The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 29, 1915, Image 1

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    4 .
NO. 19.
I 1 1 rCrl K fill I Al 1 1 In I Ilhfl
Or CM ra : z : take german spv
Erfcf Reside of General News
Frcni All Arcnd the CstUl
Pacific Northwest Condensed
for Our Busy Readers.
Pittsburg. Thirteen persons ware I
killed and eight Injured by fire In
a four-etory building, U upper floor.
I e( which wr occupy by U Union
Ppr Soi ompoy, on th aorta
Ida kera. Wednesday afternoon. Of
(ba dead all war yoang woman am-
ployed by U company sopt on.
Mayor Joeeph 0. Armstrong at one
ordered thai tha police, city council
and Ika coroner Osaka thorough Inves
tigation of tha fir.
Tfc riamj al.Haa' la a nlla nf air
Uvi News Items of AO Nations and ia tt nu or u fd store of jam
Draw a A Co, oa th Aral floor of tka
building. William 0. Klmbet, general
managar of tka bos factory, at ooca
want to tka third and fourth floor,
and warned tka glrta anployad tkara.
Tka flaiaaa gained kaadvay ao rapid
ly, however, tbat aacapa by maena M
Ulrwaya and flra aacapa waa aooa
eat oft Soma of tka girl attamptad
to go to tha draaalni-room for thatr
kata and tkara, buddlad on tka floor,
rtramaa found a majority of tha
bod lee.
Joeeph L. fUah and Z. 3. Soeglc, em
ployed oa tha aaeond floor of tka
building, were about to Jump, whe
Uey vara attractad by tha scream
of glrla in tha window a bora. Tka
man told tka glrla to lump. Ona by
ona, aa lha glrla laapad, Baak and Sea
gia caught Uem, lowered tham aa far
aa lhay aould and lat tham drop to
tka atduwalk.
O. R. Carlisle, driver of a tranarar
wagon. drove kla wagon Into aa allay
la tka raar of tka building and lb raw
up a rap to glrla la a window a bora.
Making ona and fast, tkay alld down
tka rone to aafaty.
Margaret BUIgerwald, agad 17, wbo
waa tnjurad by jumping from a third
floor window, aald aba and five othar
glrla war trapped la tha build log
wkaa aomabody closed a door at ua
haad Of tka atalrway oa tha aacond
Ona of tha haroa of tha fir waa
Tatar Vallon. wbo la among tba dead.
Whan tha fir waa discovered ha waa
working la tba building. 11a groped
hla way to tba traet, wbara ba beard
tba glrta calling for balp from tha up
per atory. Tying a handkerchief about
hla mouth, ha ruahed Into tha build
ing. 81 tltnee Vallon auggarad to
tba atraat with tha unconscious form
of a girl la hla arma. When ha failed
to appear tha aeraoth time, however.
firemen began a eearcb and round nia
body oa tha aacond floor. Near him
lay tba body or a young gin. wnom no
evidently bad tried to,
overcome by amok.
B . . a a. .
linrna la Hi win it.h
Hica Ccnfessci
Brlbe.Offcred to Arresting Officer-
Chart of New York Harbor and
Official Papers Are Taken.
Rural credit plan waa beatea ia
California by over 14,000 majority,
The wholeeala price of gaeollne kaa
rtaea la Portland from N to 1154
veata witnia a saonib. .
Flra of unknown origin deetroyed a
garage and eight autua and eeveral
Motorcycle at Wood burn, Or.
Ureek frontier guard war attacked
by Aaatrlana and Bulgarians, but re
pulsed tha enemy with heavy laeaee.
A Rrltlah aubmarlna on Sunday aank
tka Turklab tranaport Carman, ladea
with munition, la tha aa of Mar
Tha propoeed plan to make all Cali
fornia atata officer atrtclly non parti
aaa waa beatea la a atata alectlua by majority.
Robert Kay, Oermaa apy arreatad la
New York, aaya tha dlveraloa of car
go of copper from Ruisian to Ur-
maa porta by bribing aaa captain
waa a part of hla plan.
According to tha Tyd, of Amster
dam, II additional death sentence
against persona ebarged with espion
age aad treason have beaa pronounced
by court martial at Liege.
, Four saw hydroaeroplanes bav
been received at tba navy aeronautic
tatloa at Pensacola. PI a., and tha first
aavy dirigible will be delivered at the
atauoa within tha next three week.
A a official announcement made In
laMdoa aaya: "Tha British transport
Marquette baa bean torpedoed la tba
Aegean Sea. II Is understood tbat
only of tha personnel of tba vassal
are unaccounted for.
