The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 08, 1915, Image 1

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NO. 10.
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'I '
1 -
5 .
Pote Proven Success by
v:U.SJ3vy Dcptat
rssr wmm spahs tmm
Conversation Is Carried On Between
Washington, D, C, and Naval
' Station at Mara Island.
Wuhlnrton. D. C. Wlroles tlo-
doom communication across the conti
nent u accomplished for the first
' tins Thursday, wbta experiment
aiuttns mm aawaral months eulml-
mud In sueeeeeful trsnsmlaelons of
IM human vole by radio from tM
great um piani ai Arlington,
to tha station at Mart Island, CL,
MM nllM
Tba experiment wort conducted an
der direction of Captain Bullard. eblef
of loo Mvy's radio service. In eo-oper-atiua
with tho American TolephoM
Telegraph company ana tM western
Secretary Daniels, In announcing
tM report, prMtctoa uh runner ow
velopment of wlralaaa telephony would
la mrmmk riiutM In lone- dlatanre
oommunlcatlon both for military and
Mry service and commercial usage.
Sueceaaful oporatloo of a device for
aalAmatUalla tranafarrln to the radio
telephoM conversation originating on
motallle circuits aiao was aecompusnea
la tho testa. President Vail and otter
official of tb Amarlcan TelephoM
Talacraoh company at Now York
I.1L...1 ...II alth tha Mara Ialand
autlon over an ordinary metallic Um
to Arlington and thoneo by radio
acroe tha continent.
'Tho fact tbat too rolooa ean bo
itartod on a land wira and automatical
ly tranamltud to a vole radio-transmitter,"
Mid Secretary Daniel,
"bold out hot that person Inland
roadllyoould bo put In touch by tel
pboM with others at aM through aome
eontrat traamlttlng station."
Tm Navy dopartntant'a formal an-
kmmiummhiI In nart fnllnaraa
'Secretary Danlola la ploaaad to
announce tM aueeoaarui ooteoma or ex
periment which have boon carrlod on
tha ' (mm month h tha Amar-
Iom Telephone & Telegraph company
ana woetern juectrte company id cd
oporatlon with tba radio autiona under
tha tnriarftrtloa nf tM Navv denert-
ment, by which long-distance wirelaaa
telephony Ma Men maoa poima.
aa um fumrai :
Dcati in tea frasdsco
Ban Francisco Persona la all walka
of life bad tbeir laat chance Thuraday
to participate In tha 120,000 capital
prise in San Kranclaeo lottoriaa.
There wa no formal order aent out
by tho police It waa tacitly under
stood by the Mven lottery companies,
m tha reeult of an "order In council"
Itaued by tho Polio commission, that
"tha (amo" was off at loaat for a
time. .. 1 . ; - .. ;
The polio Judra fined a nsrro whom
patrolman arrested wltavlottery tick
et In hla poMMMMlon. The prisoner
aaid ha would have to beg or ateal now
that his occupation of selling lottery
tickets was taken from him. It was
admitted that the ousting of tha lot
teries will cut off In fines accruing to
tha city treasury tbouasnds of dollars
month. -":
It la also asserted that tha death of
tho game would throw upon tba city
1 4000 indigents, men and woman who
bare bean selling tickets. Some were
sent to tfie lottery companies by char
itable associations, It was Mid. One
lottery representative said: "1 can
only My that ws will not hold a drsw
Ing next week. I can't yet see beyond
Order Is In Difficulties.
Ban Francisco Tba California Grand
Lodge of the Ancient Order of United
Workmen la experiencing financial
difficulties, according to a report made
under the direction of State Insurance
Commlsslonej; Fhelpa. Tha main diffi
culty seems to be a deficiency In the
reserve funds. This was explained by
A. H. McKeown, grand receiver, who
Mid men more than 64 years old had
not paid enough Into the fund to carry
them after that age. They will now
have to make this good, he said, or It
will be deducted from their benefit.
.. t 'Satlor Rules Schooner.
