Dr. Alfred F.Scmpcrt , Gradual m llegjateretl DENTIST IIIUNUT HUM'.., utaira BREVITIES Mayor Harbour aa Portland during the rir( of the week on IukIiim Vlall. ! J. T. O'llarra waa up from Mouth em Oregon Ihla v.eea, vWtlng hla lirothera and frlenda. t Mlaa Norma Klnlih.of Walla Walla waa a Hundav visitor at lha home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Urnlth. Weston Meal i Mark Brandt Duiklin, opjo site Postoflice. Good, Fresh Meats Fish in Season Cash paid for HIDES Perry & Lundcll DR. C. H. SMITH Physician and Surgeon Oltlre in llramlt buikllh WKSTUN ... OtfrUKIN MKUfUTtATOrS SALT, OT IW riOPOtTT. Niiiliw la Imreliv iriven thai. Iiv vlr- tiM of an onlr of the t'uunl) t'tiurt of I'matlUa foamy, lirrgun, mal no June 7, 1 1 1. 1. In I he Mailer of l lit Ka tale ul Kllsalwih 1'ilne (niMiine galled KlUe I'rtm .) uec-ami. I will II al public auction to id highrat Milder (or cah. at 2 o'clock p. in. un Haiunlay, the llih ia- of N-.irmlwr, vl, ai iha from Uoor of ihn t '00111? Court Mouae In aalil I'mimr. In III t:tvof IVrolleton iltiTPin, all of the raa) property lieluiigliig U I1 eii dram I I a lou nomlH-i-i-J I. ami 1.1 la Hlurk numbered A In the Town of klaxon, all In the llij of ttwn In aaUiCuonn ailNiai, ami all of tin right, title and littrreai which I. a. Administrator of mat eii, ran ecu, the sale I" tw. matin ..il'J-ci li cuiillrin- bHou lv aal'l tHjolv I ouri. Itaied Auuuax II. I"li. K. U. lr.MiH, AdinlnUlraUir of Hie Kataie of Kllsabelh rrlne (ometl callwl KlUa I'mie,! UwhI. Mra. James Klrkpalrlck was rallad Hiuidav to (iroflnu. Idaho, br lha III n-ee it her daughter, Mra. W. II. Aff-Ink, ! Tlia nrt meeting of lha l-dles i..ii.i i. annmini-ed fur Thilradsy, Meplrmtjer I. al lha homa of Mra. O. W. I'roebMel, ! rr Hal HO arree of Improved foolhlll land two mllea from Weston; also town properly. Inquire of Ed ward Anderson. K. K. fcrhm la now dlapenalng Fern dale lie rtfim al hla Weston bakery, and raporta thai II la making qulla a hit with hla pairona. Whlla driving out of (own lha other day J. M Hwaggart loal a newly purchased water bag. and would ba glad of Its raiurn to ihla office. I.rrn Mnyhee. aa'lalant operator al lha Waalon (alrphona aarhanga and liM-al wlrrlraa rMTt, la again on duty afiar a wt-ak'a vacation at Hlngham Pprlnga. Frank ltu.al of TorHand. who ad Joatad tha affnlra of Jarman'a Da partnrnl atora In brhalf of lha rrad Mora, la hara again thla waak on a boalnaaa vlall. Mra. C. H. King and rhlldran hava I movml in Wartnn fnim llarniiaton. an rtt" ta Hnlurd'iv. Thry ara w-ru- pylng tha roitai ownad by Mra. King on "'uth V.'nlar alraal. I W. A. Ilarnaa haa flnlahad harvaat- 1 Ing a good crop of barlay from hla placa In lha footnilla. Mnaiy arraa nf ground ylaldad 1001 aarkt. or an avaraga of atjut IT buahala par arra. Mm. K T. M' UMda la ronvalaarlng. . fm nulla . arlciiia lllnaaa' Mr. and Mra. W. II Mrllrlda and Mlaa Tarol M. llrlila wara raranl iallQa al har Iw.ldila from thalr homa naar Alhana. I i Mil'rlda brolhara ahlppad t prima lu.ga lo tha Walla Walla Maal com pany Tuaailay. and racalvad a chark Tor IU4 In paymanl Tha porkara avrragad around 200 pounda In . walghl. ' J. Iivarlilga and daughtar. Mra. O. M, I'larra,' ralumad Monday from a vlalt at lha homa of hla aon. ray lv arlttga, who la angagad In farming naar Purkaa, Uragon. Mr, Plarca ac rompunlrd lham, but atoppad ovar at A Uranda. I I lka Waalon and many othar plaraa throughout lha Northweat. Athana la ..,fr.rin rrm watar araffltv. Tha fraaa raporta that noltcaa hava baan nialiad to ronaumara, warning lham that watar ba uaad anlualvaly for hotiaabold purpoaaa. Sprinkling U piMlllvaly forbidden, I OFF CCS THE RED TAOS ' Davis-Kaser's Great August Clearance Sale Will End Saturday, August 28 Our August Clearance Sale will come to a close next Saturday evening at 9 o'clock. This means that there is only one more