A TIP FOR srur.inuii SUFFERERS EZ3 You can help your Stomach back to a normal condition, (njuc liver activity and bowl regularity by careful diet and proper exercise, to which you should add the toning and strengthening qualities to be found to a fair trial of , HOSTETTER'S stomach bitters c pi TOR SAIE-AUTOMOBIIES ReBsIl Federal Tnscb CJ - t'" i c sas-1 i-"" eeeaa Baf Coed Truck to Buy. umitf nrnERAL ty aa rebuilt wa mMi tut tM truck to entirely taken !(. ear prt iamtnd ' accessary replaced by K Prt mad IttrTVederat 'rttW.U B'i2JhfS5 repainted and refinlehed, and v'rJ'h' rVoeearr mk truck rcu tvilv . rood w in ewe "ou buy rebuilt Wml I" r protected by the torn Policy imit that w. to U Fl'rl onT YV operate a repair department. In whlek. th workmea are pecUIIts on red era la. ear .apply of Federal parte ad the stork room Xn,"('" J! t,ui shirk insure tho prompt MUns f all part order. We also oprrat i a serv lr department, which to open df.T BJrht, Sjnrt at your rail " Th Federal bolrut rood track In tho flrt pleca n4 proterted by a company which to equip ped and baa th dUoostwoa to ! orrlro I eoneamieMly A SAKE USED TRfCK TO BUT. If you ara In th market lor a trc from to $Mfl. wo ur( you to com -par UMd Federals with new trucks at Wrollar prtcoa. Wa think wa can coavlaca yaw of their suporlar rains. GERUNGKR MOTOR CAR CO, Cm & Thud aad OnamtSta sear Stsat Bods. If rm an IklaHat of s We. e rUUSa. Weaa mm Kaar Teaaw. ShemanMay&Ca romA.ND. okegox. ' 'Sv Marwlafuff One reader claims that Maryland la tbs state above all omen iot ncaness -.r utitiu and nniua In their elu cidation. Chesapeake, home of the oft-shelled crab and of hi bard shelled brother! Diamond-back, com posed aa only Fhiladelphia cooks, or he of Baltimore, can blend thee! Maryland Fried Chicken! Whet an : iriw.inM a ane.ni! nne'a daTa fJshinsT on the western shore and one's nights tho Roitimorai Clubl That. icwwit . w - - that were quite enough to induce blessed forgetlulness ot sworousn anu halibut to the north, of tarpon to the oath, ot tunny and salmon to the west "Is it any wonder," demands the Baltimore "American,- -tnai ataxy tm-.A arirla M fair No. BO . thOO- and negative noes and here we are. condemned to slave in a desert ot table d'hotea in that city o( strangers. alien Manhattan: comer a. Economic Determinism. An Atlanta man tells of this conver sation between two darky ducks ot hat town: -Bill. I heahs dat yo was court! n' dat Botu gal down my way." "Sho I was. An" 1 was in love with dat gal, too; only I heahs dat she ain't got a cent. . So I says to myself: 'BUI, be a man.' An' 1 was a man, Henry; an' now I passes her by with silent contempt! . ; ' Very Grewsome. CoL E. M. House, discussing bis peace mission In Europe, said: "The -French soldiers, by the way, are called poilua whiskers, as we might say. In the trenches, yoa see. the gay French soldiers all grow beards. To see a slender lad of 23 or 24 with enormous black beard cover ing his chest welt. U s like the story: - 'Willie," said an etymology teach er, 'give me a sentence with the word "grewsome" In it' i-The soldier, Willie answered, 'stopped shaving and grew some whis kers.' " Philadelphia Bulletin. . , "USE THE RIVER" Dalles-Columbia Line Cute of Waahleftoa. for The Daiks daily ex. Sunday 11 . m. Weave Dalles daily ex. Mender II M. Kteanieni J. N. Trel. Inland Eiaoire and Twin Citke fur Uppnr ColemWa and Soaks (iw peiota Taylor (. Ltock. leL Maia 1L WuUattlejid Celaola low Teesc Cs, rVdssl TIRES We have the best facilities in the Northwest for doing your Repair work. Why throw your old tires away? Send tbem to us and let us repair them. We guarantee every repair we make. Our prices re reasonable. A Western repair , is a permanent repair. Let us convince you, - Tube punctures repaired, 25c. WESTERN KDW. 4 AUTO SUPPLY CO. 332 rt IT., NR. tROAOWAT, PORTLAND, SR. LDXS BUSIHESS COLLEGE -IU SCHOOL or tjUALin" PorOend'i Bret Bunlneoi Tralnirur ScbooL hookke:in. Shortnaaa. Typewritlas and tcnauinaip Uitaht by export teathara f a rtm sptai W tfatita, Sesl t, 1111 fy mtoArrf k-are '"fedy enroSed. Aek tm CetaMT- iuuoii eany. I hefie MAIN Sfr3 mm ATTACliE TO BE SOU HOME Gcnna Eriacr et Washlsgtcn Will 02a Hcst m ask SAft cc?dix? rot Acm Act of Embassy Believed Will Show Genuine Desire of Teutons for Friendship of Undo $3m. . WaahlncrtML IX