StMpeoaloa of postal money order
atcbangea between tba United State
aad ureee baa been ordered by poat-
maater-tieneral Burleson, pending the
negotiation of a new poatal conven
tion between tba two countries
A report ba reached London that
Prince voa iiuelow, former oermaa
chancellor, will shortly submit to Free
1 Idaat WUaoa and King Alphonoao, of
pain, aa outline of the condition on
which Germany might be disposed to
diacuaa tarma of peace.
Winter ba set In In tha Russian
Big Lumbar Order, Due.
A herd sen. Wash. Oraya Harbor
mUlmea are preparing bid oa th gov
ernment order, soon to be let, for 7,-
70.000 feat of Douglas fir to be used
la th Panama Canal son. ..
Th specifications, which hav been
received her, Include everything from
fancy celling to heavy timber. Th
ranuaat tar nmrvnaala alee lha aradin
war theater, according to tha London rut ot the WeatCoaat Lumber sso- wer automobile and a speedy mo-
torboat. bo in or. wnicn are in wee-
New York. In U arrest of Albert
Pay, lieutenant la th Oermaa army,
and Walter gcbola. kla brouer-ia-taw,
police aad federal secret service
agent believe they have detained
leader ia a plot to wrack America
muaitloa plant and ahlp carrying
According to Captain Taaney, of
the New York anarch lata squad. Pay
eonfeaeeoT that ha came bar to work
out a plaa for slopping tba shipment
of munitions. II said. Tenner avers,
that ba waa eupplled with 200 for
carrying out kla operation. Paper
found la hla room ahowed ha waa
Oermaa aecrat service agent.
A vaat quantity of high exploelvee
war found la tba prisoners' room la
Weenswken, N. J.
iloth men era held oa technical
eharcee of disorderly conduct Aa ad'
dltlonal charge of attempted bribery
mar ba made against Fay. lie la aai
to bav offered SlOuO to a police offi
cer for his release. Ua la aald to have
offered aa advance payment of 10
when th officer agreed to hla pro posi
Polio wbo hare beaa watching out
going veeeel for exploelvee caused
tha arrests.
Explosives and survey chart of New
Tork harbor are aau to aav
found la their noeeeealon.
Tba men are declared to hav beaa
testing a bomb la a smell gror when
live steel mine, aald by th police
to belong to th prisoner, later wore
found In a Weat Hobokea storehouse.
Each waa packed la a separate wood
case, and fitted with an -attachment
which mlaht ba fastened to tha stern
of a ship by a wire. Contact with the
propeller ot a ahlp. It la aald. wonld
ex Diode tba mine.
Two caaea found la th men's room
la Weebawken war filled with
plosive, letter written la Oermaa
and official-looking document. Among
th eiploalvea war small stick of
dynamite and vartoua hind of add
used la Ut manufacture of explosive.
Ona of th paper. It 1 asserted by
th polio, showed Fay to be a lieuten
ant In U Oermaa army and connect
ed with tha Oermaa foreign office oa
th Wlthelmstraae.
Tba police assert that th prisoner
had admitted tba ownership or a aign-
Tim' Petrograd correspondent, who
aaya anow baa beaa falling for three
days and lb road are rrosen so bard
that there la no foothold for horses.
Th condition, tha correspondent
adds, are thus worse than la the rainy
Twenty four of th 41 big SC-lnch
pro lectors that hav formed an tm-
oortant element of tha Panama-Pacific
eipoeltloa Illumination system have
been sold to th Ruaslan government
and are to ba shipped at once to Euro
pean battlefields, It waa announced In
Saa Francisco. Th pric paid Is
placd at Ss.OM. . , , ;
Drastic action by officials of Kan
sas City, Kaa., to prohibit Illegal aala
of bear by brawerios waa taken wea-
aeeday when threat drivers were ar
rested and aentenoed to jail and tha
bear troche confiscated. Th driver
were fined 1500 each and sent to Jail
for all months. More than 100 caaes
of beer war destroyed.
Wall street heard oa apparently
tood authority that preparations bad
bean almost completed for tha estab
lishment of a French credit in New
York of from 110,000,000 to $16,000,000.
According to report current la the
financial section, th sura waa to be
used solely for th payment of muni
tion shipped from this country for
th account of Franc.
Th London newspapers publish an
appeal from M. Pachltch, tha Serbian
premier, for apeedy aid from Kngland
in Serbia's superhuman effort to da-
fend her existence against tha Auatro-
Oermana and Bulgarians, who have,
ha aays, condemned her to death.
