The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 22, 1915, Image 3

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Gradual aivd KegWerad
FrlcM Keasunabl
BRANDT BLDO., apatalr
oh Wall it Itotfsrt.
fit Weston Bakery
i Cak and 1'aatry.
Una Candle.
' Cowl Meal at All Hours, ttc.
. . ' W specialise In Lodga
and i'arty Bup
ZEim tho BAKER
8roid hand Store
In Wbawler hotl.
On qur
tteau big au. i ;
Kuiua vary ulita Uedrwui miU for hIi
cheap, K. K. Zuliin,
W'r atltl In the ring at tha old
stand, A. P, lrry.
Mr. and Mra. T. K. CJauld of Milton
were week-end vlallore at tha horn
of W. It. Oould.
Mr. and Mra. Jeas Oordua were
here Burnley from I hair farm beyond
Athena, vlelllng with ralallvaa and
Tha Weelua aelahborhood In rum.
muu, doubtleaa, with tha remainder ot
tha Inland tCmpIr- fc been ail'r
Irtar beautiful October waathar. Tha
aklaa ara aarana, tha atmosphere
balmy and tha temperature Juat about
rlaht nallhar too but nor loo cold.
Tha trouble la that thla port of aaalhar
la regarded juat now aa altogether too
delightful. Italn la naadad ! flrencn
tha earth and swell tha watar valna.
fmrmmru hereabouts would Ilka to aat
busy with thalr fall geedlag, but tha
auil la lacking In motalura and thajr
ara compelled to ampler thalr tlma In
acannliig tha aklaa for a rain rloud.
I.owall ftogera, John Banleler and a
faw othrra ara raportad to ba eeadlng
on tha reservation, daaplta unfavora
ble condition, but around Waaton en
forced Idlanaaa la (ha Tula.
profeaeor IJoyd L. Kpley, president
of I'hllomalh College, waa a Waalnn
visitor Sunday and praarhad both tha
morning and waning sermon at tha
lulled Orathran Church. Philomath
llavarland, Weston, College waa foundad aa early aa IMT.
at a tlma whan lhara waa not a rail-
Takan up Ona gray pony with In
dian brand on right hip. Inuulr of
nr address II. A.
a a .. i.. . I road In all Oregon. Not long erwr
Mra. Ollbart K. Baker and daughter WBfd M ,PProprUtloa from
Patricia of Wall Uka City, ara via t- h- Ul lo eonviir, ,nlo , ,rlcU.
lag Mtaa Patricia grandpa. Marrll t , , ,, re.nis did not
A. Dakar. wish to aurrandar ltd denominational
Dale Rothwell
Optica) Specialist .
i I glv all my tint ti tha fit
1 tlnff and grtwlmg of glaaaaa. I
have practiced In I'omllaton six
year. All work guaranteed.
' American Nat'l Rank tlUt.
: (Upatalra)
' Pendleton '" Oregon
' -i ; Agu SUft Ichedtu
J A. M. ' Going West. ' I". M. 1
Weston I Lr Waatoa ' 1:00
- Athaaa 1:11 " Athena 1:11
Adama lit Adam 1:1
1 A.H. : tenia Kaat. , V. M. ;
t Pcadlctoa 10:00 L Pandlalon 4:00
" Adama 10:10 " Adama
Athfaa 11:11 " Athena 1:11
' . , rara,
Milton haa announrad Ha flrat big
aalaa day, to ba rondurted by tha -anrlatad
maruhanta of tha town, for
Tuaaday, Oclobar II.
. Awarding tA tha Trlbuna. appraal
mataly 110.00 buahala of wbaat waa
aold to I'andleloa grata dollar Bat
urday aflaraooa at II lo IT oanta.
Aanounramant W wlah to an
nounoa that wo ara adding to our al
ready large and up-to-date furniture
elork an KJithanga Department, a;
O. DeMoaa.
Tha Infant daughl'er of Mr. and
Mra. Leal la Wlleoo died Prlday morn
ing at tha home of Mra. U Vander
pool. Tha child waa only four houra
old whan tha Dark Angel took It away.