' 8n Frsnelsco S. P. Ware, one of
the crew of the American schooner So
home, which arrived here Thursday
from Sydney. Ausrtalia, was turned
over to the police by John Kilts, the
ahip's captain, who alleged Ware laid
out the captain and crew with a be
laying pin off Apis, American Samoa,
and took command of the vessel for 24
hours. Captain Kills said he escaped,
obtained a revolver and regained his
. Hill Lend to Both Sides.
St Paul Besides participating In
ths credit to Great Britain and France,
, local banking interest controlled by
James J. Hill will subscribe to the
ibid German loan being offered in this
country. M, -
If J Irj)
i - -.v
The eleven-year old Crown Prince
Humbert of Italy, while vlsrtlnfl ths
king at the leonie front, made his wsy
Slong Several milea of the Italian
trenches and sent ths following tele
ersm to hla grandmother Queen
Margherltai "I am en Austrlsn terri
tory. I assistsd In sn artillery engage
ment this afternoon."
mi mcncAi bv kew mm
Bedford Hills, N. Y. A compact
and efficient wireless receiving and
sending apparatus, Invented recently
by Dr. II. Barrlnger Cox, of this place,
Is to be lent to one of the foreign pow
ers for use In the trenches, according
to announcement of the Inventor,
The device, which may bo strapped
round the waist and deftly hidden by
the folds of a cloak so m to bo invis
ible to an unsuspecting person. Is in
reality a "vest-pocket" wireless sp
Daratua. a complete as any.
The sending spperatu comIsU of a
box in which are Ave dry ceils ana
vibrator. Tbeeloctrle pulsations are
started by tapping telegraph key,
and the current, which the doctor ays
Is modified with a hidden transformer
of his own invention, sends out It
messages in waves, long and abort
The equivalent to a half watt, or one-
eightieth m much- as is required xor
the ordinary electric light bulb Is the
amount of electricity necessary. From
tho box proJecU a wire
In warfare use this wire is tarried
down the leg of the soldier and con
nected with a metal plate or spur in
the shoe. The receiving instrument
consists of a drum about which la a
coil of wires. On top of this Is a Mm
deflector. It ha a pair of ear-piece
such m Is worn by telephone operator.
Dr. Cox can send and receive mee-
ssgee by this instrument over a dis
tance of 18 miles. When be desires
to receive a mossago be raises his cane.
Stock frriaoge 0c& Overworked.
N Vnrk Kn tremendous ha been
the volume of trading on the stock ex
change this week that several prom
inent brokerage houses announced that
they were considering tho advisability
of asking the board of governors of
tha avphanira ta dhclaro MotldaV full
holiday. In order to give their over
worked clerks a rest. Many nrms nave
haan nhllirait to work their forces dsy
and night In om house two clerks
were taken away In an ambulance in
an exhausted condition.
The exchange governors, when sp-
ai.haii an tha aublect of closinBT the
exchange, maintained that they had no
right to cut off the security business
of the country on- such short notice.
The promise u held out, however,
that should th,e great volume of trad
ing continue next week, the declara
tion of a sDecial stock exchange holi
day would be considered.
Chicago Under Sunday Lid.
Chicago Mayor Thompson, in a
mMssge to the city council, announced
that the owners of all saloons In Chl
i haraafter would ha forced to obey
the state law, which provides that
they remain closed on bunasy. ine
mayor ordered the city collector to
nntlf In wrltine- all narsons holding
licenses for saloons that they must
comply with the requirements or tne
state law. For many years owner of
alnnna In Chlcaoro have defied the
state law governing their operation on
Allies' Loan Ready to Sign.
Kaw York Tha contract' for the
1500,000,000 credit losn to Great Brit
ain and France probably will be signed
Wedneeday by the members of ths
Anglo-French commission and J. P.
Morgan ft Co., ajrents in the United
Statu I-nnt Readlnff I CXDected to
sign for Great Britain and Ernest Mal
let probably will sign for the French
MHmiiumL Pranaratl'na alaa will be
made to cloee the underwriters' books,
whUh will proMDiy m a one soon. ;
New Coal Era Is Seen.
