The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, September 24, 1915, Image 4

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    J ... L.
m the ?Mim mm telegram saib
ae. J -a-hls-lt Im future
"A Buelieee edeeatlee M something which be k.
f prove J more V..... -. -0." r"- 3
, ...... .ui more me end m fined
w ooml rureuila, year, lr
COJIefe V tba Case."
Pajlnr Positions for Graduates
K'ntnpm and huetnew. hue recognlta the
Hit and horwuhneae of the training Hhse.V aiher
iJmu rw(e and Semaad mr o ear treduaie
We ere able I utr- " V r,. ... "
r.ii, ro, n h..e TMe nni It easy lor e !
Write for eur beautiful tlhMtraled catalog Sree,
L M. WALKER. fWdeat F-rtlajr. Or.
A Valuable
"First Aid
Verge cf Deserting Chief.
in sickness of the
Suiiic!i Jn liver WnJ
bowel disorders and
in general weakness
can be found in
II lini TWt(MiritMIIMlTfwfM i
butt ra
;i7 n!'a -ni iyt. in
Karhl I bin n 4 tw benarrd lwtl eanipil ecaJeabl
iJeTpVZd H1.K U- P- wwW-oebt
HeeUreoeWtbeaiareeoa r fat Wain aeae w'b
Holmes Business Colleso
Tin School W rni W ritkm.
Wc will trust you
Wkil So yen wat er need far your
Horn? Kuraiiuro, Bed. Bur yr
peiat We bave them- Hianketa.
tiahea, BlereaT Tou ran them
all an) anvthlng Im you want tM
bave (hern rlhl away, too, aa our
Easy Monthly Payment Plan
Just eend your aajne and addroae.
A post card will do. Well Ma4 I
Big Free Catalog
nd open your charre acceuat M
eeoa aa we Boar (ran you.
Thirty Days' free Trial
If not perfectly sartefled la thai
time, rour money refund ana rretST"
eharaea both ways. No need to eorepe
and aava (or years. Xoar oradit U
I Home Furnishers on Credit
Co4 Reaaoa far It
A crtAia rtctmant aUttoncdl ta Bel
fast was nuatared ta lha OnaeB
Park tor laspacUoa. sad was ataadla
awalUnc tha arrlTai of taa coloaaL
Praaaatly tha eoasawadlBi officer i
aron aDDroacatnc oa korseback. bat
vkca a fw paces from tba troops the
horse (which had been hired for tha
day) stood atock-atlU. and refused to
tTraa atettMakfcw of borbw a Waaa. da
mm M ta wn oa fa CATAUMHiU AS
NUCKa, Wa aril aa aaay Tonae.
Sherman.Jlay & Ca
Villa and Zapata Expected to Join
Forcej Recognition by U, S.
Would Probably Follow.
WMhintton. D. C Ganeral Ahra-
rado Obreroa for FreaiJoot of Mexico,
This ia tba objact of tha Wilson ad-
ninlatratioo't Latest aiexic&a policy.
aecordinc to tha admisaioa Monda of
a Member of the cabinet, who ass beea
chiefly responaib)a for the President
plan to pacify Mexico since tit reeiff-
nstioa of W. J. Bryaa,
Obrecon, now the Moat coaaplcoooa
reoeral of the CarranaiU forces, U
burstinjr with ambitioa to sttaia the
presidency of the Mexican repobtic
and recopiitioa by tbe United Sutes
and other powers. Ha Is on the yerr
of a break with First Chief Carransa
and the Inattgvratioa of a counter res
olution ia which be would probably be
Stomach Bitters
nit helps Nature pro
vide . the necessary
digestive propertiet
feet assimilation of
food, thus creating
and maintainiiiR bet
ter health at all times.
J You should try it
rortlsml Wheat Ploestem, 8te
bushel; fortyfold. s3o club, red
rife, TTej red Ruaslsn. TSe.