Tha farm reeldence of Mra. Z. C.
Price la being wired for electric light,
the improvement requiting a half
mile of polra belwnan town and tha
Prla farm. -Tha bam will ba almllar
ly Illuminated.
Hen Waldrn. tha Iry creek pioneer,
haa leaned hla email farm lit that dl
trltt to llrrt lloylan. who formerly
orrupled tha limmervllla ranrh. Mr
Waldrn Intenda coming to towa to
make hla borne.
A. D. Wooda and family of Walla
Walla, ware vlaltlng In Waatoa un
day, having motored over In their new
fttudebaker. Accompanying them a
giieata ware Itev. 1. V. Goodrich, paa
lor of tha ironed Brethren Church at
Walla Walla, and Mr. Ooodrlrh.
"Ilamo" nooher haa been getting
very buev with a paint bruah at hla conalat of
attrartue farm a mil aouth of town.
Ill bam. hog houae. wagon aheda.
poultry bouaa and all other outbuild
Inn will glow In red when ha fin
lira tha Job. while white will ba ap
pllad to hla reetdenc.
Oeorg W'. MorUmer. II year old.
a prominent farmer of the Holdmao
dlatrirt. died Monday In Pendleton of
nneumnnla. lie la aurvlved by hi
: WeM.a to Albana. C! Weaton to W. thro. b"X
..jwi AAmmm ir, IHuidl.ton. i ",nr)f MorUmer of wanton,
character. Had thla offer been ac
cepted. It la likely that Philomath and
not It larger neighbor, Corvallla,
would have been tha final aeat of tha
O. A. C. The college claim to have
aent out mar than four thoueand etu
drnta, of whom a thouaand have be
come teacher. Not a few have
reached dlatlnctloa la different Walka
of life.
WnIod'i Main alreet Improvement
ha become a aourc of prlda U the
home auard and of gralifkstluex to
the wayfaring man. A mixture of
earth and gravel waa carefully apread
and wa then rolled again and agala
by tha county'a ateam roller, loaned
to the towa for the purpno. Tha re
mit la a welt-made and attractive
thoroughfare, very creditable to the
Judamant ol Rtreet Superintendent R.
U WIMA, wha planned and axecuted
the work. Although of comparatively
cheap construction the total . coat
may aot ceed 10 (t promlaea to
eland up wall during the fall and
winter ralna. It ta the intention of
the autkorltlea to apply oil next aprlng
to thla and other at recta.
J. M. Aehworth and Henry grhroe
der have flnlahed building Roy Hy
att' new bungalow on Weatoa moun
tain, and any that they regret leav
ing thera, aa It waa a vary nlc and
hoapllabla place to atay. "All ara
good cooka up there except Roy."
eaa Jim. They are now at Spring
Hollow aa tha reservation, where they
are building a large farm reeldence
for Muera Taylor. Including tha bath
room It will have a doren room and
ona of Ita exterior embelllahmenta will
bunaalow porch 71 feet
In length. When completed Mr.
Taylor will have In every way a com
modloua and attractlva country horn.
Visitors Asked to Leave
Purses at Home. ,
Mr. and Mra. C. & Dunnlrk war
Injured In a runaway accident Mon
day evening whlla driving down tha
trade eaat of tha MacKenxi place
from their home on Weaton moun
tain. When their team . took fright
tha wagon partly turned over, throw
ing them both to the ground. Mra.