buying day left at Red Tag prices. So don't delay a minute, but come now and buy everything you wilj need for months to come. The Red Tag prices offer you on opportunity to save from 15 to 50 percent on every purchase. So you can figure you will lose this amount if you put off buying until later. Several shipments have been received lately and all have been included in this sale at Red Tag prices, so that no matter how often you have visited this sale you will find that new bargains await you now. . THE DAVIS-KASER CO. Complete Furniahaw pt Hoitwo, Offlcea, Churchoi, Schoolg 1040 AkUir St. - (Odd Fallowa' Tomple) -' WALLA WALLA, WASH, WESTON GARAGE H. L. HEDRICK Expert Auto and Gas Engine Repairing GASOLINE & OIL and accessories All Work Guaranteed ooooooooootto i Wc Make it Our Business To buy the best goods pos sible at the lowest prices we can obtain anywhere. : : Call and convince yourself, i THE BRANDT STORE Tha Third Annual Com how t lha O.-W. It, N. Campany will ba hald again Ihla yaar al Walls Walla, lata In Novambar or In lha aarly part or li..nlu Tha irrMIt DlBHtad lO aorn In tarrltory aarvt by lha O.-W. K. N. la aald to ba iwica ana par k . ihn. iimaa aa araal this raar aa laat. I'lana ara Iharafora balng mada for blggar gnd battar aahlbi lion than avar of rorn from til llona of tha North waal Irlbutary lo lha rampany'g llnaa. I. U Umlth. lha rompany'a agrloulturlat. urgaa lha planting of rorn, and aaaarta thai II ran ba profitably grown In avary rounly of Oragon, Waahlngton or Ida. ho. During lha dl.lrlit maatlng of lha rhurrh of lha llralhran. lo ba hald nail waak al Waalon, lhara will ba aavaial gatharlng of Intaraat to lha Im-kl public and which II la Invltad lo aitand. Among lhaaa ara lha lampar- In,.a nroaram Thuraday avanlng at 7:10 o'clock, with aarmon by II. H. II. Kalm; lha Hunday arhool maatlng rrlday. baglnnlng at 0 a. m., and tha mothara maatlng Friday al 1:10 p. m. Tha llrathran will andeavor to maka lhaaa galharlnga of Intaraat and aalua to rhurrh paopla of all danom Inatlona. and will apprarlata thalr praaanra, According to lha Alhana Praaa, 70 iwraona partook of a aplandld Hunday dlnnar racanlly at tha Thorn Hollow bathing pool, which rool and rafraah. Ing raaort offara a placa of amuaa ...i r.. iha aniira rountryalda on Hundny aftarnoona." Tha I'raaa a.lao raproia that "whlla Vlawmg aquaur .....ri. in n i ura' a natalorlum at Thom Hollow, a rartaln Athana young man, draaaail in ma oaai o: from log and look an Involuntary plunga among lha bathara." Oaorga Tonkin of Wol Rock haa accaptad lha poalllon of drputy gama rwanilv fandarad him. and aiircaada W. C. K. PrulU of Pandlaton. Two yaara ago Mr. Tonain wbb a mambar of tha taachlng forca of tha Waaton achoola. and prior to that lima aarv.d lha county aa rural achnol aunarvtaor. Ha haa lalaly baan aarvlng lha govarnmant aa foraat Rnrtaman In a-anaral ara aatiaflad with tha appointment D. F. Hcott. a raaldant of Taqulna Pay. who la vlaltlng ralallvea naar Praawatar. waa a walcoma callar at Tha Iadar offlra Tuaaday. having a bog of flna peachaa to liaatow upon lha adltor. Mr'. Hcoll la a aon of ona of lha oldrat plonaara In t'matllla county. Jacob Hcntl. who aa ear!w aa lootrd a homeataad on Plna craak balow Waaton. Hla placa con tltitia. a part of what la now known aa Maadowhrook farm. J. P. Blovar, managar of tha Waa ton Marcantlla Company, la moving tha atock of hla Milton atora to Fraa watar for lha ran .on that ha waa una bla to maka aatlafactory arrangamanta it,. ft,rih,. oaa r tha Milton building ha now orcuplaa. Mr. Blovar hna bought tha Andarann crocKary atock. which ha will Inatall with othar gooda In a crockery department at hla Freewater attabllanment. n.rrv naathe and Emaat rtevnttda varied the monotony of wheat buck- In I, i. a raranl hunt In tha moun- tnna. hut rou'd fluah nothing but a porcupine. Thla repaiinnt animai wa aalred by thalr dng. w'lh 'he tiical raaull. While removing the A.'