The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 22, 1915, Image 4

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W rraeoataa a, elwar. ta
TV. Mn nwtn br
"'bSSSSS htwiiiwi mm
Klii lit thmr-n-il K kuaerwl 1iUiwi eausa-a atad-al. p. -I'rt HOt.sU-S asria U !
iitlwlnl -- 4. txtl BTe.iNrt - 1
IlGilIi3 UU3IiGS3 vrOcS"3
T7TM Soal Um t rm too rvtkm." at ka fwW.
Dallc3-Columbia. Lino
Kt.M ef Wnanlnsten, fee Tne Bslitoe,
U u Pl.'iiiart J. N. Tel. Ilen4 KeMMre m4
r-tG.i-. ! l ni- 0,.m,ht ", I
own. TarlerStUeae. l-i. Mu.UA
' rSaeettt sal Ceaaaal 8mV Teste. C. rea,
eM-cejeaa em.
sera, sad ImImm, t twinmmM.
f .it. li - r jrer.
a, im enrtMaa, eras, at '
fas sal rntaUl' rrUtae at Jeca,
e.aees, lanssr.
- It Nesded Exportation.
1 IT.n-.a fSlfan rulatfta that recent
ly while on a trip about the envlrona
of Ban Diego ana wrouaao oracu
.I..! in mntar ear. tha driver
iu.tnt.ul nut nrkwi land holding.
buildings, hotel a, etc a tha property
of J. U. Bprecheis Jr., in iunr mr
nate. Even tha road orer which they
vn i.vt nHAtol v owned by
Bpreckela. Aa the car. following tha
Winding road, drew near ine "J.
little girl asked: -Mama, woo
the bay?" Mama amiled and aald,
-Why. dearie, God owna tha bay."
"Well," aald tha puxsled child, "how
did be set it away from Mr. Spreck
elr :
Judaea Wlos.
The wig to only worn by English
barriatera to five thorn a stern. Judi
cial appearance, and no on can aay
that It falla In thla respect. Tha cue
torn waa originated by a French judge
In tha seventeenth century when, hap
pening to don a marqula wig one day.
ha found It gave him auch a stem and
dignified appearance that be decided
to get one for himself and wear It at
all timet In court. Thia ne aid, ana
the result waa ao satisfactory from a
leeal nolnt of view that not only ue
Judge, but barristera also, took up
the custom throughout fcurope. ion-
don Graphic.
runailnitiAii niiiM and seriously Saf-
aravates many diseases. It ia thor
oughly cured by lr. Pierce's Pellets.
Tmy sugar-coated granule. , .., j,
. Explanation.
"Willie, did you tie that tin can to
the dog's tail?"
"Yea, air," replied the small boy.
-r. trrln 1r An a kind act averv
day. That dog chases every rabbit he
... ... . -, .i .
sees, i Ilea ine can io nun
H will make a noise and warn the rab
bit." Washington Star.
"I asked the boss for a raise to
day," aald the elevator boy.
"What did he say 7" asked bis
friend. :
"Going up!"
Patent Office Document.
If all the documents stored in the
patent office at Washington could be
placed end to end they would form a
atrip that would reach around the
earth three times.
Customer I'm going to a masked
ball, and I want something that will
completely disguise me. Costumer
Certainly, sir. I will give you some
thing nice. Pele Mele.
Lnmber, Shia glas,
lath, Mealdiag,
Doors, Windows and
other Building Ma
terial from
Sara Ccssell
Lumber Co.
Portland, Oregon.
Send us a Hit of what yoo require
for your buildings and we will name
you prices delivered at your station
and Guarantee to ssve yoa Money.
ropU from all parts M
Orccoa aad Waihiac-
toa eonscaatJr rait our
otiic fur dental treat
ment. Our akill iaae
knoarladaad. aad oar
promptnaaa to tbualt
nx work to aaa dsr
wbmraquirad feappra'
ciatad by outhC-lowa
Dr. Wlaa afalaa-
tooth expert. Tbarala
In every railing, and
Dr. Wise lara claim la
(iiia distinction in Ore
gon. 28 lawf aaaaaa
antaa w don't do.
Omd Res Robber Pistes, ear J5.f
Ths Best Res Rubber Pistes, each U
XI-Karat GM er Porcelain Crew ..........
rkeaea Maia M2. A JS2.
