Dr. Alfred F.Scmpert t Gradual and Registered DENTIST Price Reaaonabl liRANDTULDa.upeUlr Weston Meat Market Brandt Building oppo site Postoflke. Good, Fresh Meats Fish In Season Cash paid for HIDES A. P. Perry ICE CREAM (AND CAKE) 10 ots. thadlsh at th Weston Bakery Fresh Rrd, Oak and Paatry. 1n Candasa. Coud Meant at All Hour, le. VV specialis in Lodge aid Party Supper. ZEMM the Baker DttXiU Bulktlng. Main and Water ' 8bne and Heroes repaired next door. BREVITIES Hoytl and Craig DrlaktU ar hr from Kay tun, Wun, Ohitiart iha photo man will I In AWiana only litre week longer. Mra. Joseph VVurser visited with friend la Walla Walla galii.day and Bunder. , Dreamland motion picture at Wee Inn opra houe neat Monday and Tuesday evenings. IHrk English haa a flvs-roora bun galow under construction at hla place n Weston mountain. IJlrk Morrison returned home Fri day nlsht from Pendleton, where ha served aa member of Iha grand Jury. W. H. Bailey, prominent Mlltonlaa, waa a guest aunnay mgni or as. Maker while reluming from a Pendle ton trip, i If Vaw hu nurrhaaed a cottars In Athena, which wll be occupied by hla aon-ln-law and oaugnter, Mr. ana Mra. Harrteon Kirk. O. n. Robinson, superintendent ot the Weelon schools, and family, ar rived homa Baturday from their -cation rlall to Portland and Iha coast For Sale Eighty acrea Improved land one and one-quarter mllea aoulh of Weeton. Price H0. Pur terma Inquire of Q. It. Uiasmore, Amity, Ore gon. I...W ii.nn.r bill I.anada.1. Hot- If Kay aad Ruhlln Smith ronatltut mA m nartv nf huniara who left Wed nesday for tha Balmoa river. They're after bear. f , The dancing aeaaon will be ttahered In tomorrow night with a Marveat Hall at Weeton opera houee. The management haa engaged Lea J-ihn on e orcheetra of Athena. Miss Sylvia Heafha haa reaumed her dm Ice In the dry good department of the Moegreve Mercantile company at Athena, after a month'a vacation rlslt with her parenta In Beattl. Mr. and Mra. C. M. Price returned home Monday night from Camp Mc tMugal. having finally found the ye'. lowjarheta a greater aulaanca than tha mountain are an attraciloa. Mra .Ileulat March and Mlaa Flor ence March were In Mliu-u Maturdav. Ml March will leach lite fourth grade thia year In the Mil ion achoola. and went over to locale a suitable boarding place. Ed. May. well known resident of Weeton mountain, left Saturday for Oregon City to vialt hla aged parents, both of whom are III with naralvata. The stroke Buffered by hla father la of recent date, lie I W, W. May, ft yeara old. who crowd the plain aa early aa II4T and haa alnce don hi part In the development of tha weal. Mr. Kd. May. by the way, la a native aon of Oregon. , 'Welcome WeM i . ., - -: . ,. - ; - ' ' ' r at Walla Walla Next week, Fair Week, is Welcome Week at Walla Walla. In common with all good citizens we extend you a hearty welcome to our; city beautiful, historic old Walla Walla. Whether it be home-coming with you or a first visit, we shall be glad to see you with us. May you enjoy every minute of your stay among us. - ; Welcome to our Fair and Frontier" Days-Oi beat Fair in tha Northwe!, and th biggest and moat realistic repweentatlon of Pioneer and Frontier daya anywhere. Welcome to Davis-ICasers. Make thia store your headquarter while down town. Meet your frienda her. Leava your bundle her. Uae our t I phone. Atk for any wanted Information. Ua ths Poat Office Subaiatlon, Iter for your convenience. Consider youraelf at home at Dsvis-Kaaer'a Re member your comfort and pleaaur will bar pclal eonakleration during- thia Welcome Woe. Of eoura w will gladly ahow you the moat eomplet aaaortmant of Horn Furnishing hrsbouU-to sell you at money-earing- price anything you may rd If you to deal re-but flrtt of all we want you to enjoy your vlait. THE DflVIS-BASEB CO. Completo Furnisher of Horn, Office, Church, School 10-80 Alder St "- ' (Odd Fellow Tempi) - WALLA WALLA, WASH. mmvmm a m ai ii-awi I iHV rmrrrrr EVOIUTIOJI DINING EXTENSION TABLE pUttmlt are already behind lb time becaoM liaproYefcienta aat fawn cud