.llla rmm hla dfw'a nnw. Hbitv rot una nf them In the thick of hfa thumb and had to call upon tha local doctor for almllar aaalatance. Five new telephnnen have been add- ed to the Incut exchance through the efrnra nt Mnnarer HeMoaa. and were InataMad the flrat of tha weak. Thla ma''ea a total of aome 171 phonaa. which la a good ahnwlng for a town nf Weatona population. M. Thompin of Pandlaton. wire chief. waa here from Pendleton Monday in- apectlng lha plant l.k. Talk a raaldant nf the Fn- nlah aattlemant on Reed and Hawley mountain, waa arreated till week hv Con.tahle (Hamper, on a warrant le aned out of Juatlce I.lenallen'a court. at tha renueet of Truanr orncer jonn Hallev of Pendleton. He la acciiaed nf fa Ulna: to aend hta aort Elmer, a boy of fourteen, lo school. t u iihmirih and Kenneth Mac- L'an.ia and thalr reanectlve famlllaa returned Bundar from four dnya f mountain recreation at Front apnnga, beyond the toll gate. They found that no gTouea had aa yet gone that far back In the Blitea. but ahot a"arf flclent number of pheaaant for pot pie., n-aiia wll vallev nrunaa ahlpped to New York and Chicago marketa have been found to be too green, ac-rdina- tn the eastern flrma hand ling them, and ar meeting with alow aale. Nevertheleaa, the nrai car reacn Ing Chlcairo netted the growera 51 centa per box. While, ftenra Schnltaer waa en gaged In digging a well at the Mc rirau nlace near town, a amall boul der dropped upon hla head Ilka a Rua- alnn bombakl. It ma not expiooe, however, and George la atlll able to dlacuaa the war from tha German atandpolnt. , iTmntllla counly'a wheat crop la ea Imated at four million buahela by Pandlatnn wheat dealers. Tha loea from the May and June wlnda la placed at from 15 to SO per cent irna Rnle Elshtv acres Improved land one and one-quarter mllea Bouth of Weaton. Price $8000. For terms Inquire of O. R. Dlaamore, Amity, Oregon. Vnilre u hereby given to water conaumers that their meters will be read hereafter, baglnnlng September let R. I Wllaon, auperintenaent. xfntne rap anrvlce to all oolnta. day or night. Alao livery and feed atab Oonoalte the Ijeuanen qiacaamun ahop. Lafa McBrlde. Mr,' and Mrs. Arthur Roaa and lit tle aon. Nell, returned Sunday from alx weeka of camping at Bingham Springs. Herman Goodwin. Weston's leading druggist, spent a few daya ot the week In Oregon'a metropolis, hla former home. T.a nnnrtura-Droof Urea may be had at my place 'of business In Dr. Watts' former orrice. A. rniiupe. Mr.'and Mrs. Albert James and Maater Donald are back from a pleas ant outing m Wallowa county. Mlaa Anita and Maater Allen Kirk patrtck returned Tueaday from their outing at Camp McDougal. Shoe repairing neatly done. In quire at Weston Bakery. alias Vm her Holioll, vbo haa lan thegueatuf Mr. and Mrs. If. !. Had rick, returned eaienla to her borne In Kl-Iiu. Dr. Klmor Hill, formerly of Weaton. haa moved from Waltaburf , Wash., to Walla Walla, where be is aeuetaled with Dr. Hultner. Thla baa baan the hotleat week of lbs sfaauo al Weun, wlili a mail liiiiai taiiiieralure of liwdegreea re corded lijr the Kovernment Instrument. Him J. Cullay la atlll In ibe field with bla eoiiililne, having a onWera lilaatTreage lo harvest. The Janklna luh wheat at liU hiiine tilace (the I" tiraw fann) mailo an average vt Oi buahela. ' Wheal haa slumited to Bl centa In lha local market, wlih no deals. One railing grower, who aold early at Mo centa, received ehm:k lor OIU.l'il .Vt veaierday from Ag-enl Harnee for hla mi crop. Prlaonera In tha Walla Walla coun ty Jail refused lo accompany the eher Iff to the Mill creek road and rake loose rock from Ita aurface, and two of them ara now spending thalr time In the dark cell. After a vlr.il with Weston relatives ami frtemla, Raymond MctJrew left Wednesday evening for Portland. Mr. and Mra. Kiwi