The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, September 24, 1915, Image 3

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    Dr. Alfred F.Sempert
0 requite and ItsgUtorsd
Prkrt Reasonable
BRANDT BLDQ. upatalra
Won Mea
Brandt Building, oppo
site Postofllce.
Good, Fresh Meats
Fish in Season
Cash paid for
A. P. Perry
Walla rtogara bur a money, tee
blf ad.
por than stealing.
Mlaa Naniw tevena of llakar. Ore
gon, la vlalllnf bar alater, Mra. Oeors
unday. Iha 11th. la mr last day for
llilnaa at Athena. Ohroart, Iha pho
Dreamland motion pictures al Ws-
loa ooera house neat Monday and
Tuesday evenlnf.
Tall at m second-hand ftora and
see my nice Una of beatlnf and cook
sievae. K. K. hm.
Mra. Laura Lower of Wall Walla,
area a fUHl durlna Iha wee 01 air.
and Mra, I. C. Turner.
anuria. HaulMnbar If. la Ohmart'a
tut da for sltllnas al A I ha as. Oat
your photograph
Narmaa Tripp, a Walla Walla In-
luranca man, haa souint tna a.
Halaa collage oa Normal Helfhla.
Jack Calder la bually pursuing Ma
trada at Athena, where ha haa tna
plumbing contract for two naw bousea.
MIm Thalma Aadereoa auf farad
eerloua awluaat Tuaaday morning
whlla driving In from Iha Hlomrren
anh arlfh. afaataa timnrma h Irtmir ran
Whan aaar tha MarKensle plara thalr
horse loon alarm at inrssning ma
china covered with eanvsa. and ran
a war. Moth wsrs thrown out of tha
rla. iha boy eaesDlns- uninjured. MM
Anderson, howevsr. auatainaa pom
fracture and dislocation of tha left
ankla, and la now under tha mra of
Hr. dmlth. Tha acrldanl la doubly an.
fortunata at thla time. In that It la.
Carfaraa WHK haa aducallnfial Diana.
Ilaklna arariuataa1 from Waaloa Hlatl
- w
achool, aha intend" leaving lor ran
d Irion Wednesday l laae tna couraa
In teaching at rendition IUn.
One of tha vary latest wrinklaa for
quirk and durable repair work an
Kronnmy welding machine haa been
added to their ehop equipment by
Ueuallen Hon. With thla device
any aort of metal . caet Iron, wrought
Ima mallaahla Iran, afaal. braaa or
aluminum may be welded with neat-
neaa and diepatcn, inienaa neat Ming
generated by a mixture of carbide
and oiygen and applied through
(npfti ataihmafit. fasti. mav be
quickly mended, eo that raachera need
not go Ui tha trouble of aendlng away
for broken parta of their farm aw
chlnery. An acetylene altachmant
will melt carbon out of motor car cyl
inder or burn holee through metal
of any daacrlptlon.
Aalda from hla other dullea, tha ally
marahal haa found plenty of occupa
tion during tha weak In rebuilding tha
depot bridge.
10 cfcs.
(be dlah at tha
Weston Bakery
Fresh Bread, Ceka and Paatry.
Una Candle, i'-xtd Meal at All
Hours, ate. We (ocinltK In
Lodge and rnrty 8urs.
ZEMM the Baker
DnpaU Building;, Main and WaUr
Jptf Shoe and Harness
repaired next door.
'trm.hlna" MWIttra mada Waaton
hla habitat fop aavaral tflava surla Iha
week whlla helping la tha work-outa
of Jack Carpenter at the local gym.
Whlla a heft alhleta. Mt lure la faat
ion nui I7 ana . arpa-fiiar v"
n uiiina Kaala la Informal! that I llval hnuii. unahlna" la trail known
two Inrhea of anow fell recently at thejin athletic : circle throughout Iha
nortnwrai aa trainer, twiramrr ana
boxer. In Itll ha held tha North-
went awlmmlng championship for it
yard. With tha help of McClure and
hla .iha, haarflara. r'amantaa emeraed
In Ana fettle for hla match at Pendle
ton tonight, lie will meet BUI Wright
of Seattle .Inatead of Oeorge Ingle,
who waa Injured In aa accident
an Francisco.
Toll Oale thua Indicating that King
Winter approachrtn.
Tha Alhena Preea report that con
algnmenla of pheaaanla warn received
and liberated laet week by Ham ram-
brua, Frank Berlin and waiter a
a ma.