that overoom their hortoomlng. " 'Twin,, Pedestal Extension Tables la the extended poeliioa, they are aa parted aa when cloned. ' ' SlnrwIThrrt .re a ewhHede of r-oawkr yea b7. TWIN" M !. B-le.alMe nW ade la a.r dedee. aed IUhk WWUll-tok.roUIlurikeretlcJ . k. o. deivioss : At the Kat Columbia conference of the M. IS. Church. Mouth, la recent aeeelua at Oekeeuale, Wah, flev. N. l. Wood waa reappointed to the Wes ton ehara. Thia popular pastor'a return will be a aource of pleasure to hla growing membership, and of greU Iflcatloa also to townspeople In gen. eral. Key. H. N. Hhangle will be pre siding elderhev, W. A. Urr, whom aa succeeds, having been trenaferrej to tha Columbia conference, . R Naylor retain the presidency of Co lumbia college, and Rev. C. It. Howard la returned to the work at Walla Walla. C. W, Ray, former poat master of Preeweter. waa killed Monday Bear Trouldal whea hla automobile was strurk by a special train. He waa oa hla war homa with hla family, after a few weeka spent at Ran Pranclseo. Hla engine "died" while hla car waa ea tha track, and owing to a, curve the train could nut be stopped la time. A 1 1 -year-old girl, his niece, wa also Injured, dying several hour later. Hla 1 1 -year-old eon, Freak, waa atlghtly hurt but hla wife waa unin The fruit and dairy farm of Mra II. N. Bhanka In the Dry Creek dis trict, hs been leased by the U. W. ! roe betels, who will sooa move to ths country. Their cottage oa Pomeroy treat will be occupied by Mr. ana Mra. Prank Graham, who relinquish the Wheeler reeldene to t. W, Potter and family, recent ariivala from Mil ton. Mr. Porter come here with Manager glover, and will direct the shoe department of the Westoa Mar cantlle Co. Three of the four prlaoaera who escaped two weeka ago from the county Jail were recaptured by Sheriff Taylor aad Deputy Vhenrr Kates near Lookout mountain In the aoulh end of the county, i. M. McCormack, ells Arils Arlington, the Helix pris oner Indlrted for a statutory offsnss. I atlll at large. McCormack waa the first to escape, and the other three declare that they were never with him after he left the Jail. Eaat Oregonlaa: Hla clothing catch ing on the fly-wheel of a gasoline en. glne gunday afternoon. Pred Hill, well known Birch creek farmer, was almost beaten to death by the revolu tion of the wheel before the engine stopped. Hla back 'waa broken, hla ahoulder fractured, an arm mangled, hla head cut open aad numerous In juries resulted before hla wife rescued him. His recovery Is considered doubtful. Jack Read will move hla family from Westoa to Athena soon to reside there permanently. Mr. Read ha purchased Charlee Bryan'a Interest la tha Athena meat market, and here after the firm name will be Read Meyer. Jack haa been connected wit a the meat business In Athena for sev eral years, but heretofore la a sub ordinate capacity. He haa been mo toring to and from hla home In Wta ion. ' Rear and deer ranging the north fork of the John Day are In Immedi ate danger of their Uvea, a party of Weston hunters having left for that region yesterday with the avowed pur pose of hunting big game. They ex pect to be absent a month, aad to live close to Nature'a heart. The person, net of the expedition Included Walter Williams. Charlee Van Hoy. Rudolph Proebstel and Robert Reynolds. O. DeQrsw hue struck bedrock bot tom and an ample flow of water at a depth of about 11 feet in the well which he caused to be excavated at the edge of the hillside west of hla premises oa Water street. He expects la due course to Install a gasoline power pump and to construct a suit able reservoir, la order to have plenty of water at all time for lawn and garden' Irrigation. A very desirable residence tract on North Water-street, about U0 feet wide, with a total depth of 41 feet, haa been purchased by Henry Schroe der from the Baling eetate, Mr. Schroeder haa In view the : eventual Improvement of hla newly-acquired property with a modern bungalow. The amall cottage on the tract at present la occupied by Mr. Thorson and family.' , - Irwin