The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, September 10, 1915, Image 4

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Mx Fe-tral Trscb
A Bare Cs4 Track to Bay.
A REHt'lLT FKPKRAI. hi ee go4
valus tor tha moni-r aa a aw IniA Hr
rr-oulll maon thai Ilia Iran, la entlrair
aaii auorl oaeli part eamlnod an if
fcat-aaaaiv rapta-od by
i rplo-od by a par maae
I ha Kod.ial factory. Ik enure lru.-
roootnted and rofinlahrd, and avarylhlnc
.. ..-., done I make ma iru.e piacu
ul'r aa good aa nai
la avery d
robuilt M
are erotocted tr the earoa rwvll. y
traa that we glva to all rodent'
and In-
Ue nnamta a rooalr danarimenL I whi. a
I ha workmen ara apeolnllete on fad. rata,
ur ai'Pply of rederej oarte la complete,
and the slook room organisation ktcn
riaaa hl n Insurre the prompt filltne vf
all pa" order. U'a alaa operate a eenr
ca department, whir la epm day and
Kif ht, "always at your rail " Tha Federal
einc a caod truck In lha rirnt plac and
protected by a company whlra la equip
ped and haa tha dianoattloa glva Jeu
oervloe fa conaequentlv
tr you ara In tha market for a truck
from ! to IMOe, ut( yoa W rw
par uaad Federals with new trMcVa at
aimllar pHree. think w cam coavtaca
you of thatr superior vaJua.
.Car. B. TWd aad Oraroa Bta, e-ar axel BrWe.
Immmu laoraughty eaar
Meed. Prfcee t Hi,
Work fwamnleed.
Coneat andean- lada tat
Elof T. Iledland
dM-MSMartea BaMta. art rtaar. WoaalasWa
mum AftD
PJo feds Fiver.
in mom m w dah ncuT
One U. S. Trooper Wounded Grave
Possibilities Thought Imminent
From Mexican Invasions.
Brownsville, Tx. Willi horit of
lidzicmna rcportad miiiiil aJang lha
rirar whard a tharp batUd batwaan
Amarieaa aaTairy wai Uaxicand took
placa. CS nilea waat of bara, with
communlcatfoa bataraan bard and San
Benito la thd raided dUtrlct all but
broken by wir cnttara and a luddao
calling to quarter! of all troop ata
tioncd at Fort Brown, tha aituation
mwinc oat of Sunday's boaliiitiaa dd-
ralopcd awifty to ood of trara poaai
bilitiaa. At CavaMa Croaainc, near Old Ht
dalco, Tex., wbara United Stetea cav
alrymen and U exicana acroa tha river
engaged in aa all-day battle, ending
late in the afternoon, the aouth bank
of tha Rio Grande waa reported liter
ally lined with If exicana, well armed,
but it could not be ascertained whether
they included any Carrania soldi ara.
Inthedaj'a battle. Captain Frank
K. McCoy, commanding the United
States cavalry engaged, reported that
at least 10 kfexieaoa were killed, their
cither for the Stom
ach, tha liver, or
the bowels you
realljr should try
a aa
I Stomach Bitters
Its tonic qualities iharpea the
lamvtirL ilil rlttmatwin and
keep the liver and bowels
daily active. For over 60i
years it has been helping peo
ple to promote and maintain
better health. . Try It.
Wheat llluaatara, ld buahel; forty
fold, 3e; eluh, lit) red rife, 78i
red Russian, T7a.
alillfeod 8pot priced t Bran, 2
aixrta, S; roUs4 Uilsy.
mh kitxs b Sink m Sifzs .
Titrti mi i von waoie, ion eracaen.
snriD mtm mm mm
Kaiser Accepts Fundamental Princi
ples of Submarine Warfare
As Desired by U. S.
Aaoaei Kmjakiai Via pradt: aa aaatpatitiaa.
xuacaa mmm. 04 laanar. a n. wr law waw
baa rORU SUPfLI OCX. Mtataaka. tdaaa.
TIT 1 laan at aaoa
We pay cash sss
rrrr market.
Nf raat 8L, rartlaad. Oneaa
Dalles Columbia Lino
Ktata t Waaatnataa. tar Ta ttaliaa dally as.