C These highly imnortant WrslornenU took place Monday In connection with the events eotwwqttent upoa the revelstioos In the Dombacaee: Cnnnt was Bervsttorff. the German ambseaador, will ceil M SecreUry Lansing and will Intimate that isp taia Frmni von Papen, German mili tary attache, will he sent home. If sale conduct for him can m otxainea from the British tTernment - AmMaaador FenneM has caoiea nis personal imprwssioo that Anstrta- Hungary will comply wita. lot Amerf caa reqtiest t or the recall of Dr. Dum ha laavins- her Interest her in charge of the counsellor of the em bassy. Count von Bernstorff wtll explain tka exart eonneetioa of Cantala won Papen with the Dumb strike nUna. There is no question that toe ambassa dor feels that members of his staff ahonld have ne connection with strikes or the creation of disorders in Indus trial factories. He does hoM, bow ever, that Germany, as well as An. tria-Hongary, baa the right to warn her subjects that employment in fac tories making' monitions for the allies ia a erime arainst the law of their country and that If they should return home they will be punish ea. Germany, it la pointed out in Ger man circles, had the right to call home all reservist in the United State. She was nnable to exercise this right because of the British command of the sea and they have been forced to re main in this country. The right to tell these men that they most not wore for the allies the German emDaaaaoor holds to be aa wand a the right to tell them to retorn to fight. However, it is apparent mat ue ambassador has no intention to make an Issue in respect to Captain von Pa pen, If this government will obtain a safe conduct for the omeer ne wiu be ordered to Beriln. Such action would obviate a demand for his recall. It would do more. It would show con clusively the desire of Germany tore main in friendlv relations with this country. It would also mean that the Dumb incident with Austria-Hungary will. In the end, be adjusted satiafse torilj to the United States. Wasisisgtsi Adzisistratio. TbosgU Wl field to Carrasza s Views . Washington, D. C General Car ranxa's counter proposal to the Pan- American diplomats for conference with him over international phases of the Mexican problem probably will be approved, according' to opinion ex pressed here by officials in tones wiin the administration. Although Carranza refused to yield to the appeal of Secretary Lansing and representatives of six Latin-American republics that he join his adversaries in neac conference, it was pointed out here that military conditions in Mexico had undergone marked change in the last few weeks, and in some (ruarters it was contended that Car ranua's claims for recognition were entitled to investigaiton. Since the Pan-American appeal was issued. Carranxa's armies have pressed pacification of territory in Central and Northern Mexico, while some reports to the State department have declared that General Villa's force are disin tegrating. From . authoritative sources advices have reached Washing ton that it would be difficult to con duct convention to select a provis ional government in Mexico without the participation of Carranza and his military commanders, who assert now that they control nearly all Mexican territory. Russians Score Victory. Petrograd, via London Near Terno pol the Russians have defeated the Third German division, the Forty-fifth Beserve division and an Austrain on- j gade. Eight thousand prisoners and 30 guns, besides many machine guns. were captured, according to an official statements issued at the war office. Further south, near Trembowla, about 2500 Teutons, three guns and 12 ma chine guns were captured. Near Voriatyntxe more than luuu Austrian and severs! machine guns were captured. Liner Offered Japanese.. Honolulu, T. H, Siochiro Asa no. president of the Toyo Kisen Kaisba, who arrived here Saturday on his way home to Japan, announced that the Atlantic Transport company had offered to sell him the liner China, one of the first vessels recently bought by the At lantic Transport company from the Pacific Mail company. Mr. Asa no said that if the deal went through he would keep the China on the trans-Pacific run. The China is vessel of 5060 gross tons register, is single-screw steel vessel and was built in 1889. Everett, Wash., Runnaways Goal. Chicago Richard Alpine, 15 years old, Pittsburg, sn orphan, walked into the detective bureau Monday and asked Lieutenant Benjamin Enright to help him reach Everett, Wash. "I lived with an aunt in Pittsburg," he said, "but she abused me so I ran away. I am going to Everett to live with an other aunt My parent died several years ago." Lieutenant Enright sent the boy to the Juvenile Home and will communicate with his aunt in Everett NQRTHV.tST MARKET RETORTS; GENERAL CROP CONDITIONS Portland Wheat Uluestem, toe huebe!; forty fold, lie; club, me; rea Fife, Tc: red Russian, Toe. Veevlahlos Cucumbar. Oregon. 