The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 29, 1915, Image 2

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of her rrest tv arm as to drW Gar
ni nn shipping from th Baltic and to
give color to th rumor that hunger
threatens th kaiser realm. Kvvn
though th central power ahouM win
through to CotuUntliHifila it would ba
stunning but not vital blow
to th alllod anna. It wtmld teem now
aa It aeemed whan th kUr'i legion
wen driven back from fftrla that th
boat bo can hop for la a draw, and
that a draw would b welcomed in tha
imperial council befora disaster bafail
tha (sou of HohanaoUam, ' ,
ours o& uiirucR. r
i ' " - n msmLaai &i
We sell only
Groceries of Guaranteed
Satisfied customers are our best
Canned Goods are the most attractive
Canned Goods on the Oregon market We
are always ready to meet your requirements
in Canned Vegetables, Fruits, Salmon, Tea,
Coffee, Spices, Extracts, Jelly Powder and'
Grocers' Sundries. The quality of these
goods is backed by CASH GUARANTEE.
Elgin la entitled to tcou.rferoent
In Ita motor road campaign, and ia get
ting it In aomo quartet. Wall Walla
in particular la interesting Iteelr ac
tively in tha movement, recogiililng
tha viu of taav acre with Ita pro-
Iduc to eager consumer in a rag on
which ia lt we later than Ita fertile
lowland. It eem to ua that Athena
and Wanton ahould exhibit mora than
passing intareat in th improvement of
that portion of th road leading In thia
direction. Who knowa but that a well
made motor road ever th old toll road
rout would ultimately constitute a see-
I tor of the treat Lincoln Highway of
th future? La Grande ia aaid o be
alive to such a possibility, and while
not knocking th Elgl proposition ia
I pointing out th advantage of La
Grande-to Pendleton rout through ita
own tributary mountain territory.
Communities, Ilk individual, muat
build for the future, and it will b well
for our East End town to keep their
eye open. At all event our good
neighbor and frienda on th eastern
Ialopea of the Bluea ahould nut be met
with a spirit of apathy and Indiffer-
Ienc in their eameat effort to get in
cloeer touch with us. .
Death of Mrs. rlcrndon.
Following a uril nprtlon. Mr.
J, K. Hemdo died September It In
Wall Wall at the of uty-thr
year, nine month anil seventeen day.
Mr. Heendan w formerly Miss
Tennessee IMtty. and was nMive or,
Mlaaourt tlhertly fr her marriage I
ha came went with her husbaJ and
located In Umatilla county. Thy ,
m realdenta for nearly forty year !
on Wee nd Hawley mountain, mnn.
mm of Wanton. A few yeare ao thiy
moved to the FVrndale neighborhood,
near the atale line.
iep aorrow ver th death of Mr.
old-time friend and nelahhonrln thia
vicinity, An exemplar of Ihe hlgneei
type of womanheiHl, Invln- wife and
mother and kindly elehbr, she wa
esteemed by her friend and revered
In her household. In early yera ahe
united With the Cumberland Presby
terian Church, Phe la survived by her
husband: one daughter. Mr Walter
ailmore: one Bon, tlredy Herndoni alslers and two brother.
A large number of relatlvea and
frienda attended the funeral eervtcee
at the United Brethren i'hurrh In
Weston Saturday afternoon, and beau
tlful floral tributes were heaped upon
the casket by loving hand. A feel
In and Impressive sermon was
preached by llav. W. ". Payne, and
appropriate hymn were sung by a
quartet of voire i .
Interment waa had In the I. O. O. r.
cemetery. , ' ,
Weston people have discovered that
ONR fiPOONrt'Ii of simple burklhorn
bark, glycerine, etc., mined In Ad
ler-l-ka. relieve sour atomsrh, s
and constipation AT ONCE. This
remedy la well know aa the appendl.
ell Is preventative. 1L Goodwin, drug
gist. .
We have just received a 600-pound shipment
of the 1915 Walnut Crop.
To Whom H May rimrra.
I the Matter of the Account of
In. B. Jarman.
Nolle la hereby given that I am the
laaslanee of the accounts and notes
IT.wtni Al-A v. 1. ,,.,,. I formerly due ana owing to v. ti. jr
Havlng denied that k (ntenda to r-m. Wm,m rir...,n .nd Um. .re
aign, Arooassaour rag m enwiieq to a du ,Bd p,,hi. to me. I hv p-
prgTpb. - " I pointed Mr. Oeo. I Horseman of
I Weston. Ore eon, a my arent to eoi-
I lui .Kama ilhl. ...I Im Ulht.rl
Congressman Sinnott in Town, to receipt for the same, Debtor are
. . , f respectfully requester io ceil no mr.
