The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, September 17, 1915, Image 3

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    Dr. Alfred F.Sempert
Gradual and lUgUlered
fries Reasonable
CT BRANDT BLDG., upstair
Veston Meal I
Brandt Building, oppo
; site Postofllce.
Good, Fresh Meats
; ; Fish in Season
Cash paid for
A. P. Perry
1 0 cts,
th dish at th '
Weston Bakery
frith lirl, Cak ami Pantry,
riii Camlie. il Meals at All
HiMins SS. We tMialii in
UIk biI 1'arty Sutler.
ZEMM the Baker
Dtipui Bulkling, Main ami Water
KImm anil llarneaa
repaired neat door.
Ohmart tlia photo man wilt be In
Athena only two weelti Umfr.
Dreamland motion picture at Wee-
Inn opera houe nit Monday an'
Tuesday evenings.
tislph Klnnsar ' ha bernme th
owner or a Ford rar, recently bought
of lb Milton Ira.
Mrs. Jam Kirk patriot ha return
d from a visit to her dauahter, Mr a.
W. It. Affleck, at Oroflno, Idaho,
Walter O'Harra aueulned dam
ad foot Tuesday morning In a run
away accident near th It. W. Jirown
Blare. , , .
Robert C. Michael I moving Into
town from Dry ouek, and will occupy
hla residence property on South Wa
ter street
Ralph Tucker recently delivered
arluad of io at Athena for th
Valla Walla Meat company, receiving
Is cent per pound.
J. IS. Jone and family hav leaned
on of th Hetty Power cottage on
Water street, and ar moving to town
from th mountain.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dudley, rldlng
north of Weeton, hav become the
proud parent of a turdy aon and
heir, weighing 1H pound,
Wesola I Itarlf again. Councilman
and aVhool Director Jo Wuraer hav
ing returned from a aummer stay at
hla farm near Odessa, Waah.
Taken up Ray hoc branded W
on left, ahoulder, weight about ISO
pound. Owner may recover earn by
'applying to Will Kos. Weaton, Oregon.
I Oeorg llrhnltaer haa completed a
'rock foundation Haiti feel In al for
a new farm residence to be. built by
liert March, prominent mountain far
mer. I - '
I The highest etandlng at th recent
county examination of eighth grade
pupil waa made by Blella (Jllraore of
Iteed and Hawley mounUIn, a pupil
of Mia Id J. Narkau.
I Sheriff Taylor waa up from Pendle
ton Tueeday, aummonlng three "good
'men and true" from thla neighbor
hood for Jury eervlc. They are: J.
N. York. O. W. Rtagg and John M.
Offered for the aecond time at ad
ministrator's aal at Pendleton Satur
day, the residence property of the
KlUabeth I'rln eetat at W eel on waa
bid In by Attorney C. H. Carter In
behalf of th principal creditor.
Olenn Morrlaon, a former Weaton
boy who haa become a Bailor, is in
Man rranclaco again with th 17. . a.
Maryland, after helping lo ralae the
lll-faled submarine. F-. In Honolulu
j harbor. Olenn write horn that th
i Man-land leave aoon on another voy
age to Honolulu, accompanied by two
jof Uncle Hum' undersea craft.
With a heater as with a range, it's not so much the
first cost as the cost of fuel to keep it going that
counts most
There's a big difference in stoves in this respect, as
well as in the way they last, the way they keep fire, ease
of regulation, and appearance. Our twenty-odd years of
.'.. ...!iL -i 1 1 ...... 1 .4v1 nnJU!nin ia at
experience wiin siovt's unucr iwai iuw wiiuinuuo ia i.
flM i ........ t.M. Z-M MMAllAm .t,A VlA.
your service, miaiever your, itcawng piuuicm, vc
lieve we can help you solve it to your advantage.
