeral procession of the member a of the crew of the American submarine T4 who perished when the fee
eel sank ia Honolulu harbor, oa It way to Arlington National cemetery at Washington.
Governor Brewer, of Wisconsin, haa
pardoned 11 convict, all of whom
were earring life sentences for mur
der, because they bad allowed them-
aelvea to be victims of pellagra experi
ments, by which the United States
public health service haa demonstrated
that th disease la censed by an unbal
anced diet and can ha cured by a prop
or ration, : , ry.f.'
' Heat aong and hymns will be sung
In Portland cafes and saloons on New
. Year's v If th plan of th Minis
terial association, aa suggested by R,
. P. Hutton, are carried out. He advo
cate keeping th churches open all
. night and serving coffee and light re
freshments to all who car to partake
of their hospitality. Carda will h is
sued Inviting men to visit th church-
to. These will be distributed in all
part of the city, especially In the sa
loons, on the night of December 81.
The United State ' bonded ware
house on piers 14 and SB of the Balti
more et Ohio railroad at Locust Point
Baltimore, Md., waa destroyed by fir.
Record were destroyed and estimates
of the vain of the eontenta of the
warehouse varied between 1300,004
and (400.000. The building and piers
wr valued at $140,000.
Abandonment of little-used street
car line, so that the copper might be
obtained for war purpoeee had been
ordered by the municipality of Kiel
Germany, according to a Renter die
patch from Copenhagen, - which - de
eiarea that the work of tearing ny
three streets for this purpoeo haa be
gan and 1000 metre of oable weighing
approximately 4000 klloa (nearly aev
en tona) will thus be available.
New York Republican. "
New York Th voter of th Em
pire Stat defeated unequivocally the
proposal to adopt a now state constitu
tion. Th vote against this measure
waa estimated to be at least 250,000.
Republicans retained their majority
in the assembly, naming 98
members. They also won
congressional elcctlona made naeeaaary
by deaths in three districts, the Twenty-sixth,
Thirty-flrst and Thlrty-f tsttu
Returns from 18 of the larger cities
In th stats show 12 Republican, five
Democratic and on Socialist mayor
elected, j ; - - -n;
Democrats Gain in Maryland.
Baltimore Incomplete return indi
cated a Democratic victory. E. C
Harrington waa leading the Republi
can nominee, S. O. Waller, by a mar
gin which indicated a final majority
of from 6000 to 7000. The county;
vote waa vary late. Albert C Ritchie,
Democrat, for attorney general, waa
far ahead of the ticket la Baltimore.
Republicans Win In Jersey. .
Trenton, N. J. The election Jn
New Jersey involved mainly the con
trol of th next legislature. State
senators were elected in all counties.
The Republicans elected throe In
Burlington, Cape If ay and Psaesie
and this will make th , next state
senate stand It Republicans to eight
Democrat a gain of two.
Ohio Defeat Prohibition.
Columbus, O. For the second time
In two year. Ohio voter rejected a
state-wide prohibition amendment to
the constitution. Estimates baaed
on partial returns received up to mid
night show that th proposal waa de
feated by a majority which may reach
40,000. Last year's majority against
prohibition was 84,000.
New York. Chslrmea of both the
democratic and renubUcaa national
committee have issued calls for meet
inga In Washington to select cities lor
the coming conventions.
The democrat will meet on Decem
ber T and the republican December
Ia addltloa to Issuing his call. Chair
man H tiles, of the republican national
committee, act forth the probable Una
of campaign to be followed by hi
party. It will Include:
An attack oa the Cemocrauo tanrr.
Criticism of th administration's
handling of affairs, in Europe and in
Mexico. - i -
Chargaa that democracy baa failed
to keep Me promise of aa economical
administration, and haa failed to keep
Its 112 platform pledge. Including
the declaration In favor of a single
term for the president
Attack on the administration's gov
ernment ahlp bill and other admini
stration measures
2ittof Kp fc'fr H
noise, Idaho. William Cameron,
formerly proprietor of the Carey, Ida
ho, hotel and Uvery stable and mail
carrier between Pica bo and Carey,
shot and killed his wtfe'a parents. Mr.
and Mrs. John Adamson, his brother-in-law,
Jamea - Adamaon, hla little
daughter, aged It months, and his
wife, and finished hla bloody work by
shooting himself In the bead, at Carey.
