L 3 EF2 1 " i ka u Some day quite soon, perhaps -you'll want WOOL UNDERWEAR . SWEATERS CAPS AVACKINAWS OVERSHOES .or RUBBERS 1 . "( i We have them, and it's our pleasure to show them to you. o o o f THISTLEDOWN 4 FARMERS! We have BLUESTONE for you. Come in and have a look at it . WhaUvwr may' result from tX rwcvnt ABC adjuttt f th Mxl can tnudJlo, th at.MmwJ Or((hln will ItMvlUbly contlmi ta erltiei U administration. Willi plnf motorist hv been heard to refer to Weston m ft tort of art wart, wo notl- that they no Vmtt bump liito It wlUt their rt whit oaay and Nonchalant Inanucianc -nor, UktwlKo, wlU thair chuff chug wagon. , , .k : . Rax Lamnman write ui ronflden Ually at follow "Why don't yoo call Boyd a eorro liteT I used to call a nian named Brewer that in the halcyon era when 1 rati a country paper and utun I anyone In North Dakota. " But what did ft eoprulit ever do to ua, that wo ahould thua cast obloquy upon It? If Villa had aver gotten ft good per sonal whack at hi triumphant rival, Carranta might not hava been quit o eaay U reeognlM. Notwithstanding the rough itough (or ruff stuff) that Portland newspa per joseamith are pulling about .the ankle watch, wa'U bet that none of 'am ever got near enough to on to teU the time day. a The Pythian are Damontng in Port landbut w wouldn't go ao far aa to aay that if body trailed along he could ee ten knight in bar room. Th Philliea were in deep water Tuea- day, for they couldn't get to Shore. Th following frolieeom null ap pear in th Pendleton Weakly Bull- I dogger. We're going to giv it wide publicity, for after the Gtad New Year I such JeaU will b decidedly passe: "Mr.- (censored) is pretty I steady going sort of fellow and a good citizen of the Round-up village, but once in a long tim h goes out wiln Kit 1. 1 Stlikf EatsrUlU Sulla. Th mmbr and truest of Balnl' guild wire entertained at their (wtohsr meeting- y Mr IUIh ti. Paling at her hunt n Water airet. The o. lly aad hoales. on hU mea. Inn. ktendod a war welenm to lh Weaioa, teaohare to wise r-mnia Johnson. M ha o.trtbiiteI inuoh at InUreet to lh ullJ ..thiin during the past year, and to her fel low teacher,, who were five hearty Invitation to contribute In similar manner by uniting with membership. A short musical prowram was rea dered. Two son. 'The Vallay lau.hlsr" hy rred owl-a. and "VAn dlla." aa Halls waits song by U A dliL ara rhariNlnsly ettat by Mr. Haling. A piano solo, a Ht-hubert Uet snag. "Uu Blst Pie Huh'." was played to an appreciative audience by Mra. Ulllaa FrtirtoK. A prorution ol aaaturtluma had been tastefully nd effectively need by the hoslrea autumnal irarnlture. and the appear tnce of the rooms waa Very plvaaln. Delirious refreshmenta were served, after which the enjoyable afternoo closed with expression of spprerla lion from all. The tfueale entertained were Mrs- a It. Wood. Mrs. O. It. ltohlnen, Mra. r. Hk Inner. Mrs. W. P, Payn and Mra. Lillian Purdy of Portland Mia Lurlle rneswell, Mlsa Louise Kin toul. Mlsa Nellie Workman. Mlaa Al bsrta tWyden. Mis Ollv Kilmer and Mia Maud Acer. The gueeta enllstsd aa Jnembera- were Mrs. Wood. Mr. Itoblneon. and the Mlaae t'ocsereii. (tlntoui and Workman. The sudd's next inertia wlli be at the home of Mr Marvin Price Thursday afternoon, November 4. More ItwkrfrUre Prraa Musk. fOold Itlll Neva) Joha D. Rockefeller. Jr, didn't In vent the press asency, but he haa mar. vsloualy adapted and adopted It. are told in front pate headline that h recently oared death from a dyna mite blast, la company with common workmen of his Colorado mtns. That Is fine, hsrotc stuf It llatvne ood to the laborer as he Picks hla teeth wit a broomatrew ana peruses ine aeur paper, after his codfish balla and cof fee. If Junior had fared the riot guns of militiamen In Colorado's recent Is bur bickerings, and bad them firing he would b helluva fellow, In very sooth. While hla pres aen cy la seeking to pull the public stlnser, with fair faaclea ansnl hla eomrmls- shlp with the miners, the public coyly walling for this on of the rirhMt man In tha world" la daman the boys. Recently h sUid with them tr,t that he la anything other than iLa. 11. (Phone Main 241) GROCER HABERDASHER w VTtXlAA KscKENZIE. Prssidtsi J. It PtlCe. Vk rVcsideat E. tL SAITTI. Cashier E. L BLOMOREN. Assistant Csslwr EstabUshcd 1891 fk hmm Bask of -Wostn. WESTON LEADER CURK WOOD, PaUulMr ' SUBSCRIfTION RATES Slrieif in Jdbtne , TlieYewr... 