Mill Feed Spot price! Bran.
f2s.0 It M ton) shorts, 120.60 Q 17,'
rolled barley. i8rttS.
CornWhole. 13s. 10 toa; cracked,
Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, lit
tl ton; tralley timothy, IlittflS;
alfalfa. lltSOfltllM; cheat, WiflO;
oats and veU'h, SUdilt
Vegetablee Cucumbera, llrejon, 19
fiSOe doaeni artlchokaa, tOe; toma.
toea, amtdOeboit eabbage-l pound;
bean, I t 4e free" earn, 10ijl&
doien; fsxlic, lOe pound; pepttert, 4jf
be; enplant, edJ5c! apreuta, c
Green rrulU 'Cantaloupsa, BOcflJ
$1.60 crsta; peachea, dOuSOe box;
watermelons, lit lie pound; plums, 40
t75e bos; new apples, 76cil.W;
mm Powder
Tha nalmntrif nur first cht hotelt and restaurants are exact'
peara, aOefltfi.aaj trapse, tiluo nj..thcy demand tho best Women Ro where the pastry and cakes
crate; huchieberriea. J e pound; notc j or ,hef excccnce. Men are attracted by hot bread and
RYrNYITtSM-r..tftd mini allMtal Make
fua end m m Mr. an b.Ma. IMtrai
a UwwMaSaM U. Book iMp.
SV. baa Uuo. laai.
The officer made desperate enortai Joined by Villa and Zapata.
Dalles-Columbia Line
8tak of WejMnston. far Tlia DaOaidaBrei.
Omm 11 b m I 1 i. Tlalha dm&9 ax. afaMao?
U at. Suaama 1. N. TML Inbarf Kao aad
Tvta Qtx lor Vvv Gambia and Saabaitnr
TarMrSt.lMeK. laLBiataau.
i CaWai b Tsaa Ca, Mai
lnvdum BOW br I" tkrtittm, wm aa
Mr (astir. B man Til Ibbi boan laJaiiao
Ukn aaniciM. Orwrvt. m m4 far Me
pea bad Trebaar" kUt af Trabald VaacOMa
alu tram mm, mttmtTTt"" !
; Sure! He Thought of Her.
There was trouble in the nursery.
Baby Enid was howling, and mother
couldn't soothe her.
At last she found oat the cause of
the disturbance and turned Irately on
-Yon don't mean to any. you greedy
little boy," she demanded, "that yon
have eaten all those sweets grandma
gare to you, and never even thought
of your littie etsterr"
- Johnny looked hurt
-.0 yes. I did think of her," he aaid
In an aggrieved voice. "I was think
ing of her aU the time, and I was
frightened that ahe would see them
before I ate them all!" Kansas City
km Warranted.
"Say," said the man aa he entered
the clothing store, "I bought this auit
here less than two weeks ago, and it
ia rusty looking already."
"WeU." replied the clothing dealer,
"I guaranteed it to wear like iron.
didn't 1?" Cincinnati Enquirer.
to urge on hia steed, but aU to no pur
pose. Before long a group 01 oysiana
era encircled him. aad one of them, a
ragged urchin, suddenly cried out to
his chum:
"I say. Bill ma and ring Us park
bell: It's a tramcar horse."
This was enough for the
who at once dismounted.
Not Guilty.
There had been a railway collision
near a country town in irginia and a
shrewd lawyer had hurried from Rich
mond to the scene of the disaster. He
noticed an-old colored man with a
badly Injured head, and hurried up to
him where he lay moaning oa the
"How about damagear began the
But the sufferer waved him oft
"Oway. boas, gway." he said. "I
never hit de train. I never done slch
a thing in all man lire, so help me
Gawd! To' cant git no damages out
en me." New York Evening Post
Dr. Pierce's Pellets, small, annr
coated, easy to take aa candy, regulate
and invigorate stomach, liver and bow
els. Do not gripe.