22Vi TUra Stnsrb Faills BJ.t, Pertisnd. Onsaa
B. E. Car. Third and Wsskinstea.
G Gee Wo
His eneeeaffat nerb
af remedies cure all
kinds of ailments of
men and women with,
out operation, ased
from the wonderiil
Chinees herbs, roots.
buds and eeeetaUes. which are onsnown Is
ttie medical anenoe of this eounur. .
Write for blank and t ireulitra. Send stasia.
he C Cee Wa Chinese Medicate Co.
K2V First SU Portland, Ore.
Mention Paper.
No. 43, 111
Br.S wrlUiar t sdrertiasra,
t:a this asrer.
fr n
n. HOLM Mi Mm eaaaae MON If. .wm.
tan nv
awmpuoa erwy day ia U United State.
Sdenca vrovea that the renal only
.i i . i. ik. mi.M la nx1 from
U4 1 rm whvw - - . ,
cr.Ua or aickaess, everwork,' conBniBg
aunea or won bthti w
daring changint seasons the bkmd should
be made nca aaa par ana nun r
1-. C4'a ttnilltMAll.SM HmIL Th COU
lim oil ia Scott's KmaUion warms toe
bodr br enriching th Dlooa; itptcniiariy
. .u-.. .w. l.miwI lhm.t rhillt
apboiliis the resistive fore of to body
to avOra coias ana pm wmmm,
U yoa work Indoor, tir easily. fl
langvid or aervoBS, Scott's Emolsioa Is the
mil itrrrfn"'"! iooa-SBnKiB
It is totally free from alcohol or any
stapetying drag. Avoid sabsutatea.
t-J an soma.
Ha Could Wield an Ax.
n.m .kill nt ika nM Maine ahlobulld
era In the nae of the ads and broadas
was wonderful. One old lime yarn is
of a carpenter who applied very drunk
at a ah nvard lor employment, is
der to have a little run with him
nMmB aat klm A STiva a nTOOf Of
akill by hewing out a wooden bolt w
a hnnitia- Mark but a atone. T
carpenter accomplished his difficult
task without niamng tne seen eus
tv. KmaHir anil ahowed the foreman
a neatly made bolt. Then he brought
the ax down with a terrtnc mow mat
k.Hl Ira adra noon the Stone. "1
kw fast rate on vour chopping
Mvk aa niccoucneo. oui 1 11 ue
blamed it I can make the ax stick In
It when I git through." The story runs
that the foreman lost no time in em
ploying auch a workman.
How to Heal
a Haltimora doctor sucKeats this
eimnta tint ntliahla and Inexoensive,
home treatment for people suffering
with edema, ring
worm, rashes and
similar Itching, burn
ing akin troubles.
At any reliable
druggist 'a get a Jar
of resinol ointment
anrl a cake of res-
int imn Theaa are not at all ex
pensive. With the resinol soap and
KatKa tha affected Dart
thoroughly, until they are free from
crust and the akin is soiieneo. uij
nrw e-ontlv annuul OB thin laVCr Ol
the resinol ointment, and cover with
a light bandage if necessary 10 pro
tect the clothing. This snouia oe oone
iki. daw lTanallv the distreasint
Itching and burning atop with the first
treatment, ana ine asm soon oecumea
clear and healthy again, sampie irc
"What I want to see," said Diogenes,
'la an honest man."
"And when yoa see htm, what will
you dor"
i'ii aimniv m me air A thoroneh
te hnnsat man renprallv has Doaitlvc
opinions of his own. and. therefore. Is
liable not to be very good company."
Washington uiar.
Satisfactory Correspondence,
"Tour husband sends yoa very few
There all rlrht He sends me bit
pay envelope every week." Louis
ville Courier-journal.
' An Achievement.
'ivai van aiir vAti IhoranBThlv under-
stand that quesuon yoa attemptea w
"v. w Mnllul Rjn.tnr finrerinnt
"but I fancy I expressed myself in
terms suinclenuy ooscurea to prevent
anybody else from taking enough in
terest to call me down." Washington
Tells How She Wat Saved
by Taking Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Compound. .
Louisville, Ky ' I think If more sofa
fermfr women would take Lydia E.
