Dr. Alfred F.Scmpcrt CrtdiuU and lUgLUrwi DENTIST V FrkM Raaonabl UJIANDT BLDO., upaUIra ir Jyjjf at Weston Bakery Caka and Pastry. ' fin Candle, -. Goad Matte at All Houra, tte, : ..: We epeelalb in I! . - and Party Hupter. , 7.niT.T the BAKER IWoml-tiainl 8Uir in Wheeler hotel. i BREVITIES Oeort Tonkin, am Surilm for I'matlU county, wa a visitor in We, lua fcWturday. Mr. . M. fteanart of Athena wsa vUlilnr. Maiurday with her elater, Mra. n. N. Van klvr. Mr, tlobert MeKwen and Mra. Jam mill of Milton, war irueata Friday of Ihalr elaier, Mra. Jerli Cel. der. . - . - Wanton lllah achool will b re pre sealed at tha Hermlabia atocll fhow November 1th by Mock judirlna- team conatatlna f Jim Uauallaa, tfale Webb, fleenor Doug-las and Hubert Llthsow. Mr. JCehrli, a dairy and hoa en pert working1 under tha Depsrtmenl of agriculture and tha Oregon Art cultural College, bad tha boya out Tuesday Instructing Ihem In stock Judging. They wM oa Jo lloda- aini hard of hog in tha foranoon, and an VVm. MacKaasle' dairy hard In tha afternoon. Mr. Kahrll reported tha bnya to ba vary much lotaraatad and unuaually apt In tha work. Tha taarn will go to Harmlaton and com pel wlth.nln or tan other achool team. I). Y, MrRlroy, an aarly reldnt of Pendleton and assessor of Umatilla th. -i... d. . lB diacuMlna Inrt Beg Walden, an Oregon pioneer of till, dropped In at Tha Leader office county la till, died 0undey la Port land, When yott ara In town for Weaton ' ' "' . ""(. I . r,m fhlld bom in Umatilla county. Iay wa will appreciate a vialt from dent of "auld lang ayno" ahed wmi additional light oa the friendly con Irover.y regarding tha flret , whit Mr. f I Dale Rothwellf , Optical Specialist I Wa all nty tint to tha fit ttnaj ami grimliHg; of glam, T av practiced In t'atwlleton at year. Alt work guaranteed. American Nat'l Rank llfct, (Utalr) z Pendleton Ore jon i a Crssblne busp Tfl V Wer r om mmww ai'l Ti..,. an in-' MeMMHtitr in 1 cm a o v r :n 1 cm 1gaj yaaMjaVf ItVaa) 1 HaMi la ftMMV aava wl i lie; Imw itm ewrVl f fi .' aen ii iniiiiiwIHwn fxaaauiaTi Marlon OUarra Want on ou at tha Weaton Meat Market. A. V, Parry. Jamea ('ran, a full-blooded Uma tilla Indian, la ona of tha alar mem ber tb la aeaaon of tha Carllale foot ball team, P. a. Lurea and If. I Hedrtcfe re turned Tueday evening from their motor trip to Welaer valley, In aouth ara Idaho. -, t .. , , i. If. Padberff and family motored up from Islington Saturday for a few daya vtolt with rtlatlvea and friend In Weaton. Matar ear aervtce to all polnta, da ar night. Alao livery and feed atab oppoalt tha I4ualln btaekamlth hop. Lafa Mcllrlda. The Milton Bagla raporta that C. T. Cockbura haa bought a quarter aee- ttoa of wheat land oa Dry creak from J. N. Tork at III aa acre. Hugh, the little aoa of Mr. and Mra. r, V. Oreer. waa brought home from , Walla Walla ftaiurday, and la recover. ing irom nia nn mrmvm i j, i Hoi Qoldatein a or Rlnatvln. but O. tteMooa, If yuu don l balleva It vlalt the Kachang and let ua abow you what wa can do with your old furniture. Otto X. tMdlna haa brought ault la tha elrcttlt court atalnat Bruce Shan gte. hla former partner In tha publica tion of tha Mitlon Kagt. Ha aaka for a full accounting. Walter Adama. aa eaieiwlva barley grower la tha reservation dlatrtct, la reported to hava dlapoeed af hla taat year' prop to the Preaton-Hhaffar Milling company at til per ton. Vmml Culture A. W, Lundelt, It. M.. will accept a limited number of pu- ' pit la eJnging and eight reading on i reaaonabla term. tTaaa forming