Roadajr II p. av Laava Uailaa daily Maada
It U. S..nn J. N. TaaL Inlaad Kaaaho aad
Twin Ottaa tot Vpear Oalvnbia aad Snake rhpar
TwIarSi. Uaaa.
bar raaa. Ca. Mad.
C Gee Wo
' ' ' - Ete aamaafal aarb
l al liai liae core all
kind, of ailow a a al
a and araana wHk.
oat laiama. aaad
rran too aaadairal
fciO.ii. . ii On h I
fcodaand wanlatiiia,
bodies lying exposed on the plain aouth f 17 l
of the international boundary. He be-1 '"'ty
liered that aa many more were killed I
in uteir amDuaa in me nruan.
tS RMdtra) arianco of tkta aaaauy.
Wrtta for blonk and rtrettlan. Saa4
Tae C Cee Wa Oaese It&au Ca.
. First Su Portland. Ota.
Fan Designed for Sowing Machine.
Intended for use In homes where
electrio fans are not employed, a ro
tary fan haa been Inrented which may
readily be attached to a aewing ma
chine so aa to furnish a cooling cur
rent of air across tha work board
when the device la In serried. The
vanes are fastened on a hollow shaft
which la arranged to be screwed to
the end or- the axle of the flywheel.
The fan, of course. revolTea only when
the machine la pedaled. A picture of
the fan appears In the September Pop
ular Mechanics llagaslne.
Dont Want Peace.
Tha bandits of Mexico do not want
peace. No matter who gets tha upper
hand for the time being, he can not
control the half dosea leaders whose
vanity and love of power and greed
for loot will keep tbera In the field as
long aa guerrilla warfare tires oppor
tunity to get what they want without
working for It Washington (D. C)
Honors Are Even.
"My pop la a financier," boasted one
little boy.
"Well, yon needn't brag about it,"
retorted the boy next door. "I ve got
an uncle In Jail, too.
, Tha Unklndest Cut.
"What are you so furious about.
Wife ?"-:
"Mrs. Smith Just called me aa old
"Why. you're not old!" Para Ufa.
There Is Hardly A Woman
Who Does Not Rely Upon
Lydia E. Knkham'g Veg-
etahle Compound.
Princeton, lit-"I had inflammation,
bard headaches in the back of my neck
and weakness aO
caused by female
trouble, and I took
Lydia . Pinkham'a
Vegetable Cam.
pound with snch ex
cellent results that I
am now feeling fine.
I recommend tha
Com pound and praise
it to aU. I shall be
Iglad to have you
' publish my letter.
' ' TW Is aeareelv a neighbor around ma
, rf. r.dUHJMBUH, ft. na 1, OUA JU, I U1K-
; ton, Illinois.
, Experience of av IT arse.
Poland,N.Y. 'In my experience as
nurse I certainty think Lydia E. Pink
bam'a Vegetable Compound is a great
medicine. I wish all women with fe
male troubles would take it. I took it
when passing through the Change of
Life with great results and I always re
commend the Compound to all my pa
tients if I know of their condition in
time. I will gladly do all I can to help
others to know of this great medicine."
Mrs. Horack Newman, Poland, Her.
Itimer Ca, N. Y.
If yon are ill do not drag along until
an operation ia necessary, but at once
tXke Lydia . Pinkham'a Vegetable
If yon want special ad rice write)
X.ydin 1Z. I 'Ink ham Medicine. Co., Ljna, Mass,
fricsds of Peace Ccafertace
Qccrs at Km ef less of User
Chicago The first session of the
National convention of the Friends of
Peace, which opened here Monday,
waa given over largely to the women
delegates as a sentimental acknowl
edgement of tha part women must play
in tha peace movement, but a number
of men speakers launched vigorous at
tacks on what they called the "jingo
press" and manufacturers who ara
shipping munitions to belligerent na
tions. These attacks were greeted by
A ripple of applause also greeted
the reading of a bulletin announcing
that tha Allan liner Hesperian had
been torpedoed by a German subma
rine, but immediately a storm of hisses
drowned out tha applause. Tha bulle
tin read by Henry Weiasman, of Chi
cago, chairman of tha reaolutiona com
mittee, contained tha erroneous state
ment that 600 Uvea bad been lost.