Pink ham's Vegeta
ble Compound they
would enjoy better
health. I suffered
from a female trou
ble, and Um doctors
decided I had a
tumorous growth
and would have to
be operated upon,
bnt I refused s I do
not believe In opera
tions. I had fainting spells, bloated.
and could hardly stand the pain in my
left tide. My husband Insisted that J
try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, and I am so thankful I did,
(or I am now a well woman. 1 sleep
better, do all my housework and take
Song walks. I never fail to praise Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for
siy good health. "-Mrs. J. 11. Rebcb,
1900 West Broadway, Louisville, Ky,
Since we guarantee that all testimo
pials which we publish are genuine, is It
sot fair to suppose that if Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has the
virtue to help these women it wilt help
spy other woman who is suffering In t)
like manner T
If yoa are ill do not drag along until
an operation ia necefsary, bat at once
take Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. '
Write to Lydia E. Pinkham
Sledk ine Co., (confidential) Lynn,
Mass. Tour letter wll be opened.
read and answered by a womu
and beld in strict confidence.
TV.. a. - mJ eaaltiaM V-eAv fa V" !-.
in i 1 1
1 WA
mi DffBiSE PlAI
Trained tey cf 800,000 1!
it Bale fca's W.
f Mil UlflT)MK rMi ill
6U-lAI 1AlAiiWU mU ilWia
Security of Positions and Earnings
Is Essential Part of Proposition
Now Interesting Officials.
Washlnxton. IX C Employers
throughout the Cnlted Sutee oorpor
ations. manufacturer, professional
men, tradesmen and buslneas men of
all classes are to be asked to contrib
ute aa their share in the national de
fense permission tor their employe,
to engage, without serious financial
loss, in two months' military training
during each of three year.
Thla la an essential part m ua aa
minis traUon'e plan for raising a cltl
sen army of tOO.OOf men In six years.
which, with the regular army of !.
000 men and J 00.000 reserve, would
give a trained force, exclusive ef etate
militia, of about ljvo.ovo in u event
of war.
The success of the plan, officials ad
mit, depends not on the appropriation
of congress, for its coat will be com
paratively small, but on the patriotic
response of employers to whom an ap
peal wlu be made to ruriougn as many
men each year, at different aaasons.
as they can spar and who wish to
Join the proposed continental army.
Administration officials are confi
dent that, even though it la proposed
to enlist only 1S3.000 men in the year
In the continentals, or a total of near
ly goo.OOo in the first sU year period,
more than that number would be at
tracted by the outdoor life of a mili
tary camp if they could M ass urea ny
their employers that their positions
would not be lost and their earnings
nertouslr decreased.
The proposed enlistment requires
two months' service for each of three
years and liability for service during
the remaining three years only In
event of war.
The armv Diana for more than,-
000 trained men in six years, and the
naw program of tea oreadnougnu
and six battle cruisers within five
vears. both of which will be presented
to congress with the Indorsement of
President Wilson, were the absorbing
topics of Interest here.
Kctr Radio Disposes
Baa Francisco. A wireless tele-
grapy Invention eliminating tha con
struction of the present towering suet
structures for sending and receiving
by simply projecting a wire along the
rmnnii far a short distance la an
nounced here by K. B. Woolverton.
linitaui RiatA radio lnsnector. in col
laboration with Palmer B. Hewlltt. of
Unlltafar Paid . Mr. WOOivertOU DS
been experimenting for months with
thai itAer annaratua.
According to Its discoverers, the
nee, mathml tie nmvad aminentlv suc
cessful in receiving message from
Honolulu, Sayville and Arlington, Va.
An ahanlnta fraedom from Static con
ditions has been achieved In the re
ception of messages.
tsglasd Demasds 3,000,089 Mca.
London. "Great Britain needs 2.
000.000 more men by spring."
This declaration was made Monaay
by Brigadier-General Sir trick
Swsvne. director of recruiting In the
northern command, in a speech at
General Swavne estimated thst uer-
msny still has between 1,000,000 ana
10,000,000 men from the ages of 18 to
45, and that, therefore. It was useless
to talk about wearing out Germany.
In the spring, said he, Germany would
lose more men than the allies, which
would balance the numbers of the al
lies snd the central powers, but if
Great Britain should raise 1.000,000 ad
ditional men, Germany probably would
recognize that it would be fruitless to
continue. - '
. Wilson's Yacht Refitted.