15 toes, S0,u3O box; cabbage, 1 pound iwuna ir.t if ? srwoa corn, lie dosen rarlic 10c Pound: petper, si& -L.iUnl drtflid. . I -v ' lire Fruit CantaJotipes, a u tt Lit mta ueachee. I&uloOo box; watermelons, !! pound; pluma t5 tt 50c boxj new apple, IB V .ou; pears, 7&et$l; trap. Scl.W -.t. buck eharnas. a as r pouna; NUM4, lie; fresh Age, I l.M box. Potato New, to j ue sacs; sweet. StitSe pound. Onion Oot75 per sack. ETK Orsgoai ranch, buying prices: No. I, t?e dosea; No. t, Tit; No, a, 1 7. Jnkhln nriM Nov 1. IsO. Poultry Hens, 14 t 15 pound; spring, 17C18e; turkeys, toe; oucas, Sdi lXc; gweos, &j9c Rut rr Citv creamery cubes, ex tras, selling at X9t pound; prinU Md Mrinu autre. mce DMI to pre- HnMH CVountre creamerv. 266i27s: butter fat. No. 1, sour cream, We; No. X, 17c. Veal Fancy. 12UJe peumt, Pork Block, It9te pound. Hone 1915 fustsles. 14c pound; cluster. BominaL , U'nrJ Kaatarn Oiena medium, 15 O 8c; Eastera Oregon, fine, 13 C II c: valley. Zo it sue; mohair, new dip, SOtttSle. tvlia nn Wwisswooled nelta. 15lc: dry short-wooled. lle: dry shearlings. each, lOtitloc; salted snearungK, eecn. 15(jS5c; dry rt m osir, eacn. itr axtat. ah ear I inn. each. lOdi XOcT salted long-woded pelt. May, 11 ijil each. r.ttl rtiniee ateara. to.60i7: good, $S H 4. 25; medium. S5.T5 ; choke cows, fS.z5tr 6.50; good, tUt - . . . a ' e r . 5.Z5; medium, i.wue; MiTer. 6.85; bulls, t.605; stags, a.DVW.o, Hog Ught e0.UiO.u; oeavy, J5-90ia. Sheen Wether. S4.?5i6: , 34.85; lambs, I4.75&6.50. New Melon on Market Tacom Another variety of melon arrived on the local produce market and ia expected to sup into tin with the popular cantaloupe and water melon. This ia the eaaaba from Cali fornia. In th last several year it ha found an instant market here. Wholesale dealer ask S cents a pound. Reports from th Sou in say u quaiuy is excellent ana tn crop targe. Althoufirh the stiff advance taaen in egg prices last week wa expected to keep the market steady here iot some time, an added scarcity of this com modity ha caused dealer to boost price to 33g34 cent a dozen iorue fresh ranch product. Hnrkleherriea ar rettilur scarcer and price are higher, the berries now demanding 6 cents a poena, xneoe mand this season was brisk. The fish market is well supplied with halibut and salmon and small fish. Th demand is good. Butter ami ehewae ara steadv. No chancre was made in meat and poultry price. Crop Report Sept 8. 1915. Tha human of eron estimate in co operation with the weather bureau, Ilnitnl State Department of Agricul ture, furnishes th following summary of conditions: Winter wheat Preliminary esti mate, 14,049,000 bushels; final, 1914, 13,684,000. Spring wheat September 1, fore cast, 3,690,000 bushels; final, 1914, 2,920,000. Oats Forecast. 14.200.000 bushels; final, 1914, 12,740,000. Barley September 1, forecast, 4, 810,000 bushels; final, 1914, 8,660,- 000. . Potatoes September 1, forecast, 6,- 690,000 bushels; nnai, laid, 4,7b3,uw. Hay, all tame Preliminary esti mate, 1,850,000 tons; final, 1914, 1,- 716,000. Apples September 1, forecast, 8, 400,000 bushels; final. 