Work la now In progress at tha Waa
ton brickyard on Iha fifth kiln for
tha oeaeon. Manager Harbour reporta
a good demand thla year for tha
yard' product.
Come to Athena on or before Sun
day. Replembar IT. If you want to
lake advantage nf your laat opportun
ity to get hlgh-claaa llkeneaaea.
Oh mart, photographer.
Mra. i. V. Pell waa enrolled thla
week aa a atudent In the Whitman
Conservator? of Muaie al Walla Wal
la. Her teacher la Mia Meryl Kepler,
who la now a member of tha coneerv
atory faculty.
Mra. Elmer R. Clelaa waa recently
mAA-A I- Iha aih I n a fnrea In the
j Pendleton achool, where her huaband
la aleo employed. Mra. tieiaa naa me
primary work In tha Plelda achool.
with 40 email pupil.
Colonel Nathan McCoy of Knoxvlll.
faun ana M D McCteltan Of Lo
Angelea, Calif., tha grandfather and
father, reapevtiveiy. or J. i aicv iei
ilan. have been vUl.Ing Mr. McClellm
! at hla homa near Weaton.
' L narnaa annt nf tha Pacific
HeliiMil ImxIib fur caali onl. Oood-
In' drug; atora. -
T. I report")
qulta III with ilauH M .l'ta home
near town. ,
Mra. II. O. Wonhlngton and aon
V'.nnry of Athena wara rlaltlng Sun
day with Mr, and Mra. Ileneflel.
If Vni want wood allll chaaoav we
fill aall ou ten acre at tha Blue
Mountain anwmlll. Avery haa flrai
choice. Watu Hogera.
Nam llanletr ha trailed lila Wal
lowa county holding Utr Wliltirg
Wheatland. Mr, Ilaiibtar and faiullr
will, however, cxmilnuc to rrlda In
Wallowa county during tlia wlntor.
Mr. and Mr. Fre.1 llillllo ara leav
ing next week for Waahtucna, Wah.,
wber Mr. rlillllla will ongaga In
farmlnr. TbaJ. M. Ahworil. lc.
liih thev vaeaLo. Lu bead leaMMl lif
Clarence Hand. .
Totakacara of Ineraaaed tuioea,
hla brwad outmit having largely In-
Muat. V. V.. 7lim 1 building an ad
dition to hi hakcry. Iteglnnlng next
Week, II Will nip urrmn iw uaaara
good regularly to a ocigbUiring town.
a ur I..! awanlnt'a maatlnff of
Rtavan L)ga No. 4. K. of '., T. 1
Meltrlda waa elected- aa repreaenla-
l.a m tl.a MrLhlan rratxl lodire. which
convene at Portland In October. W.
8. Price waa aleciod bold-over repre
aentatlv. T. U McBrlda waa cliuaen
Itcniato. f
Mtaj Barcri EaUf fti 9mt, ui Uutfm
aUettr Cltwi Wlta btteftua.
Blrght and beautiful mlllng a
vateoma to I La many patron Wra-
at I ton' new tor la now doing a bual-
neaa highly gratifying to Ita manage-
lment ana to ita ourorrom """"
niifna nruiarhae araa badlv burned I. -Pha vaaaon la not far to aaek. It
la a fierce fire which deetroyed a Laa tha good-bought right and eold
large garage at Waaro. Oregon, where 'right,
I k ABHHAH.J I m.h.iiImI I ...
ha haa been employed In mechanical
an,v An alaww llaht aloha avolod-
d and aet fire to tha atork of gaao-
Una. Hoon tha entire interior oi ina
garage waa a ma a of f la mra. Al
though nearly overcome by tha heat.
Rufua managed to drive out with one
of th cam. Ila haa alnca been under
Iha rare of a trained nurae, and hla
mother. Mr. O. A. Brutacher of thla
city, la aiaa attending him. Nothing
but tha concrete walla of tha garage
remained after tha fire, and many of
tha motor car were deatroyed.
Tha corneratone of tha new federal
hulMlna at Pendleton waa laid Wed
nesday with Impressive Masonic cere
monies conducted By tna grana mas
ter of the atata. Frank A. Miller of
Alhanr. Kvarv Maaonl- lodge In the
county waa represented In tha gath
ering. Among tnoaa wno auenaea
from Weeton Lodge No. It were
Richard Morrison, worshipful ' mas
i ...niua. f ahnuldn t bV ao. re
marked Manager Slover whlla count
ing tb proceed of a busy day, "but
do you know that tha people of Port
land ara In no better poeUion to boy
to advantage than our ara right here.