Norfolk. Vs. To be ready for serv
ice In ease President Wilson decides
to spend a part of his honeymoon on
the ocean, the yacht Mayflower Is be
ing fitted np at the Norfolk navy-yard.
The vessel will have a new coat of
paint added inside and out Her ma
chinery will be overhauled and her
boilers cleaned. Her cabins and sa
loons will be renovated and she will
take on some furniture, including-a
oiano. before she sails for Washing
ton. She will leave here the latter
part of the week.
Villa Denies Confiscation Order.
El Paso. General Villa. In a tele
gram from Casas Grande, denied that
he had, authorized confiscation of
American mining property in Chihua
hua, or elsewhere. He added that he
would not permit Americans or other
foreigners in Mexico or their property
harmed. Villa officials in Juarei ex
plained that the recent decree threat
ening confiscation of the American
Smelting 4 Refining properties and
others in Mexico had been Issued by
Governor Fidel Avlla, of Chihuahua,
and that the latter acted without au
thority from General Villa.
Park Visitor Doubled.
Washington. D. C Reports show
that more than twice as many persons
visited the national parks of the west
during the season just closed than
last year.
The Yellowstone park recorded sir
820 tourists, compared with 20,260 in
1914: Tosemite 81,642, against 15,146,
snd Mount Rainier 34,314 against Hr
038. Secretary Lane said the policy
of permitting automobiles to enter the
parks had been a success and would
be continued.
Fruit Is Shipped South.
New Tort A shipment of spples
and pears from Northwestern state,
consisting of 60.000 boxes, or about
2000 tons, left here on the stesmahip
Veetrt for Rio Janeiro and Buenos
Aire. Tha shipment of fruit is said
to be one of the largest mad to Booth
America via New York in many
Portland. Wheat Bluestem o,
fortyfold MHe, club ., red file
ton, red Russian 19c
Oals No. 1 Whit rd 114 00.
nrUy No. 1 ra4. lit; towwtag.
- :
Mliireed spot pncs: uran, a pr
ton; shorts, tit; rolled barley, 110
WCora Whole. IST.tO Per ton: eraek-
d. 138.50 per toa. ...
Hay Eastern uregoa uoioiny, e
OI6; valley timothy. 11.013: alfalfa.
til.&QO mo; cheat, tjl0; oats and
vetch, til Oil.
Vegetable Artichokes, TSo per
tnaan tnmatnaa. IS ft 30 MT bol!
cab bag, lo per pound; green corn, 10
Q160 per oosea; gariio, iso par r"
' ittiKi ecinlanL 4fl&c:
sprouts, tfjlOc; horseradish, llfcc;
cauliflower, Tftcui..
Qreea Prut'. Cantaloupes, UcOM
per crate; poaches, 4UC4o per box;
alsraislnsi trilUS tnsP TJOUnd! SD-
plea, TtcCU-TJ per box; pears, tlO
1.J&; grape, IMfJll-tv Pr craiaj caa
abas. lHe per pound; cnabarries,
$8.60 0 10 per barrel.
PntarAaa-nraran. TSOt&e! TaklttML
tl per sack; sweets, 13.400110 per
Onions Oregon, fl.tS01.3l sack.
Eggs Oregon ranch, buying price:
No. 1. 3o : No. 3. !7o; No. 3, too per
dosen. Jobbing prices: No. 1. 880.
Poultry Hans. llfflSHc; spnnga,
ISC lie; turkeys, nominal; ducks,
white, 13016c; colored, 10011c;
gees. tOlOc
Rntiarrti ramrv cube, ex
tras, selling at 31 Ho; firsts. to; print
aad cartons, extra. Price paid lo pro
ducers: Country creamery, 3103c
according to quality; buttarfat premi
um quality. 33c; No. 1 average quality
Sic; no. x lire
Veal Fancy, 100 per pouno.
Pork Block, 7H03e per pound.
Hope 1811 crop, 8OIO0 per pound.
Hides Salted hides, 18; aalled klp
ISc: salted calf. 18c; green hide.
1SUi araan kin. ISc: areen calf. 18c
dry hides. 35c; dry calf. 37c
Wnnl ('astern Or en a. 184818c
valley. 170 lie; fall lambs' wool, 310
I5c ...
Mohair-Oregon. 370300 per pouna.
Cascara Bark Old and new. 8 HO
4o per pound.