Dunnlck auatalned a broken foot and
a number ot aevere and palnrul
brulaee. Mr. Dunnlck'a back wa In
jured, but not aerlouaiy, and he waa
able to "hobble about'' the next day
Round trlpa. If made la earn day: J ' Z." ,.., . after , the 'accident. ,Dr. Smith waa
Weetea aad Pradluton. 11.10; Athena! """ ,h,i ebullient fluid. " ,n1 ln P",. ""
.ad Pendleton. 1 . " L. Atrp-umber.l'nJurJr. feared a, flrat to b. ot
tare: A'hrna. St. NUhnt lintci
had a etertllng xierlenc. accoratng
... a. a Iha lank Alt lltllllattl
iZYwSEi HuJ.ntWOr: ,,"n'.han th; th wa. "applied, bu, be
eWeton, Hrench Iteataurant. i..... tma bin venta were open Mr.
A. H lOTOai. j March, eacapad with a aevere ahock.
Buy S
ilwrjBre Slere
Six elegant patternaf highest quality plated ware
here for your selection, as well as several cheaper ones.
World Brand SUver--the brand that is guar
anteed absolutely to give satisfactory service to the
users without timo limit, tlie user being the sole judge.
Community Silver-guaranteed for fifty (50)
years family use. Also some very handsomp patterns
guaranteed for 25 years and for five years, as well as a
full line of Lasher Silver-the hardest, whitest, solid
metal spoons, forks and knives made; not the lowest
priced ware we could find, mind you, but-the lowest
prices at which ware of equal quality can be bought
anywhere. ' '
Sovwral f the, pattern ha, all tho almplo elegance and artlitle charm
f tha moat gsclttaW otarllng. Ut ua ohow you this splendid aaaortment. If
Vnabl. to com, writ, .latin grada of war. In which you ara interna Uxl,
wbotfcor plain or fancy pattorn. and w. will aand Uluatratlono and quota prices.
Coonplot. Funtiahcra of Homaa, Oflleea, Church, School '
10-M AUr St. - (Odd Fallow' Temple) - WALLA WALLA, WASIL
Percherons, Belgians and Shires-part, of them
young and extra good, others that have been used that 1
can gnarantee., -''; V;- ';:
A selection at Commercial Stables, Pendle
ton. Oregon, until October 27th.- - If -you - are a -cus-tomer
for a good horse at the right price, come and
ess me. ' :-'S . '"''
J. XL JUSTICE, (Importer, Calesburi, Illinois)
nbdel Tailors and Cleaners
" Ladies' and Gents' Suits Made
V and Remodeled
gy Special attention given to out-of-town cleaninft
. ., aent by parcel post.
114 E. Webb St. Pendleton, Oregon
a critical nature,
Pendleton la rejoicing that it la on
tha route of the Ulue and the Black
Tra'la of tha American Automobile
aaaoclatlon. Acccrfllng to the Eaat
Oregonlan, "th Black trail leada to
Portland via Heppner, and tha Blue
trail runa from Spokane through
Walla Walla to Pendleton, and thenc
aouth Into California," Th aeveral
trail ara marked with red. blue and
black aigne. and Join coaat to coaat
with a great touring route. "Thla aya
tern la bound to bring humlrede Of
auto tourlata and other Into Pendle
ton annually and will be a big boon
to th city," th Eaat Oregonlan con
tinues Three car of brick which went out
In one day recently from the Weaton
brickyard wera billed aa folio-: One
to Moro, Oregon; on to Waaco. Ore
gon, and one to Pomeroy. Waahlng
ton. On daya durtrlbutlon of It
product to thre auch comparatively
dlatant polnta tndtcatea th import
ance which Western' leading Industry
haa aaaumed In th Inland Empire.
Inqulrlea for brick ar .conatantly be
ing received and coaatdered by Man
ager Harbour, and indicate the re
sumption of building activity through
out a wide area In eastern Oregon
and Washington, v.'.,.'::: ..'.
Mr. and Mra. A. J. Crlgter of Fern
dale, Oregon, war in this neighbor
hood Wednesday, visiting th Allck
Johnsons at their farm near Weaton,
and also their eon, French rlglr.
near Athena. Mr. Crlgler wa a Wea
ton realdent about It yeare ago, and
la well remembered by tha old-tlmera
whom he seldom seen, however. He
la In hla eighty-third year, and doent
often atray away from home.
