The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, September 24, 1915, Image 2

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M aba
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The Genuine Sliced Pineapple, canned . the
day it is picked, formerly 30c per can
25c per can
5 cans for $1.00 V
12 cans for $2.25
Case, $440
power should be almost unrestricted.
Forbidding sals of power to dWtrlUut
Ing eompsnles, and other hampering
reetrktlorie m the Fwria bill should be
eliminated. Give capital full swing
ttwil the present generation may be
benefited, ami protect posterity in the
title to the developed water rwer by
the fifty-year limit. Fifty year ia but
drop In the ocean of eternity, yet
would afford capital an ample term In
which to realiae front ita investment.
Perpetuity, however, la another mat
ter. Perpetual control bv nrivata In
tereata of wonderful potential wealth
-the creator's gift to Ills people-
unthinkable; and if the Journal ia cor
rect In iU view that such ia the ulter
ior purpose of the conference leaders,
then ia Its criticism justiflsble and
The water power question la of
such tremendous importance that one
eouM well wish It might be settled
without meddling and scheming by the
MdiMn Influences of eetnahnesa and
greed. Unfortunately, it has become
to some extent a partisan Question,
the Democrats -generally favoring and
the Republicans opposing the Ferris
measure. This will not , facilitate
wiea and equitable adjustment.
PtluU Tsuy CUtk anNUif aUtsi 1st-Ua-Stmt
nikURf rsUawi Bedtlta.
m m
(Phone Main 241)
eg. ata a elf si . - . . . . . .
UUAA MkK&OJ. PrsaJdoet
J. R. MICE. Vka hiiiwl
& . SMITH, Cashier
L BIOMGREN, AtsMasl Cashier
Established 1891
Si) Fa Bank of Wdc
CLARK WOOD, Pesnsher
Sriclli in Anntt
Tlie Tear.
Six Months...
foot Mnntlis.
Per Inch ner month
Per inrh, one insertion.
Imtuiw, per line sacli insertion.,
...II 5(1
0 75
0 AO
...0 M
... 06
nvnxfux" ,
A work of art typographically and
filled from Co Ter to cover with Infor
mation of Interest and value to the
motorist, the first number of "Moto-
road" ia at hand. It is a splendid pub
Ucatioa and should be in the hands of
every Oregon motorist. On the cover
page a beautiful scene along the Colum
bia River Highway is appropriately
framed ia an automobile tire. The
leading article la by Leslie If. Scott,
son of the great Oregon editor of hon
ored memory. Am interesting statis
tical article by M. a W ilk ins shows
that Umatilla county has 1113 cars or
on for twenty-one people owning
more ears-ta proportion to ita popula
tion than any other Oregon county,
with the single exception of Sherman.
Sherman has only 20 automobiles, but
these average one to nineteen people.
The entire state has one car to 36.8
people. The "Mutoroad" editor is
Charles W. Myers, a former Walla
Walla and PSndleton newspaper man
and later with the Oregonlan, who ia
thoroughly well qualified for his, new
duties. Mr. Myers is a ton-in-law of
the lata Judge llartman.
Our suburban fi lends should hereaf
ter confine themselves to lawn tennis
and other pastimes more soothing than
the fight gam to the bucolic tem
thrjr 2vna waa si van the
cMun ever Tommy Clark, llahtwelaht
rhamplon of the Northwest, at Athena
Monday night, after twenty rounds of
rt and furious mlllln. tlolh boys
went ths enure scheduled route with
out distress, thus Indli-stlns- their au.
perb condition, and each was ftihttnf
Fiercely fur a knock-out In the final
canto, .
The derision waa unpopular with a
large number of the flM fans who
were sseemoiea ai ins rinaaiue ia i
vruunart'i pavilion, l iars s support
ere contended that their man forced
ths fighting snd waa at least entitled
to a draw, Rvans scored ths only
knock-down of the fight, but Clark
was up sgaln snd ready for more at
the count of three. The general view
among unpartlaan spectators eeemed
to be that both boys fcsd but us a
greet battle, and that neither had
scored any material advantage over
hie opponent
Much tumult followed the decision.
and the referee, Larry Mitchell, .was
loudly hissed and Jeered by the Clark
contingent Me soon became Involved
In a fight en his own account In front
of the paeiUen, and -wee hauled off to
Mil. but waa later released under
bond. Another street fight occurred
later, and pandemonium reigned for a
time. Main street wss filled wlth a
shouting, struggling, crowding mob.
nd whea the melee had subsided the
view was rreely expressed that this
would be the last boxing match to be
staged In Athena. It la said that the
Athena council had paseed a resolu
tion forbidding such contests, but' af
terward reeclnded It In favor of this
particular battle.