80 I six sionlli 0 7ft Fonr Months 0 ISO long that It lost hi equilibrium and I hi torigu got somewhat sticky. About 3 a. m. th boy pot him in th back seat of an auto and his sagging body immediately slipped down until the bark of hi neck Bore most of the weight. Th auto stopped in front of his home and th bors told him to get I out and tro to bed. H)h no. fellers.' he I said, 'lean don't go home yet. Lesh all I go out and get drunk.' " a 1 W look not for th ankle watch For wouldn't it he shockine To drop our eye and see two hand upon may tocauigT The Philie and Red Sox are going to ik a tour of the Pacific Coast, and eston herewith hastens to offer them th as of ft fair-to-middling diamond free of charge if they'll let the local magnate carry water. puling parallel of oroeenltor. his paraffined We arise to rebok unjust discrimi nation. Mayor Harbour of Weston haa visited Portland many times, and ha never yet been fussed over like Mayor Thompson of Chicago, ADVERTISING RATES I Per inch per month. .. ........ .M 80 Irer inch, one Insertion. ; ztl locals, pr line each Insertion Oft f RIDAT OCT. IS. W$ Earned at the aestefficc at Vtttaa, On Jen, tecead-das sseil auitsr. If you are figuring on a FARM LOAN now or later, come in and talk it' over with us. V Bruce Sh angle and Otto EL Dideon, I publishers for several yean of the Mil I ton Eagle, have dissolved partnership "for good and sufficient reason. " The Leader regrets that the member I of this efficient newspaper team have elected to go their separate way. To- I gether they have mad the Milton Ea gle, in oar humble opinion, the best I country weekly in. Eastern Oregon, I The Heppner Herald, close second to I the Eagle for the newspaper gonfalon, will now feet encouraged, perhaps, to make ft spurt for first place. Fine Jewelry Expert Repairing , I will appreciate call when . you visit Athena. L S. VINCENT Hawk's Drug Store ATHENA - - 0EEG0N Ml 5) traai wmrk oil 4 or j lr. Jmm4 hmkIH. rbmlrhm or piioto mmd ) J mtHpti for rC8 StAftCM invert I paisalaifclMty. lWik rmtvrmi. I PATCNTS Ufi.D FOffTUWtS tor jroo. Omr m hxxAUrU t41 r. wtomt Writ UMLsV. D. SWIFT & CO. MTIKT LAWVCRS. ?8S Seventh St., Washington, D. C. IIOrHZR I. WATTS Atlorncy-at-Law . ' In all State and Federal Courts. ATHENA. OREQON CANDIES CIGARS . TOBACCO Have Just Added a Stock of Knives and HARMONICAS Kirkpatrick's Confectionery We detect minor chord of pain in the anvil chorus of the administration's critics over the Carranza affair. The Mexican settlement, if effected, will leave them with ft broken bow and an empty quiver, since they can but admit the brilliant success of the tadministra- tion in it far mora important Euro pean negotiations. We presume that tf turbulent Mexico at last finds .peace, the esteemed Oregonian and the es teemed Tribune will accord the credit to the A B.C conference. If Carranza proves to be a "flivver," they'll blame the Wilson administration. war. Ilk fire, may be th result of in cendiarism, and that insurance against it is wiae precaution. Quick to catch the pulse beat .of public opinion, both great parties ar now for a better army and navy. The Republican would lik to monopolize this sort of thunder if they could and to let the Democrat carry th "pork barrel." But the 'Great Unwashed" have ears with which to hear and eye with which to see. The nunK or