Elusive Impression,
1 listened to your speech with
dose attention," aaid the man who
tries to be pleasant, but fails.
"And did it aet yon thinking T"
"It did. And tha next time yon de
liver it I'm going to listen again and
aee if I can find out what I waa think
ing about." Washington Star.
Precioua Article.
"Why do yon sir the waiter so
large a Unr
"Because a position of extraordi
nary trust and responsibility rightfully
commands nunsnal compensation. Me
ia the custodian of a genuine full-1
slxed sirloin steak." Washington
Ves Ca Get AaWs reefrfaae fntt.'
Wrlaa Allaa OlmaMBtL La tUtr M V in ft
free aasiDle of Allea'a Poot-Eaat. II euraa
r aulas, hot awoilta, aetata feet, ll Biakaa
sew oa Ufa i aaota caay. a canals euro lot
corn. In. rowing auu and bamon. All drue
(laianUU. 16c Don't aeecot any rabwunta.
Ne Rebate. '
A beautiful young lady approached
the ticket window at the Pennsy sta
tion, and in a voice like the rippling
of a brook, asked the agent: "What
is the fare to the fairr
To which the agent replied: "Same
as to the homely, madam."
Proving Hia Poverty.
Mrs. Owens Mercy, John, there
isn't a thine in the house fit to est.
Owens I know it, Kate; that's why
I brought him home to dinner. I want
him to see how frugally we lire. He's
my principal creditor. Boston Tran
A Practical Application.
"I think I can explain it to you. Now
I ask yon for a kiss. That's the initia
tive." -"And
I refer yon to mother."
i "Urn. That's the referendum."
Louisville Courier-Journal.
, Beating Him to It. ;
"Well, how about that liUle btlir
"But I told yon to call at 4 o'clock,
and it is only I now."
"I know it. I wanted to catch you
in." Houston Post, -
, How It Waa.
"Tour wife came from a fine old
family, didn't shef"
"No; she brought them with her."
Judge. ...... ,.'-'
A Real Success.
"What la a food expert?"
"Any man who can make his wages
buy enough fer the family table."
C Gee Wo
al waaaiial care aS
kinda of eibaenta of
amend owoaa with
out epafwboa. aaal
from the wad a fid
CbinMa barta. foeta
hud a and vairubtaa, whieb are
tfu. matikial aeMMiae off tfem eoeatrr.
V, ',-ir fs'nk ri rirruiArm. Sand
CX'N.SULTAllUM FKu. Addnae
The C Cee Wa Ckkese Medicate Ca.
SZH Fimt St. Portland. Ore.
JanCaaa Paper.
Chance to Shine.
"Well, wlfey, I am now a Judge. And
yon know that famous divorce case
now coming npT"
"Tea." .
"I'm to preside."
"Oh, goody! IH Invite all my so
ciety friends to act as patronesses and
111 snub some cats I know." Louis
ville Courier-Journal
Obregtm ia looked oa with high fav
or by the Wilson administration.
which hope to avoid the necessity of
recorniiing Carransa a bead of the
de facto government. The adminii
tratiou believes that Obregon ia the
only leader strong enough to set up a
government and maintain it.
Confidential reports that Obregon
probably will desert Carransa and
carry the greater part of the first
chief 'a army with him reached Wash
ington a few day ago. The adminis
tration was also Informed that Car-
ranxa'a apparent sure ess In extending
hia military authority is almost entire
ly to the work of Obregon.
Aa a result of this Intelligence, the
administration decided to pre
slowly and await developments. Sec
retary of State Lansing baa transmit
ted the reports of Obregon 's plana to
the Pan-American conference) in New
York. The envoys of the Latin-
American republics agreed with Mr.
Lansing that it would be wise to post
pone action pending the disclosure of
Obre eon's intentions.