The beat stove to b had fur aoft coal and our mountain wood are here
stove that will (ret jou th moat powlbl heat from tht fuels, stoves that
Irmk ai.ll m4 atav so. which keen fir well and will eontinu to do so, sioves
k.t win niM vou rwrmanentlv. stove at reasonable price as welt. Of
court, in eatorlnff to all claaaea, wo have to have great variety of heater;
but U you leave It to u you will get th beat proposition for your caa that to
possible. Call If you can. Writ If you eannot call, teuing us now mucn apace
you wlah to heat, what fuel you use, tU., and w will good you Illustration ana
quote price. ,
John O. Itlchardenn lured J, T. Ow
Ing of Twin Fells, Idaho. Into a aage
brush bottom twenty mile northwest
of Pendleton, ahot him twice and
dumped his dead body into an aban
duned well, which Hlohardaoa then
filled. Driving bark to town, Rich
ardeon reported that the dead man
had returned to Idaho, after selling to
Itluhardeua hla wagon and home,
which the murderer disposed of. Af
ter a quiet Investigation of the facts,
Sheriff Taylor arrested Richardson
who confessed whta confronted with
a complete chain of clrcumatantlal ev
Idence against him. Richardson ror
merly farmed In the region where he
committed the murder. He say b
killed Owing because the latter abus
ed hie OwinY wife, the divorced
wife of Richardson The sheriff
think that robbery was th true mo
tive. ,
Tou and your children are safe If
you wear f Dr. ' low dt . Turner
(lasses eves safe and prtc eaf.
Their slssses eooL no more than the
nrdinsrv kind, and vou have the be"'
eflt of their skill and many year of
experience as exclusive eye and nerve
specialists. Dr. Turner la recognised
s one of the leading oiHhalmologiats
of ths Northwest. Consult them at
Mrs. Webb's Cottage hotel, Weston,
Wednesday. Heptember tl. They will
be at Athena September ft and at He
lix Meotember II. They do not go
from house to house. On chars cov
era entire cost of examination. Olaaeee
and frame fully guaranteed, whether
they cost II or more. (Adv.f
Old eve mad young. It I a clear-
v.d world to old folk whose time'
dimmed eyee are made young again
ihrmieh the maaie-fltllng glai
Correctly made glasses will tum back
ths oases of time, a It were, and re
new the perfect vision of your youth,
Coma to Mrs. Webb Cottage hotel In
Weston next Wednesday. September
It, and let Dr. Lows dt Turner prove
k.i ihsaa rlrht-flttlna glaasea can
An tnr ou. Don't forget the date.
Will be at Athena Heptember It and
at Helix September II. (Adv.)
The Ladle Guild of th Episcopal
Church held It September meeting at
the home of Mra O. W. Proebstel. At
the close of the business session two
vsrv nleaslna vocal solos were eung
h yn h. tl. Sallna. and two Instru
mental selections were played by Ruth
Proebstel. The hostess waa assisted
t Mrs. C H. Smith and th Miss
riorothv and Ruth Proebstel In aerv-
im sr nalatabl refreshments. The
guild' neat meeting will be held with
Mrs. ft. O. Baling th first Thursday
afternoon In October.
Weston la "filling up" again, due to
the opening of school and to more en
eouragtng local condition. Every
habitable house In town I said to be
occupied, and prospective renters are
finding It a difficult matter to secure
anv kind of a dwelling. While the
local population Increase every fall,
the Influx thla year I greater than
ever and the acarclty of bouses ha
become a serious handicap, both to
the town and to Its would-be resl-
CompluU Furnisher of Homes, Office, Church), Schools
1040 Alder SL - (Odd Fellows' Temple) - WALLA WALLA, WASH.
n?.. ir . Ei
There WW a time when our fowfatherg had to bo tjnedwlth
labli ( shown sbovo. But mot to now! Even the vf
fVerferfrfV are already behind the time becaue Improrementi bar
been nude lhat overcome tholr ihortoomlnga.
, TwiaM Pedestal Extension Tables
bar. two o-pte.0 ova. or oblong
Bi IVUU pess-w - MA
In the extended position, they art ag porfoiit aa
Uorifhtty. nsflabJied rsrhes wHk lock aol. boM.
r, ZSZ (m Is divided sdh.l by th. --
th "Twlifc" TK sr a sauhllud of rso way yea
,Wld b7 "TWIN" d a eu. Rsb. . tsU
AwlM""ar ad la aesMroM dedas d fcbbes,
E. O.
liafe McBrlde. local tranrporutlon
magnate, la regarded a uch a careful
driver that some of hla juritlca aver
that "Lafe old Ford car couldn't out
run a he rue " W bv Lafe'a word
for it, however, that he ran over a
cotton tall rabbit while on the road
to Pendleton which la certainly "go-
Inir enmn." However, he b 0"
vearnlna deelr to develop Into a speed
demon and challenge Rarney Oldfieia
Athena Pre: P. S, LeOrow, H. I.
Watt and Sam Pambrun will leave on
September II for a big game hunt ia
Montana. At Spokane they will De
Joined by Frank Graaty, who will
make the fourth member of the par
ty. The bbya had good luck last year
and are going earlier on the present
trio, with the expectation of having
excellent sport In lake fishing, before
the hunting season opens.
