1 Dr, Alfred F.Sempert Graduate and Reg U tared ' DENTIST PrlcM RMonbl gT BRANDT DLDO., upstair Brandt Building oppo site Fostofllce. Good, Fresh Meats Fish in Season Cash paid for HIDES A. P. Perry i at Weston Bakery Cak and raalry. J Fine Candle. Cowl Meek at All Hour, 2&c ' W apeelallae in tiratg ' - and Party Supiwra. ZEIttI the BAKER Second-hand Store In Wheeler hotel. ;baic Rothwclll! ii Optical Specialist ! I ! all my time U the At ! ' ' ' tliur and grinding of glasses. I ; ; ; have prectlced in IWIeton alx . . year. All work guaranteed. ' , j ; ' American Nafl Bank Did. ; ; : (Upatalra) . ; . . ; ; Pendleton Oregon;: , WESTON - PENDLETON AaU IUr Sdrtdula t Wmai Vt Weatoa ' 1:00 Athena 1:11 A4ame :J Athene Adam 1:11 1:11 Weston Meat b ' A. M. Ootng V. U. L rendition 1: LPedlten : , Adam 1:I0 " Adam :0 Athene 11:11 Alhna. 1:11 .... t rare. ' Weaton to'Athana, Ito; Weston to Adama, 10c; Athene to Adama, 5o; . Weston to Jndlton. ll.OOi Athena to Pendleton, Tie; Adama to Pendleton, . Round tripe. If made la eama day: WeatoD and Pendleton, $1.10; Athene ad Pendleton, Il.tl. . Headquarter: Woeton. at City Drug Store: Athena, St. Mohola Hotel; Adama, Inland Mercantile 8tore; Pen Alston, Trench Restaurant. A.B.I0TBEK. FREE AT DIWIS-HASEu'S An Eleven-Piece Aluminum Set All next week Davis-Kaser's will conduct a free dem onstration showing how easily and with what satisfac tion any woman can cook and bake on a Monarch Range. One of our townswomen will conduct this demonstration, and will be glad to show why no expert is needed to cook and bake on a-Monarch; to Bhow you the exclusive f ea ture8 which make it easier to use and more economical of fuel Be sure to come and see this demonstration if you do not know all about the Monarch. Buy a Monarch next week, October 11 to 16, and get one of these fine eleven-piece Aluminum Seta free, ; Special payment terms of $5.00 down and $5.00 per month allowed if wanted. Jr, ? :.: .. y t . 1 - - Order by mail or phone if unable to come, but come if you can. : , IIEDAVIS - Complete Furniihera of Home, Office, Churche. Schoola t(W0 Alder St (Odd Fellow' Temple) WALLA WALLA, WASH. BREVITIES flaled alfalfa hay delivered at 111 par ton, Inquire at Wetie Hoger1 hardware tr. : Mr. and Mr Itatph Klnnear ware visiting la Westoa uaday from thlr Coue eraak farm, 3, V. Hall haa purchased a naw ford aar with which to run up and down the mountain aa occasion demends, t. O. Lursa. Waalon'a walt-knowa m.iih Mtn, M, a a in S tutka na dur. tag tha first of the waak on a busi ness mission. u. 1 A. Kirk of Hslsey. Oreeoa, he been the (uaat of Mr, and Mr. Harry Warren, aire. sura lurowni lived near Athena. ail.atae laama raoraaaatlna the Ne (lonal and American baseball leagues ere speet4 FenaiatoB an November It or II. Motor ear aarvlee to all paint. df or nlaht. Ale livery aad feed sub. ooBoalle the lieuallea elackamlta (hop. Lafe McBrlde. WantedTo borrow ! for three month on ll.l e worth of pr aonal security. Will pay 111 Inter. Inquire at thla office. Ale. Mrltae greeted Westoa friends thla week while In tow a for a few day' atay. Mr. Mrltae la aow a re Ident of Ooldendale, Ween. Andy T. Harnett local aaeat for the Monarch typewriter, report the eel of ana of hi popular machlnee thla week to the Weatoa Mercantile com paay. Announcement la mad b the effl- eer of fitephanle Temple Ko. 14. Pythian Hlalere, that It win reeume ie regular meetlaae nt Monday eve ning. :' , . ... , ,., MT. U Cooper haa moved hi aho hop to the north room oa the lower floor of the Wheeler hotel bu 11.11 n. where he will be pleeaed to welcome patron. ' ,. r awiupil mmm a. Ilvalv da In the lore! barley market. . A. Same. cent of the pncine rwi eieraior rem Dan v. havlne nurehaaed 1S.0 urk at 111 l per ton. Merrltt A. Baker la a proud grandpa again, the parenta la thla Inetance be in Mr. . and Mra. Oavlea Baker of jflallree. Montana. , A daughter waa lately hora to inem. rrank Rrrant. former cltlen of Weeton, wa up from Echo Tueedar renewing hla acquaintance with old frlrnda and eeenea. Mr. Ilrrant ha charge of the O.