The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, September 10, 1915, Image 1

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NO. 12.
smiDiPtoiiiffl$ itmnmc fidf nu nnFfiiw ctatf wnvc
Brief Resume of General News
' from All Around the Earth.
Washington, D. C Secretary Lai
lng ha granted an Interview at the
State department to Dr. Conatantln
Theodor Dumba, tha AuUro-Ilungerlan
admission to newipeper reporters that
ha haa taken part In a movement to
Interfere with tha production of 'war
meterlala In tba Unltad 8tatee.
Ambaaaador Dumba'a raquaat for a
conference reached Mr. Lansing lata
Tuesday. It la understood hara that
ba wlahaa to maka an axplanatlon re-
Attack of Bandits.
Live News Items of Ail Nations and Lading di.pu-hs aat by him totha Raiders' Dead Number Six Troops
Pacific Northwest Condensed
for Our Busy Readers.
A dividend from
mines amounting to
boon declared.
Coaur d'Alana
to,flB,879 baa
Judge Wlllli S. Knowlee.'of Rboda
laland, la ahot from ambuab In bla
home In that state.
Italy baa daclartd cotton contraband
of war, a Roma dlapatcb to tha liavaa
Nawa Agency announce.
An earthquake In Cantral Amarlea
i baa detroyed Jutlapa. Tha city bad a
population of about 12,000.
Three Jallbreakers at Pendleton,
Ore, wara capturad by tha sheriff,
who waa aoon on thalr trail.
: A British squadron bombarded ail
tba poaltiona along tba lialglaa eoaat
aa f at aa Oatand Wadoaaday.
Rear Admiral William f. Fullem.
auparlntandatit of tha Naval Academy
at Annapolla, baa bam removed.
Hundreds ara In parll by flood In
Kaneaa because of torrantial ralna.
Many persona have takan refuge In
Irene and oo housetop.
Ganarai Funaton baa takan control
of tba border Una lit tha entire Rio
Grande country bacauaa of tba ralda
made there by tha Mexican brigand.
Major Ganarai Coethale, builder of
tba i'anama canal, and who la vlaltlng
Pacific Coaat citlea, waa alaboraUly
ante ruined by tha I'anama-1' aciflo offi
cial a. ... :..-.,. 1-
M. Dumba, tha Auatro-Uungarian
ambaaaador In thia country, baa admit
tad inciting atrlkea In munitions plants
and bia conduct baa cauaed anxiety
among diplomata both here and abroad.
Wn. M. Johnston, a San Francisco
youth, haa won tha national tannla
championship from Maurice E. Me
Loughlln, also of tha aama city. Tha
tournament waa bald at Forest Hills,
A dispatch from Berlin aaya: "Tba
autumn flood, already have started all
along tha Eastern front. Tba rivers
everywhere arc overflowing thalr
banks and tha Carman advance baa
bean checked."
An unskilled laborer with a family
of five, living In New York City, can
not maintain for bia family a standard
of living cone latent with American
Idaaa on a waga of laaa than 1840
year, according to a report of tha bu
reau of standard of. tha board of aa-
timatee. :.A,-.. ,;.
Anti-Fire Rgfit Begun.
Salem In an effort to curtail fire
Harvey Walla, state Insurance
- i i i i m a . .it i
an.bu.ador, who desire to Sfe gt BfOWSSYiHe RCCfV tO giving tba various origin, of fir and
means of preventloa.
Mr. Walla urge that tba way to ob
tain chaap Inetiranea la to atop tha
enormooa fire losses. Now tha noo
bumlng, careful business man, ba
aaya, paya for tba careless, indifferent,
reckless builder and occupant. Ha de-
"Tba lira loaa In .Oregon, moat of
which may ba tamed 'fire waste,'!
grester In proportion to tha population
than In moat etatee. In 1914 the
value of property destroyed U est!
mated at mora than 14,000,000, and
tba insurance companies paid 12,736,
000 of that amount." '
The commissioner Insist that tha
atata abould anact a lira marshal law,
and that there abould ba fire-preven
tion sseocistlort In all communities
The duties of these organisation.
aaya, abould be to create eentiment for
solid buildings. alean premise, lira
prevention laws, and ordinance) gov-
arning flues, electric wiring, etc
We have oar efficient fir depart
ments In tha citiaa to attack fires.
continuea the bulletin. "Now, after
wa bava built and organized these de
partment to their maximum atrength
and efficiency, what la our next step
In combatting tha Immense tire waste!
Why abould wa not bava a department
known aa 'Klre Preventer' T
Mr. Welts eetimatea that $2,000,000
of property la destroyed and (00 Uvea
lost yearly through tha careleaa u
matches. , Rubbish and aehee are giv
en aa other cuaaea of fire. Careful
naa of matches, kerosene, the cleaning
of cellars, closets and attics ara urged
aa meana of fir prevention.