MrOrew will arrlre here from l'ortlanl shout Kepteniber )tli to make their home. Roes brothers, who have been oper ating with their combine In lha foot hill district aoutheaat of town, thresh ed an exlra good crop for Will Roes. Hla average from lit acres of wheat waa around 41 buahela per acre. IW.mii, Wlthvmmha has annolnt- ed t'ounty Judge Marsh of Pendleton. Him J. Culler of Weston and v liuam Kerguwm of Alliens a delegates to the tenth Internal lonsl Dry Karmlng CongreM, to he held al Denver Sep temlier 27 to October . Manager Hlover of the Wesum Mer danllle l'omany waa In town Katur day from Milton, having returned from hla New York buying trip. Il la ex pected that Wentona ntw nor, will lie ready to own Ita doors on or shout Keptemher l. Ten or more carpenters and painter are running- the building' to completion. Having concluded thalr annual vlalt In La Grande and Weaton. Mr. and Mra. C. M. Pierce and children are leaving today on their return home in Loa Ana-elee. They will spend two daya with relatives of Mm. pierce in Salem and vicinity, and one week tn Ban Francisco attending the exposi tion. In the latter city they will visit Otla Loverldge, brother of Mrs. Pierce, who Is managar of the extensive Hooper estate. At the Blue Mountain aawmlll Tuesdsy. while attending a sick horse which he hsd Just helped to Its feet. George Lylte wss kicked In the face by the frensled animal. He Buffered a broken nose and a wounded Up. and Dr. Smith was called from Wea ton fS attend him. The horse had apasmodlc colic and died Boon after ward. Had It died before kicking him. young Mr. Lytte would doubt less have been better plrased. SpaAcs dropped by locomotive aet lire lo atuhlilo at the Mone Taylor place west of town Friday, ami burned over a considerable) area. Sonrea of people, Incluilinjf a large number of O-w. K. & N. section hands, fought the flame to a stand still, but oot un til sacks of grain belonjring to J. M. HanUter. and 50 belonging to Ma rion Hanaell. bad been burned. Thla grain waa Insured. It waa not wholly dewtroved, and the Insurance company will have some hojr feed to sell. Pendleton reports that apeclal ef forta are being made by the exposition officials at Ban Francisco to persuade It to present Its entire Round-up there Immediately after the cloae of Its an nual performance at home, which will be held September ,11, 1 and 15. The whole outfit la wanted officiate, horse., paraphernalia and ' perform ers. The offer lncludee a guarsntee of all expenaea and a percentage of the profile. Its scceptance Is con sidered doubtful, however. John Harder, who w?ae In town Tueaday. an Id good bye to Weston friends, as he Is leaving soon to locate in nuiiam county. 10 mllea from Con don. He bought three quarter aec- tlona of land there ana coniracieu for another at 115 an acre, and ba il - .h. ha la "In rle-ht." aa the eame land produced IS-buahel wheat thla year. He conaiaera money-maa-nnaaihllltlee belter In that section of the atate. but will hold his East End land In reaerve to make "coming back" easy. His holdings up this way will be farmed by H. P. umun. Anna M? Lowry, a former nun and ii i ant.('ai.hiilin lecturer. . r i r.iiw" ii ' - will apeak at the opera house to wo- I . . .1.1. I, n rt,w,n at t.hreS men unij uw .,...w ... l. 1 UTh l '..nfaaiilonal " Thla o ciwi wo - evening- she will give a publlo lec ture on "Wnv t iwoiuue a rnseHun. r. i ..i.i h. i. aw i.iiiiiinir.v airem. j. ri u. iiuainr nf the Christian 1 1 1.1 m v.. I church at Athena) that strenuous but I n.ttiln hv T.a incireciuai enoi-m nm, Grande Catholics to prevent Miaa Low ry'a aparanc there, even to the ex tent ot irumping-up-a vniuiii 1.1.1. .k. ..n,.