For that reason the conference an
nounced the meeting three weeks
hence, at which it will endeavour to
decide which faction ia worthy of
ognition. If Obregon deeerta Car
ransa and develops a strong following
he will be recognised by the adminis
tration as the de facto president of
Mexico, according to the present
After the adjournment of the con
ference, Obregon waa Informed by his
friends in New York that the situation
favored hia contemplated move,
New York The proposed mammoth
credit loan to Great Britain and
France, it waa reported, is to be un
derwritten by a large syndicate of
American financiers and bankers who
are to receive a commission for their
services. The securities offered, it
was said, will be British and French 6
per cent government bonds, and the
price to the investor is to be par.
The amount of the loan, it waa re
ported, ia aa yet undetermined, but
will be between 16000,000,000 and
The underwriting syndicate, it i
reported, will be the largest of its
kind ever established in the United
States, and probably will be open to
nearly all national banks, trust com
panies and state bank! that may care
to parpticipate. , -
Case of Necessity.
William F. McCoaiba, the well-
known Democratic aoliilclaa, relates
the following:
Little Tommy had a very pretty
sister. Pretty slater hsd a very de
voted admirer. One evening when the
devoted admirer was sitting la the
parlor waiting for stater to appear
be waa approached by little Tommy.
"Say, Mr. Smith." rather pointedly
queried the youusster, "do you love
alater Jenny r -
Why, Tommy!" was the amased
response of the blushing air. smith.
"Why do you ask me a question like
Because," was the quick rejoinder
of the youngster, "she said last night
she would give five dollars to know,
and I need the money." Philadelphia
Excusable Inadvertence.
Machinery seems almost endowed
with Intelligence."
"That s right." replied Farmer Com-
toeseL "Sometimes 1 ketch myself
nstn the same language to our auto
mobile that I use to the mule."-
Washington Star.
com baa, lie.
Potatoes New, TO Q ISe sack;
a areola, fcftSc pound.
Onlone-60!l75 sack.
Lfge Oregon ranch, buying prices:
No. 1, Wcdoaen; No. t. 4; No. S,
17e. Jobbing price; No. 1. lOatSle.
Poultry Mens, 14tl4e pound;
tlscuiu when fresh and moist and light
The pastry cook with a reputation uses K C Baking Powder
because ho knows that results are certain; every time everything
Is as fiood as his best
Then, toa with K C Raklnif Powder he can mix tho various '
i - - ' t .a . at . . as . t . aan
kinds oi batttr bctoro tha rusn oi tne meai Deems ana mko as
springs. . IfaXlte, teaeyt, 18ncS0. ThTt sr. W rT".! liKC Vlt7& and Thot vt tha
to! colored. BtiClOC! I - - - - ,- .
Placed. I
"So you're looking for a Job la the
chorus, eh?"
"Yea. air." '
How la your voice T"
"Well. I'm a UtUa hoarse now.
"Ail right ril put you la the pony
A Fair Guess.
"Who waa it prophesied that the
war would be all over by the first of
1 don't know, but If he meant all
over Europe, he waant so far wrong.
A Venetian Trait
"Our town la considered tha Venice
of Sagebrush county."
A town on a prairier way, yon
have to haul your drinking water to
thie alkali burg."
"That may be true,"
' "Then where does your resemblance
to Venice come Inr'
"We have a large floating popula
tion," Louisville Courier-Journal.
Norah Faith, an' I never dreamed
that waa your mistress.
Bridget Begorra. an' she's grand!
She seems more like aa equal. Life
A Weak Nervous Sufferer
Restored to Health by Ly
dk E. FinkhWs Veg
etable Compound.
y Toe Much.
-Why did Nerlssa break the engage
ment?" "Seems aa if she went with her
fiance to a baseball game."
"She said he got more enthusiastic
over that game than he ever had on
her account" Louisville Courier-
Just as Good. -Wild-eyed
Customer I want a quar
ter's worth of carbolic acid.
Clerk This is a hardware store.
But we have er a fine line of ropes,
revolvers and razors. Yale Record.
