The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 22, 1915, Image 1

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NO. 18.
Brief Eesr,e cf General Km
Frcm All Arcnd the CartlL
IK'S News Items of All Nations and
' Pacific Northwest- Condensed
for Our Busy Readen
LoH Derby make a final plea to
th Kugilsh people to enlist voluntar
A Rock bland passenger and freight
train collided la Oklahoma, killing
Colon! T. B. Vlckers. a pioneer la
Ik British armament Industry, la
!otaoaoua weed along tb Klamath
river la Northern California art kill-
lug hundreds of cattle. '
fifteen miner were blown to plecea
In Hun. Mont, by the accldnial ex-
ploeloo of BOO pounda of dynamite.
The alllea on tha Galllpoll penlnaula
are In a grav poeltlon. and Liondon
admit the campaign mar be aban
doned. -
OREGON STATE HEWS $400,000,000 (OR
ARftlY ai;d navy
Mr. Mary Less Tucker of Wash-
Ington, daughter ef the late den. Jena
A. Lagan, and member of the nation
al mmlttee ef the Navy league.
urate that military training camp for
women b conducted, to train them In
first aid, signaling, telegraph and the
ue ef email arm.
mm mm wreck train,
Formal recognition of Carranta by
the United Slates and eight Mouth
American republic waa forwarded
Oct II.
It now develop that the five-year
naval program outlined by Secretary
Daniel contemplate the expenditure
Of $602,413,214.
Two unmasked robber forced the
caabler of the Kenton, Wash., bank to
band over $1416 In caah and then -
raped In an automobile.
A poaae of Texan killed ten Mexi
can bandit believed to have been im
plicated In the recent train robbery
and killing of two Americana.
At n banquet given In honor of
Thomaa A. Edison In Ban Francisco,
th guest of honor, at hie own urgent
request, waa served only a glae of
Milk and a piece of hot appls pl.
Thomaa A. Edison and Henry Ford,
. 4b noted automobile maker, Inspected
exhibit at the ranama-l'actflo expo,
altlon together and became so Intent
upon their work that they forgot to
keep a lunch appointment with their
' wive.
A new order In council haa been
gatetted ln London prohibiting the
exportation of nny cotton product
whatever, with the exception of cotton
lac and cotton waste. Allied roun
trie In Europe. Bpain and Portugal
are mad exception.
The Nordlandaposten of Oefl. Swe
den, say that the Hwedlsh legation
' at Pntrograd ha Informed the foreign
office at Stockholm that tb Swedlah
or iteamer Nik has been captured
by a Ilrttiah submarine and taken to
the Russian port of lleval.
Th aal of a scat on th New York
took exchange for $72,000. waa an
nounced Friday. Tb price I $2000
higher than th last a In, a few day
ago. and la aeveral thousand dollar
higher than a number of sale between
four and six month ago.
Two prlaoncr charged with espion
age and tried by eourtmartitu in uon
don were found guilty and on wa
sentenced to death and tha other to
nve years' peust servitude, in preaa
bureau of tha war office announced.
Tha priaoner sentenced to death was
executed, th announcement stated.
According to tha London Morning
Post' Athens correspondent, th di
plomatlo corp left Nlsh Tuesday for
Monaatir, in tb extreme aoutn or Ser
bia, to which city th national archives
' and tha Serbian national bank also
are going immediately. Tha central
Serbian government) tha correspond
nt adds, remains in Nisn.
New Jersey registered at th polls
an omphalic "no" to woman appeal
for th ballot -Indication shortly af-
. ter midnight were that the white and
yellow banner of "Vote for women'
had fluttered down to defeat In each
of th state' 11 countle and that th
majorities agalnat adoption of th con
stitutional amendment to enfranchise
women waa between 60.000 and 60,000.
Tha mind of Emperor Frani Joseph,
of Austria, I said to be falling rap-
Idy. .
English peopl cry loudly for repris
al against th Germans for recent
Zeppelin raid.
Anthrax baa been cured by San
Francisco phyalclan by th local ap
plication of antiseptic.
Th trial of tha director and former
director of th New York, New
Karen V Hartford railroad, which will
teat th ability of th government to
obtain th conviction of th directors
of an alleged monopolistic corporation
nnder th so-called criminal elauis of
the Sherman anti-trust law, wa began
In th Federal court.
Brownsville, Tex. Mexican bandit
arty Wednesday held up and robbed
a St Lout San Francisco passen
ger train, killing two person and
wounding three others, near Olmlte
seven mile north of her.
Tb dead:
II. H. Kendall, engineer.
United State cavalryman, nam on-
Th Injured:
Dr. E S. McCain, Cameron county
phyalclan. probably fatally shot
Harry waiiia. aeriouaiy woundea in
Conductor P, E, Morgan, Nightly
Trestle I Burned.