Cameron 1 atlU alive, hut there are
no bopea for hla recovery.
AU of hla victims were shot In the
head with a revolver, and, with the
exception of Jamea Adamaon, ail died
Instantly. Cameron's wife waa aulng
him for divorce, and had left him and
returned to her parents' horn. -
Japan m In War Pact
Toklo. The Japanese government
haa published offloial correspondence
which shows that Japan haa joined
Great Britain, Franca and Russia in
their declaration, mad September 8,
1014, not to conclude a peace separ
ately during the present war or to de
mand conditiona of peace without a
previous agreement with the other
powers of the alliance.-
The correspondence shows that Ja
pan adhered to this agreement Octo
ber II in London, on the Invitation of
the entente alliea.
Sy the death of aa vnole, Gifford
Pinchot, of U. 8. forestry fame, be
comes heir to 1260,000.
Spokane women will make war In
every way possible against "tin sol
dier" and military toy of all kinds.
Mrs. John Atevedo, wife of a San
Rafael, CaL, dairyman, gave birth to
her lSth child In 11 years Friday. The
newest Atevedo ia a husky 10-pound
boy, ; .
It is reported In New York that the
alx German officers who escaped from
the Interned cruiser Kronprina Wll
helm hare been captured by a British
Dry Lsglslatora Elected.
Richmond, Va, Results from tha
election of members of tha Virginia
assembly ahow that there will boa
beavy?majorityln tha'aenat and house
pledged to tha enactment of prohibi
tion legislation effective when tha
itate goea dry by constitutional
amendment November 1, 1916.
Both Sides Clslm Kentucky.
Louisville, Kf. With both Demo
crats and Republicans claiming victory
by from 10,000 to 15,000 vote, unoffi
cial returns showed ex-Representative
Stanley, of Henderson, Democrat, and
Edwin P.'Morrow, of Somerset, Repub
lican, running a close race for governor.
British Army la Healthy.
London. England's aplendid
tatton and tha unprecedented health-
fulness of th British army la a aavlng
feature In England's atatua In the prev
ent war, according to a atatement by
Sir Jamea Crtcbton-Browne, aa emin
ent medical authority, before the San
itary Inspectors' association. "With a
larger army In th field than ver be
fore,' the apeaker aald, "the percent
age of disease la lower than in time
of peace."
Lincoln Gun Brings 8281
New York. A rifle purchased by
Abraham Lincoln and Henry Brooner
for (15 when they lived In Spenoer
county, Indiana, and which waa used
by the famous war president In deer
hunting, brought 2&i in a sale of Lin
coln relics here. It waa a part or the
collection of John E. Burton, of Mil
waukee. One of Lincoln's law book
sold for 95.
Polk County Town Rapidly .
Extending Business Scope
Falls City The extension In busi
neea operations fa this city, an influx
of settlers to the timbered regions of
the Siletx valley. Increased acreage In
prune and smaller fruits, and the in
troduction of th , dairying Industry
into tha Western section of Polk
county mark tha advent of a new per
iod In the economic history of Fails
City and th vast surrounding terri
tory, y
This city, In the heart of Polk
county, It mile west of th Willam
ette river, at th falls of the North
Luckiamute. la on of th logging cen
ter of Polk county. With th erec
tion of a mill her la 1905 a growing
business began, Douglas fir from the
region about Black Rock waa sent
here and a specialty haa since been
made of the fir lumber product Un
der normal operating conditiona the
Falls City Lomber company employs
approximately 600 men.