Rebit Federal Trccb
J. N. Or
No. sa, sets
N wriiiwr e asVaruaaa,
A tafe Used Track ta Buy.
value for tha money as a saw truck. Br
rebuilt we maaa that the truck la entirely
taken apart, each part examined and If
aeceaaary replaced by a tw part made
at tha rederal factory, the entire truck
repainted and refinlehad, and everytbina
aaceaaary done to make the truck practi
cally aa good as new la every detail.
When you buy a rebuilt Fedarai yea
are protected br the same policy and In
terest that we rive to all Federal owners,
We operate a repair department. In which
the work men are epociallata on Federals,
our supply of Federal parte la complete,
and tha stock room orranlcation high
claae. which Inaurea the prompt filtlns of
aU parts orders. Wa aiao operate a aerv
Ire department, which la open day and
Blf ht. "alwaya at your ttL'f Tha Federal
being a good truck In tha flrat place atid
protected by a company whk-h Is equip
ped and has the diaeoatuoa to give IB
aervlre ll eoniurily
If you are In the market for a track
from f 1000 to fllOO, wa ure you to com
pare uaed Federala with new trucks at
atmllar prtcea. Wa think wa caa coavlDce
roe of their superior value.
Car. K. Tbkd aad Cram 8ta, erer gud BrVfra
New Canal Record Made.
Washington, D. C New traffic rec
ord were set in the Panama canal i
duraig- July, 170 ocean-going vessels
making the passage of the waterway.
That was 66 per cent geater than the
average traffic of preceding months.
Reports that much of the trade orig
inated in inland cities was interpreted
by officials aa showing that the cost of
transportation by ocean and though the
waterway was so low as to enable
steamships to absorb In their rates all
or part of the rail charges to and from
the seaboard.
German Attack Repulsed.
' Paris An attack launched by the
Germans in the region of Faye. sou to-
west of Peronne, after they had ex
ploded a powerful mine, waa repulsed.
the French war department announced
in Sunday's official statement, several
Germans being taken prisoners. There
was marked activity by- the artillery,
with considerable infantry firing, along
a large part of the rest of the battle
Tha destruction of a German anti-
air craft battery east of St Mihlel if
reported. . . .. ' .
British General Kilisd. '
New York News of the death of
Brigadier General P. A. Kenna, of the
British army, in an assault on the
Turkish defenses at the Dardanelles
was received here in a cable message
from Lord Decies in London to the sec
retary of the National Horse Show
association. General Kenna was one
of the best known officers of the army.
owing to bis interest in sports and his
prominence in horse-racing, horse
shows, polo and fox hunting.
Fair Sssn by 13,000,000.
Ban Francisoe The attendance at I
the Panama-Paelfie exposition reached I
the 1 J. 000. 000 mark at I2:lt p. i
Sunday. The average daily attendance
aince the exposition opened bss been
81,311. Tne last million have visited
the exposition within tha last two
weeks. Seventy-seven dsys remain
before the gates finally dose.
EssoU. Minn. "I am glad to gay
feat Lydla . Finkham 's Vegetable
compoana ess none
more for me than
anything else, and I
had the best phytl
clan here. I was M
weak and nervous
that t could not do
my work and suf
fered with pains low
down In my right
side for a year or
more. I took Lydia
E. Plnlcham's Vege
table Compound, and now I feel like a
different person. 1 believe there is
nothing like Lydia E. Pink ham ' Vege
table Compound for weak women and
young girls, and 1 would be glad if 1
could influence anyone to try the medU
ewe, for I know it will do all and much
more than it is claimed to do," - Mrs.
Clara Franks. R. F. D. No. 1, Maple-
crest Farm, Kasota, Minn.
Women who suffer from those dis
tressing Ills peculiar to their sex should
be convinced of the ability of Lydia E.