During the recent rain, which were
quite general throughout the Inland
Empire, the precipitation at Weston
waa aeven-lenth of aa Inch, accord
ing to the record kept by Herbert Ba
ker, local observer. While the rains
Interfered to some extent with thresh
ing operation on the mountain, they
were of great benefit In drenching the
thirsty earth, "laying the duet" and
welling th wtr vein.
A. H. Mctntyre, welt known young
farmer of Athena, ha ued his wife.
Cor Ann Mclntyre. for divorce.
Plaintiff charge unfaithfulness on the
part of hla wife, declaring that in
July or this year ah transferred her
affection to another man and told
him that ahe meant to marry, him.
The Mclntyre were married In Pen
dleton In 10. and nave two cnti
3. E. McDantel, whose farm la nine
mile east of town on Weaton moun
tain, had soma "come-along" barley
this year. He planted It for seed
June 10th last on two acre of ground,
and within II day after needing It
was In the aack which la rush work
for barley that far back In the Blue.
The two acre yielded 51 aack.
J. H. Olodtu haa aold hla quarter
section of farming, fruit and pasture
land In the Couae creek neighborhood
to Roy Tompkins for a consideration
of 17600. Mr. Tompklna will vacate
the McGrew holding near Weston,
which he haa been farming under
lease, and which will be occupied soon
by Mr. and Mra. Fred McOrew.
Mr. and Mra. P. A. Lundell of lone.
Oregon, were visiting laat week with
their aon, A. W. Lundell, returning to
lone Saturday. They were favorably
Impressed with thl locality, and ex
pect to return eoon with th view of
making their permanent home at Weaton.
It I announced that th meat mar
ket In th Gould building will be
opened for bualneaa Ajj a tew day un
der the management of A. W. Lundell.
carrying i full au;ply of fresh and
cured mean, lard, sausage, etc, at
reasonable price.
I Intend 'to sell at once the three
lot adjoining th residence property
of Ralph Sating on the north and
east. Two fine building locations
one on Water street, one on Franklin
street Tell me what you will give.
F. D. Watte.
W. 8. Price and W. & Payne are
busy applying new paper to the walla
of four rooms at the normal school
dormitory. These will be occupied by
the family of J. W. Porter, head of
the shoe department at Weston's new
Dr. Smith waa called Friday to the
Dry creek dletrlct to attend a Mrs.
Wood, who formerly conducted a
shooting gallery here. While hunting,
the patient sustained a severe fall on
the hillside, breaking her right .leg
above the ankle. ,
Hnhnul book fur eaeii only. Good
wlo'sdrujf Mora.
Hi III timet two weeks only In Ath
ena. OIjiubcI, 1'hotojf. I , t )
Mr. and Mr. Pick Hush ar visiting
In Weeton from their bom on McKay
Paullo. th lilt) daujfhter of Mr.
and air. Kim 'tucker, is seriously III
with tonallitla. .
After pentllng hi vacation on th
mountain Joe Narkau haa returned to
I'eiHlloton, where III lit high school
senior. -,t
Mr. Floyd Eads (Mis May" Shaw)
of Mesa, Washington, wa a guest this
week of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McDantel
at their home on the mountain.
Mr. and Mra Frank I 'rice were ai
Wslla Walla durimr the weak with
their little aon. KklrwL who sustained
an operation lor the removal of
deoolda. ' . , .
Mr. Lliil Lanadala and children
are returned to their home on w
Pin mountain from Vincent, Oregon,
where they spent the summer oo ao
alfalfa farm.
Having finished his expert work lo
directing eonstroetlun of tbe new borne
of the Weston Mercantile Co., which
everyone admire, Contractor H. T.
Uure lell yestaruay lor nana nana.
Hey Winn, Joe Key, Jo Hodgson
and Sim Culley, representative far
mers of th Weston district, were in
town Wednesday attending a board
meeting of the Weatog Mercantile Co.
Manager Rawla Miller announce
that beginning next Monday evening
at the Dreamland theater he will give
six-reel program hereafter at th
present price of admittance. The
show will start promptly at 7:f.
The Weston schools opened Monday
wllu ao enrollment, of ih, wbich num
ber ia Increasing-. The attendance in
hllfh school to 40, with 33 In th fresh
man class. A number of prospective
hiifh school student are yet to enter.
Instead of attending achool at Port
land, her home. Ml Ethel Lane has
again becom a student of Weston
High which speak well for the lo
cal Institution. She Is residing with
her grandparents, Mr. and Mr. A.