"For M days," tha premier aays, "our
'common anemia bar tried to anni
hilate us, and despite th herotam of
our soldiers. our resistance cannot ba
expected to be maintained indefinite-
ly." ..
A dispatch to the Exchange Tele
graph company of London from Co
penhagen aaya: "Premier Zahie de
clared Wednesday that the govern
ment Intended to put In force June S,
IMS. th new eonatitutlonal law con
ferring suffrage oa women, waiving
tha right to propose a prolongation of
tha old eonatitutlonal law, owing to
tba war. It ia expected that a general
election will occur In July, when the
Danish women will rot for th first
All railways entering New Tork
City territory report buelneas booming.
Every eligible Englishman Is to re
ceive a personal letter urging aim to
Three American trooper and at
least five Mexican war killed la a
border fight
Tha Portland Chamber of Commerce
ia endeavoring to get It big steamer
lines to make that city a regular port
Governor Major, of Mlasonrt, made
aa ascension in tha balloon fit Louis,
which won tha recent race at Wichita,
olatlon prominence. Bids will ba open
ed November ft. Th material la to be I
delivered at Colon or Ancoa botween
January 1 and March L
Farmer Flask ta exposition.
San Francisco It ha been eetlmat-
ed that mere farmnr hav entered
the gates of th San Francisco Expo
sition during th last tnree we as
than during tha eutlr period line
th great fair opened. October, spe
cially dealsnated aa "Farmers' Month
haa had a great drawing cam in tne
liv stock exhibits and show which
hav bean well attended. November
bromlae to keen up with th October
attendant! average aa moat of the big
llva atock convention will ba held la i
48,000 Cattle Received.
Kansas City. Mo. Forty-five thou
sand cattl war unloaded at th local I
stockyard her Wednesday, 8000
more, it was said, than ever arrived
her before In one day. About S00
carloada came from Iowa and Minne
sota. The advances in prices laat
week waa th magnet that attracted
tha large offerings, stockmen aald.
Th big supply cauaod aomo depres
sion In prices, except for good corn-
fed cattle.
Austrisns Clsar Way to Bulgaria.
London. Tba Bucharest Roumanla,
correspondent ot tha Time sends th
Serbian troop bar withdrawn
from th neighborhood of th Danube,
and th Austrian hav crossed th
river, traversing th laland of Odakale.
Th Austrian force will now obtain
free nsag through Bulgaria from
Oraova, near tha Roumanian frontier,
where 60 ateamer and lighter laden
with munition hav assembled.
British Losses I no rs ass. 1
London. British casualties publish
ed since October 1 total 2285 officers
and 60,07 non-commissioned officers
and man. These figure show an av
erage loss to the British army of nearly
2600 men a day. Thla la considerably
In excess of th casualties earlier In
th war, and reflects th heavy loasea
of th British in the recent sevei
fighting In Belgium. During the sum
mer th losses averaged about. 160
dally. .
Masaacr I Reported.
London, A dispatch to th Dally
Mall from Odessa aaya:
"Th Turk have massacred tha en
tire Armenian population of Kerasunt,
on th Black Sea,"
Kerasunt la a aeaport with a popula
tion of 10,000, large part ot which
ar Armenians.
Briton Sentenced aa Spy.
London. It la officially announced
that a British subject haa been tried
In th Old Bailey Court oa three
counts of an indictment charging es
pionage, and waa aentenced to life Imprisonment
1000 Ec?gars KSd ia Ix&ifaaL
London. Th bombardment ot Da
deagach caused th death of ten civil
ian and xnor than a thousand sol
diers, and a lance number ot aoldler
war wounded, aaya a dispatch to th
Exchange Telegraph company from
Athana. .
A large proportion of th military
caaualUea. th correspondent ad da.
war In th barrack which housed
th Fortieth Bulgarian regiment Tha
barracks were crowded with aoldlera,
who war preparing for their meal,
when th bombardment waa openea
at 1 o'olock with accurately aimed
shell, which demolished th barrack,
burying th occupant la th ruins.
Troops engaged la digging tranche
around th town also sustained heavy
Fire censed by th exploding shells
destroyed th railway elation and aur-
roundlng building, doing enormous
damage. It la said that th entire loss
from th bombardment, which, lasted
four boura. will b several million
Bounds. : ,
The correspondent say th bom
bardment was directed by aeroplanes.
Patriotic Appeal I Mad.