' Euffsne The completion of the Wil
lamette-Pacific railroad from Coos Bay
to Eugene will change the character of
fuel burned In the Willamette valley,
is the opinion of Judge John 8. Coke,
of Marshflsld, who arrived here to pre
side In Circuit court cases in which
Jodire G. F. Sklpworth Is disqualified
by reason of previous association or
personal Interest
It wlU be possible to ship coal to
Eugene to be sold cheaper than wood
when mining development now under
way Is completed and the new branch
Una of tM Southern racins is in
operation between the coal fields and
this city, be said.
Judge Coke declare thst the South
ern Pacific and other Interests are
preparing to open mines on a large
scale. At tM Beaver Hill mine, owned
bv the railroad, a dents) of (2.000 feet
on a 82-degrM slope baa been reached.
be announced.
Judge Coke sees a wonderful future
for bis home county.
"With ontv water transportation.
excepting the recently oonstructed
timber road, a community of 10,000
people baa grown up around Marsn
fleld." he stated. "We bare the har
bor, timber, eoai and dairying, an on
usual combination of reeoorces.
"Harbor Improvement at Coos Bsy,
renresentlng tM inveetment of $700,.
000, has just been completed. TM
district raised 1800,000 by bonding,
and about f 100,000 was contributed by
tn-lvate subscription. We now have 31
feet of water inside the harbor at or
dinary high tide and feet of water
on tha bar at ordinary high tide."
Banks Report Gains.
Cl.l.m BinU awarth af btulnaas
ritirlnv tha naat two months and an
early return to normal conditions are
indicated lit tM report or superintend
ent of Banks Sargent, showing the
condition of bank In Oregon at the
eloM of business September t last In
the combined statement of the 176
atata hanka and 88 national banka in
the stats comparisoM with correspond
ing ogures or a year ago point n a
general financial Improvement
Altlurnvh tha total demand denoaita
of at! banks In tha state, including bal
ances due to other banks, snow a de
crease of I8.21M76.65 for the year,
there has been a ateady increase dur
ing the last three months. The state
ment just Issued shows gain of
818,638.12, since tho statement of
June 23 last
Time and savings depoalts continue
tt armor anil how fah a Brand total
of $37,620,873.17. an IncreaM of $2,
379,672.88 since the statement . of
September a year ago.
Rediscounts with the Federal re
serve bank amount to 8140,816.20,
having increased only $36,625.67 since
lbs June cell. Other rediscounts ana
hllla navahla are nntuuallv high at this
time of tho year, amounting to $2,
633,430.80. According to Superin
tanrfant Sarrent. thia Is becauM farm
ers apparently are holding thslr crops
fornSgber prices. -
The national banka of "the atate now
have an investment of $461,788 84 In
the stock of the Federal Reserve
hank anJ ara famiiw raeerva bal
ances with that institution amount
ing to $1,464,609.41.
' Governors Are to Attend. .
Salem Governor Withycombe will
be present at the Pacific International
Livestock Exposition at the North
Portland Union Stockyards, probably
several days, but certainly December
9, for. that date has been set aside a
"Governor's Day," and in addition to
tha Oregon executive it Is expected
that the governors of at least three
other Western states will bo In attend
ance. , - "'.''" -
Arwdln to advices received by
Governor Withycombe from O. M.
Plummer, general manager oi tne ex- j
position. Governor Lister, of Washing
ton and fSavarnor Alexander, of Idaho.
have accepted Invitations. It is also
expected that uovernor ssiewars, oi
Montana, will attend. Governor Kend
rick, of Wyoming, also may be on
hand, and perhaps Governor , Hunt, of
Arlions. . l"' "Z
Phone Company Replies. , "
K.tam AlWincr that section 8- of
the public utilities act, referring to
common-user rscuiiies, procedure a
inn nf biialneaa. is in violation
of the state and Federal constitutions,
the Pacifle Telephone ft Telegraph
company has Clod with tne ruouc
Sarvira Mmmlaalon ita answer to the
complaint of tho Public Service League
and others of Portland. With the
Home Telephone & . Telegraph com
pany, tho Pacifle la defendant in a
mmnlalnt to force an interchange of
telephone service in Portland.