PJnkham's Vegetable Compound to re
store their health by the many genuine
and truthful testimonials we are
Stantly publishing in the newspapers.
ducks, white, 13ajl; eolored, 8qt0e;
se ei$9e.
Butter City creawvsry, cubes, ex
tras, telling at 11 e; flrata, S9; prlnla,
and cartons, extra. Prices paid to
producers Country creamery, g2X9c;
butter fat No, 1, S4c; No. X. Sle,
Veal Fancy, 1 limits pound.
PorkBlock, pound.
Hope 191 crop, nominal. -Wool
Eastern Oregon, medium, tS
tttDie; Eastern Oregon, tne, IS fjC
flic; valley, !330; mohair, Ore
gon, 30c.
Caacara Bark Old and new. Si a
Sis pound.
Cattle Choice steers, ss.toi7;
good, S6&8.I5; medium, J.7&(;
choice cows, S.t5;&.7&; good, tM
B.IS; medium, t.60j6; keif era. (
5.85; bulla, f.oOt5; tag. fS,60iS.
Hogs Light IS. 70 sj -S; heavy,
Sheep Wethers, .7fi18; ewes,
t3S.88; lambs. I&. 60X8. 7S. "
Fall Wool Dip Selling it Good Prices
Portland Fall shearing la under
way in southern uregoa ana tamos
wool is now coming oa the market
Sales are being mads la a small wsy
at 425 cents. ,
Only a limited amount of business is
passing In spring clip, although a eon
slderable quantity of It remains In
first hands. Fully 1,600,000 pounds of
unsold wool are still la Portland were-
housea, while scattered lots remain In
growers hands at Condon, ileptvejr,
Baker and other points In Eastern Ore
gon. There is also some ansoid wow
at Etlensburg and elsewhere In East
ern Washington.
Among the sales this week were
fair-aised Iota of Eastern Oregon
medium wools, which brought around
25 cents. For these same wools grow
ers last spring turned down offers as
high ss 28 cents. Dealers are not
keen to boy at the present time and are
taking on nothing on speculation.
Trading In .territory wools in the
Eastern markets In the past week baa
beea slower, although some business Is
reported for small lots, both of fine
original sack wools and for medium
lots. Soda Springs three-eighths com
manding 83 to 84 cents In the grease.
or about SS cents clean oasis, ttome
fine medium Utah wool brought 68&S7
cents. The choicest fine and fine me
dium wools are selling In a limited
way at 88 to 70 and some lots are said
to have brought a trifle more. A mod
erate demand for half-blood Montana
clips in the original bags at 80 31
cents, or about 70 cents, clean basis,
Is reported.
Farmers More Disposed to Sell.
Portland Local grain dealers re
ported that tba offers by farmers to
sell wheat bad Increased materially.
Where a week ago no offerings were
received from the country and it was
difficult to fill the few orders on hai
buyers could have purchased a consid
erable amount of wheat bad they been
able to place it The selling movement
Is a long wsy from being a free one,
bat it indicates, in the opinion of grain
men, that the deadlock between buyers
and sellers is being broken. The trade
still complains that prices In this ter
ritory sre on too blgb a basis.
last he bakes are just as good as the fust
The reasons behind these reawns Is that K C Is
really a blend of. two baking powders. One commences
to give off leavening gas as soon as moistened. The
other requires both moisture and heat to make It
active. Dough or batter will remain In a partially -leavened
condition for hours, and when put In the oven,
will come up as light as If mixed a moment before,
For cookies, pancakes, doughnuts and the like,
which cannot all bo baked at once, K C Is Indispensa
ble. For all baking the double raise makes doubly certain.
Vtfue fAe txmmpit s aWeewfrMMlf , !
M goeA sues? Feeir SwAMg- aiM Se egeei re Sis.
Nabbing Him Quick.
Mr. Singleton lo you believe la di
vorce, Silas Yellowleeff
Mua Yetlowieef )h. you men are
Just awful! You bavenl evea asked
me to marry you yet! Judge.