After the fight neither boaer show
ed any effects of punishment, si
though both hsd landed some tailing
blows. Clark played for Kvans kid-
neye In the mtsupe, but Itvane al
lowed him to hammer away without
any apparent concern. Clark's Jaw
was the objective of most of Kvsns
blows. A good-etsed delegation of
Weetoa fight fsns wltneseed the af
Have You Seen the
Latest ia Men's New Hats
For Fall? In all tho Ncwcat
Shapes, rriccs-98 cts., $1.49,
$1.93, $2.49, $2.93. KcmemGer,
it's tho buying power we have
'for 83 Big Duty Otoref
that enables us to sell at these
prices. Wo buy for cash direct
from tho manufacturers, thus cutting out all trav
eling men's expenses, etc.
7 A !V
i fir 1
Men's New Fell Suite In greys,
brawns ami blue serges
!. HO, elitK), fis.75, tt.60
Boys' Knickerbocker Suits In
grey and brown ml ted and blue
serge II. M, 12. DM,, 4.w
Buster Brown Shoes fur Boys In
gun metal, blu. or lutton
...................... i. w, ax9, aa.M
The Latest In New Pall Sulla and
CnaU for Ladies-with fur, trim
mlng. 19.90, IU.60, 14.T )20.00
' Have yon seen those Corduroy
Coals with fur trimming on col
lar and cuffs 140.00 vslue-our
price t2&,oa
Buster Ilmwn Shoes for Glrta la
gun metal and patent button,
cloth pt mat top
.11.49, VI, Pa, B3.4, M.M
Too Can Do
Better st
Is Gcldca M
OtHers fillsi
C. PENNEY CO., Inc. - (83 Busy Stores)
"imple buckthorn bark, glycerine.
etc.. as mixed In Adler-l-ka. the ap
pendicitis preventative, drains so much
foul mstter from the body that ONE
SPOUNfTt. relieves sour atomsch.
gas snd constipation AT ON'OK. The
quiCK action la astonishing. H.
uoodwln, druggist
Richmond, Mo. Mrs, Catherine
Roberts, T years old, was troubled
with swollen sums. A few days later.
me eogea or a new set of teeth, her
third, appeared. Shortly ahe will have
a complete set
One trouble with Portland's "Dollar
uay" ts tnat roruand la full of so'
many things that a dollar won't buy.
Tho hardest Jolt the "Oregon sys
tem has yet assimilated ia an en
dorsement from Harry Thaw.
SEPT. 24. 95
Csttrtd at lbs seetefflce at Votes. Ortgea,
as Mcesd-ches atsit sutler.
If you are figuring on
or later, come in and
talk it over with us.
m ms Qozrrrar.
i Butter i . Wrappers )
Furnished and Printed at the Leader office
.Sixty (mininrssa).. $0
une nur.area j, i
Two hundred l
Each additional hundred.................. 0
Uevr Groceries
New notions
New Canvas Cloves
For Mtn and Women
New Summer Underwear
H taj Stsre
Have Just Added
, a Stock of
The Oregonian and the Journal
are on opposite aides of the water
I power question. ; They are on opposite
sides of every question of general im
portance. They are only a unit when
it comet to boosting some Portland
event like the Rose Carnival or Buyers'
week. ..
The Oregon ian contends that the
Ferris bill would hinder rather than
help the development of the great
water power resources of the West
line Journal strongly asserts that
I private interests seek vested and
perpetual control of water powers
through state as opposed to federal
legislation. Singularly enough, the
I time-honored doctrine of "state's
rights' ia thus indirectly opposed by
the Journal and favored by the Ore-
goiuan. The Journal further claims
that the recent convention at Portland
which resolved against the Ferris bill
was packed in the interests of "Big
Business," and that it is doubtful if
toe disinterested delegates were even
acquainted with the provisions of the
Ferris bill, copies of which were not
available at the session. Its views are
epitomized aa follows:
"Power interests and nnliturUna an
the originators of the water nww m.
ference. .