now. irour piano tuned at city price Mr. and Mm. Hugh MrArthur of Portland have recently been vIMtlna at the Oenrg Itaniatar horn In Athe j na. Mr. McArthur left l week on a ouaineea inp to E.Hiipnvt mw--. county. . ". Mra. i. K. Ilcrimaher returned Hun day from a month'a vlalt with her na rent. Mr. and Mr. Kdwin Himp- Waldea aaya that thla honor belong to neither Mam Phllllpa of !ry creek nor Dirk Ktewart of Pilot Hock, but to Harah Ollnger, who died la Port' land a few ynar ago, Vha waa tha daughter of Abraham Ollnger, and waa born near tha preaent alia of Meachara In 1(41. Mar parent croaaed the plalna at that early period with the train of Dan Waldo, father of Judge Waldo, of Malam. '.According to the verdict of tha coroner" Jury, alcohollam cauaed tha demlaa of Hugh McOIII, year old, who died Sunday morning at tha Moaa Taylor place near Athena. After going to Athena Saturday with a load of hoga It appear that McOIII drank un til he became Intoxicated and then atarted bark for tha Taylor place. where h had been employed. He rolled Into a ditch, and when found refueed to go to the houa. Mr. Tay lor covered him with blanket and next morning took him to tha houae, where ha later died. McOIII la aald to have been a aallor on tha Battteehlp Oregon during It memorable voyag around the Horn during tha Bpanlah American war. , A. four-year-old eon of B. . Zrhm obtained poaaaaalon of a match In Horn very nice tiedeuviu ta for tale cheap, K. )C JSalim 11 ; , Mr. Frad rklna of Apod ana la tha fueat Of bar alatar, Ms, i, M. Ban mst. .t-i -1,1, 1 i Oaorg-a ft. Ouonorria fera from Amity. Orayun, to I'jok afiar bla iatxl iflUrreata. , in (. , Mr. 0. W. I'r.I-tl. le., la vf.lt- inf her lrotl)r, Hum Tbompaon, at fanuieton, Mia fiM WadJinrtiam haa taken a poatilon aa alvant buukkeepar with Watta A lUiffera. Mr. (Wa Mlmnaon wi In tha eltv yaaiarday from WalLs Walla, vUlllnjf bar alatar, air, i. II. t'.'lca, Mr. I, E. fiallnr vlaftad U tha home or her ana. uounly t ier rrank nalln, a ranuieum wauoeeuajr aveniay. Our tack of aeotuL4iaxl gottua l llirvr and better than ever and will Iniarant you. Coma In. K, K. Zehm. A carload of near fumltur waa In- tailed ihU week by K..O. IleMoaa, who beiiavea in keepinf nia ana up wnue tba town la moving- atom. SPLENDID LYCEUM COURSE SECURED FOR THIS SEASON k E lckI taUryrUa WrU Will tar neFia9(L"J0ln5f p(iaUa4VaM39Aa During tba booking geaaoa a aplea did eerie of Lyceum attraction waa aerured for Weetoa , by tha High achnol. Tha better clM of antertaln- menta ara alwaya awcured through well known Lyceum Bureau who route their attraction through the territory in aa economical a way aa poaalble, thua giving opportunity to every town which take prlda In the communlty'a welfare to eecure the beat entertainment Tha young people of our community eapectally, and the publla generally should have an oppor tunity during the fall and winter month to hear tha beat In musician, ittil.lln aiieakinv entertainment that eonv manner TueeJay eveolng, and to alwaya clean and URlltlng. Bcarce t fir to the wall paper near the ljr m town with any ambition along kitchen ranee In tha Weaton bakery. The fire waa merrily biasing when discovered a few minute later, and had even penetrated tha celling Into the attic. A half doaaa people had hard work to extinguish K, and bat for the opportune aid of a garden hoee the Mm eaubllnhment and perhaps a good ahar of the town would hava gone up In smoke. Hereafter their parenta will ee that the Zehm hope ful and matvhe ara kept atrlctly