Later another bulletin stating no
lives had been lost waa read and the
delegates broke into applause that
lasted several minutes.
Mr. Weiasman said tha action of the
submarine confirmed bis opinion that
reports declaring Germany had acced
ed to the demands of tha United States
regsrding submarine warfare had been
published solely to keep people from
attending the convention of tha
Friends of Peace, and that tha "jingo
press" had lent its efforts to the move
ment with that end in view.
Rev. D. C. Berkemeier, of Mount
Vernon, N. Y., charged that tha influ
ential papers of the United States are
trying their beet to incite tha nation
to war. v.. ' - '
Torps!& His Ifflcr.
London The Allan Line steamer
Hesperian, with 350 passengers and a
crew of 300 aboard, bound from Liver
pool for Montreal, was attacked with
out warning by a German submarine
off the Irish coast just aa darkness
falling Saturday evening. Although the
torpedo found its mark, the vessel re
mained afloat and, according to a
statement issued by the company,
every one aboard waa saved.
NO submarine was seen and It was
too dark to observe the wake of a tor
pedo, but all tha passengers and crew
agree that tha attack waa made- by a
German undersea boat, basing their
opinion on the force of tha shock and
the great volume of water thrown into
tha air.
losses sutnv rtrrarrn
ar caw Sanaa Pino, lam.
pfteaa, tnak. MlutM: aiafwaat al
Woaam a iaan bmc pro
tart aftara attar ii'k ialL
V ma tw OMkM aad IMMaatUla,
la-aaat akaa. tiarttoa rrna It al
.. alaa. SiaaM rrna .a
Ca . aUaHar. M (toWH aa
at Cauar mom U dua aar a
awa at anartetlnaa at aaaiHai aad mal aM.
laatat aa Cthva. If buNiim). arriar air.
Catalog Ready for Mailing.
One of tha prettiest illustrated cata
logs issued by the business col leges of
the Northwest is tha one published by
the Behnke-Walker Business College
of Portland, Oregon. The college waa
started a little over IS years ago aad
haa an average annual attendance of
about a thousand students. L. M.
Walker, who ia head of the school, waa
one of the founders of tha inatitutlon.
It has been and ia the ambition of
President Walker to employ nothing
but tha beat instructors in each and
every department. The school stands
high in tha estimation of business
firms throughout tha Northwest. Adv.
Poor Grandpa. .
"Pa, did you ever rua away when
you were a boyf" "No, never." "Did
you alwaya go to Sunday school T "I
never missed a Sunday." "Did you
ever do what your parenta told, you
not to do?" "I am glad to aay that I
never did." "Didn't you aver make a
fuss when you hsd to take a bath 7"
"I should say not I alwaya took my
hatha without complaining. I liked
it" "Didn't it ever make yon mad
to be called la to do something for
your mother when yon would rather
stay out and play with the other
boys" "It always gave me the keen
est pleasure to do things for my
mother, no matter whether I had to
stop playing or not." "And did you
alwaya speak respectfully to your' par
ents T "Always. That waa one of
the first things I ever learned to do."
"Gee. what a liar grandpa Is." Boca
ester Post-Express.
Washington, t C Strained rela
tions between tha United States and
Germ say over submarine warfare ap
parently passed Into history Thursday
after Count voa Berastorft, tha Gar
man ambassador, Informed Secretary
Lansing la writing that prior to Us
sinking of the Arabia aia governmeat
had decided that lis submarines
should sink M more liners without
Oral assurancee to thts effect had
been glvea by the embassador last
week. But It waa not until Count von
Berastorff. after a call at tha state
department, returned to the embassy
and aent a letter to Mr. Lansing quot
ing Instructions from Berlin concern
ing an answer to be made to the last
Americas note on the einktng of the
Lueltaala that officials frankly admit
ted their gratification over tha chang
ed position of tha Imperial govern
ment Secretary Lansing said tn a formal
statement that tha letter "appears to
be a recoiniUoa of the fundamental
principle for which we hare ooatead
ed." He Immediately aent the com
munication to tha white house, and
discussed It ta a cheerful vein.