A long treat) half a mile south of
th wreck waa set afire half an hour
after th train was held up and almost
Tbia hindered th progress or ine
flrat detachment of troop which was
out In pureuit o that tb bandit and
ample time to fie Into tb brush.
Passenger who reached here on
relief train said that th train waa de
railed, that Mexloana poured Into the
coaches shouting "Viva Plxana" and
commenced to shoot at th pai
Plxana. tb man tb bandit were
cheering, 1 supposed to be the leader
of th co-called "Tcxaa revolution
nurtured under tha "plan of San Die
go." wbicn last year contemplated in
selsur of border etate ana returning
them to Mexican rule.
A negro reached hi horn four
mile from Brownsville and gave th
first report of tb wreck and killing.
Four companies of United State In
fantry were ruahed to tb acen by
special trains, followed by two troop
of cavalry.
Tb bandit were pasaenger and
set fir to th train. Tb Mexican
severed th telephone Una between
Brownsville and Villa Nueva, five
mile from her, which resulted not
only In delaying Information reaching
Brownsville, but also interfered wttn
communication with troop B, of the
Thirtieth Cavalry, on duty near the
seen of th holdup.
Strange Tragedy Cozes to ligH
Canyonvllle. Or. How an old trap
per, with hi leg caught In a big bear
trap, perished alone and miserably in
th forest 17 year ago, waa revealed
by th rinding ot a skeleton witn a
bona held In the rusted trap, on the
Fortune Branch Creek, and reported
here Wednesday.
Th skeleton i hollered to be that
of a one well-known character named
Blynn, who had a cabin at the bead of
th creek, about a mil rrora where
the skeleton waa found. The place 1
about halt way between her and Glen-dale.
Churchman Bam Hatred.
London. "Th wall of a church la
not an appropriate plac to perpetuate
hatred," waa tha reason given by Sir
rbillp Wllbmham, chancellor of th
dtooes of Chester, when refusing to
permit a memorial tablet to a victim
of the Lualtanta in a Holyoke church
to bear the Inscription, "who) wa mur
dered on th Lualtanla by th Ger
mans" Tha chancellor then nuggest-
ed that the Inscription should read.
Who lost hi Ufa when th E.usltanta
wa torpedoed by th Carman." This
waa agreed to.. .
- Private advice received in Pari are
to tha affect that a Bulgarian division
'.wa almost annihilated In a flerc bat
tle near Kraguyvata, Serbia.
Zeppelin airship raided London on
two successive nights, tb first time
killing eight and wounding about IS.
Th leeoDd raid resulted in th killing j
of 66 persona and starting many fire.
it 1 believed tb United Stat will
soon supplant Russia in supplying
erode oil and its product to th Scan
dinavian countries, and steamer ar
being1 chartered in thl country for th
900 Tin of Opium Babied.
Seattle, Wash. Eight hundred
pound of smoking opium, valued at
$78,000, wa Mixed hero by custom.
officer on board th blu funnel liner
Calchaa. The opium wa contained In
900 hermetically sealed tin which
were secreted in an alrshaft The Cal
chaa, bound from Vancouver to Seat
tle, went aground 10 day ago at Point
Wilson. After being pulled off ahe
wa towed to Seattle and placed In
drydock for extensive repairs..
Thug Wlr Man to Track.
Rochester, N. Y. Highwaymen land
bagged Newton Hoffman, 22 yearn old.
as he stepped from a southbound Erie
train at South Haven Wednesday and
wired him, head and foot, to the track.
He was run over by a train which
eama along an hour later and bis foot
taken off. HI head had been placed
between the tracks and waa unhurt.
It is thought he will recover.
Declares Oregon Loganberries
Are the Genuine Logans
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor-
vallla. That th famous loganberry
juice a produced la Oregon la mad
from th loganberry and not from th
phenomenal berry, I th declaration
of Professor C. L Lewis, chief of th
agricultural college department of
horticulture. Thl declaration la sub
stantiated by tb men chiefly Instru
mental la propagating th loganberry
and lb phenomenal berry In this
It baa been widely reported that
Luther Durbank, the originator of the
phenomenal berry, ha said tbst tb
Oregon berry grown and marketed as
tb loganberry Is not th loganberry
at all, but la th phenomenal. II Is
further reported to have said that tb
real loganberry la a greatly Inferior
berry, being email and of llttl ac
count, and that In some manner the
phenomenal, became known as
According to Professor Lewis and
President to Ask Congress fe
iediute Adieu
Would Increase Array to 120,000
400,000 Reserve and Increased
Navy Included in Plans.