Mora than 34,000 bushel of wheat
have been boupht alnoe last Friday by
local dealer at f rum 83 to Hl) eonta.
Frank Price, manager of the VVenton
Wareliouae Co., took on 50.448 bush
la, and S. A. Barnes, agemv of -the
Pact lie Warehouse Co., 14,000 bushel.
Mr. llarnes also bouifht about WW
suck of barley, Including 6100 aaeks
last Wednesday, at fit and 123.
F. O. t,ucas, local realty operator,
and H. L. Hedrlck, the ..m rage man,
left Monday In Mr. Lucas" Maxwell on
a business trip to American Falls,
Idaho. They expect to be absent a
week or mora. "
Al Quesnel, who has been employed
at Snider' blacksmith ahop durlnp
the summer, left yesterday for Roslyn,
B. C, to look after hi property Inter
eats. Later ha will vUU hla home at
Tacorua. . . .,
- "Variety Is tha aplce of Hfe," aayeth
th poet. If you ara tired, of soma
pleca of furniture or have no uae for
It, come In and visit tha Exchange
Department of tho DeMoss Furniture
store. .
Vocal Culture A. W. Lundell, B. M.,
will accept a limited number ot pu
plla In singing and sight reading on
reasonable terms. Class forming now.
Tour piano tuned at city prices.
Wanted To borrow JSOO for three
months on $,B00.0 worth of per
sonal aecurlty. Will pay SS interest.
Inquire at thl office. t '
Manajfer Rawla Miller announce
that he will jrWa no motion picture
shows in Weston next Monday and
Tuesday evening.
Free Feed, Free Souvenirs, Free
Motion Pictures.
Rvarvlat.! la town, avanrliodr out
of town, I Invited to. ha hara at noon
PtX,KKr lK)Ktl. '.
Wa will take ear of you.
Karv man. woman and elilld will b
riven a Frre Ticket for Woner, a Kre
Ticket to a Fine Mutton 1'lciur KImjw,
a Kre Ticket for a Bouvenir bin ot
tba Day.
Mora than OXE THOLUAMJ Att-
TICLKH ranging- from lead pencil to
valuable prises will b givea away
VRV.K thatdar. Not a aoul need ro
home without a full aumaeh or with
out a Souvenir Gift v without aealng-
a truod motion plclur show -ami an aa
Ire aa air.
Tbl I a Karmar Town, and w
want lb Farmer out tif town to com
in ami mix with the Farmer In town.
Thl I no "Brgalo Day." NO "DKRaa
BAHOAIN3 ra bar every day. Our
Peopla ara DBrWSKD UP vry day.
and wa a HI play "TAG" when w
bav nothing: bettar to do.
Th tolKialnjf buslpea people are
makloif tha BOL'VEMH Gin's; and
when you have drawn your number
i will hunt from ulac to plaoa until
you And a Ilka number on aom article
-aud that article I YOUKS. It may
be a sack of coal, a sack of flour, a
wheat cheek, a bunch of clothe pins
or a Ten Dollar Garment. It will be
out lo plain altfht, 0 you won't need to
rout up goods or jr behind tba count
ers. Juat us your eyes:
The O'Harra Stor; Watts k. Rof
era, Ooodln Drug Store, Luodell's
Market, Klrkpstrlck's Confectionery.
Pacific Coast Klevauir Co., Lleuallen
A Son's Blacksmith Shop, 1'erry
Market, Joe Uodjfoi' Meadowbrook
Farm, DeMoss Furniture Store, Wea
toa Brickyard, A. James, H. L. Ileyn
aud, Solder Blackamith Shop, Zebtn's
Bakery, Stamper' Stables, Dr. 8. I
Kenoard, estoo Warehouse Co.,
Weaton Mercantile Co., The Fanner'
Bank of W'evton, Wood'a Feed Mill,
Ufa McBrhle. Tha WksSton Lkaokh,
Hedrick's Gsrage. v '
The FUKK FKED is furnished by
Watts & Rogers aa" an expression of
appreciation of tba patron- tbey
bave enjoyed for tba last two year.