Paita Drv lonc-wooled Delta. 16 He;
dry ahort-wooled pelts, HHe; dry.
shearlings. 150350 each; dry goat.
Inns aair. ISn aaeh: drv Sroat ahaai
lings, lOOlOe each; salted long-wool-
ed pelts, septemoer, imviui wmuu.
Cattle Choice steers. 86.500 6.85;
Choice steers. 16.506 6,25, good steers.
3606.25: medium steers. 85.15 0 6.76;
choice cows. 150526: good cows.
84.600 4.76; medium cows, I3.TSO
4.35; heifers. I3.60O6.76; bulla. $30
4.60; sUgs, $4.(005.15.
Hogs Light. $6.4006.60; heavy,
Sheep Wethers. ' $4.7605; ewe.
$40640; Iambs, $64007.
Wheat Farmers Holding Firmly.
Portland The Merchants Exchange
was closed Tnesday on account of the
holiday. The country wheat markets
were also quiet
Grain farmers in the Interior are
holding their wheat firmly la antici
pation of higher price. They have
followed this policy tor the first two
months of the season and art wU sat
isfied with the results. As most of
them are .independent they are not
likely to nuset values by a general
selling movement As an Indication
of the way supplies are oemg neio
back In the country It is cited that on
the lines of the Spokane 4k Inland rail
way there are now 1.366.676 bags of
wheat, against $40,000 bags at this
time last year.
Broomball In ala weekly tnternaaon-
al review aavs:
The general position of the market
is about unchanged with the under
tone strong and an advancing tenden
cy- . ' ' . .
Tne evidence is necoming increas
ingly plain that the world's supply of
wheat will be abundant for the season,
and the abnormally large receipts in
both the United States and Winnipeg
of spring wheat indicate that the per
iod of scarcity Is about ending ana re
cent large purchases. In a quiet way,
indicate that a good share of these
supplies wUl eventually reach the Uni
ted Kingdom. - .
"The urgent demand, wnicn is ne
coming pronounced, from Mediterran
ean countries, snd the extraordinary
strength in freights, may prevent any
immediate decline.
Potato Crop Condition Lower.
The government's monthly crop re
port estimates a lower condition, as
compared with the 10-year average.
for potatoes in the racuie coast
For the entire united states, tne in
dicated yield for 1816, based upon
shove averages for October, is 688,
161,000 bushels, compared with the
September 1 estimate of 405,909,000,
the final estimate on 1914 crop of 406,
921.000 and the five-year average of
$57,000,000 bushels.
Statistic as to potato crop condi
tions In the western states follow:
Cond'n Cond'n 19-Tr.
Oct. 1. Sept t Aver.
Oregon , ,..,, ,.i
California .
For the United States as a whole.
the condition on October 1 was 74.2,
on September 1, 82.7 and tha 10-year
average, 76.4.
Plenty of Grapes on Street
Granes of all kinds were abundant
during the past week, and sold well at
steady prices. Among the receipts
were good pack Tokays from Grants
Pass, which brought $1 por crate.
a amaii ahinmenls nf flnuthern
Oregon cantaloupes are arriving, stan
dards selling at z ana iiaia si as
cents. '
HnfAit nrfAsta liava tieten advanced 10
cents on the street and will go higher.
There is a iimitea snipping vrauo w
potatoes at steady prices.
ftavsml " r-a nt nawrrtn (TaHfornla
walnuts arrived in sacks aad cartons.
. Advance In Lard Prices.
A new provision list, issued Monday
morning, gives advances, averaging a
cent. In lard prices. The rise is ex
plained by the great strength or tne
eastern market, where comparatively
light stocks and heavy speculation
have caused provision prices to soar.
Hop Market la Qutst
The hon msrket we quiet There
was a report of a purchase In the Sa
lem district at 9 cents and a lot of 60
bales of poor bops at Reed villa sold at
6 cents. No business wa reported in
the California or Washington markets.
150,000 ITALIANS
TO FiGIIT BALKANS I.2int2:is Strides
Secrecy As To Objective.
mm tears snsa mwm
German Submarines Art Sheltered
in Bulgarian Port-Great Brit
ain Gives Bulgaria Notice.