Washington, D. C Four hundred
million dollars for national defense.
an Increase uf approximately $140,000,-
900 over last year, constitute th
amount wblcB President Wilson and
his advisers say should be appropriat
ed by th next congress for th army
and navy. : ..'
A tb Urn for th completion of
annual estimate draws near, th Pres
ident la giving preliminary considera
tion a thA fiftflAit&l AAfAfia htulveL
Bring mgnesi Marxer. mces iout ot which it ta hoped to iy down
other authorities th difference be
tween th berries la not very great
but there I enough difference, espec
ially In th vines, to make th two
readily distinguishable.
College Bred Eeef Cattle
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor-
vallla. Kanaa City market report
mention th unusually fin quality of
three carload of Shorthorn ter.
finished for market on tha Oregon
Agricultural branch station farm at
Union, marketed thl falL "Th three
carload of steer received In tb local
market averaged 1197 pound and
told at a lump rat ot f 1.10. Consld
eiing the length of time they were on
tb road and th distance traveled
they were In remarkably fin condi
tion. Robert Wltbycombe waa In
charge of tha shipment which num
bered sixty snimeia.
For lit daya on carload wa red
on aifaira hay straight utrougn, me
second carload on alfalfa and five
pounda a day to th head of rolled
barley, and the third alfalfa th first
hslf of tb feeding period and an ad
dition ot 10 pound of rolled barley
a day to th head th last half. Th
second lot showed the best gain In
weight slightly more than two pounda
a day, while tb others gained Just
two pounds a day. .
Women Raise Cash for Girls' Hail.
University of Oregon. Eugene. A
Progressive dinner" at 60 cents a per
son, served by slat university stu
dents to campus folk and townspeople
In Eugene, ha Just netted about $200,
which make about SL700 that univer
sity women hsve already collected for
the memorial building that Is to rise
at th University ot Oregon as soon
as 9128,000 ha been accumulated.
ProcroMlv dinner" ar not ex
pected of course, to provide a building
fund that would require boo ucn af
fair netting 9200 each. A "progress
ive dinner" la served In courses, with
on course to a house, Tb diner
eat oup at on table, then Journey
to a second perhaps a quarter or a
mil distent for th salad, then to a
third for th entree, and So on down
to nut. ' Nearly 1000 persons tried the
novelty at th university.
State May Aid Road Work..
Salem. That th etate highway
commission probably will allot $10,000
tor repairing th six mile of road be
tween Hlllaboro and Forest orove in
Washington county seem probable.
following a conference with a delega
tion from Washington county. It waa
decided to hav Engineer Cantlne
make an Inspection ot th road aoon.
Member of th Washington county
court advised the board that If the
tate would contribute4 $10,000. th
county would make a levy and obtain
additional fund for th road. It I
estimated that th cost of the Im-
nrovement will be about $30,000.
Th road l considered xo o a pari
ot th aystem of etate highway map
ped out during ex-Highway Commis
sioner Bowlby's administration.
' ' Milk BulUtln 1 Coming
A bulletin that will how th econ-
omlo feature ot milk and milk by
product throughout tha world will
soon be Issued by the state university
at Eugene. Comparative costs between
Oregon and other great milk produc
ing regions will be shown. The pur
pose will be to Indicate whether an
outald market exists that would Just
ify great expansion of the dairy in
dustry in this state.
Tha bulletin la expected to perform
the aervica tor dairymen that last
year's bulletin 'entitled "Markets tor
potatoes" did for potato growers.
Orchards Trsded for Wheat Land.
Medford. Buckey Orchards, own-
by Houston Brothers, which won
Tellow Newtown sweepstakes at the
Spokane Apple Show In 1911, was
traded to C. H. Owen, of Stockton, CaL
for 790 acres of wheat and alfalfa land.
Buckey Orchards consist of 36 acres
of pear and apple and 49 acre ot
dairy land and is on of the beat fruit
properties in tuts section or in state,
Houston Brother will raise cattle and
hog on a larger acal than 1 possible
In the Rogue river valley.
la stronger naval program man in
United State has ever authorised.
and similarly a larger provision for
the military establishment than has
been customary la time of peace. -
Tb president ha had before him
for several week the outline of a mil
itary policy of a continuing character
Frank L. Polk, corporation counsel
of New York City, ha been appointed
counselor of the stats department
Ha la a graduate ef Yale and ef Co
lumbia law school and a veteran ef
the 8paniah-Amerlcan war.
framed by Secretary Garrison after
more than a year's study with officers
of th general staff. With it the pres
ident is in hearty accord, regarding It
a conservative, well-balanced pro
While tha details have not been re
vealed a aubstantlal increase in th
regular army, probably from 90,000 to
at least 120,000 men, and tha creation
of a reserve of perhaps 400,000 men
through short-term enlistment service
of cttlxens In military training, ar
said to be parts ot the plan.