It Is their request that the ladlea of
tha Methodist' and Cnlwrd Brethren
Churches serve this feed in the Pio
neer Picnic tent at noon of Saturday,
October 30, in cuff tail atyle, with, pa
lter plates. Stfal furntehed, ami avery
man, woman and child I welcome.
SHOW will be provided by Mr. k. D.
Hewitt, who is introducing; a Una new
outfit at Weston. He will hara a jfood
collection of the latest reels which
ill ba kept irolng- at Weston Opera
House until all are aatbified. :
a r rii mil come for you.
Read Watla Uojrer' ad. ,
A new. churn, fresh atock of grocer-
lea at Th Brandt etor. Price are
right, ;; '''
. . rw T , ' E .... ul ... m .n.n., tt t.He
U, r netaon, ui 'v. .1....--
Kquttable, was up from Pendleton yes
terday. - , .. ., !.';.'... . ..
wi.t ! wttablished an ai'to
stage route between We-tton and Mil
ion, makiitg- two trlpa daily.
w' u Roil aftjv another soon I
around, hob-nobbed with Weston tili
eupia for a few dayeshta week.
tu n.,btna rvtnn. Wash..
ia visit injf at the home of his brother,
I. C Hopkins, on Weston mountain.
n... ...L. umTut.liatuI imods Is
JJ 1 twvn v. " wt .,,
bltrger and better than aver and will
Miss Alma Barnett (a coaQned to her
, - . i. ..u - MMinMUM nf her lli-
ness, and la reported w be in a aorious
condition. ... . . - -.
u.. n. 1... Laml hla farm
A I V it u iww ." " ' ' .
south of town, known a the Wadibnjf-
ham place, to nis oiwnor, . "i
for a term of three year.
County Cotnmbioner H. M. Cock
burn baa gone to Portland with Ids
mother, Mra Kf.4. Ouckburn of Mil-
i... in -..t-u.,K MiMMittHit thera
IAIIi WM I L -.V". t- . -I -
and may be required to sustain an op-
Weston has annexed John York as
a townsman, ratepayer and fellow citi
zen. Mr. York having completed his
. 1 l.t UM rVIt.,mrMfc -Wllenlnr for
th purchn$it of her i-estdeno property
- . W aaa at .lant.
UU BVUkU t-avi 'vvw , .f
The Miwe Irtve anil Minnie Snell fainailA. K-Hrrt lyikwrntJ. dilr
ing-the week ol thoir cousin, Miss
Ktltia Knss. Xliey are touring u
Paciflo Coast and will next visit the
Panama-Pacific Exposition.
Bringinif home a Wndsome display
of elks' teeth -and several hundred
iiUiniMi - "J -,
. SVatta and Sam Pambrun of Athena
have Teturoed froia a susopssiui via
hunt In the Continental Divide rejrion
of Montana. Frank Granty, a Montana
hunter,, accompanied the party.
Following their business meeting
Tuesday the directors of the Weston
Mercantile Company and their wives
were entertained at dinner by Dr. and
Mrs. F. D. Watts. The affair was in
the nature or a reception to Manner
and Mrs. J. F. Slover. who were ' wel
comed to our midst" in hospitable and
neighborly fashion. Other preseut
were: Mr. and Mra. Uey Winn, Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Key, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Hodgson, Mr. and Mrs. Sim J. Culley,
Mr. and Mrs. L. I. O'Harra.
i) uarj
A At
i'lWtf flP!"" ' , ge"yw'W"Wljt
Writ, "w U X I"' 1
is our hobby just now
In appreciation of the business the good people of this country have
given us the past year, we invite everybody in town and out of town to come
together for a FREE FEED in the Pioneer Picnic tent on SATURDAY,
OCTOBER 30, at our expense.