- aafnind. .It la also W 1 1 i: I i. ia""., - , -i.i ihaaa .i!i'tM attemnta nave MIU HI.OTW . i- I -- - 1 - been made uKin her life since she be gan her public career. A vniinff blue arouse wandered Into the atreeta of Weston Tuesday eve ning and waa ahot wltn a ix-cauore rifle by Fred DuPula. The Diro new .. .t ... -A .inn. Main street. In front r Waiia a. Rnn' hardware atore. and Fred waa the first to notice it having a "good eye for grouse. Me rniinm-a i un and took several shots at It being nearly aa "fluatrated" aa the grouse before he was sole to aa mlnister a fatal wound. Fred haa since been subjected to a good aeai a kiitiniH. nn the around that hla hunting expedltlona out of town have ..Mm haan an successful and that the grouse had to come to him to be ahot He amllea In great good numor. however, having had a not Dim tor haairfaat A Leader re nresentat 1 ve who kept track of the bird while Fred hurried after hells, own t even get the glasard. o n g---a---. aV tonus Caitaro Brtst UUrob London, Aujr. 2. The irreat Rua slan stronghold of Brest Litovsk has fallen to the Teutonlo forces. 1 ABOUT THE ONLY TIME Sailing up Salt Creek is agreeable and pleasing U When 'You Meet "Jake." We met "Jake" the same day, and He Will Malte Good Only 500 grain sacks left-the little building is spoken for and it is worth $50.00 free of charge to the party who gets it. We are receiving the best Utah and Wyoming COALS. . Weber, Winona and John Deere WAGONS. Watfcs & Rogeirs av at a WESTON - PENDLETON AjiU Stat Scheiolo A. l. Coins West. P. M. Lv Weaton 0:00 Vr Weston 1:00 Athena :15 " Athena l:l Adams 1:11 " Adams 1:IS A. M. Going Eaex. P. M. lit Pendleton 10:00 Lv Pendleton 4:00 Adama 10:0 " Adama ': Athena ll:li " Athena, i:l Farce. Waatan ii Alhana. He. Weaton to Adama. c; Athena to Adams. 2Sc; Weston to Pendleton, Jl.oe; Atjena to Pendleton, isc; Aaama to rmi. SOc pmiiii irina. if made In same day: Weaton and Pendleton. 11.60; Athena and Pendleton; $115. Headquarters: Weston, at City Drug Store: A'.hena. . St. Nichols Hotel; Adama, Inland Mercantile store; rn dletoa, French Restaurant. A.M.I0TDE. ICE CREAM (AND CAKE) 10 cts. the dih at the . Weston Bakery Fresh Bread, Cake and Pastry. Fine Candies. Good Meals at All Hours, 25c. We specialise in Lodge and Party Suppers. . ZEliM the Baker 3 Dupuia Building, Main and Water Shoes and Harness repaired next door. , This Briquet Man hasn't got the STUMMY KAKE, as you would proba bly think from his looks; he ;is merely asking for more kake of the kind his wife bakes when she burns DIA MOND BBIQUETS in her range. DIAMOND BRIQUETS is the cleanest and,' we think, the most econ omical fuel on the market. We have carload noar.in atock and would be glad to supply you with a sample order. WESTON BRICKYARD s Something New Something Swell Something Cheap New Groceries New Notions New Canvas Gloves For Men and Women New Summer Underwear AT- - Tke Economy Store PHONE NO. 233 ALMA BARNETT HOMER I. WATTS Attorney-at-Law Practices in all State and Federal Courts. , ATHENA. OREQON Bessemer. Mich. When Andrew Lapp! and hla family returned home from a call at one of their neluhbota. they found a huge hole In the ground where their home ought to have been. The ground had given way and tha souse had dropped into so old shaft 100' feet deep. t Livestock Auctioneer Will cry Farm Sales in Uma tilla County. Phone 1457. Res. 1007 W. - Main street WM1A. WILL WASH. A 3-Piece Suite One Settee - , One Chair One Rocker Solid Mahogany, panel back, upholstered with brown Spanish leather, spring seats, and fitted with casters. ' ' , We invite you to come and see this beautiful set; also our line of Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Matting, Linoleum. Licensed Embalmer 1 ' M m jyjnjpQa tmm mmn jm JldWW ! bsbWbS-bHbsbMwE If you need anything in Drugs' and Medicines, be careful where you buy. Selecting a drug store is very import ant in many ways. Ability, carefulness and promptness are necessary. All this you get with your purchase at Goodwin's Drugstore Weston, Oregon N