Dreaa i in ineir hand and they do not intend to drop it with the buttered -side down. They have th inside track and a good start. They can and will act while the Repub licans talk. Presideqt Wilson ha come out strongly for prepared nan. . Secre tary Garrison has submitted an effec tive yet economical . army program, Secretary Daniels propose to doubt th number of warship. Ex-secretary Bryan ia outside the breastworks, where he cannot embarrass the party with his pacificist notions. Of verity the Democratic party Isn't all ears, hide, hoofs and tail. It skull contains certain modicum of gray matter. sumtoxs. la Iht rirroll four! ol Ihs fist ef Orroa Im ( natllla lounlj. Ids lasbal Pavls. Plaintiff, vs. KUa Itojil Uavla, Mfawiaai. TaKlsaftord Davis. nfnlaal; I fHR KAMI or THK STATS OP OKI iiN: ym ar tinm aaaiaioiHM ai attlrwt loappaar anil anr tlvr rooiblaial ilia blaimllf n His alia lha Cl ol (h. atwvs atiiMl I'tHirl MHla sis aaasa tru' lha data ol Iks NrM Dubllrallaa tK IKIa lua mona. lo-all. ua uf Wlara frUimt Ik IMtt tat ol llrlnbrr. anal im alll lasa atMIra IH II ran tail la appear and mi. I cam plains ar nnawiM piraM lavram vitnin aau lima, lha plaiml, ur aaal Ibvranl, dill p ply In lha atMia anuii.iruun M ins tana araftwl for anfl tlmaafM In ! prataf al hat rooinlalltl. lo-all. far Hern loravar til. anlrtn llts banclMOf mairlmon, mm aal pan Ihlora aaMilus tialeaan plalnilf sad dviatul aniaa foroiHar aqmiabia raiiai. Tnla mnnHMH Is txibtlnhM (ximtspl teal orilardult taa-la ea Iht IM dr of IVviawbai HI4 b n.. U . Pkrlua. I liaiill Jtxlo a ihagliifc Jtxllft.1 IM.irlrl ol ilwMiala of Ore on. ao.l I'.a Aral piiblirall"D of thl kummihi. Ill Da rnal m lha nun i.uots anw.pa par publuhad at Waatao, 1'aMlllla I'ooniT, Or cos, lha SI ilar ol sxpiatalmr, IPis. ant' lha lM papllrallnn will ba Wails ea Ihs Mil da, nl Orlnhar. ISIa. halad al pMMtlaioa. Ofaana. oa IBIS IM IX day H Kcaita, A. I isia t l .... m. T n i r. Aileraajr tor I'lalBilS Nature's Food for horse and cattle (a th grass thst ows on meadow and hill. The next est thing is sweet. feed that comes from clean, hay and our mill. When DR.CH. SMITH Physician and Surgeon Office in Brandt building One of the surest signs that th pub lic markets of Portland are benefiting the consumers is the opposition of the retailers. This class is badly hit, per haps, but should recognize the public market a a movement nndeniably pro moting the "greatest good of the greatest number," and perforce sub mit. Unwilling, however, to subordi dinate their own welfare to that of the public, the Portland retailer are pre paring to attack the validity of the public market ordinance, In this we predict their failure. Portland is not so foolish as to part with a material blessing that is the delight of it house wives and the admiration of it visitors and the court will not be indifferent to public interest and opinion. WESTON OREOON NOW'S THE TIME to pay your Weston Leader "sub" National preps red nee ha become ft popular aa well aa an expedient doc trine. The man in the street is be ginning to realize that the stronger the United State become th lees it is apt to be forced into a war for the defense of its national integrity. He sees that The late Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway made her first speech at Weston for equal suffrage one-third of ft century ago. She spoke from' the balcony of the St. John hotel, and her argument were forceful and shrewd. Equal suf frage was then a doctrine new and strange, and her reception from press and public was more or less derisive, bere and elsewhere. ' Undismayed, ahe held her flaming torch aloft, and lived to see Oregon and many other common wealths converted to her cause. Peo ple ceased to criticise equal suffrage from the standpoint of expediency, sod to recognize the indubitable right of woman to th exercise of the ballot when ahe haa