I ara Juet bock form tha metropolis,
and know that tha Weaton Mercan
tile company whlla a entsller Insti
tutioncompares favorably In the
llnee that It carrlea with Portland'
largest department stores. In not a
few Instances, both aa to good and to
prices, we offer better buying advan
tages to our patron than do tha urban
emporiums. . -..
-In the unlikely event that a mil
lionaire's wlf ahould enter our doors,
we ara prepared to please her In the
quality and variety of what w -offer
In the way of feminine garments,
while at the earns time all othera will
fled here Just what they want at
prices within their means. We carry
the highest class of goods manufac-
ter: Bdward Anderson. Marlon Har-'tur4 fop wom,-, trade. We
rs, C. F. Bulf Inch, joe Hodgson. Har- j h , ou wom,B customers are
x )
i x.
nil a
U BiaVu
Innmf ' tn : Rnrn
and Will Burn it Here in Weston
where verybod gets tb good of It. W kxra on hand and have contracted from our mountain Mend -avers!
hundred cord of good seasoned, apllt, homo frown PIN8 and FIR WOOD. Some of It aocond growth,
It I worth and w allowed 15.00 and $8.00 per cord. Now ws made 62tf pereent profit, hence the cost waa
47 cent en th dollar. Wa don't wlah to be all hog and ao now we will divide with everybody and giva
op half of that 62 pereent, or 26 cents, making coat to yog the total of 47 cent phi the cent,
or 73 V cenU on the dollar, or tS.mi cent for cord of nice, dry, seasoned, split, mountain pine. Tha
drayman want 60 cent per cord and that make total of M.18J cento delivered at your door, hut aa tt I
unlucky to make change we will donate tha odd eenta and yoa may have a cord of pina for
delivered anywhere in town. Thi price bold good until wo change our mind.
Fir and tamarack $1.00 mors.
Ws have the beat Utah and Wyoming coals, and w have th stove for either wood or coal.
Watts Rogers
Hits Sestet CsaUacU wlU tZUsaa-WktU
Baxua let Series af frttrUtaaafsts.
Dale Rothwell!
Optical Specialist
I give all my time to tb fit-
ting and grinding of glasaea. 1 T
have practiced in I'sixlleton alg Z
years. All work guaranleed.
American Nat'l Bank BkL
Pendleton 0r,Son
:MI Mw
ni Dhl. l, A. Rarnaa. K O. DeMoaa.
Coast Elevator company, bought HO , aood,in. p.,-!. Price. John Mo
sack of barley Monday on a osaia or Oraham. A. L. Douglaa.
15 per ion m iwiwhw. ,.a
only grain tranaactlon reported In the
local market for eeveral week.
It. W, Brown.
A popular Weston couple will
".- ' ', be one of th three to be married
A curious hical phenomenon In -t Happy Canyon during the Pendle
tto la related W the effect that, while i. Houndun, The contracting par-
: t a.M vtitinie aantieinen . were mai at aaah M liae to ml.
In a recent flstlo engag-ment, one saw
Lavender and the other Hrowo.
ra.i cinlnii iha nonulsr Pendleton
t musician whoae eyesight waa restored
W ' . . . I Ma-ass) llniinillin
. ' iaU Stag Mtgttlt .
A. WU -" - Going West. . , P. M. .
y Weston 1-0 I Weaton 1:8
Athena " Alhena 1:11
n Adam 1:11 " Adama 1:11
A.1C teotnelKaat. P.M.
l Pendleton !: LvPendlelog 4:00
- Adama 10:10 " Adama 4:10
' Athsaa 11:11 , " Alhena, l:l
ssaaJSNh .'' 1
Wsstoa to Alhena, tie: Weaton to
Adama, 10c; Athena to Adama. Hoi
Weaton to Pendleton, 11.00: Athena to
Pendleton, 71ei Adama to Pendleton.
Round trips. If mada In asm dayt
Weston and Pendleton, It.iOi Athsna
and Pendleton, 11,11.