Cooirreasman N. J. Sinnott waa la i. th.i. nhii.i...
i nwtuti iwr b ivw nuun wunuif uitp
(Phone Main 241)
) sioeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewsjoof
kftUUM HscKEKZfE. PrniAsI
X R. MlCe, Vk ProMot
E. M. SMITH. Cashier
E. L BLOMiREN. AssieUai Csshisr
Established 1891
She Farmers Bank o
f Weston
If you are figuring on
or later, come, in and
talk it' over with us.
Fine Jewelry
Expert Repairing
I will appreciate call when
you visit Athens. -
Hswk'a Drug Store
tr, Wm1 nadei ffkalrbm or arhoio an4 d
fM. 0r ttm hcdttaij tH ham. what to m9Bl
' fl3 tevestk bt, wathingto, D. C.
rraclioc ia all Slat od FedersJ
Have Just Added
a Stock of
f m ami rA t 4- mm m f r f r
iv it rvctit iwiv 9
suBsanrnoN rates
Slrieih in "Atfktnrt
Tlie Year.......
8i Month , ., ,
Ponr Month.
Per inch per month..
on automobile tour of Easter and
Central Oregon. HI district em-
brae IT count!, aeverat of them of
large extent, sjid getting over It re
quire something of pilgrimage. He
has motored !0 mile on In pres
ent trip, and on forms expedition
negotiated (00 mile by train, but
avs that Mil as th. only mean by
which he can get into person! touch
with hi constituent and become fa.
miliar with thslr need. - Our hard
working congreeamnn I giving eepe-
elal attention lo homestead legislation.
having already gotten two measure
i through t Washington. Re has
third In view which he aaya la heartily
favored by settlers throughout the
district In effect It would allow Ihe
claimant three year In which to es
tablish residence after filing. provld
I Ing that he make certain required Im'
provementa on hi claim. Congresa
mao Sinnott received .hearty greeting
here, having won .th good opinion of
this community by hi faithful work
In th lower house and by" a admir.
bis address which he delivered in
Weston at th pioneer reunion last
JUH. " , , ri
I In tht nuitter.
n. u bah in.
It's True Economy
Tlis Sesnomy Store
We bny for rash and ell for
cash at email margin.
Crash and Linen Goods
; . , School Supplies
.It SOI h text dls mornln Breddern, am
0 ,h too rrom oe nory wm, wnerein w-
0 Ml read how Noah mad de Ark
fashioned It: he built d Ark ob goph-l
er wood, an' need co bit rule, while!
..Ml HO I all de knocker sat eroun n -cussed
reriiirn, mi insertion... TV I mm tor tool; oe local anvil coorus. I
IvM-ois, mr line each Insertion Oft dey Je t eroun an' spat terbaccerl
Julc upon hi wood,, en' mocked him I
ettr 4 at th pefteffk si Vale, Orsfe.
ss sccead-clsss suil issHcr.
art "Whefoah
boat foab on
Un'T . To'-all -thlnkln maybe.
yo'-H' allK wr" -
But Noh paid no 'tenshun. aer l
lowed he heard dem crosks, but Jea
minded hi own buslnesa, lk ll good
nd proper folk; when dey read de
weddh fo'cst 'Mild; contlnnered
Without exirrtion WmIi Wru.. I vtrm an' fair." ols Nosh went on
k.. ;t-A j .u i .u- buiiain-. n- anowea ne oian i car.
aasa U1JIVM III U1V UMilla AJT VUV I - . .Wlfl Am
""w noun 'ree barometer done tell. n de rain cam
Ly- All of them will give aouvenirs I down in torrents rained fo fo'ty
and if the day prove fair and draws I days dat's all; an' de knocker an'
as well as anticipated, it ia UkelfThat oe croaker drowpea Jear lak so many
. K...t f.. ni , rat., which wa je what dey ua (or
" I commln' nothtn' lef" excep dey hats,
tomorrow upon th town a visitor. I An' mni nh niitan. nnddni.
i-- . e.ira And valu In LidltV Ready
jj ia peiMiu'ii ein
w lo-Wcar forlh UU shoppers. All in mwch snac
In Corduroy and Plush Coals wllh fur Irlmmlnj on collar
and cuffs why pay $40.00 and $50.00? Golden RuU
Prlc. only...:......... ..$9.90, $2.S0, $16.50 to $23.00
Another big shipment of men's suits and overcoats
Blue serges, $15.00 value, our price $jJ.J0
Brown invisible plaid, $18.00 value, at $12.60
Blue with purple check, $25.00 value, at.....$14.75
Boys' Knickerbocker suits.' Norfolk style, our prices
' . . $1.00. .3.9$. 3.00, 4.08
BoysVcii .J...'..;.. 260 and 400
Boys black button shoes," only...: 1.08
Just received direct from New York the latest In ladles lact
ovcrnet waists, why pay $7.50 to $10.00? ourlct....