The merchants of this town who are named elsewhere will give every
man, woman and child a souvenir gift for the day, a free ticket to a moving
picture show, and a free cafeteria dinner if you will get here at noon.
k Mogeirs
f Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Beneflel left
yesterday for Portland.
A social dance under new manage
ment la announced for tomorrow eve
ning at Weston opera bouse. Good
muale will be provided.
Jo Hodgson la feeding a bunch of
hoga at Meadowbrook Farm, and to
gether with C. M. Price will make a
ahlpraeot aoon to Portland.
Th J. R Harts aod William Ziif
roans from over Walla Walla way mo
tored tip Reed and Haw ley mountain
yesterday to see the Trajan Tuckers.
Judge Knox, th pioneer lawyer, is
able to appear on th street asaln
after hla sever Illness, but haa par
tially Joet th use of bis vocal organ
Edmund Mable, manager at Pen
dleton of the Pacific Telephone tt
Telegraph company, waa In town
Wednesday conferring with the local
manager. i . , ' -
Chrta Thoeny, the Weaton truck
farmer and tinsmith, waa called to the
euburbe last week to do the tinning
on the Anderson bungalow, lower
Third street, Athena.
W have a carload of the neweat
It It furniture coming, which will, be
on the floor In a few days. Do ua a
favor by letting us show you our
stock. E. O.. DeMoss.
Roliert Andrews of Fast Portland,
grand patriatch: H. J- Tavlor. pat
irrand msster. and It. F. Kirkpatrick
of Pendleton met last evening with
the local lodire of Odd Fellows. An
oyster supper was served.
Colonel Boyd of Athena is reported
tA ha ahaent on hla annual hunting
trip, and The Leader ia prepared toj
reaffirm Ita standing bet that he j
doesn't even bring home a Jackrabblt.
Boyd can hunt with the, best of 'em,
hla deficiencies- being apparent only
A" w
This Briquet Man
hasn't got the STUMMY
KAKE, as you would proba
bly think from his looks; he
is merely asking for more
kake of the kind his wife
bakes when she burns DIA
range. DIAMOND BRIQUETS is tha
cleanest and, w think, the most econ
omical fuel on the market. W have
carload now in stock and would be glad
to supply you with a sample order.
when it comes to fetching any game
to camp.. W would really like to see
him brlna- In a grissly bear a llv and
energetic one, navigating under Its
own ateam juat to teat his speed.
The library board of Athena have
announced their aecond annual li
brary ball, to be given Saturday ev-
nlns. October SO. at the uaa jreiiow
and Pythian hall. Such distinguished
suburbanites aa Mayor Homer I.
Watts. Councllmen Littlejohn, lieu, j
miner M I Watts. Froome and:
Welch and Treasurer Zerba will serve
on the floor committee. We under-
stsnd that the metropolitan crowa
fv W.rinn eaoeclallv. invited tO
attend and to Join with the Athena i
people ia uieir rww. ..
Prime Beef
Pork, Mutton, Veal
Dressed Poultry
FlSH.Mouday and Thursday
Get Our Prices
Phone No. 53. ' Orders taken by
, t phone for mail routes.
A. P. Ferry
And your nighls will b filled with gladnot
' And th cam that Mtst the day
Will fold thtir ttats like tht Arabs,
Aad as tiltntty (teal away. Laajftllow.
Whether you need a Mattress or not, the next time yon
. - : - are in town come in and see a Sealy.
The DeMoss Furniture Store
Dr. J. G. McMATH
Office one block north of the hank
Electric Treatments Given
Jtar Fhona 521
SLasaaiwsl :
The kodak season
is at hand, and much
of beauty is offered
by the autumnal land
scape. We wish to
remind you that we
have a nice stock of
kodaks iand camera
Goodwin's Drug
Wecton, Oregon