apart- Having qualified aa a concrete ex pert by building an excellent aldewalk of that material along tha east aide of tha Baling building occupied by tha O'llarra store, llalph Sating waa en gaged this week to superintend con struction of a almllar walk on both tha Main atreet and Franklin street expoaurea of tha Watts building, the commodious . home of tha Weaton Mercantile Company. In the ruah of getting tha building ready, thla need ful work waa poetponed until a mora convenient eeaaon. and now com plete the renalanance of the old-tim WESTON , Aits tttf Sctadttl A. M. Wra. - "1k"""',ri, t'mattll county pioneer, at their . Marshall Hooe comer, hi" in preaent bom an Magnolia beaten aear nrcnJfM r.Tiwi Taroma. I L.lll1-l. I VI 1 thea tinea can be found on tha map theaa day that does not conduct a Lyceum course, and It I with no llttl pride that the local High achool haa selected aa unuaually good course for thla eeaeon. to time, announcement will ba made of their particular kind of program and their rank and standing in Ly ceum circle. ' The attention of the public la direct ed at thla time to tha local booking. Thea dates. It may ba aald, ara fixed by tha neceeaary routing of thee at traction, and were In no way ubject to modification by the local commit tee. '' Tha attractions with their dates ar aa follow: . The Beverly Musical and Dramatic Entertainers-November II. Harry Arnold, Lecturer December 1. - " . The Wella Musical Entertainers February I. J. C. Herbsman. Humorist and Story Teller March IS. - It la much desired by tha commu te tn charge that these date be pro- Four charming your., women mka'wc aa rr ss powlble In pUnnlng .k. .c.iu. I. nn. . iha aciiviues tor im jr-mi, mo n Wajajap IrW"' JplhWaawjJ Weitea , - is our hobby just noJv : . A,. y - , . e v . f In appreciation of the business the good people of this country have given us the past year, we invite everybody in town and out of town to come together for a FREE FEED in the Pioneer Picnic tent on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, at our expense, f - LEAVE YOUR POCKET BOOKS AT H0AE .... - The merchant of this town who are named elsewhere will give every man, woman and child a souvenir gift for the day, a free ticket to a moving picture shoit, and a free cafeteria dinner if you will get here at noon. cos o. L2 l&QQQ ODD BITS OP NEWS. ..................... ...a, ITfTffTTT?lfTfffTfft,fT1lf Loa Angelra, Cal. Mmuel Pockoa- rewaky haa grown tired of th effort Aa th attraction appear from time of hla American associate to pro nounce bla name, and ha been oa th lookout for a chance to change It. Tba chanoa came when he became en gaged to a Mlsa Parker. Judge Thom aa. on application, allowed the groom to take hla wife's name and now he la th proud possessor of ths handle of Samuel Parker. Chllllcothe. O. C. W. Cravens and W. 8. Cravens are brothers and both ar engineers on tba B. A 0 Their wives are aistera. Both families live in tha aame house. The other day, six hour apart, both the Mrs. Craven gave birth to children ona a boy and tha other a girl. ' Kew Tork. N. T. "Safety First." said Mrs. Arthur Maclean aa she put two diamond earrings Into her pillow case and went to alecp. The next day there were clean alipa on the plllowa. Mrs. Maclean was frantic. She be sieged th laundry, but . the pillow all pa had been washed and ironed. h This Briquet Man hasn't got" the" STUMMY KAKE, as you would proba bly think from his looks; he is merely asking for more kake of the kind his wife bakes when she