Psrla Italv will send 160.000 Bnen
to Lha Balkan, aecordlng to Informa
nt-, aawalvasi h the EscadsloT from
what the paper aaya ia a reliable
Tha meammant maintain the strict-
eet secrecy as to wner an troops wm
be landed, says the Escalator's inform
ant, but Italian intervention will Uke
place at a point waar it will have a
decisive effect, on the whole Balkan
campaign. ,"
Bucharest. ia Paris Tha cabinet.
after again going ever the war situa
tion, mad pYonotutceMMnt in tavor
of tha maintenance of neutrality cy
All neceeaary military precaution
have been taken on each of Roamanla's
The presence of two German sub
marine at Varna, Bulgaria's chief
seaport on tha Black sea, has beam
eon Armed.
London Great Britain has declared
n Rnlearla Tha British foreltm
office announces that in view of the
fact that Bulgaria has announcea en
ia . aa .iik Karhla ami la an all
of the central powers. Hie Majesty's
. . . , . t . sa..t
lovarcxnent aa inxormea u Buigw
l. esesran-uit that att of WBT
exists between Great Britain and Bul
'Safety Hrslf lessens life loss.
Chicago. HI. The Union Paclfio
railroad system will be given an ab
solutely clean bill on "Passengers
Killed daring the fiscal year ending
June 80. 1816. In the report of the In
terstate Commerce commission. And
ika. nnmhav of naaaenear in lured, for
the same period, will show almost
negligible in the commission s report
. Tas Mara a en ilia Union Pacific
system adopted a motto of "Safety
First" livery employe, regaraieaa oi
kla nnalMmt anllatM-1 tB the WOrk
of making the Union Paclfio not only
as safe aa any other system la the
country, but absolutely safe for the
traveling publio aa well as for the em
ployes. ;
The clean out wnicn ue inirwiv
iVuimim aammlaalon'a renort will
show te the result of that "safety"
campaign. - -
Mnt nn. ssissnnr waa killed on th
entire Union Paclfio system, from end
to end. mala Una and branch lines,
during the last fiscal year. In that
period $.36U4 passengers entrusted
themselves on the thousands of miles
of branch roads of Union Paclfio, and
nnnn th. main Una trains from Omaha
to Portland, Seattle and Spokane,
from Kansas City to Denver ana uney
enn, and not one single paasenger
ale Ufa althnurh tncather. these
8.951.364 passengers traveled nearly
one Diuion miles aunng uiai jmr. nui
i-. .vla ennls- In ihAaa nasseri.
vw wwe . .rr - r
gers actually on board the trains, but
It includes too wno were preparma
to go aboard, or who were leaving the
trains of the company. Regardless of
whether the blamo lay with th rail
road, or was due to the grossest, most
rias-renr esrslssaassl nn th Dart Of
th paseenger, th fact remains that
during the fiscal year ending June 80.
1915, not one single union racinc
paseenger was killed.
But Union Pacific's "Safety First"
campaign is not benefiting passengers
alone. Employes- are roeplng hand
some returns on th effort they are
making to prevent accidents to each
Germans Execute Woman.
Ixwjdorr The foreign office has bean
notified by the American embassy that
Mlea Rrllth CaealL latatv th head of
a large training school in Brussels,
who was arrested August B by the
German authorities In Brussels, wss
awamits-t October 18 after sentence of
death had been passed on her. It is
.. . .. . . i .
understood that u cnerge against
Ml as rave.ll waa that aha harbored
fugitive British and French soldiers
and Belgians of military ego ana nsa
assisted them to escape from Belgium
In order to join tneir coiors.
Prssldent Favors Wool Tariff.
ttTaenlnefym. ft. "!. President Wil
son Is reported by members of eon
..... esKn nave talkad with htm fa
voring th placing of some duty on
wool not that ne believes mat wooi
naaria anv rirorsw-f Inn. but that h be
lieve a wool tariff will aid in wiping
out the deficit In th treasury. It Is
reported that tha President will rec
ommend s duty on wool when be asks
congress to repesl the free sugar
clause of th Underwood act. How
rmirh dntv the President will recom
mend ia not yet determined.
German Shipping Hard Hit.
r-mrlon British submarines have
euvar eleararTtha Battle sea and th
Gulf of Bothnia entirely of German
merchant ships, says a dispatch to
tha Rrer from Conenhso'en. Every
German ship which, wss south-bound
from Sweden when th submarine
started their campaign has either been
sunk or run aground, it adds. Of BO
German ore carriers, 87 are virtually
interned in Swedish ports, th eorre-
ipondent declares.