Headquarter: Weaton, at City Drug
Store; Athena, St. Nlchola Holcli
Adama, Inland Mercantile Btorej Pen
dleton, French Bestaurant
Att5!"- f n'n"Bi.1 nTLonuV'n he o - they will he married Saturday
According to the East Oregonlsn he , Th g gia of
bought tickets for all thw afterooon fupnUo for iU-home.
eshlblllona and the rrlday morning
show also. "Rusty" Shlck. pitcher thla araaon
'" ... mli . waaton vi. with the Alhena Champa and last year
The geral oplMon of tria n attracted
tlora at Frontier Day la that the ar- waiter McCredle and
ifKr "? lrchTrTcier at wW . given a try-out with th. Port-
howa of the aame character at waua
ZSZjytfSSZS: Mccredle.t, looking up the record.of
... - laawarai Ainae niavara in ina two uma-
ik. avant waa well worth seeing. ... . ,
races and riding were good, and the
parade waa an especially well-man
aged feature. '
Ua ana Mra JHM ComDtOR r-
svirfav frnm an extended Visit
.. . anna hnth of Whom Sre
U . 1 1 . f " -
homeleadr In Power county, south.
era Idaho, The ooy naa i
yield thla year from 140 acre of vlr-
-I. ...II a hlfh IhBV Saattad tO Wheat
Their aorlng grain mads 10 bushel
and therl fa.ll. grain 11 buahele per
Mr. and Mra. Will Rhodes and Mr.
and Mrs. Dick Bush, farmers In th
McKay district, motored to wesion
laat week in their Franklin car ano
were gueita Friday ana eaturaay o
u. anj un. Joa , LJtiuallen. They
also attended Frontier Daya at Walla
Walla, Mra. Buh remained In wea
ton for a fortnlghfe yiait wun ner
mother, the other members or ins
party returning homa Monday. .
UTS j Ml
Cooler nights are at hand. More bedding will be
needed in many homes. Right now our bedding section
is especially well equipped to serve you. Especially is
this true of Comforts and of Cotton Blankets-the kind
with the long, soft, wooly nap. We show eight grades
in Cotton-not shoddy-filled silkaiine and cretonne Com
forts, at $1.90, $2.35, $2.65, $2.85, $3.25, $4.00, $4.50
-and $5.00; also Lamb's wool and Down Comforts at
$7.50, $10.50 and $17.50. These are not the cheapest
troods we could 'find, but are extra good values at the
prices.--' -. ; .; ,
Our Cotton Blanket, thl aoaaon ara a little better than aver before
.... .- ... ...i .am.a aiaaa Cnlnea aea in White.
sbOV. 1.00 in price. A.I run m gooM, nf " Ha run about 100O mile
Tan and Gray, with appropriate coiorea ooruor. . r Z?"Zlit v kim bargain m thi.
v.lalda In line woolly nap gooa wnicn some p-vF. Btrv. 1 want the 110 atyle. F
ben In assorted color har to select from, at price from fSc. to fJ5.
Those who cannot come to the ator may afly order by mall. Order of
$2.00 or mora delivered post paid subject to approval at our expense. . .
CompleU Furnlaher of Homea, Office, Churches, School
sen, AWer St. - (Otld Fellow. Temple) - WALLA WALL A, WASH.
tie will be mounted during the sev
eral ceremonies, ana wui oe suenaea
thst our women customers are par-1
Maiiahta srlih our millinery
department, which we Blocked with,
the utmost care. In other llnee wei
are showing the most beautiful cloaks1
and aulta: dainty laces and embroider- j
lee; elegant .silks, satin, messaune
and crepe de chines.
Our ahoe line for women is unsur
passed and unsurpsssabl anywhere
In the world end I ssy wis aovywa-
au ... w . Iv ail knowlna that It la a pretty
by eowglrla and cowboy, to frontier 'y-'" " We ,he
nnerv. mivernor niiniwmm inv . , . j
ortlclaie. Mis reota Dunnlck and
Mr. Fred O. Oupula are the p malleo
li re liricle gnd hrklegroom from Wee-
tills county leagues. (If he happens
to want a fungo batter ror practice
n,b ara Itnnat where ha can find the
beat one thla aide of the Rocky moun
Matt Moagrove, the well-known
aviaswae - " -
beet claae of goode known to the ahoe
world. Our ehii- line, forinen, alresdv
well stocked with the beet mskes.
will soon be complete with the arrival
of the celebrated Florshelm brand.
"We have merchandise arriving
dally. Our men'e clothing la Just be
ginning to come, but will soon be on
our shelves. .We have a. good assort
ment of Clothcraft clothes on hand
already, and the unrivalled line of
Hart. Schafrner Man ..will arrive
In a day or two. .