burns DIA MOND BBIQUETS in her ranee. DIAMOND BRIQUETS to tba cleanet and, are think, tba moat econ omical fuel oa tha market. Wa hava carload now in stock and would be (tad to supply you with a sample order. weston;:brickyard U U tiles DinniMIUWD gHWW n w ... a . m a . The hoar of th Christian Mctenca Bev.,ir Kntertatoera, aooa to be heard U going to n. k''J,: ... h. t.vreom ntnm and the snouio oe kitwh wm - ... ' readlnas at tba O. DeUraw realdeoe B the local Lyceum course, and they P. M. )laa been chanaed to six o'clock p. m..tgive a musical and literary program of thth time the wilk be held every inrlnr merit. Oultara and manuo- Lv Weatoii " Lf Weaton 1:01 punday evening during th winter. tm are cleverly used In the Inetru- ' Atnena a:i All ar Invited to come. Adeata lill - Adam 1:13 v , . W. F. Alexander, repreaenting ina'M( i0 rtM.h work whlcll u interest' ' . -1 umU. e .Ka nMeam. & n .1 tn addition the young ladles, read, aing V tC .v Oirfng East. P. M. 'wide-awake publication, ' UP-M-t; ing and attractive. Of tha amaller Im Pradlalaa l:l Lv Pendleton 4.10 Time magaxine and an af tha chief rTOpal)le- recently appearing la th - Adam 11:11 " Adama 4:4 boostera for the proposed new motor non, hlv, won more m,rted Atbeaa 11:11 . " Athens. 1:11 road acroea the Bluea. wa over from i,or,,m)urru) ,nan ,nta triing organia- ( f , 4 sWaita watia ounng ne wees, shi.s jBJoK .--'.. in louin again wiin w Wtoa to Athena, lie: Wreton to munlty. m. .a a. atstaLaxk im a t I CrZ .T.Mi TAThenaToh wtJ & Padlet. Adam w Pendleton, .ho f"'0" ?plr',.,.h Ian. free field. iweek. and axpect to mak of It a . . .1: nermanent amusement reatur tor nounu ITipe. u maos m m. -y. --- , , K. -,vn ...... thta community. -.reSr-eTil II 1 Tueaday, Thursday and Saturday ad Pendleton. ll.H. ( . . ..,h entire IfMUlquartarsi Weaton. at City Drug " ft,.--.. mi. Nichnla Hole : -. - - - , mm - i. .ins m. T a. M i ann i i ne ronni wtbimb . Mlere: Athena, Adama, Inland Mercantile Ktore; Pen dletaiv Pranch Itasiaurant. A. K. lOTtEX. each evening- aet of reel will ba pre ented twice. In order that those who come In lata may not ba disappointed. TEST THIS STORE i'jOw ; We cordially invito every man and woman of this Vicmiiy w visit our siure auio cvn,. v", at their best and fullest-the' top-notch of variety and completeness ox ine wnuieyciu. , f That is whjf we are asking You to do us the courtesy of making a visit at this time. s nA.L.L tnnra hova Wn f imps whpn we did not have in Rfook exactly the thincs vou desired. Careful store- keeping requires that stocks be run, down very low at certain seasons, and you may have misjudged ua at such -A time.,.' . . . . '. i ,BV , Today we have no excuses to make. Our atocka ara new aixl complet. Tha latest and moat deairahla food wm. .1... k.UM m wl,Tlif a avium. ara in full ara ncrc, ana an me aiapie aruvie - -- supply.- ' ' v.; You'll ba Interested In what you aea. You'll ba pleased with tha aervice you .will receive. 1 v.. .ni i.. mi n.ik thA MBennnlilMiieairnf the nrices. . . ; Kindly do us the honor of TESTING THIS STORE NOW. IE DfiUIS-IIASEO CO. 