The Wise Peel.
"A man should always try to keep
ahead of the game," observed the
sage. v
"You never went hunting, did yoaf
asked (he fool.
Ho matter tune big tha bbd, no matter bow beavy Its plumage or
swift its Sight, vott ess bring It to bsg with a long, strong,
straight shooting Winchester Repeating 8 hot run. Keeults are what
count. They alwaya give the best reeuita la field, fowl or trap
Shooting, sod are sold wlthia reach of everybody's pocket hook.
Made In three dUTsrent models and la 10, 13, 18 aad 30 gaugea.
Proud of Him.
Sandy Macpherson started to build
a small house of bricks. Alter tne
usual fashion of bricklayers, be work
ed from the inside, and. baring the
material close beside him. the walls
were rising fast when dinnerilme ar
rived, and wild It bis son, Jock, woo
brought his fathers dinner.
With honest pride In bis eye. Bandy
looked st Jock over the wall on which
be was engaged, and asked:
"Moo d'ye think I'm gottln nf
"Famous feytbur; but boo dae ye
get out? You ire forgot the door I
One glance around him showed
Sandy that bis son was right; but
looking kindly at him. he said:
"Man, Jock, you've got a gran' held
on ye. Ye'll be an architect yet as
bore's yer teytbur's a builder."
Net Necessarily.
"Do you think baseball can bo made
I more popular by lowering the price of
admission T . ;
"Decidedly not Look at the
churches. They charge no admission
at all, and aUil they can't got the
A Poor Excuse.
"Van Lnsbe says bis wife beeps blm
In hot water all the time."
"I suppose that'a bow he accounts
for getting stewed so often."
Aa Easy Way to Cet
Ri- of Ugly Kcplci
lialbe your face for several mlnutm
wltb resiuol soap and hot water, then
apply a Utile resinol ointment very
gently. Let this stay
on ten minutes, and
wash off with resin,
ol soap and mors hot
water, finishing with
a dean of cold water
to close the porea.
Do this once or
twice a day. and you
will be astonished to find how qulrkly
the healing resinol medication soothes
and cleanses the pores, removes pim
ples and blackheads, and leaves the
complexion clear and velvety.
Resinol ointment and resinol
stop Itching Instantly and '
heal akin humors, sores, burns, wounds
and chafing. -
First Car Grapes Arrives. ;
Tacoma Tba season's first carload
of Concord grspes from North Yakima
arrived bare Friday, They met an Im
mediate demand at 23c a basket The
; quality was said to be excellent and
local produce men predict that con
cords will bave a heavy season this
year, me flavor ox Nonn xagima
Concord grapes ia considered ideal for
jellies or for table use. The last ear
of Alberta peachea scheduled for Ta
coma has arrived. The price was 88c
and 40c. California Tokay grapes of
the "flaming" variety, are In demand.
.... .. His Stand.
''I'm neuter Twit dls yuh war dat
de white man is holdln' over dar In
wbubever 'tis," declared old Brother
Keraoot "Yassah, plumb neuter 1
dunnuh no mo' dan doy does what
dey'a fighting 'bout" Kansas City
Star. i - . .. : . . ?v-
Hop Contracts Are Taken In.
Portland Hop dealers sre occupied
now in taklne in their contracts, which
If yon nave trie aiigriiiem atram i . number of cases are short A few
that Lydia 15. fiBMsmi veffeta- .hlnmenta hav
ble lmponnu win ncin you.wnio
' He Was It :i ;-."
"My grandmother left a targe prog
eny," he was saying.
"Or course, you expect to share In
It," chirped the sweet young thing
Buffalo Express.
"A Moderate Request '
" Creditor Can't you pay something
on account of that bill you owe ma?
Debtor (grouchlly) How much do
yon want? ,
Creditor Well, enough to fee a law
yer to bring suit for the balance, any.
way Boston Transcript
Pores of Habit '
We gaaed pityingly on' the Itsfle
drug store clerk loaning against the
soda counter.