Wives for Heroes Sought.
London. Th Rev. Ernest Hough
ton, a Bristol rector, has started an
appeal to patriotic women of the na
tion to giv their lives to ameliorate
the condition of maimed heroes ot the
war by marrying them. He has launch
ed a "League tor th Marrying oi wo
ken Heroea."
The rector contenda that the ex
ample of France shows that unions
thus arranged promise a greater per
centage ot happiness than is custo
mary from the methods In England,
because they ar based on a high de
gree of unselfishness.
Watch la Bullet Stop.
Roseburg, Or. Jamie W. Pickett, ot
Glendale, while deer hunting la the
forest, wa struck over the heart .by a
bullet, his Uf being saved by bis
watch, which was smashed. A hunt
ing license carried In th pocket was
torn to shreds. Mr. Pickett had been
In the timber only a short time when
the Incident occurred. He believes he
waa either mistaken for a deer and
fired at, or was struck by a bullet tired
from a distance. He saw no on.
Late Election Law Rulea.
Salem. Although chapter 226 ot the
1916 session laws provides for a rot-
era' list for election boards. Attorney
General Brown has held that chapter
109 of the last session laws, which
also defines the voters' list should
eovern. ' Ths opinion was given in
response to a request by District At-.
torner Evans, of Multnomah county.
Chapter- 22S. the attorney general
points out, primarily Intends to pro
vide tor permanent registration ot
Embargo en Powder Enforced.
El Paso. Custom officials refused
to permit a shipment of powder to
cross the border Thursday. This was
the first indication that an embargo
on th exportation of arm and ammu
nition 1 in effect It 1 understood
th shipment was stopped by order of
General J. J. Pershing, commanding
at Fort Bllaa, co-operating with the
customs authorities.
More British Qeld Arrives.
Bangor, Me. Another shipment of
British gold from London to Nw
York, by way of Halifax, passed
through her In a special armed bag
gage car attached to a regular train.
The value of the shipment was estl
mUd at from $64)00,900 to $10,000,000.
I f i h life 'Mp!
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Caravan of camels laden with munition for th Turks on th Calllpoll peninsula, paastng through a Turkish
i a ik
rV 1
' a ...... ...i .im ik.r -itrmMMt mn-kj .ttrntkiB New York wa thl modern Whitehead torpedo being hauled
through the streets. It waa lent by Secretary of th Navy Daniels to th American Defense society to b used ss
an exhibit In th preparedness campaign, Th torpedo is 17 feet long and welghe L700 pound. It could sink th
largest chip afloat
h I "." . rr I,
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'TAiiwii'iMflirifirvwihM.'iiiiii -i it- - mi. nn niMW.i.niilii.nwiryriav-ftMfcnwiVainiiaiititiV ,ri ilturtiiinilY 7iiiilrmilrtiarnrii
Th. Anatriana hva nlaced raDld-Ore suna behind armor plates on the
rear end of locomotives and have been using the device with groat effect
against the Russians in Galicia.
it 5 i rii tf
j v. i ivf y
: - ' !
. - ....
t his nhotMranh shows a scene now common In Franca, where the women
have largely taken the place ot men In the ammunition factories. They ar
seen oiling shtOls with sbapneL
. g -,, "Htf. . ; 9
17'''" ' '
I I v'--: I
lJ t j
' Edwin Uould, director and part own
er of more than a doxen railroads and
commercial enterprise, keep in con
dition by playing tennis, of which he
is very fond. Thl photograph was
taken on the courts at Corooadc
Beach. California.
Mackensen No Scot
The idea current in the Scottish
press that General von Mackensen is
a Highlander gone astray is quite er
roneous One finds on the continent
occasional traces of Scottish names
elightly transformed to fit their sur
rounding. They ar common enough
in Holland, thanks to the famous
eighteenth century regiment of the
Soots-Dutch, and w have an exam
ple In the Norwegian pianist, Grieg,
whose ancestors, Grelgs of Arboath.
settled In Bergen. In Norway. Von
Mackensen 1 no sort ot a Mackenzie.
He take hi name from the village of
Mackensen, on the Soiling, a smaU ag
ricultural spot In Hanover, not far
from the once pleasant town of Hlldoa
helm. Like most families who derive
their names from the soil. General
von Mackensen come from a very old
family, though it patent of nobility
I entirely modern. Manchestei
Mineral Waters.
According to the annual statement
on the production of mineral water
In 1S-14. now available tor distribution
by the geological survey, 61,358,466 gal
lon ot nrJnersi water were sold (Sarin j
th year. This quantity cam from
$29 commercial aprtnes and t
valu ot $i,S 3 2,3:8.