Everywhere la administration cir
cles there was a visible relaxation ot
tha tension which hsd existed aver
since the Lnaitanta tragedy, though
leeaened by tha earlier assurancee of
Count von Bemstorft and advices
from Ambasaador Oerard aa to tha at
titude ot offlclala la Berlin.
Tha aext step. It ta said authorita
tively, will be n formal eommunlca
Uoa from the German government dis
avowing tha dee traction of the Arabic
and tendering regret and reparation
tor American Uvea lost In tha disaster
If the attack waa made by n Oennaa
Even If the submarine which tor
pedoed the liner subsequently was
sunk by a British man-of-war, aa baa
been auggeeted both from Berlin and
London, tha Berlin foreign office la
expected to aend ita disavowal aa soon
aa a reasonable time has passed with
out a report from Ita commander.
Once the aituation growing out of
tha Arable Incident haa been disposed
of, the response to the loog-onaaawer-ed
American note on tha Lnsltasla
will be dispatched, and If Germany's
explanations and proposals tn this
case are accepted by the United
8tatee. both offlclala and diplomats
here expect the way to be cleared for
a complete understanding between the
two governmenta on tha subject of
freedom of tha seas.
Hay Eastern Oregon timothy,
HMOrtltoai valley timothy, flSot
14: alfalfa, $IS.W:iS.60: cheat,
CIO; oat and vetsh. tlltt'li
Vegetables Cucumbers, Oregon, II
(jSOe dosen; artichokes, JOcj toma
toes, ISiatxOe boa: cabbage, 1 pound:
head lettuce, $1 crate beans, liaise
pound; green earn, ISe dosen; garlic,
iOe pound; peppers, 4ge; eggplant,
4qSc; pumpkins, lie.
Pickling Unions, 1 Otitis Bound;
ground cherries, 1 box.
Green Fruits Cantaloupe, gOe fi
tl.M crate; peaches, IS (J eOe hoi;
watermelons, Itilio pound; plums, tt
ft S0a box; new apples, Astraehsna,
TfeOtW Cravansteins, f 1 t 1.60;
pears, 7Set1H: grapes, Sfiatjfl.60
crate; huckleberries, (j Te pound;
eaaabaa. lie.
Potatoes New, TO Q SOe sack ;
sweets, s)f4d pownd.
Onions 0cr.76e sack.
Eggs Oregon ranch, buying prices i
No. I, tSedotea; No. S, SOc; No. S,
ITc Jobbing price: No, 1, t728c
Poultry Hena, 14e pound; springs,
17c; turkeys, IgaJISo; ducks, glsc;
geese, fciiflo.
Butter City creamery, rubes, es
trae, S7e pound; firsts, x&c; seconds.
Me; prints and cartons, extra; tatter
fat. No. 1, X8e; second grade, le less;
oountry creamery eubea, IVCStfe.
Veal Fancy, ltidflSe pound.
Pork Block, lie pound.
Hops 1 16 fuggtee, 14214ie; 1014
crop, 14e; olds, ISatlSe, ,
Wool Eastern Oregon, medium, IS
(t28ie; Eastern Oregon fine, lStfllie;
valley. S6C30e: mohair, new clip, 80
Caaeara Bark Old and new. Si
Se pound.
Pelts Dry long-wooled pelts. 1S1;
dry, short-wool ed pelts. Hie; dry
shearlings, each, 104.16c; salted shear
lings, each, 16XSe; dry goat, long
hair, each, 17c; dry goat, shearling,
each, lOfijtOe: Batted long-wooled
pelta. May, Slt each.
Cattle Choice steers, SC. 60 t 7;
good, 18 49 CSS; medium, SS.7S ft ;
choice cows, S.IStS.SS; good, SStft
6.25; medium, S4.60&5; heifers, fSig
5.85; bulls, S4.SO.tS; stags, S5-60.
Hogs Light, .8S?.10; heavy, t
Sheep Wethers, S4.75CJ5; awes,
S34M.7S; lambs, 4.76.S&.
f i ia ""
a ar
- -V.
I. at. OAl.aitW, rraa.
A Good Position
Waiting for You
A few months training In our shoot will Ot yott.