1914, 3,600,000. Record Deal In Apples. Portland The biggest single deal in apples ever made was announced by the North Pacific Fruit Distributors association through C. A Malboef, Its representative here. Every box avail able of "C" grade apples controlled by the association has beet, sold at s con tract price of 85 cent box, th high est price obtained for this class of fruit In four year. It is estimated that the apple will make 400 carloads. The amount involved in th deal is $214,000. Middle Western firms com pose the pool of purchasers. Heavier Hop Bales Suggested. Portland Hop dealers point out the advantage of heavier baling by grow ers this year. In the matter of export business this is especially important, in view of the limit placed by some of the Atlantic steamer lines on the num ber of bales they will handle during the season. As steamer space reserva tions are made by number of . bales and not by weight, it follows that larger foreign business can be don than if tney are light. Weight running over 200 pounds to the bale ar favored by exporters. . Peaches Are Active and Firm. -Portland Th peach market was firm and active, with prices holding within the former rnge. Supplies are large enough for all requirement. Bartlett pears are becoming scarce and ar in stronger demand, with f 1.25 easily obtainable. Other kinds of pears are rather plentiful and offer ed generally at 90 cents to el a dox. There was' a good movement in grapes at the prices quoted. Canta loupes and melons were steady. Poultry Receipts Larger, Pnrttarui RiUAnfa of DOultrV r leroee than nana! this week and it is necessary to shade former prices in or der to work off the supply. Hens sold st 1414i cents ana springs at id 17 cents. There was a continued eay fiine tn tha dressed meat market. because of the light demand. The heat trades of eezs and butter r firm at prevailing price. HERE ARE THE HEW REO MODELS AND THE NEW REO PRICES Fwithout that explanation you couUl not und-mtand. could not accept theM value- at genuine. It'. rnTtemt"r.U. too-.baorbintfy Intere.Ung and of vital Import to you If you contemplate the 1! Inible for the FJ mlucin" the quality. Rodoa!erf found the aolution. and fty dividing their profit with the buyer, placed better apprUiat T the policy that has made the Reo aucccaa the moat ubatantlal and In many wayi Ue A7Vyouh'll MtS'lt you were talking with the Reo Folk-and when you've flni.hed you'll fWlrnd! ZSSSi IW Keo Dealer, having ffffi cowrae with the factory to make Reo valuet the greatest values, you II conclude that Reo i thecar lytli Fitiiia "Incomnarable Four' at $873; or the new Shcer-Une Reo Six at $1250 your purse and your preference must decide which. REO MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Laming, Mich., U. a. A. i mmm mm I CJ I NORTHWEST AUJO CO. BROADWAY AT COUCH STS., PwtlanJ, Orejoa. F. W. VOGLER, Prctident. DISTRIBUTORS FOR OREGON. WASHINGTON AND IDAHO. A limited amount of territory open to agent. Write m quickly. behind the dough You may use aa old favorite lecipe and the best of malcruus and male ft carefully, the oven may be just right, yet you win have a failure i "The Powet behind the Dough" m not th right ont to leaves it property and make it light, digestible, wholesome. " Good baking without good baking powder is out of the Question. K C Baklitl FoieeW Iim woaderiul igavetaat aowei. aad tKe lieueie rtie the bowl aad at lb ew stakes good issaBl douu swtaii Take a donee taSarmmem K C "goad luck awary tlmm. At mtt Crocete. Johnny Had the Proof. In Inatructlng . youthful class tn mathematics the, teacher turned to John Jone. "Johnny." she remarked, "can you tell me what an average Is?" . "Yes, ma'am," wa th prompt re sponse of Johnny. "An average is what a hen Uys eggs on." "What?" exclaimed the amased teacher. "What on earth are you talking about T" "That's right. Miss Mary." the rejoinder of Johnny. "Most every les son in our 'rlthmetlo starts off 'If ben lay three egg a week on an average.' Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regu late and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take. Do not gripe.- ; He Found Out "And what has become of Jennie Smith, the village belie T" asked the man who was visiting his old home town. ' . "Oh, I married her," replied th resi dent "Then I suppose she I still the vil lage belle," gallantly remarked the visitor. . "I reckon she Is," sgreed tb resi dent "She Is ding-donging from morn ing till night and 1 can't shut her up." , Eloquent Omission. "That second speaker was Quit ex traordinary." . . "I thought his speech wa about tb dullest 1 ever heard." "Ills speech didn't amount to any thing, but he failed, when he got up, to say that tb toastmsster Introduc tory remark reminded him of a story." New Tork Sua. Ho Doubt -That Retbol Docs Heal Sick Skin When you know physician havs prescribed Iteslnol for 20 years In th treatment of ecsema and other Itch ing, burning, unsightly sklu eruptions, and have