O. Brooka of Athena, former college rhamplon of the northwest at lawn tennis, won th tennla champion ahlp of Umatilla county In the recent tournament at Pendleton. He defeat ed me runner-up, R. H. Horns ot Pendleton, In three straight aeta. Mr. Brooka la also a clever ball-toaser. having played second baae thia year with the Athena championship team. Tha pulpit of the South Methodist church at Weolon will be occupied next Sunday morning and evening by Leslie E. Tabor, a theological student at Columbia college, Mr. Tabor will have charge of the work at Weston for several weeka daring the absence of Pastor Wood, who haa gone to hli alfalfa farm near Redmond; Oregon. The will ot the late William Tomp kins, prominent East End farmer, haa been admitted to probate. H left an estate valued at 150.900. to be .held by hla widow during her lifetime. At hei dearth a quarter section of wheat "and revert to eaeh ot tour children. Manager Rawla Miller announced Tuesday evening that be had secured several celebrated photo plays for presentation at Dreamland theater du ring the fall and winter, and that the droll Charlie Chaplin would also be seen here in Esaanay eomedy. Athena Press: Judge Richard tlnA VmaTv Wnrthlflrtnn end a Mil. am rmtit ruutrilafi fts each for hreaklna the automobile apeed limit The ped dler was also assessed is tor contempt of eourt. The arrests were made by special officer Rawl Miller, - , It is reported that Athena's chief of polio has resigned and left the coun try In response to an urgent request that he do ao because of alleged moral turpitude. It is also said that there la a score or more ot applicant for the vacated position. Tea of the eleven applicants who took eighth grade examinations last week at Pendleton were successful. Among those who qualified were Stel la GiliDore of Reed and Hawley moun tain and Lysle Webb ot Westoa. , Motne car aervlce to all Point, day or night. Also livery and feed atabl" , opposite the Ueuaiien Diacanmun shop. Late McBrlda. . For Sale 1 acrea of Improved fonthin lanri two mllea from Weston: also town property. Inquire of Ed ward Anderson - I Rosa Maloney waa here from Walla Walla during th week for a vacation visit at the 81m J. Culley ranch house. rk-lnxl books fji cash only. Ooud- In'.jImi, anitt. . ' V 7 I . , mill tlioel Hires weeka only in Alb na. IMiniert, I'liomg. Mr. and Mra. J, It. Baker left yes terday fur a visit at, Knterpris. Hurry now, aa I remain only three more weeks la Atiieus. Oliwart lb i'lHJtograpber. , For the II rat tlm lno hla aocldenl last July Karl Klanesr la abl to get about on cruuhes, and Wedoeeilay lie cams duwa town. Mta. Karl Harnett ami bar Infant am are both reported to bs critical! Ill with diphtheria at St. Vincents hospital in I'ortlanO. C. O. I'edersen left yesterday on a busies trip to He met, California. Mr. I'edersen will lake only passing glimpse of lbs fairs during his ab sence. "It' like getting Wer from all my frienda when tha Wmcton f,KAIK arrives," write Mr. Hi an ley Keeland of Albany, Oreguo, In sending u bar valued rwmltuno. Pre. Low and Turner, ths well knnwa ere elIIt of Portland, will bs ia Westoa again Wednesday, fteptamber 22d. Consult them at Mr. Webb's Cottage hotel. Tommy Clark of Seattle defeated Hilly Karrell of Pendleton In the ninth round of their boxing engagement Wednesday night In the latter city. A part of Weauia flghl fans west down to trs lbs mill. WE.ST0N SCHOOL OPENS MONDAY The Westoa school will opea neat Monday with ths - following teacbere In charge; Louise Rlntoul of The Dallas, first and second grade. Alberta Drydea of Peck. Idaho, third and fourth gradee. Olive Kilmer,- fifth and part of ths sixth grades. Nellie Workmaa of BayaM, Ne braska, part of the sixth ana tne aer snth grades. Maude Ager of Portland, eighth grade. Emma Johnson and Lud.e Cogs well of Portland, high echori. O. R. Robinson, superlntemlent. The board of directors and the su perintendent bar taken definite palna and hare spared no effort to secure the very best teachers possible for each