Tba bulletin la filled with useful in
formation regarding the preventing
and extinguishing of (ires, and Mr
Walla will give it as wide distribution
a poaaible. . ' - "
foreign office at Vienna and eelted by I
British authorities from Jamas P. . I
Archibald, an American war corres
pondent, wbo waa acting aa messen
ger. , '
Tbeaa dispatches, whlcb are said to
reveal that the ambaaaador auggeeted
plana for handicapping munition
plants and bad undertaken to warn
A ustro-Hungarian subject that tney
ware violating tha criminal code or
thair native land by accepting employ
ment In American eetablishmmenU
making war auppllee for the allies, are
declared to bave raised a aublect for
which there la no precedent la A man-
can diplomacy.
The quaetlon of dual citlsenahlp,
long disputed between thia govern
ment and severs I European powers, la
Involved, and bacauaa of thia tha mat-
tar will be approached when Ambas
sador Dumba arrive, without preju
Officiate doubt ' that there baa been
any violation of law.
As to whether there baa been a
breach of diplomatic propriety or in
ternational ethica. Secretary Lansing
must decide after be baa beard the
Austrian ambaaaador 'a statement.
Copies of papers taken from Archi
bald In London bave been forwarded to
the State department by Ambaaaador
Page. They bad not reached bare
Monday night, but It waa understood
that Dr. Dumba would take copies
with him when bo called at the' Stat
department. '
River and Harbor Bl Llefy to
face Broadaxe ia Kext Congress
Washington. D. C River and har
bor legislation at the next aesslon of
congreee will be compelled to uvea
place of secondary importance, in tna
opinion of Representative Sparkman,
chairman of tha river and harbor com
mittee, who passed through Welling
ton recently. .
"I presume." be aaid, "that our
bill may bave to make way for more
pressing legislation at tha coming ses
sion. . if President Wilson recom
mends national defense legislation,
with It necessary large approprii
lions, we may be able only to provide
for river and harbor projecta already
under way. Projects contemplated,
but not yet authorised, undoubtedly
will be undertaken soma time, but I
expect the river and harbor bill of
next aaaaion will have to be held down
because of more pressing legislation
urzed bv tba President"
Mr. Sparkman waa Inclined to be
lieve a bill of reasonable else could be
passed to continue work on projects
now under way, such aa the Columbia
Pursue Band, Capturing Three
, Encinal Is Threatened.
Brownsville, Tex. Mexicans on tba
Mexican aide of the Rio Grande late
Saturday fired nearly 100 abota at an
American army aeroplane Dying over
Brownavllle, and then turned their
gun against a squad or American
soldiers on guard at the Brownsville
electric light plant. -
When tba firing started the soldier
got behind shelter and returned the
There were no casualties. Lieuten-
anta Joseph G. Morrow and B. Q.
Jonea were In the aeroplane. Thia
General Coethale haa reelgned
governor of the Panama canal sone,
tha resignation to take effect en No
vember 1. He le aurrenderlngj hla of
fice bacauaa ha bellevea hla work on
tha lathmua la done.
two daya
la the second time within
that a United States army
haa been fired on.
Itnttjwl Rtitaa anlHtare at Toa Tn-
Aeeordlngto British estimates, the I river, Willamette w ouier I Htos ranch, 0 milee north of here.
world'a wheat crop for 1815 will total
248,880,000,000 pounds, aa against a
production of 219,120,000,000 pounds
produced in 1914. The aama statistic
efaow an Indicated eurplua In exporting
eountrlea of 636,000,000,000. pound,
leaving reserves at the end of the year
at the same total aa at the beginning.
The British figures are given In "quar
tan" instead of pound, one quarter
equaling 4o pounds.
The three-day regatta opens at As
toria, Ore.
Doarwood trees near Vancouver,
Wash., are In bloom for the second
time thia year.; f - ,; ' -
Two Americans were killed by Mex
ican bandits who have been attempt
ing raids In Texas,
Germany offers to submit the Lual
tenia and Arable claima to The Hague
-tribunal for adjustment.
" The Portland Gaa A Coke company
pays 7 Per cent on preferred and com
mon stock for the year ending June 80,
The secretaries cf war and navy
have bean asked by the President to
outline adequate defense plana for tha
nation. '..- :
The' work of completing the O.-W.
R. & N. cutoff from Chambers Prairie
to Olympla. about 7.6 miles, will be
completed at once.
Eight Albanlana wara aentenced to
long terms in priaon for having com
municated with Austria by carrier
plgeona. The man involved are Cap
tain Muatapha, of tha Albanian bark
Bella Scutarina, who waa sentenced to
20 years, and aevan members of bla
crew, condemned to serve ten years
A Portland, Or., druggist waa ar
rested and confessed to robbing the
stand of a blind cigar dealer and sel
ling the goods at bis own store.