Los Angelea.'-Gotna; further than
merely serving notloe that aa embargo
has been declared. E. M. Blanford. a
special agent ot the federal govern
ment, directed aa appeal to arms and
munitions dealers la the west to help
President Wilson stop further blood
shed In Mexico. The Mexicans can
shoot away la a day all the ammuni
tion Mexican manufacturer can make
In a month," said Mr. Blanford, "and
with th aaaUtanc ot American deal
era, further fighting In Mexico can
be promptly stopped.1 s
Seven of Family Killed.
Detroit Seven member ot ' on
family were instantly killed aad an
eighth waa probably fatally Injured
by a Grand Trunk paaaanger train,
which struck their automobile, near
Detroit The dead are Mrs. Radtael
Stoldt her five daughters. Pearl, Ha
ael. Mabel, Esther and Martha, and
Miss Minnie Engel, a slstar of Mrs,
Btoldt William Stoldt ot Troy. Mich.,
the husband and father, was badly
mangled. 1
Germans Ouat Belgians
London. A telegram from Amster
dam to tha Exchange Telegraph com
pany ears: "Meaaagee from tha; Bel
gian frontier aay that Belgian sub
jects between the age ot 17 add 36.
liable tor military service, had been
notified by the Oerman authorities at
Brusaela to report themselves to th
Oerman commander, with the weault
that 7600 ao far hav been deplirted
to Germany. jg
Railroad Business -en Increase.
La O rands Thar r fewer "dead
engine" oa the 0.-W. R. A N. dlvlaioa
of Ua Ulo Pactft Uia week Ua In
any time for mors tbaa a year. Daily
for th peat lw weeks th Una of Idle
engine baa beaa diminished, antl) the
local aupply la nearly eoliraly ta th
New engine crews and trala craws
have bees put on to meet the apart
la business. Railroad man aad ship
pers generally attribute tha major por
tion of Ua la laat revival la freight to
the Panama canal elide, which bin
ders steauahlp traffic, while tranaeom-
Unaalal bualnea t wrtak, local crop
ar scarcely moving at all, farmers
hold Ina thetr wheat taaacKmaiy.
With ua praeant aaarp increase in
business coming oa before a concerted
movement of wheat from Inland point
railroad officiate for a good win
ter. Twenty machlnlau have been
added to Ue ahop fore her during
Ue fall, aad from time to time.
Trala crew scratched a year or
mora aa-o ar com In back to seme.
two each crew being re-employed out
of bar wlthla tba peat day or two.
Boy Makes JS30 on Acre of Spuds.
Portland. Th chamber of com
merce haa received many letters from
different sections of Ue stats, attest-
in the effectlveneee of th campaign
of th "Flying Squadron" laat week to
arouse latereat la ue Manufacturer
and Land Product Bbow.
On of th moat striking letters re
ceived came from Alfred Gugglsberg,
a bov farmer Bear Drain.
Tha letter, whlca reaultaa rrom tne
vlait of C. W. Roblaoa of Ue "Flying
Bauadnm" to Drain, follows:
C. W. Roblaoa waa at ue vrain
Hlch School today and Invited oa all
to come to Portland end see Ue Port
land Land and Manufacturing Bnow.
'1 am anebie to come, hot I am very
Interested la It last Ue same.
-I pleated one acre of potato laat
year. I am a boy or ue age ot 1 ana
I waa vary successful la raising po-
Utoea. It coat ma Just I no tor plant
ing and harvesting, etc, I rataea yuat
1200 bushels from th on acre. Th
potato bringing ma 19(0, making a
dtoIU Of SS3V oa in on acre in una.
The potatoes were called Ue Netted
Oem variety."
Oregon Kens Cinch First Prize.
nHrrn a rrti-nllnral Pallet. CotT ti
lt. With but six weeks of Ue Panama-Pacific
exposition erg laying eon-
teat to be run, th u. a. v. wnne ueg
tumi bava flrmlr established Uem-
elve la first place. Even If they
am n lav off altoareUer for Ue re
mainder of Ue term Uelr position
would atlll be secure. Tne uctouer i
Mitnrt ahnara that thsv are Z4S CKK
ahead of the nearest competitor, not
counting Ue other O. A. C pen a
lead that cannot now be overcome.
Tha thru Oreroa college Den con
iii that Uail. Iiahorna ft rat Ore
gon second and Barred Rocka third.
The Oregon ar ex eaeaa ana m
Rock It ahead or ue closest pen.
. j o,n,. tx'klta Wvandntlita.