Then tha position la yours and the ability to hold II
Is yours. There ara alwaya positions opsa fur peo
ple who are prepared to take them, but there la
very tittle demand for untrained help. In a few
months any bright, earnest, Industrious young per
son, with a fairly good general education, can mska
the necessary preparation for good position,
Where promotion will follow Intelligent service. '
Our catalog makes it very plain why our college stands high with
the business men of Portland and ether cities and towns throughout the
Our courses equip you to do tha business In an office, bank or store
efficiently. Our college gives you thorough, practical training In Short
hand. Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Business practice, Penmanship, Cor
rva por dance, Commercial Law, Telegraphy and Civil Service.
Write at once for catalog. Let It point the way to suceeea for you.
Fourth and Yamhill Street.
Business College
But Ha Dldnt Oet It
Ita waa Scotch, all right, was Sandy
MacOregor, and bad mislaid his wsllol
containing 1400 al tha railway station.
He telegraphed bla loss to the rail'
way atatton agent, and the wallet was
kept until bis return, a month later.
The finder, a young clerk, handed
elacUreaor the missing wallet and
stood lu aa attitude of eager eipecta
tlon. The 8cot unbeedlngly counted
bis money and than looked long aad
suspiciously at the young clerk.
"last It rlthtr stammered the lat
ter In bewilderment.
- -Right I ItUthtl It s right enough."
said MacQregor, "but whur'a Us
month's Interestr National Food
Magaalaa. .
larly Indlcatlene.
"What profession do you think your
youngest nor will follow r
"Well." replied Farmer Corntoesel,
"judging from ths way ha likes to
play la tha dirt I think maybe he ll be
one o' these land-arabbers yoa read
ao much about Washington Star.
Recommendation Offered. -Mrs.
Hiram Daly Can yoa get n
reference from your last employer.
Applicant tibure I can. Pve been
work In' for meself for the past six
months, an' 1 can recommend meeetf
to yes highly. Boston Transcript.
Rural Credits Again. '
Getting (be money back on to tha
farm la a Job much discussed at vert .
oua conventions these days; but there
are one or two points that seem wortn .
stating: Itural credits la a problem'
of development, not of charity. Wa
have no downtrodden peasantry la '
this oountry, and lha legal rata of
Interest haa somewhat restricted tha '
mortgage sharks. (Jolting completely
rid ot these fellows la Important, but
It la much more Important lo aeeure
In all parts of our country ths best
possible laveatment aad ass of agri
cultural capital. This should not be
dona by the privilege method, by state
aid, tax exemption, and so on. If tha
American farmer cab t pay hla way,
nobody ran. Tha real need la better
organisation of the farming business
by means of rural cooperative banks,
which will not only do tha banking
for their mem bora, but will also glva
them tha benefits of centralised' buy
lag and selling. The banking will be
based oa the actual known valaea of
the neighborhood, and the trading op. -
e rations will be real and not speca
latum Along with Individual seal and
skill In farming will go a cooperaliva
use of the farmers' business strength.
Itural credits must be taken up as a
part of this larger problem of agricul
tural business organisation. Collier's
Tcstsss Take Ua fortress.
What to Do for
I telling Skins
I r i
f5f V '
Armored Cars Victorious.
Petrograd Tha war office has issued
tha following statement: "In the
fighting Thursday and Friday on the
front from Deragno to the Dneister we
took prisoners more than 60 officers
and about 8000 men, with some ma
chine guns. From reports received it
appears that in the fighting on August
80 on the Stripe, in the region of,
Korowa-Tarnopo! railway, wa owed
our succeed especially to oar armored
motor cars, which have been styled
'rushing victory whose crews threw
the Germans into great disorder."
- Wines Msy All Be Held.
Ssn Francisco Announcement has
been made by Louis S. Wetmore,
general manager of the California
Wine association, that, owing to the
present war tax on dry wine, the as
sociation would not buy any grapes
this year. A circular letter con
veying this information haa been sent
to California wins growers, who were
advised not to sell their wine until af
ter congress had convened, the letter
expressing the belief that congress
would modify the selling tax of 8
cents a gallon.
Ecxema, ringworm and other itch
ing, burning akin eruptions ara so eas
ily made worse by improper treat
ment, that one haa
to be very careful.