They are present in larva numhara.
and power company representatives
were given prominence in the speaking
"The Oreeon delegation waa hand.
picked by the legislature, which would
not even trust ue governor to sppoint
lie nwmuers.
"Oreiron was selected because ita
legislature was gladly compliant, and
because Oregon's name as a nrofirrea.
aire .una inignt neip. '
"Condemnation of the Ferris bill
wss the purpose n view, because that
maxes control 01 water resources bv a
"Power interests, while talking- state
control, sees: in I act a grant in perpetu
ity of power sites held by the nation. ';
New Tork la on the Job with a new
temperance campaign, which some
newspapers are pronouncing eminent'
sensible. It is the outgrowth of a
plan originated by ' the Churches of
Christ of America. No religious metn.
od wilt be used in the campaign. No
effort will be made, to secure legisla
tion prohibiting the sole of liquor.
The sponsors of the movement believe
that voluntary abstinence to the only
means by which Intemperance may be
abolished, and their purpose will be
to demonstrate to the Individual the
loss In efficiency due to excessive
drinking. A committee of 100 prom
ineat financial. Industrial end labor
union men will conduct the campaign.
Albert R. Rogers, an organiser well
known for his work in connection
with the 8t Louis World's fair. Is he
active head of the movement. '
Regarding the movement a commit
tee tnember has this to say: "The ar
gument which has won us support
among Industrial leaders ts that this
Is sa entirely 'common sense' propo
sition, carried on with the most mod
ern Ideas of administrative efficiency.
We shall make no use of the 'heart
throb' stuff or emotionalism of any
kind. What we shall do la to show
every one we can reach that If he
drinks to sxceas he Is reducing his
anility st making a living."
New Tork newspapers are welcom
ing the new movement on the ground
that It Is a thankless task to attempt
to elevate social standards by panel ng
radical laws. Ohio already haa taken
up the new movement, and a society
along the same lines has been organ
ized in Cleveland. -
Local Lodge Directory
Meets avert VVetlnaatU anln
. k. cngnsn, f. V. Clark Wood,
ni w iv a
wkston lodok no, as, a. k. a a
M. Meets every second ami fourth
Saturday In each month. Kichard
Morrison, W. M. I H. Davie, Nee. ....
WKSTON tXtVCK NO. &, I. O. 0. F.
Meets everv Thunda evening iv
H.Oould. N. O. A. X. Keesi Itee.
Nee.; K. O. DeMoos. Km. See.
WESTON C-'AMP NO. 112. W. O. W.
Meets the An nixl thlnl
I of each month. Monroe Turner. O.
U. J. J. Heeler. Clerk.
lied Artisans, kleeis tha hm atwi
third Mcmdavs In each month. Nel
lie wajwre, m. a. rranoes C. Wood,
secreiary. .
No. 8. Meets the second ami hmnk
i uesasvs ot each month. Hub James,
N. O. Odessa Kirkpalrick, lieo.
LaTiue uraout. Kin. Meo.
CHAPTkR NO . 47. O
K. 8. Meets the second and fourth
rruisys of each month. Mary K.
smitvmf mi, m, jtiie r, rricc, wee
Expert Auto and Gas Engine Rejairing
GASOLINE & OIL and accessories
All Work Guaranteed
1?.' I T?e WRWW
Come and Inspect our large line of
fine wool and cotton blankets fresh
from the mill, offered at the most rea
sonable prices. v
Our winter goods are fast arriving.
. . . -- .
Our Motto-Good Goods at MooVrale rrlcws.
tttHOOOOaseaOOtOaassssssasitssaeeaaar" ...--T
Pleasant Valley. Pa. Georre Ken
nedy of this place, has a cow which
changes her color every season. She
sheds ber winter cost of black In ths
spring and turns to a cream color.
Duluth, Minn. Charles Trench
wanted a Job In Uncle Sam's navy. Ha
applied for the position of piano tun
er. Ue is still wanting the Job.
lVh m'."" ""' M ,h Oregos lor
vassasaisiaa vuNMlli - t ,t j ;.