'CompUVa Furnishers of Homes, Offices, Churches, Schoola t ,0-W Akler St. - (0ld Followa' Temple) - WALLA WALLA, WASH. flodel Tailors and Cleaners Ladies' and , Gen Suits Aade , . and Remodeled ' . - jfjgr Jijiocial attention given to out-of-town cleaning. , ' ' tent by parcel poet. 114 E.Webb St. 1 Pendleton, Oreson An Indian woman who bad sold her wheat to th Weaton Warehouse Uom- nan for antnethinr over Wtw refuseil the other day l accept tha check of Manager Price In payment. A oanit draft waa next offered her. hut she would h amtltifled with nothlnjf but the kold kale. Tha way.of tha "Boa. KM roan" Were not her way, a scrap of paper looked of no mora eonae- quenoa to her than to the uemian Kalaer, ana wnen ne nnaii.v weo ou of town relolclnir it waa wnu a oairiui of abinlng twantlea. , . We are nleaaed and proud to leant aa followa from tha Athena Preaa that good literature la appreciated In th suburb: "In th laat monthly re port of th County Librarian. Athena la again gtvn credit for the largest circulation of books among tha branch libraries. ' ThI city lead wttn ei; Milton la eecond with III, Weaton US, Echo 11. Perndala 181. Harmla ton 1. Adam . rreewater 77. Stanfield 8. Pilot Rock tl and Helix II, making a total of 17SS." ; Clay Smith and family, Mr. and Mr. W. E. Lytle and Qeorga I.yti and bride left Tuesday for the region of Cambridge. Washington county, in aouthern Idaho, where Mr. Smith haa taken ua a homestead and Mr. Iyti also contemplate becoming a. aettler. After getting hla family located on hla claim Mr. Smith will return to hla work here aa rural mall carrier, xte haa been relieved for tha preaent by Strover Stipe. - . , We have reliable Intelligence by Ireleaa telephone from Athena that Fred Boyd and Bill Dobaon ar back with empty gnme bags from their re cent hunt. . Nobody expected them to bring home any game, of course, and th only Item of Interest connected with their nunt I that they are aald to hava apent four clays In camping out at the head of Thorn Hollow In the mistaken Idea that they had reached their destination, Dark can- yn- . i . . . The Weaton postofflca haa ' been aupplled by a benevolent and paternal government with a new pair or acales of the lateat model, with a weighing capacity up to 101 pound. Aa the office la often required to weigh as many aa 1000 plecea of mall a day. th Improvement la appreciated by Uncle Samuel'e local representative. Heretofore they have had 1 to get long with a 10-pound pair or acales. Mra. E. M. Warren left thla week for an extended visit with her daugh ter. Miss Fay Wasren," who la teach ing achool near Seattle. She will atop en route for a visit with her sons In Adama county, Washington, and with her daughter, Mrs. Will NorDean of Wallace, Idaho. " -!t Taken up One gray pony wth In dian brand on right hip. Inquire of or addresa H. A. Haverland, Weaton, Oregon. . , ' . Trade at home! We'll trade the new for the old in the fumltur Hue, right her in' Weaton, SMCCIAL SCHOOL MKETIVG. Notice la hereby givea to tha legal voter of School District No. I of Umatilla County. Stat of Oregon, that a Rpedal achool meeting of aald Dlatrtct will be held at achool houae. on the Ith day of November. HIS. at two o'clock In the afternoon, to wot on th proposition of levying a apeclal dlatrtct tax. ; Th purpose for which th money to be raised by thla levy anaii oe ex pended. ar ahowa by the following Itemised budget which ia hereby made a nart of thla notice: Teacher salaries .......... Apparatus, auch , aa maps. ; chalk, erasers, atovea or curtains Library books Repair of eehoolhousea, out buildings or fencea ...... Janitor Janitor's auppllea .......... Fuel ,. Light Clerk'a salary Poatage and stationery .... Interest on bonds and war rant Insurance ................. Water Incidental 1 150.00 Dated thla Hth day of October, lata. WM. MacKENZHS. . Chairman Board or Director. Attest: FRANK PRICK. District Clerk. 100.00 js.ee loa.eo S00.60 50.90 M8.lt SJ.09 75.00 . 