There la one method
however, that you
need not hesitate to
use even on a baby's
tender skin that is,
the resinol treat
ment. Besinol Is ths
prescription of n
Baltimore doctor. Is
put up in the form of
reslnol ointment and resinol soap.
Thia proved so remarkably successful,
that thousands of other physicians
hare prescribed it constantly for 20
years. .
Resinol stops itching Instantly, and
almost always beala the eruption
quickly and at little cost Resinol
ointment and reslnol soap can - be
bought at any druggist's, and ara not
at all expensive.
Craps Juice Reign Ends.
Tha reign of grape Juice at state
department dinners will end tonight,
when Secretary Lansing will entertain
Benor Cardoso, the Brazilian minister
to Mexico.
Secretary of State Bryan aet tha
grape Juice custom. It hss never been
relished by the diplomats, who are ac
customed to wines and kindred bever
ages. Secretary of State Lansing's return
to the usual custom will be highly
welcome to most of the diplomatic
body, bat not to them entirely. Wash
ington (D. C.) Times.
;, - The Wherefore. .
"Why Is a turtle so much harder to
snare than a fish?"
"Well, a turtle doesn't have to go it
blindly. He is equipped with a peri
scope." Louisville Courier-Journal.
London. Tha minor fortress ot
Lutsk, which, with those of Dubno
and Kovno, forma n fortified triangle
on Russian territory juet north of tha
Galictaa frontier, was captured by the
Anstriana Thursday, according to the
omciai report from Vienna. It Is to
thia direction that the Auatro-Oerman
offensive hss been, tha moat aggres
sive during the past few daya, tha ob
ject being to separate the Russian
army which baa been retreating
through the Pripet marshes from that
operating la Oallcia. Tha latter forces
inflicted, ao the Russians claim, a
rather severe defeat on tha Invaders.
Tha capture of Lutsk, however, is
likely to compel the Russians, despite
their victory, to evacuate that part of
Oallcia still held by them; otherwise
their flank there would be seriously
Along the rent of the front, except I also Buffered from unfavorable wsathsr
in the center, where the Austro-Qer-1 conditions.
Hop Crop Disappointing
Portland Hop growers In Oregon
ara keenly disappointed over the smalt
crop that ia being harvested thia year.
Early in tha season it appeared to be a
big yield of 140,000 or 160,000 bales.
bat it la doubtful now If tha crop wilt
exceed 100.000 bales.
Soma well posted authorities believe
it may fall to 85.000 or 80.000 bales.
Last year Oregon produced 117,000
bales of hops.
The vines mads a good start la the
spring and gavs promise of a record
yield per acre Early la ths summer,
however, tha wet wsathsr brought en
a severe attack of hop lies, and In
spits of all ths efforts of ths growers
they could not master the plague.
Spraying was resorted to promptly
by most of the farmers, and some
yards were gone over four or five
timee. At first It seemed as if tha
attack bad been checked, bat the
weather waa against the growers, and
the vermin reappeared, ,.,
Not only in Oregon Is the crop com
ing down below expectations, but the
entire American crop will be much leas
than wsa figured upon. ' .
In Washington hops ara doing tetter
than In other states, bat the yield thia
year ia lessened by ths plowing np of
much acreage in ths western counties.
In California adverse westher has re
duced the crop, and Nsw York bops
EZTm" V.'awiflil
f t
rfl TheBestat Any Price
No other baking
powder will raise
nicer, lighter bis
cuits, cakes and
pastry, none is more
pure and wholesome
Then Why Pay More?
mans continue to maks a alow ad
vance, tha Russians appear to be hold
ing their own. They have thus far
prevented the Germane from crossing
toe uvina at raedricbatadt, where a
battle haa been in progress for sev
eral days; they have arrested the Ger
man offensive between that point and
tha gulf of Riga, and ara still holding
their ground between Kovno and VII na
and before Grodno, although the Ger
mans have approached tha outer posi
tion of Grodno fortress.
Mexlcane Cross Border. - ,.