Germany la reported aa ready to en
tertain peace negotiationa and will
yield Belgium. It ia reported also that
tha freedom of Poland and Finland will
be asked.
President Wilson went to a theater
party Friday night for the first time
for more than a year. Ha waa per
saaded to go aa a relaxation from the
work ba has been doing recently on
foreign problem.
project In the Northwest, but he
thinks there is little chance whatever
for adoption of new projecta, of which
the Pacific. Northwest will have sev
eral to propose.
? Restored Vision Improves.
Pendleton After a little more than
a month 'a enjoyment or bla eight,
which was suddenly restored while he
waa walking along the atrreet with the
aid of a staff, which had been his guide
for 12 years, Karl Guiott. Pandleton'a
blind musician, la more than ever con
vinced that the return of hia vision is
due to hla mental concentration. He
haa now discarded the cane and haa
learned to write legibly. He ape mis
all of hia time out doors, and aaya hia
eight la constantly Improving. He will
continue giving mualo lessons.
Prisoners Have Real Fun
Joliet, 111 Labor Day waa a real
holiday for the tnmatea in tba atata
penitentiary here. Forgetting the walls
and bar which cut them off from the
outside world the convicts stood up and
bowled with glee while two pugilists
pummeled each other In a regular ring
in the priaon yard. - In unicago, uov-
ernor Dunne became Incensed when he
learned that tha boxing bout were in
prospect He telegraphed the warden
that the bopts must be eliminated.
The telegram arrived too late.
Woman, 72, le Stowaway.
San Francisco A 72-year-old atow-
away Mra. Destina Angel aaid to be
the oldest stowaway and tha only wo
man stowaway that ever came to San
Francisco, arrived here Wednesday
from Honolulu on the liner Korea.
Her eon, George Angel, had bought a
eecond-claea ticket for himself from
Honolulu and had sumgglad his mother
onboard. Mra. Anogel waa Bent to
tha immigration station.
Jews to Strike for Day. -
New York A friendly strike of the
members of the Jewish trade unions
represented In the convenlton of the
National Workmen a committee on
Jewish rights, for one day following
tha opening of peace negotiationa In
Europe, waa decided on at tha closing
session here. Tisa workmen, nearly
850,000, will cease work for a day a
a protest against the oppression of ths
1 Jewea in several European countries.
during tha peat 48 hour have captured
lO.Mexicana, atrangera in the neigh'
borhood.and supposed to be members
of raiding gangs. United State cav
alry and Infantry and poaaea of county
officera and citiaena , continued the
search through the section of country
11 miles from here where two Amer
icana were murdered Friday.
Tha list of bandit dead stands at aix,
although others probably bava been
killed and not reported.
A detachment of the Twelfth United
Statea cavalry early Saturday night
eoHured In a short fight, IS milea
north of here, wita four Mexican ban-
dita, one of whom waa killed and the
other three captured. None of the
cavalrymen were injured.
A message from Laredo aaya a band
of Mexicans are re pore t4 at Encinal,
Tex., and have threatened to attack
the town. ' .
Americana Go to War.
Washington, D. C More than 600
American boys under 18 years old,
have been discharged so far from the
British army upon requests from the
State department Most of tbeae boys
went to Canada and misrepresented
their agea to recruiting officera. Peter
Dougal, of Lambert, Minn., after hav
ing been discharged once on the appli
cation of the State department, es
caped from hia parents and reenliated.
He waa released again only to take
paasaga on tna Araoie ana escaped
death when that liner waa sunk. .
Cashier Locked Up; I360 Takan.
North Yakima, Wash. Two masked
men held up the Selah State Bank at 4
n'olm-lr Hiturdav afternoon, obtaining
. . I . . . . . nr i.
21350 in currency and silver, locked operating we see am or awe u
Insurance Balance Is Big.
Salem Balance on band In tba State
Industrial Accident commission
$366,186.89, according to a report of
the commission. OJf this amount $210,
168.19 haa been set aside for the pay
ment of pensions.
Receipts since the peneion feature
of the workmen's compensation act
became operative, July 1. 1914, are aa
follows: Contributed by the etate.
$90,345.22; "employers' contributions.
151.507.18. and contributed by work
men, $89,098.35.
Disbursements were as follows
Balance in reserve to guarantee pen
sion. $210,168.19; compensation for
time lost. $161,847.94: first aid to
Injured workmen, $84,299.44; pe-
aiona paid. $10,132.09, and admmia-
trative expense, $78,484.89
There was a deficit of $18,441.54 for
July thia year because of an exemp
tion of fees. The commission sun bss
a good working balance and it ia prob
able that oxemptiona will be granted
for at least another month.