... " .
Mr. and Mra. I. A. McRaa and
daughters hav returned to their
I tome oo tvaahtnirvon street from an
extended visit with relative at t'orn-
II. Ontario. They were aocotniMtn-
led by Mrs. D. MoCourt, the mother of
Mra. Mdtaa.
I'erklna & Myers, a Freewater firm,
are giving motion picture shows at
Weaton opera house tnta and tomor
row, evening. They will present five-
reel show each night at 10 ami lQo,
and claim to have tbe latest going- in
melodramatic thrills and roaiing- farce
comedy. : y- ?
W4 ij See t. am.m.-m Ja yum w wstf
The Panama-Pacific Exposition opened on time
but they took four years in getting ready.
Our new Cash Store failed to open on the date
set, but they tried to get ready in four days.
So now come on Saturday (tomorrow) and see
what is doing see what you've got. We believe
you will be as pleased and proud as we are.
And before leaving town just remember how
we love you and we're just across the street
-, . ttsir
H. A. Street haa had hard luck with
hla farm stock this summer having
loot two brood mare and two colts.
II good blooded animal from vari
ous cause. Wednesday ne came in
to the local veterinary hospital with
another ailing broad mare, which he shop.
fear he may also tpse.
Their many Weaton friends ar glad
to welcome the "return to the fold"
of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Beneflel. who
arrived Wednesday from ' Portland.
The Allsky bulldinr there of which
they had . charge. . waa destroyed by
fire. They are agsln occupying their
home on East Main street.
We are mournfully Informed by Jim
Ritcbey that he Is much concerned
about hla agricultural friend, Joe
Hodgson. Joe I known to be very
forgetful, but Jim say that no far
mer should forget how to- drive a
horse and that Jo did this very thing.
It seems that Joe's Cadillac la laid up
for repairs, and that every once in a
while or oftener while out driving
single wltb Jim he would twiat the
lines In hla hand In a sort of semi
circular way as though steering an
automobile. The old horse hadn't
been cranked up right, or something,
or elae It had a compound fracture of
the carburetor. Leastwtee. according
to Jim, It ditched both friends on a
level road. After salvaging th out
fit, Jim took the reins from Joe' un
resisting bands and drove thoughtfully
to town, reflecting upon the above
Ia order to construct th UmaUlta
County library building at Pendleton
of fire-proof material. the county
court haa agreed to add 110.090 to the
f SS.00 Carnegie donation. The work
of excavating la now under way. and
ia being done by the Warren Construc
tion company free of charge.
Miss Edna Bantatsr left Monday
for Corvalli. after spending the Bum
mer vacation at her home In Weston.
Miss Baniater goes to San Francisco
October 10th aa oris of the three Ore
gon ' Agricultural ' College student
chosen to demonstrate domestlo art
at the Panama-Pacific Kxpoaltion.
Zane lanadate and Herman O'Har-
ra are returning today to their atudlee
at the Oregon Agricultural College.
Zane will complete the civil engineer
ing course this year. Herman Is. tak
ing th agricultural course which
mean that aome day he will be able
to teach the remainder of th O'Harra
tribe how to farm.
Gold Hill News! Mr. and Mra. J.
O'Hara motored down from Cen
tral Point Sunday and visited at the
home of their daughter, Mrs. M. D.
Bower. Recently Mr. O'Hara un
derwent the painful experience of
blood poisoning, caused by aa infec
tion on the nostrlla. but prompt at
tention averted serious consequences
The pastor of the Baptist church,
Rev. Milo O. Bentley, haa returned
from his vacation trip and will be in
hla pulpit next Sunday at 2:30 p. in.
The nubile to moat cordially invited to
attend. The service for the summer
months were held on tbe former nor
mal school campus, but oomraencintr
next Sunday will bo In the oburcb
building. . .
The case of th,e, government against
the owner of Ever' flouring: mill is
up at Pendleton before Judge Phelps.
The government disputes the defend
ant company's claim to a title in fee
simple to 10,000 feet per minute of
the waters of th Umatilla river run
ning through the Umatilla Indian res
ervation. The mill's claim upon the
water date from 1170.
The Driakel) family held a pleasant
reunion and partook of an admirable
chicken dinner Sunday at the residence
of Mr. and Mra. Geo. H. Sowers.
Others present were Mr. and Mrs. W.
E. Drlkell of thla city, H. C. Fetter
and familv of Spokane, G. H. Fontaine
and family of Davten, Wash.; Royal
and Cralk Driskell, also of Dayton.