MlI,7Ll"J,' r,,", toV
Te Visa rtnya Daels, DelesosMi
no! You are hereby ninawDed and n
qalred to imwr aad an.wer I lie eamplalat ol
lbs plalniilf on file Ho the Clerk ol the
wt enniiei. i,nr. wiiiiib eis eeka inm
HedaUol lhanr.l ptibllcailoa ol Ihl. turn
nom, lo-wll. an at behire rrldejr ike IHh df
ol OriolKr. Ils; and yoe will sollne thai
II hi lall to appear and nn.wor wld com
(dalatorolberwiM plead lbrln elinln Mid
lime. Ibe plalntlg, or want thereof, will .
Plr to toe above entitled mart m. it,
prared lor asd demanded In I lie prater .l Iter
complaint, low It, r a deerre lurerer ill.
olelDf the bond ot matrimony now and here
tofore eilellng between plaintiff a ad defend
ant and for oihef equlletile relief.
Tnlnumrooii. im pobllrhed pnnnant lean
order duhr Blade ea the IM d uf at-1't.-nilwr,
lJ',bf.?'.'".u; '"'P". t-lreiili Judi. oi
the Slxlk Judli-lel IM.irlci ol Hie State ai On.
mm. and tlie flrat publleatlon ol thlo.uatmoii.
iriHiwi.ia in. .htoii mia hue
per publi.hed at Weelon, Umatilla t'eantt. Or
sob, on the sa oar of September, IMft. and
puuiic-a.iun win ue aiaue on ins in
dat of October. WIS.
Ualed at Pendleton, Oregon, en Ibis the lit
m. evuienuer, a, u iwie
wili. m. rrrrRBow,
Ailoroey lor Plainllt
1880 1Q1S
Sept 27th to Oct. 2d, Inclusive
3. H. BOOTH, President W. At JONES, Hecretsry
Send to W ' AI Jnnaa. Smi. c.i. . r ... "
formation aauM r-i..7Ji '.Ti' "TT" "
... , .... v vre v v au B.SSB3 I'rviriiii
at I.,
Orove electric lighted. Good water.
Two Aviation Flights Daily
The Leader Prints Butter Wraps '
Meanwhile immense . potential re
sources are going- to waste In Oregon
and other western states. Capital
should be sffbrded the fullest possible
freedom for their development on an
extended leasehold. Fifty years is not
too long a term. For that period the
exercise of capital aeekine water
Fine Jewelry
Expert Repairing
I will appreciate a call when "
you visit Athena.
Hawk's Drug Store
Practices In all State and Federal
Office in the Elam Bulldlns. Milton.
Hours, 9 to 12 and 1 to 5
Nature Food
I for horses and cattle Is the e-rsss thst
grows on meadow and hill. The next
I oeai minr is sweet, clean, hav and
feed that comes from our mill. When
you need rolled grain of ths right sort
for keeping your livestock in fine fet
tle, look for our sign and the good
things for for your dumb servsnts
stored in oor bins. We handle Steam
Rolled Barley, Oats and Wheat: Baled
Hav. MillstuiTS snd Thirkan Vorl
We're Iocs I scents for Pv-lr cu,..
and Blatcbford's Cslf Meal. Fboue281.
D: R. WOOD the Feed Man
Electric Service
Our tariff has been filed with the Oregon Railroad Commission,
and the following rule must bo strictly observed:
J!?At. ! Any Mil not pld before the SOthof esrh month -bocomes
delinquent snd the supply of electricity may be dis
wnt nued without notice to the customer, In which case an
- arklitionsl psytnent of 60 cents will bs required to turn alee.
. tncity on again. Tha right is reserved to diseontinne thn
We want to be square with oar patrons and to give them good
service, and only ask them to be square with us. If you ara dissat
isfied with yonr meter resdings or for any other reason, kindly notify
us and wa will endeavor fo make amends.
hn nd "M eontracta lor service must bs made with tha.
Company. , '
See that yonr receipts are countersigned by E. A. Zerba or by
Laura Smith. , '
lt ur tariff may be found at tho DeMosa Furniture Store or at
the Weston Leader office. - -."-.
PrestonSKaffer Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon . Wa!tsbur$. Wash. '