The average output of th Falls City
mill ia 100.000 fact a day, approxi
mately t 500, 000 feet a month. Three
years ago the shipments to outside
points reached a record of 20,000,000
feet. Tree from 18 to 25 feet tn cir
cumference commonly are cut and the
logs between Falls City and the Siletx
Basin are of an exceptionally good
quality. .; i
Site for Evaporating Plant
Is Cleared at The Dalles
Tha Dalle The work of removing
the old buildings from th new ait of
th local evaporating plant of th Dri-
Fresh company has been begun. -
Started here a year ago, tha evapo
rator proved such a success that the
company found it necessary to triple
th eixe of It plant. Tha Dalle Busi
ness Men a association offered to pur
chase a new location for th company
in view of th enlargement and bought
property wast of Jefferson street and
north of th O.-W. R. & N. Co. tracks,
which was formerly the site of The
Dalles Box & Lumber company, which
' was wiped out of existence a few
years ago by fire. '
- The Dri-Freeh company dries all
kinds of fruita and vegetable. It re
cently received an order from a Chi
cago concern for 86 carloads of dried
apple. It will operate its new plant,
which will ho 160x75 feet, all year,
employing from 100 to 800 persona,
depending on the kind of fruit or vege
table which ia being evaporated.
Roteburg Work to Begin. -
Roeeburg That the government in
tends to begin actual work on Rose
burg's new Federal building waa Inti
mated in a letter received her. In
structions were contained in the letter
to vacate tha Federal site within 60
days. Tha sit ia at present occupied
by two dwellings. It ia understood
that tha plana am now about com
pleted. Th building will be 95x90
feet and probably will he threa stories
high. It will house tha United State
land office, postoffice, forestry office,
weather bureau and Indian office.
-'Sffc dl i iri; ; mViv
Thla photograph ahowa tha railroad bridge at Lille which train as la eommanlcatlon with Lens. To prevent,
the Germans from rushing re-enforcements to the battle line at Lena, allied aviator have several times severely"'
bombarded thla bridge and held np all railroad traffic. Notice the ruined house which eU!l stand a monument to
the fighting betweea th French and tha Germana ia this section.
mm 'jr ' " S,,,W '
- ' I I z
This ia Mrs. Norman Gait, who la to become the wife of President Wil
ton, probably in December. She la aa attractive and wealthy widow, of
southern birth, who haa lived moat of her life la Washington.
Simple Spelling in Schools Asked.
Salem Urging th adoption of aim-1
pliSed spelling in th public schools of I
Oregon, George H. Denton, professor I
of German In Reed College, Portland,
wrote to J. A. Churchill, superintend
ent of public instruction. Professor I
Denton' plan is to submit s few spe-1
eially chosen words to the schools each I
year until the entire simplified spelling I
system is adopted. Superintendent
Churchill ia considering the sugge-
tion ;., ., ,. .
Old Gresham Building Burns.
Gresham Fir early Wednesday
morning partially destroyed one of
Greaham's best known buildings,
owned by Charles UcCarter and erect
ed 25 ysars ago. At different times it
haa been used aa a cannery, et
factory, laundry and rooming house.
TC ,..ol"B""","li 'Pli '"
" -- - .. . I
aM WW, n , HMwyww:M.MIWWWt-tfW'iM. iiivini MniMWmi. w w
Britlab transport wagon dashing along a flooded road in northern France,
the "Tommies tying down to avoid getting drenched.
Anxious to aee hla relatives tn Bay
RJdge, Brooklyn, Robert Burns of Eu
reka, CaL, haa just completed a J.tHO
mile walk from the Paciflc'to tba At
lantis In SO days. Incidentally lopping
as tt dars from the record for this
feat, which waa aet np by Edward
Payaon Weston, the famous scptuage
nariaa walker. .
, Not Causa ef Cancer. -Explaining
why such substances as
soot, arsenic, tobacco, petroleum and
some aniline dyes produce cancer. Dr.
H. C Boss of the Lister institute, Lon
don, writes to Nature "that the terms.
Industrial cancer, 'smoker's cancer.'
"arsenic cancer,' etc., namely the d.s
eases caused by the commodlUus men
tioned, refer In reality only to a pre
disposition to the disease. The com
modities themselves do not Miussi.y
cause cancer; they merely retvlw the
tissues prone to tt. which steus to
occur In a specific manner. The com. '
modules always In the first Instants
produce cell-proliferation, usually tu
the nature of a warty growth, snsl tt
ts not entll an open ulcer has ;
peered, generally st .b base of id
wart, that malignancy sucer ri.