"Haven't yon' any ambition T" Mwa
nuerled. kindly and all that '
"No," he replied, with brightening
Intelligence; "but I have somethlnf
just ss good.' Nswburgh Journal,
t , Othsrwlse Engaged.
"Is Wiggins a fisbermanr
"But hs tells some remarkable
ilorlPi." '.
"That's the reason be Isn't s fisher
man. He'd rather think up, stories
than fish," Washington Star. ,
A Treat for Ms. T- i
wo girls are going to camp
"Yooll find cooking very Irksome."
"Ob, we are going to take mother
along to cook, bbe needs a vacation.'
Judge. .'. ..; -
' Looking Backward. ' '
Crawford What's that perpetual
motion crank working on now?
CrabshswA machine that will en
able a woman to lace her own shoes.
to Lydia K.l'inkham Medici neCo.
(eona aenviai iymn, m ass i o- wa
Vice Your letter will bo opened.
read and stuwerea by a woman,
mad bald ia strict eoaudoinco.
"THE SCHSOL Of pint" '
artlftnd'l Beet Baakieei Traminc School
Bookkeepinc, Sbortbaad, Trpewrltins aad
' Faamanabip taasbt by expert taaabara.
m Tarn iptti ViaMilJ, Sept 1, If IS
htaor abxWnta bave alrawir enrolled. Aak
foeCatalos. EmoU early.
A. T. LlaK, Ecr.Dral timia.
rafoa tui& rtuio, mm
number of cases are short A few I at mm -., a,f P"-.-a-"a?V
shlpmenu bave been made. Orders HlU YOU OUllCrin T rUiIlT
Irani un uut am mhiu am were ia i aa, W " mm ; ar ,
BS jet no export uenuiwj, cvuwmiuamijy
opening prices jw iiewu wau- Intoxication
lished. Estimates of the Oregon crop I
sre again being revised downward.
One of the best posted dealers gave it
that the yield would not reach 90.000
bales. A German bop paper or Aogust
19. says the crops In Germany and I
Austria will be only one-third.
Salmon Shipments Are Heavy, .
Kelso, Waah. Heavier shipments of
salmon are being made this fall from I
the station here then ever bsfore. Al
most every dsy since the opening of
the season, September 10, from 10 to
20 tone of salmon nave been loaded I
onto trains for Sesttla and Tacoma.
These fish are being caught In the
Cowlita and in the Columbia off its
mouth and near Rainier. W. A. Mable,
of this place, and J. J. Braim.'of Rai
nier, are.tbs two heavy shippers.
the State of being polMtned, from toxic, substances produced within the
body." This is a condition due to the stomach, noweis, kidney, liver, or
pores of the body falling to throw off the poisons. More than 50 of adults
are tuff erlng (torn this trouble. This Is probably why you are suffering from
nervousneas, headache, lots of appetite, lack of ambition, and many other
symptom produced by Auto-IntoxkaUon. Your whole tyttem neeJUrring up.
am TmMmi mm LimmUi
tMll remedy th troubles. !t first M$ ihe tyufcm to
expel sMxumulalH polioni. It cU u a tonic and fln.ily
niiblen the txdy to ellmlrat Hs own po.ont without
any ouUfdc aid Obey Nature'a wirningft. Vour dealer
M meianm wfil tuipply yott, or yosj rnay trrd Wkc lor ft Mmpidj
Praawfvaf T.
P'oreej a) (Wwinicall knMB
tM In srwwty i.tiy. fi
pj-aaiH WHf y.i fvMii'j
wm wtthwt rt teVSI it wm
w Setait I Pane Is pMI tt Tw
poHPI't Utt tvfwp
y ny anl rri it naj f 1
F-it aU-t!" - tat f J .JaC
ism, dibltle, . I.