position, and are fully con fident that Westoa will neve one of the best teaching eorpe In Oregon. Th high school work will be ma terially strengthened this year by th addition of a course In mechanical drawing and manual training. Plret claaa equipment has been Installed for this work and Indications point to large clasaea In . this department. Sixth, aerenth and eighth grade boys will take manual training one day each week, and the girls from thoae grades will be given sewing or other industrial work at the same time. It Is especially dealred that pupils who expect to enter school register the first day! pupil will not be ad mitted to the first grade, or to the high school after October 1st. The school building la being thor ntiehtv cleaned TMa week and will be ready for the opening of school Mon day. Dare Lavender will hare charge of the Janitor work. , - n We hope that history will not overlook the sec ond great event of this year- PANAMA EXPO. OPENING FIRST WESTON'S CASH STORE OPENING SECOND Sept. 15 is Jfee Dafce But do not forget that Watts & Rogers are open all the time. W a .ft t s .i R g e E s Few men TinVKIXO. really think, although each would deny the accusation. Al though man la supposed to be a ra tional thinking animal, thinking la ac tually the hardest work and the rar est hs does, Ws hear a thing, ordin arily, and Immediately form aa opin ion about It. Usually sell-Interest is at the bottom of our conclusion. We iare told, for Instance, that woman j suffrage la a good thing and we ought to nsre a law auiowmg wwiirq w www. Do we look Into the matter? Do we study the arguments for and against woman'e suffrage? It la the same with the tariff, prohibition, th unions, the Mexican situation, the European war. la fact, ererythlng we bare any thing to do with. How much more ra tional It would be to hold up our Judgment on a question until we hare had aa opportunity to atudy It from every angle. Then form an opinion and atand or fall by that opinion, un til w learn something (Of which we have been la Ignorance ' that might j change our mlnda on the subject. Not to Do open to conviction pn-nraom. Narrowness Is the bane of our whole system of clrtlteation. Let your mind be open to every argument, and think think for youraelf. Exchange. 4 ' RWAGGART OX THE WARPATH. Link Bwaggart. prominent pork grower and ' leading suburbanite, meandered over the hill In this direc tion the other day while la a atate of such violent Indignation that he bit a chunk out of a -hitching poat before he could control himself. Link tells us that in his current "Mulligan Stew Colonel BOyd Inserted the fol lowing foal morsel. nd that be Is regarded aa the oat At least, all oi hla suburban friends are pointing at him the finger of ridicule and de rlalon. Link thinks or chartering a big aoap kettle . and Introducing Colonel Boyd Into a different atew from any to which he has heretofore been accustomed: "t have a friend (no need to men tion hla name here) who recently bought a ford. After teasing U into town from the ranch one day, he started it for home.' He had tried out all the klnka In the machine he had ever read of, heard of or been told about when a brilliant Idea pierced him. He hit r up a little, let go the wheel and grasping a plug o "Star" which be took from hla pocket with both hands, proceeded to ; leisurely nibble. Result: - ford In the ditch, family scared speechless, and the whole durned plug in hla mouth. Knextr 1 i 1 A A lAAAJ 1 AAAAAAA f TTTrrTf rf TTT ''TTf f TTTTT 1 1 ODD BITS OF NEWS. M I II llvllMUlHl Bangor, " Me.Hal Llsaenblnn. a realdent of thia city, who had been missing for several daya, waa found mired to- the waist la mud near Sltll water and unable to more. He was nearly exh&ustei from lack of food and aleep. Muskogee, Okla. -Prankie Lily. 10 yeara old, la making a amall fortune teaming In the oil fields. The heavy lifting la done by cranes, but the girl driven her team and la aald to be one of the beat "horsemen' In this sec tion of ths country. ' San Francisco. Cal. Ths