Big Loan I Completed.
Vase York The contract covering
the notation of the $500,000,000 Anglo
French credit loan has been signed.
Lord Reading, chairman of the Anglo-
nt -k. - . ala-nawl lha HlV-O-
rivilHI wuiuJiwuiif e.aj.,--- -
ment on behalf of Great Britain; Oc
tave Horn berg and cmeet Mailetx, tne
French commission, signed for France,
anil J P. Mnro-an slamed on behalf of
th Amerlon syndicate of bankers.
Purity Guaranteed
undcf all State and National Pure
Food Lawi. You can pay a
higher price, W you cannot get
a baking powdcj that will raise
nicer, lighter biscuits, cakes and
pastry, or that is any more
Your money hack if K C fails to
please you. Try a can at our risk.
Wsmsn Triumph In Ksnsa.
Out la Ksnsss whsr (hey strive lo
n1-.,a lha arnmaa nusht I hV SSJiall
caus fur complaint If It la possible to
. . -II ..akla
deprive ine sea u sua
rre are some of the things a wo
man of th Sunflower state may letal-
''t'an Uke back her maiden nam af
ter her husband I drad. without any
legal process or legislative act.
Can keep her own nam whea aha
Is married. .
f - m s-nuiiJ. aar hnshand to take
her name and give up bis family name
If she doe not like It.
Can keep her maldea name and her
husband can keep his.
Can retain her maiden name for bus
iness transaction snd us her hus
band a nam for eorisi anairm.
if oire, linaa ant Ilka either her Own
or husband's family name they
change to a name that d suit
A woman can wear men's clothing
without any restriction except that aha
must not pose as a man.
Hhe can vote si every ip.iiob.
Hha raa hold anv Offlc In th Stale
and run for congrcaa. .
Aa Venaaa nmhahlv aula It. B WO-
man there can do almost anything a
man can. i aai in, i aa m-" a
I hMitl.lflH avaa nsirnilla her tO
scratch a match aa some men do. Only
... . . . , ..
thing sue aeema -"oarrixi iro -us-aa
a man " whlrh la ImDoaalble. of
course, for most of thorn, at least
Te SVeat: fc Maw Issea,
Alvavs skaka la Alias's raa Saaa. a aaaf.
M tares kl. aaaeiine. aralns. seniles
Cares raitis, lasreelng aalls ane ennleaa. A
.11 ana .kraf .irra. Ihaml aeeea
.nriuu.iM.ile. Sesii atsile4 MtaK. A 4.1 rent
allaaS.qiawlad.UVaf H. .
.shop In a Bsd FIs.
tv. -.-ii Ke-avaii blshnn of a eertala
southern state Is so absent winded
hai kia famil la alwava annrehenaive
for bla welfare whea he Is away from
Not long ago. while making a Jour
--a ke aa.ll Ika MahnB Vll Unable tO
find bis ticket when the conductor
asked for It
Knar mini blahon." aald th con
ductor, who knew blm well, "I'll gel
It on my second round."
However, when th conductor pass
ed through the car again lb ticket
was still missing. ,
-llh eretl hlahnrj. It will b all right
If you never find It" th conductor
assured him.
-No. it won't mv friend, coniraeirt-
sd the bishop, "I've got to find that
ticket I want 10 know woere i u going.-
A Bad Stomach
Is a Poc to
Be Feared
Nearly all illness has Its
origin in a weak Stomach
and clogged bowels. Your
food remains undigested
and you are deprived of
Its health sustaining
properties. Weakness and
a general rundown condi
tion soon overtake you.
Ba wise In time and pro
vide proper aid, which
suggests a fair 'trial of
Stomach Bitters
His Mild Bequest. i
nXr dear," he began mildly. -Well."
she. snapped.
"I don't mind your borrowing my
Psnama hat ; But when you return It
plesse remov the veil snd the net
pins. I don't care to wear such equip
ment downtown again." Louisville
' Ths Rsssensble excuse. . -"Tou
ssy you hsd your eyes opsn,
with s good grip on th wheal sud
your foot on the brsksT"
"Yes." - - -
"Then how In Tophet did lha acci
dent happen?"
"Easy. I bad to nee.e.- Case and
Comment ; s
The Only Drawback.
Ttie Am Vornea would be Ideally
married if It were not for one thing'
"What's that!"