-W. R.' N. aetloa at Bcho. J. M. Raalator. Oeo. W. Sugg and J. K. Tork, Weaton member of the grand Jury, are back In their reepect- Ive homea. that InduetJioua Doay nav. jlng flnlahed Ite term'a work Saturday la recora time. Work la In progreea on four new concrete cromwalk. under the direc tion of lUreet Superintendent K. 1 Wltaun. Th grading and graveling tf Main atreet will alao be an Improve ment development of th near future. ' Prank Richmond of Walla Walla motored through Weaton Wedneedajr ... v. 1 1 mm rAiii in til Huttz ranch. Kver a careful man, Mr. Richmond rut down hi apeed to all mile an hour while In thle watchful buitfe en vlrona. I Intend to eell at once the three lot djulnlng the realdence property of Ralph Haling on the north and rant. Two fine building location iti Watar atreet. one oa Franklin I atreet Tell me what you will give. r, P. watt. Nat Hate, old timer, ha returned from Waahtucna, Waah., where he waa employed during harveet with II. A. Dowd. Nat etopped at Walla Walla -la wait dawn, and waa aa honored gueat at the golden wedding of Mr. and Mr, a. W. Bmlin. h waa tn pioneer fiddler of the eccaalon, which waa enjoyed by all preeent The Athena Pre report that a cer. tain Athana lady hit upon th happy experiment of etrmlnetng fllee in a tan hv alnnlna them With a burn- InAvtaper. and that Herman Myer tried the earn tact lea on me iocbi roeai market awning. Reaulta: A big patch adorn th tady"a tent and a new awn ing will grace the markefa front d.uh vaina tn tha Weaton neurit- hnrhnnd wara much aDDreclated by a eomewhat dry and duaty populace. Quit a eoploue downpour la reported In the mountain neighborhood, where the precipitation la aaia io navo oern much greater than throughout the ina-ianita Tha mountain harveet to nearly over, but one or two lete-eown crop remaining to be eacked. !A SER CO, U n. Sllrtaoa. for II year grand keeper of record and eral for Oregon of the Knlghte of Pythlaa, committed aulcld Tueeitay at hla farm near Ha lem by ahootlng hlmaelf through the head with a ll-gauga shotgun. Mem- ber of th family declare that Mr, tlnaoa Buffered a aervoua break down from overwork about a month ago, aad that hi mind became affected. lie fta4 II yeere eld. and U aurvlved by hla mother, hi widow, aad a on and daughter. Mr. Mtmaon waa widely known throughout the elate, and bad a number of warm friend t Weaton. 11 waa a lovable man, of aunay and gonial temperament, and they are both eurprlaed and ahorbed at tha new. Hla occaalonal vl.lt her with th local lodge of Pythian were a way enjoyed. Mr. Oee. B. Oarmlrhael wa boateee et tha first regular meeting of the year of the Saturday Afternoon Club. October I. Aa exceptionally Interest ing program wa enjoyed by th full memberehlp of th club and their gueat, Mra. D. McCourt of Cornwall, Canada. The panere were: "The Pan ama Kpoaltlon." by tha rlub'e preel- dent, Mra. P. D. Watt, who recently vlaited th fair at San PYandaro: "Th aa Diego Pair." by Mra. William MacKea!, wh waa one of the aoto tourleta from Weaton through Califor nia. Aa Intereetlng talk wa given by Mr. Minnie Walker, who attended th national convention of Federated Women'a club at Portland. Dainty refreshment were aerved at th cloe of lb afternoon. A pleaaant Wedding reception waa recently given Mr. and Mra. Pred O. Dupul at th horn of th bride groom' parenta, Mr. and Mra. J. B. nupula. Hearty congratulation were ahowered upon the guesta of honor, and they were alao th recipient of a number of handeome and valuable wedding gift. The refreshment eon slated of punch and rake and preaeed chicken sandwiches. Th Hat of gueat Included Mr. and Mra. Dunnlck and family, Mr. and Mra. Lowell Rogers and family, Mr. and Mrs, C. E. DupuU and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ren Dupula. Mr. and Mra. B. C. Rogera. Mr. and Mra. Albert James, Mr. D. H. Wlley. Mlas Eunice Wllaey, Mr. Robert Proud fit, Mr. John Banister, Jr. . .The etudant body of Weaton High chooi waa lately organised by the election of the following officer: Jo Read, president; Ruth Read, vice president; Olady Smith, secretary treasurer. . Tha high school now ha II atudeata enrolled, breaking all rec ords. The number ts, tn fsct about three time aa greet as laat year at thla time. Much af the Incresss come from th freshman rlasa, which h II members. Th Delta Sigma aoclety. which will have cherge of the high school debate during th year, ha also been organised, offlcere having been elected aa follow: Jamea Kirk Patrick, president; Ruby Price, vice