Horse Kicks Child in Face.
Pandlaton With her face and skull
In K tha hnnf (if a horse she
had attempted to pet little 4-year-old
. . . i v . . O. A
Bessie Aiaaaen wa orougut i tu
thony's hospital here from Hermlston
Wednesday by her parent. An opera
tion wm performed and although the
child'a condition is dangerous hopes
are held for her recovery. After try
ing vainly to have tne norse ioww ue
head the -child walked around and
pulled It tail.
Commercial Club to Reorganize.
Corvallis The Corvallia Commer
cial club has started a campaign to re
organise under the plan adopted by the
Portland Chamber of uommerce ana
Salem Commercial club. H. V. Chase,
who reorganised the Portland and
Salem clubs, is here to take charge.
Brief ttsszz cf General News
(mm wikm n a mw
Live News Items of A3 Nations and
Pacific Northwest Condensed
for Our Busy Readers.
The allies are making a fierce fight
for tho second German Um in the West.
The Southern Pacific Is sending 400
aara to various lumbering points in
Oregon In responM to demand.
Anothar allda has blocked the Pana
ma canal and the opening of tM ditch
will M oelayea untu uctooer iu.
Kaarle three aAJTe rjeraons lost their
lives in hurrtcaM which also caosed
immense property damage at New Or
leans. William Ktaala ' avad 81. and Mr.
Artata Coldan. eared 78. obtained fi
marriage licenae and were married at
Salem, Or. . "
A raieh of 1ST.S walruses Is reported
by the stoamer Corwln. The bides are
(n mat aafnand In Eaatarn ammuni
tion factories for burnishing shrapnel
Raakalehawan. Canada, fanners won
first and second prse in competition
for tha best bushel of wheat at tha
International Soil Product Exposition
at Denver. ... , ,...
A Portland. Ore on. man. in a fit of
laughter, dislodged his falae teeth and
(Ka artificial maatieatora lodsed in his
throat. It required a physician to re
move tM molars. :.
Thraa linera have been added to the
flaat of tM Tove Kiaen Kaisha Steam
ship company and will be put into the
trans-Pacific trade between racinc
Coast point and ths Orient. . ,
A haaw hail Storm Draetically ruin
ed the winter apple crop In the vicin
itv of RoawelL N. M. The damage Is
aatlmatad at 1200.000. Packing wss
to have begun soon in the larger orch
ard. -
Tha inoJnaion of the Missouri. K an
sa A Texa railroad, which recently
went into a receivership, makes toe
mileage of railways in the. United
States in tha hands of receiver greater
than ever before.
A aamt-nfflfial dlaMtch received at
Amatantam from Berlin MVS all the
nhawintinna to the third German war
loan, which amounted to 12,000.000,-
000 marks (X3,OOU,WU,uw), represent
mw money. No conversions are in
cluded. Tha Tvmdnn Mornina Post's Berne
correspondent says he learns from
Munich that T. St. John Gaffwy. the
American consul general in Munich,
after conferring with Sir Roger Case
ment, ha decided to resign and go on
a lecture tour in the United States on
behalf of Germany.
rvwaana In Hawaii are training with
in tha hoM of being
able to free Core from Japan, accord
i.... Miia Sadia K Barrett, a mis
sionary to Hawaii, who addressed the
National Convention of the Women's
Home Missionary Society of the Meth
odist Episcopal church in Seattle.
Germany declare she aeea the goal
of her ambition.
Tha Rrltlah admiralty has loaned a
number of submarines to tho Russiana.
TTnltad Ktatea sends artillery to
Mexican border to repel further raids
of bandit.
Tha Washington government has
made a final request that Dr. Dumb
be recalled. '; -
n- .v.-. ,ni Jnhn ft. Watmouirh.
of Philadelphia, his hired girl falls
A Walla Walla. Wash., ffirl takes
dce of poison for headache, in dark.
which proves ratal.