Sierra Blanea, Tex. A report re
ceived Thursday said 100 Mexicans
have crossed ths border In ths neigh
borhood of Hot Springs, El Paso coun
ty, Texas. Fearing an attempt at re
prisals for the killing of General Fas
coal Orosco and four companions In
ths Green river canyon by a local
posse on Monday, Sheriff Edwards has
left for Hot Springs. Cowboys and
ranch owners are hurrying to retn-
fAna tha ahn-lff Tint Qn-tn,. I am
the harder ahont SB mllan f mm horn ATS hard to dispose of.
mere wss a good a em ana tor nens
Fine Smelt on Market.
Taeoma Puget Sound smelts, of ths
best quality sold hers in years, are ar
riving regularly In large quantities.
Ths demand was never better and tha
fish roll out at 6 cents a pound. They
are said by dealers to be far superior
to ths famous Columbia river smelt,
and for that reason ara demanding a
higher pries. Ths ran is good and
large catches are being made dally.
Nearly 16,000 pounds of fresh halibut
will arrived on tha local market. Ship
ments of this siss ara needed practi
cally every day to meet ths demand.
Weather Factor In Butter Market.
Portland Heavy receipts of off-
grade summer butter continue to keep
the market In an unsettled condition,
except lor xaney cubes, which are
scares and firm.
Strictly fresh eggs are also firm, but
a large part of ths current receipts
show the effect of warm weather and
Whan Tense Branded Thieves.
Adam was the first man the very
first to be indicted by a grand Jury
In Houston. His osme, to be mors
specific, waa James Adam. The charge
waa that ha stole; the indictment lar
ceny. Ha was convicted. Thia waa
theatentence: To return to the right
ful owner the sum of 1296; to be given
39 lashes on the bare back In a public
place and to be branded with the let
ter "T on the back of tha right band.
Thia all happened in Houston In the
spring of 1137. Tha first book of rec
ords waa dug from a dusty shelf one
afternoon recently in the Harris coun
ty courthouse. O. M. Dn C'los, clerk
of the district court, and he who Is
known aa tha Investigator Into the
affairs of others, did tha digging.
The first book of the records of the
legsl doings of Harris county la a yel
lowed and old thing. Tha ftrst'matter
written In it Is a statement signed by
Bam Houston giving authority for tha
court It announces that be baa ap
pointed Benjamin Franklin Judge of
the court The place la given aa "the
town of Houston, county of Harris-
burg, republlo of , Texaa." Houston
,..-., ....... . ..L. . NJ. ... - .M
Ha Was Learned Thers.
"Have you learned anything tn the
way of business during your four
years' loaf at colleger demanded ths
"Sure," said Reginald. "I can write
ths dandiest Hue of dunning letters
you aver aaw."
"Humph I - ejaculated ths paler.
"Who taught you thatr . '
"My creditors," said Reginald.
Kansas City Star.,
, Ciaras While Yea Walk, if
Allan's Voot-Ka Is seanaln cure for hot,
reailnflealIua,smfwo!lau,'liliif fast. Sold
f all ItruMtjis. J-flna Jhe. Imn't aeeapl anv
?!f",'iu T,A f,"i'i'k- ASdraai
Alias a, Olouied, L Jtor, N, T. '
P. N. U.
to aaNerHeai'e,
Whale Catch Already 340.
Aberdeen, Wash. A catch of 400
whaled off Grays Harbor, or more than
baa ever been taken here before in a I
aingle season, is predicted by Msnsger
James F. Brown, of the Bay City
whaling station. Inclement weather
only can prevent a phenomenal catch.
The proportion of sperm whales is
large and catches are msde daily. Four
whalers are engaged and the plant is
kept ir steady operation. The catch I
to data A between 340 and 860.
raruand's Best Boalnaoi Tralalmr griiaat
Bookkaaplae, Sborthaoa. TrpewrlUas ami
PanaMnahio taosfct ar export I in i ana.
m Ten epwd Vttattft, ttpL 1,16
Many atodanta fcaoo alioadr ainoBta. Asfc
Im Catalog. Enroll earir.
A. T. UXK, General tlaszpr.
rucrj kjs. rssruus. m&tn
Wilson to Rush Defense.