50J.M 4.00 J.O0 Let it Be Known Watte & Roirers pay Ch for every meal the ladles of the churches fur- Dish to the people next Saturday. Helping- the ladies neips tne cnurcn- es, benetlts your noma ami saves tne money to your home town -not tu Watts & wooers. Weatosi ISxJhlMts Apwected. K. O. Harlan, editor of tha Hepp- ner Qasette, wrltea to The Leader aa followa from Portland: '! am writing- you, Just a few linea commending the Weaton exhibit in the Umatilla County display at the Manufacturers' and Land Products Show, which ia being held In the Ar mory at the preaent time, x noticed many visitors looking over the exhib it which came from the farmers near Weston. Among them that seemed to attract favorable attention were th oat aamolea of Ferguson and Kern: the wheat samples of Ross Bros.; the yellow oat sample of E. W. Bailey; the club wheat aamplea of C. M. Price and tha oat aamplea of S. W. Boyts. Weaton and aurrounding country seemed to furnish a large share of the aamplea on exhibition, all of which were of high order.- Philadelphia. Pa. A demonstrator tn a department atore mixed a poi sonous liquid used for cleaning glassea with a nerve medicine which ahe waa demonstrating and ever 100 persona ar thought to have been poisoned Th demonstrator, however, was the only one to report to a hospital. Sharonville, O. "Howdy, John!" "Howdy, Jim!" Thua John and Jaa Stewart of Kansas and Tennessee re spectively, met her after a lapse of forty-even year. Both believed the other dead and apent several hours in a room together before they found out ( their relationship. the other about to enter the dram pipe. They are valued at 11000. Philadelphia. Pa. It takea fifty cent to commit suicide by the gas route In Philadelphia. When Viola Day grew tired of lire, put a pipe on th gaa jet, the other end in her mouth and lay down to die, the quar ter In the meter ran out and her life waa aaved. Uilburn, O. J." D. " Hart exhibited at the county fair a pair of stockings over jaa years old. They were made by hia grandmother, whe picked the I cotton, wove it into thread and then knit the stockings. During the storm In Galveston tn 100, they were res cued with difficulty and by the mer est accident were saved. 1 M ?M : Holocaust in Catholic School. PkahODV. Mass., Oct. 28Flfty Uvea were lost and twelve more will die aa a result of a fire ia St. John's parochial school. There were no fire escape, and children beat tn vain against doors that swung inward. Ifein Meat Market Prime Beef Pork, Mutton, Veal Dressed Poultry FISH Mouday and Thursday Get Our Prices Phone No. S3.' Orders taken by phone for mail routes. ; CATTLE JUrD BOGS WASTED A. P. Persy Dr. J. G. McMATH OSTEOPATH Office one block north of the bank " ATHENA, OREGON Electric Treatments Given Fhone 621 W. M. chuoa C M. Blihop Peterson & Bishop . LAWYERS Pendleton, Or. Freewater, Or. Time is fast flying; why. should you wait? We want to help you, and have" therefore added our Exchange Department. We are prepared to accept the old furni ture you wish to trade for new. How long have , you , wanted a new dining table, hew dresser, new chair or other article, but felt that you could not afford to the old one away? Now is your chance to replace it. The ieuoss urniture UK rc ) L.e?s "Swap1 n r? tU ii j ( - U LJ Goodwin's The kodak season is at hand, and much of beauty is offered by the autumnal land scape. We wish to remind you that ,we have a nice stock of kodaks and camera supplies. : , IW O w. Weston, Oregon a ' f If V