president; Or Martin, secretary. I. D. Oraham baa resigned aa assist ant chief of the livestock department of the Penama-Paclfle International exposition to become editor of the Rural Spirit at Portland. Ore. Mr. Oraham la a welcome addition to the rank of those who are working for better farming conditions In the Pa cific Northwest He was for nineteen year a professor In the Kansas Agri cultural colleire and for several years wa editor of th Kansas Parmer. He waa tha organiser of th Kan Pur Bred Livestock association and waa one of the strong men In getting legis lation favorable to the farmers. Thomas Copeland of Walla Walla haa brought suit In the Umatilla coun ty circuit court aralnst J. I McClel lan, a young rancher who la aaid to have cut a rather devious financial swath around Weaton and to have left auddenly for California without paying hla debts. Mr. Copeland seeks Judgment on claim assigned to him by th First National Bank or Athena for !0 end Interest, and by Watte aV Roger of Weston for 1117.14. The Trajan Tuckers are reveling In second growth strawberries et their home on Reed and Hawley mountain. Sunday they entertained Mr. and Mra. Albert O'Harra at dinner, and regaled their gueat with strawberries and cream. Th berrlee are aatd to be of good sis and of delicious flavor farts which The Leader's horticultural editor would be pleaaed to eetabllah soon by personal gastronomy. uiiiah Saa4a ' (Imtm Scrtmahep la having a record crop of Mann apples. From ten tree n nas pacnen oui svv Kav. tha, lejM 'arnlna much better than ! boxes to the tree. Thle la re markable la view of tn tact tnai a few year ago th aame tree bore but , a email crop of runty applee. not worth I the plckine. Topping back, pruning end nraylng for a few year hv broueht the tree back to-bearing full capacity. , v. . John Rlehardeon, who confessed to killing 3. Tv Owing and burying hla body in an abandoned well.tn a lonely gulch northwest of Pendleton, waa In dicted Saturday by tha grand Jury on a charge of murder In the second de gree. First degree murder la no longer a legal possibility In Oregon with the abolishment of the death penalty. . ,. ., Another speeding; case ceme up lest Friday In Recordor Harnett court I the first since the big haul hy wnicn Weston' anti-speed campaign became so thoroughly advertised. Th defend, and waa C P. DeReamer of Walla Walla .the aame gentleman who sold Weaton the water pipe for It recent extension. Mr. DeReamer gave ball In the um of 111 for hla appearance later. ' ' ' : : Mra. T.lillan Purdv of Portland ha been th guest during th week of her aunt Mrs. i B. wooo. sirs, rumy motored up from Pendleton Sunday with Mrs. Una H. Sturgt. Mra. M. J. Marsh, Miss Nason.and Mr. and Mrs. George Hartmaa war also of th par ty. She left yesterday for Wsll Walla, accompanying Mr. and Mr. J. A. Cooke. . Superintendent Toung I preparing a fin program for th Umatilla coun ty Institute at Pendleton November 17, 18 and It. The teachers of Morrow, Gilliam end Wheeler counties have accepted an Invitation to Join with those of Umatilla at this gathering, i William Fraker. II years of . who came to Pendleton In 1871. la the oldest voter to register at th City hall tor Pendleton' election. Mr. Fraker I a familiar figure at Weaton during the pioneer reunlone never mtsaing these events. Call at my second-hand store end see my nice line of heating and cook stove. E. E. Zehm. , , Dreamland motion picture at "vte ton opera house next Monday and Tuesday evenings. IveooD Watte Itogere. 0 Three nine sleeping toon fur rent Inquire of Mr. Vvlteelsr. I'm going to sell those lot pretty etHHi. 1'ut la good bid-you may fet oinellilntf, P. U. WaW. A auroW of Weetne) farmar are jfvjiijf Ui rendicton toraurrga to ic eoeut bore and atula sbow. Mr. 3. fl. Hsrrl and Mr. LUxl llsnattrtM left yesterday for a visit with relatlvee at Oranyiflll, Whj. Mra. Cherlee Prentiee of Seattle at- . I I . 