Ladies fur sets In black, Russian fox and mink, per iet..'..;...
....;... ..$8.90, $9.90. $12.50
Also a bis lot of muffs-new barrel muff.: M $9-90
klu aAvllirAV rnait for tht flrls. In alt shadtS
$3.95. $4.9. $6.90 .nd $7.90
The Bolden Rule
IT30 Can Do
. . Bcncr at '
Otitn rc!!;i
J. C. TENNEY CO., Inc. - (83 Busy 8lom)
E3K J.- -M U. M. -
Butter Wrappers
Furnished and Printed at the Leader office
Sixty (minimum).......,....... $0 75
One hundred............ 1 00
Two hundred..............:.... 1 60
Each additional hundred.... 0 30
All Work Guaranteed
H. L. HEDKICK, Proprietor .
It's our aim and policy to have none but pleased
ana satisfied patrons.
Expert Auto and Gas Engine Repairing.
Overhauling a Specialty.
Tsid 12 ; h H Tf lira Ttb Isdia ; . ' essris :
mil MM
Free Feed J Free Souvenirs Free "Movies
Nature's Food
Some of these re of considerable vai-1 hit am writ quit plain, dt whenevah
oe, and will lend a touch of fascination knocker tell yo' der ain't gwln ter
horse and cattle is th rras that
Cws on meadow and Mil.' Th next
t thins ia sweet, .clean, hay and
iced uiat come irom our mill. When
to the hunt for soavenirs about town
that is planned to follow th distribu
tion of the numbered ticket. Dr. F.
Wstta, who originated the idea of
Weston Free Day and whose firm is
donating the big "free feed," ha been
a busy thia week as the proverbial bee
with preparations for the affair and
has everything pretty well lined up.
If the sun shines tomorrow and the
crowd elects to come, Weston "as one
man" will be found standing st It
threshold with smile of welcome and
an open band.
Physician andSurgeon
Office in Brandt building
to pay your Weeton Leader "ub"
While the Teutonic armies are win
ning their way in Serbia and are pretty
well holding their own on the eastern
and western front, it is significant
that such tentative peace "feelers1
get into print emanate from Germany
and not from th entente allies. . A
few day ago a German of rank sug
gested in effect that the entente allies
should realize they re "licked" and
roll over like good little dogs and wag
their tails for the mollification of the
daschhund. They ere spilling blood in
vain, be said. Now comes news
story to the effect that the German
kaiser is seeking to negotiate a sepa
rate peace with Russia, Meanwhile
th entente allies are keeping silent
in all their several tongues. They
speak only from the cannon's mouth.
There is nothing to gainsay their grim
determination expressed at the outset
of the war to pursue it a on cation
until the Teuton are brought to their
knee. France is spparently stronger
than ever; beaten back, Russia is fight
ing grimly; England Ss disturbed and
nxku but resolute, and whila still I
you need rolled grain of th right sort
for keeping your livestock in fine fet
tle, took for our sign and th rood
some day you'll have lak Noah, de I thing for for your dumb aervants
be no rain, jes go ahead lak Noah,
an don't let 'em get yo' goat, an
blgge show afloat. Exchange.
stored in our bin. We handle Steam
Rolled Barley. Oats and Wheat: Baled
May,, mils tuns and . Chicken . reed.
We re local agent for rccock Flour
When a dearly loved ubcrlber nd Bl.Uhford'sCIf Meal. Pho.281
D. R. WOOD the Feed Man
write to us in Irate' vein: "Stop the
paper. Never send the vile sheet to
my home again.'- W Just puff our
sweet old corncob, and w stroke the
office cat;, editor "don t hve no feel-
inns never inino were
that. : v'M-'-f ',: V ,
When a typographic! error some
times creep tit by mistake, and our
friend rush up and tell ua what a
first-rate as we'd make, we Just over,
look THEIR errors, never giving tit
for tat; editor re pachydermia, nd
Oh, well; we're used to that. -
When our advertisers cancel, telling
us th sheet's do good; when . sub
scriber choose to per us In toma
toes or cord wood, well, we simply
grin and bear It, though It leaves u
rather flat; editor can exist some
how somehow we get used to that
When - your daughter's graduation,
or her wedding day come round, you
expect the kind of write-ups that In
adjectives abound, dd you ever atop to
thank ua, though 'ti dona, with greet
"eclat"; that' what editor re there
for, end Oh, well! We're used to
thaL Exchange. :: t .-, -k ,
5!Mvr IfrttfV irtwL-t.A-1
I now open for business under
; new management.