We have a auperb ahowlng of blan
ketsas good aa that of any store In
the "World. , We carry no cheap, shod
dy atuff. What we offer la the very
beat, although bought to auch advan
tage that the price are aurprlalngly
-rtn Just touching the high epota
In thla Interview jut enougn to si-
HIU MOBSTOVS, in. wll-anvnu , in I Ilia mtri .
Athena merchant, met with a eerloua your reader and our frlenda a siutnt
... . . n. . . i. 1 ! . . . . A,Arlma f h.V.H t timS
antnmnhlla aopldant Baturdav on the
Dry creek road, anortiy aner leoving
Waalnn tar Walla Walla. A audden
lurch ditched hla car and plied It on
top of him, and he lay pinioneo oe
neath It for a half-hour or more be
fore assistance came. Mr. Moagrove
waa badly cut and bruised, and haa
since been under medical care at hla
homa la Mltton.
Pha Kmmt flramnlan reBorta that
Anna Rnthrack of Athena haa begun
autt for divorce agatnat John. W. Roth-
rock and for the cuatoay of on minor
child. 8he accuaea the defendant of
neglect. Indifference, Infidelity and
Mtnitnitt nnhaMmlna a husband. The
couple were married In Walla Walla
In 1111 and have els. children. Ho
mer I. Watu la plaintiff attorney.
Th three-year-old aon of Mra.
William Feebler of Pendleton., whose
husband died a tew weeks ago, was
drowned Monday while playing with
other children near Walter'a mill
race. The youngster alld Into the
atream and waa lost to sight beneath
iha miiw watara. Tha mill race had
to be drained before the body could
be found and recovered. .. .
la .........I nnmhae nf RaL F.nd
cltUena were listed tor jury service
during ine present terra oi mo circuit
court. The Weston neighborhood waa
. A mt I Ha Mwlt hftltaa thla
week by O. W. Suggs, Joe Blouigren,
J. N. York. J. M. BaoUter, J. A. King
ana J. m. n ice. . ,
I Intend to aell ftt one the three
lota adjoining the realdence property
of Ralph Baling on the north and
aaat. Two fine building locations-
one on Warer street, one on Franklin
street. Tell me what you will give.
F. D. Watts. '
My Hudson 8lx-49 at the bargain
price of 100 otl. just getting urn
country. I want the lilt style.
D. Watt. ,
Motor car service to an points, day
or night Aleo livery and feed atab
opposite the Ueuallen blacksmith
hop. Lafe McBrlde.
Mr. and Mra. T. A. Ueuallen were
Weaton vUltors Tuesday, having "mo
tored up front their Adama homa.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred MeCJrew arrived
Tuesday from Portland to make their
horns on the Mi-Grew farm.
i.i.. nr a... nfferlnss. I haven't time
and you haven't the apace for enum
eration of an hundredth part of our
big atock. 'We want our people to
enma in and see thafa the Idea.
They do not have to buy. We want;
them to aurvey our oeautitui store .iu ,
Investigate our price. We went to
show them that we nave tne oeai
chandlee for the money ever eold In
the grand young atate of Oregon not
excepting Portland." .
After which , entnuaiaatio remaraa.
u.n.. ninvar reaumed hla by no
mean Irksome task of counting the
coin. ' . - . . . .".:.'..
Cleveland, O. "Whafa your nameT"
aaked the street repair department
timekeeper of a worker. "I Wonder."
the man replied. "Don't kia me.
what' your name?" - "1 Wonoer, i
Wonder." The man'a name was My
Temple, Texas. Esther Grant. 11
yeara old, la the mother of a 7-pound
habv Birl. She la aupposea to oe n
youngest mother known to medical
science. H--stepfather, being held
In Jail for the crime, committee; aui-
ctde. : . .'
Martina Ferry. O. Near the River
side Bridge company's factory a
n.,hat. loaded With pretty young
vacationists, waa moored. But when
the girls began to disport in tne wa
ter every day. In garbs described aa
"close to nature-." the workmen In ths
factory threw down their toola and
spent their time In the window and
on the roofs of th building watching
the antics of the fair Darners, now
the bridge company la aulng to com
pel the girla to move their houseboat.
nallas'Tex. Tweet! Tweet! Every
time Miss Esther Hoffman, beautiful
young society girl of this town, takes
a step, her pef canary stags. She car
rlea the bird everywhere with her.
dangling from her hand In a dainty
Kalamaioo, Mich. On the aame
day, Eva Jackson found a sister from
whom ahe had been separated for SO
years; helped to celebrate the list
birthday of Charles R. Olmstead, and
then, to cap the climax, married hint.