1. A. II k.a Md ,n llaa. nee to MIAgna MacKeosle Wed- pesuay sitsroouo. , ft. 1. A ftaat. Is an avowed randl. due for myor of pemlleton and will likely be optioned by i. K Montgom ery. To registration, 1650, beate all reeorda. ' ' ' , tr.a M n eatiirnad Wedne day evening from hie Redmond farm, rreslillng KWer Khangle will, how ever, preach next Homier momlnf and evening at the MsthodUt church. ' The Beouola Male Quartet gave a most delightful popular uruyrsw WTV dsy evening' Tns Hatunlsy Afternoon Club la to be congratulated upon e euring tble etellar musical auraetlon for Westoa. la keeping with the preaant local pint of Improvement A. P. Perry I building a new business office and a sauaage kltchea et th Weston meat market lie Intends also to brlghtea the entire Interior of the chop with a coat of kalsomlne. Lea Pal wa eoiivlcled Tuesday of the O if I Ivy double murder, after the Iurr had been out but 20 minute. )al'e only defense ws that he was drunk and didn't know what happened. Jndg-e pheliMg sentenced blm Thure day to life ImprUoument. Wheat advanced during the week until it wa quoted yesterday at 85 cent In Weston without, however, btimrlng the cereal oat of hiding. Just one mall transaction I reported for the week, tout) bushel having been purchased Monday bj Agent Uarnea. Superintendent Hayes of the Pendle ton waterworks was In town Wednre day and accepted so Invitation to ad- dree the local council, to which body he gave an encouraging eod Instruc tive talk. Mr. Hayes outlined meth ods by which stale water In Weston' reservoir lake may be obviated. - Roy Nicely, a young farmer of Plineville, Crook county, wa her during the week, after, attending the Pendleton Roundup; for a visit with his aunt Mra. W. It. Besthe. lie Is a grandson of Thooaas Nicely, one of Umatilla county's earliest farmers, who 1 now a resident of Crook county. NEW GOODS COME FOR LOCAL STORE Steck el Wtftea ifercuUl Centpaajr kai sMotei PrespetU Pleue Kuureaeat ' The large stock of ths Weston Mer csntlle Co. Is being constantly aug mented by new Invoices. Every dsy the store grows bigger and better. Re cent arrtvsls Include: Additional footwear for ' tha shoe department ' ' ' " ' Another Invoice of ladles' coat end suits. The wide rang of sixes Insures e fit for every patron. Ladles" waists especially dainty and elegant in beautiful silks and crepe de chines. v A complete and elaborate assort ment of ladles' skirts. Silk hosiery. Hart Schaffner Man eulta for men. -'-- - " 5 ' Clothcreft aulta and overcoat for men. J r -.- - . The latest deelgna In aute robes. 1 Rubber-covered laprobee for etormy weether ' ' A comprehensive " line of rubber goods for men. women and children. "We are highly gratified." says Manager Stover, "at the generous patronage our new store hi enjoying not alone from Weston end vicinity, but from neighboring towns. In fact a number of our customers from other communities have taken occasion to compliment us upon the general excel lence and attractive arrangement of our stock, end the uniform reasonable ness of our prices. "We find that Weeton to all right and alao Athena, Adama and Helix. We are made to feel that we are sur rounded by good - people by thrifty and prosperous people and are de lighted with , our store's preeent con dition and ' future prospect. The .Weston Mercentlle Co.- Is not an ephemeral and catch-penny errair. We era building for the future, and Intend to build solidly and well." To Whom It May Concern. In the Matter of the Accounts of D. B. Jarman. Notice la hereby given that I am the assignee of the accounts and . notes rrmari riiia and owlns to D. B. Jar- man of Weaton, Oregon, and aame are due end payable to me. I have ap pointed . Mr. Oeo. I Horseman of Weston. Oregon, as my a Kent to col lect these debt and he la authorised to receipt for the same. Debtors are respectfully requested to call on Mr. Horseman and settle their obligations In thla matter. . . . R. la. 8ABIN. Statement of tite Ownership Management circulation, etc, requir ed by the ect of August 14, 1811. of Th Waatnn Leader, oublished weekly at Weston, Oregon, for October 1, Editor, managing editor, business manager, publisher and owner Clark Wood. Known bondholders, mortgagee or other ecurlty holder none. CLARK WOOD. Sworn to and subscribed before m this 6th day of October. 19 IS. E. I BLOMQREN. . V ' ' . ' ' Notary Public. My commission expires June 11, 1811. .New Tork. N. T. Thersa Pis nets and her eon Lou) were kept prisoner by a Jealoua husband If? an hermetU tally sealed flat tor four year until released by an gent of the Children' Society. Joseph Planeta, the hus band. I a proaperou cigar merchant and had to be forced at a pistol point to give up hi wif and child. He locked hie wife In her cell when he found an old photograph of a former weetheart in her trunk. Nsst rlvsoom eotUir for rent i V " f 'I J .ai j ..... ' -- .