Fresh Meats, Lard and Fish
'at moderate prices,'
Civ us a trial.
A. W. LUNDEIL, Manager i
Newcastle, Jnd. Moab Turner, 77,
I deed. Thirty year go he suffered
hi first stroke of paralysis nd made
hi funeral plan. A walnut chest
was turned into a coffin and alven to
the local undertaker to cere for. He
will be burled In the walnut casket.
Pewaukee, Wl. Here's the latest
fish story. Robert Nichols and E. F.
Schmutsler went fishing. Arriving at
the favorite spot, they found to their
horror they had brought a can of
green paint Instead of can of bait.
But. listen! Nichols I an artist.' He
weak on land has mad such good use, books, and they had a record catch
; Welding Machine
With this new and suc
cessful device we are
prepared to mend your
Broken Castings.
R. Lieuallen & Son, M. D.'s
(Metal Doctors.)
To tht Tubtkt . ' out la plain tight, so you ml need ta
; Everybody In town, everybody out mus up gowt tr go bMJ the couni-
jf town, IslnvlirU lo lm lu-r at noun cr. Jt im ytmreye;
n SATURDAY, CKTUHKH 30, mhh The O lUrr Htur. WM A Itor-
,,,.,,, ,wv..u Market, KlrkiMtrtrh t'oaleeikicery,
IXXKr.r BOOKS. , r-acllle ft Mevator ., Lieuallen
. W will take car of ymi, Hun' lllncksmlth Hhon, lerry'
Every man, woman ami child will b Market. Joe lltMltfMin'
STa'Jir.f Kr it iwwwS;
riokeHrnnMulli.l'klur8liUr, Burficr Shop. R C. Iiir, 8i-
Free Ticket for Souvenir Olfl of er's h Klmp, Zehin's Hk
the pa. ry. Hwr' Htlle. Dr. 8. U '
More than ONE THOUSAND AB- ,-.'11 t ZtlTF'-SZl '
TlCLrS ranging from lend pencils to -itanh of W,tw Wood' rVe.1 Mill, t
valuable prise will be glvon away !' Molirkl. Th WeMmi Lenoar,
HI EE that day. Nut a sou) need go HwlrloVa (isrsife, Wesion Tailor ami .
horn without a full fruich or with- 21 'i!! ,?Lflh
, -,r. .ii . "s eeieoew awss-e ere V iiv JTM VT
out a Souvenir Olft or without seeing lumn yom, Htorw, J. . U. rr-
good motion piotur show nl all as rens' Confectionery and Pool liall, :
free as sir. 4 tuea' Jteai Ktt tMuc. , ,
ThU I Krroer' Town, and h FREE FEED I furnished by
wnt th Farmer out of town to coin Watt V Roger a an expression of
in and mix with th Farmer in town. Prjtlon of th pMrng tby
This to no "Brgln Dy,' no ''Dmiwii nJoyx for th last two year. '
UP WAV," WU "TAfi WAY," VUll " meir TOjimw. mat we lauin oi
HAKOAIN3 r her every day. Our ln Mwbodlaf. and United lirthro.
I'eoplear DltEKSED UP every dy, fliurehe serve this feed In th Plo-
and w will play "TArt" when w tent at noon of Halurday, .
have nothing better to do.- " ' uutouer jo, in cafeteria style, with pa-
Th following biisiniHs people are Ifrpisie. Heat rurniaheo, aod every
making the SOUVENIR GIFTS; and man, woman nd child Is welcome. . '
fwheo you bv drawn your number Th ntKB MOTION rICTURK ;
you will hunt from place to place until JW win d proviuott i.y wr. B. U.
you Ond a like number on some article Hewitt, who ia introducing a on new
..k.. ...ii t. vii'ta r. outfit at Weston, II will imv roml
... ....... ...... collection of th latest reels whlen 1
be a ck of coal, a sack of flour, a will be kept going at Weston Opera
wheat check, a bunch of clothes pin House uotU ail are aatWfled. , , .t
or a Ten Dollar Frlx.- It will b - . . C'UMKITTKH. 1
Office ni tb Klsm Building, Milton
Hours, 0 to 12 and 1 to 5
ir ....
...: 'V' New,' .clean and well- ;
selected stock at r