common interest with man in the maintenance of good gov ernment. The Leader joins with host of others in honoring the memory of the mother and pathfinder of this great cause in Oregon. SURPRISE FOR WESTON The Blmpta mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc; known as Adler-l-ka, the appendicitis preventative, surprises Weston, It drawa so much foul matter from the system that ONE SPOONFUL, relieve sour stomach, gas and constipation AT ONCE. H. Good win, drug-gist. ; ?ou need rolled grain of the right sort or keeping your livestock in fine fet tle, look fur our sign and the good things for for your dumb servants stored in our blna. We handle Steam Rolled Barley, Oats and Wheat; Rnled Hay, Miilstult and Chicken Fowl. W'r local aganta for Peicock Flour and Blatchford' Calf Meal. Phone 281. D. R. WOOD the Feed Man litis Ite'iiMdfel in the GOULD BUILDING Is now open for business under new management. Fresh Meats, Lard and Fish at moderate prices. Giv ua a trial. A. W. LUNDELL, Manager Store That Saves You Money Are you prepared for the cold days that are coming? If not, come to The Golden Hulo and get fitted out Warm jirmtnti for all th family. How about those Jersey Sweat er for mn ind bysT They r going fast. Com In fanry. etrlp-ell lh r. Our price We, 11.49, II.M Men' ribbed union suit re Men's wool union eulu .... 91.49 Man's wool union suit II.M Men's wool union suits , flM Hoys wool union su Is ee Hoys' fleeced union suits....... 49e Hoys' mackinaws M M, M.M Mn's mscklnsw 14.1X1. K.M Ladies' silk and wool unkm suit .Dutch nck, short sleeve! wl pay 4 OUT Our prir 3.N Ladles' Ilurson raahmer kw tSttliltMsft,. ai 4M ft Ladle' llurwm fleeced ho ........ awpr. Mi' rahmr ribbed hos ...... I6 pr. Iloy' hmr ribbed ho.,. tS Mi' wool anion suits M Ml' cotton ribbed unions...! fanry plaid wool nap blanket, IS 66X11 Cotton blanket; Whit. l.Vrt, UM, M.M, I4.M ilanketa; frvye, tan and , ee, Sftc, !., It.N Toa Csi Do Belter it Ths Golden Hi file. Otkrs rsllsf 3. C. TCNNEY CO., Inc. - (83 Busy Store) ATHENA, OH COON Butter Wrappers Furnished and Printed at tho Leader office Sixty (minimum) $0 75 One hundred 1 00 Two hundred 1 60 Each additional hundred 0 SO All Wb. It Guaranteed tAT41 WESTON GARAGE II. L. IIEDRICK, Proprietor It's our aim and policy to have none but pleased ana satisfied patrons. Expert Auto and Gas Engine Repairing. Overhauling a Specialty. . TsJdCII V: li Ira Ish fct Itzsti. DIRECT ROUTE THROUGH TUB COLUMBIA RIVElt GORGE -TO . POITTLAND OCEAN LINER : OH - SHASTA ROUTE .jHjAlL SERVICE San Francisco STEAMSHIP,. , COAST LINE -OH . " ORANGE GROVES RAIL TRIP " -TO- . SAN DIEGO LIREBAL 8T0POVER I'RIVILECES DIVERSE ROUTES BOTH WAYS IF DESIRED FARES: San Francisco $35.95 '' Both Expositions $57.95 Wllmlnsten, Dei. Mrs. M. K. Orant. a wealthy woman, gave a horse party ta honor of the 14th birthday of her pet carrlace horse "Prince Grant." A luncheon was served in th stable, and an orchestra played throughout the festivities. ECONOMY Welding Machine With this new and suc cessful device we are prepared to mend your Broken Castings. R. Ueuallen & Son, M. D.'i (Metal Doctor.) DR. W. G. HUGHES Dentist Office in the Elam Building, Milton Hours, 0 to 12 and I to 3 THIS YEAR has held more of interest, of wonder, of beauty, of pleasure, than ever before possi bly ever again. The world-famous are now at their best. . The opportunity to visit them is nearing its end go now. Make all arrangements with , S. S; NELSON, Agent, Weston , ? , R. BURNS, D. P.' P. A. Walla Walla, Wash. Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. Union Pacific System We will show you this week one of the niftiest lines of Women's and Children's Coats ever displayed in Weston, which we will actually sell at cost price. - . While you are in look at our . Blankets, Sweaters and Mackinaws, which we guarantee to be all wool. , ;; THE BRANDT STORE