The college Rocka suffered an acci
dent laat month when one of Uem waa
accidentally killed, that may affect
Uelr lead.
Loop Road Survey Made.
xinnA ri at aovernment
engineers baa completed Ue aurvey
tor the proposed loop aignway aom
ih. m Mnmt PIvap valley to Ue
Barlow road, Ue route emerging from
Ue forest reserve on Ue eaat tork ot
Hood river a few mllea aouth of Park
j.ia A mw will ras another line
this week, cutting out Ue eaat fork
canyon and paaatng around ue case
of Ue mountain through Elk Meadow.-
. " "
Tk main road will pas down tt
eaat aide gorge, but It la proposed to
mm ,iuttk.p iirSaw with the .view
eventually ot building a road Urough
Elk Meadow, -
Saw Dsstroy Orchard.
Albany. Whan a light wind Satur
day blew down 71 peach trees on the
farm ot A. W. Martin, seven miles eaat
nf Albanv. he discovered Uat all had
been sawed more than half through
near Ue baa ot U trunk. Only four
tree in Ue whole 4-year-old orchard
were not aawed. The trees were Just
coming Into bearing, many had yielded
a light crop Uia year, ana mn yw
...... 1.1 h Hun in rull hearinsv Mar
tin had depended upon Ueae trees to
yield money to pay on a mortgage on
his place.
Toledo Hear W. t- Finlay.
Tnlarfn atata Ttlnlnaiat W. IV Fin-
ley left here after a aeriee of lectures
oa Ue habits snd propagation ot Ue
fish and game of Oregon. Mr. Finley
used moving ptcturea ot Ue capture
and transportation ot Ue herd ot elk
h. wa XiYins-ht from Ua Jackson
Hole country In Montane to Wallowa
county. . .
Mr. Finley was greeted with packed
houses at Waldport, Newport and at
Toledo. He reprimanded Ue cttiaens
of the county for allowing the sUte
to discontinue Ue Big Elk fish hatchery.
60-Pound Chinook la Caught
t n. Smith, an Alsea
nawyvih .
Bar fisherman, caught a Chinook sal
mon on hla regular drift Saturday
night Uat tipped tne ecaie si
pound. This ia to record fish for
thla season. The record fish on that
bay laat Season, for chlnook. weighed
73 pounds.
850 Teacher at I nail lute.
Salem. With S60 teachers present
Ue annual Marlon County Teacbera
Institute convened here tor a aeealon
thraa itavi w. M. SmlUk county
euperintendent la la charge. Well-
known educators oi in auai "-
aMMaaaa Tba Schoola Ot US
county are closed during Ue Institute.
nn.n.t.i haiulfearcfclefa formerly
were worn la the hat by men aa to
kens, . -
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Five hundred pcraon are believed to have lost Uelr lives la Ue tfoplcal hurricane Uat raged over the lower
Mississippi valley. Tha extent of tha tremendous damage wrought haa not yet been fully calculated, but probably
tha Cgure will be well over llz.0O0.000 The upper photograph abowa Ua wreckage of Ue railway depot and 8t
John s Rowing club buildings at Wast End. on Lake Pontchartraln near New Orleans. The lower photograph
abowa Ua wreck of a ferry boat barge and gasoline boat at Ua Tugger landing oa Ue Mississippi river.
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When tba last slrder of the 19.000-ton brides over Hall Gate. New Tork city, wa put Into .place recently, the
largest, heaviest and moat expensive structure or IU kind in the world waa nearly completed. Th bridge, built
for the New York Connecting railroad. Is 1.017 feet long and IU cost Is 12.000.000.
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Thla huaa wooden statue Of Field
Marehal von Htndenburg was un
veiled recently In Berlin In tbe pres
ence ot many notables, its maaios
rannirad E1.000 pounds of alderwood.
Gold, silver and Iron nails ar being
drlvtn Into It by U oonor to wr
k.nitai fun da The ploture, taken
during Ua unveiling ceremonlea.
Shews a Zeppelin hovering overueau.
Must Be.
'Smokeless powder has done away
the smoke or name ana
patent aUencera have aUlled the can
noo'a roar. -
Juat ao. An n m preny -
., tm , Bra. i.u, aaauav
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-on,- LoulsvtU CourleisloumaL
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.1 vera ktiiad or in lured and crest dausazs done to croperty
in Ardmore. Okla, by the explosion of a tank car of gasoline and tba r -
log explosion of a quantity of aynamite in tne ranroaa yaxus.
graph ot the east waU of the WbitUngton hotel shows how numerous bwilJ-
ings ware shattered.