The enjoyment .of tbe occasion was
marred only bv the absence of Mr.
and Mra. H. J. Driskell, who were un
able to come. -: . . - ,
The opening of the WeeUm Mercan
tile Co., announced for Wednesday,
was unavoidably delayed until tomor
row (Saturday) morning. There to
such a vast quantity of goods to clas
sify and display that Manager Slover
and bis busy clerks found tbe task
bevono tnetr power in ine umnsu
time at their disposal. By tomorrow,
however, everything will be ia readi
ness for the most- Important merchan
dizing event In th town's history, and
one that presage the restoration to
Weston in aome degree the departed
luster of Ita stair coach days. Shelves
and counters, sliow case and show
windows will be full of new goods from
eastern manufacturing centers, and
Weston wiil awake to Bnd a metropol
itan emporium awaiting its pleasure.
Motor car service to all point, dar
or night. Also livery and feed stab'
opposite the Lieuallen blacksmith
Lafe McBrlde. .
Mum Ferol McBrlde has relumed to
her studies In Weston High school
from her horn near Athena.
. Mra. Margaret Wheeler has return
ed from her aummer vacation, on the
Newt O'Harra farm.
Hurry now, as I remain only two
more weeks in Athena. Ohmart the
The ollowlng- new books have been
added to the Weaton branch of the
Umatilla county library:
Brooks As Others See Ua.
Clement Handbook of. Modern Ja
pan... ...
Dodd Healthful Farmhouse.
Haxen Clean Water and How to
Get It. : ..... , .
Mathews Familiar Features of the
Pa roans How to Plan the Home
Grounds. ,
Barr Bow of Orange Ribbon.
Craddock In the Clouds.
Crockett Lilac Sunbonnet.
Harrison V. V.'a Eyes.
Hornung Father of Men.
Klngsiey Miss Phllura'a Wedding
Gown. , . .
i Kiullng Mine Own People.
Lyude Taming of Red Butte, west
ern. Macaulay Lady of the Decoration.
' Mitchell Weatways.
Norris The Treasure.
Parker Pierre and HI People.
.i Children' Books. ,
Alcott Under the Lilacs. "
Alden Moral Pirate.
Andrew Seven Little 8laters.
Beard Jolly Book of JBoxcraft.
Big-ham Stories of Mother Goose
Village.. ' '
Brooks Stories of the Red Chil
dren.....,.,. ,.. j '
Brown Lucky Stone.'
Brown Wonderful Chair. v
Burgess Old Mother West Wind.
Carter Cat Stories.
Davis Boy Scout
Dix Little Captive Lad.
Finnemore Japan.
Harris Uncle Remus and His
Lane Industries of Today.
Lang Jack the Giant Killer.
Lorenxini Plnocchlo.
Moleeworth Cuckoo Clock.
, Pierson Millers at Pencroft.
Ruskln King of the Golden River.
St. Nicholas Stories of the Great
Schmidt "William Tell. '
fScobey Stories of Great Musicians.
Thompson Lobo, O'Rag and Vixen.
Trimmer History of the Robins.
White When Molly Was Six.
Wilson Tad Sheldon's Fourth of
July. .. - , . .
Dr. J. G. McMATH
Office one block north of the bank
Electric Treatments Given
EST Phone 521
To the People of Weston:
Now js the time to buy your next win
ter's wood. We have contracted for
several hundred cords cut from large
pine trees and are prepared to sell you
wood cheaper than you have bought it
. for fen years. We will deliver this
wood, for cash only, to any place in
FIFTY CENTS ($4.50) per cord. Or
ders will be taken at any time and de
livery made as soon as possible.
Weston Brickyard
P iiiiif"i iUitAK
mttmi -
. -. T '.' .V"... r .-
: , - " M - . L i V . rOv la-"' " i ' SL af ,
w awf T. .; l -J I m il ST -n-v vfc.
SEPT. 23-24-2S,
Wild ai Wonderful
Get Fares and P-uticokr.
Furious aix! JExcitlrtf
MewCentMtantsfertSianr '
Kt crumpi, asw and '
beast heW ysa ajulWieiwd
From Asset 0.V.H&li
It will Pay Yov.
f P Time
If you need anything in Drugs and
Medicines, be careful where you buy.
Selecting a drug store is very import
ant in many ways. Ability, carefulness
and promptness are necessary. All
this you get with your purchase at
m m
Weston, Oregon
V "2