Washington. With danger of seri
ous trouble with Oermany apparently
removed. President Wilson, it was
said authoritatively, believes he can
proceed with more freedom in ths de
velopment of his national defense
plana because there can be no suspi
cion that they are directed against
any particular nation. The president's
idea. It waa said, la to prepare a pro
gramme for several years In advance,
and in doing so to secure the expert
opinion of army and nary officers.
Two Donate 'Thousands.
Taeoma, Wash. Donations by Mrs.
R. It. McCormlck and Henry Dewltt,
Jr, make certain the completion of the
Ferry museum Jointly with ths build
ing of the Washington Stats Histori
cal society. The first of the two units,
the historical society half, was built
about fve years ago and ths founda
tion of tha second nnlt la under way.
Mrs. Mccormick gave 110,000 and Mr,
Hewitt the remainder, between 112,600
and $16,000. i
at 14 cents, and springs sold readily at
17 cents. Dressed pork was weaker
and 91 cents was quoted on the best.
Veal was scarce.
Market 800 Cars of Pears.
North Yakima With the pear sea
son rapidly drawing to n doss, reprs-
ssntatives of ths Federal bureau of I
markets, who have received dally re-1
ports of the erop movement, estimate
the total volume of pears for this sea
son at 800 earloads. Of straight ear
shipments, 613 earloads bava already
moved, 180 carloads of pairs navel
been Included in mixed ear shipments,
end the canneries have taken 40 car-1
Poultry Demand la Good.
. There was a good supply of poultry I
on hand In Portland thia week, but the
demand was active and tha market
held firm. Hens sold sssily at 14 cants
snd springs at 17 cents. Dressed pork
wss low. Veal wss in light supply
snd steady. There were no changes in
the egg or butter msrkets. In both
lines fancy stock wss firm and lower I
grades ware weak. '
Rscket Explslned. " ,
While Jsne, the new maid, was tak
ing her first lesson on arranging ths
dining table, someone In the basement
kitchen put something upon the dumb
waiter below.
"What s that noise r , asksd Jane
quickly. " .
"Why, that's the dumbwaiter," re
sponded the mistress.
"Well," sstd Jane, "he's a-scratcbln'
to git out" Collier's.
Dr. Pierre's Pellets. smstL . sugar-
coated, easy' to take as candy, regulate
and invigorate stomach, liver and bow
els and curs constipation. - ,
Futile Aspiration. .
When 1 was a boy I thought I'd
rather be a great baseball player than
anything else In the world,".
or course, you have changed your
"Not exactly. I have merely real
ised that there is no bops." Washing
ton Stan '
Oarman Loan la Nobody's Business.
The German Alliance of Colorado
protests against the flotation ' of 'a
British war loan here as a breach ot
neutrality. The German loan already.,
placed Is of course a "legitimate finan
cial transaction" and nobody's busi
ness. New York World.
The Pessimist
Tn bad an offer for my house.
A men wanta to pay ma three thou
sand dollars more than It cost"
"You'll accept ot course."
"Yes, hut I'm afraid the man's re
latlons will find out he's craiy before
I can close the deal."
The typhus germ, the scourge of
Ssrbia, waa isolated by a twenty-five-
year old scientific Investigator,
Disease germs are on every hand. They are In the very alp
we Dreaine. a system run aown" is a prey lor tnem. One
must nave vital zorce to withstand them. Vital force depends
i on digestion on whether or not food nourishes on the
quality ot Dlooa coursinp; through the body. .
Golden Elcdlca! Biscovcry
Strengthens the weak stomach. Gives good digr'tlon. Enlivens ths
sluggish, liver. Feeds ths starved" nerves. Again full health and strength
return. A general upbulUing ambles the heart to pump like an engine
running In oil. The vital force is ones mors established to full power.
Year in and year out for over fortv years this Brest health-restorine?
remedy has been spreading throughout tha entire world because of ita
ability to make the sick well and the weak strong. Don't despair of
"being yourolil self spain." Cive this vegetable remedy a trial Tod ny
New. You will soon feel "like new again. " Sold In liquid or tablet form by
Bruggistsor trial box for 60c by rna.L Write Dr, V. 11. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Ie. "Howe's great IOOS ftenw "Modlpol AdVtoar,"
CJom-ppoau, seats sec a aanM aiaaajte.