Pan-American Medical congress Is made up of physicians who are brave men. Thv are trying to atop kissing. Dr. E. F. Otis, of Santa Domingo, the tubercu losis expert, aay It would be far bet ter for sweethearts to greet each other with a gentle alap on the cheek In atead of an embrace and a kiss. The doctors accepted tha hand-alap kiss aa their future rule and It la believed they will be alone in their misery. Towanda. Pa. Mrs. Luella J. Pack ard, 15 yeara old, swallowed a stick nearly 10 Inchea long, and is dend. She had no recollection ot ewnllowliig the wood, but It waa found when doc tors operated for appendicitis f Milwaukee, Wis. Joseph Glllett Is the "oldest schoolboy." He haa Juat inrnul 71 and Is one of the best schol ars In the engineering course of the continuation school. .- Sterling, Col. A train atruck a young colt near here and carried It three miles on tb pilot without In juring It. Bridgeport, Pa Dreyfull Bonhara, while plowing In a field, caught an Iron chain attachnd to a can contain ing tit half dollars. Th datea on the colna indicated they had been buried many years. - 1 "V (No. 206) ' REPORT OF TUB CONDITION OF Th Farmers' Bank of Weston, at Wes ton, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business September 2, 1915: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $125,018 65 Honda and warrant.... 8.267 82 Banking house 8,500 00 Furniture and fixtures. , 1,000 00 Other real etate owned 27,056 75 Due from approved reserve bank ...20,695 12 Checks and other cash items ' 208 17 Ch on k.nd 4.271 63 Expanse... - 4,852 23 Total.......-.,............;........$195.870 47 :.UABOJTISaV.' V-V Capital stock paid in 80.000 00 Surplu fund 15,000 00 Undivided profit...... 8,879 62 Due to bank and bankers... 123 88 Individual deposit subject to check.. 92,968 25 Demand certificate of de posit ; 4.810 44 Time and Savings deposits 29.465 68 Bills pay abl for money bor rowed .... 20,000 00 Other liabilities 123 20 Total.;.....,.............. -.$195,870 47 State of Oregon, County of Umatilla, v. I. E. M. Smith, Cashier of the hnv.namKl bank, do aolemnlv swear that th above statement is true to the beat of my knowledge and benei. E. M. Smith, Cashier. Correct Attest: Wt. Mackenzie, . P. D. Watts, .... Director. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of September, 1915. E. L. Blomgren, (SEAL) Notary Public fcuevftiVH-Tf Nature's Food for horses and cattle is the Kr8SS that ctows on meadow and hill. The next best iniruj is sweet, vieeu, j feed that cornea from our mill. When you need rolled gram oi me nni son. lor keeping your livestock in fine fet tle, look for our sign and the good things for for your dumb servants stored in our bins. We handle Steam Rolled Barter, Oats and Wheat; Baled Hay, Millstuffa and Chicken Feed. We're local agents for Pecock Flour and Blatchford's Calf Meat Phone 281. D. R. WOOD the Feed Man HOMER I. WATTS Attorney-at-Uw. Practices in all State and Federal Courts. ' ATHENA, OREGON i This Briquet Man hasn't got the STUMMY KAKE, as you would proba bly think from his looks; he is merely" asking for more kake of the kind his wife bakes when she burns DIA MOND BBIQUETS in her range. DIAMOND BRIQUETS is tha cleanest and, w think, the moat econ omical fuel on the market. W have carload now in stock and would be glad to supply you with a sample order. WESTON BRICKYARD a. ... "-'T J T"T J 'U t lt saT-T! swessat- jr - wt . a At WlM PENDLCT6M OREGON SEPT. 23-24-25. 1915 ' EXCUHSiOn ' FARES Wild al Wonderful PONY EXRE ACE$ BRONCHO BUSTWQ MOIANS, COWBOYS OUTtAW woasts Get Fares and Particolari Furious and Ezcilln2 New Caatsttanot tar BJaty . OM Csawipian. asm as4 beast, fcsM yes apeWwus. FtwiA-rfO-Y.'.K.&ri Ife Wll IfHSuTii '" HiflTi iiiaalilTi ' - --- - j i 1 11 it Jli li all aJ. lattawaaues VI If you need anything in Drugs and Medicines, be careful where you buy. Selecting a drug store i3 very import ant in many ways. Ability, carefulness and promptness are necessary. All this you get with your purchase at- obdwih's DrunCi-' Weston, Oregon