written thousand of reports saying: "It is my regulsr preorlpUoii for itching." "Hcslnol ha produced brilliant results," "The result It gar was marvelous In one of tb worst cases of eczema," etc., etc., doesn't It make you feel that "this Is the trest ment I can rely on for MT skin trouble?" -t The moment Reslnol Ointment touches Itching skin, th Itching stops nd healing begin. With tb aid of Reslnol Soap, tt almost always mm m mm m- ...rV raia of ACZeHia. ringworm, pimples, or other distress ing eruption quickly, leaving uie skid clear and healthy. Sold by alt drug gists. . mm" "!"' ."lit Wiyes! MotHcn! Daughters ! JJustaVordWithYou! A woman' organism Is very delicate thing-It very easily gets out of order just like a delicate piece of machinery. It requires more than ordinary care and attention. There ar many tlrne which poiat tod ieorder, loth nba(Whea, otierf oont able pains ia vartou aarts of the body, IuUmmio, erouaaes,lrltableeae, linf (tin loess, backache, loss of appetite, depreealoa, aad Bsauy o Uie re. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has base themeane of restoring thousands of suffering women to natural health aad strength. For more than forty veara it ha been soreeMfully carrying fvt tais crest work. Today it I known throughout th length and breadth of ery land. Virata every where look upon u as a helpful friend. Let it aid yoa, SU in feeVrfree form hrJntflf, trial bam melhi sa fee a 0 eeiu from Dr. fimrto ' UwmMiy, HoI ml N. X. Dr. Ptee-cV PI nt Pallat rwrulat a Ktomach. liver and BowaJ o. -1, til - I U ,aT hi' m sTV . v Smokeless Powder' Shells The Patent Comiented Head on Wln cheater'Leatlcr" avnd"Kcpetcr"ahella aborbt the shock of the powder ex ploe- , 1t-I 1, mm, mm.mx m 4 v sun inncau vi hwiuh w w IcUwayofmetiiinniriifdixrs-Trtat'a X" uhv Wlnrhnster ahrlls. with their X modern patented construction, are ao upertor to one rrtacia sKcoratng to the Engliah method of times long past 21 yoa want the beet ahootifl ahells ASK FOR THE BRAND. ; H Knew High tnough. v tmtanlat was baclnf slowly along the country rod, bis ye, aa usual, roaming irom mo w sid for new plant to study. Suddenly ao eager look swept across hi features, and he leaned over the low fence enclosing a cottage garden. He had found a plant he did not know. What could It her It only he had a specimen of It to study! t j At that moment a shock-headed lad trolled along the road and stopped to gaxe open-mouthed at him. "I say," called th botanist urgent ly, "See that plant there that pale pink one la th cornerf Do yon know Itf" "Ubuhl" said th country boy brief- '''"What's It namt Do you know what family It belong tor The tad Jorked a grubby thumb over hi ahoulder toward th Mtt cottage, as he spoke mora briefly still: Hlgglnses!" . .""' Mean Brut! ;;-s'.'' 1 "A woman ha to giv up a great deal after ah get married," algbed Mrs. Oabb. " . . "'And a man does nothing but give up after h gets married," growled Mr, Oabb. Aa ef Old. Tond Molhor Bobble, com her. I have something awfully ulca to tell '"Hobble ( ) Aw, I don't care I know what tt Is. l)l broihert homa from college. L ... t Kond Mother Wbjf, Bobble, how oould you guess. ' nobble My bank don't raltl any more. University f Nebraska Aw gwao, . '," -:w HOWrto K t?aTi - mmmne rel)i iin.d,X "tTsii. .i 9f .! .. aj.TMl. AmtrA '"f, r"" Uaited. tiew.mei wmm en - No Nstd to Writ. All was confusion and bustl. Wlfey was preparing to tak a longlsa koll As hubby was bidding her aa ( fectlonat farewell, h said: ; "You can expect a little letter from me during my bsence." How hubby's expression of Tc. which had hitherto been on of treme statin, doubtless at tb pros pect of being left alone for such a long period, took a decided change. "But, my dear," h remonstrated! "surely I have given you enough money to see you through until you come back.' INVESTIGATE THE PACIFIC DRAG SAW If rm ar g oln st o ordwood. rlearlandereawa writ (or iulleu sad Me. lot for any rarposs, t Light I . : fA ::': Durable 1 Welsh! ln.lod.n-fots. Wit Oaaslln ilH Horsepower, Bi.foot tea aa be sawed a eaey ss two-foe. THE PORTLAND MACHINERY CO, Portland, Oregon Mttl Frtd I'm awfully hungry. I didn't get half enough dinner. Utile Buaio What did you bav for dinner? Little Fred Why, we had company! P. N. U. No. Js, ! IVRPf wWieS" w seVsrtlears, slarM " 8 hSe eaner.