Coyote Attacks Hunter.
Hood River Al Cruikahank, a mem
ber of the Hood River County Game
Protective assoication, while hunting
in the Post Canyon region, weat of
thia city, waa attacked by a wounded
coyote. Aa the animal leaped from
it bed, Mr. Cruikahank tired.
Maddened bv tha pain, the coyote
turned on the hunter, who had to wield
hia sun to ward of its attack, directed
at Mr. Cruikahank'a throat. A well-
aimed blow knocked it to the earth.
Mr, Cruikahank then jumped on the
fallen beast, killing it with bis gun-
stock. - The coyote weighed 40 pounds.
Klamath Logging Probed.
Klamath Falls Representative N.
J. Sinnott. of tha Third Oregon dis
trict, arrived here Wednesday on hia
second official tour of this district this
Mr. Sinnott visited me Williamson
river district with the idea of later
possibly taking soma steps looking to
the reopening of the river to logging
operations. The river waa closed two
or three Tears ago to logging in order
that It mieht be preserved for Dsntng.
Mr. Sinnott continued his trip south
ward, visiting Merrill, Malin and the
Tule Lake section.
River Activity Is Great.
Hood River With three boat llnea
now seeking local business, the great-
eat activity ever displayed on the local
water front ia now in evidence, Apple
growers are shipping large blocks of
fruit to Portland by boat lmea, and
ah I omenta of base are being made
weekly. The Dalles-Columbia line,
Cashier Elmer Dahlin in tha vault and
made their escape, going north on the
Ellensburg road in an automobile.
Officers are scouring tha country fol
lowing clews, and telephone and tele
graph were freely used, but nothing
has been discovered to identify the1
Curacao la Without Pood.
Chicago Death . by starvation
throuffh four year of crop failure
facea the 75,000 inhabitants of Cura
cao Island, in the Dutch West Indies,
unlesa help ia aent them, according to
the Right Rev. M. G. Vuylsteke, who
ia bare seeking aid for the island era.
ins-ton, ia constructnig a macadamised
road this week from the terminus of a
city street on the east aide of Hood
River to its dock several hundred rods
up the Columbia.
Marion Supervisor Named.
Salem Tha Marion county board of
education haa elected J. W. L. Smith
and J. E. Druillette auperviaora for
tha coming year, Mr. Smith was su
pervisor for the north end ox toe
county last year, and will be assigned
to the south and for the coming year.
Mr. Druillette waa principal of the
Bunker Hill school at Marshfiold last
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That the United States military Injunction camp at Pittsburgh, N. T, will mora than fulfill Its expectations,
waa the general opinion of those In eommand when they aaw with what enthusiasm the men. most of whom are
prominent In buetneea, politics and professions, "pitched in" to their assigned tasks and began the four weeka
military Instruction, tinder tha supervision of regular army officer. They all hope to become efficient soldiers
to protect the country from a foreign foe. 14 the Illustration, at the left la Mayor Mltchel of New Tors, now JusS
4 Fmim
-1 . ;iiM BiUftfiA i
To strengthen British financial prestige In New York market. $52,000,000 in treasure, two-thirds In gold and
one-third In aecuritles, which had been shipped by the Bank or England trout umoon via auiax. amiw at
terminal of the American Express company at Thirty-third street and Tenth avenue. New York, In seven steel cars!
garrisoned by forty armed men. The greatest treasure cargo ever trusted to one bottom crossed tba Atlantlo ta a
British battleship accompanied by a flotilla or torpeuo-Doat aesiroyera ana cruiser, mi
three wagon loada of the gold being transported through the street of New York guarded by the armed men of the (
expreaa company and a detau of mounted police.
Eduardo Iturblde. now In Waahlng-
ton, baa been mentioned frequently
posible choice of the United
Statea and the Latin-American coun
trioa for provisional president of Mexico.
' Nothing More to Say.'
Two Irish aoldiers began to talk
about borne affairs. One of them ex
plained that hla wife'a name waa Mag
gie Murphy.
A fine girl, too," remarked tne
Do you know her!" asked tha bus-
Know her? Why. yea. One day
she waa out boating with me and wa
came to an Island, where wa landed.
Maggie,' sci OU It's either ye kiss
me or I drowns ye.'"
"Aod and did ye kisa nerr gaspea
the Jeeloue husband.
Waa aha drowned r we ousr
asked slowly. ,
This photograph taken at a British base In Flanders shows at .the right
two Indian princes wbo are serving with tha British cavalry. .
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Grave of Dr. Ernest Magrudar of tie American Red Cfos, w! tno
combed to typhus In Serbia. Btanatog at the graTe are Dr. 6amu'4 J .:
hla comrade, and his Serbian order!.