F tha flrat time in hiatorv. Chinese
shipbuilders are competitor of the
European yaws, a sieamamp wm
nnto rhanuMn haa ordsred three
steamer to be delivered in Copen
hagen In 1916 ana Ji7. ine placing
of this order in China Is due to the
unusual pressure in the home yards.
Tha Mnnlrh Poat. aecOrdinaT tO ' U
Overseas News Agency, has received a
report from Switzerland that Pope
Benedict ia preparing a circular letter
to the belligerents asking for a gen
eral trace on All Souls day. The Pon
tiff asked that the truce be dedicated
to the memory of the soldier who
have perished in the war.
Society women in Par! have en
listed In the war and are driving army
ambulances, using their own oars.
Tha tilir loan to Britain and France,
which was negotiated in this country,
hss been made, however," the amount
is $500,000,000, instead of om billion.
i first stated.
Jnhn Unlr'l famooa clock. Which, in
addtion to keeping time, awoke him in
the morning by tipping ms nea, win
become the property of the University
of Wisconsin at the close of the Panama-Pacific
Exposition. Muir invent
ed the clock many years ago. .
The railways were not equal to
torlons German armies, ana many tnousanas mane meir way nnnn r
ym. wm wmwprt, ijuijiji iuiihiiiii.his.
- - r f '
! j - A I
t f I V
lSt e Is S ,i
yht. t, stwlevr in the arhlah city of Chanafc. which was Btterly wrecked by
J 4 i,'-..k'Ww,,'r
ft ' ,v WW
V -HT. Brv
Bquad of French artillerymen within firing range of the Germans wearing
their antlpolsonousgas mssiis. r, , ,-.-.-.-y. -- u,j,.nr, n r.r
i "V
1 i : j Zi V
L n m ni . v-.; , , , CTTT-.W' i --
Before the Russians abandoned Warsaw they gathered l0th" Vh'1
metal they could find. Including Mils, boiler, lead piping and lead roofing,
toeui tcey .uttable for the making of ammunitloa Is
U1U CajTB It v" .
heoomlng IncreasinAly scarce In Kurope.
st( . jr.
! . t . ' if
the task of carrying all the Russian
- .-wv i
KJ t- aM
r.-ilH'" 1 - !
I wlwuituww wnwa.w
a e,.v' . "'
4 iimj
4 ' ' " ij
Tiifirii i'li n "1
. ; . .
troops In their retreat before ths vie-
i 'v
1 i
f 4
An unusual photograph showing the
interior of a British submarine oper
ating in the war lone. IThe 'oHlcer In
command is looking through the. perk
scope for possible frey. ; "
U Sr i . e
Pot ChryssntMafMims- ji,' .
All of the single and pompon sorts
are excellent for' pot -"coKuire, and
quite a few of these do weU.aa slnglo- . 4
stem sorts, as long as you are not too
particular as 'to tfiS'size' 6f lowers, v.
People usually care more for the rn- I
ersl effect of a plant In a pot than
for the Individual flower. Don't bverJ
not nlanta: rather feed a- little more :
and pay tha very ie$ kttetjtion-to the
watering, for you wahf 'plants" with as
much foliage down to the pot as it is
possible to have".", AttenoT to th suk- f
tag; so much depends oh this It you 4
want a shapely plant. ; One stake in
the center answers nicely for hied lufai I
sired ones, but even her jt,i: often t
better to make us of three or. dye;
smaller stakes and properly' spread V
the branches. It will add 60 per cout, x
to the good looks of the plant anJ ' "
that, after all. Is what counts.
Prosperous Island.
The lalsnd of Hombloa Is, for its.,. f
siae, one of the most jirosperous Sad
thrifty of ths Philippine falands. it
population is 'about--S5;o00.-'It has
thrM profitable indurtrles which yield
good annual return to the-Jjxople'vj
after paying for the principal food'
staple of the peej.19 rl xwh!ch is
l.relv imported. Cepr. he rar-.,,.
ble. and hurt hats are the cij
which account for most of tSe-ft.-; . t
prosperity. , - -