"Ths fact that they are married to
each other." Judge.
Are "Danger Signals" th homsn system's method of giving warn
ing that the blood has become impoverished end circulation poor.
In this condition the bumsn body is slmost powerless to resist th
more serious Illness. Don't delsy. You need
: .. : Bile- vrtxicna -..a' ;:. ; - -
.Golden lledieal Discovery
It gats to work hmraedlstsly at the seat of yoer trouble tke fitomaoll.
It lends a belpfnc ban. Helps to flleest the food. Tones e the stomach.
Boon bring hack normal aerHjItlona. Pood is properly ssslraliMed sad
turned Into rich, red blood. Every ergs Is etrsngthsaed sod every tissae
re-vitalised. ' .
-a Made from rooU tskea frors ear great mnsrlrsn forests. Try this
remedy now. Sold by Medicine Deater in liould or tablet form or sand Me
to Dr. Pierce's Invslids HoUl, Buffalo, N. Y. fur trial bos.
Yea m m rne ro-afe -Vlrsl yesr" ef 10 satea-rt-tli
basia-lraa-br assdm IM.fiaves lie lar wrasa-ag aaa auaius.
m va-av . laawaw
& I
f ulial raeaat It
"Haturday night soma miscreant liir
td off a whole cord of my wood, anl
somehow I cast forget It," dec.ar4
Bllaa. " . 1 J
"Have yoo tried to forget ttf I4
aulred his friend. .
"Ye, flundsy morning I went te
church, hoping I could get It olf my
mind, and belore I had been there flvo
minute tha choir started In alnglng
Ths Uost Chord' so I got out"-J't
Shotgun Shells
Rcpctting Shotguns
make a kltHng combina
tion for Beld.fowl or trap
booting. Nomokelesa
powder aheil enjoy Buch,
reputation for unifonne
Jty of loading and Btrong ,
aboottng qualltica aa
Leader and Repeater
brands do. and no
shotgun made ehoota
harder or better than
the Winebeater.'
He Saved ths steal Office.
When In Ine war ef 1813 the Drltlsb
who hsd taken Washington, trained
their guns upon the patent omc nr.
Thornton, throwing himself directly
belore tne guns, crieu:
"Are you Englishmen or Goths and
VsndalsT Thla Is Ih patent office
depository of th Ingenuity and luvev
lions of lbs American nstloa In which
ths whole civilised world Is Interested.
Would yoa destroy It? Then let th
charge pass through my body." '
And lae building was spared.' Twee.
ly-four years afterward, however, It
was destroyed by fins, together with
everything la It v
The Tibetan penal code Is curious.
Murdvr Is punished with a fine v err
ing according to lbs Importance of the
slain, theft by a fins of seven lo on
hundred 4lme the vslue of the srllcls
stolen. Here, sgaln, th fine. depend
on the soclsl Importsnee of the person
from whom the theft has been corn mis
ted. The barborer of a thief la looked
upon tji worse criminal than th
thief t.mseif. Ordeals by fire snd by
boiling wster are still used ss proofs
of Innocence or guilt exactly ss wss
the custom In Kurope In Ih middl
sges. And If the lamas never Inflicts
death they are adepts at torture. -
. s7-v .-a"
Knew the Business,
Th leading druggist In a certain
suburb wanted sn spprenllce. - (in
sppllrsnt for Ihe situation hsd been
employed In a fish store, hut be seeut'
ed a likely Isd. .
"Your hsndwrltlng's good enough,"
ssld the druggist.. 7rau you do man
tel arithmetic?" . , ; .
"Yes. sir." replied Ihe lad. .
W whst would 84 pounds of sal
mon at 8 cents a pound be?"
."Hsd, lr!"rM . ihe prompt an
swer. . ' J : ;
v An Old Aecempllshmsnt I
"That wlfs of mlns Is a great one
for fads: her latest Is firing china,"
ssld lbs young married Tnaii.
"That wss ons of lbs first one my
wife had," Ih older man ssld.
. -Lltsrsry.
ortk ' I almnlv a.lnra Meredith and
Browning and Henry James," said ths
gushing young psrson.
-Bo do 1," said little Dinks. "They
aea narfeAltv .lullrhtf 111. lt'S IlkS Send
ing your mind to a gymnasium. Er
do you resd wm in mo original (
New yorg Times. ,