--- IS pOpwBI (more popular with the public than it is with us)-but "It AU Comes Out in the Wash" Our loss is your gain your gain is our joy. Nice, dry, split mountain pine, $3.50 in yard, $4.00 delivered. Our 1915 Hudson for $400 off, or we will sell you a Ford each v the Leader in its Class. ODD BITS OP NEWS. Davenport Wash. When County Prosecutor David McCallum passed a horse hitched to a raiting, th animal nipped him and began to prance around. Struck by the strsage actions, th prosecutor stopped and recognised a mar which he. aa a farm lad. had raised but had not seen for eight years. Bystanders declared th horse' recognition of th man wa unmistak able. St Albans, Vt. W. Lw Plumley of North Clarendon has a pet dog which he declares climb tree to th height of It feet. The dog's nails er alight- ly more pointed than those of en or dinary dog. and th padding on hi feet la broader. Veterinarians are et a loss to understand how he accom plishes hla feat .- . , ' . , Bluefields. Nicaragua. -Jose Agutdo Is aa example of strange reversal to the savage. When bis sister violated an edict regarding marriage to her cousin. Aguido cut out her heart baked It and ats part of It He con fessed and will be hanged. ' 8C Paul. Minn. Dr." 8. N. Gogilner and Dr. N. O. Mortensen charged In police court with kicking out th false teeth of Emmll Frelden were dismiss ed because of Isck of evidence whea the false teeth could not be produced. New Tork, N. T. Mrs. Jeanette Schwarts. 10 years old, who weighed leas than twenty-five pounds, died re cently. She was two and a half feet tall. At a party held Just before her death, ahe recited and . danced. Of late she Tied the habit of awakening during the' night and calling for a gUue of beer. ' . '-' --. New. Bern, N. C. A S-gmlton carboy of "monkey rum" In the office of U. S. Commissioner Chaa. B. Kill, showed th color of the liquor to be milky and the smell like that of molasses. Moonshiners tn North ' Carolina are making and selling It la large quanti ties. It Is made of water, molasses and certain unknown chemicals. Af ter working, the liquor Is 100 froof. and a saucerful will burn for five minute when lighted. The "monkey rum Jag" lasts three times aa long as a whiskey drunk, and enda with fright ful delirium tremens. Crookstown, Minn. A fisherman here haa placed a mirror In th water and tn front of It a plate glasa slant ing at tS degrees angle. The bait is placed between the two. : He claims that when the fish" appfoache and sees his Image In the mirror, he speeds up thinking enother fish Is after the morsel, strike the plate glass and slides up It Int oa net placed at the top. It's Trite Economy TO TRADE AT The H.Q&Dmy Stcre W bny for cash and sell for cash at small margins. GROCERIES Crash and Linen Goods NOTIONS School Supplies PHONE NO. 233 ALMA BARNETT Dr. J. C-McMATH OSTEOPATH Office one block north of the bank ATHENA, OREGON Electric Treatments Given gXT Phone 621 or Wood Proposition o $4i WOOD To the People of Weston: Mow is the time to buy your next win ter's wood. We have contracted for several hundred cords cut from large pine trees and are prepared to sell you wood cheaper than you have bought it ' for ten years. We will deliver this wood, for cash only, to any place in Weston at FOUR DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS ($4.60) per cord. Or ders will be taken at any time and de livery made as soon as possible. Weston Brickyard (Next week is very likely the last in which we will be" able to accept these orders) $4i WOOD I""nwpeaasaBB i . ABSOLUTELY FREE to you for your own use our EkpolfaGuuniSueepor It's the only machine that operates as easily as any Carpet Sweeper. It haa 9-inch adjustable brush, steel-frame dust bov, new auto roller bearings, beautiful piano finish. . Under Absolute Guarantee The Bey oss F The kodak season is at hand, and much of beauty is offered by the autumnal land scape. We wish to remind you that we have a nice stock of kodaks, and camera supplies. . Goodwin's Dms Storo Weston, Oreson $41 urnitur 1 wr r If uj W xL j V. , V if ? J