The sister to the wife of Arthur Brew
er, a friend of Olmstead, through
whom the staters traced their kinship.
Arrangements have been made by
Superintendent Robinson with J. C
Herbsman of Seattle for a itf-ceum
course during the winter, to begin
November I, under the auspices of
Weston High school. The net pro
ceeds of the aeries will go to the
school. Mr. Herbsman and Mr. Rob
Inoan were about town Tueaday secur
ing ticket pledges, with such gratify
ing success that the Lyceum represen
tative considers Weaton a pretty good
sort of a town. He was formerly at
the head of the department or public
speaking In ths University of Wash
ington, snd understands the art of
turning a pretty compliment. We do
not mind printing the bouquets he
hands the Ellison-White Lyceum Bu
reau, in ths following remarks, since
there Is another for Weston and a
third for Its modest school superin
tendent who begged without avail
that his own be omitt;
"The people of Weston have the
best aplrlt toward good" entertain
ments of any town equal ha also In
the northwest. They want eomething
good, clean and diverting. The course
of attractions the great Elllson-Whlt
Lyceum Bureau will send them this
winter will supply their wanta. I wish
to thank ths citizens of your delight
ful town for their hearty co-operation
and the kind courtesy with which
they received Professor Robinson and
myself. My earnest wish la that our
Lyceum course will meet their ap
proval. : '
"Ths Beverly Entertalnera are four
girla of exceptional .merit and ability
in their chosen work. Their evening
of song and music will sparkle with
humor, snap with movement and re
main long In the memory aa an occa
sion of pure enjoyment. With man
dolin, gtiltar. voice, dramatic and
musk-al sketches In costume they are
bound to please all from baby to
i "Mr. Arnold, th lecturer. Is a young
man who delivers a young man'a mes
sage In a manly way. Toung and old
will be atlrred by his earnestness of
purpose and power of eloquence: :
"The Weils Entertalnera are Jus
what their name signifies. This com
pany Is one of the moat versatile and
artistic two-people combinations the
Lyceum has known. From Mr. snd
Mrs. Wells you will get an evening ot
baritone and soprano ' solos, vocal
duets, story telling and readings, dra
matic eketchea, pianologues, humor
ous and musical sketches.
In my part of your course I shall
give an evening of short atorles and
character eketchea that portray hu
man Interest. These selections are all
from standard English and American,
authors. Aa to the quality of my work
I shall leave yo to Judge. Just one
word of warning: -'it you haven't
learned to laugh, don't come to hear
me.' v ;.-wv -;'
"Frem the support Professor kqd
lnson ana I have received I think
everyone and his brother and sister
will be in attendance when your first
Lyceum number la given.
"I cannot conclude without com
mending your community for having
auch an excellent man " aa Professor
Robinson at the head of your achool.
1 come In contact with achool men all
over the Northwest and have found
wone better than Professor Robinson.
1 trust you will continue to appreci
ate him aa you do now. He'a a Jewel."
To the People of Weston:
Now is the time to buy your next win
ter's wood. We have contracted for
several hundred cords cut from large
pine trees and are prepared to sell you '
wood cheaper than you have bought it
for ten years. We will deliver this
wood, for cash only, to any place in
FIFTY CENTS ($4.50) per cord. Or
ders will be taken at any time and de
livery made as soon as possible.
Weston Brickyard
(Next week is very likely
"the last in which we will be-V
able to accept these orders) '
effect Liitelie
in one piece of furniture
! :
Dir. J. G. McMATH
Office one block north of the bank
Electric Treatments Given
t&T Phona 621
Golden Ash
NicKeloid Top
Metal Bread and Cake Bin
Glass Flour Bin
White Enameled Interior
We have Kitchen Chairs, Tables and Cabinets
but our "Perfection" is our pride
You'll find the "Perfection" at
The BeCloss Furniture
DR. C. 11. SMITH
Physician and Surgeon
Office in 3randt building
To Do TMo
If you need anything in Drugs and
Medicines, be careful where you buy.
Selecting a drug store is very import
ant in many ways. Ability, carefulnes3
and promptness are necessary. All
this you get with your purchase at
Weston, Oregon